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9,00 N$

SEIT 1916


WHO-Jubiläum Investieren Am 7. April, dem Weltgesundheitstag, feierte die WHO, unter dem Motto „Gesundheit für alle“ ihr 75-jähriges Bestehen. Seite 2

Das NIPDB gab bekannt, dass Namibia wegen unklarer NEEEF- und LandPolitik nicht als optimales Investitionsland gilt. Seite 3

ISSN 1560-9421

Gute Ausbeute Alex Miller und Monique du Plessis punkteten gleich doppelt beim nationalen Mountainbike-Wettbewerb in Swakopmund. Seite 5


Seite n Inhal t

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Das Wetter Windhoek .................14o| 31o Walvis Bay.................12o| 23o Weitere Werte und Vorhersage Seite 2

BILDUNGSPROJEKT DER ACDT WIRD FORTGESETZT Der African Child Development Trust (ACDT) ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz in Namibia, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Kindern und Lehrern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihr Potenzial durch qualitativ hochwertige Bildungsprogramme und -materialien voll auszuschöpfen. Der Kinder-Trust freut sich, die Wiederaufnahme seines Bildungsprojekts für 2023 ankündigen zu können. Wöchentlich werden in den Zeitungen Namibian Sun und Republikein im Straßenverkauf kostenlose Arbeitsbücher für fünf- bis sechsjährige Kinder aus Vorschul- und Kindergarten-Zentren erhältlich sein. ,,Wir sind sehr dankbar für unsere Partner und Sponsoren, die es uns im letzten Jahr ermöglicht haben, die Bildung der namibischen Kinder zu fördern. Wir danken Namibia Media Holdings, dem Ministerium für Bildung, Kunst und Kultur, der Capricorn Foundation, der First National Bank und unserem neuesten Partner, Powerline Africa, für ihre großzügigen Spenden und ihr kontinuierliches Engagement für das Projekt.” Weitere Information über das ACDT und das Bildungsprojekt finden Sie unter, oder laden Sie Ihr kostenloses Online-Exemplar und die tägliche Videostunde auf herunter. Weitere Fragen können an [email protected] gerichtet werden. • FOTOS. ACDT

Ipinge der Ausbeutung bezichtigt • Ehemaliger Gouverneur wird beschuldigt, Angestellte nicht pünktlich bezahlt zu haben Gegen den ehemaligen Gouverneur der Region Otjozondjupa, Otto Ipinge, wurden von mehreren ehemaligen Mitarbeitern Anschuldigungen erhoben. Die Beschwerdeführer sind so weit gegangen, Ipinge wegen verspäteter Gehaltszahlungen und unrechtmäßiger Entlassung vor das Arbeitsgericht zu bringen. chen zwei Monatsgehälter erhielt”, berichtete Haihambo, der Anfang letzten Jahres gekündigt hate.

Von Jemimah Ndebele WINDHOEK


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em ehemaligen Gouverneur von Otjozondjupa, Oto Ipinge, wird vorgeworfen, seine Angestellten auszubeuten, da er angeblich mündliche Verträge mit Angestellten abschließt, ohne die Absicht, seinen Teil der Abmachung einzuhalten. ,,Er ist einfach so. Wenn du ständig nach deinem Gehalt fragst, feuert er dich einfach”, sagte Silas Haihambo verächtlich, der drei Monate lang Ipinges persönlicher Fahrer war, bevor er wegen Ipinges ,,unhölichen Manieren” kündigte. ,,Ich habe drei Monate lang für ihn gearbeitet, aber er hat mir nur den ersten Monatslohn pünktlich überwiesen. Ich musste sechs Monate warten und ihn vor dem Arbeitsgericht verklagen, bevor ich die restli-

Gouverneur sind noch nicht lange her, denn Ipinge soll noch in diesem Monat vor dem Arbeitsgericht erscheinen. ,,Oto und ich kennen uns schon lange und er bat mich, ihm bei der Führung einiger seiner kleinen Geschäfte in Otjiwarongo und Rundu zu helfen. Wir vereinbarten, dass ich ihm ein Jahr und sechs Monate lang ohne Bezahlung helfen würde, und dass er das Geld, das er mir zahlen sollte, dazu verwenden würde, mir ein Auto zu kaufen. Nach einem Jahr und fünf Monaten kam es plötzlich zu einem Streit, der dazu führte, dass ich ihn vor das Arbeitsgericht brachte, wo wir in der ersten Aprilwoche zu einer Anhörung erscheinen sollten. Oto war jedoch nicht einmal anwesend, so dass unser nächster Termin auf diesen Mitwoch verschoben wurde”, sagt Abiub Tjirore, der ehemalige Ipinge-Angestellte. Laut den von The Namibian Sun eingesehenen Rechtsdokumenten schuldet Ipinge Tjirore einen kumulierten Betrag von 88 000 N$ für die Arbeit, die er seit seiner Einstellung im Februar 2021 bis zu seinem Ausscheiden im August 2022 geleistet hat.

Die jüngsten Berichte über die Ausbeutung durch den ehemaligen

Darüber hinaus erklärte Tjirores Rechtsvertreter Benz Tjizu, dass sein Mandant auch Bedenken wegen der unzulässigen Beeinlussung des Gerichtsverfahrens durch Ipinge hat, da er an keiner der Anhörungen teilgenommen hat, obwohl er keinen triftigen Grund für seine Abwesenheit hate.

Kein Kommentar Auf die Frage nach den Vorwürfen gegen ihn gab Ipinge in einem Telefoninterview mit Namibian Media Holdings lediglich ,,keinen Kommentar” ab. Darüber hinaus häufen sich

die Anschuldigungen gegen Ipinge, denn ein weiterer ehemaliger Angestellter, der 30-jährige Marukuavi Katjoho, der als Barkeeper für Ipinge in seiner Lovas Bar arbeitete, erzählte der Namibian Sun, dass er während seiner Zeit in Ipinges Betrieb sowohl unrechtmäßig entlassen, als auch verspätet bezahlt wurde. ,,Er sollte mir im November letzten Jahres 2 500 N$ für meine Arbeit zahlen, aber er zahlte nur 1 500 N$ und entließ mich danach. Seitdem habe ich nichts mehr von ihm gehört”, sagte Katjoho und wirkte niedergeschlagen.

Dem ehemaligen Gouverneur von Otjozondjupa, Otto Ipinge, wird vorgeworfen, Angestellte ausgebeutet zu haben. • FOTO: ARCHIV

Postfach 3436 • General-Murtala-Muhammed-Avenue 11 • Windhoek • Tel.: +264-61-297 2300 • Fax: +264-61-22 02 25, +264-61-24 52 00 • [email protected] •




Das Wetter 99.5 Whk

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Teilweise bewölkt und heiß mit Regen und einzelnen Gewittern im Norden des Landes. An der Küste bewölkt und kühl bis warm. Wir empfehlen auch:

Aus................................. 12o / 26o Gobabis ........................ 14o / 32o Grootfontein................15o / 30o Henties Bay..................12o / 20o Katima Mulilo .............. 18o / 32o Keetmanshoop............15o / 28o Khorixas ........................ 17o / 34o Lüderitzbucht ..............14o / 25o Mariental .......................17o / 31o

Okaukuejo.....................17o / 33o Omaruru....................... 14o / 33o Oranjemund ................ 12o / 26o Oshakati .......................18o / 34o Otjiwarongo..................17o / 33o Outjo .............................18o / 34o Rehoboth .....................14o / 30o Rundu ........................... 16o / 32o Swakopmund .................14o / 22o

Tsumeb ..........................15o / 31o Walvis Bay .................... 12o / 23o Windhoek ......................14o / 31o SADC-Region Gaborone .....................10o / 27o Harare ........................... 13o / 24o Luanda .......................... 24o / 31o Lusaka ...........................15o / 26o

Weltgesundheitsorganisation wird 75 • Weltgesundheitstag wird unter dem Motto „Gesundheit für alle“ auch in Namibia begangen

Die Polizei in Omusati hat einen 28-jährigen Mann verhaftet, der versuchte, Schuppentierschuppen an einen verdeckten Ermittler in Outapi zu verkaufen. Dem Verdächtigen wird vorgeworfen, im Besitz von kontrollierten Wildtierprodukten ohne Genehmigung der zuständigen Behörde zu sein und damit zu handeln. Laut dem Koordinator für die Verbrechensbekämpfung, Moses Simaho, ist die Verhaftung am Sonntag erfolgt. Simaho sagte, man habe Information über einen Verdächtigen erhalten, der angeblich im Besitz von Schuppentierschuppen war, die er einem potenziellen Käufer in der Omusati-Region illegal zum Kauf anbot. „Daraufhin wurde eine Operation gegen den potenziellen Verdächtigen eingeleitet“, sagte er. Er fügte hinzu, dass der Verdächtige während der verdeckten Operation im Besitz von 217 Schuppentierschuppen gefunden wurde, die er dem verdeckten Polizeibeamten zum Verkauf anbieten wollte. Simaho wies darauf hin, dass der Wert der Schuppen noch nicht bestimmt werden könne. Der Verdächtige sollte gestern vor dem Magistratsgericht von Outapi erscheinen. • FOTO: PRIVAT

IMPRESSUM Herausgegeben von Namibia Media Holdings / NMH (Pty) Ltd., Windhoek, Namibia, Co. Reg. No: 77/03366/07; 107. Jahrgang; erscheint Montag bis Freitag mit einer Tagesaulage von ca. 4 000 Exemplaren; Druck: Newsprint Namibia, Windhoek. Mitglied im Editors’ Forum of Namibia (EFN) und in der AG Internationale Medienhilfe (IMH), Köln. Es gilt die Preisliste von November 2019.

Der Spruch

Der namibische Präsident Hage Geingob bei einem Besuch im Staatskrankenhaus in Windhoek. • FOTO: PRÄSIDENTENBÜRO

Am 7. April, dem Weltgesundheitstag, feierte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ihr 75-jähriges Bestehen. Der Tag wurde unter dem Motto „Gesundheit für alle” begangen. Claudia Reiter WINDHOEK


räsident Hage Geingob erklärte in seiner Rede zum 75-jährigen Bestehen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) und dem Weltgesundheitstag folgende Errungenschaften der Organisation: „Vor der Gründung der Globalen Initiative zur Ausrotung der Kinderlähmung im Jahr 1988, die unter der Leitung der WHO durchgeführt wurde, erkrankten weltweit mehr als 350 000 Menschen pro Jahr an Polio.“ Seitdem sind die Fälle laut Geingob jedoch dank der Impfung gegen Polio um 99% zurückgegangen. „Namibia ist seit Oktober 2008 als poliofrei zertiiziert und führt weiterhin routinemäßige und nationale Impfkampagnen durch, um seinen poliofreien Status zu erhalten“, so Geingob. Darüber hinaus liege der nationale Abdeckungsgrad für die meisten Impfungen im Kindesalter weiterhin über den weltweit empfohlenen Raten, was die Überlebensrate von Kindern erhöhe. Eine weitere bemerkenswerte globale Errungenschaft im Bereich der öfentlichen Gesundheit sei demnach die Ausrotung der Pocken im Jahr 1979 nach einem ehrgeizigen 12-jäh-

• Redaktion Chefredakteur: Frank Stefen (ste), Tel.: 081 124 0882. Reporter & Fotografen: Stefan Noechel (sno), Jemimah Ndebele (jn) Freelancer: Eberhard Hofmann (hf), Olaf Mueller (omu), Brigitte Weidlich (bw), Wiebke Schmidt (ws), Annika Oppermann (ao), Katharina Moser (km), Claudia Reiter (cr) • NMH-Mitarbeiter Namibian Sun: Toivo Ndjebela (tn), Matthias Hauiku (mh), Elanie Smit (es), Ogone Thlage

rigen Immunisierungsprogramm unter der Leitung der WHO. „Dies sind nur einige wenige globale Erfolge im Bereich der öfentlichen Gesundheit, auf die wir als Mitgliedsstaaten der Weltgesundheitsorganisation stolz sind“, so Geingob. Namibias Investitionen in die Bekämpfung der HIV-Pandemie habe laut Geingob dazu geführt, dass die Zahl der Neuinfektionen vor Ort seit 2004 um 65% und die Zahl der HIV-bedingten Todesfälle um 74% zurückgegangen sind. „Die Lebenserwartung stieg um 12 Jahre von 51 Jahren im Jahr 2001 auf 63 Jahre im Jahr 2020.“ Darüber hinaus ist das Land eines der ersten Länder mit hoher HIV-Belastung, das die Epidemie gemäß der UNAIDSBehandlungskaskade 95-95-95 unter Kontrolle gebracht hat. 92% der Menschen, die mit HIV leben, wissen über ihren Status Bescheid, 99% von ihnen werden behandelt und 94% der letzteren sind viral unterdrückt. „Namibia hat erhebliche Fortschrite bei der Prävention der Muter-Kind-Übertragung gemacht. Im Jahr 2022 erreichte das Land eine lächendeckende Versorgung von über 95% bei der ersten Schwangerschaftsvorsorgeuntersuchung, bei HIV- und Syphilistests für Schwangere und bei der antiretrovi-

(ot), Jemima Beukes (jb), Kenya Kambonde (kk), Tuyeimo Ivana-Haidula (th) Republikein: Ronelle Rademeyer (rr), Hendriette Lamprecht (hl), Augetto Graig (ag), Tanja Bause (tb), Kristien Kruger (krk), Leondrea Louw (ll), Adam Hartman (ah), Yolanda Nel (yn) • Graiker: Ezegiel Swartbooi & André Sieverling • Hauptbüro Windhoek: General-MurtalaMuhammed-Avenue 11, Postfach 3436, Tel.: +264-61-297 2300, E-Mail: [email protected]

ralen Therapie für Müter.“ Der Präsident erklärte ferner: „Vor kurzem wurde Namibia, wie der Rest der Welt, von der COVID-19-Pandemie heimgesucht. Der erste Fall wurde am 13. März 2020 bestätigt, und am 17. März rief ich den Notstand aus. Die COVID-19-Impfung wurde am 18. März 2021 eingeleitet, und seither wurden in allen 14 Regionen des Landes über 980 000 Dosen verabreicht.“ Obwohl die Durchimpfungsrate nach wie vor niedrig ist, konnte Namibia dank konzertierter Anstrengungen und der Unterstützung der Vereinten Nationen und insbesondere der WHO laut Geingob im vergangenen Jahr eine niedrige Positivrate im Vergleich zu durchschnitlich 31,1 % während der Deltawelle halten. „Letztes Jahr im März erklärte das Land den Ausbruch des HepatitisE-Virus für beendet. Der Ausbruch dauerte vier Jahre und betraf 13 der 14 Regionen, vor allem in informellen Siedlungen und Gebieten mit schlechter Hygiene und Abwasserentsorgung. Dieser Erfolg ist demnach auf die kontinuierliche Zusammenarbeit mit der WHO und ihren Partnern zurückzuführen, die die Regierung unterstützt haben. „In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich der WHO zu ihrem 75-jährigen Bestehen gratulieren und Namibia versichern, dass wir unsere Partnerschaft fortsetzen werden.“

• Anzeigen & Marketing Ute de Jager, Tel. 061-297 2310 (Büro); Fax: +264-61-245 200, E-Mail: [email protected] Carmen Stenger, Tel. 061-297 2102 (Büro) und 081 239 7664 • Küstenbüro Swakopmund Platz am Meer, c/o Tsavorite & Albatros- Straße, Vineta-Nord, Postfach 2336; Tel. 064-404 452. • Vertrieb & Abonnement:

Glück allein hat noch keinen glücklich gemacht.

