Saturday Sunday Daily Rosary Novena Perpetual Adoration Sacrament of Penance Vocation Holy Hour Baptism and Marriage
5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Monday - Saturday 8:00am Daily, after morning Mass Tuesday, after morning Mass 24 hours Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Please call Parish Office
Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Ben Awongo Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227
[email protected]
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Saint John the Evangelist
“God often visits us, but most of the time we are not home!” … Kateri Tekakwitha, a Mohawk Indian girl from New York State, is the first Native American to be declared a saint, called ‘Lily of the Mohawks’. She died in 1680, at the age of 24, after a life of great austerity and love in spite of ridicule and abuse. She was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in October, 2012. Her feast day is this Tuesday (14). ... On the beautiful Mount Carmel in Galilee, the Order of Carmelites, was founded in the 13th century, and today, worldwide, number 1950 religious. Our local Discalced Carmelites, at 5158 Hawley Boulevard, San Diego, have a vibrant community of 15. Thursday (16), is the memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. ... Congratulations to Larry and Nancy Morgan on celebrating their 48th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday (1). They were married by Monsignor Gilfillan (RIP) at Saint James in Solana Beach! ... And congratulations, too, to Alan and Trudi (daughter of Larry and Nancy) Saltamachio, on their 21st Wedding Anniversary on Thursday (2). They were married here at Saint John by Father Mike Ratajczak, and their children, Morgan, Peter, Nancy and Sean serve faithfully with us! ... Our Saint John School Office remains open over the Summer, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. For more info call 760 943-8227 or visit ... Restroom facilities are available in the Ministers Room and Sacristy at the back of the church, and in our hall. Sorry about the inconvenience! ... Plan to be with us on Saturday, August 8, and Sunday, August 9, for our Fiesta de las Flores 2015. Lots of food, fun and entertainment for all! ... Don’t forget to turn-in your tickets for our Fiesta Grand Drawing, on August 9! Our Early Bird Drawing is this Sunday (12), after the 10:30am Mass! $200 is the prize this time! ... Want to help out? Bring along a ‘Six Pack’ of anything liquid (water, sodas) with you to Mass! Make it a ‘Six Pack Sunday’! ... Fiesta Stage and Beer Garden set up is this Saturday (18), from 9:00am! Helping hands needed! ... Our Entertainment Chair, Mitch Phillippe, is lining-up fabulous entertainment for the two days! Anyone interested in participating in our “Open Mic” times, please contact Mitch at
[email protected].
July 12, 2015
... Two years ago, Harvey and Joyce Noel, parishioners of Saint John, founded and established, from their own resources, Hawkes Home Inc as a recovery home for men transitioning from custody to a responsible and productive life in society. Come and share in their success, and lend your support, at an Open House and Barbeque this coming Sunday (19), from 12:00pm to 3:00pm, at 1020 Marbo Terrace, Vista, CA 92084. For more info contact Harley and Joyce at 760 635-0935. ... Last weekend (5), of the total collection of $15,471.00, 273 families contributed $12,330.00 using parish envelopes. Thank you! ... 89 families contributed $8,531.00 towards our Building Fund last weekend (5). Mighty! ... 111 families have contributed $7,155.00 in support of the charitable works of Pope Francis, our Peters Pence collection. ... ‘Thank you’ to our ‘online’ givers who have checked and renewed their connection with us! ... San Diego Blood Bank will be with us this Wednesday (15), Thursday (16) and Friday (17) from 1:30pm - 7:00pm each day, right in front of the church. On our last visit in April, 59 pints of blood were donated over the three days. We really need to ‘up that’ to at least 72 pints! Please consider coming by this week! To schedule an appointment, go to and use sponsor code SJCE, or just ‘drop by’! ... Steubenville San Diego is a great religious experience for our youth. It runs from Friday (24) through Sunday (26). For more info, call Isaac Deken at 760 753-3679. ... Watch out for the high flyers! Vacation Bible Camp begins this Monday (13)! Come fly with me! ... Father Joseph and Father Brian had a wonderful ‘Pasta with the Priests’ celebration with the Grochowiak, Sondomowicz and Cappiello families, children and all, on Tuesday (31)! The privilege is earned at our School Auction/Dinner Dance! ... Have you ever wondered if God might be calling you to priesthood? ‘Explorer Day’ is a discernment experience for men interested in learning more about priestly ministry. The next ‘Explorer Day’ is this Saturday (18), 8:30am - 3:00pm. For more info talk to Father Ben or Father Brian. ... Reconstruction is underway at our school! Yea! ... “Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully!”
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Saint John the Evangelist Adults wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith! Join Liz Beiner and our RCIA team this Tuesday (14), at 7:00pm, in the Hall.
