Behavior Intervention Problem Solving Process

Behavior Intervention Problem Solving Process Tier Three Responsibilities Tier Two Responsibilities Tier One Responsibilities A Guide to Ensure “A
Author:  Felipe Lara Silva

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Behavior Intervention Problem Solving Process

Tier Three Responsibilities

Tier Two Responsibilities

Tier One Responsibilities

A Guide to Ensure “All Other Means of Correction” Have Been Utilized

• Review Core Behavior Instruction — Staff collaborate to ensure the behavior standards are taught in all classrooms y Universal Expectations — Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful y Expectations By Location — Hallways, Office, Quad/Playground, etc. y Classroom Survival Skills* — Following Instructions, Staying on Task, etc. • Review Data to Identify Team-wide Concerns — Teams review data to determine if multiple students are failing to demonstrate expectations and/or social skills y Identify skill deficits using Low Level & Office Referral data y Re-teach, practice, acknowledge, and correct identified skills at a greater frequency • Review Data to Identify Individual Student Concerns — Teams review data to identify individual students who are failing to demonstrate expectations and/or social skills y Ensure team-wide procedures which encourage pro-social behavior are in place and consistently applied y Address academic deficits which may be contributing to student misbehavior y Address social interactions which may be contributing to student misbehavior — staff/student, student/student y Identify individual social skill deficits for the purpose of alerting Tier Two • Provide Targeted Behavior Skill Development (minimum 8 week session) — Teacher/team collaborates with the counselor to provide necessary level of skill development y Skill Set Group: 8 social skills in 8 weeks (group setting — no more than 12 students) y Focused Group: 2 social skills in 8 weeks (small group setting — no more than 8 students) y Individual Skill Development: 1 social skill in 8 weeks (individual) • Analyze and Respond to Progress Monitoring Data — Teacher/team/counselor meet weekly to evaluate intervention effectiveness and monitor the generalization of learned skill (group→classroom→common areas) y Skill Set Group: Low Level Referrals, Office Referrals, counselor attendance/records y Focused Group: Daily Progress Monitoring Cards, counselor attendance/records, team meeting minutes y Individual Skill Development: Daily Progress Monitoring Cards, counselor attendance/records, weekly observations • Conduct Observations to Identify Contributing Environmental Factors — Administrator, counselor, and/or program specialist observe student in multiple settings y Complete Fact Finding Worksheet: Identifying Environmental Factors y Meet to problem-solve findings y Make necessary environmental modifications • Conduct Observations to Identify Contributing Functional Factors— Administrator, counselor, and/or program specialist observe student in multiple settings y Complete Fact Finding Worksheet: Identifying Functional Factors y Meet to problem-solve findings y Develop a Behavior Contract and assign a mentor to monitor student progress toward the established goal • Implement a Behavior Support Plan to Teach a Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behavior (FERB) — Administrator, teacher(s), counselor, parent implement an individualized behavior plan to formally address: Environmental predictors and modifications, Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behaviors (FERBs), Curriculum modifications, Reinforcement system, Reactive strategies, Behavior goal(s), Communication systems • Analyze and Respond to Progress Monitoring Data — Teacher/team/counselor meet weekly to evaluate student progress toward individualized goals y Daily Progress Monitoring Card y Attendance: daily by period, skill group, mentor meetings, etc. y Low Level, Office Referrals, suspensions y Formal observation records • Consider Alternative Placements — Contact the Student Services Division for placement options • Consider a Formalized Individual Assessment — Contact the Special Education Department for further information *Classroom Survival Skills adapted from Teaching Social Skills to Youth: Boys Town Press SBCUSD Progressive Discipline Matrix Page 8

Documentation of Behavior Intervention Name: _________________________ ID Number: ________ Grade: ____ Date: ___/___/___ Team Members: ____________________________________ School: ___________________ Intervention

Team Action Taken


Behavioral Curriculum Review

Behavioral curriculum taught: □ School-wide Expectations □ 16 Classroom Survival Skills □ I Can Problem Solve (K-2), Skillstreaming in the Elementary (3-6), Skillstreaming the Adolescent (6-8)

□ When and by whom? □ When and by whom? □ When and by whom?