Coetzee Madelein, Tel. 061-297 504, [email protected] Nachdruck nur mit Genehmigung des Verlages und Quellenangabe. Für unaufgefordert eingesandtes Material wird keine Haftung übernommen. Leserbriefe können sowohl in der gedruckten Ausgabe als auch auf der AZ-Webseite erscheinen. Internet: Facebook: WhatsApp: 081 170 0030


Kapstadt .......................10o / 20o Johannesburg................7o / 20o Europa Berlin ............................... 4o / 13o Frankfurt/M ................... 7o / 10o München ........................ 4o / 16o Wien ................................ 4o / 16o Zürich .............................. 4o / 19o

Polizei: Zehn Einbrüche gemeldet Windhoek (cr) • Die namibische Polizei vermeldet zehn Einbrüche über das Wochenende. Der erste Vorfall ereignete sich demnach zwischen Mitwochabend und Donnerstagmorgen in Onandjaba in der Ohangwena-Region. Es wurden zwei Jackpot-Automaten, Spirituosen sowie 1 200 N$ in bar entwendet. In den frühen Morgenstunden des Donnerstags sollen Verdächtige in das G4S-Büro in der Robert Mugabe Avenue in der Hauptstadt eingebrochen sein. Laut dem Bericht wurden ein Computer, 27 Monitore und ein Server gestohlen. Ungefähr um die gleiche Zeit wurde in den Casino Club bei Walvis Bay eingebrochen. Die Verdächtigen sollen demnach zwei Roulet Jackpot-Automaten entwendet haben. Ferner haben Verdächtige das Einbruchsgiter des Redcross Centre in Katutura am Donnerstagmorgen aufgebrochen. Laut dem Bericht wurden 35 Handys, vier Tablets und ein Laptop gestohlen. Am darauffolgenden Tag sollen unbekannte Verdächtige in Omaalala in der Oshana-Region in das Anwesen des Beschwerdeführers eingebrochen sein, indem sie den Elektrozaun durchtrennt haben. Die Verdächtigen stahlen einen Wafensafe mit einer 9-mm-Pistole, ein Radiosystem, zwei Kassenautomaten, fünf Paar Schuhe und Flaschen mit verschiedenen Arten alkoholischer Getränke. Der Wafensafe und die Geldautomaten wurden beschädigt in Ompundja vorgefunden. Ferner brachen am Freitag Verdächtige in ein Haus in Khomasdal ein. Es wurden laut dem Bericht eine Pistole, ein Laptop, Bargeld, ein Mobiltelefon, eine Bohrmaschine, ein Fernseher und ein Lautsprecher entwendet. In Otjomuise verschafte sich am gleichen Tag ein Verdächtiger Zutrit in eine Wohnung und stahl eine 3kgGaslasche, einen Fernseher und eine Packung Windeln. Am gleichen Tag, ebenfalls in Otjomuise, durchtrennte ein Verdächtiger die Kete eines Schlosses und entwendete folgende Gegenstände: Ein Handy, einen Fernseher und drei Paar Turnschuhe. Am Sonntag brachen Verdächtige ferner in eine Wohnung im Herero-Viertel in Katutura ein. Laut dem Bericht wurden ein Fernseher, ein Laptop, ein Handy und Leder gestohlen. Der letzte Vorfall ereignete sich am Sonntag in Brakwater-Nord. Die Verdächtigen brachen demnach die Haupteingangstür auf, bedrohten das Opfer mit einer Waffe und raubten die folgenden Gegenstände: Ein Handy, einen Fernseher, einen Computer und ein Fahrzeug. Das Fahrzeug konnte jedoch sichergestellt werden. Die polizeilichen Ermitlungen dauern an.

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Lionel Mathews neuer Kapitän des Namcor-Schifs

IN DIESEM JAHR BEREITS 100 KATZEN STERILISIERT Die Tierschutzorganisation Have-A-Heart Walvis Bay und die Tierarztpraxis Southern Cross haben im März 37 Katzen in Walvis Bay sterilisiert. Das sind laut der Organisation bereits 100 Katzen für das aktuelle Jahr 2023. „Um die Zahl der heimatlosen Katzen zu reduzieren, müssen wir so viele wie möglich sterilisieren. Wir müssen ganze Katzenkolonien und so viele ‚Township-Katzen‘ wie möglich sterilisieren. Wir dürfen damit nicht aufhören, sonst wäre alles, was wir bisher getan haben, umsonst. Deshalb sind wir sehr dankbar für die Hilfe der Pupkewitz-Stiftung, die es uns ermöglicht, weiterhin zu sterilisieren“, so Have-A-Heart Walvis Bay. Mit Spenden von der Öffentlichkeit hilft die Organisation Menschen mit sehr geringem oder gar keinem Einkommen, ihre Katzen und Hunde zu sterilisieren. „Für Hunde veranstalten wir mindestens einmal im Jahr Kastrationstage mit der Mobile Animal Clinic in Kuisebmond und manchmal auch in Narraville. Unser Traum ist, solche Kastrationstage einmal im Monat abzuhalten.“ • FOTO: HAVE-A-HEART WALVIS BAY

Windhoek (ot/sno) • Der ehemali-

ge Bänker Lionel Mathews hat von der Regierung eine sechsmonatige Frist erhalten, um die Probleme bei der National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) nach der Suspendierung ihres CEO, Immanuel Mulunga, zu lösen. Mathews antwortete auf die Frage, was er gedenke zu tun, um den Kahn wieder lot zu machen, jetzt, wo er am Bug des nationalen Ölund Gasunternehmens steht, folgend auf die Querelen zwischen der Vorstandsvorsitzenden Jennifer Comalie und dem zeitweilig suspendierten Mulunga. „Ich versuche zu verstehen, was der Vorstand und die Aktionäre in diesen sechs Monaten von mir wollen oder verlangen, und dann sehen wir weiter”, sagte Mathews zu seiner vorübergehenden Stellung. Mathews wollte sich nicht zu den Bedingungen seiner Ernennung äußern und sagte, er müsse erst darüber informiert werden, was er bei Namcor zu tun habe. „Ich bin erst gestern informiert worden und hoffe, zu verstehen, worum es geht. Auf die Frage antworten können werde ich erst in einer Woche”, sagte er. Anzeige




• Investoren suchen Klarheit über Land und NEEEF Das Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board gab in einem Bericht bekannt, dass Namibia nicht als optimales Investitionsland gilt. Die unklare NEEEF- und Land-Politik als auch die hohen Strompreise seien dabei ein Dorn im Auge. Von Brigitte Weidlich WINDHOEK


nvestoren innerhalb und außerhalb Namibias sehen die seit Jahren ungeklärte Absicht der Regierung, mehr Beteiligung von vormals benachteiligten Namibiern in Firmen vorzuschreiben (NEEEF), und die immer noch ausstehenden Investitions- und Bodengesetze als Hinderungsgrund zum Investieren. Des Weiteren wurden lange Wartezeiten bei Behörden und staatlichen Betrieben für Firmenregistrierungen sowie Ankäufe von Grund und Boden, um einen Betrieb zu etablieren, genannt. Das teilte die Chein der Investitionsbehörde, Nangula Uaandja, Ende letzter Woche der Presse mit. Immerhin habe das Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) in den zwei Jahren seines Bestehens knapp 161

Mrd. N$ an potentiellen Investitionen anlocken können. „Davon sind bisher 2,8 Mrd. N$ umgesetzt und (die Firmen) sind am Laufen, während Kapital von 24,1 Mrd. N$ auf die Umsetzung wartet, da diese Firmen noch ihre endgültige Entscheidung trefen wollen“, teilte Uaandja mit. Investoren würden auch Wirtschaftssonderzonen und Schutz für ihre Daten vermissen, sagte sie. Stromtarife seien sehr hoch und als Beispiel nannte sie, dass eine Firma bei Rosh Pinah rund sechs Mrd. N$ in die Zink-Industrie investieren wollen würde, aber dies wegen der hohen Stromtarife (noch) nicht getan habe. Diese Wirtschaftssonderzonen wurden vor einigen Jahren auf Anregung der EU hin abgeschaft, da deren Finanzbehörde sie als mögliche Schluplöcher für Geldwäsche betrachtete. Namibias Regierung ist dabei, für neue Wirtschaftszo-

nen ein modernisiertes Gesetz zu erstellen. Das Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologieministerium (MICT) hat kürzlich angekündigt, dass ein Datenschutzgesetz (data protection bill) in der Planung sei. Unter den konkreten neuen Investitionen hat das NIPDB die deutsche Firma Pyronam Biochar genannt, die begonnen hat, Biochar durch Entbuschung herzustellen. Sie will bis 2028 insgesamt 350 Biochar-Produktionsstäten einrichten, jede mit 16 Beschäftigten, die gemeinsam bis zu 5 600 feste und 5 600 Teilzeitjobs schafen sollen. Das NIPDB wurde im Januar 2021 gegründet, um Namibia als Investitionsziel zu vermarkten und Investoren anzuziehen. Es ersetzte das frühere NIC (Namibia Investment Centre), das sich unter dem Dach des Ministeriums für Handel und Industrie befand. Das NIPDB untersteht direkt dem Präsidialamt. Es hat auch die Aufgabe, investitionsreife Projekte zu identiizieren, zu bündeln und zu fördern und Projekte mit überprüften Kleinbetrieben (SMEs) sowie lokalen Dienstleistern zu verbinden.

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In Kürze

Chinas Muskelspiele

Taipeh (dpa) • Bei den chinesischen Manövern um Taiwan ist nach Angaben des taiwanischen Verteidigungsministeriums eine Rekordzahl von Militärlugzeugen der Volksbefreiungsarmee in der Nähe der Inselrepublik entdeckt worden. In 24 Stunden seien 91 Flugzeuge und zwölf Kriegsschiffe beobachtet worden. 54 Flugzeuge seien in die taiwanische Luftüberwachungszone (ADIZ) eingedrungen.

Fall abschließen London (dpa) • Vier Jahre nach der Inhaftierung des Wikileaks-Gründers Julian Assange ruft die Organisation Reporter ohne Grenzen die USA auf, ihren Auslieferungsantrag fallen zu lassen. „Wir rufen die USRegierung erneut auf, den Fall abzuschließen und ohne weitere Verzögerung die Freilassung zu erlauben“, sagte Rebecca Vincent, die Londoner Vertreterin der Pressefreiheitsorganisation.

Reise begonnen

Peking (dpa) • Brasiliens Präsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva hat seine Reise nach China begonnen. Während des fünftägigen Besuchs steht auch eine Begegnung mit Staatsund Parteichef Xi Jinping auf dem Programm. Beide Staaten gehören zur G20-Gruppe der großen Industrie- und Schwellenländer. Die Volksrepublik ist für Lateinamerikas größtes Land wichtigster Handelspartner und auch einer der wichtigsten Investoren.


Behördenübergreifende Prüfung • USA beunruhigt Veröfentlichung von Geheiminfo im Internet Während Washington die Veröfentlichung von Geheimdienstinformationen als ernste Sicherheitsgefahr prüft, beschwichtigt Kiew: Das Datenleck habe keinen Einluss auf die geplante Ofensive. Im Folgenden ein Überblick zum Geschehen in der Nacht und ein Ausblick auf den Tag. Von Deutsche Presse-Agentur, dpa WASHINGTON/KIEW


ie US-Regierung bemüht sich nach der Veröffentlichung von Geheimdienstdokumenten zum Krieg in der Ukraine um Aufklärung. „Wir nehmen die Sache sehr, sehr ernst“, sagte der Kommunikationsdirektor des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats, John Kirby, in Washington. Das Verteidigungsministerium leite eine behördenübergreifende Prüfung, „welche Auswirkungen dies auf die nationale Sicherheit haben könnte“. Beim Justizministerium laufe eine strafrechtliche Untersuchung. Präsident Joe Biden werde fortlaufend informiert. Seit Wochen kursieren im Internet ofenbar geheime Dokumente von US-Stellen zum russischen Angrifskrieg gegen die Ukraine. US-Medien berichten seit Tagen über sensibles Material zu beiden Kriegsparteien, ohne die Dokumente selbst zu veröffentlichen. Unklar ist, wer die schon vor Wochen bei prorussischen Kanä-

len verbreiteten Dokumente publiziert hat. Das Investigativ-Netzwerk Bellingcat wies nach, dass einige nachträglich manipuliert wurden.

