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BIBLIOGRAFI HASIL PENELITIAN PEMULIAAN TERNAK 2013 Diterbitkan oleh PUSAT PERPUSTAKAAN DAN PENYEBARAN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No 20 Bogor. Telp. 0251 8321746, Faximili 0251 8326561 E-mail : [email protected] Homepage: ISBN. 978-979-8943-87-4

BIBLIOGRAFI HASIL PENELITIAN PEMULIAAN TERNAK Pengarah : Dr. Ir. Haryono, M.Sc. Penanggung jawab : Ir. Gayatri K. Rana, M.Sc. Penyusun : Budi Prawati, S.Sos Ir. Nurdiana Penyunting : Heni Supriati, S.Sos Syariful Hidayat, AMd

BIBLIOGRAFI HASIL PENELITIAN PERTANIAN PEMULIAAN TERNAK Pengarah : Dr. Ir. Haryono, M.Sc Penanggung jawab : Ir. Gayatri K. Rana, M.Sc Penyusun : Syariful Hidayat, A.Md Heni Supriati, S.Sos Penyunting : Ir. Nurdiana Budi Prawati, S.Sos

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 i KATA PENGANTAR Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008- 2013 disusun dan disebarkan kepada para pengguna di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, agar pengguna dapat mengetahui dan mengikuti perkembangan penelitian pertanian di berbagai negara, sehingga dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian di tanah air. Bibliografi ini memuat >[email protected] atau telepon ke nomor 0251- 8321746, faksimile 0251-8326561. Bagi para peneliti yang >[email protected]), Zarco Quintero Luis Albert, Gonzalez Padilla Everard, Tortora Perez Jorg, Vasquez Pelaez Carlo Veterinaria México, 2009, 40 (2), p. 105-122, ISSN: 0301-5092 Keywords: Nutrition; Reproductive System (Reproduction); Biological evaluation; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) mortality rate; Lactation period; Mating period; Fertility rate; Breeding system; Intensive production 82. Economic values for dairy sheep breeds in Slovakia/ Krupova Z, Wolfova M, Wolf J, Oravcova M, Margetin M, Peskovicova D, Krupa E. Dano J Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2009, 22 (12), p.1693-1702, ISSN: 1011- 2367 Keywords: Breeds; Conception; Conception rate; Derivatives; Economic aspect; Ewes; Lambing; Lambs; Litter size; litters; Milk production; Milk yield; Traits; Performance traits; Sheep breeds; Survival; Tsigai; Weaning 83. Effects of restricted feeding on intake, digestion, nitrogen balance and metabolizable energy in small and large body sized sheep breeds/ Kamalzadeh A, Aouladrabiei M R Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2009, 22 (5), p. 667-673, ISSN: 1011-2367 Keywords: Crude protein; Digestibility; Feed intake; Metabolizable energy; Nitrogen balance; Nitrogen retention; Organic matter;Restricted feeding;

15 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Sheep breeds; Sheep feeding 84. Evaluation of genetic effects of demographic bottleneck in Muzzafarnagri sheep from India using microsatellite markers/ Arora R, Bhatia S Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2009, 22 (1), p. 1-6, ISSN: 1011-2367 Keywords: Alleles; Animal genetic resources; Conservation; Demography; Endangered breeds; Genetic diversity; Genetic effects; Genetic markers; Genetic polymorphism; Genetic variation; Heterozygosity; 85. Genetic analysis of performance traits of Malpura sheep/ Mishra A K, Arora A L, Prince L L L, Sushil Kumar, Gowane G R Indian Veterinary Journal, 2009, 86 (5), p. 484-486, ISSN: 0019-6479 Keywords: Birth weight; Body weight; Genetic analysis; Genetic correlation; Genetic improvement; Genetic variation; Lambs; Malpura; Meat; Mutton; Sheep breeds; Sheepmeat; Traits 86. Genetic diversity study in Bonpala sheep breed of North East India/ Pandey A K, Rekha Sharma, Prakash B, Mishra B P Indian Veterinary Journal, 2009, 86 (2), p. 151-154, ISSN: 0019-6479 Descriptors: Alleles; DNA; Genetic diversity; Genetic markers; Genetic variation; Heterozygosity; Heterozygotes; Loci; Microsatellites; Sheep breeds 87. Genetic improvement of wool production in Spanish Merino sheep: genetic parameters and simulation of selection strategies/ Valera M, Arrebola F, Juarez M, Molina A Animal Production Science, 2009, 49 (1), p. 43-47, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Fleece weight; Genetic improvement; Genetic parameters; Heritability; Liveweight; Merino; Spanish Merino; Wool; Wool production 88. Genetic parameters and factors influencing survival to twenty-four hours after birth in Danish meat sheep breeds/ Maxa J, ([email protected]), Sharifi A R, Pedersen J, Gauly M, Simianer H, Norberg E Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87 (6), p. 1888-1895, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Population genetics (Population Studies); Sheep recording >[email protected]), Lewis R M, Davies M H, Buenger L, Simm G, Haresign W Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87 (11), p. 3482-3489, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Genetics; Models and Simulations (Computational Biology); Animal husbandry (Agriculture) body composition; Genetic parameter; Genetic association; Longetivity; Animal performance trait; Animal culling reason 92. Genetic variability of the Gentile di Puglia sheep breed based on microsatellite polymorphism/ d'Angelo F, ([email protected]), Albenzio M, Sevi A, Ciampolini R, Cecchi F, Ciani-E, Muscio A Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87 (4), p. 1205-1209, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Molecular genetics; Population genetics; Molecular coancestry; Wildlife Management (Conservation) genetic drift; Genetic similarity; Genetic variability; Genetic distance; 93. Genetic variation and population structure of Italian native sheep breeds undergoing in situ conservation/ Dalvit C. ([email protected]), De Marchi M, Zanetti E, Cassandro M Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87 (12), p. 3837-3844, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Population Studies; Genetics; Reynolds genetic distance; Mating practices Animal husbandry (Agriculture) genetic variation; Founder population; Genetic differentiation; Population structure; 94. Geographical isolation of native sheep breeds in the UK evidence of endemism as a risk factor to genetic resources/ Carson A,Elliott M, Groom J, Winter A, Bowles D Livestock Science, 2009, 123 (2-3), p. 288-299, ISSN: 1871-1413 Keywords: Animal genetic resources; Animal welfare; Native livestock; Romney; Sheep breeds; Wildlife conservation