Team Data Review

Analyze team LLR and Referral data: □ Identify behavioral patterns and trends □ Re-teach skills needed

□ Meeting Date: ____/____/____ □ Skills Identified: 1. ____________ Re-taught: ___/___/____ 2. ____________ Re-taught: ___/___/____ 3. ____________ Re-taught: ___/___/____ 4. ____________ Re-taught: ___/___/____ 5. ____________ Re-taught: ___/___/____

Student Data Review:

□ Rule out Environmental Factors □ Rule out academic skill deficits

□ Attach Student Data Review, pg. 1a □ Completed ___/___/____

Behavioral Skill Development

□ Assign to Tier Two Classroom Survival Skills small group instruction □ Collect behaviorally specific progress monitoring data □ Meet to discuss student progress every 2 weeks □ Conduct History Home Survey (preferably a home visit) □ Monitor student behavior 6-8 weeks

□ Classroom Survival Skills group leader: ____________________________________ □ Classroom Survival Skills group: ___ sessions held from ___/___/___ to ___/___/____ □ Attach Daily Progress Monitoring Card, pg. 2a □ Attach History Home Survey, pg. 2b conducted on ___/___/____, by: ___________________

Behavior Contract

□ Conduct a Student Observation □ Conduct an Environmental & Functional Factors Analysis □ Develop a Behavior Contract □ Assign to a mentoring program □ Monitor student behavior 6-8 weeks

□ Attach Student Observation, pg. 3a □ Attach Analysis pg. 3b □ Attach Behavior Contract, pg. 3c □ Attach Mentoring Program Documentation, pg. 3d

Behavior Support Plan

□ Develop and ensure implementation of Behavior Support Plan (BSP)

□ BSP Developed ___/___/____ □ Attach the BSP, pg. 4a

Alternative Setting and/or Additional Assessment

If the interventions have not been successful at altering or improving student behavior, consideration for an alternative setting or additional assessments may be necessary

□ Alternative setting recommended o Opportunity o Community Day School o Other: _______________ □ Attendees: o Parent o Student o Team Members: □ Target skills identified for continued focus: 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________

Student Data Review:

Environmental Factors & Academic Skill Deficit Analysis Student: _____________________ Date: ___/___/___ Grade: ____ Track/Team: ______ Rule Out Environmental Factors: WHEN is the interfering behavior most likely to occur? □ On way to school □ On way home □ Morning

□ Afternoon □ Breakfast/Lunch □ Sunrise/CAPS

□ Start/End of period □ Recess/Passing period □ Other (specify):

WHERE is the interfering behavior most likely to occur? □ Bus/Bus area □ Regular Ed classrooms □ Special Ed classrooms

□ Cafeteria/Quad □ Hallways □ PE area

□ Off school grounds □ OCD/OCS □ Other (specify):

During what SUBJECT/ACTIVITY is the interfering behavior most likely to occur? □ Academic subject (specify): □ Oral instructions by teacher □ Individual seat work

□ Unstructured time □ Directions to begin task □ Group work

□ PE/Elective □ Transitions in class □ Other (specify):

What PEOPLE are most likely to be present, or contribute to, the interfering behavior? □ Teacher (specify): □ Peers in/out of class

□ Administration (specify): □ Guest teacher

□ Recreation/Teacher’s Aide: □ Other (specify):

What INTERACTIONS are most likely to be present, or contribute to, the interfering behavior? □ Adult request/directives □ Teasing from peers

□ Peer request/directive □ Accepting criticism/consequence

□ Changes to routine/schedule □ Other (specify):

Rule Out Academic Concerns: Reading Assessment Data: (Complete all that apply) □ AIMSweb Fluency: ________ AIMSweb Comprehension: ________ Date: ___/___/_____ □ Read 180 SRI Lexile score: ________ Date: ___/___/_____ □ STAR reading GE level: ________ Date: ___/___/_____ □ Common assessment results (attach results) □ Benchmark assessments (attach results) □ ELA CST test results: { Advanced { Proficient { Basic { Below Basic { Far below Basic □ Reading intervention/support class : ___________________________________________________________________