Nach außen gelassen Während Medien darüber berichteten, dass die Umgebung von Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj verärgert auf das Datenleck reagiert habe, demonstrierte Kiew zumindest nach außen hin Gelassenheit: Der Sekretär des nationalen Sicherheitsrats, Olexij Danilow, dementierte, dass Daten über militärische Operationen, die Größe der Einheiten und die Stoßrichtung an die Öfentlichkeit gelangt seien. „Diese Informationen sind absolut geheim“, sagte er in ei-

nem ARD-Interview. Der Beginn der ukrainischen Gegenofensive werde erst im letzten Moment festgelegt. Die ukrainische Führung zog zudem eine angebliche Abhöraktion der USA gegen Selenskyj in Zweifel. Beratungen des Staatschefs mit dem Militär liefen anders ab, als in veröfentlichten Geheimdienstdokumenten dargestellt, sagte Präsidentenberater Mychajlo Podoljak im ukrainischen Fernsehen. Die Beziehungen der Ukraine zu ihren westlichen Partnern seien durch die Veröfentlichungen nicht gefährdet. „Das sind normale Analysen“, sagte er. Auch Pläne zu einer ukrainischen Gegenofensive würden nicht torpediert, weil daran noch gear-

beitet werde. Zuvor hate es Berichte über Geheimdokumente des US-Verteidigungsministeriums gegeben, wonach Selenskyj Ende Februar in einer Beratung mit der Armeeführung Drohnenangrife auf Standorte der russischen Armee im russischen Staatsgebiet Rostow vorgeschlagen habe. Das könnte Washington darin bestärkt haben, Kiew keine weitreichenden Wafen zu liefern, hieß es. Podoljak widersprach dieser Darstellung: „Es ergibt keinen Sinn, einfach abstrakt zu sagen: ‚Lasst uns das Gebiet Rostow bombardieren.‘ Bei solchen Beratungen würden vielmehr Prioritäten gesetzt und Strategien festgelegt.“

Geheimdokumente, die derzeit in Internet-Foren kursieren, sorgen für Unruhe. Demnach soll auch kriegsstrategische Information durchgesickert sein. Das US-Verteidigungsministerium hat eine behördenübergreifende Prüfung angeordnet. • FOTO: LIBKOS


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In Kürze

98 setzt sich ab – Fortuna verspielt Chance

Lange Strafen

2. Fußball-Bundesliga Paarungen und Ergebnisse des 27. Spieltags am 8. und 9. April 2023 Hamburger SV

6:1 (2:0)

Hannover 96

1. FC Nürnberg

1:1 (0:1)

Karlsruher SC

Eintr. Braunschweig

1:0 (0:0)

1. FC Kaiserslautern

1. FC Heidenheim

0:1 (0:1)

FC St. Pauli

Arm. Bielefeld

2:2 (1:0)

Fort. Düsseldorf

SV Darmstadt 98

2:1 (1:1)

SC Paderborn 07

FC Hansa Rostock

2:3 (1:2)

Holstein Kiel

SV Sandhausen

0:2 (0:2)

Greuther Fürth

Jahn Karlsruhe-Bielefeld Regensburg 2:2 (0:1)

Darmstadts Matthias Bader (l.) auf dem Weg zum 1:0 gegen den SC Paderborn. • FOTO: SEBASTIAN CHRISTOPH GOLLNOW, DPA

hat einen weiteren großen Schrit in Richtung Aufstieg in die FußballBundesliga gemacht. Der ZweitligaTabellenführer gewann mit 2:1 (1:1) gegen den SC Paderborn und hat sieben Spiele vor dem Saisonende sieben Punkte Vorsprung auf den

Relegationsplatz. Auf Rang vier sind es schon elf Punkte. Fortuna Düsseldorf führte beim 2:2 (0:1) bei Arminia Bielefeld bis zur 84. Minute und verspielte eine große Chance, nach dem 0:1 von Heidenheim gegen St. Pauli bis auf fünf Zähler an den Relegationsplatz heranzurücken.

Die Arminia hat als 14. nun zwei Punkte Vorsprung auf den AbstiegsRelegationsplatz. Den belegt Jahn Regensburg nach dem 2:2 (0:1) durch den Ausgleich in der 90. Minute gegen den 1. FC Magdeburg. Auf den Abstiegsplätzen liegen Hansa Rostock, das beim 2:3 (1:2)

gegen Holstein Kiel auch das zweite Spiel unter dem neuen Trainer Alois Schwartz verlor, und der SV Sandhausen. Für die Sandhäuser sieht es nach dem 0:2 (0:2) gegen die SpVgg Greuther Fürth langsam düster aus, der Relegationsplatz ist schon sechs Zähler entfernt.

DEL: Erster Finalist steht fest • Ingolstadt sorgt für Adler-Frust – München muss jetzt bangen Der ERC Ingolstadt jubelt über den Finaleinzug in der Deutschen Eishockey-Liga und sorgt für Frust bei den Mannheimern. Auf wen sie trefen, werden die Ingolstädter erst heute erfahren. Von Kristina Puck, dpa WOLFSBURG/MANNHEIM


er ERC Ingolstadt hat Chancen auf seinen zweiten Titel nach 2014 in der Deutschen Eishockey Liga. Für die Adler Mannheim ist die Saison mit HalbinalFrust zu Ende gegangen. Der achtmalige deutsche Meister musste am Ostermontag beim 0:2 (0:1, 0:0, 0:1)

die entscheidende vierte Niederlage gegen Ingolstadt hinnehmen. Erstmals seit 2015 zogen die Ingolstädter wieder in die Endspielserie ein, in der sie von Freitag an auf den EHC Red Bull München oder die Grizzlys Wolfsburg trefen. Die Entscheidung der anderen Halbinalserie fällt nach einem 2:3 (0:1, 1:2, 1:0) von München in Wolfsburg am Mitwoch in Spiel sieben. „Wir sind nicht so weit ge-

kommen, um nur so weit zu kommen“, kündigte Ingolstadts Kapitän Fabio Wagner für die Titeljagd an. Ein siebtes Halbfinale wollten sich die Mannheimer erkämpfen, die drite Heimniederlage im Halbinale gegen den Vorrunden-Zweiten Ingolstadt besiegelte aber das Ausscheiden der Mannschaft von Trainer Bill Stewart. „Es ist immer Scheiße, wenn du ausscheidest. Ich denke, wir haben ein gutes Spiel gemacht. Aber wenn du kein Tor machst, gewinnst du halt nicht“, sagte Mannheims früherer NHL-Verteidiger Korbini-

Sheield (dpa) • Snooker-Experte Rolf Kalb erwartet bei den Verfahren in der Manipulationsafäre lange Strafen für zehn chinesische Prois. „Da sofortige Sperren ausgesprochen wurden und die Spieler keinen Widerspruch eingelegt haben, gehe ich davon aus, dass das gravierende Vorwürfe sind. Ich erwarte, dass es bei einigen sehr lange Sperren geben wird“, sagte Kalb.

1. FC Magdeburg 600876

Düsseldorf (dpa) • Darmstadt 98

an Holzer bei MagentaSport. München vergab unterdessen die erste Chance, die Halbinalserie gegen Wolfsburg zu entscheiden. Der Hauptrundensieger und Herausforderer haben nun jeweils dreimal gewonnen. Heute kommt es in München zum Showdown. „Wer gedacht hat, dass wir hier locker durchmarschieren, der hat sich getäuscht“, sagte Nationalstürmer Yasin Ehliz. In jedem Fall wird es aber einen neuen Meister geben, denn der Titelverteidiger Eisbären Berlin ist bereits in der Vorrunde gescheitert.

Plätze begutachten

Nürnberg (dpa) • Fußball-Bundestrainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg wird mit einer kleinen Reisegruppe vor der Weltmeisterschaft noch mal nach Australien liegen. „Wir wollen uns das Basecamp anschauen, uns die Plätze anschauen. Wir möchten nochmal ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, wie es jetzt dort vor Ort ist“, sagte die 55-Jährige.

Gobert schlägt zu

Los Angeles (dpa) • Weil er nach seinem Mitspieler geschlagen hat, verzichten die Minnesota Timberwolves im wichtigen Play-In-Duell gegen die Los Angeles Lakers auf Rudy Gobert. Das teilte das Team aus der nordamerikanischen Basketball-Proiliga NBA mit. Gobert hatte in einer Auszeit im Spiel gegen die New Orleans Pelicans nach seinem Teamkollegen Kyle Anderson geschlagen. Beide hatten sich zuvor verbal angegrifen.

Nur Unentschieden

Barcelona (dpa) • Tabellenführer FC Barcelona hat auf dem Weg zum Gewinn der Meisterschaft in der spanischen Fußball-Liga überraschend Punkte liegen gelassen. Das Team um Nationaltorhüter MarcAndré ter Stegen kam trotz teilweise drückender Überlegenheit nicht über ein torloses Unentschieden gegen den FC Girona hinaus.


Doppelsiege in Swakopmund dem Rundkurs sechs Runden zurück. Bei den Damen, die in der EliteWomen-Klasse einen Umlauf weniger absolvierten, siegte Monique Du Plessis nach 1:26:09 Stunden. Zweite mit einer Zeit von 1:30:58 wurde Nicola Fester. Das Podium komplettierte Zaren Knight (1:32:45). Bereits tags zuvor hate Miller auf der Sprint-Strecke Hahn auf Rang zwei verwiesen. Als Driter sicherte sich Tristan de Lange UCI-Punkte. Auf der kurzen Distanz über fünf Runden reichte dem 23-jährigen Miller ein 41-Sekunden-Vorsprung mit einer Zeit von 19:30 Minuten, um erster zu werden. Hahn kam nach 20:11

Monique Du Plessis (l.) und Alex Miller feierten bei den Cross Country Olympic Namibian National Championships Doppelsiege auf der Kurzund Langstrecke. • FOTOS: NIKANOR NANGOLO

Minuten vor de Lange ins Ziel, der 21:15 Minuten benötigte. Ähnliches Ergebnis in der Klasse „Short Course - Women Open”: Hier belegten die Siegerin und die Zweite des Samstags ebenfalls zum Auftakt in der gleichen Reihenfolge das Podium. Du Plessis (19:40) siegte vor Fester (19:41) im Fotoentscheid. Drite wurde Luanne Van Der Schyf (20:06). Die Frauen absolvierten einen Umlauf weniger. Neben den Damen- und Herrenwertungen ging es für die Junior(innen) ebenfalls um wichtige Weltranglisten-Zähler. Der Nachwuchs hate am Freitag Gelegenheit sich einzufahren. Am Samstag ging es dann um die Punkte bei den unter 23-Jährigen Junioren und in der Junior-Women-Klasse. Hier kam Eden Spangenberg außer Konkurrenz als erste und einzige Fahrerin ins Ziel (2:17:42). JG Van der Westhuizen holte sich auf den sechs Runden den U23-Titel. Er absolvierte als einziger die volle Distanz in 01:39:36 Stunden. Da der 20-Jährige die Mitstreiter überrundete, war für diese das Rennen bereits nach fünf Umläufen beendet. Zweiter wurde Marco Augustyn (01:31:41). Der drite Starter in dieser Klasse, Simon Kaita, hate nicht an dem Rennen teilgenommen.


Meet & greet the dogs!


In the Erongo re gion, there are ab pet friend out 20 ly lodges , guest hou ses, selfcatering units, gue st farms an d hotels.


Du Plessis und Miller auf Kurz- und Langstrecke erfolgreich

Windhoek (omu) • Im Kampf um wichtige Punkte der Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) sind die Entscheidungen am Osterwochenende gefallen. Bei den Cross Country Olympic (XCO) Namibian National Championships setzte sich Alex Miller in der Klasse Elite Men durch. Mit einer Zeit von 1:23:41 Stunden verwies der Olympiateilnehmer von Tokio in Swakopmund Hugo Hahn und Xavier Papo auf die Plätze. Hahn überquerte den inalen Messpunkt mit etwas mehr als vier Minuten Rückstand (1:27:29) auf den Ersten und hate zehn Minuten Vorsprung auf Papo (1:37:29). Die Herren legten auf


Brian is a fun, energetic male dog. He is 1.5 years old. He enjoys running around and playing with other dogs. He would do well in a house that is relatively active. He has been at the shelter from October 2022 :(


Come and meet Brian! Thursday, 27 April 16:00 - 18:00 Tourism Expo @ Windhoek Country Club & Resort Tourism Expo 26 - 28 April 2023 Windhoek Country Club & Resort

Proudly partnered with the Windhoek SPCA






Erlebnisse des Bergmannes Robert Baer 1884-1885

Im Oktober des Jahres 1884 betritt der 23-jährige Bergmann Robert Baer in Angra Pequena, dem heutigen Lüderitzbucht, erstmals afrikanischen Boden. Kurzentschlossen hatte er das Angebot angenommen, sich als Assistent des Leiters einer 10-köpigen Bergbauexpedition an der Suche nach Bodenschätzen in dem erst kurz zuvor unter Reichsschutz gestellten „Lüderitzland” zu beteiligen. Die Expedition stand unter enormem Erfolgsdruck. Das Auinden von abbauwürdigen Erzen war Lüderitz’ letzte Hofnung, aus dem von ihm erworbenen Landstrich an der südwestafrikanischen Küste doch noch die dringend benötigten Gewinne zu erwirtschaften. Robert Baers Briefe und Tagebucheintragungen bilden die Grundlage dieses Buches, das neue Einblicke in die Anfänge des ehemaligen deutschen Schutzgebietes gewährt. 3. Folge Von Angra Pequena zu Lüderitzland – die Vorgeschichte (Teil 2/4)

Karte des Meilenschwindels

Lüderitz war schon zu Beginn des Unternehmens klar, dass ein so großes Projekt sicherlich eine Konkurrenzsituation zu anderen Akteuren heraufbeschwören würde. Insbesondere befürchtete er eine Intervention der Engländer bzw. der Kapkolonie, schlimmstenfalls die englische Besitznahme als Reaktion. Um ein wirklich gutes Geschäft zu machen, musste

er aber englische Importzölle verhindern. In einer Eingabe an das Auswärtige Amt vom 23. November 1882 bat er daher um „den Schutz der deutschen Flagge“. Bereits in diesem Schreiben erklärte er seine Absicht, neben dem Handel auch den Abbau von Bodenschätzen in Angrif nehmen zu wollen. Bismarcks Reaktion war zunächst zurückhaltend. Noch waren er und das Auswärtige Amt weit davon entfernt, die Gründung einer südwestafrikanischen Kolonie aktiv zu betreiben. Lüderitz sollte mündlich beschieden werden, dass er und sein Unternehmen auf denjenigen Schutz des Reiches zählen dürften, auf den jeder unbescholtene Deutsche in der Welt Anspruch habe. Was immerhin folgte, war ein monatelanges diplomatisches Geplänkel zwischen Deutschland und England, bei dem zunächst festgestellt werden sollte, ob England an der südwestafrikanischen Küste Hoheitsrechte auszuüben gedenke, die über die bereits 1878 in Besitz genommene Walischbai hinausgingen. Es wurde sogar ausdrücklich beteuert, dass man an einer deutschen Koloniegründung kein Interesse habe. Die deutsche Botschaft in London informierte die britische Regierung über Lüderitz‘ Absichten und erklärte, dass man eine englische Schutzerklärung begrüßen würde. Die Antwort aus London war ausweichend und hinhaltend. Ohne Rücksprache mit der Kapregierung könne man keine Antwort erteilen.

Vogelsangs Tatkrat Beide Regierungen hatten nicht mit Vogelsangs Tatkraft und Dynamik gerechnet. Nachdem der junge Bevollmächtigte in Kapstadt in Erfahrung gebracht hate, dass der Naturhafen von Angra Pequena die günstigsten Voraussetzungen für ein Anlanden böte, dieser noch von keiner europäischen Macht, auch nicht von Großbritannien beansprucht werde, traf er die Entscheidung, dort Lüderitz‘

Ansicht von Angra Pequena.

