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Have you ever witnessed a flower bloom? How it reveals its magnificence over time and when it’s in full bloom, you just can not stop staring in awe. After that, its own pollen plays a significant role in the ecosystem. A small plant still does its part to take care of the world it lives in. That's why it is best to nurture the plant rather than to take it home to keep.

God's Revelation to mankind is like a blooming flower, perfectly magnificent and sincere. However, the Lord can not only be associated with a blooming flower but is the flower, as He also reveals Himself through the created world. The Divine Revelation was for us to easily understand who the Lord is and what His plan was. We get to understand the meaning of life and what it takes to reach full joy with our Creator. The Lord then revealed Himself, most notably through His Son, Jesus Christ, who became flesh and taught us how to live out the proper Christian life while He took the punishment for our sins when He was crucified at the cross. As God offers a friendship with us, we are to be committed to the Lord's goodwill. However, there is a significant distinction between God and a flower as God's gift does not wither. His forgiveness and love are boundless. Humanity's faith in God, on the other hand, can be represented as a wilting flower. Faith is the belief in God. With faith, we are delivered from sin; we grow in strength and wisdom; and we develop the ability to motivate others. It becomes the food of the soul and mind. Yet sadly, faith can also be lost. A flower will begin to wilt when it is dehydrated, gets too much sunlight, or once it has been plucked from its own stem. Humans tend to lose faith when they believe God has abandoned them, when they cannot comprehend the mystery of God, or when they are influenced by others. But like a wilting flower, it can be revived again. Their own faith can be revived once more because living a life without faith, in God or even in yourself, would be full of doubt and misery. The Lord never abandoned anyone. Our lives do not consist solely of happy moments. As we mature, we will experience difficulty and suffering, but never forget that He is constantly at our side, prepared to lead and support us. Our God is a loving God, and just like flowers, they both symbolize love.



THE STRENGTH OF BELIEVING When I was a child, I was told to believe in God and trust him with all my heart and soul. Truthfully I thought it was a bit silly, believing in something that I couldn’t see and had no knowledge of. But my mother sat me down and said “Well, you can’t see Santa or the tooth fairy but you believe in them right?”. And she did make a point. If I could believe that a plump old man with a beard as fluffy as the clouds, rode a flying sleigh led by magic reindeer, and went down a chimney to give me presents once a year, then I could believe in God. However, I started to lose hope. When I reached my early teen years I struggled a lot mentally and had issues with my family. I lost interest in the things I liked, I lost my friends, and I just remember asking myself if God was real. I wondered that if there really is a God, why hasn’t he helped me? Why did he leave me here to suffer? As I grew older, I soon came to realize that God never left me alone. As said in proverbs 3:4-5, I realized that God won’t give me what I want, but he would guide me and protect me through the journey. With his guidance I was able to start believing in myself and in Him. With his strength I was able to find new friends who I wouldn’t trade for anything else in the world. I’m able to be more vulnerable and open instead of keeping everything to myself in fear of abandonment. By more opening my heart to Him, and by being able to share my innermost thoughts with Him I gain another friend, one that I know would never betray me.





IN CONTROL [VERSE 1] Overwhelming pain, believing there’s no hope Steps into the dark, leaving you here alone Tears come falling down, no one here to hold Then I realize, I was running away [PRE-CHORUS 1] Hiding from you but then you still came along Take me again and let me be by your side God, Oh I love, help me be strong So that I can live through [CHORUS] This one life with you, you’re my guide To this world full of anxiety and doubt, I’ll be fine You hold my hand and whisper “Everything’s okay” You never betray [VERSE 2] Drowning in the storm, feel like letting go Trapped inside this thoughts, I can’t seem to move on Then you hugged me tight, wiped my tears away I can see the light just with you by my side [PRE-CHORUS 2] Now I believe, there is no pain I could hide From you, I see the love and care that I want Wherever I go, help me be strong So that I can live through [CHORUS] This one life with you, you’re my guide To this world full of anxiety and doubt, I’ll be fine You hold my hand and whisper “Everything’s okay” You never betray