17 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 95. Impact of Environmental Heterogeneity on Genetic Architecture in a Wild Population of Soay Sheep/ Robinson son Alastair J, Pilkington Jill G, Clutton Brock Tim H, Pemberton Josephine M, Kruuk Loeske E B Genetics, 2009, 181 (4), p. 1639-1648, ISSN: 0016-6731 Keywords : Molecular genetics (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics); Terrestrial ecology environmental heterogeneity; Parasite load genotype by environment interaction; Genetic architecture; Sheep horn length; Sheep bodyweight 96. In vivo imaging of in situ motility of fresh and liquid stored ram spermatozoa in the ewe genital tract/ Druart X, Cognie J, Baril G, Clement F, Dacheux J L, Gatti J L Reproduction, 2009, 138 (1), p. 45-53, ISSN: 1470-1626 Keywords: Artificial insemination; Ewes; Fluorescence microscopy; Imagery; Motility; Oviducts; Rams 97. Invited review: Current state of genetic improvement in dairy sheep/ Carta A, ([email protected]), Casu Sar, Salaris S Journal of Dairy Science, 2009, 92 (12), p. 5814-5833, ISSN: 0022-0302 Keywords: Veterinary medicine (Medical Sciences); Genetic improvement; Milk yield; Economic relevance; Pyramidal management; Milk content trait 98. Lack of polymorphism in the oocyte derived growth factor (GDF9) gene in the Shal breed of sheep/ Ghaffari M, Nejati Javaremi A, Rahimi Mianji G South African Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 39 (4), p. 355-360, ISSN: 0375-1589 Keywords: Alleles; Electrophoresis; Families; Follicles; Genotypes; Graafian follicles; Growth factors; Mutation; Oocytes; Ovaries; Ovulation; Polymorphism; Reproductive; Sheep breeds; Twinning;Wild strains 99. Microsatellite analysis characterizes Burkina Faso as a genetic contact zone between Sahelian and Djallonk sheep/ Alvarez I, Traore A, Tamboura H H, Kabore A, Royo L J, Fernandez I, Ouedraogo Sanou G, Sawadogo L, Goyache F Animal Biotechnology, 2009, 20 (2), p. 47-57, ISSN: 1049-5398 Keywords: Genetic analysis; Genotypes; Introgression; Microsatellites; Sahelian 100. Phenotypic and genetic associations between lamb growth traits and adult ewe body weights in western range sheep/ Borg R C, Notter D R, ([email protected]), Kott R W Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87 (11), p. 3506-3514, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Development; Population genetics (Population Studies);

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 18 Animal husbandry (Agriculture) body weight; Genetic effects; Growth traits; Genetic association; Environmental relationship; Lamb growth; Phenotypic association 101. Phenotypic aspects of lamb survival in Australian Merino sheep/ Hatcher S, ([email protected]), Atkins K D, Safari E Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87 (9), p. 2781-2790, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Veterinary medicine (Medical Sciences); Reproductive System (Reproduction) phenotype; Weaning; Animal survival; Animal birth weight; Lamb birthcoat score 102. Prolonged maternal amino acid infusion in late gestation pregnant sheep increases fetal amino acid oxidation/ Rozance PJ. Crispo MM, Barry JS, O'Meara MC, Frost MS, Hansen KC, Hay WW Jr, Brown LD American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2009, 297 (3), p. E638- E646, ISSN: 0193-1849 Keywords: Algorithms; Amino acid; Animals; Blood glucose; Sheep; Time factors; Dietary supplements; Female; Fetus; Gestation period; Infusion pumps; Lactic acid; Maternal fetal exchange; Organ size; Oxidation reduction; Pregnancy; Random Allocation; DOAJ 2010 103. Comparative Semen Evaluation of Malpura and Bharat Merino Rams by Computer aided Sperm Analysis Technique Under Semi-Arid Tropical Environment/ Anil Joshi , Davendra Kumar, S.M.K. Naqvi International Journal of Animal, Vol. 2, Issue: 1, p. 26-30, 2010, ISSN 20412894 20412908 Keywords : Bharat berino ; Breed ; Computer aided sperm analysis ; Malpura ; Semi arid climate ; Sheep 104. Effects on some immunological traits after crossing three rabbit breeds in Egypt/ Mahmoud S. El Tarabany, Khairy M. El Bayoumi Veterinaria Italiana , Vol. 46, Issue: 3, p. 345-351, 2010, ISSN: 0505401X 18281427 Keywords : Breed; Breeding; Crossbreds; Egypt; Heterosis; IgG; Immunity; Rabbit

