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Highveld Chronicle Issue Two Hundred and thirty one (231), is a continuation of a great vision that is transforming peop

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Problemas + PÁGINA 231
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GHVELD CHRONICLE First with the People, First with the News

Premier comes home bearing gifts

Parents, learners shut down school over water

Delmas First in bid to turn town into economic hub

Read More on Page 2

Read More on Page 2

Mistakes on road to be fixed before handover Read More on Page 8

Read More on Page 4


20 JANUARY 2023

ISSUE: 231


Steve Tshwete tops list of best performing on municipalities in Mpumalanga Full Story Page 5

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Prioritise pads, not ... condoms: MEC Ntshalintshali Full Story on Page 2

.... Full Story on Page 3


Full Story on Page 7

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20 JANUARY 2023


Prioritise pads, not condoms: MEC Ntshalintshali BONTLE RAPODILE DELMAS - Children from disadvantaged homes, specifically the girl child, should not miss school because they are in their period. As such, the Department of Social Development in Mpumalanga has jumped on the bandwagon of providing Dignity Packs to learners in Mpumalanga schools. The Victor Khanye Local Municipality (VKLM), which forms part of the Nkangala District, was one such beneficiary. MEC Lindiwe Ntshalintshali personally visited Steve Tshwete Municipality on 19 January and VKLM on 20 January 2023, to deliver the Dignity Packs to learners from identified schools in the municipalities. Botleng Secondary School and Phaphamani Secondary School were two of the identified schools in Delmas. Ntshalintshali said the programme is aimed at ensuring that no learner misses classes because of circumstances that come naturally. She said the programme also aims to restore the dignity of the girl child. "We are here to give you the necessary support so that the pass rate will not

drop but improve, because the class of 2022 has worked hard to put the pass rate where it is today,” she said. “One of the main reasons we are here is because the survey has told us that a girl child is not able to go to school due to menstruation, and sometimes tend to use tissues, newspapers and cloths."

Ntshalintshali further said the government needs to prioritise pads, not condoms, because sex is a choice and menstruation is natural. She further emphasised that the pads they have provided are for the learners to use, not to sell for own gain. The department gave each learner pads for

that will last for three months, and they committed themselves to continuously delivering to each school. The department also provides social grants, food parcels and if there is a need for school uniforms, the department will also provide these as well.


A ''Renewed Mind'' Is Essential by Pastor Chuck Swindoll Romans 12:1-2 Let's talk about some positive input on the correct mentality of a servant. Is it possible to think so much like Christ that our minds operate on a different plane than others around us? Not only is it possible—it's essential! The familiar words of Paul in Romans 12:1–2 need to be reviewed. Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1–2) At this point in his letter to the believers in Rome, Paul drops to his



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MEC Lindiwe Ntshalintshali (holding a sanitary pads pack) sourrounded by VKLM councillors, Botleng Secondary learners and educator




knees, as it were, and pleads. That means it's important, perhaps one of the most important truths he would ever write. After urging us to present ourselves to God as living sacrifices, he adds a warning. Let's read it this time as J. B. Phillips paraphrased it: Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity (Romans 12:2 PHILLIPS). Stop being squeezed in! Quit aping the system of thought that surrounds you, its line of reasoning, its method of operation, its style and techniques! How? By a radical transformation within. By a renewed thought pattern that demonstrates authentic godlikeness. Living differently begins with thinking differently. A life that is characterized by serving others begins in a mind that is convinced of such a life. That explains why that great section of Scripture describing Christ's willingness to take upon Himself the form of a servant begins with the words: "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). Jesus's life of serving was the o u t w o r k i n g o f H i s mind—"unsqueezed" by the world system in all its selfishness—and remains, forever, our example to follow. For us to be true servants of God, our minds must be renewed.

Premier comes home bearing gifts Computers, school uniform donation for Vuma NOTHANDO MAKHUBELA

EMALAHLENI –Mpumalanga Premier Refilwe Mtsweni-Tsipane has urged pupils and residents to look after the school's resources, when she paid a visit to her former school in Lynnville, Emalahleni. Mtsweni-Tsipane, who also donated 25 computers and school uniforms to 100 boys and girls learners, said Vuma Primary School is the same school where she started her schooling many years ago, which for her, is basically going back to her roots. “I'm very much grateful to be here,” she said. “I am happy to see that the school hasn't changed, the learners and school teachers are still disciplined. We want to appeal to our communities to support and protect the assets that have been brought to Vuma Primary School for the benefit of their children. They must not vandalise the assets that have been brought here. We also plead with the nearby the schools to make sure that they guard the assets that have been brought to the school.” Mtsweni-Tsipane also noted that the learners in the school don't have shelter during assembly, and said this will be built so that the learners are protected from the elements such as the sun and rain while they are

gathered for the assembly. She expressed her appreciation for the work and confidence that has been brought by the principal to the school. School principal Sipho Masimula said he did not have enough words to thank Premier Refilwe M t s w e n i - Ts i p a n e a n d t h e sponsors who assisted the school. He said the shelter and school uniforms donated will be very helpful to the learners. Grade 7 learner Thea Gumedze expressed gratitude for the donated school uniforms, shoes and computers. Thea said most of the learners are from poor backgrounds, so the uniforms will really help them a lot, while the computers will improve teaching and learning at the school. Premier Mtsweni-Tsipane was accompanied by Mpumalanga Department of Education MEC Bonakele Majuba, Emalahleni Local Municipality mayor Conny Nkalitshana, former Emalahleni Local Municipality MMC for Environmental Affairs Thabang Mathebula and other stakeholders.

