CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 02.12.2015 (Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible

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CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 02.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Tuesday, 31 May 2016 17:00-19:00 CALACS Board of Directors Meeting Social Sciences 623

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 9:00-10:00

CAH and CALACS Welcoming Reception

10:00-10:30 Welcoming Remarks Chair: Hendrik Kraay, Chair, CALACS Program Committee Richard Sigurdson, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary Pablo Policzer, Director, Latin American Research Centre Elizabeth Montes-Garcés, President, Canadian Association of Hispanists Julián Durazo Herrmann, President, Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Introductions of Conference Staff Announcements 10:30-12:00 Keynote Address I: Latin American Studies in the Crossroads of Globalization Sara Castro-Klaren, Johns Hopkins University 12:00-13:00

Lunch Break Student Lunch Organizer: Julia Calvert, Carleton University

CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 18: Student Roundtable I: Tips for Writing a Successful Thesis Organizer: Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University Chair: Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan Paper 409: Michael Kirkpatrick, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Winner, 2014 CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Award Paper 410: Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Simon Fraser University; Winner, 2015 John Bullen Prize for Outstanding Dissertation Award Paper 411: Simon Granovsky-Larsen, University of Regina; Winner, 2015 CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Award Paper 412: Rosario Gomes, University of Guelph; Chair, 2016, CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 30: The Politics of Artisans and Entrepreneurs Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Denise Brown, University of Calgary Paper 076: The Brazilian Experience in the Use by Traditional Populations of Geographic Indications for the Protection of Handicraft Carla Arouca Belas, Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional Paper 091: Indigenous Peasants on the Beach Tamar Diana Wilson, University of Missouri – St Louis Paper 156: Las artesanías y el arte popular mexicano como resultado de distintos patrones culturales Georgina Arredondo Ayala, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 37: New Forms of Democratic Participation Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Mariana H. Ramos, University of Calgary Paper 018: Colombia: un Estado pluriétnico versus desigualdad social Yennesit Palacios Valencia, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana de Medellín Paper 020: #LosMurosSíCaen: Wikipolítica y los públicos participativos en México Salvador Leetoy, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara Paper 087: Participatory-Democratic Leadership and Movement Strength: A Gramscian Study of MOCASE-Vía Campesina, Argentina Efe Can Gurcan, Simon Fraser University Paper 142: A sociedade plural e a liberdade de expressão: enfrentando o problema do discurso de ódio Clarissa Gross, Universidade de São Paulo

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 13: Engineering Modernization and Development in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Latin America Organizer: Amelia Kiddle, University of Calgary Chair and Commentator: Shawn England, Mount Royal University Paper 350: ¡Por su mexicanización! Workers, Cárdenas and the Fight for the National Electric Industry, 1930s-1960 Diana Montano, Washington University in St. Louis Paper 351: Learning to Fly: Aeronautics Expertise and Training in Mexico, 1928-1945 Peter Soland, University of Arizona Paper 352: ¿Una comunidad en construcción? Política, ciencia, nacionalismos y transnacionalización: ingenieros petroleros sudamericanos y sus organizaciones, 1940’s – 1950’s Cecilia Zuleta, El Colegio de México Paper 353: The Technologies of the Desagüe: Land Conflict, Negotiation, and Social Change in the Valley of Mexico, 1890-1900 James Garza, University of Nebraska


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 07: Hispanismo cuir, lecturas interseccionales de diversas producciones culturales: cine y literatura Organizer: David García, University of Ottawa Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 323: Hibridismo cultural y masculinidades gay: una lectura queer decolonial de Contracorriente (2009) de Javier Fuentes-León David García, University of Ottawa Paper 324: Caribe cuir: reflexiones en torno a la obra de Norge Espinosa Mendoza Luciano Martínez, Swarthmore College Paper 325: “¿Qué sabes tú de las especies de mi casa?” Un análisis queer/cuir del sujeto intersexual en el filme XXY de Lucia Puenzo Javier García, University of Ottawa

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 14:45-16:15 Panel 08: Hybrid Forms of Media Art and Activism across the Americas I Organizer: Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Simon Fraser University Chair and Commentator: Odile Cisneros, University of Alberta Paper 326: Political Filmmaking and Activism in 1970s Mexico: Rosa Martha Fernández, Cooperativa de Cine Marginal and Colectivo Cine Mujer Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Simon Fraser University Paper 327: Theatre and Women without Vaginas: Staging Trans Recognition and Intelligibility in Contemporary Mexico Oralia Gómez-Ramírez, University of British Columbia Paper 328: Aging, Art, and Activism in the Cinema of Marta Rodriguez, Lourdes Portillo, and Alanis Obomsawin Sarah Shamash, University of British Columbia Paper 329: Towards a Critical Understanding of Collective Performance María Cristina Breilh Ayora, University of British Columbia


