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GLOBAL STRENGTH AND LOCAL FOCUS. The Keller Group is the global leader in geotechnical solutions, and your company is an integral part of this network in North America and around the world.John Rubright, President Our leadership in the industry is underpinned by The challenge is to ensure our customers understandBernie Robert, President having a unique balance of global strength and local our full offering of products and services and view us focus. This differentiates us, and is why we are so in a different way. successful. Locally, our individual business units are recognized leaders in their own markets and To do this we must think of ourselves differently; you and your teams are a big part of this success. we still have the ability to maintain local focus, individual company identities and customer Our customers respect the work you do, however relationships, but now we have the shared strength very few of them know about the scale, financial and capability of Keller to call on. This represents a strength and capability of Keller in both North significant opportunity for our company to take on America and around the world. We need to change more complex, large scale projects by utilizing our that perception and shape our business for collective strengths; something only Keller can do. success in the future. To propel us forward, we have developed a new, Collectively, we have worked together to lead our unifying brand that will maintain our strong individual industry in safety, quality and innovation. However, identities, yet show our strength as being part of the as projects in North America increase in technical formidable Keller team. difficulty and size, only a united Keller possesses the capability and capacity to compete and flourish John Rubright, Keller Bernie Robert, Keller Canada in an environment that few others can.

With the launch of our new brand we have the opportunity to embrace ourconnected knowledge, strong network of companies, and collective expertiseto truly lead the world in geotechnical solutions, while at the same timelaying the foundations for a bright and secure future for us all.TOGETHER,WE ARE KELLER.

TOGETHER, WE ARE KELLER. At Keller the strongest local construction projects are built on a foundation of connected global experience.INDUSTRY Keller’s industry leadership is driven by our strategically selected network of outstanding companies, each a recognized leader in their own right. The connected companies of Keller ensure that there is no other company, in North America, or around the world that is more competent and capable of solving real world geotechnical challenges.

Y LEADERS. For our customers, we remove the guess work, mitigate the risk and give them the peace of mind knowing that their geotechnical projects are in the best possible hands. Our combination of detailed local knowledge and vast global experience ensures that no question goes unanswered, no problem goes unsolved, and no job goes unfinished.

TOGETHER, WE ARE KELLER.The Keller brand is defined by the quality and service that you provide at a local level.As global leaders in innovation, safety and quality in the geotechnical construction space, we willcontinue to focus on the products and services that have been the cornerstone of our business.WHAT THIS MEWe need our companies to be strong, and strength comes in a sense of belonging, respecting each other and nottaking for granted the amazing work that we do every day. Strength also comes from our global connections and thefinancial security of the Keller Group worldwide.

ANS FOR YOU. Through our new Keller branding we’re sure that you will embrace the future with pride and a commitment to success. We have positioned ourselves for significant growth, and your commitment to continued innovation and adaptability in all that we do will see us continue to thrive at Keller in North America.


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