Story Transcript
Thirty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time
November 3, 2013
Holy Family Catholic Church
FAMILY PRAYER God Made us a family. We need one another. We love one another We forgive one another.
“ Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham . For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost”
We work together. We play together. Together we learn God’s Word. Together we grow in Christ. Together we love all people. Together we serve our God. Together we hope for Heaven. These are our hopes. Help us obtain them, Father, through Jesus your Son, our Lord. Amen. Mailing Address: P O Box 482 Van Alstyne TX, 75495 Parish Office: 903-482-6322 For a Priest: 972-542-4667 Website:
Clergy Fr. Salvador Guzmán, Pastor Fr. Eugene Azorji, Parochial Vicar Deacon Patrick A. Hayes
Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00 am - English Mass 12:00 pm - Spanish Mass Thursday: 9:00 am - Daily Mass
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 3, 2013 SACRAMENTS
Baptism Baptisms in English: 2 nd Sunday of each month Baptisms in Spanish: 1st Sunday of each month
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish.
Pre Baptismal Class Registration: Registration required by the Sunday before class begins. Classes are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Parents: Bring copy of child’s birth certificate. Both parents must attend class. Godparents: Must be practicing Catholics. Copy of marriage certificate through the Catholic church. Both godparents must attend class. As a courtesy, please do not bring children to class.
First Communion
Holy Orders/Priesthood
April 27, 2014 10:00 am March 1, 2014 10:00 am
Antonio Fernandez Frank Reynolds Arnie Clark Charann Thurwanger Margaret Cockerham Abigail Kaminski Katrina Kaminski
Offering A endance: Offerings: Building Fund Diocesan Priest Re rement
Marriage/Wedding Both must be free to marry in the Catholic Church. Arrangements should be made at least 6 months prior to planned Wedding date. Talk to your Parish priest or call Fr. John Szatkowski, Director of Vocations of the Diocese of Dallas at 214-379-2860.
Cecil Hermes Evelia Santibanez Debby Hooper Karen Elliott Tabetha Moore Bartolo Torres Dave Parker Courtney Hicks
Immediately following the 1st Mass
October 27, 2013 488 October 27, 2013 $ 1,883.13 October 27, 2013 $ 919 .50 October 27, 2013 $ 751.00
Primera Junta Oficial Dia: Jueves, 7 de Noviembre Hora: 7:00 P.M. en la iglesia Holy Family Esta sera nuestra primera vez que nos juntemos para hablar Cuando: Quien puede dirijir los juegos, puestos de comida, rifa, musica, propaganda. Este es nuestra unica funcion para recaudar fondos para el apoyo de los fondos del edificio. La participacion de nuestros feligreses e invitacion a nuestros vecinos determinara un buen dia de diversion! comparte tus ideas y talent. ESPERO VERNOS AHI!!!
POSIBILIDADES Todas las cosas son posibles para aquel que cree, más aún para aquel que espera y todavía más para aquel que ama. —San Lorenzo
Turrentine Jackson Morrow See Advertisement on Back
Weekly Calendar Sunday, November 3 8:30 am Rosary 9:00 am Mass 10:15 am-11:15 am Faith Formation 12:00 pm Spanish Mass Monday, November 4 9:00 am Rosary Tuesday, November 5 7:00 pm RCIA Wednesday, November 6 6:00 pm –7:00 pm Faith Formation Classes Thursday, November 7 9:00 am Morning Mass Bible Group Meets immediately following Mass 7-9:30 pm Spanish Youth Choir Friday, November 8 7-9:30 pm Spanish Adult Choir Saturday, November 9
Fes val
Spring First Official Meeting
Day: Thursday November 7th Time: 7:00 PM at Holy Family This will be our first gathering to discuss When: Who wants to head up the Games, Food Booths, Raffle, Music, Advertisement. This is our only money making function that Supports Our Building Fund. Participation of our Parishioners and invitation to our neighbors will render a Great Day of Fun ! COME Share Your Ideas and Talent. SEE YOU THERE!!
