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INTRODUCTION Based on a study carried out by Shatri(2020) said that the usage of Information Communication technology is very crucial in teaching and learning as it is known for advantages such as: such as: Increasing credibility for teachers, instant access to numerous resources ,computerizing of dull materials, it creates collaboration of learning approach and helps aid the modernization of the classroom however it might as well present problems for preparing and delivering of lessons .It can be a distraction and make cheating easier and as well offer false information. This policy will talk about on how ICT devices should be rightfully used.

PURPOSE I wish to promote education and experience with ICT and develop ICT skills in all the learners in accordance with their individual capabilities in addition I also wish to ensure each leaners’ health and safety with regard to the usage of any ICT gadgets is well protected. Therefore, I will have to cover up the need of learners and teachers in order to: Take advantage of ICT opportunities in promoting learning outside the classroom. Develop an awareness of their personal responsibilities when using ICT in teaching and learning. Develop the skills to use ICT effectively. Let both parties be aware of the rights when using ICT and also adhering to the rules given. All the learners to have equal and appropriate access to ICT. EXPECTATIONS Expectations are: Teachers are expected to not use favoritism during teaching (fair treatment for both learners). Teachers are expected to educated learners o the dangers of cyber bullying. Learners are expected to use ICT independently when they are studying. Learners are expected to be problem solvers and assist each other with ICT related tasks.

ACCEPTABLE USE Learners must use device in accordance with the school’s rules. The school must provide enough device. Damage ICT tools must be reported to Head of Department responsible for IT. ICT devices must have the required apps and software installed ICT must be used appropriate in order to reach lesson objectives. UNACCEPTABLE USE OF ICT No one is expected to damage any ICT tool. Learners are not expected to ignore the teacher’s directions for the use of social media and internet chatting. Learners are not expected to bring along ICT device to cheat during exams and other assessments. No one is allowed to invade someone’s privacy by filming/recording personal conversations. None is expected to download viruses knowingly. USE OF NETWORK User ‘s ID that will be required when logging in The name of the user. Access to the various features of any application must depend on a permission level. Access to the various features of this application depend on the Permission level.

The administrator need to know when users were logged into the system. Keeping tight control on who has any access to the system... Network limitation: Security issues the school have to update a software that does prevents schools accounts from being hacked, avoid rapid spread of computer viruses and learners must have limited usage on use of internet in the school premises ENFORCEMENT Make sure learners are safe online and not providing their personal information to strangers. Track the progress of each individual learner. Block harmful web pages. Download a software monitor app, to able to view what learners are doing on the computers. Each user to be only allocated with 40 minutes, the computer will automatically lock itself. For this policy’s purpose to be achieved community members, learners and all the school staff members need to play a part, ICT integration in the education sector is regarded as very important for various reason including being able to communicate and share resources around the globe though one needs to be very vigilant when using it.

REFERENCE LIST Appropriate Technology in Education - Technology for Learners Microsoft Word - AUP 2018 Final ( Shatri, Z. G. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Information Technology . TURKISH SCIENCE EDUCATION, 421.

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