Building One Family of Faith: Many Gifts, One Spirit Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 Rev. Joseph M. Jackson, Ph. D. Pastor Rev. William Grogan,

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Story Transcript

Building One Family of Faith: Many Gifts, One Spirit

Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017

Rev. Joseph M. Jackson, Ph. D. Pastor Rev. William Grogan, Resident Rev Mr. Raul Mora, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rogelio Soto, Deacon Rev. Mr. Larry Rossow Deacon

8 de Enero, 2017

La Epifanía del Señor Construyendo una Familia de Fe: Muchos Dones, Un Espíritu

PARROQUIA DE SAN IGNACIO 6559 N Glenwood Ave • Chicago, IL 60626 • Phone: 773-764-5936• Fax: 773-764-4360 •

Fr. Joe’s Journal Happy feast of the Epiphany! This weekend

we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. This feast marks the introduction of the wider world to Jesus. The good news of Jesus Christ has spread to many nations. We at this parish witness the reality of the spread of the message of Jesus. Our diversity is both a gift and a challenge. We reflect the universality of the Church here at St. Ignatius. The challenge comes from the reality that there is more than one group in our parish. We can sometimes be unaware of all that our parish does. We need to recognize that while we are diverse all nations are united in Christ. We need to recognize that we need to work together and the needs of the parish. I add a year this Sunday. The late great Irv Kupcinet famed Chicago personality, used to wish people a happy birthday in his column by saying they added a year. I will celebrate my 69th birthday this year. Where did the time go. Our long time friend, Fr. Carcar, will celebrate his birthday on the same day. We wish him a very happy birthday. I ask for your prayers as I continue to have the privilege of being your pastor. This is a very challenging time to be a pastor in the Archdiocese. I promise to continue to pray for all of you and all those who you love. Thank you for your generosity. I thank those who generously supported our Christmas collection. Remember you can still give to this collection.

We welcomed Bishop Manz for the Virgin de la Nube Celebration. We welcomed our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters for this feast. I thank those who helped make it a beautiful celebration.

We conclude our celebration of the Christmas season when we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of our Lord on Monday. The season ends earlier than normal on January 9th. Fr. Carcar back for a stay. I thank him for all his help and the wonderful spirit he brings to his ministry. We wish him well as he continues as he continues to lead the Nazareth school in Cordoba.

Fr. Sima returns to celebrate mass next Sunday at Noon. We thank him for his help. To Teach Who Christ is continues. We have

reached 70% of goal, more than $230,000. the bad weather in December did slow down our campaign but you can still make a pledge. I thank those who have already made a pledge. This campaign will help the parish and the archdiocese.

See this bulletin for other key articles and event announcements. God bless you, your pastor, Fr. Joe

El Diario del Padre Joe ¡Feliz Fiesta de la Epifanía! Este fin de semana

celebramos la fiesta de la Epifanía. Esta fiesta marca la introducción de Jesús a todo el mundo. La buena noticia de Jesucristo ha sido anunciada a todas las naciones. En esta parroquia somos testigos de la realidad de la universalidad del mensaje de Jesús. Nuestra diversidad es a la vez un desafío y un don. Reflejamos la universalidad de la Iglesia aquí en San Ignacio. Los desafíos viene de la realidad que tenemos más de un grupo en nuestra parroquia. A veces podemos no estar consientes de todo lo que nuestra parroquia hace. Necesitamos reconocer que aunque somos una comunidad diversa de todas las naciones estamos unidos en Cristo. Debemos reconocer que tenemos que trabajar juntos y las necesidades de la parroquia. Sumo un año este domingo. El fallecido famosos en Chicago Irv Kupccinet, solía desear feliz cumpleaños en su columna diciendo que sumaban un año. Celebrare mi cumpleaños 69 este año. Doce se ha ido el tiempo. Nuestro amigo de muchos años, el Padre Carcar, celebrará su cumpleaños el mismo día. Les pido por sus oraciones mientras continuo tener el privilegio de ser su párroco. Es un momento difícil para ser párroco en la Arquidiócesis. Les prometo seguir rezando por ustedes y sus seres queridos. Gracias por su generosidad. Agradezco a quienes apoyaron generosamente nuestra colecta de Navidad. Recuerde que todavía puede hacer su donación.

Dimos la bienvenida al Obispo Manz para la celebración de la Virgen de la Nube. Di-

mos la bienvenida a todos nuestros hermanas y hermanos ecuatorianos por esta gran fiesta. Agradezco a quienes ayudaron en esta una hermosa celebración.

Terminamos nuestra celebración de la Navidad cuando celebramos la fiesta del Bautismo de Nuestro Señor el lunes. La tempora-

da termina antes de los normal el lunes 9 de enero.