PAST AND FUTURE There is no saint without a past— and no sinner without a future. —Anonymous POSSIBILITIES All things are possible for one who believes, more to one who hopes, even more to one who loves. —St. Lawrence
Miscellaneous Faith FormaƟon
The Archdiocese of Military Services (AMS) has the commission to provide for the pastoral care of the many Catholics serving in the armed forces, their families, military academy students, pa ents in VA medical centers, and US governmental personnel serving abroad. It is the only agency responsible for endorsing and gran ng facul es to Catholic chaplains and deacons serving these popula ons. A collec on will be taken up November 10. ATTENTION: Parishioners please patronize our adver sers. J. S Paluch our Bulle n publisher has gone to those who currently adver se on the back of our Bulle n. When going out to eat cut out the Thank You and take it in so they know we appreciate them. If you use one of the services make sure to Thank them for adver sing in your Church Bulle n.
InspiraƟon: With whom can I share my me, talent, or treasure today? How willing am I to give from my need instead of my surplus? Turn my offering, however small, into something useful for those whose needs You alone know.
The Religious Educa on Department at the Na onal Catholic Educa onal Associa on (NCEA) is inaugura ng a Parish Religious Educa on Week in November to highlight the important role played by parish-based religious educa on and faith-forma on programs across the country. This year’s observance is Nov. 3 to 9, 2013 and the plan is to observe the week annually on the first full week in November. This year’s theme is “Encountering Christ Every Day.
Catholic Night at the Mavericks Purchase your ckets now for the first-ever Catholic Night at the Mavericks Game on Sunday, January 26 at American Airlines Center. Come join hundreds of fellow Catholics and cheer on the Mavs as they take on the Detroit Pistons. It’s a great way to kick off Na onal Catholic Schools Week and build community. Choose from two great cket prices: $27 (Reg. $33) or $14 (Reg. $17) (All seats are located on the Terrace Level - 300 Sec ons.) Lower level ckets available. Call for pricing. Orders with payment are filled on first-come, first served basis and are subject to availability. We will sell out! Contact Mavs rep Bri any Kucia at 214-658-7139 to purchase your discounted ckets now! Deadline to purchase ckets and be part of Catholic Night at the Mavs Game is January 3rd 2013!
Need’s Spring Fest is in the planning stages. A Raffle is an important part of a successful Festival. Holy Family needs your Support. If you have
Faith Formation Parents
access to a Business that would be
There will be a Parent Meeting on Tuesday November 12th at 7:00 pm. Fr. Salvador Guzmán will be our Speaker. This is a mandatory meeting.
willing to donate items of value that
Formacion de Fe Habra una junta para todos los padres el martes, 12 de Noviembre a las 7:00 P.M. el padre Salvador estara dando un mensaje. esta junta es mandatoria.
would enhance our Raffle, please come to our meeting on November 7th at 7:00 pm. A Gift Card of a sizable amount would be a good start, one or more can contribute/ maybe a Trip. Open for suggestions!
The Single Life
The universe works in pairs. From the atoms to the human species, genera vely is predicated on union with another. Happiness, it would seem, is also predicated on that. So where does that leave singles and celibates? How can they be normal, genera ve, and happy? For many people living single and celibate, life can seem unfair. Everything, it seems, is set up for couples, while they are single. And that isn't the only problem. A further problem is that, too o en, neither our churches nor our society give singles and celibates the symbolic-tools to understand their state in a life-giving way. Consequently, single persons o en feel like they're looking in at life from the outside, that they're abnormal, that they're missing something essen al within life. Moreover, unlike married persons and vowed religious, few single persons feel that they have posi vely chosen their state of life. They feel it rather as an unfortunate conscrip on. Few single persons feel easeful and accep ng of their lot. Instead they regard it as something temporary, something s ll to be overcome. Rarely does a single person, especially a younger person, see himself or herself growing old and dying single - and happy. Invariably the feeling is: This has to change. I didn't choose this! I can't see myself like this for the rest of my life! There are real dangers in feeling like this. First, there's the danger of never fully and