
01/08/17 5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London 5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition

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5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition (Year 2014/15)

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1. Montero R. Crónica del desamor. Ave fénix, (Plaza & Janés, 1999).

2. Riaza L., Riaza L. & Castilla A. El desván de los machos y el sótano de las hembras ; El palacio de los monos. Letras hispánicas, (Ediciones Cátedra, 1982).

3. Roig M., Hurtley J. & Sordo E. La Hora violeta. Biblioteca de escritoras, (Editorial Castalia, 2000).

4. Alba V. & Canning House Library (Hispanic & Luso Brazilian Councils). Transition in Spain: from Franco to democracy. (Transaction Books, 1978).

5. Ángel del Arco M., Fuertes C., Hernández C. & Marco J. No solo miedo: Actitudes políticas y opinión popular bajo la dictadura franquista (1936-1977). (Comares, 2013).

6. Aróstegui J. La transición (1975-1982). Flash sociedad, (Acento, 2000).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

7. Carr R. & Fusi Aizpurú1EA1 J. P. Spain: dictatorship to democracy. (Routledge, 1993).

8. Colomer J. in El arte de la manipulación política: votaciones y teoría de juegos en la política española Argumentos, 229–258 (Editorial Anagrama, 1990).

9. Colomer J. M. Game theory and the transition to democracy: the Spanish model. (Edward Elgar, 1995).

10. Omar G. Encarnación. Spain after Franco: Lessons in Democratization. World Policy Journal 18, 35–44 (2002).

11. Garcia San Miguel L. Teoria de la transicion: un analisis del Modelo Espanol. (Editora Nacional, 1981).

12. Lannon F., Preston P. & Carr R. Elites and power in twentieth-century Spain: essays in honour of Sir Raymond Carr. The Ideological Conversion of the Leaderse of the PSOE, 1976-1979 (Clarendon Press, 1990).

13. Maravall J. M. The transition to democracy in Spain. (Croom Helm, 1982).




5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

Preston P. The triumph of democracy in Spain. (Methuen, 1986).

15. Shubert A. A social history of modern Spain. Social history of Europe, (Routledge, 1992).

16. Tunon de Lara M. Transicion y democracia (1973-1985). (Labor, 1992).

17. Tusell J. & Soto Carmona Á. Historia de la transición, 1975-1986. Alianza universidad, (Alianza Editorial, 1996).

18. Vilarós T. M. El mono del desencanto: una crítica cultural de la transición española, 1973-1993. Sociología y política, (Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1998).

19. Santos J. in Elites and power in twentieth-century Spain: essays in honour of Sir Raymond Carr 269–285 (Clarendon Press, 1990).

20. Fernández J. B. Eduardo Haro Ibars: los pasos del caído. Colección Argumentos, (Editorial Anagrama, 2005).

21. Bonaddio F., Harris D. & University of Aberdeen. Siete ensayos sobre la cultura posfranquista. (Centre for the Study of the Hispanic Avant-Garde, University of Aberdeen, 1995).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

22. Eagleton T. Ideology: an introduction. (Verso, 2007).

23. Gallero J. L. Sólo se vive una vez: esplendor y ruina de la movida madrileña. (Ediciones Ardora, 1991).

24. Gies D. T. & Great Britain. The Cambridge companion to modern Spanish culture. Cambridge companions to culture, (Cambridge University Press, 1999).

25. Gilmour D., Great Britain & Canning House Library (Hispanic & Luso Brazilian Councils). The transformation of Spain: from Franco to the constitutional monarchy. (Quartet, 1985).

26. Gilmore D. D. Carnival and culture: sex, symbol, and status in Spain. (Yale University Press, 1998).

27. Graham H. & Labanyi J. Spanish cultural studies: an introduction : the struggle for modernity. (Oxford University Press, 1995).

28. Morgan-Tamosunas R. & Jordan B. Contemporary Spanish cultural studies. (Arnold, 1999).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

29. Ordovás J. Historia de la música pop española. Seccion Libros útiles, (Alianza Editorial, 1987).

30. Smith P. J. Contemporary Spanish culture: TV, fashion, art and film. (Polity, 2003).

31. Smith P. J. Spanish visual culture: cinema, television, Internet. (Manchester University Press, 2006).

32. Smith P. J. Television in Spain: from Franco to Almodóvar. Colección Támesis. Serie A, Monografi 301as, (Tamesis, 2006).

33. Storey J. Cultural theory and popular culture: a reader. (Prentice Hall, 1998).

34. Ahumada Peña H. Poder y género en la narrativa de Rosa Montero. Pliegos de ensayo, (Editorial Pliegos, 1999).

35. Alma Amell. Rosa Montero’s odyssey. (University Press of America, 1994).

36. Emilie Bergmann. Reshaping the Canon: Intertextuality in Spanish Novels of Female Development. Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 12, 141–156 (1987).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

37. Bergmann E. in Multicultural Iberia: Language, Literature and Music (eds. Dougherty D. & Azevedo M.) 93–108 (University of California Press, 1999).

38. Bonaddio F. in Siete ensayos sobre la cultura posfranquista 77–90 (Centre for the Study of the Hispanic Avant-Garde, University of Aberdeen, 1995).

39. Bonaddio F. Servants Who Would Be Masters: The Inscription of Complicity in the Theatre of Luis Riaza. Journal of Hispanic Research 4, (1995).