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20 JANUARY 2023



Mkhondo murders' catch-and-release twist Third suspect in councillors murder released LUCAS SHONGWE \MPUMALANGA – The third suspect nabbed in connection with the murder of three people, amongst them Mkhondo ANC ward councillor Sibonelo Ntshangase (36), has been released. The 40 year-old man, believed to be from KZN, was detained and charged with murder in what is believed to be politically motivated killings. The man was expected to appear in court on Wednesday. On Monday, the police arrested former mayor of Mkhondo Local Municipality, Vusi Motha, who was charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm, and Willington Sangweni, who faces fraud,

contravention of the Firearms Control Act and contravention of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA) Act. However, on Wednesday, the case against the third suspect had not been enrolled for appearance in the Piet Retief Magistrates Court, reportedly due to lack of evidence. Motha and Sangweni had already appeared in the Piet Retief Magistrates Court on Tuesday and their case was postponed to 24 January for formal bail application. Sibonelo Ntshangase, his friend Sizwe Bingo (40) and Sandile Khumalo (51), a mechanic, were shot and killed last Friday at Longhomes location in Mkhondo. According to police reports, multiple shots were fired at the

Parents, learners shut down school over water School hasn't had proper ablution facilities in 23 years NOTHANDO MAKHUBELA EMALAHLENI – For 23 years, this school has reportedly not had running water or proper, hygienic ablution facilities. On Thursday, 19 January, the parents, some who attended the same school in their youth, descended on the school accompanied by the learners, to demand clean toilets and water, lest their children succumb to illnesses. Khonzimfundo Combined School in Ackerville, Emalahleni, has reportedly been battling with water and clean toilets for the past 23 years. Since the school's establishment, the toilets have not been renovated. Nkosami Mahlangu, a teacher at Khonzimfundo, said the school has faced challenges with water and filthy toilets for over two decades. “Since I arrived in the school, the school has been struggling with proper hygiene," said Mahlangu. "The toilets are not clean due to the lack of water and toilet systems are not working at all. The toilets need to be replaced with new ones. Every time the toilets are

fixed, a few days later they are blocked again. The stench inside the toilets is unbearable. This affects all of us, teachers and learners.” Concerned parent Duduzile Kunene said as parents, they gathered and shut down the school because their children do not have water and toilets on the school premises. The children are suffering, especially after they had eaten food during lunch time. "It is stressful for them since they don't have toilets to go and relief themselves at," she said. "They can't flush the toilets due to water shortage. We tried to approach the Emalahleni Local Municipality, and they have only once supplied the school with water from a water tanker. The water was used by the women who cook for the learners on the school, of which it was not enough. That was the only time the municipality supplied the school with water.” Questions were sent to the Mpumalanga Department of Education. Department spokesperson Jasper Zwane had not responded by the time going to print.

trio. Mbingo, who was inside a bakkie, was also fatally wounded along with Khumalo and Ntshangase. Thereafter the suspects fled in an unknown direction. In a Facebook video post that has since gone viral, Ntshangase revealed prior to his death, that if he dies, people of Mkhondo should know that Motha, known as Sgemegeme, had killed him. He said Motha has a hit list and intends to kill them because they are revealing his alleged corruption. He implicated Motha in the death of another ANC member, whom he didn't identify by name. He said comrades are being killed for speaking the truth. Mpumalanga Police spokesperson Brigadier Selvy Mohlala confirmed that the matter had not been enrolled, hence the third suspect's release. Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane said she was satisfied about what she referred to as police's swift action which led to the arrest of the suspects. She applauded a special multidisciplinary task team led by Provincial Police Commissioner Daphney Manamela for the arrests. Mtshweni-Tsipane said the arrests signify a high level of commitment on an emotional matter. "This is truly a victory for the bereaved families as well as the people of Mkhondo," she said. "I am certain that the hard work of the police will not only bring justice for the families, but will further restore community trust in

our police. So far, three arrests have been made since the establishment of the special investigations team. These include former Mkhondo Executive Mayor, Mr Vusi Motha. The Premier also urged police to bolster the investigation team, in order to crack unresolved murder cases across Mpumalanga.

“Currently, we have several cases, including 12 murder cases, that are politically-related, dating back to 2009," she said. "We need to work hard to resolve them and help the bereaved families to find closure. It is only when killers have been sentenced that the families can find closure."

The late Mkhondo ANC ward councillor Sibonelo Ntshangase


LEEUWPAN COAL MINE ENTERPRISE SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT (ESD) PROGRAMME Exxaro Coal (PTY) LTD, company registration no 2000/011078/07, is a private company registered in terms of the Company Laws of the Republic of South Africa is looking for compliant Victor Khanye Local Municipality (VKLM) based suppliers for our Enterprise Supplier Development programme If you are a Small Medium Enterprise (SMME) registered and based in Delmas and Victor Khanye Local Municipal area, you are invited to seize the opportunity to submit your application for our Enterprise Supplier Development programme, a development opportunity for qualifying small business owners in VKLM.

