Misas los Domingos: Tuesday Friday 9:00 am 3:00 pm Martes a Viernes 9:00 am 3:00 pm

December 25, 2016 Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del Sagrado Corazón—San Luis 605 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026 Mailing address: PO

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Story Transcript

December 25, 2016

Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del Sagrado Corazón—San Luis 605 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026 Mailing address: PO Box 236, Gervais OR 97026

Administrator: Fr Chrispine Otieno Office Telephone: 503-792-4231 Office Hours: Horario:

Email: [email protected] Parish website: www.shstl.org

Tuesday—Friday 9:00 am—3:00 pm Martes a Viernes 9:00 am—3:00 pm

Sacred Heart School


Welcome to Sacred Heart - St. Louis Parish. We welcome ever yone who has come to celebr ate the litur gy with us!

Mass Schedule / Misas los Domingos: Saturday / Sabado: 5:00 pm (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday / Domingo: 8:00 am (St Louis Church) 10:00 am (Sacred Heart Church) Daily Mass — Tuesday—Thursday: 8:00 am (Sacred Heart Church) Friday 8:15 am (School Mass) Reconciliation / Confesiones: Wednesday / Miercoles 5:30 - 6:30pm Saturday / Sabado 3:30 - 4:30 pm

Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish is a catholic community of Christian believers devoted to the Holy Eucharist. We strive to build God’s Kingdom by inviting all to faith formation, Sacred Liturgy, Evangelization and outreach.

Sunday, December 25, 2016 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Isaiah

62:1-5, Acts 13:16-17, Matthew 1:1-25 or 1:18-25


Brief Reflection: God is with us. In Celtic tradition, “thin places” are places of magnificence and wonder where the veil that separates heaven and earth is lifted; we are able to receive a glimpse of the glory of God. Tonight we celebrate one such moment. Emmanuel is born. God is with us. Through Jesus Christ, God reveals himself. Prayer Intentions Let us pray for those who are sick in our community. Remember these parishioners and friends of the Parish in your prayers: Rose Rush John Steinkamp Pati Itel May you find consolation in knowing that you are thought of and prayed for in this time of need.

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC SCHOOL Comments or questions? Call 503-792-4541

Annual Appeal: Our Annual Appeal has begun and we would really appreciate your support. Our wonderful school is in dire need of funds. All donations to the Annual Appeal go to our general fund and help us keep tuition affordable for all students. Please give what you can and support our school! Christmas Break: The school will be closed from December 17 until January 2, 2017. We will resume on January 3rd. Thank you to our many supporters. You are truly a blessing to us. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Scrip: Scr ip will available after the 8:00 am St. Louis Mass and the 10:00 am Sacred Heart Mass or you may sign up for Benefit Mobile and have scrip available to you on your smart phone any time! If you have any questions about our school feel free to give us a call at 503-792-4541. “For it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:8

Prayer Intentions Let us pray for those who are sick in our community. Remember these parishioners and friends of the Parish in your prayers: Rose Rush John Steinkamp Pati Itel Jeannine Eisenbacher May you find consolation in knowing that you are thought of and prayed for in this time of need.

25 de Diciembre del 2016 El nacimiento de nuestro Senor (Navidad) Isaías 62:1-5, Hechos 13:16-17, 22-25 Mateo 1:1-25 o 1:18-25 Breve Reflexión: Dios está con nosotros. En la tradición celta, "los lugares delgados" son lugares de magnificencia donde se levanta el velo que separa el Cielo y la tierra; estamos en condiciones de recibir una visión de la gloria de Dios. Esta noche celebramos uno de esos momentos. Emmanuel nace. Dios está con nosotros. Por medio de Jesucristo, Dios se revela a sí mismo. Esta noche está de hecho llena de grandeza y maravilla. Hacemos una pausa, y con mayor conciencia, inclinemos la cabeza en reverencia.