Auftrag umzusetzen. Er kompletierte sein Team, indem er ortskundige Mitarbeiter wie den Schweizer Conrad A. E. von Pestalozzi 17 sowie die Holländer A. de Jongh18 und die Gebrüder William19 und Louis Klisser20 engagierte, allesamt wagemutige und ehrgeizige junge Männer, keine Anstrengungen und Risiken scheuend und mit einer gehörigen Portion Abenteuerlust versehen. Am 12. April traf man mit der Tilly in Angra Pequena ein. Schnell wurden unter größten körperlichen Anstrengungen und mit Hilfe einiger einheimischer Nama das Schif entladen und provisorische Unterkünfte errichtet, die man stolz „Fort Vogelsang“ nannte. Der Mangel an Trinkwasser – man war ausschließlich auf die Vorräte der Tilly angewiesen – und die erfolglose Suche nach natürlichen Süßwasserquellen war von Anfang an das vorherrschende Problem. Dennoch ließ sich Vogelsang nicht entmutigen. Kaum war seine Basis notdürftig eingerichtet, strebte er sein Hauptziel, den Abschluss eines Kaufvertrages mit dem für das Gebiet verantwortlichen Nama-Häuptling an. Der hieß Joseph Fredericks und hate seine Residenz in Bethanien, ca. 264 km östlich von Angra Pequena. Um dort hinzugelangen, musste man die menschenfeindliche Sandwüste der Namib durchqueren. Dass auch junge und gesunde Europäer hier sehr schnell an ihre körperlichen Grenzen stoßen, musste Vogelsang bei seinem übereilten Versuch, die Strecke nach Bethanien zu Fuß zu bewältigen, sehr schnell erkennen. Gotseidank hate man einen einheimischen Boten mit der Bite um Pferde nach Bethanien vorausgeschickt. Dort gab es eine Missionsstation der Rheinischen Mission unter Leitung des Missionars Johannes (Jan) Hendrik Bam21, der gute Beziehungen zu Kapitän Fredericks plegte. Die Bite wurde erfüllt und am Morgen des 30. Aprils traf Vogelsang mit de Jongh und von Pestalozzi in Bethanien ein.

Man war sich sehr schnell handelseinig. Bereits am 1. Mai wurde der in kapholländischer Sprache abgefasste Kaufvertrag unterzeichnet. Die angebotene Summe von 100 Pfund Sterling, vor allem aber die 200 Gewehre als Preis, konnten Fredericks sehr schnell überzeugen. Gegenleistung war die Abtretung der Bucht von Angra Pequena und 5 Meilen des angrenzenden Landes in alle Richtungen. Am 23. August desselben Jahres konnte Vogelsang in einem ergänzenden Vertrag den Besitz, der fortan „Lüderitzland“ genannt wurde, für weitere 500 Pfund Sterling und 60 Gewehre auf den gesamten Küstenstreifen vom Oranjeluss bis zum 26. Grad südlicher Breite mit dem Hinterland in einer Breite von 20 Meilen ausdehnen. (Bild) An dieser Stelle muss erwähnt werden, dass es bei der Auslegung des Vertrages durch Lüderitz und Vogelsang zu einer Irreführung gegenüber dem bisherigen Besitzer kam, die als sog. „Meilenschwindel“ in die Geschichte eingegangen ist. Im ersten Vertrag war nur einfach von „5 Meilen“ die Rede. Fredericks und seine Berater gingen selbstverständlich davon aus, dass damit „englische Meilen“ (= ca. 1,6 km) gemeint sind. Eine andere Maßeinheit unter dem Begrif „Meile“ kannten sie gar nicht. Im Nachhinein wurde aber von deutscher Seite der Begrif „Meile“ als „deutsche oder geographische Meile“ (= ca. 7,4 km) interpretiert. Dass diese Interpretation nachträglich vorgenommen wurde, beweist eine Eintragung im Tagebuch der Vogelsang-Expedition, wo am 9. Mai noch von „inclusive 5 englischen Meilen“ die Rede ist. Im zweiten Vertrag wurden dann ausdrücklich geographische Meilen vermerkt; dennoch sollte Vogelsang, einer brielichen Anweisung von Lüderitz folgend, Fredericks auch jetzt vorläuig in dem Glauben belassen, es handele sich um englische Meilen. Mit diesem fragwürdigen Trick war es gelungen, den Besitz auf das mehr als 4-fache auszuweiten.



Große Freude an der PSO!

your Safari w it




rt ta

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m 3.2.2023 war es soweit. Mit neun Mädchen und Jungen haben sich Birgit Hausmann und Malte Hofmann zu Fuß vom Kindergarten zur PSO (Deutsche Privatschule Otjiwarongo) aufgemacht. Am ersten Tag konnten die Kinder das Schulgelände kennenlernen und es wurde viel gespielt. Am Montag, 6. Februar, war die Vorschulklasse dann zum ersten Mal bei der Schulversammlung dabei. Dort wurden die nun jüngsten Kinder an der PSO mit viel Applaus sehr herzlich von den anderen Schülern begrüßt und in die PSO-Gemeinschaft aufgenommen. Um das kurz zu verbildlichen: Elf - es waren noch zwei dazugekommen - 5- bis 6-Jährige stehen vor ca. 45 Menschen, inkl. Lehrerinnen, und rufen einzeln lautstark ihren Namen aus. Den Applaus haben sie sich allemal verdient. Jeden Montag und Freitag kommen die Kinder für ca. 2½ Stunden in die Vorschule der PSO, die in Kooperation mit Birgit Hausmanns Kindergarten läuft. In der Schule werden sie von Malte Hofmann - Erzieher aus Deutschland - begleitet und betreut. Durch dieses Angebot haben die Vorschüler die Möglichkeit, den Schulalltag kennenzulernen und erste spielerische Erfahrungen im Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen zu machen. Da in diesem Alter das Spielen ausschlaggebend für die körperliche und die kognitive Entwicklung ist, wird es hierfür natürlich auch immer wieder genügend Zeit geben. Die PSO freut sich auf eine wunderbare Zeit mit den wuseligen und manchmal lauten Kindern in der Vorschule!


WIR SUCHEN EINE BÜROMITARBEITERIN! Voraussetzungen 1. Fließende Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch (Wort und Schrift) 2. Computerkenntnisse 3. Gute Teamarbeit 4. Gute soziale Kompetenzen 5. Bereitschaft zu lexiblen Arbeitszeiten, auch an Wochenenden 6. Gültiger Führerschein Es werden keine Bewerbungen berücksichtigt, bei denen die genannten Voraussetzungen nicht erfüllt werden. Bitte senden Sie Ihren Lebenslauf in Englisch (CV mit Foto) an [email protected] Bitte KEINE Zeugnisse oder ähnliches senden

Gabriele Woermann * 8.1.1940

† 3.4.2023

Ingo, Isa, Jesko und Fii mit Familien Die Lebensfeier findet am Freitag, 14. April, um 15.00 Uhr in der Lutheranischen Kirche statt. Anstatt Blumen bitte Spenden an Gqaina School Bank Windhoek Branch 481-172, Acc 800 201 8079

BUCHHALTER*IN GESUCHT: Eine gewissenhafte Person mit Erfahrung in PASTEL Buchhaltung inkl. SAGE PASTEL payroll, Liebe zum Detail, deutschen und englischen Sprachkenntnissen in Wort und Schrift, fehlt ab sofort unserem dynamischen Team der PRINZESSIN RUPPRECHT HEIM FOUNDATION. Zwecks Vorstellungsgespräch wenden Sie sich bitte an Monika von Wietersheim [email protected] oder rufen Sie 064 412 540 an. ■

Nur Kandidaten, die in die engere Wahl gekommen sind, werden kontaktiert.

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Tourism for All

Networking Sessions Date: 27-28 April 2023 @Windhoek Country Club and Resort





Topics and Presenters DAY 1 Conference Room, Oryx 6 | Time: 11:00 – 15:30

1. Foundations and Community

2. What to expect as a

Tourism Relationships

visitor in Namibia HE Charles Moore: British High Commissioner

Revonia Job: Group CSI Manager FirstRand Namibia

3. Youth in Tourism – Government’s Agenda Sebulon Chicalu: Director Tourism; MEFT

4. How Conservancies operate, market and sustain their communities

Marcheline Podewiltz Khoadi //Hoas Conservancy

DAY 2 Conference Room, Oryx 6 | Time: 11:00 – 15:30

1. Social Intervention in Tourism – Internship for Tourism Students. Are we doing enough?

2. Sport & Tourism

Gys Joubert: Gondwana Collections

Johan Muller: CEO – Cricket Namibia

2. Funding Opportunities –

Register by scanning the QR Code or the link below.

3. Transfrontier Tourism- Implications

Youth in conservation

to local development

Nabot Mbeeli: Senior Coordinator-CBNRM Projects

Seimy Shidute-Christoph: Deputy Executive Director - MEFT

You are invited to register and attend these Network Sessions:





Seite n Inhal t




TIDES Wednesday, 12 April High 07:20 Low 13:30 High 20:12 Low 02:00


Thursday, 13 April Low 02:17 High 08:47 Low 15:13 High 21:57

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ALL HAIL THE QUEEN OF THE HIGH SEAS The Queen Mary 2 returned to Namibian shores on 10 April. The vessel arrived from Cape Town in the port of Walvis Bay with more than 2 000 guests. She is on a 120 day-tour which commenced in Southampton on 11 January and will visit 18 countries, 31 ports, and 18 UNESCO sites on the journey. Queen Mary 2 docked at 05:30 and set sail at 18:00 on the same day for Santa Fe, Argentina, where she is expected to arrive on 19 April. The 15-deck vessel, which is 343 meters in length and boasts the irst planetarium at sea, previously paid a visit in 2020. The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) is set to receive another six-passenger vessel between now and May 2023 before the season ends in November 2023. PHOTO OTIS DANIELS

Woermannhaus to be sold Property ‘not used to full potential’ The management committee of the Swakopmund municipal council has recommended that the erf housing the Woermannhaus be sold. www

Otis Daniels


he management committee (MC) of the Swakopmund municipal council has recommended that an application be submitted to the ministry of works, transport, and communication requesting the waiver of the use restriction regis­ tered on Erf 1308 in Bismarck Street, Swakopmund. The government donated the prop­ erty, which houses the Woermann­ haus, to the council, and – in terms of Government Grant 1304/1975 – the property must be exclusively used as a public library. Woermannhaus was completed in 1905 for the Damara and Namaqua Trading Company. The company sold the property to C. Woermann in April 1909 and the building was subsequently renamed ‘’Woermann Brock & Co”. The Administration of South West Africa bought Woermannhaus and converted it into a school hostel in

menced on 1 July 1993 and contin­ ued for an unspeciied period. The

renewal of the lease agreement for the public library passed on 31 May 2017

and was renewed from 1 February 2017 until 31 December 2027.

1921. The building was restored and transformed into the public library and art centre it is today. It was declared a historic monument on 10 December 1976.

Stimulate local economy According to the MC, the property is not used to its full potential as a public library and the monthly rental income does not justify maintenance expenses. “The sale of the property for commercial purposes will stim­ ulate the local economy and create employment.” The MC also recommended that due to the high costs with an upset price of N$17 900 000 for the sale of Erf 1308, approval be sought from the ministry of urban and rural development to proceed with the closed bid sale of the property. The name of the successful purchaser will be forwarded after the public closed bid sale. The division of adult education and lifelong learning within the directo­ rate of education, arts and culture is currently paying a monthly rental fee of N$22 2766.04. The directorate will be issued with a notice to vacate the premises once approval is granted to waive the restricted title condition. Council and government entered into a lease agreement to lease a num­ ber of rooms at Woermannhaus on 16 June 1993. The agreement com­

The Swakopmund municipal council intends to sell the property which houses Woermannhaus. Photo Otis Daniels

Organization: Affiliation: Date: Venue: Times: Genre:

Walvis Bay Sports Martial Arts NMA/ISKA/SAGA 22nd April 2023 Jan Wilkens Stadium 08:00 – 13:00 Points continues fighting, Tag team, self-defence and high kick


No entrance fee N$75.00 per genre and N$200.00 for tag team. (Up to 4 people) Food and drinks will be sold at the venue.

Please contact Ray at – [email protected] or 081 472 7549


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. . . they can provide youth a bridge to help them transition to these pathways to income.

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Africa’s energy sector must transform radically The World Resources Institute has identified several key challenges that will require urgent investigation to allow proper planning and policy-making in Africa’s energy transitions. Sebastian Sterl, an assistant professor in energy meteorology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, is part of this team and examines the issue.

Five biggest challenges SEBASTIAN STERL


ost of the international and media attention for Africa’s energy systems has focused on simply pointing out the size of the challenge – captured in statistics such as “570 million people in Africa live without electricity”. This solemn narrative has changed in recent times. With renewed investor interest in gas contracts and exploitation of solar, wind and hydrogen, the “hot topic” of energy transition appears to have touched down in Africa. In many cases, it looks rather like a business opportunity rather than fundamentally a development goal or climate change commitment – but a positive change in narrative nonetheless. The future of Africa’s energy sector is getting increasing attention from policymakers and the private sector. As demand for energy rises, current energy systems must grow rapidly to meet it. This must be done in reliable, resilient and affordable ways – while “staying the course” of climate compatibility and ensuring access for all. Internationally, the future of energy systems has been a hotly debated topic ever since the link between fossil fuel combustion and the negative impacts of climate change became

widely known. Energy transitions – pathways to shift from fossil fuels to cleaner forms of energy – have long been debated in Europe and North America. One visible outcome, among many others, is the increased use of electric vehicles.

The relatively high risks that investors assign to most African countries, as compared to the rest of the world, mean they demand a higher return to justify investments. Changing narrative Academia and international organisations have been working hard to provide a clear picture of potential energy pathways for African countries in recent years. It has been shown by academia and international organisations that the opportunity for growing African countries’ energy systems in sustainable ways is promising.




The continent as a whole is enormously wellendowed with clean energy resources: solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and others. These are unevenly distributed across countries, but each and every country has promising resources. I carry out research at the World Resources Institute as part of a team that is investigating African energy transitions. We start from the assumption that African countries should, and must, develop and industrialise. Our main task is to show how this could happen in clean and sustainable ways. Importantly, this work needs to be done at the country level to enable policymakers to access science-based information that can directly inform policy planning. We have identified several key challenges that will require urgent investigation to allow proper planning and policy-making. We did so by scrutinising previous research for missing elements and “blind spots”. These are the five main challenges:

Real cost of renewables We already know that, in many regions of the world, modern renewables like solar PV and wind power can produce electricity more cheaply than fossil fuel plants. Recently, solar was dubbed the “cheapest electricity source in history” by the International Energy Agency. But is this really always true? The relatively high risks that investors assign to most African countries, as compared to the rest of the world, mean they demand a higher return to justify investments. This means power plants must charge customers a higher price per kilowatt hour to

break even. A failure to take such trends into account tends to bias model predictions towards overestimating the role of solar and wind. Thus, the main question is how to de-risk investments so as to make solar and wind power not only cheap on paper or as worldwide average, but also on the ground in every single country.