ABOUT EXXARO’S ESD PROGRAMME Exxaro is serious about contributing to South Africa's economic transformation and through its vision of powering better lives in Africa and beyond, has moved beyond just compliance to realise its corporate and social responsibility to the country. We are actively engaged in enterprise and supplier development (ESD) initiatives and have partnered with business services to help further identify beneficiaries to create opportunities for black-owned suppliers and entrepreneurs.


Be 100% black owned Fully registered Operating the business in VKLM Proof of Residence in VKLM

SUBMISSIONS: • • • • •

Pupils, parents and residents protesting outside Khonzimfundo Combined School demanding water and clean toilets.

CV as an enterprise owner Company profile with references if any Copies of company registration documents Company premises / address of place of operation Copies of previous training and qualifications





Exxaro believes in creating equal opportunities for all and candidates with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply. Submission of applications and enquiries should be forwarded to [email protected] on or before 31 January 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


20 JANUARY 2023



Delmas First in bid to turn town into economic hub BONTLE RAPODILE DELMAS - No other town in Mpumalanga is situated in a better economic place like Delmas, which means the town should have been the economic hub in Mpumalanga. On the contrary, the town has an enormous water and electricity debt, mostly because most of the residents do not pay municipal rates and taxes, and have the mentality that they should not pay for services that are not up to standard. On 13 January, Delmas First held a meeting at the Joheve Conference Centre, which was attended by amongst others business people such as Celso De Santos, Joleen Schoembee, Henry Masilela, Kobus Human, Thabo Motau and the Executive Mayor. The meeting agreed that because of the state the town is in, it doesn't have investors that can buy into the town, or help to rebuild it. "Investors need stability," an attendee said. "We need to note that this is not a take-over bid; we are not going to take over the municipality but we are going

to work with them. We will avoid working on something they already asked a mine to do, or already have someone who pledged to do it. Delmas First will also not allow people to extort businesses but we want to make people feel like they belong. One of our goals is to convince companies to open manufacturing branches here in Delmas, that way we will be reviving the industrial section with old factories and opening new ones." Delmas First also wants to see improvement in the bid to reduce unemployment in the town. They also committed themselves to hold the town council and the municipality accountable. "As much as we don't want to point fingers, but someone must be held accountable," they said. "We have three phases: immediate, mid-term and long term." The taxi industry of Delmas has also been urged to be active in this initiative. The meeting also agreed that the initiative does not need business activists but business people, and that commitment is what is needed.

"If you are here because you need a job or a business opportunity, then you are in the wrong place," they stressed. "Together we stand but divided we fall." Businessman Celso De Santos committed to selling Delmas First bottles in his businesses. The money made from that will be pushed into current projects. Celso has also committed himself to increasing the number of employees that his kids and himself currently have. Drug addicts who are car guards and who want to be helped will be trained and assisted in any possible way the initiative can. No private deals will be made as everything is transparent. The meeting agreed that having an investment book will help keep track of funds and on which project they are currently working on. The engagement of progressive parties like Afri-Forum will be done. There will be no politics, and definitely no takers but givers. Service delivery such as the maintenance of roads, cutting of grass, painting of sidewalks, infrastructure and traffic light maintenance and

safety and security will be encouraged. “Compliance of bylaw enforcement, trained and identified car, train and town guards and supporting of CPOs such as Valke and the Botleng Antihijack Unit will be encouraged," it was added as step towards endin crime within the municipality. "Delmas First

will also consolidate response from security division, economic growth, promote and support local businesses, consolidate local businesses' buying power, explore possibilities of reviving old factors and open new ones."

Henry “Gossa” Masilela, one of the pioneers of Delmas First initiative

Business doubts Ramaphosa's 'solution' to end loadshedding LUCAS SHONGWE MIDDELBURG – Business has apparently shown lack of confidence in President Cyril Ramaphosa's socalled '10-point power crisis plan' to deal with the energy crisis in the country. In July last year Ramaphosa, a billionaire featured in the top ten list of wealthy mzansi politicians, unveiled a 10-point power crisis plan which included scraping of licensing requirements for private energy generation, importing power from neighbouring countries such as Zambia and Botswana, and encouraging businesses and households to install rooftop solar and to connect to the grid. This follows a process of unbundling Eskom into three entities namely generation, distribution and transmission, Ramaphosa announced during the State of the Nation Address in February 2019. He said the measures were aimed at stabilising Eskom's finances, ensure security of electricity supply, and establish the basis for long-term sustainability. The embattled power utility, Eskom, is currently implementing stage 6 loadshedding, much to the annoyance of the layman and frustration to the business sector. The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) said it is worried that the turnaround strategies have not produced any fruits till now. “We do appreciate that Eskom is under pressure, but we are more worried about the fact that the turnaround strategies are actually not addressing the Eskom problem,” SACCI

Advocate Mtho Xulu, President of South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, says government's turnaround strategies are not solving Eskom's problems.