Lyrics by: Angelika Badiola Tune: Why don't you stay by Jeff Sature


When put in a difficult position, most of us would ask God, “Why me, Lord?” or “Why did You allow this to happen?”. It becomes hard for us to trust Him because we find ourselves drowning in our problems as if no one could rescue us. We would doubt His presence, His love, and His goodness because we think He doesn’t care for us nor see us going through this overwhelming breakdown. However, we must realize that God did not intend these bad things to happen. He created the world with perfection and beauty. But because of our sins, the world we now live in became scarred and broken. It became a world full of anxiety and doubt. It is painful and frustrating to experience the consequences of our fallen world, but we must keep in our minds and hearts that this is not God’s doing. We must trust Him wholeheartedly because He has a plan to fix and heal it all.

The purpose of the song I wrote was to let people understand that no matter what trials and tribulations we experience in life, God will never leave us. Even though we run from Him at hard times, He continues to seek for us and be with us. It is His way of letting us know He is present and will help us. Let us use our troubles to lead us closer to Him than ever. No matter how we feel, we must constantly remind ourselves that God is "in control". We may think that we are running around in circles, leading us nowhere despite every effort. But we must remember that God has been, is, and will be sovereign over our lives and world. The biblical scripture relates to the song because my reflection on it is that I’ve become more aware of His presence in my life. Sometimes, I tend to underestimate the power of His love because I feel like he doesn’t show up when I’m on the verge of breaking down. But I realized it was me who was not present. He was and will always be ready to lend a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, and a heart to listen to our problems. It is our choice whether we choose to walk alone or allow God to give us the strength we need to continue to cross over our difficulties in life. In this passage, He encourages us to trust Him in His plan for us. When we invite Him in, we will feel His presence more significantly. We’re going to be more aware that we’re not alone. And when we feel like drowning in the storm, we’ll stay in faith because we know God is right there with us. God will control the ranging storm and swelling sea.



THE SHINE OF HOPE At a loss for words, In the early morning, I hear the chirps of the birds. I feel so burned out. That is without a doubt When an idea suddenly struck my mind, Motivation, hope, and faith alongside The passion is starting to fire up once again I just wish this would never end. My surroundings have lit an illuminating glow, It seems like I am witnessing a miraculous show.

Suddenly, friends and family are around. New hope and chance were found.

I'm mesmerized by the view in front of me. It felt like I was free. From the dullness and sorrow I feel like I will have a bright tomorrow. Remember, He will always give us a sign. It could be through His words or just a simple shine. Reach out to people when feeling dismayed. He will hear us and through our faith, and give us more hope today.

Whenever we feel burnt and stressed out, we should remember to rest and not overwork ourselves, as He is here guiding and telling us what is the best for us as long as we trust in Him. Being unable to socialize and being stuck facing our screens for the past 2 years has greatly took a major hit in our physical and mental health, but we should remember to not give up on ourselves, the people around us, and most especially on God. God gives us His signs through many ways however we don’t notice it because it may sometimes be as subtle as the sunshine after it rains. Our friends and family are right beside us, we should not be afraid to reach out to them and vice versa. Jesus treated the people around Him with tenderness and care as a way to give hope and salvation for us, people. We should take His example and live a life of hope and faith, not just for others but for us as well. We should strengthen our faith in God because through Him, we solidify our connection with our self, Him, and the people around us. Our faith in ourselves is a root from our faith in God.



LOVE OF GOD God listens every time you speak, God guides you find when you seek. God gives you peace, when chaos comes your way, God is the light, God is the night, God is the day.

God grants you sight to see find grace, God shines his light, upon your face. God gives relief from stress and strain, God is faith, God is hope, God will remain.

God knows your name, don't be afraid. God talks to you when you kneel down to pray. God raise you up each time yo u fall, God crowns you, God crowns me, God crowns us all. God guides you home, he has a plan,

He'll fill your heart, he'll hold your hand. God sends you angels from above, God is great, God is good, God is love.