40. Ana María Brenes-García. Herstorical Memory in ‘The Violet Hour’ by Montserrat Roig: The Memory of Silence. Modern Language Studies 27, 101–111 (1997).

41. Brown J. L. Women writers of contemporary Spain: exiles in the homeland. (Associated University Presses, 1991).

42. Joan Lipman Brown. Men by Women in the Contemporary Spanish Novel. Hispanic Review 60, 55–70 (1992).

43. Castilla A. in El desván de los machos y el sótano de las hembras ; El palacio de los monos Letras hispánicas, (Ediciones Cátedra, 1982).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

44. Ciplijauskaité B. La novela femenina contemporánea (1970-1985): hacia una tipología de la narración en primera persona. Biblioteca A : artes-literatura, (Anthropos, 1994).

45. Women writers in twentieth-century Spain and Spanish America. (E. Mellen Press, 1993).

46. Davies C. Contemporary feminist fiction in Spain: the work of Montserrat Roig and Rosa Montero. New directions in European writing, (Berg, 1994).

47. Davies C. Spanish women’s writing, 1849-1996. Women in context, (Athlone Press, 1998).

48. Fages G. Guiomar Fages: Conflictos maternales en La hora violeta de Montserrat Roig. Especulo: Revista de Estudios Literarios 36, (2007).

49. Hart S. White ink: essays on twentieth-century feminine fiction in Spain and Latin America. Colección Támesis, (Tamesis, 1993).

50. Jones M. in Novelistas femeninas de la postguerra española Studia humanitatis, 125–134 (Porrúa Turanzas, 1983).




5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

Knights V. & Canning House Library (Hispanic & Luso Brazilian Councils). The search for identity in the narrative of Rosa Montero. Spanish studies, (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999).

52. Manteiga R. in Feminine concerns in contemporary Spanish fiction by women 113–123 (Scripta Humanistica, 1988).

53. Marcone, Rose Marie. Voices of Protest in Rosa Montero’s ‘Crónica del desamor’. NeophilologusNeophilologus 82, 63–70

54. Elizabeth J. Ordóñez. Inscribing Difference: ‘L’ecriture Feminine’ and New Narrative by Women. Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 12, 45–58 (1987).

55. Perriam C. A new history of Spanish writing: 1939 to the 1990s. (Oxford University Press, 2000).

56. Roman Roman I. Relecturas del teatro popular en la vanguardia teatral de los anos 60. Anuario de estudios filologicos 28, (2005).

57. Ruiz Perez P. Teatro y metateatro en la dramaturgia de Luis Riaza. Anales de literatura espanola 5, (1986).

58. Suarez Garcia J. L. Sobre el teatro de Luis Riaza: recuerdos clasicos en El desvan de los machos y el sotano de las hembras. Anales de literatura espanola 9, (1993).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

59. In the Feminine Mode. (Bucknell Univ Pr).

60. Wells C. The city’s renovating virtue: urban epiphanies in the novels of Carmen Laforet, Carmen Martín Gaite, Montserrat Roig and Rosa Montero. The Journal of Romance Studies 7, 7–19 (2007).

61. Zatlin O. in Novelistas femeninas de la postguerra española Studia humanitatis, 29–44 (Porrúa Turanzas, 1983).

62. Almodóvar P., Strauss F., Baigneres Y. & Richard S. Almodóvar on Almodóvar. (Faber and Faber, 2006).

63. Besas P. & Canning House Library (Hispanic & Luso Brazilian Councils). Behind the Spanish lens: Spanish cinema under fascism and democracy. (Arden Press, 1985).

64. Borau J. L. et al. Diccionario del cine español. (Alianza, 1998).

65. Caparrós Lera J. M. Historia crítica del cine español: desde 1897 hasta hoy. Ariel Historia, (Editorial Ariel, 1999).




5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

Faulkner S. A history of Spanish film: cinema and society, 1910-2010. (Bloomsbury, 2013).

67. Gubern R. Historia del cine español. Signo e imagen, (Cátedra, 1995).

68. Hopewell J. Out of the past: Spanish cinema after Franco. (BFI Books, 1986).

69. Jordan B. & Allinson M. Spanish cinema: a student’s guide. (Hodder Arnold, 2005).

70. Jordan B. & Morgan-Tamosunas R. Contemporary Spanish cinema. (Manchester University Press, 2001).

71. Kinder M. Blood cinema: the reconstruction of national identity in Spain. (University of California Press, 1993).

72. Kinder M. Refiguring Spain: cinema, media, representation. (Duke University Press, 1997).

73. Lázaro-Reboll A. & Willis A. Spanish popular cinema. Inside popular film, (Manchester University Press, 2004).



5AASB068: After Franco: Films and Texts of the Transition | King's College London

74. Pereira O. in Novelistas femeninas de la postguerra española Studia humanitatis, 155–170 (Porrúa Turanzas, 1983).

75. Seguin J.-C. & Manuel Revuelta J. Historia del cine español. Colección Flash, (Acento Editorial, 1995).

76. Smith P. J. Desire unlimited: The cinema of Pedro Almodóvar. Critical studies in Latin American and Iberian cultures, (Verso, 2000).

77. Stone R. Spanish cinema. Inside film, (Pearson Education, 2001).

78. Triana-Toribio N. Spanish national cinema. National cinemas, (Routledge, 2003).

79. Torres A. M. Diccionario Espasa cine español. (Espasa, 1999).

80. Vidal N. El cine de Pedro Almodóvar. Destinolibro, (Destino, 1990).


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