President Advocate Mtho Xulu told Highveld Chronicle in an interview. “So it gives us a sense that there is no transparency what is really going on, and those who are tasked to turn around Eskom do not have full accountability to South Africans about what is going on. That means they are not doing their jobs properly.” “If you look at the track record of the task teams and the working groups that government has formed, they have not produced any results. They have been going on for over 10 years now. It's task teams, war rooms, all of them have not given us anything because stage 6 loadshedding has become indefinite now, meaning we are worse off than where we started 10 years ago. So all interventions have, unfortunately, not borne any fruit. If we are going to continue with these kind of interventions, we are not going to solve the problem.” As part of solution, or at least keep the economy alive and jobs running, the advocate said SACCI believes big businesses should be allowed to generate their own energy. He said SACCI encourages businesses to invest more in private generation and government must support that. “But we are also saying that private generation should not be a replacement of Eskom,” he said. “We need a power utility that works because many people depend on it. If Eskom's power was affordable, business will buy the power. So it would be a combination of fixing Eskom, in the short term, and also, concurrently, supporting businesses to promote and drive self generation.”

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SUPPLY COMMERCIAL G5 MATERIAL TO LEEUWPAN COAL MINE Exxaro Coal (Pty) Ltd, company registration no 2000/011078/07, is a private company registered in terms of the Company Laws of the Republic of South Africa. We are looking for service provider/s to supply the Mine with 45000t Commercial G5 Material. PURPOSE Commercial G5 material is utilised for the construction of respective mining hard parks which are designated parking areas for production machines. The Mine has 5 areas used specifically for hard park design for Heavy Machinery. These areas present a risk of Machine & Person interaction during the process of Embarking, Disembarking & Machine driving within the hard park. To eliminate risk of interaction a “Horse-Shoe” Design with each Parking allocated a walkway outside the HME Zone was designed and requires the commercial G5 material for construction of respective mining hard parks. You are hereby invited to express your interest by registering on the Exxaro Coupa Supplier Portal which is a self-service registration process using https://exxaro.microsoftcrmportals.com/Account/Login/Register?returnUrl=%2F and follow the instructions below:






EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SUPPLY THE LEEUWPAN COAL MINE WITH 45000t COMMERCIAL G5 MATERIAL 1. All interested parties should follow the instructions below:



For new suppliers, register their company as a prospective supplier using the link below and the Reference Number indicated above: https://www.exxaro.com/suppliers#Prospective-Supplier


Existing suppliers do not complete point (a), instead, please include your current vendor number in an email as per the point 2 below.


Send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

For existing registered suppliers please only send the requested information and provide: 

your vendor number;

your company profile;

latest valid BBBEE Certificate,

CIPC Company Registration Document;

COIDA registration

Valid Tax Clearance Certificate/PIN

NB: Emails sent to [email protected] must include the reference number indicated above as the Email Subject. ISSUED ON:





2023-01-31 @ 10:00:00 [email protected]

SCOPE OF WORK The supply of 45000t Commercial G5 Material to designated areas as per the discretion of Exxaro within the boundaries of Leeuwpan Mine over a maximum period of 3 months (estimated at 15000t per month). KEY REQUIREMENTS • • • •

Tenderer to supply road worthy Trucks for transportation of commercial G5 from supplier to client (Exxaro, Leeuwpan Mine); Tenderer to supply proof of availability of trucks; Tenderer to supply Permission/Authorization to mine commercial G5 (proof of mining authorization is compulsory); Tenderer to supply proof of an agreement with a supplier of commercial G5 (if not mining directly) - (proof of agreement with supplier of Commercial G5 material is compulsory).

Exxaro believes in creating equal opportunities for all and candidates with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD REGISTER ON THE EXXARO COUPA SUPPLIER PORTAL TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCESS BY 31 JANUARY 2023. For enquiries, please contact [email protected]

News .

20 JANUARY 2023

Middelburg Hoërskool best school in Mpumalanga Steve Tshwete Municipality bags top performing municipality award in the province LUCAS SHONGWE M I D D E L B U R G - M i d d e l b u rg Hoërskool in the Steve Tshwete 1 Circuit is the overall best performing school in the Mpumalanga province. The school registered 161 learners who sat for matric, and all passed. A total of 134 satisfied requirements for Bachelors programmes while 25 qualified for diploma programmes. Hoërskool Middelburg had a combined total of 188 distinctions in various subjects and all the 161 learners passed. "Congratulations are in order Mr. Johan Stronkhorst and your team for the job well done with your competent team," said MEC Bonakele Majuba. Steve Tshwete mayor Mhlonishwa Masilela applauded the school. He said there is a high sense of commitment from the learners, the headmaster, the teachers and the school governing body. "This is the reason why we are maintaining this kind of performance we have today," he said. "Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, we managed to up our performance and now I am

glad that we have defended it. We are now pining our hopes on the class of 2023 that they will do the same." Steve Tshwete Local Municipality was also the recipient of the big prize as they were crowned the top performing municipality out of the 17 municipalities within the Mpumalanga Province. Out of the 2479 learners who wrote their final exam, 2150 passed.