El Padre Carcar que esta acá por un tiempo. Le agradezco por toda su ayuda y el espíritu maravilloso que trae a sus ministerio. Le deseamos lo mejor mientras continua el liderazgo de la escuela Nazaret en Córdoba.

El Padre Sima vuelve a celebrar misa el domingo al mediodía. Agradezco su ayuda. Enseñar Quien es Cristo continua. Hemos

alcanzado el %70 de nuestro objetivo, más de $230,000, el mal clima en diciembre nos desacelero la campaña pero usted todavía puede hacer su donación. Esta campaña ayudará a la parroquia y la arquidiócesis.

Lea el boletín para otros artículos claves y anuncios de eventos. Dios los bendiga, su párroco Padre Joe

The pantry ended 2016 quietly on Friday, December 30th. It was a very busy month with over 220 families visiting the pantry. We are compiling our year end results and will have them in next week’s bulletin.

La despensa terminó tranquila el 2016 el viernes 30 de diciembre. Fue un mes con mucha actividad con más de 220 familias acudiendo a la despensa. Estamos recolectando el análisis del año y tendremos un informe en el próximo boletín.

Another New Year Resolution?

¿Otro Propósito de Año Nuevo? ¡Este año Servicios Ignacianos quisiera tener suficientes participantes en la Caminata Contra el Hambre para necesitar un autobús! Serian 35 caminantes. El año pasado tuvimos 21 participantes que trajeron la atención al tema del hambre en nuestra comunidad a la vez que recaudaron fondos para ser usados en el Greater Chicago Food Depository. Tener un autobús nos permitirá disfrutar de un espíritu de equipo. Estacionamiento en la Caminata contra el Hambre es siempre difícil para individuos pero los autobuses tienen espacio reservado. La fecha de este evento no ha sido aun anunciada pero normalmente es el 2 o 3 Sábado en junio. Si quiere tener más información sobre este evento, contacte Kathy Morris a [email protected] Todos somos Servicios Ignacianos

This year Ignatian Services would like to get enough walkers for the Annual Hunger Walk to need a bus! That would be 35 walkers. Last year we had 21 walkers that raised the issue of hunger in our community along with funds to be spent at the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Having a bus will allow us to enjoy a more team spirit feeling. Parking at the Hunger Walk is always a challenge for individual drivers while buses are given a preference. The date for the event has not been announced yet but is usually the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in June. If you would like to know more about this event, please contact Kathy Morris at [email protected] Remember we are all Ignatian Services.

How about your New Year’s Resolutions? Have you decided to grow in your prayer life? We have a Faith Sharing Group that meets on Tuesday at 7 pm. Praying the Rosary? The Legion of Mary meets every Saturday after the 8 am Mass to pray the rosary and share their faith. You would rather pray in silence? Join us every First Friday of each month for Eucharistic Adoration. Develop and grow your relationship with God? Participate in a ministry! The Parish is welcoming new Eucharistic ministers and Lectors. Contact Christine Timcheck at volunteer Read more books about spirituality? Our parish library has a great variety of topics that would help you to grow and deepen your faith and prayer life. The parish library is open any time our parish office is open.

¿Y sus propósitos para el Año Nuevo? ¿Ha decidido crecer en su vida de oración? El Circulo de Oración se reúne todos los viernes a las 7 pm. O participe en alguna de las organizaciones como el Comité Guadalupano, la Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros o el Coro Virgen de la Nube. ¿Rezar el Rosario? El Grupo del Rosarios se reúne todos los jueves a las 7 pm en la Capilla. ¿Prefiere rezar en silencio? Participe de la Adoración Eucarística cada Primer Viernes de Mes. ¿Desarrollar y crecer su relación con Dios? ¡Participe en los diferentes ministerios! La parroquia siempre esta abierta a nuevos ministros de la eucaristía y lectores. Contacte a uno de los diáconos si está interesado. ¿Leer libros sobre espiritualidad? La biblioteca parroquial tiene una gran variedad de libros que lo pueden ayudar a desarrollar su fe y vida de oración. La biblioteca está abierta durante el horario de oficina.



The unfolding of the story of the Incarnation continues today as the Church celebrates the Epiphany. The tale of the magi from the East is one of the most fascinating in all of scripture. It has much to teach us about what we can come to expect, even in circumstances and places that may seem insignificant or small. Bethlehem was a tiny town, what we might refer to today as a town without even one stop light. Yet it is over this seemingly insignificant place that the guiding star stops in its own search for the place where the Savior would be born. Too often we fail to recognize the fact that the star of Bethlehem comes to rest in our everyday lives, where we can experience God’s presence, manifested in ever new ways. Epiphany calls us to shake off our stupor and recognize the One who comes to save us.

