5841 Lifestyles Appendices Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Family, friends and society 5841 Lifestyles Appendices Family, friends and society Ser el may

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Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Family, friends and society


Lifestyles Appendices Family, friends and society Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa

Page 1

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Family, friends and society

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa Transcript Yulian nos habla de sus dos familias Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina:

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Me llamo Carolina, ¿y tú? Me llamo Yulian. Y ¿de dónde eres? Soy colombiano. Y ¿qué estás haciendo aquí? Soy asistente de español. ¡Ay va, como yo! Mhm… ¿Tienes hermanos? Sí, es que tengo dos familias: la familia de mi padre y la familia de mi madre. Ellos son separados, entonces mi madre ha hecho su propia vida y tengo tres hermanos con mi madre y, con mi padre, pues también tengo otra familia que son otros dos hermanos. Sí, entonces… Y ¿eso es lo normal en Colombia? Pues no, no, porque son familias muy tradicionales. Es la tradición casarse por la Iglesia, y vivir toda la familia juntos, pero algunas familias eligen no casarse, viven juntos, y así tienen más libertad de separarse si así lo desean. ¡Ah! Y ¿eres el mayor de la familia? Sí. Soy el mayor de la familia. Sí. ¿Tiene ventajas? Bastantes, porque todo es para ti al principio, eres el mayor, eres el consentido, las mejores cosas son para ti, siempre vas adelante en todas las cosas, y tú tienes la responsabilidad, o tus padres, tienen la responsabilidad contigo, de hacer lo mejor por ti Entonces, ¿cuáles son las desventajas? ¿Desventajas? que como soy el mayor tengo que ser un ejemplo para mis hermanos, y también colaborar con su educación… colaborar con que todo marche bien con ellos, y…bueno, acompañarlos a todas partes…, ayudarles con estudios y con sus tareas. ¿Cuántos años tiene el más pequeño? El más pequeño tien… seis años, se llama Larry, es muy bello, sí, es bastante inquieto. Y luego pues tengo… hermanos que van hasta los veinticinco años, que es mi hermana, la mayor, sí. Estoy muy bien hablando contigo, pero creo que me tengo que marchar, ¿nos vemos luego? Bueno, ¡vale! ¡Adiós! ¡Vale! ¡O.K.!

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa

Page 2

Higher Still Spanish

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa Stage 1: Comprehension Yulian tells us about his two families. Listen to the tape up to three times and answer the following questions:


What does Yulian say when asked about brothers and sisters?


What is the tradition in Colombia regarding family life?


According to Yulian, what are the advantages of being the eldest in the family?


And the disadvantages?


Describe Yulian’s youngest brother.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


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Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa Stage 2: Language 1

Stopping the tape as often as necessary, find the Spanish for:

the same as me I am the eldest in the family in the beginning you are the spoiled one What are the disadvantages? I have to be an example


Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Again stopping the tape as many times as you may need, transcribe the section ‘¿Desventajas?……… con sus tareas’

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Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa 3


vivir toda la familia juntos viven juntos

In these cases, the masculine plural juntos is used referring to toda la familia and algunas familias. Although by strict grammatical rules this seems a little odd, in fact Yulian is using the adjective to refer to the members of the families.


el mayor de la familia Remember that following a superlative, the word ‘in’ is translated by de.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


El mejor jugador del mundo The best player in the world La canción más popular del año The year’s most popular song

Write five more examples of your own.

Show your work to your teacher.

Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa Stage 3: Writing Many only children would love to have brothers and sisters while others, from large families, yearn for the peace and quiet of living alone with their parents.

What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Write 150-180 words.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Show your work to your teacher.

Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa Answer Sheet

Stage 1 1

He has 2 families: that of his father and that of his mother. They are separated so that he has 3 brothers/sisters on his mother’s side and 2 more on the side of his father


To get married in Church and all live together, but some choose not to marry so that they have more freedom to separate.


Everything is for you at the beginning, you are spoiled, the best things are for you, you are always ‘in front’, your parents are responsible for doing what is best for you.


You have to be an example for your brothers/sisters, you have to help with their education, make sure everything is going well, go with them everywhere, help them with their studies and things they have to do.