19 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 SCIENCE DIRECT 2010 105. Lambing rates and litter size following carazolol administration prior to insemination in Kivircik ewes/ Mehmet Can Gündüz, Özge Turna, Ümüt Cirit, Melih Uçmak, Çağatay Tek, Ahmet Sabuncu, Süleyman Bacınoğlu Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 118, Issue 1, March 2010, p. 32-36, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Carazolol; Artificial insemination; Lambing rate; Litter size; Sheep 106. Experimental infection by Toxoplasma gondii using contaminated semen containing different doses of tachyzoites in sheep/ Érica Paes Barreto Xavier de Moraes, André Mariano Batista, Eduardo Bento Faria, Roberta Lemos Freire, Antonio Carlos Freitas, Maria Angélica Ramos Silva, Valdir A. Braga, Rinaldo Aparecido Mota Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 170, Issues 3–4, 24 June 2010, p. 318-322, ISSN 0304- 4017 Keywords: Seroconversion; Tachyzoites; Toxoplasmosis; Intra uterine inoculation; Sheep; Artificial insemination 107. Characterization of reproductive disorders in ewes given an intrauterine dose of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites during the intrauterine insemination/ E.P.B.X. Moraes, A.C. Freitas, M.A. Gomes-Filho, M.M.P. Guerra, M.A.R. Silva, M.F. Pereira, V.A. Braga, R.A. Mota Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 122, Issues 1–2, October 2010, p. 36-41, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Sheep; Semen; Toxoplasmosis; Transmission 108. Effect of storage duration, storage temperature, and diluent on the viability and fertility of fresh ram sperm/ L. O’Hara, J.P. Hanrahan, L. Richardson, A. Donovan, S. Fair, A.C.O. Evans, P. Lonergan Theriogenology, Volume 73, Issue 4, 1 March 2010, p. 541-549, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: AI; IVF; Semen extender; Sheep 109. Intracervical application of hyaluronan improves cervical relaxation in the ewe/ K. Perry, W. Haresign, D.C. Wathes, M. Khalid, , Theriogenology, Volume 74, Issue 9, December 2010, p. 1685-1690, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Hyaluronan; Cervical relaxation; Sheep; AI 110. Intra-cervical application of Misoprostol at estrus alters the content of cervical hyaluronan and the mRNA expression of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR), luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and cyclooxygenase-2 in the ewe/ S. Leethongdee, C.M. Kershaw-Young, R.J. Scaramuzzi, M. Khalid Theriogenology, Volume 73, Issue 9, June 2010, p. 1257-1266, ISSN 0093-691X

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 20 Keywords: Misoprostol; Hyaluronan; Gonadotrophin receptors; COX-2; Cervix 111. High pre-freezing dilution improves post-thaw function of ram spermatozoa/ T. Leahy, J.I. Marti, N. Mendoza, R. Pérez-Pé, T. Muiño-Blanco, J.A. Cebrián-Pérez, G. Evans, W.M.C. Maxwell Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 119, Issues 1–2, May 2010, p. 137-146, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Extender; Cryopreservation; Ram semen; Sex sorting; Dilution rate 112. Ram semen evaluation: Development and efficiency of modern techniques/ I.A. Tsakmakidis Small Ruminant Research, Volume 92, Issues 1–3, August 2010, p. 126-130, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Sheep; Diagnosis; Ram semen; IVF; Chromatin integrity; Sperm mitochondria; CASA 113. (Co)Variance components and genetic parameter estimates for growth traits in Moghani sheep/ M. Jafaroghli, A. Rashidi, M.S. Mokhtari, A.A. Shadparvar Small Ruminant Research, Volume 91, Issues 2–3, July 2010, p. 170-177, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Heritability; Direct and maternal effects; Body weight; Growth rate; Sheep 114. Analysis of different effects on longevity in four sheep breeds of northern Germany/ G. Kern, N. Kemper, I. Traulsen, C. Henze, E. Stamer, J. Krieter Small Ruminant Research, Volume 90, Issues 1–3, May 2010, p. 71-74, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Breed; Culling; Lambs; Longevity; Survival analysis 115. Breeding objectives for sheep in Ireland: A bio-economic approach/ T.J. Byrne, P.R. Amer, P.F. Fennessy, A.R. Cromie, T.W.J. Keady, J.P. Hanrahan, M.P. McHugh, B.W. Wickham Livestock Science, Volume 132, Issues 1–3, August 2010, p. 135-144, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Sheep; Breeding objective; Economic value; Economic weights; Bio economic 116. Changes in the aerobic vaginal flora after treatment with different intravaginal devices in ewes, J. Manes, M.A. Fiorentino, G. Kaiser, F. Hozbor, R. Alberio, E. Sanchez, F. Paolicchi, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 94, Issues 1–3, November 2010, Pages 201- 204, ISSN 0921-4488, 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2010.07.021. (