THE NEEDED HELP Times will come wherein we get to reflect on what is coming or happening to us. A person may come into our life that will suddenly change our system. Realization butts in once we see a significant improvement that transpired. Now, take a break and try to look at the situation you are in. Is there a person, an activity, or anything that helps you become at ease? Of course. There will always be. You may not see it now, but as the journey keeps going, He will be felt. Before my faith in God strengthened, there were instances where I doubted Him. I asked myself questions like, "Do prayers really work?" My mind was confused until I realized I had reached the point where I had no trust in Him. However, it was I who was wrong. Things I asked for were wants and not needs. God will give it to us if He knows that we need it. An example we can all relate to is a cellphone. Most children will please their parents to buy a brand-new cellphone even if the current one can still provide the necessities. Most requests will not be granted since God knows when the right time is. I also got to experience rejection of the things I wanted, but it helped me accept reality. This was my turning point to understand and recognize Him more.

Attached above is a photo I took in our province. My family was able to enjoy the moments we had while playing with the water. When I was young, I used to swim until I got exhausted. But here, I sat on the sand and took time to appreciate how calm the sea was, how beautiful the sky was, and how attractive the trees were. All of these were created by God. I never knew looking at nature was a need as it was a waste of time--my mindset when I was a kid. Because of that reflection, motivation to contribute more to the community and Mother Earth increased. One day, I woke up feeling happy about something I did not know. Perhaps, I rose to the right side of the bed. Getting ready for the day, I opened my phone to check the notifications. I did it! My scholarship was approved. Even though my parents were able to pay for my tuition, I knew God gave me the help I needed. He assisted me in paying back my parents. Thanking Him for the blessing was the first step. Then, I let my family know about the good news He did. Looking at the present, we are still facing COVID-19. Try relating it to yourself. Did you or one of your family members or relatives have experience catching the virus? What happened? See the bigger picture of the situation. Many survived, and many died. But both had reasons. First might be they are still in the process of accomplishing the mission God gave them. The second might be they had already achieved it. Even if we do not get to see what our loved ones who passed away are doing, we must know in our hearts and minds that He is helping them.



LEIGH AMBER ACOSTA Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? For me, I can relate to the judge, Deborah, who is also called a prophetess. I can relate with her because she makes decisions while sitting beneath a palm tree in the mountainous region of Ephraim. We both seek the guidance of God and make the right decision. We do this so that we can follow the right path made by God. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? I can respond to Christ’s three-fold mission as priest, prophet, and king by being a good role model to the people. I will remind them to pray, to worship God, and to do the right thing every single day. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? FF1 made me realize how our relationship with God started and how it will flourish as we accept Him more. We can detect His presence in everything, even in the air we breathe. My faith statement in committing myself to making God’s love known is "Have faith in Him, for He knows what is proper for you."

ARIANNE ALUDINO So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? The judge/king I can most relate with is King David. King David is known for slaying the giant Goliath with nothing but a sling and a stone, but also for his rule over Israel and Judah. King David was courageous and a great leader who was always devoted to God. He was able to acknowledge his mistakes and was humble enough to recognize his weaknesses and was able to turn to God for strength and guidance. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? Christ’s 3-fold mission as prophet, priest, and king. As a student I can respond to this by reminding people to pray and encouraging and following the word of God through my words and actions. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? FF1 reminded me that God is always here for us and has proven it time and time again. I have learned that we must remain faithful to God for he is someone we can always turn to no matter what situation we are in.



Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? David is the one who defeated goliath with a rock and a slingshot. When he first met goliath, he was not intimidated by his looks. But he had a secret ingredient of faith. He put all his faith in God, he had faith that he will give him the strength to defeat his enemy. David would then commit some horrible sins and lose his trust in God but then he would repent to God for forgiveness. I find this relatable because I remember doing sins but I am no longer blinded by the temptations of sins. Now I put all my faith to give me the strength to overcome the impossible as he did with David. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? Since I am only a student, I don’t have much time to preach and spread the word of God. But I can remind my family to pray before they sleep so that they are reminded to thank God for the blessing they have given to us. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? This PETA taught me an important lesson “always put your faith in god even at the hardest time because god will give you the energy and the strength to overcome the challenges in life that sound impossible”. Now remind my fellow Catholics of this statement so that they know that God is always with them and will never abandon them.