Perpetual Adoration
July 12, 2015
Hawkes Home, Inc. Open House and Barbeque Sunday (19) 12:00pm-3:00pm Food-Hourly door prizes-Facility Tour Bring your friends and family! 1020 Marbo Terrace, Vista 92064 For more info. Harley and Joyce Noel 760 635-0935 or
Volunteers are needed for:
Bible Study
Sunday, 12:00am, 1:00am and 2:00am Thursday, 10:00pm Friday, 9:00am
A Bible Study for Teens and Young Adults Sacred Scripture and Prayer This Friday (17) and each Friday until August 7 6:00pm - 7:00pm, California Room
We could also use another volunteer for Day Captain to take charge of arranging substitutes for regular adorers on the Captain’s assigned day.
For more info. contact Mary Moran 760 436-4366
Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573 Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784 Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night, seven days a week. All are welcome!
All are welcome!
Saturday July 11 Sunday July 12
Church Restroom Renovation Pardon the inconvenience! Presently, through the end of July, our church restrooms are undergoing major renovation. Facilities are available in the Hall and also in the Minister’s Room and Sacristy.
Thank you for your
understanding! Register as a parishioner ‘online’ ! Go to and click on “Registration”
Music Ministry Share your talents! Please contact our Music Director Julie Marner at 760 753-6254 or
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Steubenville, San Diego July 24 through July 26 Permission slips for summer activities are available online. For info, Isaac at 760 753-3679
[email protected]
Monday July 13 Tuesday July 14 Wednesday July 15
Thursday July 16 Friday July 17 Saturday July 18 Sunday July 19
MASS INTENTIONS 5:00pm Special Intention Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 7:12-15; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13 7:30am Bryan and Sabina McNeela † 9:00am Parishioners 10:30am Richard Templin † 12:00pm Ivy Egger † 5:00pm Valerie Stevenson † Ex 1:8-14, 22; Mt 10:34 -11:1 8:00am Josef Wiest † Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Ex 2:1-15a; Mt 11:20-24 8:00am Klemens & Irene Roston † Saint Bonaventure Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Mt 11:25-27 8:00am Gayle Dale † Steve Martin † Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ex 3:13-20; Mt 11:28-30 8:00am George Homsy † Ex 11:10-12:14; Mt 12:1-8 8:00am Truman King † Katherine Lewis † Saint Camillus de Lellis Ex 12:37-42; Mt 12:14-21 8:00am Ken Reilley † 5:00pm Parishioners Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 7:30am Richard Templin † 9:00am Andreas Pum † Betty Cornely † 10:30am Msgr. Michael O’Connor † 12:00pm Mary Baggot † 5:00pm Sheryl Ann (Willisch) Webb †
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Saint John the Evangelist
August 8-9 GRAND DRAWING 1st Prize $5,000; 2nd Prize $2,500; 3rd Prize $1,000; 4th Prize $500 Get your Fiesta Raffle Tickets every Sunday after Mass at the Gazebo! Also available at the Parish Office.
‘If you are not in, you cannot win!’
‘Fiesta’ Trash and Treasures Collecting household items; small appliances, clothes, books, tools, toys, etc. NO large appliances or furniture
Volunteers needed Contact Kathy Roth at 760 436-8708 or
[email protected]
July 12, 2015
Upcoming Events ’Six Pack Sundays’ July 12 to August 9 Stage and Beer Garden Set up Saturday (18) 9:00am to 12:00pm Decorations and MISC August 1st 9:00am to 12:00pm
“Interested in performing at Fiesta? ‘Open Mic’ on Saturday(8) from 4:00pm to 5:30pm For more info, please contact Mitch Phillippe, Entertainment Chairperson at
[email protected] or 619 972-8480
Fresh Coffee and Delicious Donuts Holy Name Society hosts coffee and donuts every Sunday after morning Masses. Come join us in the Parish Hall!
Live on the Internet Sunday 9:00 am Mass Please Keep in Your Prayers Nydia Abney, Gail Alofsin, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Anthony Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono, Aiden Blenderman, Maura Brown, Dawn Butler, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Jack Davare, Edward Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Jose Estevez, Kathy Fix, Hiram LeeGonzalez, Manny Gonzales, Carolyn Goohs, Joe Graciano, Monsignor Harnett, Maria Jaque, Maria Johnson, Cheyne Johnston, Paul Kenny, Eva King, Skyler Koehne, Stella Lubera, Pat McKinley, Lucy Mee, Maria Mendez, Greg Monzeglio, Patty Moore, Luz Nieve, Eileen A. O’ Connor, Grace Oreb, Mary Ann Pavnic, Joaquin Perez, David Quessenberry, David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Elizabeth Roney, Gina Stack, Andrew Todd, Grant Waller, Griffin Waller and Bernard Wessel.