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 14:45-16:15 Panel 01: Space, Place, and Experience in Nineteenth-Century Latin America Organizer: Robert Scott, University of Arizona Chair and Commentator: Jim Handy, University of Saskatechewan Paper 301: The Traffic in Antiquity and Contemporaneity: Maximón and the Commodification of Crime in Nineteenth-Century Santiago Atitlán Robert Scott, University of Arizona Paper 302: El Q’eq: Constructing Territory and Discipline on Coffee Plantations in NineteenthCentury Alta Verapaz, Guatemala Julie Gibbings, University of Manitoba Paper 303: Of Markets and Meats: Hunting and Indigenous Identity on the Fringes of Fin-deSiècle Mexico City Stephen Neufeld, California State University – Fullerton Paper 304: Creating a Spectacle: Luis Mazzantini and the Consumption of Culture in Guatemala City, 1905 Michael Kirkpatrick, Memorial University of Newfoundland Wednesday, 1 June 2016 14:45-16:15 Panel 40: Crisis and Change in Democratic Institutions Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Julián Durazo Herrmann, Université du Québec à Montréal Paper 071: Electoral Competition and Government Responsiveness under Term Limits: Accountability through Parties in Mexico Alejandro García Magos, University of Toronto Paper 176: What Can a Presidential Impeachment Tell Us about Delegative Democracy? The Rise and Fall of Fernando Collor in Brazil Mariana Hipólito Ramos Mota, University of Calgary Paper 184: Democracy in Haiti Ricardo Vernet, University of Calgary Paper 022: Haiti’s Democratic Trajectory: Some Reflections on State-Society Relations in the Rural Hinterland Yasmine Shamsie, Wilfrid Laurier University


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 14:45-16:15 Panel 51: Contemporary Indigenous Issues Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Roberta Rice, University of Calgary Paper 175: ¿Es lo ‘Pluri’ en el ‘Estado Plurinacional’ una equivocación o una herramienta de administración? Cristina Rojas, Carleton University Paper 190: Los arreglos institucionales, la gubermentalización del Ecuador y la vigencia de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en el Ecuador Juan Diego Izquierdo Merino, FLACSO Ecuador Paper 064: Tacit Hybridity of Indigenous Medical Practices Hugo De Burgos, University of British Columbia Paper 115: Juventud indígena migrante: entre la memoria, fronteras y su identidad. Experiencias de un pueblo migrante, San Nicolás, Tenango Karina Aidé Arriaga Chiapa, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Wednesday, 1 June 2016 14:45-16:15 Panel 24: Public Health in Latin America Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: John McLennan, University of Calgary Paper 007: Its Spirit is Strong: Shawi Spirits, Healers and Diarrhea in the Amazon Rebecca Wolff, Social Innovator Paper 095: Prácticas de crianza de los padres de familia con hijos de 0 a 3 años 11 meses que participan en Educación Inicial CONAFE Yamilett Herrera, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo Paper 126: Negotiating Temporary Labour Migrants’ Health Rights: The Policies Designed for Gnöve Panamanian Indigenous in Costa Rica Mauricio López-Ruiz, Universidad de Costa Rica Paper 180: Psychoeducational Intervention Focusing on Feeding Practices and the Weight Status of Mother-Child Dyads Mariana Valdez, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 16:30-18:00 Panel 20: Hybrid Forms of Media Art and Activism across the Americas II Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Gabriela Aceves Sepulveda, Simon Fraser University Paper 023: From Brazil to Canada: The Geographic Other in the Hollywood Blockbuster The Incredible Hulk Vanessa Nunes, University of Manitoba Paper 161: Chocó (2012): la violación del cuerpo-tierra Liliana Castaneda, University of British Columbia Paper 330: Cultural Illusions: The Hybrid Elitism Carlos Colín, University of British Columbia Paper 178: Multiculturalidad y ciudadanías: manifestaciones del imaginario y la memoria en identidades diversas Maritza Gomez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Ciudad de México Wednesday, 1 June 2016 16:30-18:00 Panel 02: Cold War Latin America: Narratives of Transnationalism Organizer: Jessica Stites Mor, University of British Columbia Chair and Commentator: Vanni Pettinà, El Colegio de México Paper 305: Cold War Latin America and the Evolution of South-South Solidarity Jessica Stites Mor, University of British Columbia Paper 306: Trans Latin American Revolutionary Solidarity with the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party in the 1950s and beyond Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology Paper 307: Back Out Into the Cold: The Missing Argentine Cold War Narratives David Sheinin, Trent University Paper 308: Culture, Power, and the State in Cold War Latin America: The Congress for Cultural Freedom in Argentina, Mexico, and Chile, 1950 Jorge Nallim, University of Manitoba