He is six, his name is Larry, he is very handsome, and quite restless.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Ser el mayor de una familia numerosa Stage 2 como yo Soy el mayor de la familia al principio ¿Cuáles son las desventajas? Tengo que ser un ejemplo

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Family, friends and society

Lifestyles Family, friends and society

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras

Page 9

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Family, friends and society

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras Transcript Yulian nos habla de los problemas que tienen las madres solteras en su país. Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

¿De dónde eres? Soy de Colombia, Suramérica. ¡Oh! Y, ¿cómo están las cosas en Hispanoamérica? Bueno, eso depende del… del país, ¿no? En algunos países del sur: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay… está muy bien. Pero…en los países del norte, del norte de Suramérica como es mi país Colombia …eh… las cosas no van muy bien: Hay violencia …problemas de violencia …eh… pues tenemos el problema del narcotráfico que es un problema bastante serio, y bueno, dentro de la sociedad, hay otros tipos de problemas como es el caso de… las madres solteras, que hay muchas. ¡Ah! Y ¿conoces a muchas madres solteras en Colombia? Sí, bastantes, bastantes madres solteras… sobre todo chicas de bajos recursos. ¿Y jóvenes? Bastante jóvenes: dieciséis, diecisiete años. ¡Uf! ¿Y está mal visto? Bueno… al principio, hace algunos años era mal visto, pero… últimamente… eh… es algo normal, y ya… simplemente… la gente no, no le pone cuidado a esto. ¿Hay ayudas financieras para este tipo de problemas? Quiero decir, por parte del gobierno. Bueno, sí, eh… al principio eran cooperativas privadas, es decir, no tenían ayuda del gobierno sino que ellas mismas se organizaban, pero ahora sí hay campañas del gobierno para ayudar a estas mujeres y… dan ayuda económica… hay centros de atención a chicos, para que las madres puedan trabajar y pues hacerles la vida más fácil. Hay ayudas también en dinero, eso está bien. Es muy interesante. ¡Quizá otro día puedas seguir contándome otras cosas! Sí, ¡claro! Bueno, entonces nos vemos. Bueno.

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras

Page 10

Higher Still Spanish

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras Stage 1: Comprehension Yulian tells us about the problems surrounding single mothers in Colombia. Listen to the tape up to three times. Make notes about what Yulian says under the following headings:


The difference between the north and south of Spanish America


the problems existing in Colombia


the age and economic status of single mothers in Colombia


the way in which others view the situation of these mothers


the changes in the assistance available to them

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Check your answers

Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras Stage 2: Language 1

Stopping the tape as often as is necessary, write down the Spanish for: things are not too good especially a few years ago people don’t care about this perhaps


Again stopping the tape as often as is required transcribe the section

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


‘Bueno, sí, eh… eso está bien’

Check your answers



Compare the following: bastantes madres solteras bastante jóvenes In the first of these, the word bastante is being used as an adjective and therefore agrees with the noun madres. In the second, bastante is used in its more common way - as an adverb referring to an adjective. Remember also that bastante is commonly used on its own meaning ‘quite a lot’. Using these three possibilities as a basis, write three sentences demonstrating the uses of the word bastante.

Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras ii

no le pone cuidado a esto Once again, a word is here being used in a way which is less familiar to us. Normally we think of cuidado in the context of tener cuidado but there are, in fact, many useful phrases containing this word. Here are a few of them:dar cuidado estar con cuidado estar de cuidado enfermar de cuidado eso me tiene sin cuidado él es de cuidado poner mucho cuidado en algo los niños están al cuidado de su abuela

to cause concern to be anxious to be gravely ill to fall seriously ill I couldn’t care less he’s a man to be careful with to take great care over something the children are in the care of their grandmother

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Choose any three of these and write a sentence containing each one. iii

Quizá… puedas Remember that quizá(s) - perhaps- is followed by a subjunctive. Write three examples of this.

Show your work to your teacher

Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras Stage 3: Discussion and Writing In today’s society people are always ready to blame the government for everything and anything. Many do not accept responsibility for their actions yet expect the ‘nanny state’ to compensate them when things go wrong.

Do you agree? Or do you think that the government should accept responsibility when others will not or cannot, always bearing in mind that the money will ultimately come from the tax-payer?