Middelburg Hoërskool Principal, Johan Stronkhorst

Witbank High School scores 76,1% pass rate NOTHANDO MAKHUBELA EMALAHLENI – The 228 learners who registered for the 2022 matric exams at Witbank High School, have reason to celebrate – well, most of them. The school obtained a 76,1% pass rate, a drop from the 2021 pass of 84%. However, the 2022 results have given the school a reason to celebrate because only 165 learners were registered for the exams in 2021, compared to 228 for 2022. Nonhlanhla Sibiya, who obtained acceptance to a Bachelor's degree at university, said she is over the moon about her achievement. Nonhlanhla studied day and night to make sure that she gets good marks. “I am very excited that finally I am leaving the high school life and going to university,” she said. “I have been accepted at the University of Pretoria, I want to study electrical engineering. As much as I am happy, I'm sad at the same time because I will be leaving my mother behind.” Likhanye Jiya also shared her

An elated Witbank High School class of 2022 with their academic results. From left: Likhanye Jiya, Sizakele Mbatha and Mmabatho Masha.

excitement of going to university said. She also obtained entrance to a Bachelor's degree. Although she didn't get any distinctions, she is happy that she has passed. She has also been accepted at the University of Pretoria. Lumkile Sithole is excited to have passed because she knows that she has made her parents proud. She has applied to three universities and is still waiting for a response. Austin Osinga, the principal of Witbank High School, expressed his appreciation for the learners and teachers' efforts. The school registered a big number of learners for 2022, and he said he is happy that they did very well. “I am happy with the results as the majority of the learners were doing pure Mathematics and Science subjects,” he said. “I wish them all the best in all the

Top Mpumalanga learner drives off in brand new car LUCAS SHONGWE MPUMALANGA – Bathobile Nkambule's hard work and determination did not only ensure her a key to success, but also a key to a brand new car. The 17-year-old from Highveld Secondary School in Elukwatini, near Tjakastad in the Gert Sibande District, was announced as the overall best learner in the Mpumalanga province. She was presented with keys for a brand new car, a Toyota Aygo, a full bursary, R50 000 and other goodies. Nkambule obtained distinctions in all the subjects; Mathematics 98%, Physical Science 98%, Life Science 97%, Accounting 99%, Life Orientation 95%, Siswati 94% and English 85%.. Thobile told the paper she studied under difficult circumstances, especially with loadsheding continuously hovering over her shoulders. Many times she was forced to use her cellphone or candles for light. "It was also not easy with the Covid-19 restrictions, but I told myself I needed

in matric results MPUMALANGA - The Mpumalanga class of 2022 achieved a pass of 76.8%, which is a 2.9% improvement compared to the class of 2021. Presenting the provincial results at a full packed Mpumalanga University, MEC Bonakele Majuba said there were 71 369 full-time learners who registered to write the 2022 National Senior Certificate Examination in 566 Examination Centers. This constituted the biggest number ever to be registered in the history of writing the National Senior Certificate Examination in the Province. Out of 67 367 learners who sat for their final exams, 51 751 passed. "22 576 of these learners qualified to further their bachelor study programmes while 18 068 qualify to pursue diploma related courses," he said. "This still confirms that we are presenting quality results." The four Mpumalanga districts have

also shown improvement compared to the previous year, 2021. The Bohlabela District improved by 5.1% from 74.2%. Gert Sibande achieved 77.7% from 72.2%, making it the most improved district in the province. Ehlanzeni recorded a 76.2% pass rate which is an improvement of 0.6% and Nkangala achieved 74.5%

to focus, and I did just that," she said. Nkambule's future looks bright as she stated that she interns doing BCom Accounting with the University of Pretoria. Her mother Thokozile Nkambule said she was not surprised by her daughter's achievement. She said she knew her daughter was going to do well because she has been an Ace student since Grade 8 up to Grade 12. "She spent a lot of her time studying,"

she said. "As parents we need to support our children, not only when they are in matric, but from primary schooling so that they get used to studying."

Bathobile Nkambule gets a brand new car after topping all learners in Mpumalanga.

Steve Tshwete tops list of best performing municipalities in Mpumalanga LUCAS SHONGWE MIDDELBURG - Steve Tshwete local municipality obtained the top position as they were crowned the top performing municipality in the province. Out of the 17 municipalities in Mpumalanga, 2150 learners out of 2479 who wrote their final exam, passed bringing its overall pass rate to 86.7%. In addition, three schools within the municipality's jurisdiction achieved a 100% pass rate namely; Middelburg Hoërskool, in the CDB, Middelburg Muslin School, in Eastdene, and Alex Benjamin High School, in KwaZamokuhle (Hendrina). Steve Tshwete 3, in Nkangala District, was the overall best performing universities where they will be study further.” In 2021, the school achieved a 84% pass rate with 165 learners who sat for their matric examinations.

Mpumalanga records 2.9% improvement LUCAS SHONGWE



from 72.2%. "I wish to congratulate all the district directors for these achievements, in particular we congratulate Ms Lorraine Goba, the District Director of Bohlabela District for, being the overall best performing district in the province," said Majuba.

Circuit after obtaining 88.7% pass rate. MEC Bonakele Majuba congratulated the headmasters of the schools and their team. "Job well done with your competent teams," he said. "We also wish to congratulate the Executive Mayor and the community of Steve Tshwete for this achievement." Majuba added it was the second time in succession that Steve Tshwete is top of the list of performance as it relates to the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination results. Mayor Mhlonishwa Masilela said there was a high sense of committment from the learners, the headmasters, the teachers and the school governing bodies. “This is the reason why we are

maintaining this kind of performance we have today," he said. "Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, we managed to up our performance and now I am glad that we have defended it. We are now pining our hopes on the class of 2023 that they willl do the same."