Rest in Peace Sally Ann Cunningham, Monsignor Pat O’Neill
We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.
Remember to patronize our advertisers for making the bulletin possible. Thank you!
will be visiting Saint John Wednesday (16), Thursday (17), and Friday (18) You can schedule an appointment to donate at (Sponsor Code: SJCE) or call 1 800 469-7322. Or just come by the parking lot from 1:30pm to 6:30pm! Lives depend on it.
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Saint John the Evangelist
Julio 12, 2015
JESUS ENVIO A LOS DOCE Los evangelios relatan que Jesús envió a los Doce apóstoles y también a otros setenta y dos discípulos (Marcos 6:7; Lucas 10:1) “de dos en dos” a “todos los pueblos y lugares”. De esta manera le preparaban el camino. El libro del Eclesiastés (4:9-12) subraya lo sabio que es andar de dos en dos a fin de ayudarse y protegerse mutuamente. El autor lamenta: “¡Pobre del que está solo, cuando se cae, no tiene quien lo levante!”. Los cristianos nunca podemos ser cristianos a solas. A Jesús le gustan los grupos. No tenemos el lujo de ser individualistas o autosuficientes. Nuestra misión requiere que vayamos por el mundo de dos en dos, porque donde están dos o tres reunidos en el nombre de Jesús, allí estará él (Mateo 18:20). En el Génesis (7:2) Noé se lleva los animales de dos en dos, así las especies se volverán numerosas comenzando de dos en dos. Jesús envía sus discípulos de dos en dos para que nos amemos y ayudemos los unos a los otros y de esta manera los que vienen después de nosotros, sean tan numerosos como las estrellas del firmamento (Génesis 15:5).
TIEMPO DE INSCRIPCIONES PARA LAS CLASES DE CATECISMO DEL 2015-2016 Para niños de 6 a 10 años En el mes de Julio la donación regular es $140 por un niño/a pero les ofrecemos un descuento, solamente $90.00 si lo pagan completamente o en dos pagos. En el mes de Agosto la donación será de $100.00. Aprovechen el descuento y pasen a registrar a sus niños en este mes. La oficina del Ministerio Hispano esta abierta de Lunes a Viernes de 1:00 pm. a 6:00 p.m. Estas inscripciones son para que sus niños vengan a las clases los viernes en español. Si tienen preguntas llamen a Mary Morán al 760-436-4366
LOS INVITAMOS A REZAR EL SANTO ROSARIO EN LA IGLESIA Los sábados y los domingos a las 6:00 pm. Nos reunimos en la capilla de la Virgen El jueves 16, es el día de Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Los invitamos a que juntos adoremos a Jesús Sacramentado. Toda la noche, los Sábados Primeros de cada mes. El siguiente sábado es Agosto 1, de 10 pm. al Domingo 2, a las 6:00 am. Para más información llamen a Renato y Ana Martínez 760-214-1258, o al 760-436-4366
CLASES DE BIBLIA PARA JOVENES Los viernes - 6:00 pm. a 7:00 pm. En el California Room Para más información 760-436-4366
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Saint John the Evangelist
July 12, 2015
Pre-School - Grade 8 Principal : Dan Schuh 760 944-8227
Summer Office Hours: 9:00am - 12:00pm “Building the whole child in preparation for Kindergarten” Now accepting Applications for Pre-Kindergarten (4 Years Old) Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or
[email protected]
Religious Education Saint John School Religious Education ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Youth Ministry Hispanic Ministry Music Ministry
Dan Schuh Ann McGinnis Nicole Steele Isaac Deken Mary Moran Julie Marner
760 944-8227 760 436-0664 760 753-4279 760 753-3679 760 436-4366 760 753-6254
Adult Faith R.C.I.A Perpetual Adoration Perpetual Adoration (Spanish) Centering Prayer
Liz Beiner Ken Poggenburg Lupe Cardona Shirley Shetula
760 753-6254 760 635-2573 760 753-7784 760 525-6721
Organizations Altar Society Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Catholic Men’s Fellowship Culture of Life Guadalupañas Holy Name Knights of Columbus Saint Vincent de Paul Seniors
Joi Catlin Blane Adessa Richard Weston David Pavnic / Chris Cammack Jennifer Grethel Olivia Reynaga Rick Decker John Brannon Sandra Watson Nettie March
760 470-6316 760 944-0626 760 230-6183 760 753-6254 760 753-6254 760 753-5230 760 753-6254 760 522-9969 760 753-3056 760 753-6254