Variable solar, wind power We already know that modern electricity grids can function reliably while drawing on variable solar and wind power. However, the countries where it works well, such as Denmark, Germany and Uruguay, had achieved 100% access to electricity and had reliable and stable power grids to begin with when they started investing in solar and wind plants. The same cannot currently be said for many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, the main question is what interventions would be needed to allow African countries to expand their underperforming power grids using solar PV and wind power. System models have suggested solar and wind power can be the cheapest way to provide electricity in the long term, but usually these models do not look at grid stability aspects in detail. Done wrong, solar and wind power may worsen this, rather than improve it.

Matching demand and supply We already know that most power utilities in the world are kept afloat by a relatively small number of high-consuming customers. These are typically commercial and industrial. We find this trend across geographies: it is as true in the US as in, for instance, Kenya. Many Sub-Saharan African countries lack

a strong industrial base. Meanwhile, utility companies need to connect a high number of low-consumption customers whose electricity bills will be low. All of this needs to happen while electricity prices remain affordable. Therefore, any future outlook on increasing electricity access across Africa needs to take into account the “chicken and egg” problem of reliable demand and reliable supply. Investing in new power plants will not be profitable if there are no reliable customers. Utilities will not be able to afford grid expansion without reliable customers. But these customers will not trust the grid if it can’t provide reliable services.

Electrification and fuel substitution We already know that the main path towards global decarbonisation of energy systems would consist of electrifying end-use sectors (buildings, transport, industry) to the extent possible, and using alternative green fuels in sectors where this is harder like steel-making and fertiliser production. The reality is that energy use in households across Sub-Saharan Africa is still mostly based on traditional biomass. Transport relies largely on imported secondhand vehicles. And industrialisation is only beginning. The transition towards electrification and fuel substitution will look different in most of these countries than in the global north. It is uncertain to what extent Africa can “leapfrog” fossil fuel use and go straight to clean energy, as is often claimed. What we need to find out is how fast fossil fuel use may grow across Africa, and when it might peak. This will shed light on the economic and environmental implications for African countries.

Opportunities and risks in oil, gas We already know that the exploration of oil and gas for export can be an important boon for a country’s national wealth. Several prominent African leaders insist on continued investment in exploring and exporting oil and gas to bolster government revenue and serve global demand. At the same time, the goals of the Paris Agreement have urged some investors to back out of funding further fossil fuel projects. These mixed signals create uncertainty for investors and planners. Countries could be at risk of being left with stranded assets if they invested in new oil and gas infrastructure. And governments focused on fossil fuel extraction might miss out on clean alternatives (like green e-fuels). More clarity is needed on the opportunities and risks involved in such investments.

Conclusion Without addressing these challenges, debates on African energy transitions are likely to be oversimplified. Answering these questions will provide the objective facts needed as the basis of finance for energy. The implied questions can be answered through targeted research at the country level. Existing modelling approaches must expand to consider current blind spots. Country coverage must expand. And funders should stimulate research on little-studied regions and sectors. Currently, most research focuses on a few “popular” countries – such as Nigeria, Ghana and Mauritius – but countries like Niger, Chad and South Sudan are just as deserving for their energy narratives to be charted. – The Conversation

How to tackle soaring public debt Issue in IMF spotlight

But when combined with fiscal consolidation, it can significantly reduce debt ratios – on average, up to 8 percentage points or more after 5 years in emerging markets and low-income countries. The IMF also found that it matters how deep the restructuring is. For countries that can afford a moderate and gradual reduction in debt ratios, it’s best to undertake fiscal consolidation when conditions are favourable, along with policies that include structural reforms aimed at promoting growth.

Timely and appropriate fiscal policy adjustments can reduce debt, but countries in distress will need a more comprehensive approach, the IMF says.



ublic debt soared to a record during the pandemic, topping global gross domestic product. Now, with government debt still elevated, the rise in interest rates and the strong US dollar are adding to interest costs, in turn weighing on growth and fuelling financial stability risks. Using two decades of data, the International Monetary Fund in its latest World Economic Outlook found an adequately tailored fiscal contraction of about 0.4 percentage point of GDP — the average size in its sample — lowers the debt ratio by 0.7 percentage point in the first year and up to 2.1 percentage points after five years. But the timing of the adjustment can impact what effect it has. The probability of reducing debt ratios through consolidation improves from the baseline (average) of about half to three-quarters when undertaken during a domestic and global boom or periods during which financial conditions are loose and uncertainty is low.

Institutional frameworks


Design also matters In advanced economies, spending cuts are more likely to lower debt ratios than increasing revenues. Odds of success also improve when fiscal consolidation is reinforced by growth enhancing structural reforms and strong institutional frameworks. This explains why fiscal consolidation hasn’t typically reduced debt ratios in the past — the right conditions and accompanying policies weren’t present. There are important factors for why fiscal consolidation alone didn’t reduce the debt ratio level in about half of the cases: first fiscal consolidation tends to slow GDP growth. Second, exchange rate fluctuations and transfers to state-owned enterprises or contingent liabilities can offset debt reduction efforts. These “below-the-line” operations can increase debt,

despite improvements in the primary balance (which would ordinarily drive down debt).

Debt restructuring While well-designed fiscal consolidation and growth-friendly structural reforms can help reduce debt ratios, they may not be sufficient for countries in debt distress or facing increased rollover risks. In such cases, debt restructuring — a renegotiation of the terms of a loan — may be necessary. Restructuring is typically used as a last resort. It’s a complex process that requires the agreement of domestic and foreign creditors and involves burden sharing between different parties (for example, between residents and banks in most domestic restructurings). It can incur significant economic costs and there are reputational risks and coordination challenges.

Having strong institutional frameworks can prevent “below the line” operations that undermine debt reduction efforts and ensure that countries indeed build buffers and reduce debt during good times. Countries facing increased funding pressures or already in debt distress may have no viable alternative than a substantial or rapid debt reduction. Fiscal consolidation will likely be needed to regain market confidence and recover macroeconomic stability in these countries. In addition, policymakers should also consider timely debt restructuring. If pursued, the restructuring will need to be deep to reduce debt ratios. For restructurings to succeed, global policymakers must also promote mechanisms to enhance coordination and confidence among creditors and debtors. The Group of Twenty Common Framework should be improved to bring greater predictability, earlier engagement, a payment standstill, and further clarification on comparability of treatment. – International Monetary Fund



Upskilling and reskilling

The key to thriving in the future workplace

digital technologies and gig work, they can provide youth a bridge to help them transition to these pathways to income.”

Certain skills are becoming increasingly important as companies seek workers who can adapt to changing environments and collaborate effectively with others.

Digital skills

The third trend to look out for is the increasing demand for workers with digital skills. As technology continues to advance, companies will need workers who can leverage digital tools and data to improve their operations and decision-making. According to a report by Burning Glass Technologies, digital skills are becoming essential across a wide range of occupations, including marketing, finance and healthcare. This trend is also reflected in the growing demand for jobs in technology-related fields, such as software development, cybersecurity and data analytics. The report says there are three groups of skills that have emerged as critical for the digital economy: human skills, digital building block skills, and business enabler skills. It refers to them as “New Foundational Skills”.



he future of work is rapidly changing with advancements in technology, artificial intelligence, globalisation, and shifting demographics. These changes are creating new opportunities and challenges for workers in all industries. The jobs of the future will require a different or updated set of skills, knowledge and abilities than those of the past. Let’s take a look at some of the key trends to look out for in the future of work.

Automation One of the biggest trends in the future of work is automation, which is currently a big theme with the rapid rise of generative AI as one aspect of it. Automation is essentially the use of technology to perform tasks that were previously done by humans. This trend is expected to continue and will likely impact a range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. According to a report by McKinsey, hundreds of millions of workers worldwide may need to switch occupations by 2030 due to automation. However, this also means that there will be new jobs created as a result of automation, such as robot coordinators, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts. “While technical feasibility of automation is important, it is not the only factor that will influence the pace and extent of automation adoption,” the report says. “Other factors include the cost of developing and deploying automation solutions for specific uses in the workplace, the labour-market dynamics (including quality and quantity of labour and associated wages), the benefits of automation beyond labour substitution, and regulatory and social acceptance.”

The report suggests that current job seekers should pursue strategies to acquire these New Foundational Skills. Here’s what it advises: • Identify gaps in current knowledge around new foundational skill areas. • Use internal training, boot camps, or education benefits to build these skills. • Learn to effectively communicate with, and learn from, digitally savvy peers. • Gain experience with adjacent tasks and functions, to develop the new skills. • Learn to signal demonstrable competencies in new foundational skills areas.

Soft skills One of the biggest trends in the future of work is automation, which is currently a big theme with the rapid rise of generative AI as one aspect of it. PHOTOS UNSPLASH/ANDREA DE SANTIS

The gig economy Another trend to look out for is the rise of the gig economy. The gig economy is a labour market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to the traditional “permanent jobs”. This trend has been fuelled by the growth of online platforms such as Uber, Airbnb and Fiverr, which connect workers with customers or clients. The gig economy was further intensified by the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and made way for a new, but related, trend referred to as the passion economy. The World Economic Forum (WEF) says the passion economy is where micro-entrepreneurs monetise their individuality and creativity. The WEF said: “A key reason for the growth of the passion economy is that it offers alternative ways of making money, innovative paths toward professional fulfilment and unprecedented career opportunities for [the youth]. South Africa is currently facing a youth unemployment crisis where a large number of young people in the country are unable to participate meaningfully in the economy. In the last quarter of 2022, South Africa’s youth unemployment rate stood at 45.5%, and a report by Launch League, a training hub for

South African entrepreneurs, suggests that it’s becoming increasingly clear that many won’t be able to get stable jobs in the formal industries as we know them. The report highlights the gig economy as a potential means for income for youth struggling with unemployment. “With technological disruption, we have the opportunity to upskill and reskill young people

with the appropriate skills and work-related capabilities that orientate them towards new opportunities to earn an income,” the report says. It adds: “Hubs, incubators, digital skills trainers and entrepreneur support organisations play a critical role in preparing people for the New Economy reality. “By developing skills in entrepreneurship,

A fourth trend to look out for is the importance of soft skills in the future of work. Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively with others. According to a report by the WEF, the top 10 skills that employers will be looking for in 2025 are: • Analytical thinking and innovation. • Active learning and learning strategies. • Complex problem-solving. • Creativity, originality and initiative. • Leadership and social influence. • Technology use, monitoring and control. • Technology design and programming. • Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility. • Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation. • Critical thinking and analysis. These skills are becoming increasingly important as companies seek workers who can adapt to changing environments and collaborate effectively with others. – Fin24

By developing skills in entrepreneurship, digital technologies and gig work, they can provide youth a bridge to help them transition to these pathways to income. - WEF



How to fix it

Shortage of US dollars in several African countries A number of African countries, including Kenya, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana and Zambia, are currently experiencing shortages of US dollars. The dollar is the dominant currency in international transactions. These countries rely on the US currency to pay for foreign debts, essential goods and industrial inputs. Development economist Christopher Adam of Oxford University explains what causes US dollar shortages and how they can be remedied.


lobal trade is conducted in the currencies of the world’s major economic powers, principally the US dollar, the European Union’s euro, the Japanese yen and, to a lesser extent, the Chinese renminbi and the UK’s pound sterling. Individuals, firms and government elsewhere in the world need these currencies to import goods and services and make other payments overseas. A dollar shortage is simply a situation where the demand for this foreign currency exceeds the available supply, at the current exchange rate. Depending on how the exchange rate is determined, a dollar shortage will present itself in different ways.

Fixed exchange rate In countries operating a fixed exchange rate regime – where the national currency is pegged to a hard currency – the shortage may be physical. The banks that normally supply their customers with dollars may simply have none to sell or are forced to ration their limited stock. But most countries today operate some form of flexible exchange rate. Their central banks don’t intervene in support of a particular exchange rate. Here, there may be no actual shortage. Dollars may still be available but can only be purchased at a higher cost. There’s a shortage only in the sense that the same amount of domestic currency buys fewer imports. Even with a fixed exchange rate, dollars can usually be obtained on the parallel or black market, though at a less favourable exchange rate. It takes more of the domestic currency to buy the hard currency. The domestic currency’s loss of value against the US dollar is often taken as an indicator of the severity of the dollar shortage.

Cause and impact The immediate cause of a dollar shortage is a deterioration in the country’s balance of payments, meaning a country’s financial transactions with the rest of the world. This might be due to some unexpected event like a natural disaster that destroys a country’s dollar-earning tourism sector. It could also be due to increased demand for essential imports such as food and medicines. Other causes include an increase in debt service payments falling due and a fall in re-

mittances from workers abroad. The worsening balance of payments may also reflect deterioration of the country’s terms of trade meaning the value of what a country exports relative to what it imports. World prices are determined by the actions of the large economies of the world. Small economies – including most developing countries – are price-takers: they have little or no capacity to alter their terms of trade.

What’s behind the shortage in Africa? Many African countries now face a combination of disrupted exports and worsening terms of trade. Exports grew substantially in the later 2010s because of high and rising world prices for primary products. Then the 2020s opened with a series of shocks that have contributed to the dollar shortage. Covid-related lockdowns and the associated global recession drove down prices for many of Africa’s key exports. Tourism – an important source of dollar earnings – came to a halt. The resurgence of global inflation and the resulting tight monetary policy (higher interest rates) have driven up prices for key imports and the cost of foreign borrowing. On top of this, prices for oil, food and fertiliser spiked when Russia invaded Ukraine. Rising oil prices ease dollar shortages for oil producing countries such as Angola and Nigeria but have an adverse impact on other countries. The effect is stark. When imports are fewer and more expensive, prices rise and spending falls. When the squeeze on imports reduces investment, there is lower growth and less economic progress.

Can it be avoided? The only sure-fire way to avoid a dollar shortage is self-sufficiency – referred to in economics as autarky. But this is not a realistic option and certainly not for countries at early stages of development. Low-income developing countries need not just essential imports like food, fuel and medicines. They also need imported capital goods and intermediate inputs to develop their own productive capacity. Over the medium term, as countries become able to produce more of the goods and services people want and need, they will depend less on imports. And they will be able to export more. Their vulnerability to periodic dollar shortages will ease. But this will take time.

Dollar inflows from trade, supported by remittances and aid inflows, may be temporarily augmented by foreign direct investment and dollar borrowing from official and private lenders. But capital inflows must eventually reverse as debts are repaid and foreign investors seek dividends and repatriation of their capital. If well used, though, capital inflows can support the export-led growth strategies that the most successful developing countries have pursued.