joyfully picking up one's life and seeing it as worthwhile, of never posi vely accep ng what one is, of never accep ng the spirit that fits the life that one is actually living. As well, there's the danger of panicking and marrying simply because marriage is seen as a panacea with no real possibility of happiness outside of it. Par ally those fears are well-founded. Being single and celibate does bring with it a real loss. Denial is not a friend here. Pious wishing or platonic spiritual es that deny the power of sexuality don't placate our emo ons or erase the fact that God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. The universe works in pairs and to be single is to be different, more different than we dare admit. Thomas Merton, reflec ng on his own celibate state, once put it this way: "The refusal of woman is fault in my chas ty. ... And all my compensa ons are a desperate and useless expedient to cover this irreparable loss which I have not fully accepted. ... I can learn to accept it in the spirit and in love and it will no longer be 'irreparable.' The cross repairs and transforms it. The tragic chas ty which suddenly realizes itself to be mere loss, and the fear that death has won - that one is sterile, useless, hateful. I do not say this is my lot, but in my vow I can see this as an ever-present possibility." Celibacy and the single life bring with them real dangers for immaturity and unhappiness. But, paradoxically, admi ng this truth is the first step in beginning to live posi vely beyond those dangers. Sexuality is a dimension of our self-awareness. We awake to consciousness and feel ourselves, at every level, as cut off, sexed, lonely monads separated and aching for unity. Celibacy is indeed a fault in our humanity. However, to be celibate and single doesn't necessarily mean that one is asexual or sterile. Today the impression is o en given that no happiness exists outside of sexual union. That's superficial and untrue. Sexuality is the drive in us towards connec on, community, family, friendship, affec on, love, crea vity, delight, and genera vely. We are happy and whole when these things are in our lives, not on the basis of whether or not we sleep alone. The single celibate life offers its own opportuni es for achieving these. God never closes one door without opening countless others. For instance, when our culture recognizes that it's easier to find a lover than a friend, it recognizes too that human sexuality and genera vely are more than biological. There are other ways of being healthily sexual, of ge ng pregnant and impregna ng, of being mother or father, of sexual enjoying in macy. Sexuality, love, genera vely, family, enjoyment, and delight have mul ple modali es. Early on in my ministry, I once served as a spiritual director to a young man who was discerning between marriage and priesthood. His greatest hesita on in moving towards priesthood was one par cular fear: "I've always been afraid of being a priest because celibacy will mean dying alone. My father died when I was 15, but he died in my mother's arms. I've always resisted celibacy because I want to die like my father died - in a woman's arms. But, medita ng on Christ's life one day, it struck me that Jesus died alone, loved, but in nobody's arms. He was alone, but powerfully linked to everyone in a different way. It struck me that this too could be a good way to die!" It can be, but only if first, as Merton says, the cross repairs and transforms us.
Amor, Fe y Ritual
No es fácil mantener vivo el amor, al menos con constante fervor emocional. Malentendidos, irritaciones, cansancio, celos, heridas, diferencias temperamentales, falta de aprecio de lo que se ene, y el simple aburrimiento, minan invariablemente nuestros márgenes emocionales y afec vos y, pronto, el fervor da paso a la ru na, la ranura se convierte en surco y el amor parece que desaparece. Pero podemos fácilmente malinterpretar esto. En primer lugar, el hecho simple de que la superficie de una relación parezca nublada por el malentendido, la irritación y el dolor emocional, no quiere decir que no nos amemos el uno al otro. El amor se asienta en un nivel más profundo, por debajo del flujo y reflujo de la irritación y del aburrimiento. Puedes estar dispuesto a morir por alguien, aun cuando en aquel mismo momento bulla el odio contra él en tu corazón. John Shea, teólogo y escritor americano, en la serie brillante de homilías publicadas en “Liturgical Press”, nos ofrece un ejemplo maravilloso de esto. Comparte la historia de una mujer que acogió en su casa a su madre ya anciana, para ayudarle mientras se iba recuperando de un derrame cerebral. La hija atendía con esmero