El desarrollo del relato de la Encarnación continúa hoy cuando la Iglesia celebra la Epifanía. La historia de los Magos de oriente es uno de los relatos más fascinantes de las Escrituras. Nos enseña mucho sobre qué podemos esperar, incluso en circunstancias y lugares que pueden parecer insignificantes. Belén era un pueblo diminuto, lo que hoy diríamos un pueblo sin siquiera un semáforo. Sin embargo, es sobre este lugar aparentemente insignificante que la estrella guía se detuvo en su búsqueda del lugar en donde el Salvador nacería. Muchas veces no comprendemos que la estrella de Belén se posa en nuestra vida diaria, donde podemos sentir la presencia de Dios, manifestada de maneras diversas y nuevas. La Epifanía nos llama a salir de nuestro estupor y a reconocer a Aquél que viene a salvarnos.

Feast of the Epiphany

Fiesta de Epifanía

This Feast Day has received different names: Epiphany: fr om the Gr eek ( Ἐπιφάνεια, Epiphaneia, "Manifestation") and means “to reveal”. Theophany, meaning "Vision or Revelation of God” Three Kings' Day.

Esta fiesta ha recibido diferentes nombres: Epifanía: del Gr iego( Ἐπιφάνεια, Epiphaneia, "Manifestacion") y significa “revelar”. Teofanía, significando "Visión o Revelación de Dios” Día de los Reyes Magos.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

We celebrate that Christ manifests himself to the wider world. After meditating in Christmas that God came to us as a little baby, now this truth is made known to people from other countries, represented by the Wise Men or Magi.

God love us with tender love. That is all that

Jesus came to teach us, the tender love of God. “I have called you by name, you are

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Celebramos que Cristo se manifiesta al mundo. Luego de haber meditado en Navidad que Dios se ha hecho hombre en este bebe, ahora esta verdad es revelada a personas de otros países, representados en los tres Reyes Magos.

Dios nos ama con ternura. Eso es todo lo que

Jesús nos vino a enseñar, el tierno amor de Dios. “Te he llamado por tu nombre, eres Mío.”


Santa Teresa de Calcuta

St. Teresa of Calcutta

Our Contributions December 31, 2016 & January 1st, 2017 Sunday Catholic Education Building Fund Donation Christmas TOTAL

$ 5,347 $ 522 $ 310 $ 550 $ 1,560 $ 8,289

January 8

Fr. Joseph Jackson

January 8

Fr. Gerado Carcar

January 8

Anna Marie Tamayo

January 10

Patricia Canepa

January 12

Ruth Ford

Celebración de Nuestra Señora de la Nube Our Lady of the Clouds Celebration

1-1-2017 To mark the beginning of Catholic School Week on Sunday, January 29 we will have the Family Mass that day at 10 am. If you child is interested in participate, please contact Mercedes Mac Laughlin at the Rectory (773-764-5936) or by e-mail ([email protected]) Thanks for your support!

NCA Application Deadline Approaching

NCA’s admissions season for the 2017-18 school year is off to a great start! We kicked off the season with Admissions Open Houses in October and early December, and we’re receiving applications daily. Applications are available online at Our 2017-18 enrollment process will begin January 30 when we open registration for our current students and their siblings for two weeks. If you are a current NCA family and have a sibling who will be starting NCA next year (typically in preschool or kindergarten), please note that an application should be completed for that student by the end of December. We will start our acceptance process for new NCA families on February 13. NCA is committed to providing a quality, Catholic education to our parish families and the communities we serve. We offer financial aid through our Guardian Angel Scholarship Fund to ensure that money is never a reason why a family doesn’t come to NCA. If you have any questions about the admissions process, enrollment, or financial aid, or want to schedule a tour please contact Melissa Soberanes at [email protected] or 773-743-6277. Save the Date for Catholic Schools Week January 29-February 4 NCA will kick off the week-long Catholic Schools Week celebration on Sunday, January 29, with NCA Masses at each of our parishes and Open Houses at both campuses. Please save the date and join us on January 29, from 10am-12pm at our Primary School Campus (6216 N. Glenwood Ave.), and from 11am-1pm at our new Middle School Campus (7318 N. Oakley Ave.). Watch for more details and information on events in January.

Weekend Mass Schedule January 7 & 8

Please, keep them in your prayers Teresa Agurto Mary Binsfeld Pablo Brito Marlyn Cera Bruna Cuevas Michael deBlases Winifred Fisher John Geiger Bill Gibbons Randy Gibbons Peggy Haas Cesar Andres Izquierdo Liam Kelly Bo Kemper

Anthony Long Jose Alberto Mejia Fernando Palma Louise Rodriguez Kelly Rolls Ines Romay Montzerrat Ruiz Alejandro Salas Florence Selko Rogelio Soto Irene Sporlein Dave Strecker Sherry Whitford Gilda Wrenn

And for Those Who Have Passed Away

Patrice Powell=Kaprelian

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Acts 10:34-38; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Mt 3:13-17 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 or Heb 1:1 -6 and 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:14-20 and 1:21 -28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34

Have you decided to try something new this year? Join the choir! Singing is praying twice. Contact Brian DuSell at [email protected]. ¿Ha decidido probar algo nuevo este año? ¡Participe en el Coro! Cantar es rezar dos veces. Contacte Brian DuSell a [email protected].