What should be done? The moderation of global inflation and the recovery of global growth are likely to bring an improvement in the terms of trade and the recovery in export demand. There is little domestic policymakers can do about this but wait. While they do so, they can take policy measures to address the immediate reality of the dollar shortage. Few of these measures are easy. The usual advice is to cut public spending. That will reduce the demand for imports. It’s politically difficult. Governments are also usually advised to encourage the production of exports and import substitutes. That is challenging and takes time. Effective adjustment therefore will also rely on external support. This means new and additional balance of payments support from the international financial institutions and multilateral development banks. And it means debt-restructuring initiatives such as the G20’s Common Framework mechanism. Periodic dollar shortages are an enduring fact of life for many low-income countries, even as growth and development mean they are likely to become less frequent and less severe over time. The current pressures experienced by some countries in Africa are certainly severe, but these can be managed if countries maintain the high-quality macroeconomic management that they have developed over the last decade, especially if this domestic economic discipline is accompanied by decisive support from the international financial institutions and external development partners. – The Conversation

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12/04/23 Market Watch

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The US bank crisis that rattled global markets last month is probably nearing the end, even if more unforeseen failures occur.

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N$8.1 billion Namibia’s export earnings recorded in February 2023. NAMIBIA STATISTICS AGENCY

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Challenges at the Cape Town port continue to frustrate stone fruit farmers and exporters, causing some to consider shutting down their operations. PHOTO REUTERS

Local transport companies can steal market share

South Africa’s logistics crisis an opportunity South Africa’s ports and railway network are not operating optimally. PHILLEPUS UUSIKU


amibians are well positioned to take advantage of South Africa’s logistics crisis as their ports are not operating optimally because of load shedding, while theft and vandalism of the railway network are adding more pressure. Simonis Storm economist Theo Klein shared these sentiments in an exclusive interview with Business 7. According to Klein, “more landlocked southern African countries are transporting their cargo to Namibia, which is recorded as an import, but most likely we just export it for them.” According to the Namibia Statis-

tics Agency (NSA), Namibia’s export earnings stood at N$8.1 billion in February 2023, compared to N$7.8 billion recorded in January 2023, an increase of 3.8%. Fin24 reported that challenges at the Cape Town port continue to frustrate stone fruit farmers and exporters, causing some to consider shutting down their operations, according to industry body Hortgro. They continue to face delays due to shipping problems, equipment not working, and logistics issues. For example, recently, stone fruit storage facilities had to stop packing due to a lack of cooling space and electrical power points available at the port. Role players in the industry are calling for the partial privatisation of port operations to enable a private loading area for fruit organisations,

according to Hortgro’s latest newsletter. A call has also been made for experts to be roped in to deal with operational problems at the port. According to André le Grange, a stone fruit producer from Stellenbosch, this type of fruit is sensitive and has a limited shelf life. Therefore, delays at the Cape Town port directly impact the shelf life and quality of the fruit when it arrives in Europe.

Farmers These challenges are causing farmers not to plant new orchards, which, in turn, leads to a lack of job creation. In the worst cases, farmers end up selling their farms. Le Grange, for example, is not planting any more plum trees and instead focuses on products for the local market, like butternut and avocados.

Delays at the Cape Town port directly impact the shelf life and quality of the fruit when it arrives in Europe. André le Grange, Stone fruit producer: Stellenbosch He goes as far as to say he is ready to dump rotten fruit at the Cape Town harbour in protest. Thomas Babl, a stone fruit producer from Simondium near Paarl, says there must be a plan B to kick into

action if there are delays at the Cape Town port. In his view, this might include using Coega in the Eastern Cape. Cooperation among the ports and shipping companies is essential to ensure fruit can be shipped directly to Rotterdam. Babl is focusing on identifying cultivars that can be stored for longer. According to Hortgro’s managing director of markets and trade, Jacques du Preez, lower volumes of stone fruit from Chile have created more opportunities for exports from SA in the European market - if local stone fruit farmers and exporters can get it there in time. Hortgro continues to focus on how the situation at the Cape Town port can be improved and has weekly meetings with Transnet in this regard. - [email protected] - Additional reporting by Fin24


Committee for logistics crisis proposed in SA

Market Watch

office will enable a more coordinated approach across ministries that impact the logistics supply chain. Jan Havenga, a professor at Stellenbosch University, said the crisis committee is an exciting development.

Business LISA STEYN During a meeting with key exporters, President Cyril Ramaphosa proposed the establishment of a national logistics crisis committee to urgently address the ailing performance of South Africa’s ports and rail. Ramaphosa hosted the virtual meeting with executives from key exporting economic sectors such as mining and minerals, the agricultural and forestry sectors and as well as the automotive and freight forwarding industry. The sectors represent South Africa’s largest exporters who are reliant on the country’s road, rail and port infrastructure. Several meeting participants confirmed to News24 that the president said the logistics crisis is of “catastrophic proportions” and committed to rapid solutions through a new national logistics crisis committee. The committee structure is expected to be detailed at the fifth South Africa Investment Conference. Asked about the formation of such a crisis committee, Ramaphosa’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said: “He is considering it. He needs to work through its formulation and terms of reference”. Sources say that a crisis committee housed in the president’s

“We have had committees such as the one with the Minerals Council and Transnet, but the reason they don’t work is that there is nowhere for business to escalate the problem. If Transnet says no, there is nowhere for business to fall back on,” he said. “Now they have the backing of the president and a place to escalate it to.” In a statement released by the Presidency, Ramaphosa welcomed the proposals presented during the meeting, which are aimed at improving the state of national rail and ports. “We need to take urgent measures to resolve the logistics backlog that continues to undermine economic growth,” Ramaphosa said in the statement. “I deeply appreciate the constructive manner in which all the impacted sectors have approached the resolution of this crisis. The government will consider some of the proposals presented and act on them quickly in order to unlock muchneeded investments into the economy”. The interaction with large exporters follows a meeting the president held with members of the Transnet board and executive management, which discussed challenges facing the country’s logistics system, including the declining performance of the freight - Fin24 rail network.



Rev up your pre-owned vehicle purchase: Avoid hire purchase hassles EDDIE KING

number and engine number.


Confirm the ownership documents:

f you are in the market for a preowned vehicle, you must be aware of the risks involved and take steps to protect yourself from potential fraud. This is especially true when the car you are interested in may be subject to a hire purchase agreement with any financial institution. Here are some tips to help you protect yourself when buying a pre-owned vehicle:

Please do your research: Before making any purchase, research the vehicle make and model you are interested in to get an idea of its fair market value, common issues and overall reliability.

Check the vehicle history report: A vehicle history report can provide valuable information about the vehicle’s ownership, service and accident history. Take note of hire purchase agreements. If the vehicle you are interested in is subject to a hire purchase agreement, be mindful of the risks involved and take steps to protect yourself. Check for any outstanding debts or charges against the vehicle and ask the seller for proof of settlement from the financial institution or dealer who sold the car. Approach any or all financial institutions to request a Hire Purchase (HP) scan on the specific vehicle. Request the necessary information from the owner, such as the chassis

When inspecting the vehicle, check the ownership documents to ensure the seller is the vehicle’s legal owner.

Look for signs of wear and tear: Thoroughly inspect the vehicle for signs of wear and tear, including rust, dents and scratches. Test the car to get a feel for handling and check for unusual noises or vibrations.

Consider using a reputable dealer: Consider purchasing the vehicle from a reputable dealer or seller with a good track record of selling cars. They can provide additional information about the vehicle and may offer warranties or guarantees. By taking these steps, you can help protect yourself from potential fraud and ensure that you get the best value when purchasing a pre-owned vehicle. Please note that purchasing a vehicle still under HP with any financial institution may result in you losing the car and the money spent in buying it. As per the Instalment Sale Agreement of any financial institution, the vehicle remains the financial institution’s asset until paid in full. Therefore, the financial institution is the lawful owner of the vehicle. As a third party, you will have no recourse against the financial institution should a court order be granted for repossession of the vehicle. However, you can institute legal action against the person you purchased the vehicle from. Please remember that you may be liable for criminal charges against you should you refuse the lawful owner (financial institution) to repossess the car.

Bank Windhoek’s Executive Officer of Credit, Eddie King. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

Remember to be thorough in your research and inspections, and always be aware of the risks involved in any purchase.

What is a hire purchase agreement? Under a hire purchase agreement, the borrower typically makes a deposit and then pays the remaining balance, plus interest, in regular instalments over an agreed-upon period. However, the borrower only owns the vehicle once the final payment is made. Once all instalments are fully paid, ownership of the car is transferred to the borrower. The lender typically retains the right to repossess the vehicle if the borrower defaults on the loan, meaning they stop making payments. The lender remains the car’s owner and has the right to repossess it from any third party and will not be held liable for any money exchange between the borrower and the third party.

SUBMISSION OF EMPLOYEES’ COMPENSATION WAGE RETURNS (E.AS.6 and E.AS.7) The Social Security Commission (SSC) hereby wishes to remind employers registered with the Employees’ Compensation Fund (ECF) that the due date for submitting Wage Returns (E.AS.6 or E.AS.7) for the 2022/2023 year of assessment was 31 March 2023.


In terms of Section 68(1) of the Employees’ Compensation Act, (Act No. 30 of 1941), employers are required to furnish the SSC with a wage return form, showing the amount of wages paid to their respective employees during the particular period. Employers should receive a Notice of Assessment within thirty (30) days after submission of the Wage Return. Kindly enquire, however, with the Commission if this Notice of Assessment is not received within the allotted time period. In addition, employers are requested to make sure that their Wage Returns from previous years are submitted and assessments are paid up to date. Employers are hereby advised to adhere to the requirements of this Act to ensure maximum benefits for both the employers and employees. Non-compliance with the Act is a criminal offence punishable by law. Kindly be reminded that 100% compliance may result in material benefit in the form of cash rebates for employers. Also note that failure to submit Wage Returns and payment of outstanding dues will result in non-issuance of Good Standing Certificates and/or handover of the account to debt collectors which may lead to legal proceedings. Copies of Wage Return forms can be obtained from any of the SSC’s offices countrywide. For more information kindly contact Ms. Hansina Hinda at telephone number +264 61 280 7088 or via email: [email protected] or Ms. Irene Haingura at telephone number +264 61 280 7132, email: [email protected]

Kindly take note that the Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) will hold the stakeholder consultation hybrid meeting with regards to the Draft Part 187 in accordance with Namibia Civil Aviation Regulations (NAMCARs) on the following date: Stakeholder consultation meeting is scheduled for: Date: 18 April 2023, @ 09h00 Physical Venue: NCAA Auditorium Virtually via Micro Soft Teams Meeting ID: 39674159442 Passcode: CY7Jij Draft Part 187 is available, free of charge, by way of download from the NCAA website, via, Fees ( Those intending to attend in person must RSVP at [email protected] before 14 April 2023. Issued by:

Ms. Toska Sem Executive Director of Namibia Civil Aviation Authority No. 4 Rudolf Hertzog Street Windhoek, Namibia


Market Watch


Economic Indicators Currency












































Please call your Private Banker or alternatively SMS PMM to 34778 *Effective rate (withholding tax still to be applied)


JPMORGAN CEO SAYS BANKING CRISIS INCREASED The US bank crisis that rattled global markets last month is probably nearing the end, even if more unforeseen failures occur, JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon said. Only a handful of lenders have the problems that toppled Silicon Valley Bank, and when the industry starts reporting quarterly earnings next week, the numbers will probably be good, Dimon told CNN. Asked if more bank failures might come, he said he didn’t know. “But if there are, I know honestly they’ll be resolved and it will probably be the last of them,” Dimon said. “I think we’re getting near the end of this particular crisis.” The CEO also said that it’s OK for a bank to fail in a system if a contagion to other lenders can be prevented. The banking system will reach that point with “monitoring, changing a few things,” he said. “Failure is OK, you just don’t want this domino effect.” Dimon, 67, has run JPMorgan since 2005, and is the only CEO from the 2008 financial crisis still in charge of a big bank. In a CNN report earlier Thursday, he said the recent turmoil in the financial industry had probably made a US recession more likely, though a downturn won’t necessarily happen. “We are seeing people reduce lending a little bit, cut back a little bit and pull back a little bit,” he said. US regional banks have been in turmoil after a run on deposits struck SVB and several other lenders. Rising interest rates depressed the value of bonds they bought when interest rates were low, and a sudden surge in customer withdrawals forced some of them to sell those assets at a loss. Dimon’s remarks build on an assessment he offered in an annual letter to shareholders earlier this week, in which he acknowledged that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the emergency sale of Credit Suisse Group AG to UBS Group AG had “significantly changed the market’s expectations” for the economy.

core at any price. However, other shareholders have an opportunity to block Teck’s plan announced in February to split the company at an April 26 vote. With a little more than two weeks before the vote, Teck and Glencore each have a tight deadline to win over investors. Teck’s separation requires twothirds support from both categories of “supervoting” and regular shares, meaning that shareholders with just a small percentage of the total voting rights could have the power to scupper the plan and throw its future into question. - Fin24



MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE ON THE NEWSPAPER ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN THE WINDHOEK OBSERVER WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ON FRIDAY, 31 MARCH 2023 TITLED “FRESHLY RECRUITED NDF SOLDIERS ARE NOT FIT ENOUGH” The Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs (MODVA) hereby wishes to correct the information reported in the said article on three items as follows: a.

The paragraph of the said article stated that the Minister of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, Frans has expressed concerns about young people’s health which seems to be deteriorating as it has come to his attention that some of the and related health conditions. On the 1 300 new recruits of the October 2022 intake have quit training due to during contrary, as it is appearing in the statement, the Honourable Minister indicated that there were pregnancies and other medical conditions”. With regard to the the selection process “due to mainly physical reduction in the number of those who are in training, he explained that the reduction was because “some have voluntarily and related health conditions” as reported by the newspaper. left training due to various reasons” and not due to That is to say those who left did so because they could not cope with the intensity of training.


The sixth paragraph reads that “Last year, during training, an unfortunate death occurred among the recruits”. As a matter of fact the death that occurred did not happen during the training of recruits, but it happened at Eenhana in Ohangwena test, collapsed at some point and Region on 23 August 2022 when an applicant who, after completing the physical was taken to the hospital where he passed on during the night of that very day. Since the recruit training started in October 2022, no fatality was recorded at the training institutions to this date.


In the twenty-second is reported to have said that the NDF will continue to protect the country and its mineral resources for it to reimagine the force’s capabilities despite while adding that the budget allocation of N$6.2 billion creates the economic downturn. The Honourable Minister said that as a reminder of the promises that he made in his Budget Statement of the 2022/2023 Financial Year which had an allocation of N$ 6,070,213,000. Remember that the Year 2022 was declared by His Excellency the President as the “Year of Reimaging” while the Year 2023 was declared as the Year of Revival”. Even the 23rd paragraph of the article listed the activities that the ministry undertook to do in 2022/2023 and not those which are planned for 2023/2024.