Discuss these questions with your teacher and fellow students then write down your own views in 150-180 words.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Show your work to your teacher

Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras Answer Sheet

Stage 1 1

In some countries in the South, like Chile, Uruguay and Argentina, everything’s fine but in the north things are not very good.


violence drug-trafficking is a serious problem many single mothers


16,17 years old they have little money


In the beginning people disapproved but now it’s normal and people don’t care


In the beginning they had to rely on private co-operatives (ie they organised themselves) but now there are government campaigns to help them. They receive economic aid, there are care centres for the children, so that the mothers can work and their lives can be made easier. They also receive money.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish

Sociedad en Colombia: Madres Solteras Stage 2 las cosas no van muy bien sobre todo hace algunos años la gente no le pone cuidado a esto quizá

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Family, friends and society

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living: Health Issues

Lifestyles Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues ¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Page 17

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living: Health Issues

¿Cómo mantienes la línea? Listening Transcript Carolina:

Oye, Yulian, ¡qué delgado estás!


¿De verdad?


¿Cómo lo consigues?


No, soy así.


Ajá, ¿es tu naturaleza?


Mi naturaleza es así.


¿Y tú qué crees que debería hacer yo para mantener la línea?


Bueno, tengo una amiga que sí, se preocupa por mantener la línea, y entonces trata de comer no mucha grasa, bastantes vegetales y sobre todo hace bastante deporte. Entonces, todos los días, después de su trabajo, se va a un gimnasio y gasta una hora o dos horas haciendo deporte. Entonces, está, por un lado, quemando las energías, quemando esas grasitas que le pueden sobrar, y por otro lado, está, bueno, manteniéndose en forma, relajándose de su día de trabajo, y esto le ayuda. Porque creo que a parte de una buena dieta, es una buena salud, y si no estás haciendo bastante deporte y estás tratando de comer bastante te vas a enfermar, porque estás debalanceando tu dieta. Entonces, es mejor, según ella, hacer deporte y tener cierto cuidado con las comidas. Así es como logra mantenerse en forma.


Pues lo tendré que hacer, porque ya estoy empezando a coger kilos.



¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Page 18

Higher Still Spanish



Does Yulian make an effort to be slim?


What advice does Carolina ask for?


Write as much as you can about what Yulian’s friend does.


In what way does this help her keep slim?


According to Yulian, how does this help your health as well as your diet?


Does Carolina agree with him? Why?

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 1 Comprehension

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Higher Still Spanish


Stage 2 Language A Listen to the tape and write down the Spanish for the following expressions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

surplus I’m starting to put on weight. to stay slim. I’ll have to do it. She tries not to eat fatty foods. How do you manage it? I’m like that.

B Again, stopping the tape as often as required, transcribe the section: ‘porque creo que aparte de…en forma’

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Take care when transcribing the ‘b’ sound in English. Remember ‘ v’ in Spanish can sound like ‘b’.

Higher Still Spanish


Stage 2 Language contd. C Rules for Accents Accents are a perennial problem both for students of Spanish and Spanish people alike. There are simple rules to follow when deciding whether a word requires an accent or not. Remember! Accents in Spanish are usually for stress purposes but sometimes are used to differentiate between the meanings of words with the same spelling. a)

Words with the same spelling. mas – but más – more de – of dé – give! mi – my mí – me se – himself/herself/one sé – I know, Be! si – if sí – yes

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

How many more can you and your teacher come up with? Stress (i)

When a word ends in a vowel, ‘n’ or ‘s’ the stress naturally falls on the second last syllable. If you want the stress to fall on any other syllable, then you put in an accent, e.g. penúltimo.


Words ending in a consonant other than ‘n’ or ‘s’ are stressed on the last syllable and do not need an accent. e.g. arroz hacer tener principal (+ all verb infinitives)

pared reloj

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues



Higher Still Spanish


Stage 2 Language contd. Arrange the words in their appropriate columns: Column A

Column B

Those with accents

Those which do not require accents

Column C Those which have accents or not depending on their meaning (a) with

(b) without

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Put the accents in the correct place when you are putting words into Column A and Column C a): incluido lapiz tenedor hablo asociacion esta cafe

de termino estado continuo solo comiendo telefono

hacia te hablais donde este haciendolo hareis

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


tambien registrar bien devolver pulsera que cafeteria

Higher Still Spanish



no, he is naturally thin.


she asks him what she should do to keep slim


she tries not to eat fatty foods she eats plenty of vegetables and participates in lots of sport every day she goes to the gymn after work and spends one or two hours working out


she burns off energy/calories i.e. surplus body fat she keeps fit relaxing after a day’s work which also helps


if you’re not doing enough sport/exercise or not eating enough you could get sick due to an inbalance in your diet so it’s better to exercise/do sport and take a certain amount of care with your diet in order to keep fit


yes because she’s beginning to put on weight.