Por favor recuerde usar nuestro PO Box 236 para el correo dirigido a la parroquia Sacred Heart-St Louis y no la dirección física. No olvide!: ¡mire nuestro sitio del web/internet www.shstl.org para boletines actuales y / aquellos archivados al igual que avisos de eventos actuales! La Parroquia Sagrado Corazón - Saint Louis tiene necesidad de una coordinadora bilingüe de bodas y coordinadora de quinceañeras. Llame la oficina 503-792-4231

Queridos Parroquianos, Como nos acercamos a la Navidad, hemos querido tomar unos minutos para agradecerles su apoyo pasado y actualizar algunas de las actividades y noticias de la parroquia y escuela. Ustedes pueden haber notado la reciente actividad de la construccion en la escuela. Gracias a la generosidad de la Fundacion de escuelas catolicas de Salem, la escuela del Sagrado Corazon recibio una beca para sacar la caldera vieja y remodelar esta area como espacio operativo adicional. Desafortunadamente el monto de la donacion recibida no cubrira todo el presupuesto de remodelacion y nuestro objetivo es completer el Proyecto el ano que viene. Con respect a la Parroquia, nuestra oferta semanal (colecta) ha ido disminuyendo y se tomo la decision de reducir las horas del personal. Incluso con estas reducciones, la parroquia esta luchando para cumplir con nuestros gastos mensuales y necesita mantenimiento continuo. En el pasado sus contribuciones de fin de ano han ayudado a la parroquia para cubrir estos gastos y necesidades. Muchas de nuestras familias pueden remontar su historia hasta el comienzo de la parroquia. Nuestro privilegio (ownership) en la parroquia y escuela llevan adelante a nuestros hijos y nietos, como lo ha hecho desde los anos 1800’s. El apoyo anuestra parroquia y escuela ha sido asombroso. Como en los anos anteriores, hemos pedido su ayuda en una lista de deseos de Navidad con objetos necesarios para la escuela y la parroquia. Este ano pedimos que tambien considere contribuir financieramente para ayudar con los gastos de funcionamiento no solo durante el tiempo inmediato, sino tambien en el futuro. Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, por favor considerern hacer una donacion de fin de ano a la parroquia o escuela. Gracias por su continua dedicacion y apoyo a la parroquia del Sagrado Corazon/San Luis y la escuela del Sagrado Corazon. Respetuosamente, Consejo Administrativo del Sagrado Corazon/San Luis Consejo de la Parroquia de Sagrado Corazon/San Luis Paastor Padre Chrispine Otieno Principal Lucy Shawn Presidente del Consejo Administrativo Larry Schiedler

Calendario de Ministros de Diciembre 2016 Sábado, 31 de Diciembre

Misa 7:00 pm


Filiberto Rodriguez / Karla Morales

Ministros de Eucaristía:

Hector Mora / Edith Flores / Mayra Martinez

Servidor Principal:

Leo Duarte-Morales


Irene Rodriguez / Victor Mora Flores

Accomadores y Bienvenida:

Nora Estrada / Maria Rodriguez / Belen Estrada


Javier Vazquez

Limpieza de la Iglesia:

Anita Gonzalez, Adelina & Romona Quintero, Melinda Hess

Parish Activities for the Week

Chapel of Perpetual Adoration Capilla de Oración

Sunday / Domingo

December 25 Merry Christmas! 8 am Mass @ St. Louis + Pat Ferschweiler 10 am Mass @ SHC + Rosemary Terhaar Monday / Lunes December 26 No Mass/Parish office closed Grupo Oracion in church from 7 - 9 pm Tuesday / Martes December 27 8:00 am Mass @ SH +Dorine Nissen Coffee Tuesday after Mass in FFC - come join us! Wednesday / Miercoles December 28 8:00 am Mass +Ann Starr NO GSFF Class 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Confessions Thursday / Jueves December 29 8:00 am Mass @ SH +John Starr

Friday / Viernes

December 30 NO 8:00 am Mass

Saturday / Sábado

December 31 3:30-4:30 pm Confessions 5 pm Vigil @ SHC +Marvin Susee 7 pm Spanish Mass Rodriguez family special intention Sunday / Domingo January 1, 2017! 8 am Mass @ St. Louis + Danny Grassman 10 am Mass @ SHC Parishioners

Happy New Year!

Chapel Coordinators / Coordinadores de Capilla 12 midnight-5 am Carol Kuschnick 503-792-4419 6 am—11 am Pilar Zamora 503-792-4424 12 noon—5:00 pm Carole Rosa 503-423-7663 6—11:00 pm Sandi Belleque 503-508-0971 Tenemos muchas horas abiertas disponibles. Es Jesus suficientemente importante para ti, para apartar una

hora cada semana para estar con el?