21 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Keywords: Vaginal flora; Bacteria; Intravaginal devices; Ewes 117. Clinical biochemistry in sheep: A selected review/ P. Braun, C. Trumel, P. Bézille Small Ruminant Research, Volume 92, Issues 1–3, August 2010, p. 10-18, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Sheep; Diagnosis; Plasma; Clinical biochemistry; Muscle; Liver 118. Clinical evaluation of reproductive ability of rams, Small Ruminant Research, P.G. Gouletsou, G.C. Fthenakis, Volume 92, Issues 1–3, August 2010, Pages 45-51, ISSN 0921- 4488, 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2010.04.005. ( Keywords: Sheep reproduction; Diagnosis; Ram; Clinical evaluation; Reproductive ability; Reproductive soundness; Orchitis; Epididymitis; Ultrasonography 119. Cotyledonary responses to maternal selenium and dietary restriction may influence alterations in fetal weight and fetal liver glycogen in sheep/ L.A. Lekatz, M.A. Ward, P.P. Borowicz, J.B. Taylor, D.A. Redmer, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, K.A. Vonnahme Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 117, Issues 3–4, February 2010, p. 216-225, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Selenium; Placenta; Maternal nutrition; Fetus; Fetal glycogen; Sheep 120. Effect of Vitamin E supplementation on semen quality and the testicular cell membranal and mitochondrial antioxidant abilities in Aohan fine-wool sheep/ Dubing Yue, Leyan Yan, Hailing Luo, Xu Xu, Xiaoxia Jin Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 118, Issues 2–4, April 2010, p. 217-222, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Vitamin E; Semen quality; Cell membrane; Mitochondria; Antioxidants; Aohan fine wool sheep 121. Effect of Vitamin E supplementation on the enzymatic activity of selected markers in Aohan fine-wool sheep testis/ Leyan Yan, Dubing Yue, Hailing Luo, Xiaoxia Jin, Xu Xu Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 122, Issues 3–4, December 2010, p. 264-269, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Vitamin E; Marker enzymes; Testis; Aohan fine wool sheep 122. Effects of changed grazing regimes and habitat fragmentation on Mediterranean grassland birds, Luís Reino, Miguel Porto, Rui Morgado, Francisco Moreira, António Fabião, Joana Santana, Ana Delgado, Luís Gordinho, João Cal, Pedro Beja, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 138, Issues 1–2, 15 June 2010, Pages 27- 34, ISSN 0167-8809, 10.1016/j.agee.2010.03.013. (

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 22 Keywords: Agrienvironment schemes; CAP reform; Cerealsteppe; Conservation; Decoupling; Farmland birds 123. Estimates of phenotypic and genetic parameters for reproductive traits in Kermani sheep/ M.S. Mokhtari, A. Rashidi, A.K. Esmailizadeh Small Ruminant Research, Volume 88, Issue 1, January 2010, p. 27-31, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Heritability; Genetic correlation; Reproductive traits; Sheep 124. Evidence for maternal transmission of scrapie in naturally affected flocks, Linda J. Hoinville, Susan C. Tongue, John W. Wilesmith, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Volume 93, Issues 2–3, 1 February 2010, Pages 121-128, ISSN 0167-5877. Keywords: Scrapie; PrP genotype; Risk; Maternal transmission; Case control study; Epidemiology; Spongiform encephalopathy 125. Functional characterization of polymorphic variants for ovine MT1 melatonin receptors: Possible implication for seasonal reproduction in sheep/ E. Trecherel, M. Batailler, D. Chesneau, P. Delagrange, B. Malpaux, P. Chemineau, M. Migaud Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 122, Issues 3–4, December 2010, p. 328-334, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Melatonin receptor; Polymorphism; Signaling; Reproduction; Sheep 126. Genetic diversity of Chinese indigenous sheep breeds inferred from microsatellite markers/ T. Zhong, J.L. Han, J. Guo, Q.J. Zhao, B.L. Fu, X.H. He, J.T. Jeon, W.J. Guan, Y.H. Ma Small Ruminant Research, Volume 90, Issues 1–3, May 2010, p. 88-94, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Chinese sheep; Microsatellites; Genetic diversity and differentiation; Bayesian clustering 127. Genetic trends estimation for body weights of Kermani sheep at different ages using multivariate animal models/ M.S. Mokhtari, A. Rashidi, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 88, Issue 1, January 2010, p. 23-26, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Kermani sheep; Genetic trend; Body weight; Multivariate analysis 128. Impacts of maternal selenium and nutritional level on growth, adiposity, and glucose tolerance in female offspring in sheep, Domestic Animal Endocrinology, K.A. Vonnahme, J.S. Luther, L.P. Reynolds, C.J. Hammer, D.B. Carlson, D.A. Redmer, J.S. Caton, Volume 39, Issue 4, November 2010, Pages 240-248, ISSN 0739-7240,