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 1 Comprehension Answers

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Higher Still Spanish


A 1.

que pueden sobrar


estoy empezando a coger kilos


mantener la línea


lo tendré que hacer


trata de no comer mucha grasa


¿cómo lo consigues?


soy así

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 2 Language Answers

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¿Cómo mantienes la línea?

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living: Health Issues

Lifestyles Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues ¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Page 25

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living: Health Issues

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!


iempre es interesante conocer gente ya que, hablando con las personas se aprenden cosas, te das cuenta de que hay otros puntos de vista, te enriqueces y creces. Esto es lo que me pasó hace algún tiempo cuando conocí a Luis. Luis es un chico normal de dieciocho años, que ha comenzado su carrera, y que quiere ser abogado. Le encanta el deporte y salir de juerga con sus amigos, y siempre está sonriendo. La peculiaridad de Luis es que es epiléptico, y, aunque tiene la enfermedad controlada, debe cuidarse para no tener ataques. Lo único que tiene que hacer para cuidarse es no tomar ni alcohol ni drogas. Cuando me dijo que no podía consumir alcohol, me quedé extrañadísima. Pensé: ¿cómo puede una persona joven salir a los pubs y a las discotecas y no beber ni una gota de alcohol, (¡ni siquiera una cerveza.!…, ¡con lo rico que está…!)? El me explicó que el alcohol no es necesario para nada. El tiene

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

una vida normal, y cuando sale, se divierte tanto como sus amigos (que de vez en cuando se emborrachan). Puede aguantar toda la noche bailando, hablando y pasándoselo bien tan sólo a base de coca cola. Además, nunca ha sufrido una resaca, ni un dolor de cabeza, y está mucho más saludable que los otros. Aparte de esto, sin querer, influencia a la gente alrededor ya que, con su ejemplo demuestra que no hace falta beber para desinhibirse, para reir a carcajadas, o para bailar hasta que sale el sol. Está demostrado que, desde que Luis tuvo su último ataque epiléptico, sus amigos beben mucho menos, y que sus padres tan sólo toman un vaso de vino con la comida los fines de semana. Así que, ¡no hay mal que por bien no venga!, y gracias a la epilepsia de Luis, muchos (incluida yo), hemos aprendido algo más sobre la vida.

Page 26

Higher Still Spanish



What does the writer find interesting about getting to know people?


What general details does the writer give about Luis?


What illness does he have and how does this affect his life?


What was the writer’s reaction on hearing this for the first time?


How did Luis explain his enjoyment?


What are the advantages for him of not drinking alcohol?


What effects has this had on: a)

his family?


his friends?

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 1 Comprehension

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Higher Still Spanish


Stage 2 Language A Find the Spanish for: 1. to roar with laughter 2. I was really surprised 3. not even a beer 4. some time ago 5. he can last the whole night 6. he has to take care 7. not even a drop of 8. despite the fact that it is so tasty B Translate the following two sections of the text into idiomatic English: a) ‘Aparte de esto…sale el sol’ b) ‘Así que, ¡no hay mal…sobre la vida’

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Pay particular attention to the following points: Section 1 (i) sin querer – literally ‘without wanting to’. This is not a satisfactory translation. N.B. querer decir algo ‘to mean something’ e.g. ¿Qué quiere decir? – What does it mean? This should help you with your translation. demuestra comes from the radical-changing verb demostrar. Demostrar demuestro demuestras demuestra demostramos demostráis demuestran N.B. When you look up a verb that is radical changing in ‘ue’ or ‘ie’ you will not find it with a root change in the infinitive. Always be aware that there could be a root change in verbs!

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues



Higher Still Spanish



Note how para is used three times in the sentence. Do you have to repeat ‘in order to’ on every occasion?