January 1st - - 8:00 am

December 31th- - 5:00 pm Reader:

Adoration Chapel Substitutes: we are updating our list and are requesting your help!! If you ar e willing to be a substitute, please contact the Chapel coordinator with the days and hours you are willing to sub for. We will put your info on the Chapel schedule and you will be contacted as needed. Thank you! We have many open hours available. Is JESUS important enough to you to set aside one hour each week to be with Him? In everything you do, put God first. Please consider one of the MANY open hours. Open Hours / Horas Disponibles: Monday/Lunes 6-7 and 7-8 am Thursday/Jueves 12 midnight-1am Thursday/Jueves 2-3 am Thursday/Jueves 3-4 am Friday/Viernes 7-8 am

Ed Adelman Ron Beyer

January 1st - - 10:00 am Dan Saalfeld

Extr Min: J udy Br utka & Laur a Hagenauer Veronica Davidson & Karen Herinckx

Bob Nelson, Catherine Z & Pati Kiley

Lead Servers:

volunteer s Peter Bennett

Alex Contreras

Altar Servers:


Diego & Sofia Contreras

Head Usher: Greeters: Cantor & Organist: Church Cleaning:


Cam Fer schweiler Tim Herinckx

David Gonzalez

Bette Gottsacker Barb Ferschweiler


Pete Petrowski Toby Saalfeld & Marge Pranger

Melanie and Emily Saalfeld

Anita Gonzalez, Adelina & Romana Quintero, Melinda Hess

Scholarship Opportunity

Catholic Daughters of the Americas (Gervais Court) Scholarship open to all college students who are members of Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish (or their parents are members) or who are members of the Gervais CDA court (or their mother is a member). $2,000.00 awarded to one recipient May 1, 2017 deadline. Please see the parish website under Ministries/ Catholic Daughters for the form and requirements. If you have any questions, please contact Sandi Belleque (503) 508-0971

Ladies, you are invited to a High Tea luncheon on Saturday, February 11, at St. Louis Hall. Doors open at 12 noon and meal service begins at 1 pm. We enjoy dressing up, even hats, and sparkling conversation in a Valentine ambiance and friendly bidding in the silent auction for lovely items in baskets. This event brings together ladies and their daughters and mothers from Oregon and surrounding states. Tickets are $15. Call Irene Duda at 503-214-0690 soon! 112 tickets go fast. No ticket sales at the door.

**End-of-year Tax Deductible Gifts: If you want

Did you forget your envelope again? If so, for your convenience, Sacred Heart-St Louis offers Parish Pay. If you would like to know how to sign up, go to www.parishpay.com Or, if you use Bill Pay online through your bank, don’t forget, you can make your weekly or monthly contribution to Sacred Heart-St Louis church for your convenience.

**To cut down on postage costs, we are able to email your end of year donation tax statements. Please email Barbara [email protected] to update your email and to receive an emailed copy of your statement. Please call or email if you need an itemized copy of your statement.

The next senior social is Thursday, January 5 at 9:00 am. Remember; there is no morning Mass!

credit for 2016 please date your check Dec 31 or before. Gifts or monies r eceived after that date ar e recorded for 2017. Just a friendly reminder that any donations that you may wish to be recorded as tax deductible gifts to Sacred Herat-St Louis Parish for 2016 must be received by the parish office no later than December 31, 2016.

Who is the longest married couple in our parish?

The Archdiocese of Portland (www.pdxfamlife.org) and World Wide Marriage Encounter would like to recognize these special couples in each parish on “World Wide Marriage” Sunday, February 12, 2017. Will you please help us? Call the office at 503-7924231 to help determine the couple married for the most years here at Sacred Heart-St Louis church

The parish couple whose name is submitted can be honored on Feb 12, 2017, with a special blessing at Mass. WWME will determine the longest married couple in Oregon based on the entries received and will nominate that couple for the longest married couple in the US.