PUBLICATION OF 2021/22 ANNUAL REPORT AND INVITATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AND INPUTS This notice is published in terms of Section 21(a) of the Municipal Systems Act (MSA), Act No 32 of 2000 read in conjunction with Section 127 (2) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Act 56 of 2003. Emalahleni Local Municipality hereby invites members of public, Government Institutions, Private Sector and Civil Society organizations are invited to submit written presentations in respect of the Annual Report for 2021/22 financial year. This report is accessible on the Municipal Website: www.emalahleni.gov.za. The Annual Report will be tabled at the Council meeting to be held at the Council Chamber on the Second Floor, Civic Centre, on 26 January 2023 at 14H00. Written representations may be forwarded to the attention of Ms Mbali Mavimbela on [email protected] and interested parties who cannot email can make representations in person or telephonically on the content of the report during office hours on the following contact number 013-690 6470 by 25 January 2023. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr S. Matlebjoane Acting Municipal Manager Civic Centre PO Box 3 Mandela Street eMalahleni eMalahleni 1035 www.emalahleni.gov.za



20 JANUARY 2023


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veke egadungileko bekubanjwe umhlangano wababelethi esikolweni esibizwa ngokuthi yiVezimfundo Primary School KwaHlanga (Delmas). Umhlangano lo ubizwe yi-Endumbeni Cultural and Creative Arts Centre ekuyihlangano elwa Izipi eziphathelene nesiNdebele kanye nokusithuthukisa. Umhlangano lo bowubizwe mayelana nokukhitjhwa kwelimi lesiNdebele esikolweni iVezimfundo. Ihlangano le ngiyo ekhamba ifaka ilimi lesiNdebele eenkolweni lapha lingekho khona. Ye-ke eVezimfundo lafakwa ilimi lesiNdebele umnyaka ogadungileko bese kwaba nababelethi abakhipha abantwana ngaphandle kokwazisisa ihlangano le. Ye-ke emhlanganweni bekakhona uSipho Marhamba onguye umsunguli wehlangano le. Abanye egade bakhona bekuboNdabezitha bangakwaHlanga, naboHlokokulu bezinye iinkolo la kufundwa khona IsiNdebele. Umhlangano uvulwe kuhle lilunga le-SGB uSikhukhune lapha atjho khona bona kwenzekani kuze kukhitjhwe ilimi lesiNdebele. Yena uyibeke ngokuthi babelethi abakhipha abantwana, abantwana beba li-42 ngenani bese besele kusele

sona bangamoreki begodu bangararejeki. UMfundisi wesikolo esaziwa bona yiMafa uthi akhange nakanye isiZulu khesaphaswa kuhle (level 7) ngombana abantwana batlola IsiNdebele. Nje abantwana baphumelele kuhle ngoba bafunda IsiNdebele. UMfundisi Mhlongo naye ukhulumile bona yena wasinghala isiZulu ngombana abantwana abasikghoni batlola IsiNdebele. Bakhona ababelethi abe nemibuzo kodwana bebakhona abanye ebabayinyefula indaba yokufundwa kwesiNdebele. Abanye bebakhamba umhlangano ungakapheli okukhombisa bona bakhona ababelethi abanganandaba neemfundo zabantwana babo. Ekugcineni singenile sona IsiNdebele. UThando Mahlangu ongumlweli welimi lesiNdebele ukhulumile naye ngokuqakatheka kokufunda ilimi lesiNdebele. Bewatjho nokuthi amathuba manengi esiNdebeleni. UThando lo unengubo onomgwalo wesiNdebele kanye nobuso bakhe ayenze nebakwaAranda kanti uthengisa neengwani ngaphasi kweRhebo lakhe INgwani creations. Lokhu kubufakazi bona kancani kancani IsiNdebele siyaphakama! Kufanele basekelwe abantu abalwela IsiNdebele ngombana badlala indima

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abama-20. USikhukhune watjho bona bebabancani khulu kungakho bathatha isiqunto sokobana basikhiphe IsiNdebele njengelimi lokufunda. UNomvula Mabhena obuya emNyangweni wezaMasiko Imidlalo nobuKghwari KwaMhlanga naye wasikimiswa wakhuluma. Yena wakhuthaza ababelethi bona bazikhakhazise ngelimi labo bebavumele abantwana bona balifunde eenkolweni njengoba boba akhange balithoba ithuba lelo. UBab' Jiyana obuya kwa-PanSLB naye wakhuluma bona iintlabagelo zokufunda ilimi lesiNdebele zikhona. Ababel e t h i k u f a n e l e bangatshwenyeki. Koke kufanele bakuliselele ezandleni zomNyango wezeFundo. Watjho bona ababelethi ababe khona ngokupheleleko bebasekela nabantwana eemfundweni zabo. UBab' Thombeni onguhlokokulu wesinye isikolo esifundisa IsiNdebele uthi ababelethi bamora abantwana ngokubafundisa isiZulu ngombana abantwana nabatlolako isiZulu kuba namagama amanengi wesiNdebele emitlolweni yabo kungakho bangaphumeleli begodu uthi abantwana nabazokuqeba kuye bafika bathi, “Uzibani ungibethile” abathi “ungishayile” okutjho khona bona abantwana bakhuluma IsiNdebele ekhaya ye-ke nesikolweni abafunde