Section 2 (i)

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga! This is a proverb (refrán) in Spanish which has an equivalent in English. Obviously you will not be able to translate this literally. Discuss the meaning with your teacher and try to come up with an equivalent in English.


‘incluida yo’ Word order?

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 2 Language contd.

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Higher Still Spanish


Stage 2 Language contd. C Radical Changing Verbs in the Present Tense There are three different types of Radical Changing Verbs. In this unit we are going to deal with one particular group in the present tense. –o in the stem of the infinitive ➔ –ue in Persons 1, 2, 3 & 6 of the Present Tense volver To return vuelvo vuelves vuelve volvemos volvéis vuelven

encontrar To find encuentro encuentras encuentra encontramos encontráis encuentran

rogar To ask ruegas ruega ruega rogamos rogáis ruegan

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

–u in the stem of the infinitive ➔ –ue in Persons 1, 2, 3 & 6 of the Present Tense jugar To return juego juegas juega jugamos jugáis juegan There are many more verbs in the following group: –e in the stem of the infinitive ➔ –ie in Persons 1, 2, 3 & 6 of the Present Tense pensar To think pienso, etc.

empezar To start empiezo, etc.

sentarse To sit down me siento, etc.

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


All these verbs have regular present participles. You and your teacher may wish to look further at other radical changing verbs which have changes: a) in the present participle b) in the third person singular and plural forms of the Preterite. Firstly, complete the above tables or write them into your grammar notebooks, adding in any verbs which you find fall into the same categories. Then make up at least six sentences using these verbs and show them to your teacher.

Higher Still Spanish


¿Qué opinas? ¿Tú crees que es necesario tomar alcohol o drogas para pasarlo bien? Discuss this with other members of your class, using vocabulary in the text to help you.

Stage 4 Writing a)

Write an essay of 150–180 words outlining the advantages/ disadvantages of young people having a few drinks when they go out on a ‘night out’.


The problems alcohol (or alcoholism) can cause within the context of family life.

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 3 Discussion

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Higher Still Spanish


‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ Stage 1 Comprehension Answers 1. you learn things through talking to people you realise that there are other points of view it enriches you and helps you grow/mature 2.

he is eighteen he has started his degree and wants to be a lawyer he loves sport going out for a few drinks with his friends he is always smiling


he has epilepsy which is well-controlled but he has to be careful to avoid having attacks all he has to do is to avoid taking alcohol and drugs.


she was really surprised that he couldn’t take alcohol she wondered how a young person could go out to pubs and discos and not take a drop of alcohol.


he doesn’t think alcohol is necessary he has a normal life and enjoys himself as much as his friends he can dance, talk and have a great time all night drinking only coca cola.


he has never had a hangover or a headache and is much healthier that the others Apart from this, without meaning to he influences people around him that it’s not necessary to drink (in order to) feel uninhibited, to roar with laughter or to dance until dawn.



his parents only have a glass of wine with their meals at the weekend. his friends drink much less.

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues



Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Higher Still Spanish


Answers A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

to roar with laughter reír a carcajadas I was really surprised me quedé extrañadísima not even a beer ni siquiera una cerveza some time ago hace algún tiempo he can last the whole night puede aguantar toda la noche he has to take care debe cuidarse not even a drop of ni una gota de despite the fact that it is so tasty con lo rico que está

Leisure & Healthy Living: Health Issues


Stage 2 Language

Higher Still Spanish: Lifestyles

¡No hay mal que por bien no venga!