Sat. 5 p.m.

For the People

Fr. Foley

Sun. 8 a.m.

God’s Guidance

Fr. Carcar

Sun. 10 a.m.

† James Sheehy & Family

Fr. Carcar

Sun. 12 p.m.

† Ofelia Vilchez, † Antonio Escobedo Garcia, † Mioses Mejia

Fr. Carcar

Sun. 6 p.m.

† Frank Hogan

Fr. Carcar

Weekday Mass Schedule January 9-14 Monday 8 a.m.

Donald Trump

Fr. Carcar

Tuesday 8 a.m.

† Souls in Purgatory

Fr. Carxar

Wednesday 8 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hallen

Fr. Carcar

Thursday 8 a.m.

† Arturo Abascal

Fe. Wolff

Friday 8 a.m.

† Mark McCullagh

Fr. Wolff

Saturday 8 a.m.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hallen

Fr. Foley

Weekend Mass Schedule January 14 & 15 Time



Sat. 5 p.m.

† Gail Hanson

Fr. Foley

Sun. 8 a.m.

† Michael Kenny


Sun. 10 a.m.

† Arliss Steffens


Sun. 12 p.m.

† Teofilo Escobedo

Fr. Sima

Sun. 6 p.m.

People with Mental Illness

Fr. Augustine

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, January 15th at 4:30 p.m. in the Chapel Fr. Foley

For all the students going back to school, a prayer to take along...

Para todos los estudiantes que regresan a la escuela, una oración para que los acompañe.

Prayer Before Study

Oración para Antes del Estudio

Creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom, origin of all being, graciously let a ray of your light penetrate the darkness of my understanding. Take from me the double darkness in which I have been born, an obscurity of sin and ignorance. Give me a keen understanding, a retentive memory, and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally. Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations and the ability to express myself with thoroughness and charm. Point out the beginning, direct the progress, and help in the completion. I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Creador de todas las cosas, fuente verdadera de luz y sabiduría, origen de todo ser, derrama en las tinieblas de mi entendimiento un rayo de tu luz. Aleja de mi la doble oscuridad en que naci, la obscuridad del pecado y de la ignorancia.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, OP

Santo Tomas de Aquino, OP

Catholic High Schools are having their entrance exam next Sunday, January 14. Let keep the 8th grade students in our prayers.

Dame un profundo entendimiento, la capacidad de recordad, y la habilidad de entender las cosas correctamente y en profundidad. Dame el talento de ser exacto en mis explicaciones y la habilidad de expresarme con detalle y gracia. Fortalece el comienzo , dirige el progreso, y ayuda a la finalización. Te lo pido por Jesucristo Nuestro Señor. Amen.

Las Escuelas Secundarias Católicas tendrán el examen de ingreso el sábado 14 de junio. Recemos por los estudiante de 8vo grado.

PARISH DIRECTORY St. Ignatius Parish Telephone: (773) 764-5936

Parish Staff

Pastoral Team

Volunteer & Welcoming Coordinator: Christine Timcheck ([email protected]) Business Manager: Pat Schultz Bookkeeper: Mariella Dorn (ext 33) Engineer & Maintenance: Pat O’Malley Weekend Receptionist: Jeanette Reid

Rev. Joseph M. Jackson, Ph. D., Pastor (ext 21) Deacon & Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Raul Mora Deacon & Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Soto Deacon & Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rossow

Pastoral Staff Ignatian Services/Pastoral Assist: Kathy Morris (ext 14) Music Ministry: Dr. Brian DuSell (ext 17) Ministry of Family Faith Life: Mercedes Mac Laughlin (31)

M Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. (Chapel) Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) 6:00 p.m. (Chapel) Monday through Friday

Parish School Northside Catholic Academy Grades PK-8 For information call the Admission Office at (773) 743-6277.

8:00 a.m. (Chapel) Saturday Mass 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) F P : Wednesday from 2 to 4 pm Friday from 10 am - 12:00 pm R H Monday

: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday: Sunday:

5 p.m. - 8 p.m. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Church name: St. Ignatius Parish 512092 6559 North Glenwood Avenue Chicago, IL 60626 (773) 764-5936 Contact Person: Mercedes Mac Laughlin MS Publisher 2016 Abode Acrobat X WJindows 10 Date of Publication: December 4, 2016 Transition time: 3:00 p.m. Number of pages sent: 1-8 Special instructions:

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