23 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Keywords: Maternal nutrition; Glucose tolerance; Developmental programming 129. Influence of weaning age and an experimental Haemonchus contortus infection on behaviour and growth rates of lambs/ Christina Schichowski, Eva Moors, Matthias Gauly, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume 125, Issues 3–4, July 2010, p. 103-108, ISSN 0168-1591. Keywords: Sheep; Behaviour; Weaning 130. Kinetics of Coxiella burnetii excretion in a commercial dairy sheep flock after treatment with oxytetracycline / Ianire Astobiza, Jesús F. Barandika, Ana Hurtado, Ramón A. Juste, Ana L. García-Pérez The Veterinary Journal, Volume 184, Issue 2, May 2010, p. 172-175, ISSN 1090-0233 Keywords: Coxiella burnetii; Dairy sheep; Oxytetracycline; Shedding route; PCR 131. Morphological characterization of sheep breeds in Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia/ H. Carneiro, H. Louvandini, S.R. Paiva, F. Macedo, B. Mernies, C. McManus Small Ruminant Research, Volume 94, Issues 1–3, November 2010, p. 58-65, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Canonical; Discriminate; Environment; Naturalized sheep 132. Participatory definition of breeding objectives and selection indexes for sheep breeding in traditional systems/ Solomon Gizaw, Hans Komen, Johan A.M. van Arendonk Livestock Science, Volume 128, Issues 1–3, March 2010, p. 67-74, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Sheep farming; Farmer participatory approach; Breeding objective; Selection index 133. Physiological limits to growth and the related effects on meat quality, E.C. Webb, N.H. Casey, Livestock Science, Volume 130, Issues 1–3, May 2010, Pages 33-40, ISSN 1871-1413, Keywords: Physiological limits; Growth; Meat quality; Stress; PSE; DFD; Double muscled; Callipage; Ascites; Metabolic defects 134. Prediction of the best three-breed hybridized combination of imported meat sheep using genetic polymorphism of microsatellite DNA/ Ying-jie zhang, Yue-qin LIU, Jie LIU, Qinqin LI, Hong-xin SUN Agricultural Sciences in China, Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2010, p. 1194-1200, ISSN 1671-2927 Keywords: Sheep; Microsatellite DNA; Three breed hybridized combination; Heterosis 135. Quantitative genetic analysis of growth traits and Kleiber ratios in Sanjabi sheep/ Y. Mohammadi, A. Rashidi, M.S. Mokhtari, A.K. Esmailizadeh

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 24 Small Ruminant Research, Volume 93, Issues 2–3, October 2010, p. 88-93, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Heritability; Genetic correlation; Maternal effects; Body weight 136. Reproduction rate, milk and wool production of Corriedale and East Friesian;Corriedale F1 ewes grazing on natural pastures, R. Kremer, G. Barbato, L. Rista, L. Rosés, F. Perdigón, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 90, Issues 1–3, May 2010, Pages 27-33, ISSN 0921- 4488, Keywords: Dairy sheep; Corriedale; East Friesian; Crossbreeding; Reproduction; Wool 137. Sexual experience and temperament affect the response of Merino ewes to the ram effect during the anoestrous season. A. Chanvallon, D. Blache, A. Chadwick, T. Esmaili, P.A.R. Hawken, G.B. Martin, C. Viñoles, C. Fabre-Nys, , Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 119, Issues 3–4, June 2010, Pages 205-211, ISSN 0378-4320, Keywords: Sheep; Cyclicity; Male effect; Temperament; Experience 138. Does milk supply have long-term benefits for resistance and resilience to nematode parasites in sheep/ S.O. Iposu, A.W. Greer, R.W. McAnulty, M. Stankiewicz, A.R. Sykes Small Ruminant Research, Volume 94, Issues 1–3, November 2010, p. 142-149, ISSN 0921-448 Keywords: Teladorsagia circumcincta; Suckling; Resistance; Resilience; Anti parasitic 139. Differences in post parturient behaviour, lamb performance and survival rate between purebred Egyptian Rahmani and its crossbred Finnish ewes/R.A. Darwish, U.A. Abou Ismail, S.Z. El Kholya Small Ruminant Research, Volume 89, Issue 1, March 2010, p. 57-61, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Ewe; Lamb; Breed; Behaviour; Performance; Survival 140. Inflammatory cytokine responses in a pregnant mouse model of Chlamydophila abortus infection/ Karen Kerr, Nicholas Wheelhouse, Morag Livingstone, Ian E. Anderson, Gary Entrican, Declan McKeever, David Longbottom Veterinary Microbiology, Volume 144, Issues 3–4, 26 August 2010, p. 392-398, ISSN 0378-1135 Keywords: Chlamydophila abortus; Mouse experimental models; Pathogenesis; Immune response; In situ hybridization; Interferon gamma; Tumour necrosis factor alphas 141. Intra cervical application of Misoprostol at estrus alters the content of cervical hyaluronan