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living

Lifestyles Leisure and Healthy Living

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro

Page 34

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro

Transcript Carolina habla con Yulian de sus pasatiempos, sobre todo el teatro

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

¡Hombre Yulian! ¿Qué haces tú aquí? ¡Estás en todas partes! Bueno, es que me enteré que había un grupo de teatro y, bueno, me interesa mucho esto, así que decidí venir. ¡Me alegro mucho! ¿Has hecho teatro antes, en Colombia? Sí, he hecho teatro por varios años , es decir, todo mi tiempo libre… casi lo he dedicado al teatro, así que si no estaba estudiando, estaba en mi grupo de teatro, y… bueno… que estoy aquí y quiero hacer lo mismo. ¿Eres actor o te dedicas a la escenografía… a la música… a luces? Bueno, cuando empecé estábamos haciendo talleres… algo de actuación… y también colaboraba con la parte técnica… con las luces. Luego… sí, solamente me dediqué a actuar. Y, bueno, he actuado en varias obras casi todo el tiempo. ¿Cuál ha sido tu obra preferida? Bueno, hicimos una obra que se llamaba Cristóbal Colón. Ahí no actué, era el técnico de luces pero es la obra que más me ha encantado, ¡fascinante! Y… a parte del teatro, ¿qué más te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? A ver: me gusta leer mucho, leo bastante, también escucho la música, música clásica, el Jazz y algunas veces música romántica, y… otras veces llamo a mis amigos por teléfono, o simplemente me voy a caminar, a ver las tiendas, los supermercados, a pasar el tiempo. Bueno, más o menos, los españoles y los colombianos compartimos cosas en el tiempo libre. Nos gustan las mismas cosas, quiero decir. Imagino. Bueno, tenemos que ensayar, ¿vamos? Claro, vamos.

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro

Page 35

Higher Still Spanish

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro Stage 1: Comprehension Yulian is telling Carolina about his free time, in particular his interest in the theatre. Listen to the tape no more than three times and take notes about what he says under the following headings:


His involvement in the theatre in Colombia


How this involvement began and developed


His favourite play and his rôle in it?


His other favourite pastimes?

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Check your answers.

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro Stage 2: Language 1

Stopping the tape as often as is necessary, find the Spanish for:

You’re everywhere I’m very interested in this I’m really pleased What else do you like to do in your free time? Let’s see! We like the same things


Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Again stopping the tape as many times as is necessary, transcribe the following section: ‘A ver………… a pasar el tiempo’

Now check your answers

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro 3

Sí, he hecho teatro por varios años This phrase obviously means ‘I’ve been involved in the theatre for several years’ but this is not the construction which you would normally be expected to use. Compare the following: Hace varios años que hago teatro Hago teatro desde hace varios años The present tense is used here to convey the idea that the action which has been going on for several years is still continuing.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Use your grammar book or notes to find further examples of this and then write five of your own.

Show your work to your teacher


In this text there are various words and phrases whose meaning may not be as obvious as you might think. Check the definitions of the following: varios me dediqué a me ha encantado imagino


Note the little expression used by Carolina: Los españoles y los colombianos compartimos cosas What would be an equivalent colloquial phrase in English?

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Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro Stage 3: Writing Write 150-180 words about how you like to spend your free time. You should base your piece on the following guidelines:


What it is you like to do and how long you have been involved in this activity


How it is organised - club, team, with friends or just on your own


How much time you devote to your favourite pastime


The benefits you derive from your involvement


Any other activities you like to do

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Show your work to your teacher

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro Answer Sheet

Stage 1 1

He has been involved for several years and has devoted almost all his free time to it. When not studying, he is involved with the theatre group.


When he started they were doing workshops relating to acting. He was also involved with the technical side, with the lights. Then he turned to acting all the time.


His favourite play was called ‘Christopher Columbus’ and he was in charge of the lights.


He likes to read; to listen to music - classical, jazz, romantic; he likes phoning his friends; going for a walk; looking at the shops, supermarkets

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Actividad de tiempo libre: teatro Stage 2 ¡Estás en todas partes! Me interesa mucho esto ¡Me alegro mucho! ¿Qué más te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? A ver… Nos gustan las mismas cosas

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living

Lifestyles Leisure and Healthy Living

Convivir con una hermana

Convivir con una hermana

Page 42

Higher Still Spanish Higher Language Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living

Conviver con una hermana

Transcript Carolina nos habla de su hermana pequeña Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina:

Yulian: Carolina:

Yulian: Carolina:

Yulian: Carolina:

Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

¡Oye! me suena tu cara, ¿tú no tienes una hermana gemela? No, me parece que te has equivocado. Es que estuve en una fiesta y… vi a una chica muy parecida a ti… Es posible que sea mi hermana pequeña, pero… soy cuatro años mayor que ella. Y ¿cómo se llama? Laura Y ¿qué tal te llevas con ella? Pues… me llevo como todos los hermanos. La quiero mucho y creo que ella también me quiere a mí, pero… ya sabes, las típicas discusiones sobre la ropa… quién pone la mesa… quién lava los platos… eh, todas esas cosas que suelen pasar en una familia… Si la música de este grupo es buena, si no lo es. Casi siempre estamos discutiendo sobre tonterías de ese tipo. Bueno y… ¿qué carácter tiene ella? Ella es muy simpática y muy agradable. Cuando salimos juntas nos lo pasamos muy bien porque la gente quiere estar con ella y conmigo. Sin embargo tiene sus peculiaridades: a veces es muy pija, ¿sabes lo que significa? No Pues… muy exquisita a la hora de escoger su ropa… habla muy fino… mhm… todo ese tipo de cosas. Y yo sin embargo, soy un poco más desastre, no me cuido tanto: no me maquillo tanto… no salgo tan puesta… ¿me entiendes? Claro. Y… ¿tú piensas que ella es la consentida de la familia? ¡Claro que sí! Ella es la pequeña. Mis padres siempre han sentido una debilidad especial, precisamente por eso, por ser la pequeña, y los abuelos… los tíos… es… la graciosilla de la casa. ¡Ah! ¡Interesante! Bueno, me tengo que ir. ¡Vale! Luego seguimos. Nos vemos otro día. Bueno, adiós.

Convivir con una hermana

Page 43

Higher Still Spanish

Convivir con una hermana Stage 1: Comprehension Carolina tells us about her little sister. Listen to the tape no more than three times and answer these questions.


Why does Yulian think that Carolina has a twin sister?


What is the age difference between Carolina and her sister?


What things provoke arguments between Carolina and her sister?


How does Carolina describe her sister’s nature?


How does she define the word ‘pija’?


How does Carolina compare with her sister?


Why does Carolina think that her sister is spoiled?

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Check your answers

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Convivir con una hermana Stage 2: Language 1

Stopping the tape as often as is necessary, find the Spanish for:

your face is familiar How do you get on with her? silly things like that Do you know what that means? Of course (she is!) I have to go


Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Again stopping the tape as is necessary, teanscribe the section ‘Pues… de ese tipo’

Now check your answers

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Convivir con una hermana 3

la graciosilla de la casa The adjective graciosa can mean various things - funy, witty, graceful, pleasing, elegant - and more than one of these would be suitable here. The -illa ending is one of a series of diminutives in Spanish, many of them implying feelings of affection.

flor pobre mujer animal farol mentira

florecita pobrecito mujercita animalito farolillo mentirilla

little flower poor little thing little woman little animal little lantern little white lie

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Try to find five more examples like these.

Show your work to your teacher


Note the expression Me tengo que ir When tener que is used with a reflexive verb it is possible to place the reflexive pronoun either at the end of the infinitive or before the part of tener being used.

Write five sentences using various reflexive verbs

Show your work to your teacher

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Convivir con una hermana Stage 3: Speaking Work with a partner. You are members of the same family who cannot agree on anything. Choose a subject (a TV programme, a book, a person, etc) and construct a conversation. Remember that you do not have the same opinions on anything!

Stage 4: Writing

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Do you have, or would you like to have, a younger brother or sister? What are, or would be, the good and bad points of this?

Write 150-180 words.

Show your work to your teacher.

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Convivir con una hermana Answer Sheet

Stage 1 1

He was at a party and saw a girl who looks very like her


Carolina is four years older


clothes who’s setting the table who’s washing the dishes whether such and such a group is good


very nice very pleasant


She’s very choosy when it comes to picking clothes, she speaks very correctly


She’s more of a disaster She doesn’t look after herself as well She doesn’t wear as much make-up She doesn’t dress as well when going out


She’s the youngest. Their parents have always had a soft spot for her because of that as have their grandparents, uncles and aunts.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Convivir con una hermana Stage 2 Me suena tu cara ¿Qué tal te llevas con ella? tonterías de ese tipo ¿Sabes lo que significa? ¡Claro que sí! Me tengo que ir

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish Higher wLanguage Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living

Lifestyles Leisure and Healthy Living

Mantenerse en forma

Mantenerse en forma

Page 50

Higher Still Spanish Higher wLanguage Pack: Lifestyles: Leisure and Healthy Living