- Fin24

TECK URGING INVESTORS TO SUPPORT ITS PLAN Teck Resources urged investors to support its plan for splitting its metals and coal businesses while reiterating opposition to a US$23 billion (R426 billion) takeover proposal from Glencore. Glencore’s offer to acquire Teck and then spin off the coal businesses “is a departure from reality,” Teck Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Price said in a Monday call with investors. “There is no path to a deal with Glencore.” Teck, one of Canada’s biggest mining companies, is stepping up its fight to win over investors to back a plan to separate its base metals business from steelmaking coal while fending off an unsolicited proposal from Glencore. The developments come as acquisition activity heats up in the mining industry, fueled by a need for more of the metals that underpin the global energy transition. Teck’s dual-class share structure means any takeover bid requires support of Canada’s Keevil family, whose patriarch has indicated he will not sell to Glen-


with the Public Relations Division of In conclusion, the MODVA encourages reporters to always verify or seek the ministry to avoid publishing articles that may be contrary to the actuals facts of the subject matter. The Ministerial Budget Statement is available both on the ministerial Website and the Facebook page. When reading it, you are advised to note that nine (9) pages contain the report of how the allocations of the previous year were utilized while the pages from 10 to18 the contain the planned activities for the current year.



Market Watch




Did you know?

Coordinator Focus Medical

Henriette started her career at the Republikein in August 1993. Since then she developed an interest and passion for all things medical-related, starting with the Medical publication in 2013. [email protected]


Digestive Due to a slowing digestive system, you generate less saliva and stomach acid as you get older.

The benefits of healthy eating as you age Healthy eating is important at any age, but becomes even more so as we reach midlife and beyond. HENRIETTE LAMPRECHT


s well as keeping your body healthy, eating well can also be the key to a positive outlook and staying emotionally balanced. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be about dieting and sacrifice. Rather, it should be all about enjoying fresh, tasty food, wholesome ingredients, and eating in the company of friends and family. No matter your age or your previous eating habits, it’s never too late to change your diet and improve the way you think and feel. Improving your diet now can help you to: Live longer and stronger - Good nutrition can boost immunity, fight illness-causing toxins, keep weight in check, and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, bone loss, and cancer. Along with physical activity, a balanced diet can also contribute to enhanced independence as you age.

Shopping with others - Shopping with a friend can give you a chance to catch up without falling behind on your chores. It’s also a great way to share new meal ideas and save money on discount deals like “buy one, get the second half price”. Cooking with others - Invite a friend to share cooking responsibilities—one prepares the entrée, the other dessert, for example. Cooking with others can be a fun way to deepen your relationships, and splitting costs can make it cheaper for both of you. Making mealtimes a social experience - The simple act of talking to a friend or loved over the dinner table can play a big role in relieving stress and boosting mood. Gather the family together regularly and stay up to date on everyone’s lives. Invite a friend, coworker, or neighbor over. Visiting an adult day care center or enrolling in a senior meal program can also provide both companionship and nutritious meals for older adults.

Important vitamins and minerals as you get older

Water - As you age, you may be more prone to dehydration because your sense of thirst is not as sharp. Remember to sip water regularly to avoid urinary tract infecSharpen your mind tions, constipation, People who eat fruit, and even confusion. leafy veggies, and fish a n d Vitamin B - After Prevent malnutrition: nuts packed with omega-3 fatty the age of 50, your acids may be able to improve stomach produc• Eat nutrient-packed es less gastric focus and decrease their risk food. of Alzheimer’s disease. Antioxacid making • Have flavourful food available. idant-rich green tea may also it harder to • Snack between meals. absorb vitamin enhance memory and mental • Eat with company as alertness as you age. B-12, needed much as possible. to help keep Feel better - Wholesome meals blood and nerves can give you more energy and help healthy. Get the you look better, resulting in a boost to recommended daily your mood and self-esteem. It’s all conintake (2.4 mcg) of B12 nected—when your body feels good, you feel from fortified foods or a happier inside and out. vitamin supplement. Vitamin D - With age, your skin is less effiHealthy eating is about cient at synthesizing vitamin D, so consult your doctor about supplementing your diet with more than just food Eating well as you age is about more than just fortified foods or a multivitamin, especially the quality and variety of your food. It’s also if you’re obese or have limited sun exposure. about the pleasure of eating, which increases when a meal is shared. Eating with others can be Eating well on a budget as important as adding vitamins to your diet. A For many older adults on a fixed, limited budget, social atmosphere stimulates your mind, makes knowing how to eat healthily is only part of the meals more enjoyable, and can help you stick problem. Paying for the healthiest food isn’t always easy but there are ways to stretch your to your healthy eating plan. budget and save money on nutritious food. Even if you live alone, you can make healthy meals more pleasurable by: Eat out less - It may seem that fast food is less


expensive than cooking at home. Preparing a simple, healthy beef stew or roast chicken with vegetables can cost far less and leave you with leftovers as well. Stick to your grocery list - The more prepared you are when food shopping, the less impulse purchases you’ll make. Buy in bulk - Doing things in bulk saves time and money. It’s always a good idea to buy nonperishable items, such as dried beans and canned fish, in bulk. You can freeze perishable items, such as meat and bread, in smaller

Health tip Sip water regularly to avoid urinary tract infections, constipation, and even confusion.

portions to use as needed or split them with a friend—saving you both money. Search out farmers’ markets - Many places host weekly farmers’ markets where local farmers sell fresh food directly, often cheaper than the grocery store. Towards the end of the market, some vendors sell remaining perishable items at a discount. Purchase generic/store brands - When you shop at conventional grocery stores, the store or generic brand will often be cheaper than the name brand for the same quality product. Join the grocery store savings club and look out for discount coupons for more savings. Purchase less expensive cuts of meat and make better use of it. You’ll save money on the cut of meat and stretch the meat for more meals when you make tasty casseroles, sauces, soups, stews, and stirfries. Add vegetables, beans, and whole grains to create filling and delicious meals. Cook once and eat multiple times - Cook a large meal at the beginning of the week so that you have extra to use later in the week when you don’t feel like cooking.

Health Precaution tip Dietary fiber can lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

- Source:

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Market Watch


For energy-intensive projects

South Africa’s unstable power scaring investors get the investment requirements in place,” Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Ebrahim Patel said.

In 2018 President Cyril Ramaphosa set a target to raise US$100 billion of investments over five years to support growth and create jobs in South Africa.

They are anticipating that we need to be able over the next two to three years to resolve the energy crisis.


nvestors are holding back on investing in energy-intensive projects in South Africa as the country’s power crisis undermines business continuity and hurts economic growth. “There are large investments, which are energy-intensive, where the investors are cautious because they need to see that we are able to

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. PHOTO REUTERS

Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Trade and Industry

“So, they are anticipating that we need to be able over the next two to three years to resolve the energy crisis.” Patel was speaking ahead of the country’s fifth investment conference due to take place in Johannesburg on 13 April. In 2018 President Cyril Ramaphosa set a target to raise $100 billion of investments over five years to support growth and create jobs in South Africa. South African companies are spending billions of rands to keep businesses running as state-owned Eskom, plagued by breakdowns at its coal-fired power stations, implements rotational blackouts — locally known as load-shedding —

for as long as 12 hours a day. The outages of about 6 to 12 hours may cost the economy at least R204 million a day, according to the South African Reserve Bank. Eskom has rationed power for 15 consecutive months as of April, which includes a record 141 consecutive days from 31 October to 20 March, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. “To the extent that we are able to address our energy challenge rapidly, I think that’s going to inject more confidence in the investor community and I have no doubt that we can achieve more than the pledges we have now if we can increase power supply,” Patel said.

- Fin24


Market Watch



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DR. SCHIER, DR. DE CHAVONNES VRUGT, DR. SCHICKERLING, DR. SLABBER. Dear patient. Please note that our telephone lines are out of order due to cable theft. Please phone on cell number: 085-7496096 should you need to contact us during this time. DM0202300409154


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KEIPAU PLASTIC MANUFACTURING AND TRADING CC is urgently looking for 2 machine operators. Requirements: * Fluent Mandarin & English both spoken and written. * 8+ yearsrelevant working experience on operating Zinc cutting or Lip Channel manufacturing and its maintenance. * Basic computer skills. * Certificate of Conduct of from police station Please send your CV to: [email protected] Close date: 20April 2023 DM0202300409233


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Grilled cheese sandwiches are a delicious, toasted delight popular all across the world. They even have their own holiday, Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, when it’s practically your duty to indulge in them.


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IN THE  High Court, Republic Of Namibia, Windhoek Main Division Case No : HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/00214 In the matter between : INTERAFRICA GRAINS (PTY) LTD< Plaintiff and KAVANGO MILLS, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the above Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by a public auction on 27TH OF APRIL 2023 at 11H00 at Musese Green Scheme Premises, Republic Of Namibia, namely: 1x Grain Drill, 1x Wright 936 Wheel Loader Serial No: 2ZB00148 (Non Runner), 1x Mitsubishi Pajero N5652RU White (Non Runner), 1x Nissan Pick Up N6688RU Chassis: ADNAPUD22ZR060753 Engine No. YD25523046T TERMS: CASH to the highest bidder. Dated at Windhoek on this 3rd of April 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff corner Robert Mugabe Avenue & Thorer Street P O Box 37, WINDHOEK (Ref.: AAH/ls/242011) DM0202300409215

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IN THE  High Court Of Namibia Main Division – Windhoek Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2018/01277 In the matter between: BANK WINDHOEK LIMITED, Plaintiff and AQUARIUS INVESTMENT ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE CLOSE CORPORATION, First Defendant HAFENI HATUTALE KANYEMBA, Second Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION of a Judgment of the above Honourable Court in the above action, a sale without reserve plus interest will be held by the Deputy Sheriff, WINDHOEK, at SECTION NO 14, ERF R/1978, PELICAN PARK, PELICAN STREET, WINDHOEK on 26TH OF APRIL 2023 at 15h00, of the undermentioned property. CERTAIN: Section No 14, Pelican Park, Windhoek SITUATE: In the municipality of Windhoek, (Registration Division “K”) MEASURING: 116 (one one six) Square Meters IMPROVEMENTS: Two-bedroom double storey sectional title with lounge, Kitchen, bathroom, separate WC and double garage TERMS 10% of the purchase price and the auctioneers’ commission must be paid on the date of the sale. The further terms and conditions of the sale will be read prior to the auction and lie for inspection at the office of the Deputy of Sheriff of the Court, Windhoek and at the offices of the Execution Creditor’s Attorneys. Auctioneer’s note: Refundable registration fee of N$ 5 000.00 DATED at WINDHOEK this 2nd day of MARCH 2023. DR. WEDER, KAUTA & HOVEKA INC. LEGAL PRACTITIONERS FOR THE PLAINTIFF WKH HOUSE, 3rd FLOOR JAN JONKER ROAD AUSSPANNPLATZ WINDHOEK (Ref: MAT11016) DM0202300409198

IN THE  High Court, Republic of Namibia, Windhoek, Main Division Case No : HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/00214 In the matter between: INTERAFRICA GRAINS (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff and KAVANGO MILLS, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the above Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by a public auction on 26TH OF APRIL 2023 at 12H00 at SARASUNGU FARM PREMISES, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA, namely: 1X DONGFENG CUMONS GENERATOR 1x JOHN DEERE 5303 2X4 TRACTOR, ID. NO: PY5303E001759 1x SINGLE AXLE TRAILER GREEN, SER NO. 2103 1x GRASS CUTTER 1X DOUBLE AXLE TRACTOR TRAILER SER. NO. BR/602A-PF 1X DOUBLE AXLE CATTLE TRAILER VIN: ELZ11770 1X 6 TOWER CENTRE PIVOT 1X 5 TOWER CENTRE PIVOT TERMS: CASH to the highest bidder. Dated at Windhoek this 24TH OF March 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Corner of Robert Mugabe Avenue & Thorer Street P O Box 37, WINDHOEK DM0202300409050

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IN THE High Court, Republic Of Namibia, Windhoek, Main Division Case No : HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/00214 In the matter between : INTERAFRICA GRAINS (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff and KAVANGO MILLS, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the above Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by a public auction on 27TH OF APRIL 2023 at 11H00 at MUSESE GREEN SCHEME PREMISES, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA, namely: 1x 7 TEETH RIPPER 1x JOHN DEERE 4X4 TRACTOR ID. NO. IRW7830DKBD035781 1X JOHN DEERE 4X4 TRACTOR ID.NO. IRIL06125MKEH802151, MODEL: 6125M 1x JOHN DEERE COMBINE HARBESTER 5680, ID NO. IRIH5680SLD0757823 1x JOHN DEERE 4X4 TRACTOR IR IL06170MHFK836169, MODEL 6170M 1X ALPHA OMEGA 40DISC 1X SKS11-28 ERDVARK 28 DISC 1X JOHN DEER 5 SCAR PLOUGH 2X SINGLE AXLE TRAILER 1X JOHN DEERE PLANTER 1750 1X HARVESTER CORN HEAD 612C 1X HARVESTER WEAT HEAD 635F 1X RENAULT TRUCK 400, VF633KVCO6TK33876 TERMS : CASH to the highest bidder. DATED at WINDHOEK this 24TH OF MARCH 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Corner of Robert Mugabe Avenue & Thorer Street P O Box 37, WINDHOEK (Ref.: AAH/ls/242011) DM0202300409049


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE  High Court, Republic of Namibia, Windhoek Main Division Case No : HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/00214 In the matter between : INTERAFRICA GRAINS (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff and KAVANGO MILLS, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the above Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by a public auction on 26TH OF APRIL 2023 at 10H00 at KAVANGOMILLS PREMISES, RUNDU, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA, namely: 1X BLUE CATTLE TRAILER 6M N1639RU 1X BLUE CATTLE TRAILER 6M N2717RU 1X DROPSIDE LINK TRAILER 12M N688RU VIN: AAPV0050200348492 1X DROPSIDE LINK TRAILER 6M N686RU VIN: AAPV00502900348491 1X DEUTZ GENERATOR 3PHSE 1X MAN TRUCK 480 N3343RU VIN: AAMH670471PX22196, ENGINE: 83MO709042 1X TOYOTA N6672RU VIN: NBU910002111, ENGINE: MG010065A059306U 1X RENAULT 400 N5818RU, V I N :V F 6 3 3 KV 0 6 T K 3 3 87 1 , ENGINE:83MO709042 1X DROPSIDE TRAILER 6M N2404RU; VIN: AHBDSB2R87B067397 1X FLATDECK ALLUMINIUM LINK TRAILER 12M; N6772RU, CHASSIS: 1609912 1X FLATDECK ALLUMINIUM LINK TRAILER 6M; N6764RU, CHASSIS: 1609911 1X DROPSIDE TRAILER N2392RU; VIN: AHBDSB2FS7B087396 1X DROPSIDE TRAILER 6M; VIN: AAH86922 1X DROPSIDE TRAILER 12M; VIN:02860061 1X 12M CONTAINER DRY: XCMC 43000600 1X CONVEYER WITH BUCKET WITH MOTOR 3PHASE 1X ADJUSTABLE CONVEYER WITH MOTOR 3PHASE 1X BROKEN FORKLIFT TERMS: CASH to the highest bidder. DATED at WINDHOEK this 24TH OF MARCH 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Corner Robert Mugabe Avenue & Thorer Street P O Box 37, WINDHOEK (Ref.: AAH/ls/242011) DM0202300409051

In tere herinnering aan

Vera Carstens Inwoner van Windloek

IN DIE OUDERDOM VAN 62 JAAR. ROUDIENS: Vrydag, 14 April 2023 om 17:30 Sy word oorleef deur laar man, Rinus, 2 Kinders, Carly en Ryno en 3 Kleinkinders. Vir meer inligting kontak: Carly 0812456119


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

NOTICE Stoor Self Storage PTY Ltd herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal for Special Consent, for a “dwelling unit” on the premises of Erf4844, Swakopmund, Extension 10 (Eliaser Tuhadeleni Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services. Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s inwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours Closing date for objections is: 26th April 2023. Contact Person: Ms. R Hoon, cell 081 293 7107, Email: [email protected]. na Or Mr J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +264(64) 4104403. DM0202300409087

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms section 63(2) of the local Authority Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell by private transaction ERVEN 6230 and 6231 WALVIS BAY, with a combine AREA 40,841 m2 at a PURCHASE PRICE N$1,225,230 to BPO Logistics cc for the establishment of a Logistic Hub. Full particulars pertaining to the purchase will lie for inspection by interested persons until Friday, 21 April 2023 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs. S. Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours. Written objections, duly motivation, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 Wednesday, 26 April 2023.