25 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 and the mRNA expression of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR), luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and cyclooxygenase-2 in the ewes/ Leethongdee, C.M. KershawYoung, R.J. Scaramuzzi, M. Khalid Theriogenology, Volume 73, Issue 9, June 2010, p. 1257-1266, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Misoprostol; Hyaluronan; Gonadotrophin receptors; COX-2; Cervix TEEAL 2010 142. Effect of birthweight and birth rank on the survival of single and twin lambs born to ewe lambs/ Schreurs NM. Kenyon PR. MulvaneyFJ. Morel-PCH. West DM. MorrisS Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), p 460-464, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Birth weight; Ewes. Lambs; Mortality;. Survival 143. Does the physiological status of lambs within a twin and triplet-born litter differ during the first 12 hours of life/ Kerslake JI. Kenyon PR. Stafford KJ. Morris ST. Morel PCH, Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), p 522-527, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Animal physiology; Birth weight; Blood chemistry.; Blood sugar;. Body temperature;. Ewes;. Fructose; Lactic acid; Lambing;. Lambs;. Litters;. Mortality; Multiple births;. Romney;. 144. Effect of offering concentrate supplement in late pregnancy, under conditions of unrestricted herbage, on the performance of multiple bearing ewes and their lambs to weaning/ Kenyon PR. Wall AJ. Burnham DL. Stafford KJ. West DM. Morris ST, Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), p 485-492, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: 3 hydroxybutyric acid; Birth weight; Body weight; Concentrates; Fatty acids; Heat production. Herbage; Unrestrictedn feeding 145. Effects of dam parity and rearing rank on the glucose and fat metabolism, and adrenal function of post-pubertal single and twin-ewe progeny/ Pain SJ. Kenyon PR. Morris ST. Blair HT, Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), p. 473-478, ISSN: 1836-0939 keywords: Adrenal glands; Blood chemistry; Cortisone; Epinephrine; Ewes glucose growth; Hydrocortisone; Insulin; Lambs; Lipid metabolism; Metabolism reproductive efficiency; Romney; Sexual maturity; Sheep breeds; Twinning 146. Can a herb and white clover mix improve the performance of multiple-bearing ewes and their lambs to weaning/ Kenyon PR. Kemp PD. Stafford KJ. West DM. Morris ST,

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 26 Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), pages 513-521, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: 3-hydroxybutyricacid; Birth weight; Body condition; Body weight; Ewes; Fatty acids; Grazing; Growth rate; Lactation; Lambing; Lambs; Pregnancy; Survival; Weaning 147. Pre partum shearing of ewes under pastoral conditions improves the early vigour of both single and twin lambs/ Banchero G. Vazquez A. Montossi F. Barbieri Ide. Quintans G Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (4), pages 309-314, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Animal behaviour; Birth weight; Blood sugar; Colostrum; Ewes; Gestation period: Lambing; Lambs; Pregnancy; Prepartum period; Shearing; Suckling; Survival; Twins; Vigour 148. Introduction of meat sheep breeds in extensive systems of Patagonia: Lamb growth and survival/ [email protected]). Rodriguez-Iglesias-R-M. Garcia-VinentJ. Giorgetti-H. Baselga-M Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 88 (4), p. 1256-1266, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Development; Genetics; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) growth trait; Weaning period; Genotype litter size interaction 149. Effects of ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on glucose metabolism, fat metabolism and adrenal function of postpubertal female twin offspring/ Linden DS van der. KenyonPR. Blair HT. Lopez Villalobos N. Jenkinson CMC. Peterson SW. Mackenzie DDS Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (9), p. 869-879, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Adrenal glands; Animal nutrition; Ewe feeding; Ewes; Glucose; Lipid metabolism; Metabolism; Pregnancy; Twins 150. Response of additional ewe lamb liveweight during gestation on birth and weaning weight of offspring and liveweight of the ewe lamb at weaning/ Schreurs NM. Kenyon PR. Mulvaney FJ. Morel PCH. West DM. Morris ST, Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), p. 528-532, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Birth weight; Body weight; Ewes; Lambs; Mating; Pregnancy; Reproductive performance; Survival weaning; Weaning weight 151. Proportion of rams and the condition of ewe lambs at joining influences their breeding performance/ Kenyon-P-R. Morris-S-T. West-D-M Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), p. 454-459, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Ewes; Lambs; Pregnancy; Pregnancy rate; Reproductive performance 152. Fat depth, muscle depth, fat score and wool growth in Merino dams selected for high or