Mantenerse en forma Transcript Yulian habla con Carolina de sus esfuerzos para mantenerse en forma Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina:

Yulian: Carolina: Yulian: Carolina:

Yulian: Carolina: Yulian:

Hola, ¿qué haces aquí? Bueno pues… intento mantenerme en forma: hago aerobic y… a veces hago pesas. Supongo que lo mismo que tú. Claro. Y, ¿qué más haces para mantenerte en forma? Intento seguir una dieta equilibrada, a parte de eso, no bebo, pero sí fumo… ¿qué le vamos a hacer? Y, qué dieta es ésa? ¿La dieta? Bueno, le llaman dieta meditérranea. En realidad, no es un régimen sino sencillamente una forma sana de comer, quiero decir: como tres veces al día… no pico entre horas… intento equilibrar las medidas de carne, pescado y verduras ...no como mucho frito… mmm, ya sabes, ese tipo de cosas,pero sobre todo, usar aceite de oliva, ¡es muy saludable! Bueno, eso está muy bien pero… me has dicho que fumas… Ya… no me gustaría, lo que pasa es que… bueno, empecé joven y ya sabes: Es difícil dejarlo. ¡Es un vicio! Me imagino. Y la gente en España, ¿bebe mucho? Pues…, no tanto como en Escocia. Yo creo que en España la gente no bebe para emborracharse: bebe, y si se emborracha, ¡mala suerte! Sencillamente quieren pasarlo bien. ¡No creo que beban tanto! Bueno, eso está muy bien, bueno… seguimos haciendo ejercicios, ¿no? Sí, sí, que nos está esperando el entrenador. Bueno, vamos…

Mantenerse en forma

Page 51

Higher Still Spanish

Mantenerse en forma Stage 1: Comprehension Carolina tells us about her efforts to keep fit. Listen to the tape up to three times and answer these questions.


What two activities does Carolina first mention?


What else does she say she does to keep fit and what goes against her efforts?


What exactly is Carolina’s ‘Mediterranean diet’?


What does she say about her one bad habit?


What does Carolina say about drinking in Spain?

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Check your answers.

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Mantenerse en forma Stage 2: Language 1

Stopping the tape as often as is necessary, find the Spanish for: sometimes a balanced diet simply in between times it’s very healthy not as much as bad luck


Again stopping the tape as often as you need, transcribe the section:

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


‘La dieta?… ¡es muy saludable!’

Check your answers

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Mantenerse en forma 3


Note the difference between the words dieta and régimen. We would probably translate the second of these as ‘slimming diet’.


intento mantenerme intento seguir The verb intentar - to try - is followed directly by an infinitive. The word ‘try’, in the sense of ‘to try out, to test’, would be rendered by probar, ensayar or poner a prueba.

Write three sentences to demonstrate the use of these verbs.


Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Note the expression me imagino - I can imagine. Spanish is full of phrases like this and you should make use of them whenever possible.

Show your work to your teacher.

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Mantenerse en forma Stage 3: Writing In this conversation, which take place in a gym, Yulian and Carolina extol the virtues of a healthy lifestyle. Do you take good care of your health or do you take it for granted? What kind of diet, if any, do you follow? Do you think that these are things you don’t need to worry about until you’re older? Do you think that the Scots, particularly those of your age, drink, smoke and eat too much rubbish or are your generation more aware of the dangers of such a lifestyle?

Write your views in 150-180 words.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Show your work to your teacher

Leisure and Healthy Living

Higher Still Spanish

Mantenerse en forma Answer Sheet 1

Aerobics weight-training


She has a balanced diet She doesn’t drink She smokes


She eats 3 meals a day She doesn’t snack between times She tries to balance her consumption of meat, fish and vegetables She doesn’t eat much fried food She uses olive oil, it’s very healthy


She started smoking when she was young and it’s a difficult vice to get rid of.


In Spain people don’t drink as much as in Scotland. They don’t drink to get drunk, they just want to have a good time. If they get drunk, that’s just bad luck.

Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles


Leisure and Healthy Living

Mantenerse en forma Stage 2 a veces una dieta equilibrada sencillamente entre horas es muy saludable no tanto como


Higher Still spanish: Lifestyles

Higher Still Spanish

mala suerte

Leisure and Healthy Living

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