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 16:30-18:00 Panel 44: Pushing the Boundaries: Contestation, Security, and the Media Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Pablo Policzer, University of Calgary Paper 021: Constructing (In)Security: Media Representation of Civil Society Voices In Argentina and Chile Michelle Bonner, University of Victoria Paper 054: Sphères publiques, médias et politique subnationale au Brésil Julián Durazo Herrmann, Université du Québec à Montréal Paper 063: As manifestações artísticas no Brasil da ditadura militar: substrato de um processo de transformação simbólico Ana Maria Simão Saldanha, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo Paper 075: A Web of Conspiracy Theories: Nisman’s Death and Argentine Politics Leopoldo Rodriguez, Portland State University Wednesday, 1 June 2016 16:30-18:00 Panel 11: Resiliencia y prospectiva estratégica en comunidades rurales amazónicas Organizer: Ruth Irene Arias-Gutiérrez, Universidad Estatal Amazónica Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 340: Comunidades rurales amazónicas en fronteras internas Ruth Irene Arias-Gutiérrez, Universidad Estatal Amazónica Paper 341: Amazonia, alimentación saludable y comunidades rurales Manuel Lázaro Pérez-Quintana, Universidad Estatal Amazónica Paper 342: Monitoreo del territorio, comunicación y manejo de la biodiversidad amazónica Andrés Tapia, Organización Juvenil Comuna Amazónica Paper 343: Comunicación para una acción de preservación de la naturaleza en la Amazonia ecuatoriana Alejandra Tapia, Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales Paper 344: Organizaciones indígenas amazónicas ecuatorianas y ejercicios de derechos colectivos Franco Tulio Viteri Gualinga, Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia ecuatoriana


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016 16:30-18:00 Panel 31: The Experience of Latin American Immigrants in/to Canada I Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Sophie Lavoie, University of New Brunswick Paper 002: Shifting Latin American Realities in Canada Naomi Calnitsky, Carleton University Paper 028: Arte latinoamericano en Montreal y propaganda migratoria canadiense: estereotipos y disonancias Alexandre Beaudoin Duquette, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Paper 046: Potential Politico-Economy Factors that May Explain Mexican Immigration to Canada Alejandro Hernandez, Carleton University Paper 155: Poéticas del posible encuentro en la literatura migrante hispano-canadiense Luis A. Torres, University of Calgary


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 28: Environmental Justice and Biodiversity Protection Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 031: Poder, identidad y conservación de la biodiversidad en la Reserva de Montes Azules, Chiapas, México Leticia Durand, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Paper 085: El Ejido: un modelo híbrido de propiedad en México Juan Humberto Urquiza García, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Paper 107: Miradas locales híbridas en torno al monte en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul, México Alba Valdez-Tah, Investigadora independiente Paper 169: Transnational Social Resilience in Chiapas: El Madresal Case Ana Vila Freyer, Universidad de Guanajuato

Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 38: Trade, Migration, and Their Consequences in the Atlantic world Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Patricia Harms, Brandon University Paper 173: John Freeman, the Slave Ship Bella Miquelina and the Atlantic World at the Middle of the Nineteenth Century Dale Graden, University of Idaho Paper 036: The Cod Connection: Brazil and Canada in the 19th Century Rosana Barbosa, Saint Mary's University Paper 003: Migratory Influx between São Paulo and Buenos Aires: Displacements, Nationalities and Motivations (1890 – 1930) André Lanza, PROLAM - Universidade de São Paulo


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 34: Urban Dynamics in a Changing World Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 086: Espacios híbridos urbano-rurales en la frontera Leticia-Tabatinga, región Amazónica Nohora Inés Carvajal, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Paper 171: The “Urban Fabric” and the Production of the Common: Processes of Extended Urbanization in the Bolivian Amazon Börries Erek Nehe, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Paper 104: Mensagens pela (e pela) cidade: a humanização de Brasília via intervenções visuais Ursula Betina Diesel, UniCEUB Paper 118: Municipal Policies Targeting at-risk Neighborhoods: A Case Study of Mexico City and Toronto Lucy Luccisano, Wilfrid Laurier University Laura Macdonald, Carleton University Paula Maurutto, University of Toronto

Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 21: Hybridity and Religion in Latin America Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 019: Espiritualidad, tecnología y política: Tecnochamanismo distópico en Synco (2008) de Jorge Baradit Gabriel Saldias, University of British Columbia Paper 029: Condors and Eagles in the land of the Quetzal: Transnationalism, Nationalism and Indigenous Spiritualties in Guatemala James MacKenzie, University of Lethbridge Paper 113: La religión maya del centro de Quintana Roo en el Siglo XXI Rosely Pat Medina, El Colegio de San Luis A. C. Paper 174: Religious Meta-hybridity in Umbanda Steven Engler, Mount Royal University


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 32: Caribbean Issues: Voting, Care, Identity, and Education Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 024: Keep the Jerk Sause and Send Us the Ballot: Exploring the Question of Diaspora Voting Rights in Jamaica Christopher Graham, University of Massachusetts Paper 070: Transnational Implications of Care: An Exploration of the Care-Migration Interface in Dominican Republic and Haiti Masaya Llavaneras Blanco, Wilfrid Laurier University/Balisillie School of International Affairs Paper 170: La complexité Caraibéenne, comme espace identitaire de la diaspora Africaine en Amérique Vogly Nahum Pongnon, Universidade de Brasília Paper 182: Historique des valeurs culturelles qui marquent le système scolaire haïtien et sa gestion Wilfrid Azarre, Université Laval

Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 54: Labor, Resistance, and Violence in Mexico Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 010: Discriminación laboral hacia los indígenas migrantes en las ciudades del sureste mexicano Jorge Enrique Horbath Corredor, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Paper 191: De la solidaridad, la identidad y el agravio, a la acción colectiva: el movimiento de los jornaleros del Valle de San Quintin Elena Jaloma Cruz, FLACSO, Mexico Paper 121: Neoliberalism and the Political Economy of Disappearances in Mexico Hepzibah Muñoz Martínez, University of New Brunswick Paper 143: Percepciones de la discriminación hacia los indígenas urbanos en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México María Amalia Gracia, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 26: Resource Governance and Politics Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Stephen Randall, University of Calgary Paper 057: A Nationalization Forced upon Us: The Ignored History of Oil Nationalism in the 1970s in Ecuador Antulio Rosales, University of Waterloo/Balsillie School of International Affairs Paper 103: Política pública, mecanismos de participación ciudadana e inclusión del conocimiento tradicional en los procesos de extracción petrolera Alicia Milena Torres, Universidad de Lasalle Paper 157: Sitios sagrados del pueblo Embera y producción del espacio en el Atrato Medio – Colombia Pablo Daniel Barrios Giraldo, Universidad de Antioquia and Organización Indígena de Antioquia Paper 164: The Hydrocarbon Sector’s Performance and the Latin American Left Jeanne Liendo, University of Calgary Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 14: Exporting Water-Powered Development in Twentieth-Century Mexico Organizer: Amelia Kiddle, University of Calgary Chair and Commentator: Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Fundación para la Democracia Paper 354: The Presa México: The Comisión de Irrigación Nacional in Bolivia Amelia Kiddle, University of Calgary Paper 355: Transplanting ‘el Tenesí’: A History of Comparisons between the U.S. South and Southern Mexico Tore Olsson, University of Tennessee – Knoxville Paper 356: Experts or Novices? Hydraulic Development, Displacement, and State Power in the Papaloapan, Mexico Diana Schwartz, University of Chicago Paper 357: The "Plan Chavez" in Matamoros Tamaulipas (1934-1950): an Alternative to Big Dam Development in the Mexico-US Borderlands Casey Walsh, University of California – Santa Barbara