27 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 low clean fleece weight and bodyweight/ Refshauge-G, Hatcher-S., Hinch GN, Hopkins DL,. Nielsen S Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (5-6), pages 479-484, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Backfat; Body weight; Ewes; Fat thickness; Merino; Phenotypes; Stocking density; Weaning; Wool producing animals; Wool production 153. Accuracy of estimated genomic breeding values for wool and meat traits in a multi breed sheep population/ Daetwyler H D. Hickey J M. Henshall J M. Dominik S, Gredler B, Werf J H J van der, Hayes B J Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (11-12), p. 1004-1010, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Accuracy; Breeding value; Fibre quality; Fleece weight; Genetic markers; Genomes; Genotypes; Haplotypes; Meat; Meat quality; Microsatellites; Phenotypes; Selection; Single nucleotide polymorphism; Traits; Wool producing animals; Wool production 154. Associations between milk protein genetic polymorphisms and milk production traits in Merino sheep breed/ Corral J M, Padilla J A, Izquierdo M Livestock Science, 2010, 129 (1-3), p. 73-79, ISSN: 1871-1413 Keywords: Animal models; Animal production; Beta casein; Beta lactoglobulin; Breeds; Casein; DNA; Effects; Ewe milk; Genotypes; Globulins; Kappa casein; Lactose; Milk; Milk production; Milk protein; Milk recording; Milk yield; Performance recording; Sheep breeds 155. Biochemical polymorphism of erythrocyte potassium and glutathione protein: the relationship with some blood parameters in Kivircik sheep breed/ Gurcan E K, Erbas C, Cobanoglu O African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010, 5 (10), p. 1022-1027, ISSN: 1991-637X Keywords: Biochemical polymorphism; Breeds; Erythrocytes; Gene frequency; Genes; Glutathione; Haematocrit; Polymorphism; Sheep breeds 156. Breeding objectives for sheep in Ireland: a bio economic approach/ Byrne T J, Amer P R, Fennessy P F, Cromie A R, Keady T W J, Hanrahan J P, McHugh M P, Wickham B W Livestock Science, 2010, 132 (1-3), p. 135-144, ISSN: 1871-1413 Keywords: Animal production; Body measurements; Conformation; Costs; Ewes; Farmers; Farming systems; Feet; Foot rot; Formulations; Genetic improvement; Health; Lambing; Lambs; Livestock farming; Performance traits; Sheep farming; 157. Can we breed Merino sheep with softer, whiter, more photostable wool/ Hatcher S, Hynd P I, Thornberry K J, Gabb S. Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (11-12), p. 1089-1097, ISSN: 1836-0939

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 28 Keywords: Fibre quality; Heritability; Merino; Phenotypes; Selection; Traits; Wool; Wool producing animals; Wool production 158. Design and role of an information nucleus in sheep breeding programs/ Werf J H J van der, Kinghorn B P, Banks R G Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (11-12), p. 998-1003, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Breeding programmes; Breeding value; Genetic parameters; Genomes; Sustainability; Traits 159. Feed intake of sheep as affected by body weight, breed, sex, and feed composition/ Lewis R M, Emmans G C Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 88 (2), pages 467-480, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Population genetics; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) body weight; Genetic variation; Ryegrass (animal feed); Feed intake; Feed composition 160. Genetic diversity measures of 8 local sheep breeds in northwest of China for genetic resource conservation/ Zeng X C, Chen H Y, Hui W Q, Jia B, Du Y C, Tian Y Z Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2010, 23 (12), p. 1552-1556, ISSN: 1836- 0939 Keywords: Animal genetic resources; Conservation; DNA; Genetic diversity; Genetic resources; Heterozygosity; Heterozygotes; Inbreeding; Microsatellites; Molecular genetics; Phylogeny; Taxonomy 161. Herd management and breeding practices of sheep owners in a mixed crop livestock and a pastoral system of Ethiopia/ Getachew T, Haile A, Tibbo M, Sharma A K, Solkner J, Wurzinger M African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010, 5 (8), p. 685-691, ISSN: 1991-637X Keywords: Animal husbandry; Animal production; Body measurements; Breeds; Castration; Conformation; Ewes; Income; Lambing interval; Livestock farming; Manures; Mating; Milk yield; Performance traits; Rams; Seasons; Selection; Selection criteria; Sheep breeds; Sheep farming; Wool 162. Pedigree analysis of seven small French sheep populations and implications for the management of rare breeds/ Danchin Burge C, (coralie.danchin@inst, Palhiere I, Francois D, Bibe B, Leroy-G. Verrier-E Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 88 (2), p. 505-516, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Methods and Techniques; Population genetics (Population Studies); Animal husbandry (Agriculture) gene origin; Genetic variability; Demographic evolution; Rare breed management