Catholic CD of the Week - Sunday, December 25, 2016 “The Mystery of Christmas” by Fr. Larry Richards In this inspiring talk, renowned preacher and retreat master Fr. Larry Richards illuminates how the true joy of Christmas is found in the greatest gift ever given – the gift of Jesus Christ to the whole world. With humor, compassion, and clarity, Fr. Larry gets to the heart of the true meaning of Christmas and helps us to better appreciate the immensity of God's love for us as His children.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Education Contest for 2017 has been announced. This contest is open to grades 4-12 and adults. The categories are art, essay, poetry, computer art, music and photography. Complete instructions for entering the contest can be found on the Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish website, shstl.org. The deadline is February 8, 2017 and all entries must be forwarded to Lisa Juhring. Judging is done at local and state level. Winners at state level are entered in the national education contest. There were eight state winning entries from Sacred Heart-St. Louis in 2016. Winners receive a certificate and a monetary award.

Sacraments/Sacramentos Baptism/Bautismo One (1) month in advance. Un mes de aviso. English Pre-Baptismal Class (childr en 0-6 years old) Last Tuesday of the Month 6:30 pm – FFC Choose appropriate Godparent(s). At least one must be 16 years of age, confirmed and a practicing Catholic. If married, must be married in the Catholic Church. If single, must be living a chaste life. Godparents must be registered and active in a parish for a minimum of three months and present a letter documenting activity from their parish. Call to register 503-792-4231. Clases Pre-Bautismales (Niños de 0-6 años) Primer Martes del Mes 6:30 p.m.-Formación de Fe

Elija el Padrino (s) apropiado, al menos uno debe ser de 16 años de edad, confirmado y católico practicando. Si es casado, debe ser casado en la Iglesia Católica. Si solo, debe vivir una vida sola y no cohabitando. Los padrinos deben estar registrados y activos en una parroquia durante un mínimo de tres meses y presentar una carta documentando la actividad de su parroquia. Favor de llamar para registrarse 503-792-4231. Marriage/Matrimonio Couples must contact the office at least six months in advance. One party should be registered at our parish. The Catholic party must be an active Catholic and participating in the life of the church. If the Catholic party planning to get married in our parish is not an active member in our parish, he or she should be participating actively in another Catholic parish. (The pastor will request a letter from your parish.) Las parejas deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina por lo menos seis meses adelantado. Una de las parejas debe estar registrada en nuestra parroquia. La pareja Católica debe ser un Católico activo y participando en la vida de la iglesia. Si la pareja Católico planificando casarse en nuestra parroquia no es un miembro activo, él o ella debería estar participando activamente en otra parroquia Católica. (El pastor va a solicitar una carta de su parroquia.)


The Portland Archdiocese has partnered with Worldwide Marriage Encounter to recognize the longest married couple in each parish for the purpose of honoring their love and commitment to each other. They are a visible sign in the Church of the power of love that a man and woman share in God's precious gift of marriage. To nominate a couple go to https://famlife.archdpdx.org/longest-married-couple. To learn more about Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend or register for February 17th - 19th, 2017 WWME weekend at Mt. Angel Abbey go to www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.

Visit our website www.pro-lifearticles.org to see more “Pro-Life Articles", “Videos” and "Images". Thank you for all you do for the Sanctity of Life. God Bless! Martin Reiser, Pro-Life Articles www.pro-lifearticles.org Chandler, AZ 214-364-5267 [email protected]

Retrouvaille is a marriage ministry program designed to help couples heal and renew their marriages. The weekend retreat starts with a Mass and ends with a Mass. A priest is always present during the whole weekend. Different stages of marriage are presented and couples learn different tools to help their communication and their marriage as a whole. The couples then meet weekly for six weeks for a more in depth topics. After the program, couples are welcome to attend our monthly meetings for further support, fellowship, and faith. It is a great help in keeping the marriage together!

You Can Help Your Marriage -- Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Have you stopped talking to each other? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. Renew your marriage for the New Year. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on Jan. 20-22, 2017 call 1-503-225-9191 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org Christian In The World Winter/Spring 2017 CITW Lecture Series Takes place at Mount Angel Abbey Library $50 for the series or $15 for each session 9:00am-12:30pm Beverages and morning snacks are provided 1/14/17: “The Torah” Fr Rory Pitstick 2/11/17: “The Prophets” Fr Konrad Schaefer, O.S.B. 3/11/17: “The Psalms” Dr Elaine Park 4/1/17: “Old Testament Wisdom Literature” Fr Stephen Clovis For more information call Cecile Beckerman 503-393-5041. Flyers at the back of church.