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 12: A Legacy for Whom? Mega-Sporting Events, City-staging, and Urban Inequalities in Brazil Organizer: Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University Chair and Commentator: Rosana Barbosa, Saint Mary's University Paper 346: Looking up to Mount Olympus: Mega-events, Waste and the Shock of Order in Rio de Janeiro Lucia Cantero, University of San Francisco Paper 347: Flurries of Affect: Performance, Labour and Event-led Urbanism Amanda De Lisio, University of Toronto Paper 348: “A gente também levou uns gols”: City-Staging, Urban Inequalities, and the Problem of ‘Sex Tourism’ during the 2014 World Cup Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University Paper 122: Grandes projetos urbanos, parcerias público-privadas e usos corporativos do território da área central de São Paulo Eduardo Augusto Wellendorf Sombini, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 33: Indigeneity and Post-Neoliberal Multiculturalism Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 102: Transversalización del enfoque basado en derechos humanos como promotor del multiculturalismo y la interculturalidad en México Janeth Hernández Flores, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Paper 108: Dinámicas de acumulación y procesos de aculturización en territorios indígenas centroamericanos Lenin Mondol, Universidad Estatal a Distancia Paper 167: Encuentros entre dos visiones para la construcción de "otro mundo posible": comunalidad y teoría crítica Carlos Francisco Baca Feldman, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Paper 055: Científicos e indígenas: acciones colectivas en torno al maíz transgénico en México Edit Antal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 27: Migration within Latin America Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 011: Immigration Policy in Chile Elizabeth Pando, University of Calgary Paper 032: Espacio y movilidad en las fronteras de Chile y Bolivia. Rutas y economías para espacios transnacionales Alejandro Garcés, Universidad Católica del Norte - Chile Paper 068: Migrant Women in Southern Mexico: Survival on the Border Adrienne Wiebe, Mennonite Central Committee Paper 136: Os serviços e as mudanças no atendimento aos refugiados na cidade de São Paulo Gustavo Simões, Universidade de Brasília Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 52: South America going Global: The Complex Challenges of Development post-2016 Organizer: Ernesto Vivares, FLACSO Ecuador Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 362: Conflict and Development Issues in the Reconfiguration of the South: From Latin America to the Global South Ernesto Vivares, FLACSO Ecuador Paper 363: The Impact of China-South American Relations: Beyond Bilateral Economic Relations into Differential Political of Development Steen Fryba Christensen, Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier, Aalborg University, Denmark Paper 364: The Challenge of Conflicts and Security: Organized Crime and Drugs in South America Daniel Pontón, FLACSO Ecuador Tomas Guayasamin, FLACSO Ecuador Paper 365: The Political Economy of Media and Power Transformation in South America Cheryl Martens, University of Bournemouth, University of Americas, Ecuador Paper 366: Transnational and Regional Reconfigurations in the Global South. The Case of Africa Timothy Shaw, University of Massachusetts


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 12:15-13:45 CALACS Annual General Meeting Chair: Julián Durazo Herrmann, Université du Québec à Montréal

Thursday, 2 June 2016 14:00-15:30 Panel 29: Latin American Migration to the United States Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 065: The Drawn Out Identity of Forced Displacement Catherine Hamel, University of Calgary Paper 005: How Can Oregon’s Immigrants Be Engaged Better Politically, Economically and Socially in their Communities? Anabel Lopez Salinas, Portland State University Paper 038: Cartas de mexicanos indocumentados en Estados Unidos: La experiencia afectiva de las voces diaspóricas Carolina Navarrete, University of British Columbia Paper 041: Hombres migrantes de Tabasco, México: sus motivaciones y sus destinos Josefina Barojas Sanchez, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco Julia Gabriela Eraña López, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

Thursday, 2 June 2016 14:00-15:30 Panel 16: Student Roundtable II: Getting Your Writing Published Organizer: Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University Chair: Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University Paper 400: Jessica Stites-Mor, University of British Columbia; Editor, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Paper 401: Liisa North, CERLAC, York University Paper 403: Brian Scrivener, University of Calgary; Director, University of Calgary Press Paper 402: Hendrik Kraay, University of Calgary; Series Editor, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Calgary Press


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 14:00-15:30 Panel 49: Indigenous History Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 359: Indigenous (Native) Production and Commerce in Nueva Galicia in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Laura Rueda Rubalcaba, Universidad de Guadalajara Paper 132: The Case against Linguistic Imperialism: The Politics of Language in the Guaraní Missions Mark Farine, University of Ottawa Paper 151: Guarana and the Indigenous Question in Brazil Seth Garfield, University of Texas

Thursday, 2 June 2016 14:00-15:30 Panel 04: Cárdenas y el cardenismo fuera del poder: efectos y consecuencias en México (1940-1970) Organizer: Marcela Mijares, El Colegio de México Chair and Commentator: Amelia Kiddle, University of Calgary Paper 314: La ex presidencia de Lázaro Cárdenas: Una nueva propuesta de análisis del sistema político mexicano Marcela Mijares, El Colegio de México Paper 315: El vigilante de la Revolución. Cárdenas en la sucesión de 1958 Rogelio Hernández, El Colegio de México Paper 316: Contrapunteo a Cárdenas: la política exterior de México entre desarrollo y Guerra Fría, 1958-1964 Vanni Pettinà, El Colegio de México Paper 317: Las consecuencias de la política ferroviaria cardenista en la década de los cuarenta Arturo Valencia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Thursday, 2 June 2016 14:00-15:30 Panel 06: Renewable Energy and Politics Organizer: Jeffrey Zavala, York University Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 321: Revolution of the Petro-State: Environmental Justice and Oil Sand Development in Trinidad and Tobago Jeffrey Zavala, York University Paper 322: Renewable Energy, a Way to Engage Communities in the Global South Nancy Ghuman, York University Paper 043: Entre divinidades y mercancías: Los vientos en la cosmovisión huave frente a los megaproyectos de generación de energía eólica Paola Garcia, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia Paper 160: Palm Oil and Global Green Politics: Linkages Between Global Environmentalism and Fissures of Conflict in Colombia Andrew Geistlinger, University of British Columbia