20 JANUARY 2023


Mistakes on road to be fixed before handover LUCAS SHONGWE MIDDELBURG–The Steve Tshwete Local Municipality will discuss several minor issues with the main contractor before signing off phase one of the road construction project in Avalon, Mhluzi, following claims of shoddy work by residents. Members of the Municipal Infrastructure Portfolio Committee conducted an inspection in loco on Monday, 16 January. Residents were concerned after they discovered that parts of the 1,4km road had become waterlogged and clogged with mud and debris after the November and December's heavy downpours. Phase one of the multi-year project totaling R17 million, was completed in August last year. Johann Dyason, chairperson of the Infrastructure Portfolio Committee, said asphalt thickness, kerbing, road surfacing and stormwater pipes are some of the issues that will form part of the discussions with the main contractor. Middelburg Hendrina Residents Forum's Thato Mathunyane, who is also committee member, enquired if it was procedural to start constructing the road and thereafter install storm water pipes and drainage. “Is that how it is supposed to be done?” he asked. In response, Lindiwe Silolo, Director Engineering and Civil Construction, said installation of stormwater drainage system can be

done in two ways depending on the road layout. It can be done before, and also after road construction. “In this case, it will be done after, on the side of the road, during the second phase because this is a continuous project," she said. Silolo also refuted claims that the road was complete. She said the municipality has not signed or issued a completion certificate to the contractor. A completion certificate,

she said, will be signed after all the identified challenges have been fixed. MMC for Infrastructure, Sekgwele Marumo, said the identified issues will be fixed. He said there are still some snags which need to be corrected because somethings had not been correctly done. “As much as the contractor is still on site, they are going to correct the mistakes that we have picked during our inspection," he said.


Electricity hikes will hit hard on the poor "Failures of the national government and Eskom are now being passed on to the poor and hard-working men and women of South Africa" LUCAS SHONGWE SOUTH AFRICA - Trade unions have denounced a decision by the national regulator to approve Eskom's electricity tariff increase – on top of the escalating rolling blackouts – as insensitive and careless. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) on Thursday, 12 January approved a 18.65% increase for the 2023 financial year starting on the 1st of April. An additional 12.74% increase was also approved for 2024, putting the total hike at 31,9%. The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) said the decision will be a devastating blow to workers and businesses struggling to survive in an economy that is still reeling from Covid-19 lockdowns and rampant inflation. "Whilst this increase is less than the 32% hike Eskom requested, it will still be devastating for the unemployed and those who are dealing with wage stagnation,” said COSATU national spokesperson, Sizwe Pamla. “It will be a further burden to companies

struggling to keep afloat because of a stagnant economy." The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) said the poor and working class, in particular women, are going to find it almost impossible to live normal lives, as if they were not already in a situation of impossibility, as a result of the escalating cost of living. "We were already paying 16% more for electricity last year,” said SAFTU Seneral Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi. “The fact that you can't afford electricity means you're going to have to go back to fetching wood." NERSA approved a 9.6% in April last year. South Africans are currently paying R2,15 per kWh, and the recent hike will mean they will have to dig deeper, at R3,15 per kWh. "The energy regulator attempted to strike a balance between Eskom's financial sustainability issues, the impact on the South African economy, and affordability of electricity services to customers," said NERSA chairperson, Thembani Bukula.

Mthimunye calls for assistance of middle class learners LUCAS SHONGWE MIDDELBURG – Patron of the Paul Mthimunye Bursary Fund (PMBF), Paul Mthimunye, called on funders to

Paul Mthimunye, patron of the Paul Mthimunye Bursary Fund, says learners rejected by NSFAS should also get financial assistance.

consider academically deserving learners from families earning more than the government's National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) cap. The retired education specialist, who is also a former schools inspector and circuit manager, was speaking during PMBF's 20th celebration event at Mphanama High School in Mhluzi on Saturday, 14 January. He said NSFAS provides funding to students from working class or poor families whose combined household income is not more than R350 000 per annum. Mthimunye said there are many learners who are disqualified by NSFAS because of the R350 000 minimum requirement. “Some of them are called the middle class children because their parents earn more than the R350 000 cap NSFAS has set,” he said. “Those children should also be assisted financially because the R350 000 combined income is very little while education has become expensive. You cannot disqualify a learner for that

amount.” Mthimunye said PMBF had raised funding to pay tuition fees for two students at the University of Cape Town at around R187 000 a year. If parents have a joint income of R350 000 a year, and R187 000 has to go to the fees of one child, what more if there are more children who have to go to university? Mthimunye urged business to come in and close the gap. “We can do that if we put our hands together,” he said. “There are resources in the private sector, and if we can establish solid relations, we can improve the lives of those learners. Let me also take this opportunity and say a special thank you to Columbus Stainless Steel for supporting us all these years since inception. They supported us in this event by donating all the token of appreciation that you see here.” The PMBF was launched in 2002 with a vision to give financial assistance to learners from disadvantaged families who are academically deserving, in and around the Steve Tshwete