ANGELIKA BADIOLA Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Peter 5:7 Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? The life of King David with God inspires me the most to remain faithful to Him in everything I do with my life. King David was the second King and was regarded as the most successful King in Israel. He had outstanding qualities of leadership like being wise, brave, generous, and Godfearing. I can most relate to his story because it reminds me that no one is immune to adversities in life. It will find its way somehow to us and somehow we need to be brave to face it. Just like King David, he was not a perfect ruler but he owned up to his mistakes and accepted the consequences for his behavior. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? To uphold and embody Christ's 3-fold mission as a prophet, priest, and king, I would bear witness to the divine life along with my family by genuinely participating in the online Holy Community and praying the Holy Rosary. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? The most significant lesson I learned in FF1 is to never underestimate the presence of God. We all have been through a challenging year. A lot of silent battles. A lot of moments of uncertainty. We've had breakdowns, mornings with no sign of hope, and nights that didn't give us peace. This lesson deepened my faith in God as I now realize that He will always be there for us. Even though we doubt Him, He continues to seek for us and be with us.



Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? Among the judges/kings discussed, I feel like I can relate more to King David. He was viewed highly among the Israelites and was known to be the land’s most successful King. No matter how much he resisted temptation, in the end he still succumbed to it. For me, that action of David is very common in our times which makes it very relatable. However, David’s repentance inspires me as he knew that what he did was wrong which is commendable for a leader. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? As a student, learning more about God and sharing it with my family is one concrete way to respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission, specifically His prophetic mission. But as a daughter and cousin, I can help guide my younger cousins to what is right and wrong which can embody His kingly and priestly mission. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? FF1 has taught me that God is by our side no matter what happens. He is someone that is merciful and forgiving, which shows how much love He has towards us, His people. Whenever we pray to Him for the blessings we receive or when we ask for His guidance when we are faced with a difficulty, we acknowledge His presence.

PAUL JAYSON CABAHUG Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? King David is the judge/king we can relate to the most, in my opinion. He was revered by the Israelites and was regarded as the most prosperous King in the realm. No matter how hard he tried to resist, he ultimately gave in to temptation. Since David's action is so typical of today, I find it to be incredibly relevant. However, David's confession encourages me because he recognized the wrongness of what he did, which is admirable in a leader. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? Christ’s 3-fold mission includes his role as a prophet, king, and priest. I can help children understand the value of celebrating the Holy Eucharist every Sunday and on holy days of obligation by encouraging them to attend church while they are at school. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? I learned from FF1 that no matter what, God is with us. He is merciful and forgiving, which demonstrates how much He cares about us, His people. We acknowledge His presence whenever we thank Him for the blessings we experience or when we ask for His direction when we are having a hard time.


ANGELA CASTILLO I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith 2 Timothy 4:7 (NIV) Which among the judges/kings can you relate with? King David, the one who defeated Goliath, took over the leadership in Israel after King Saul died. David represents humanity's desire for reconciliation with God throughout the history of salvation between Adam and Christ in his roles as king, prophet, and shepherd. He loved what God loved. He was burdened by what burdened God. Living for God was David's top priority, but he didn't just talk about it; he actually lived out his faith. In most areas of his life, he made an effort to listen to and obey God. These are King David’s attributes which inspire me to remain faithful to God’s call. In what concrete way can you respond to Christ’s 3-fold mission? Christ’s three-fold mission consists of prophetic, kingly, and priestly mission. In school, I can encourage them to go to church and realize the importance of celebrating the Holy Eucharist every Sunday and during Holy days of obligation. What significant teaching/s in FF1 that helped you in your journey as you deepened your Faith in God? What would be your Faith Statement in committing yourself to make God’s love known? The transmission of divine revelation helped me in my journey as my Faith in God deepened since He “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4) that is, of Jesus Christ. God sent His only begotten son to save us. In our own simple ways, we can extend His love by responding to Christ’s three-fold mission.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ☆ ACOSTA, Leigh Amber - editor ☆ ALUDINO, Arianne Hope - leader, editor ☆ ARREOLA, Markus Manuel - editor ☆ BADIOLA, Angelika Sophia - editor ☆ BUEZA, Therese Eavan - editor ☆ CABAHUG, Paul Jayson - editor ☆ CASTILLO, Angela Nohrein - editor


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