At any local church or mission in your local town or city: DECEMBER 25 All morning; selling Peace On Earth, Good Will to Men! Real Estate: A heavenly home is too beautiful to describe, comes with caretaker — you must see it — for a preview, call your local church — if you don’t have a home, ask some local church member to help you find this new home! Personal property: open doors — friendship — peace — relaxation — refreshments — good health — greater blessings — service — no wants — no fears — no pain — welcome mats — inspiration — communion — helping hands — fellowship — goodwill — honor — beautiful hymns — prayer books — a best selling book, the Bible — much much more! Auctioneer’s note: this is a sale you don’t want to miss. Heaven has everything to offer, you have nothing to lose. Terms: all you need to do is ask God — it’s free!! Refreshments on grounds —- Jesus will provide for you! AUCTIONEERS: local priest, deacons, pastors, missionaries OWNER: YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER

Next week Readings / Próximo Domingo: Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-6 John 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14

Parish Staff Administrator: Fr. Chrispine [email protected] Secretary: Barbara Daniels [email protected] Assistant Secretary: Arcelia Pelayo (español) Ayuda en español - mier. de 9-4pm vier. 9-11 Bookkeeper: Fran Avery [email protected] Bookkeeper: Paula McNulty Faith Formation: Nanette Kuga [email protected] Youth Ministry: Melanie Saalfeld [email protected] Pastoral Council - meets 2nd Tues of month Robert Tesch-Chair Mary Miller-Secretary Karla Morales Amy Ferschweiler Marty Miller Amanda Belleque Finance Council - meets 3rd Tues of month Larry Schiedler-Chair Kent Belleque-Secretary Laura Hagenauer Frank Davidson Anna Mahony

Sacred Heart School Staff Lucy Shawn-Principal [email protected] Mrs. Cindy Schnurbusch-School Secretary Ms. Christina Hugulet Mrs. Corina Espericueta Mrs. Lucia Ries Mrs. Mariana Hill Mrs. Amy Lear Mr. Andre Brown Mrs. Judy Adams Miss Marissa Casanova

Weekly collection 12/18/16: Sacred Heart –St Louis = $3,178.37 School Fund =


Parish Ministries Coordinators

Adoration Chapel: Carol Kuschnick Baptism Class (English): Merissa Zielinski Baptism Class (Spanish): coordinator needed Catholic Daughters: Marge Pranger Community: Mary Miller Comité Hispaño: Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez Grupo Carismático de Oración: Maria Rodriguez Knights of Columbus: Dennis Hagenauer Liturgy (Spanish): Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez Liturgy (English): Pati Kiley([email protected]) Music coordinators: Toby Saalfeld and team Stewardship: Marty Miller St. Louis Altar Society: Anna Mahony St. Rita’s Altar Society: Marianne Norris RCIA Program: coordinator needed Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal Update The Archdiocese has received a total of $13,074.00 the goal being $20,516.00. We are 64% of the way to our goal! Please remember Sacred-Heart-St. Louis Parish in your Will. Please use the following language when making your estate plans. “I give, devise, and bequeath _________ (describe gift and purpose) to Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais, Oregon (our official and legal name). It is understood in making this gift that it can only be used by Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais, Oregon, for the purpose stated.”

Welcome to Sacred Heart - St. Louis Parish. We welcome ever yone who has come to celebr ate the litur gy with us! If you are new to the parish or you have updated information, please cut and fill out this form and bring to the office or put it in the collection basket. Bienvenidos a la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón—San Luis. Regístrese con esta pequeña forma y entregue a la oficina o pongala en la canasta de coleccion. Name / Nombre:______________________________________________________________________________ Address / Dirección:_______________________________________ Phone / Teléfono:_____________________ □ New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia □ New Address/Nueva Dirección □ New Phone/Nuevo Teléfono □ I would like Father to call me/Necesito que el Padre me llame □ Interested in Parish Ministries/Me interesa servir □ I would like offertory envelopes/Necesito sobres para ofretorio □ Visitor/Soy V isitante

Get in touch


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