Thursday, 2 June 2016 15:45-17:15 Keynote Address II Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Fundación para la Democracia 17:15-19:30 Reception Welcoming Remarks Presentation of CALACS Prizes Graduate Essay Prize Dissertation Award Distinguished Fellow Award


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 22: Memory, Post-Memory, and Identity in Latin America Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Rita Henderson, University of Calgary Paper 127: ONGs e institucionalización de las prácticas colectivas de memoria en Medellín (Colombia) 1977-2014 David Barrios Giraldo, University of Calgary Paper 133: Reparação simbólica de graves violações aos direitos humanos no Brasil: o que houve de concreto em âmbito federal? Elson Henrique Pereira de Sousa, Universidade de Brasília Paper 138: Fiction as Documentary and Documentary as Fiction: Hyperrealism as Postmemory in Pablo Larrain’s “No” (2011) Barbara Fraser-Valencia, University of British Columbia Paper 140: On Political Forgiveness, Collective Responsibility, and Re-membrance: insights from the Uruguayan “Ceremony of Forgiveness.” Fiorella Rabuffetti, University of Ottawa Friday, 3 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 15: Race, Nation, and State in the Twentieth Century Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: David Sheinin, Trent University Paper 183: Hybridization as Adaptation: The Jewish Argentine Approach Krista Seguin, University of Guelph Paper 093: Representing Race, Gender and Nation in Chile, 1910-1929 Carolyn E. Watson, CERLAC, York University Paper 117: A “Multi-Ethnic Melting Pot” Against the Master Race: Contradictions of Racial Integration of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force Francisco Cesar Ferraz, Universidade Estadual de Londrina Paper 358: Militarized Airpower in Mexico: The Early Years Shawn England, Mount Royal University


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 17: Student Roundtable III: Navigating the Academic Job Market in Shifting Economic Times Organizer: Marie-Eve Carrier Moisan, Carleton University Chair: Jorge Nallim, University of Manitoba Paper 404: Hepzibah Muñoz Martinez, University of New Brunswick Paper 405: Amelia Kiddle, Calgary University Paper 406: Julián Durazo Herrmann, Université du Québec à Montréal Paper 407: Mauricio López-Ruiz, Universidad de Costa Rica Paper 408: Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University

Friday, 3 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 09: Extractive Industries and Organized Violence in Central America, Mexico, and Colombia Organizer: Simon Granovsky-Larsen, University of Regina Co-Sponsored with the Society for Socialist Studies Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 331: Extracted by Force: Violent Norms in the Implementation of Mining Projects in Guatemala Simon Granovsky-Larsen, University of Regina Caren Weisbart, York University Paper 333: Violence, the Commodification of Women and the Destruction of Childhood in a Paramilitary-dominated Society Jasmin Hristov, McMaster University Paper 334: Land Seizure, Dispossession, and Canadian Mega-Projects in Honduras Tyler Shipley, York University Paper 335: The Alliance for Prosperity and the Promotion of Extractive Industries under the Paradigm of the War on Drugs Dawn Paley, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 8:45-10:15 Panel 50: The Experience of Caribbean and Latin American Immigrants in/to Canada II Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Maureen Wilson, University of Calgary Paper 056: De la migración a la hibridación, la experiencia homosexual y transgénero entre México y Canadá Ana Alejandra Duque Mata, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Paper 114: Panoptic Power and the New Plantation Economy: Jamaican Migrant Workers in the Okanagan Valley Elise Hjalmarson, University of British Columbia Paper 014: Mental Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence: A Study among Latin American Women in Toronto Paula Godoy-Ruiz, University of Toronto Friday, 3 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 47: Migration TBA


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 36: Racial Dynamics in Brazil, the Caribbean, and Canada Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 033: The Mulata Complex Stephen Cruikshank, University of Alberta Paper 061: Identidade, cosmogonia e territorialidade negra no Brasil Fábio Nunes, Universidade do Estado da Bahia Paper 006: Possessed: A Genealogy of Black Women, Hauntology and Art as Survival Anique Jordan, York University Paper 116: “More than Just (Doll) Play”: Doll Play and Identity Politics in the Everyday Lives of Black Girls in Toronto Janet Seow, York University

