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Father Mother

Daughter 1 Chantakhrad

Daughter 2

The God of Sun

The God of Moon

Once upon a time, there was a poor family in a small village. There was a father, a mother, and two sons, named Suriyakhrad and Chantakhrad. One day, their parents went to the forest to find wild things.

When they went back home, they knew the food had been eaten by their sons. Both of them were very angry; they drove two sons out of the house.

While they were wandering in the forest, they met a cobra and a mongoose that were fighting fiercely. They did not know that they were the God of Sun and the God of Moon. suddenly, he died.

The mongoose bit the magic herbs and blew them on the body of the cobra. Suddenly, the cobra resurrected. When two brothers saw it, they secretly kept the magic herbs and continued to travel.

On the way, they met a crow's dead body. Both of them decided to use the magic herbs to resurrected the crow. The crow became conscious and was sentenced to be a slave.

After that, the two brothers met the dead bodies of fish, chickens, elephants, monitor lizards, and frogs. So they gave them the magic herbs for all animals when it's revived, and they asked for them to be all slaves.

Many days ago, two brothers arrived in the city. The rich each other man's daughter, they fell in love with two brothers. They got married and lived together.

One day, two brothers wanted to return home. Before they left the house, they told their wives, "Do not take the magic herbs to dry on the full moon day." Because it will make the God of Sun and the God of Moon come down to take the herbs back.

At night of the full moon day, the God of Sun and the God of Moon tempted to broke a taboo. So the God of Sun and the God of Moon took the magic herbs back.

When two brothers came home and knew that the magic herbs had been taken, they went out to find them.

Long after, they met the God of Sun and the God of Moon, and so a fierce battle erupted. They continued to fight to get the herbs back. Until day after day had passed and they were still fighting non-stop. And until now, we still do not know the result, win or lose.

Moral of the story: One good turn deserves another.


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