Math Assessment Data: (Complete all that apply) □ STAR math GE level: ________ Date: ___/___/_____ □ Common assessment results (attach results) □ Benchmark assessments (attach results) □ MDTP assessment (attach results) □ Math CST test result: { Advanced { Proficient { Basic { Below Basic { Far below Basic □ Math intervention/support class: ______________________________________________________________________ SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process


History & Home Study Student: __________________



Parent / Guardian: ________________________________

Date: _______

Phone: _______________

Household members living with student: Name

Relationship to Student


If school-age, list school name

Developmental History: Length of pregnancy: (in months) ___________

Child’s birth weight: _________________

Any complications before/during/after birth? _______________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Crawled (at age): _________

Walked (at age): _________

First words spoken: _________

Describe any concerns the family had regarding the child’s development _____________________

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Physical Health: Date of last physical exam: _____/_____/_____

Doctor’s Name/Location: ___________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Vision: Last screening date: _____/_____/_____

Results: __________________________

Hearing: Last screening date: _____/_____/_____

Results: __________________________

Medication(s): _____________________________________________________________ Medical/health concerns: _____________________________________________________ Hospitalizations/accidents: ____________________________________________________ Trouble eating or sleeping: _____________________________________________________

SBCUSD Behavior Intervention Problem-Solving Process


Social /Emotional Health: Student has: x many friends

x some friends

x a couple of friends

x one friend

x no friends

Participates in community organizations (please list): __________________________________ Concerns regarding the child’s behavior (please describe): ______________________________

________________________________________________________________________ Current or prior diagnosis of mental health problems (please list): _________________________

________________________________________________________________________ Current or prior counseling or therapy (location & dates): _______________________________

________________________________________________________________________ Speech and Language: Language spoken in the home: ______________

Language student prefers: ___________

Understands others:

x well

x adequately

x poorly

Communicates with others:

x well

x adequately

x poorly

Other speech concerns (stutters, delayed speech, etc.): __________________________________

Motor Development: Any large movement difficulties (walking, running, etc.): _________________________________ Any small movement difficulties (tying shoes, writing, etc.): _______________________________ Enjoys the following sports/games: _____________________________________________ Other motor problems (clumsiness, delays, etc.): ______________________________________

Additional Information: Please list your child’s strengths: _______________________________________________ Please mark all of the boxes which apply to your child: x

bathes independently

x dresses self

x feeds self


completes home chores

x tells time

x likes school


gets along with siblings

x gets along with friends

x gets along with adults

Any relatives who had difficulty learning in school: ___________________________________ Please describe any other concerns you may have regarding your child’s academic progress:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

SBCUSD Behavior Intervention Problem-Solving Process


Historial y estudio del hogar Alumno: __________________ fec. nac.: ________ identificación: ________ fecha: _______ Padre/tutor legal: ________________________________

núm. telefónico: _______________

Miembros de la familia viviendo con el alumno: Nombre

Relación al alumno


Si es de edad escolar, liste el nombre de la escuela

Historial del desarrollo: Duración del embarazo: (en meses) ___________

peso del niño al nacer: ______________

¿Hubo complicaciones antes/durante/después del parto? ___________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Gateó (a la edad): ______

caminó (a la edad): ______

habló sus primeras palabras: ________

Describa cualesquiera inquietudes que la familia tuvo respecto al desarrollo del niño ____________

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Salud física: Fecha del último examen físico: _____/_____/_____

nombre/ubicación del médico: _________

_________________________________________________________________________ Visión: fecha de la última evaluación: _____/_____/_____

resultados: __________________

Audición: fecha de la última evaluación: _____/_____/_____

resultados: __________________

Medicamento(s): _____________________________________________________________ Inquietudes médicas/de salud: ___________________________________________________ Hospitalizaciones/accidentes: ___________________________________________________ Dificultad en comer o dormir: ____________________________________________________

SBCUSD Behavior Intervention Problem-Solving Process


Salud social/emocional: El alumno tiene: x muchos amigos

x algunos amigos

x un par de amigos

x un amigo

x ningún amigo

Participa en organizaciones comunitarias (favor de listar): ________________________________ Inquietudes sobre el comportamiento del niño (favor de describir): __________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Diagnostico previo o actual de los problemas de salud mental (favor de listar): _________________