Friday, 3 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 45: Neo-Liberal Extraction, Development, and Resistance Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 025: L’ALENA et la sous-primarisation de l’économie mexicaine Nicolas Foucras, Universidad TEC de Monterrey Paper 048: Crisis estructural y problemas de desarrollo en Chiapas Jorge Alberto López Arévalo, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas Paper 101: The Impact of the Institutionalization of Interests on the Privatization of Drinking Water Services in Latin America: Case Studies of Bolivia, Chile and Argentina Florence Larocque, Columbia University Paper 129: Desarrollo Rural con Enfoque Territorial (DRET): Expresión de diez años de modelo neoliberal en la cordillera nariñense, Nariño Juan Camilo Quesada Torres, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Paper 144: An Understanding of Canadian Mining FDI in Mexico (1996-2015) Pablo Heidrich, Carleton University Sean Cornelissen, Carleton University


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 03: Re-Imagining Community and Civil Society in Latin America and the Caribbean Organizer: Roberta Rice, University of Calgary Chair and Commentator: Gordana Yovanovich, University of Guelph Paper 309: Intercultural Democracy and Civil Society Participation in the New, Decolonized Bolivia Roberta Rice, University of Calgary Paper 310: Reshaping Community through Learning: The Process of Concientización among the Solentiname Peasants in Nicaragua Mery Perez, University of Guelph Paper 311: Conceptualizing Transnational Civil Society in Guatemala Candace Johnson, University of Guelph Paper 312: Radical Participatory Democracy Institutions in Venezuela and Ecuador: Strengthening Civil Society or Mechanisms of Cooptation? Pascal Lupien, University of Guelph Friday, 3 June 2016 10:30-12:00 Panel 43: After Independence: War, Culture, and Trade Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Dale Graden, University of Idaho Paper 062: Spreading the Lights and Consolidating the System: Books and Printing in Bogota, 1810-1840 Rogelio Vélez Mendoza, University of Calgary Paper 001: Repression of Entrudo in the Brazilian Provinces Hendrik Kraay, University of Calgary Paper 073: Entre lo público y lo privado. México en una época de guerras, 1824-1852 Gabriel Martínez, El Colegio de México Paper 361: Nationalist Insurgency during the U.S. Invasion of Mexico Malcom Bruce Colcleugh, Tulane University Friday, 3 June 2017 12:00-1:00

Lunch Break


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 35: Education, Development, and Discrimination in Mexico and Brazil Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 084: Discriminação sexual no ambiente escolar Rose Cristiani Franco Seco Liston, SEMED Dourados-MS Paper 134: Fomento às Ciências Sociais: o espaço das perspectivas interdisciplinares e multidisciplinares nas agências de fomento no Brasil Arquimedes Belo Paiva, Universidade de Brasília Paper 141: Beyond Access: Fostering Leadership Opportunities for Indigenous Women in Higher Education Jack Corbett, Portland State University Nydia Mata Sánchez, Universidad Tecnológica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca Mandy Elder, Portland State University Paper 027: Implications of Post-Racial Ideology, Black Political Struggle, and Racial Literacy for Brazilian Anti-Racist Education Policy Alexandre Da Costa, University of Alberta

Friday, 3 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 42: New Frontiers in Latin American Diplomacy Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Jessica Stites Mor, University of British Columbia Paper 051: A relação entre o global e o local na implementação de um programa internacional Marcia Guedes Vieira, UniCEUB Paper 077: Moral Authority: Latin American Policymakers in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Andrew Ivey, University of California, Riverside Paper 092: The Inter-American Human Rights Court’s Approach to Reparations: a Colombian Case-Inspired Reflection on the Nature, Origins and Implications of Recent Tendencies Geneviève Lessard, University of Ottawa Paper 128: Exploring Cuba’s Cultural Diplomacy in the 1990s: The Case of Mexico Ana Ruiz Aguirre, Queen's University at Kingston


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 39: Rethinking Security Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 004: Feminist Human Security: Women’s (In) Security and Smuggling on Ecuador's Borders Claudia Donoso, University of British Columbia Paper 042: La cooperación descentralizada para la construcción de paz en un eventual posconflicto en Colombia. El caso de Calgary Denisse Grandas, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano Paper 099: Rethinking Collective Violence from a Public Health Perspective: Insights from the U.S.–Mexico Border Fernando Chinchilla, Universidad de Monterrey Paper 125: Emergence and Conflict: The Carabineros vs. the Mapuche in Chile Pablo Policzer, University of Calgary

Friday, 3 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 10: Becoming Hybrid: Fluid Bodies, Generating Spaces, and Emerging Voices in Latin(o) American Arts and Literature Organizer: Joshua Deckman, The Pennsylvania State University Chair and Commentator: Elizabeth Montes Garcés, University of Calgary Paper 336: Affective Migrations: Re-Thinking Haitian/Dominican National Space in Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones Joshua Deckman, The Pennsylvania State University Paper 338: Aquí y allá, ellos y nosotros: La geografía, sus habitantes y la construcción de la frontera Veronica Charbonnet, The Pennsylvania State University Paper 339: A Law of Impurity: Toward a Hybrid Reading of Gioconda Belli’s Waslala Kirsten DeJarlais, The Pennsylvania State University Paper 088: Jorge Volpi's No será la tierra – The Fate of Cosmopolitanism in the Neoliberal World Order Annik Bilodeau, Université d'Ottawa