A. VICTOR GENERAL MANAGER: COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal OfficeD Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 WALVIS BAY Fax: (064) 209714


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE  High Court of Namibia Main Division Case No. HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2018/03797 In the matter between: JUSTINE POPIENI HILUKILUAH, Execution Creditor and LILIAN NYARANGO, 1ST Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgment in the High Court of Namibia on 28 October 2019 and Writ of Execution dated the 15th day of March 2022, the following goods will be sold in Execution on Thursday, the 20th April 2023 at 09h00 at Erf 49, cnr of Michelle Mclean & Platinum Streets, Prosperita, Windhoek: 1X Green Jeep, Registration No: N175-111W. Dated at WINDHOEK this day of March2023. THEUNISSEN, LOUW AND PARTNERS LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR PLAINTIFF SCHüTZEN HAUS, NO. 1 SCHüTZEN STREET WINDHOEK REF. RL/nk/MAT1652/22 DM0202300409042

IN THE  High Court of Namibia (Main Division) Case Number: HC-MD-CIVACT-CON-2022/00037 In the matter between: OKAHANDJA BUILDING SUPPLIES CC, Execution Creditor and PHULGENTIUS KAHAMBUNDU, Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION OF A JUDGMENT of the High Court Main Division, given on the 08th March 2022 in the abovementioned case, a judicial sale by public auction will be held via live webcast starting at 09:00 on the 24th day of April 2023 at Erf49, cnr of Michelle Mclean and Platinum Street, Prosperita, Windhoek, of the following movable property: 1x Television (Samsung), 1x Lounge, 2x Bar Chairs, 1x Double Door Refrigerator,1x Washing Machine, 1x Compactor And a vehicle public auction will be held via live webcast at starting at09:00, on the 20th day of April 2023 at Erf 49 cnr of Michelle Mclean and Platinum Street Prosperita, on the following vehicles 1x Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) N221-966W) 1x Land Cruiser N1988W TERMS: “VOETSTOOTS” CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER DATED at WINDHOEK on this 04th day of April 2023. PHILIP SWANEPOEL LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Legal practitioners for the Plaintiff Eros Airport Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia REF: OKA1/0001 DM0202300409238

IN THE High Court Of Namibia (Main Division) Case Number: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/03866 In the matter between: THE HILLS BODY CORPORATE, Execution Creditor AND PIETER JACOBUS GROVE, Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION OF A JUDGMENT of the High Court Main Division, given on the 02ND November 2022 in the abovementioned case, a judicial sale by public auction will be held via live webcast starting at 09:00 on the 24th day of April 2023 at Erf 49, cnr of Michelle Mclean and Platinum Street, Prosperity, Windhoek, of the following movable property: The 100% members interest of Pieter Jacobus Grove in CC/2012/2439 known as SURE START PROPERTIES CC, the owner of: Certain: Erf 924 Elisenheim (Extension No. 7) (Improved Property) “Measuring: 450 Square Metres Held By: Title Deed No. T4680/2015 TERMS: “VOETSTOOTS” - CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER DATED at WINDHOEK on this 04th day of April 2023. PHILIP SWANEPOEL LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Legal practitioners for the Plaintiff Eros Airport Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia REF: EON16/0002 DM0202300409239



Market Watch

3wednesday 12 April 2023

Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE  High Court of Namibia (Main Division) Case Number: HC-MD-CIVACT-CON-2022/02843 In the matter between: HERWIG AMLACHER, Execution Creditor and LLUWELLYN SHAUN VAN ROOI Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION OF A JUDGMENT of the High Court Main Division, given on the 09thNovember 2022 in the abovementioned case, a judicial sale by public auction will be held via live webcast starting at 09:00 on the 24th day of April 2023at Erf 49, cnr of Michelle Mclean and Platinum Street, Prosperita, Windhoek, of the following movable property: 1x Lounge Suite, 1x Fridge, 1x Table TERMS: “VOETSTOOTS” CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER DATED at WINDHOEK on this 04th day of April 2023. PHILIP SWANEPOEL LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Legal practitioners for the Plaintiff Eros Airport Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia REF: Her6/0001 DM0202300409240

IN THE  High Court of Namibia (Main Division) Case Number: HC-MD-CIVACT-CON-2022/05329 In the matter between: FISHERS COURT BODY CORPORATE, Execution Creditor and JASON GURIRAB, Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION OF A JUDGMENT of the High Court Main Division, given on the 20thFebruary 2023 in the abovementioned case, a judicial sale by public auction will be held via live webcast starting at 09:00 on the 24th day of April 2023at Erf 49, cnr of Michelle Mclean and Platinum Street, Prosperita, Windhoek, of the following movable property: 1x Lounge suite, 1x TV flat screen, 1x Decoder, 1x Glass coffee table, 1x Sound System, 2x Box Freezer, 1x Trojan, 1x Computer, 1x Printer, 1x Computer table, 1x Fridge TERMS: “VOETSTOOTS” CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER DATED at WINDHOEK on this 04th day of APRIL 2023. PHILIP SWANEPOEL LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Legal practitioners for the Plaintiff Eros Airport Aviation Road Windhoek Namibia REF: EON37/0015



Help for relatives of Alcoholics


Market Watch Om te adverteer skakel: Kleinadvertensies t: 061-297 2055

The Proponent of the proposed Activities: Gemco Investments cc

Project Nature and Location: Upon issuance of the ECC for the proposed exploration activities and renewal of the EPL, the Proponent will plan for and commence with the prospecting and exploration of mineral commodities on EPL-6990. The EPL is located about 100km west of Uis Settlement and 55km west of the Brandberg Mountain in Erongo Region and covers an area of 12,749.7402 hectares (Ha). Appointed Environmental Consultant: Serja Hydrogeo-Environmental Consultants CC The public is therefore invited to register as Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) and submit comments and or receive further information on the EIA process. The requests for registration as I&APs and submission of comments, issues or concerns

AL-ANON Family groups offer help for friends and relatives of alcoholics. They provide assistance for people who live with alcoholics.

Mail: vollmerdj@ Dawnnam@


IN THE High Court of Namibia, Northern Local Division Held at Oshakati Case No: HC-NLD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/00275 In the matter between: JOHANNES SIMON, Plaintiff and METALLIC WELDING AND FABRICATION TRAINING CC, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE EXECUTION of a Judgment of the above Honourable Court, the following goods will be sold by PublicAuction at, ADVANCED REFRIGERATION, MAIN ROAD,OSHAKATI, at 12H00 on the 20th day of APRIL 2023. 1x BMW JORRY NA CONDITIONS OF SALE: “Voetstoots” – cash to the highest bidder Dated and SIGNED at OSHAKATI on this the 31ST day of MARCH 2023 SIGNED: J GREYLING GREYLING & ASSOCIATES ERF 849 : ROBERT MUGABE STREET PRIVATE BAG 5552 : OSHAKATI TEL. 065 221617/8 OR FAX 221619 REF. JG/003327

The public is hereby notified that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner as required under the Environmental Management Act No. 7 of 2007 and its 2012 EIA Regulations. The proposed prospecting and exploration are listed activities in the EIA Regulations that cannot be undertaken without an ECC, which is issued upon approval of an ESA Study. Furthermore, the EPL rights expired in August 2022. To renew the rights, an ECC is required by the Ministry of Mines & Energy (MME) to enable the proposed activities on the EPL.

Cell: 081 256 6229 VENUE: cnr Lüderitz and Kasino Streets DATE AND TIME: Thursdays at 19H00

Contact Person: Ms. Fredrika Shagama Mobile No.: +264 (0) 81 749 9223 Email: [email protected]


PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS’ AND AUDITORS’ BOARD (PAAB) The PAAB is a statutory body governing the public accounting and auditing profession in Namibia. The legal mandate of the Board, as derived from the establishing Act, PAA Act No.51 of 1951 as amended, is to regulate Public Accountants and Auditors in Namibia.

MANAGER: STANDARDS PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: Lead and direct the PAAB’s research in technical aspects and analyse information for projects and keep up to date with new developments in relevant standards and legislation. To draft and/ or comment on ethics and auditing standards, legislation, or any other information which might affect auditors. Keep abreast of international developments and be alert to opportunities to influence the international standard-setting process. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: • Understanding of legal requirements affecting auditors and strong technical ability. • Working knowledge of auditing and ethics standards. • Ability to keep up to date with the latest accounting-, auditing- and ethics standards and pronouncements. • Maintain professionalism both inside and outside of the work environment. • Should have a strong commercial awareness and a goood understanding of current trends in the auditing and accounting profession. • Maintain a high level of confidentiality, and independence of mind. • Ability to work under pressure to meet demanding deadlines and maintain quality. • Problem-solving and conflict-management skills. • Project management skills. • Excellent communication skills (written and verbal). • Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. • Function optimally with or without supervision. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE • Qualified CA or ACCA that has completed audit articles. • +5 years of Audit technical, managerial, and project management experience. • Standard-setting experience (Added Advantage) • Technical knowledge and experience in auditing and financial reporting standards • Valid Code B license • Preference is given to Namibian citizens

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • Lead projects on drafting, adopting, and interpreting new standards. • Research technical aspects and analyse information, to inform the development of the pronouncements. • Draft/comment on auditing standards, legislation, or any other information which may impact auditors. • Establish and maintain relationships with regulators to educate them to understand the scope of collaboration with auditors. • Keep up to date with recent developments regarding auditing and assurance. • Keep up to date with legislation that has an impact on auditing and assurance. • Collaborate on ad hoc projects with other departments or Professional Bodies; FAQ on audit queries. • Maintain effective professional stakeholder engagement with PAAB Standards Committee. • Respond to technical queries from committees, task groups, colleagues, practitioners, and the general public. This position may require out-of-town travel away from home Applications with a detailed CV, accompanied by certified copies of academic qualification/s and identity documents should be sent for the attention of: Head of Secretariat, PAAB, PO Box 11913, Windhoek Physical Address: 123 Robert Mugabe Ave. 3rd floor, Office of the Auditor General; OR By email to: [email protected] Enquiries should be addressed to the Head of Secretariat, Mr. Zaa Nashandi, Tel 061-2858409 or [email protected] CLOSING DATE: 5 MAY 2023



Market Watch



Prys op aanvraag SKAKEL: +264 61 330 500 OF 330 502 2 - 4 EIDERSTRAAT, LAFRENZ INDUSTRIEEL

09 May 2023

The Working Nation will focus on the recovery of the economy since the recession and the Covid 19-pandemic. Topics will include: • The extent of recovery in certain economic sectors, • Sectors still struggling and how to get these back on the path to recovery, • Namibia’s scope for new sector developments and what is needed to realise those.

Share your story, contact Liita Anghuwo at [email protected] / 081 381 7502

VACANCY RE-ADVERTISED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS’ AND AUDITORS’ BOARD (PAAB) The PAAB is a statutory body governing the public accouning and audiing profession in Namibia. The legal mandate of the Board, as derived from the establishing Act, PAA Act No.51 of 1951 as amended, is to regulate Public Accountants and Auditors in Namibia.

MANAGER: STANDARDS PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: Lead and direct the PAAB’s research in technical aspects and analyse informaion for projects and keep up to date with new developments in relevant standards and legislaion. To drat and/ or comment on ethics and audiing standards, legislaion, or any other informaion which might afect auditors. Keep abreast of internaional developments and be alert to opportuniies to inluence the internaional standard-seing process. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: • Understanding of legal requirements afecing auditors and strong technical ability. • Working knowledge of audiing and ethics standards. • Ability to keep up to date with the latest accounting-, audiing- and ethics standards and pronouncements. • Maintain professionalism both inside and outside of the work environment. • Should have a strong commercial awareness and a goood understanding of current trends in the audiing and accouning profession. • Maintain a high level of conideniality, and independence of mind. • Ability to work under pressure to meet demanding deadlines and maintain quality. • Problem-solving and conlict-management skills. • Project management skills. • Excellent communicaion skills (writen and verbal). • Strong analyical skills and atenion to detail. • Funcion opimally with or without supervision. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE • Qualiied CA or ACCA that has completed audit aricles. • +5 years of Audit technical, managerial, and project management experience. • Standard-seing experience (Added Advantage) • Technical knowledge and experience in audiing and inancial reporing standards • Valid Code B license • Preference is given to Namibian ciizens

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • Lead projects on drating, adoping, and interpreting new standards. • Research technical aspects and analyse informaion, to inform the development of the pronouncements. • Drat/comment on audiing standards, legislaion, or any other informaion which may impact auditors. • Establish and maintain relaionships with regulators to educate them to understand the scope of collaboraion with auditors. • Keep up to date with recent developments regarding audiing and assurance. • Keep up to date with legislaion that has an impact on audiing and assurance. • Collaborate on ad hoc projects with other departments or Professional Bodies; FAQ on audit queries. • Maintain efecive professional stakeholder engagement with PAAB Standards Commitee. • Respond to technical queries from commitees, task groups, colleagues, praciioners, and the general public. This posiion may require out-of-town travel away from home Applicaions with a detailed CV, accompanied by ceriied copies of academic qualiicaion/s and idenity documents should be sent for the atenion of: Head of Secretariat, PAAB, PO Box 11913, Windhoek Physical Address: 123 Robert Mugabe Ave. 3rd loor, Oice of the Auditor General; OR By email to: [email protected] Enquiries should be addressed to the Head of Secretariat, Mr. Zaa Nashandi, Tel 061-2858409 or [email protected] CLOSING DATE: 5 MAY 2023

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