________________________________________________________________________ Terapia o asesoramiento previos o actuales (ubicación y fechas): ___________________________

________________________________________________________________________ Habla e idioma: Idioma que se habla en casa: ______________ idioma que prefiere el alumno: ___________ Él entiende a otros:

x bien

x adecuadamente

x poco

Se comunica con otros:

x bien

x adecuadamente

x poco

Otras inquietudes en el habla (tartamudea, retraso en el habla, etc.): __________________________

Desarrollo motor: Alguna dificultad con movimientos grandes (caminar, correr, etc.): __________________________ Alguna dificultad con movimientos pequeños (amarrarse las cintas, escribir, etc.): ________________ Disfruta jugar los siguientes deportes/juegos: ________________________________________ Otros problemas motores (torpeza, retrasos, etc.): ______________________________________

Información adicional: Favor de listar los puntos fuertes de su hijo: __________________________________________ Favor de marcar todas las casillas que le aplican a su hijo: x

se baña independientemente

x se viste solo

x se da de comer solo


termina los quehaceres del hogar

x sabe decir la hora

x le gusta la escuela


se lleva bien con sus hermanos

x se lleva bien con sus amigos x se lleva bien con adultos

Algún pariente que tuvo dificultad con el aprendizaje en la escuela: _________________________ Favor de describir cualquier otra inquietud que pueda tener respecto al progreso académico de su hijo:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

SBCUSD Behavior Intervention Problem-Solving Process


Student Observation Student: __________________ Date: ___/___/___ Grade: ____ Track/Team: _____ Observations completed by: _____________________ Position: __________________ Behavior of main concern: □ Following Instructions

□ Accepting Criticism and/or a Consequence

□ Accepting ‘No’ for an Answer

□ Staying On Task

□ Getting Teacher’s Attention

□ Disagreeing Appropriately

□ Other: 1st Student Observation: Date & Time

Location on campus

Staff supervising student

Behavior of concern observed

□ No □ Yes: ____ times

__/__/__ :

Correction received by staff

Student response to correction

□ No □ Yes, explain:

2nd Student Observation Date & Time

Location on campus

Staff supervising student

Behavior of concern observed

□ No □ Yes: ____ times

__/__/__ :

Correction received by staff

Student response to correction

□ No □ Yes, explain:

3rd Student Observation Date & Time

__/__/__ :

Location on campus

Staff supervising student

Behavior of concern observed

□ No □ Yes: ____ times

Correction received by staff

Student response to correction

□ No □ Yes, explain:

Summary: _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process


Environmental & Functional Factors Review Student: __________________ Date: ___/___/___ Grade: ___ Track/Team: ______ The student’s behavior has resulted in _____ Office Referrals and _____ Suspensions, totaling _____ days missed from school. BEHAVIOR OF CONCERN:

x Following Instructions x Disagreeing Appropriately x Getting the Teacher’s Attention x Other:

x Accepting “No” for an Answer x Accepting Criticism or a Consequence x Staying On-Task


How Often - The identified behavior(s) occur ______ times per day/week/month. When - The identified behavior(s) occur: x Before/After school x Mornings x Specific to subject/teacher x Recess/passing period x Multiple subjects/teachers x Other:

x Afternoons x Lunch

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Discipline data identified the following predictors:

x Adult request/directive x Group work x Classroom transitions x Changes to routine x Assembly:

x Peer request/directive x Oral instruction x Teasing from peers x Managing materials x Other:

x Individual seat work x External interruptions x Unstructured time x Guest Teacher

FUNCTIONAL FACTORS: Discipline data identified the following motivations: GAIN/OBTAIN -

x Peer attention x Activity x Social status

x Adult attention x Freedom x Empowerment

x Item x Control x Other:

x Adult interaction x Working with peers x Embarrassment

x Subject x Working with adult x Unstructured time


x Peer interaction x Independent seat work x Sensory overload x Other: TEAM MEMBERS PRESENT:










SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process


Behavior Contract Student: __________________ Date: ___/___/___ Grade: ____ Track/Team: ____ Behavior Contract written: ____/____/_____ Behavior Contract reviewed: ___/___/____, ___/___/____, ___/___/____, ___/___/____ While reviewing the FBA the team must determine: 1) What is the behavioral skill deficit of main concern? 3) What is the contributing environmental factor(s)? 4) What is the contributing functional factor(s)? 5) Write student goal: Goal Option 1: Increase Positive Behavior Who At what level of By When Will DO what proficiency (Student)

Under what conditions

Measured by whom and how Documented on the Daily Progress Monitoring Card

Goal Option 2: Decrease Problem Behavior Who At what level of By When Will NOT DO what proficiency (Student)

Under what conditions

Measured by whom and how Documented on the Daily Progress Monitoring Card

6) Based on the above, the team recommends the following behavior supports: … Targeted behavior skill development w/ specific progress monitoring mechanism (form series pg. 2a) … Environmental modifications, explain: … Teach student replacement behavior, explain: … Assign a trained adult mentor (Mentoring Program Documentation pg. 3c) … Other: Signatures of all involved: ____________________


















SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process


Acuerdo sobre el comportamiento Alumno: __________________ fecha: ___/___/___ grado: ____ sesión/equipo: ____ Se escribió el acuerdo sobre el comportamiento el: ____/____/_____ Se revisó el acuerdo sobre el comportamiento el: ___/___/____, ___/___/____, ___/___/____, ___/___/____

Mientras se revisaba la Evaluación funcional del comportamiento (FBA) el equipo debe determinar: 1) ¿Cuál es el déficit en las habilidades de comportamiento que es de más preocupación? 3) ¿Cuál(es) es(son) el(los) factor(es) contribuyente(s) del entorno? 4) ¿Cuál(es) es(son) el(los) factor(es) funcional(es) contribuyente(s)? 5) Escriba una meta para el alumno: Opción meta 1: aumentar el comportamiento positivo Quién Para A qué nivel de Bajo qué HARÁ qué cuándo competencia circunstancias (alumno)

Medido por quién y cómo Documentado en la Tarjeta para seguir el progreso diariamente

Opción meta 2: reducir el comportamiento problemático Quién Para A qué nivel de Bajo qué No HARÁ qué cuándo competencia circunstancias (alumno)

Medido por quién y cómo Documentado en la Tarjeta para seguir el progreso diariamente

6) Basándose en lo antedicho, el equipo recomienda la siguiente ayuda de comportamiento: … Desarrollo de habilidades de comportamiento seleccionado con mecanismos específicos de seguimiento del progreso (series del formulario de la página 2a) … Modificaciones al entorno, explique: … Enseñar al alumno el comportamiento de reemplazo, explique: … Asignar un mentor adulto capacitado (Documentación del Programa de Mentores pg. 3c) … Otra: Firmas de todos los participantes: ____________________















SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process


____________________ otro 3c

Mentoring Program Documentation Mentee (Student Name): Mentor:

ID Number: Team/Track:

Initial Meeting Date: ___/___/___ Targeted Behavioral Skill: □ □ □ □

Following Instructions Staying On Task Accepting ‘No’ for an Answer Accepting Criticism/Consequence

□ Getting Teacher’s Attention □ Disagreeing Appropriately □ Other

Goal Behavior: Option 1: Increase Positive Behavior By When

Who (Student)

Will DO what

At what level of proficiency

Under what conditions

Measured by whom and how

Documented on the Daily Progress Monitoring Card

Option 2: Decrease Problem Behavior By When

Who (Student)

Will NOT DO what

At what level of proficiency

Under what conditions

Measured by whom and how

Documented on the Daily Progress Monitoring Card

Sample Goal Behavior – Increase Positive Behavior: By April 15, 2011 Dawn will participate in group/class activities at 75% proficiency every time group of class participation is required as measured by the teacher and documented on Dawn’s Daily Progress Monitoring Card) □ Issued Daily Progress Monitoring Card on ___/___/___ □ Collect and issue Progress Monitoring Cards Daily □ Meet weekly with mentee to discuss progress □ Meet with team in 6-8 weeks to discuss student progress – Date of scheduled team meeting: ___/___/____

SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process


SBCUSD Mentoring Program Log Date of Meeting


SBCUSD Behavior Intervention: Problem Solving Process

Discussion Points


San Bernardino City Unified School District

Behavior Support Plan

For Behavior Interfering with Student’s Learning or the Learning of His/Her Peers This BSP attaches to:

IEP date:

504 plan date:

Student Name

Team meeting date:

Today’s Date

Next Review Date

1. The behavior impeding learning is (describe what it looks like) 2. It impedes learning because 3. The need for a Behavior Support Plan

early stage intervention




4. Frequency or intensity or duration of behavior reported by


observed by

This BSP to be coordinated with other agency’s service plans?..........................................................................................



Person responsible for contact between agencies

Observation & Analysis

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS & NECESSARY CHANGES: Modifying the Environment to Prevent the Interfering Behavior What are the predictors for the behavior? (Situations in which the behavior is likely to occur: people, time, place, subject, etc.) (Relate to lines 6 & 8). 5. What supports (reinforces) the student using the problem behavior? (What is missing in the environment/curriculum or what is in the environment curriculum that needs changing?) (Relate to lines 5 & 7). 6.


Remove student’s need to use the problem behavior

• To achieve the goal behavior, are curriculum accommodations/modifications necessary? z YES • Are environmental supports/changes necessary? z YES

z NO z NO

What environmental changes, structure and supports are needed to remove the student’s need to use this behavior? (Changes in Time/Space/Materials/Interactions to remove likelihood of behavior) (Relate to line 6). 7. Who will establish?

Who will monitor?


Observation & Analysis

FUNCTIONAL FACTORS AND NEW BEHAVIORS TO TEACH AND SUPPORT Team believes the behavior occurs because: (Function of behavior in terms of getting, protest, or avoiding something) (Relate to lines 5 & 9). 8. Accept only replacement behaviors that meets SAME need What team believes the student should do INSTEAD of the problem behavior? (How should the student escape/protest/avoid or get his/her need met in an acceptable way?) (Relate to lines 8 & 10). 9.

• To achieve the goal behavior, are curriculum accommodations/modifications necessary? z YES

z NO

What teaching Strategies/Necessary Curriculum/Materials are needed? (List successive teaching steps for student to learn replacement behavior/s) (Relate to line 9). 10. Who will establish?

Who will monitor?


Adapted from Diana Browning Wright, Behavior / Discipline Trainings SBCUSD Behavior Intervention Problem-Solving Process


What are reinforcement procedures to use for establishing, maintaining, and generalizing the replacement behavior(s)? 11. Selection of reinforcer based on: reinforcer for using replacement behavior

reinforcer for general increase in positive behaviors

By whom?


REACTIVE STRATEGIES: Devising an effective reaction plan should the interfering behavior reoccur What strategies will be employed if the problem behavior occurs again? (1.Prompt student to switch to the replacement behavior, 2. Describe how staff should handle the problem behavior if it occurs again, 3. Positive discussion with student after behavior ends, 4. Any necessary further classroom or school consequences) 12. Personnel?

BEHAVIORAL GOAL(s): Defining the Behavior Support Plan goal(s) Behavioral Goal(s) 13. The above behavioral goal(s) are to: Increase use of replacement behavior and may also include: Reduce frequency of problem behavior Develop new general skills that remove student’s need to use the problem behavior

COMMUNICATION PROVISIONS: Formalizing a plan of communication for the BSP team members Manner and content of TWO-WAY communication 14.



PARTICIPANTS IN PLAN DEVELOPMENT Parent/Guardian: _________________________________

Other (specify): __________________________________

Student: ________________________________________

Other (specify): __________________________________

Administrator: ____________________________________

Other (specify): __________________________________

Educator/Title: ___________________________________

Other (specify): __________________________________

Educator/Title: ___________________________________

Other (specify): __________________________________

Adapted from Diana Browning Wright, Behavior / Discipline Trainings SBCUSD Behavior Intervention Problem-Solving Process


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