Week-long dry spell sparks protest Residents burn tyres over 'no-show' water tankers NOTHANDO MAKHUBELA

EMALAHLENI – Their taps ran dry a long time a long time ago, and their only source of water has been from a water tanker provided by the municipality. But when a week went by without the water tankers bringing the muchneeded water, the residents went on a rampage. Residents of Duvha Park in Emalahleni took to the streets in the wee hours of Wednesday, 18 January, and barricaded the R544 Road at the El Paso traffic lights with burning tyres. The residents were demanding water, stating that it had been a week since the water tankers last brought to the area, while a nearby Jojo tank has also run

dry. The road was cleared at about 7am, by personnel from the Expanded Public Works Programme under the watchful eye of the South African police Service. But around lunchtime, the residents once again took to the streets barricading roads with burning tyres. Duvha Park resident Lucia Mabuza said they normally get their water from water tankers supplied by the municipality, as they do not have running water in their yards. This, she said, is stressful and hard enough for the residents. “To be without water for a week is stressful, especially now that our children have to go to school,” she said. “They need to bathe every morning. The municipality doesn't care about us.” Ward 19 councillor Tjatji Tshogane

said he was not aware that the water tankers delayed to provide water in Duvha. He said the residents also did not bring this matter to his attention. “I am pleading with the community to call me and report the delay in the water supply so that we can arrange for them to have water,” he said. “I will also reach out to the community to ask about the water supply in the area and make arrangements before the community Jojo tanks are all run out of water.” He further urged the residents to avoid resorting to protests all the time because doing so damages other municipal assets like roads. This, he said, forces the municipality to spend money repairing the damaged infrastructure.

municipality. So far, the fund has assisted over 300 students. PMBF spokesperson George Mahlangu over 100 university students were able to get bursaries from the fund while more than 200 high school learners were assisted with grants. Malethabo Mahlangu, a finance professional holding a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, a Postgraduate Diploma in Media Financial Management, Management Accounting, a Chartered Global Management Accountant and Master of Business Administration, told the publication how the PMBF came to her aid. “The fund gave me a kick start in funding my undergraduate education,” she said. “Today I have made a name for myself in the country, contributing positively in our generation. I am a black woman dominating in the boardroom, taking up space and living my answered prayers.” Dr Ntombi Makhanya, a medical school graduate, said the PMBF assisted her throughout her medical LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deed Registries Act 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of a Deed of Transfer T96954/2003 passed by DELMAS LOCAL MUNICIPALITY in favour of ZAKHELE MOKOENA Identity No. 5503135522082, unmarried: in respect of : ERF 4 4 4 2 B O T L E N G EXTENSION 3 Township, Registration Division IR Mpumalanga Province which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Delmas on this 09 day of January of 2023.

studies. They covered her registration fees in the first year, as well as costs for books and accommodation, ensuring that she is set for her journey in medical school. Happy Gwentshu, a Grade 11 learner from Sofunda High School, is a PMBF grant recipient and wants to study to become a scientist. “I received the grant last year and it covers my school fees, books and uniform,” said Happy. “I am so thankful to the PMBF for what they did for me and I wish they can continue helping more learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.”

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20 JANUARY 2023


Bafana Bafana boss Hugo Broos is completely clueless? Burnley are keen on Bafana Bafana striker Lyle Foster, but it appears that Hugo Broos doesn't feel the same way. What's the deal? is being earmarked to eventually his debut in 2018. That's not enough. afana Bafana manager Hugo succeed Pep Guardiola at Man City. Lyle Foster knows how to put the ball Broos is a boss of great And guess who Kompany is in the back of the net, and he's made a pedigree. However, his failure reportedly interested in signing? habit of showing off that invaluable to consistently include Lyle Foster in FOSTER IN FORM, PICKING skill this season. Burnley are even national team squads is a dereliction of HIM FOR SOUTH AFRICA IS A readying a €5 million offer to his duties. NO-BRAINER Westerlo, according to various reports. Football management can be a pretty That's right, Kompany is reportedly If all goes according to plan, we could deep and analytical thing, but at the taking a close look at Bafana Bafana be watching this guy in the Premier same time, it's not rocket science. Pick man Lyle Foster, with the 22-year-old League next season. So, Hugo Broos. the players who show good form for Westerlo striker having bagged eight Get with the programme. Not only their clubs, and then go from there. goals and three assists in 20 should you include Lyle Foster in your Hugo Broos, which part of that is so appearances in Belgium's Jupiter Pro next Bafana squad, but he should be difficult to understand? League this season. However, he's given loads of minutes too. BURNLEY EYE OUT BAFANA only collected nine Bafana caps since SOURCE: thesouthafrican.com B A FA N A S TA R F O S T E R A S THEY PUSH FOR PREMIER LEAGUE PROMOTION The Clarets were relegated from England's top-flight last season but they've shown all of the fighting qualities required in order to bounce back at the first time of asking. Now under the tutelage of Man City legend Vincent Kompany, they sit top of the EFL Championship by five points ahead of Sheffield United. The second tier of English football is hard slog and the Clarets must still negotiate 19 more matches in the regular season, but the signs are good. They have form and league position on their side, and a young manager with fresh ideas and massive potential. There are even rumours that Kompany


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