cada necesidad e su madre; sin embargo, en un momento dado, una dura pelea estalló por un incidente trivial sobre un huevo duro. En medio de su guerra par cular de palabras, la madre preguntó a su hija: “De todos modos, ¿por qué estás haciendo todo esto por mí?” Su hija respondió presentando una buena lista de razones. Nos cuenta ella: “Yo le tenía temor; quería que se recuperara; sen que tal vez no le había cuidado lo suficiente cuando yo era más joven. Sen a la necesidad de mostrarle que yo era fuerte. Sen a la necesidad de que ella estuviera lista para volver a casa sola; ella era de edad avanzada, y así sucesivamente… Yo misma estaba atónita. Podría haber seguido dando razones durante toda la noche. Hasta ella estaba impresionada. “Todo basura”, dijo mi madre cuando yo acabé. “¿Basura?”, grité. Como si con aquel comentario ella hubiera come do un gran disparate. “Sí, pura basura”, repi ó ella, aunque con voz un poco más calmada. Y aquel tono un poquito, poquito más suave me impresionó. Y ella prosiguió: “No enes por qué esgrimir todas esas razones. Nos queremos.Y vale. Eso basta”. Si se da irritación, enfado y aburrimiento dentro de una relación de pareja, no significa necesariamente que el amor haya muerto, como ilustra esta historia. El amor se asienta a un nivel más profundo. Pero, ¿cómo tocamos ese nivel en medio de sen mientos menos-queidílicos? Lo hacemos a través del ritual. Nuestras vidas viviendo juntos, dentro de cualquier po de comunidad, se sos enen gracias a pequeños y grandes ritos que nos man enen unidos, nos conservan respetuosos y nos hacen esperar con paciencia a través de los al bajos de la vida compar da. Por ejemplo: a veces nos saludamos unos a otros con verdadero afecto, pero a veces nuestros saludos apenas logran enmascarar nuestra irritación y nuestro aburrimiento. Pero… todavía nos saludamos mutuamente. Darnos los “Buenos Días” es un acto ritual, importante. Ese saludo expresa que nos amamos y nos preocupamos el uno por el otro, aun cuando eso no sea exactamente lo que podamos sen r en un día determinado. Lo mismo cabe decir del beso mecánico y superficial en la mejilla al saludarnos o al despedirnos, el abrazo ritual, la señal de la paz en nuestras iglesias y (especialmente) nuestro compromiso de sentarnos todos a la mesa en empos regulares para comer juntos y para otras re-uniones. Estos ritos son importantes, porque revelan con nuestra acción y nuestro compromiso lo que nuestros sen mientos a veces no pueden decir, a saber: “¡Te quiero! Aquí estoy para , aun cuando estemos los dos muy cansados, seamos super-conocidos, estemos demasiado pre-ocupados y atareados, y demasiado irritados por nuestras diferencias como para sen r mucho fervor en nuestro amor en este momento”. El ritual habla en nombre del amor, aun cuando necesite siempre ser apoyado por el mismo amor. Lo mismo hay que afirmar con respecto a la fe. En la fe, justo como en el amor, hay una superficie y un fondo de apoyo. La realidad más profunda se sitúa en el fondo de apoyo y habríamos de estar preparados para una can dad de terreno cambiante en la superficie. En la aventura de nuestra fe habrá momentos de fervor, de calor emocional, de cálida seguridad; pero habrá también períodos, largos períodos, a veces amargos, en los que a nivel de superficie sen remos sólo sequedad, aburrimiento, un sen miento de que Dios está ausente, y quizás incluso una clara repugnancia para las cosas de Dios y de la fe. Esto no significa necesariamente que no nos esforcemos o que la falta de aprecio de lo que tenemos esté afectando nuestra fe. Podemos, como sugería tradicionalmente el gran escritor inglés Chesterton, intentar mirar a las cosas familiares hasta que parezcan de nuevo como no familiares, pero esto –como los mís cos nos aseguran – no siempre remediará el problema. La fe, como el amor, ene que sostenerse por medio de ritos, por medio de actos rituales que permitan a nuestro compromiso y acción decir lo que no siempre podemos decir con palabras y con sen mientos. Y, gracias a Dios, nuestra tradición de fe nos proporciona estos rituales. ¿Cómo? Leyendo las Escrituras, par cipando en la eucaris a, rezando el oficio de la iglesia, rezando el rosario, recitando oraciones u lizando varios pos de libros de oración, sentándose en silenciosa oración centralizada, y, lo más importante de todo, simplemente yendo a la iglesia regularmente. Todos esos ritos expresan abiertamente lo que la mujer, cuya historia hemos compar do, dijo a su hija: Más al fondo de todo eso, nos queremos. Y eso basta”.
Informa on Page
Holy Family Quasi-Parish
Date: Sept 18, 2011
Janis Hicks 903-744-7999
Transmission Date / Time Tuesday 12:00pm
Special Instruc ons