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2016 13:00-14:30 Panel 48: Distinguished Fellow Panel Organizer: CALACS Friday, 3 June 201 13:00-14:30 Panel 53: Twentieth-Century Cultural Politics Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Jorge Nallim, University of Manitoba Paper 030: Lifting the Curtain on the Cultural Influences of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties Miriam Villanueva, Texas Christian University Paper 059: La invención del “Coca-Colo”. Modelos culturales norteamericanos y las elites bogotanas en la década de 1950 Alberto G. Flórez-Malagón, University of Ottawa Paper 181: Disney’s Success in Latin America: A Case of Translation? Odile Cisneros, University of Alberta Paper 060: Guerreiro Ramos, S. D. Clark and the Search for a 'National Sociology' in Brazil and Canada Alexandre Ramos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2015 14:45-16:15 Panel 25: Women: Revolution, Politics, Identity, and Empowerment Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Luis Torres, University of Calgary Paper 066: Gabriela Mistral, una maestra en la escritura Liliana Weinberg, CIALC, UNAM Paper 106: With Strings Attached? Female Empowerment and Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America and Africa Susan Jane Spronk, University of Ottawa Paper 120: Gendering the Guatemalan Revolution: Ladinas and the Second Revolution, 19441954 Patricia Harms, Brandon University Paper 150: Carmen Aguirre frente a su pasado: Testimonio de una (latino)canadiense revolucionaria Sophie M. Lavoie, University of New Brunswick

Friday, 3 June 2015 14:45-16:15 Panel 41: Music, Dance, and Nation in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 337: Re-theorizing Modern Dance: Asserting Black Bodies and Black Dance Traditions in Modern Dance in 1940s Cuba Fernando Fonseca Pacheco, The Pennsylvania State University Paper 360: Musical Modernism and beyond in México Roberto Barnard Baca, Universidad de Guadalajara Paper 130: Reimagining Vernacular Music in 21st Century Panama: A Case of (Un)mistaken Identity Sean Bellaviti, Ryerson University


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2015 14:45-16:15 Panel 23: Language in the Americas Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 135: Traduzindo descontinuidades: o portunhol em trânsito Wilson Alves-Bezerra, Universidade Federal de São Carlos Paper 137: Prescription and Teaching Action: The Route between the Prescribed Activity and the Real Activity in English Teaching Karolinne Couto, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho Paper 152: ClicaBrasil: Teaching Portuguese Language and Culture Vivian Flanzer, University of Texas Paper 158: Urban Linguistic Ecologies: The Case of Spanish in the United States Rosario Gomez, University of Guelph

Friday, 3 June 2015 14:45-16:15 Panel 05: Diversidad, identidad e inclusión en el proceso de emancipación e integración de América Latina Organizer: Antonio Garcia, Independent scholar Chair and Commentator: TBA Paper 318: Diversidad, identidad e inclusión en el proceso de emancipación e integración de América Latina Antonio Garcia, Independent scholar Paper 319: Diversity and Inclusion of the Revolutionary War in South America Maria Paez Victor, Independent scholar Paper 320: Identidad e integración en América Latina Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein, Independent scholar


CALACS / ACELC / ACELAC 2016 Program / Programme / Programa, 01.12.2015

(Preliminary Draft, Subject to Change without Notice / Brouillon, susceptible de changement sans avis préalable / Versão inicial, sujeito a alterações sem aviso prévio / Borrador, sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso)

Friday, 3 June 2015 14:45-16:15 Panel 46: Economic Development and Sovereignty Organizer: Program Committee Chair and Commentator: Pablo Heidrich, Carleton University Paper 082: El dilema del desarrollo dependiente en el Siglo XXI. El caso de las industrias de exportación intensivas en recursos naturales Alberto Gago, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina Paper 097: Access to Land, Markets, and Services with Respect to Food Sovereignty Liisa North, CERLAC, York University Natalia Landívar García, FIAN – Ecuador Paper 139: Taxes and State-building: Guatemala: Intersectional Inequality Paola Ortiz Loaiza, University of Ottawa Paper 145: The Evolution of Bilateral Investment Treaties and State Sovereignty in South America Julia Calvert, Carleton University Friday, 3 June 2016 16:30-18:30 CALACS Board of Directors Meeting Social Sciences 623


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