29 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 163. Prevalence of ovine herpesvirus 2 in 4 sheep breeds from different regions in South Africa/ Bremer C W Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 2010, 81 (2), p. 93-96, ISSN: 0038- 2809 Keywords: Diagnosis; Diagnostic techniques; Disease incidence; Techniques; Disease prevalence; Disease surveys; DNA; Epidemiological surveys; Epidemiology; Malignant catarrhal fever; Polymerase chain reaction; Sheep breeds; Viral diseases 164. Technical note: A simplified PCR based assay for the characterization of two prolactin variants that affect milk traits in sheep breeds/ Orford M, Tzamaloukas O, Papachristoforou C, Miltiadou D, Journal of Dairy Science, 2010, 93 (12), p. 5996-5999, ISSN: 0022-0302 Keywords: Genetics; Population genetics (Population Studies); Allele frequency; Milk traits; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) genetic identification; Allele frequency 165. Using Australian Sheep Breeding Values to increase lean meat yield percentage / Gardner G E, Williams A, Siddell J, Ball A J, Mortimer S, Jacob R H, Pearce K L, Edwards J E H, Rowe J B, Pethick D W Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (11-12), p. 1098-1106, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Breeding value; Carcass composition; Carcass weight; Fat thickness; Genetic diversity; Lamb (meat); Leanness; Meat quality; Meat yield; Sheep meat; Slaughter weight; Traits; Weaning weight 166. Estimates of (co)variance components and genetic parameters for body weights and first greasy fleece weight in Malpura sheep/ Gowane G R, Ashish Chopra, Ved Prakash, Arora A L Livestock Science, 2010, 131 (1), p. 94-101, ISSN: 1871-1413 Keywords: Animal models; Birth weight; Body weight; Genetic correlation; Genetic gain; Genetic parameters; Heritability; Models; Wool; Research institutes; Traits; Variation; Weaning; Weaning weight 167. Preliminary estimates of genetic parameters for carcass and meat quality traits in Australian sheep/ Mortimer S I, Werf J H J van der, Jacob R H, Pethick D W, Pearce K L, Warner R D Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (11-12), p. 1135-1144, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Animal breeding; Body weight; Breeding programmes; Carcass quality; Genetic correlation; Genetic parameters; Heritability; Lamb (meat); Lambs; Meat composition; Meat quality; Meat yield; Nutritive value; pH; Selection; Sheep meat; Traits

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 30 168. Genetic (co)variances between wrinkle score and absence of breech strike in mulesed and unmulesed Merino sheep, using a threshold model Scholtz A J, Cloete S W P, Wyk J B van, Misztal I, Toit E du, Linde T C-de K van der Animal Production Science, 2010, 50 (3), p. 210-218, ISSN: 1836-0939 Keywords: Correlated responses; Genetic correlation; Genetic covariance; Heritability; Merino 169. Estimation of genetic parameters of body weight traits in Ghezel sheep Baneh H, Hafezian S H, Rashidi A, Gholizadeh M, Rahimi G Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2010, 23 (2), p. 149-153, ISSN: 1011-2367 Keywords: Animal breeding; Animal models; Birth weight; Body weight; Crossbreeding; Dams; Estimation; Genetic parameters; Heritability; Lambs; Maximum likelihood; Performance traits; Phenotypes; Phenotypic variation; Techniques; Traits; Variance components; Weaning weight 170. Genetic determination of fatty acid composition in Spanish Churra sheep milk/ Sanchez J P, ([email protected]), Primitivo F Sa, Barbosa E, Varona L, de la Fuente L F Journal of Dairy Science, 2010, 93 (1), p. 330-339, ISSN: 0022-0302 Keywords: Biochemistry and molecular biophysics; Genetic correlation; Population genetics (Population Studies); Genetic determination; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) genetic variation; Daily milk yield 171. Accounting for additive genetic mutations on litter size in Ripollesa sheep/ Casellas-J. ([email protected]). Caja-G. Piedrafita-J, Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 88 (4), p. 1248-1255, ISSN: 0021-8812 Descriptors: Population Genetics (Population Studies); Genetic dominance effect; Models and Simulations (Computational Biology); Genetics; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) genetic mutation; Genetic variability; Litter size; Animal breeding; Mutational heritability 172. Lamb survival in Australian Merino Sheep: A genetic analysis/ Hatcher S, ([email protected]), Atkins K D, Safari E Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 88 (10), p. 3198-3205, ISSN: 0021-8812 Keywords: Methods and Techniques; Population Genetics (Population Studies); Molecular Genetics (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics); Animal husbandry (Agriculture) genetic parameter; Progeny; Heritable trait; Lamb survival; Genetic solution 173. Changes in the rumen bacterial community in response to sunflower oil and fish oil

31 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 supplements in the diet of dairy sheep/ Belenguer A, ([email protected]), Toral P G, Frutos P, Hervas G Journal of Dairy Science, 2010, 93 (7), p. 3275-3286, ISSN: 0022-0302 Keywords: Biochemistry and molecular biophysics; Metabolism; Animal husbandry (Agriculture) 174. Chronic lung disease in preterm lambs: effect of daily vitamin A treatment on alveolarization/ Albertine KH. Dahl MJ. Gonzales LW, Wang ZM, Metcalfe D, Hyde DM, Plopper CG, Starcher BC, Carlton DP, Bland RD American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 2010, 299 (1), p. 59, ISSN: 1040-0605 Keywords: Animals; Chronic disease; Dietary supplements; Elastin; Female; Gestation period; Lung; Lung Diseases; Pregnancy; Premature birth; Pulmonary Alveoli; Pulmonary gas exchange; Respiration; Artificial; Sheep; Tropoelastin; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2; Vitamin A; Vitamins SCIENCE DIRECT 2011 175. Addressing pain caused by mulesing in sheep/ Andrew D. Fisher Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume 135, Issue 3, 15 December 2011, p. 232-240, ISSN 0168-1591 Keywords: Sheep; Pain; Mulesing; Analgesia; Fly strike; Cutaneous myiosis 176. Alternatives to improve a prostaglandin-based protocol for timed artificial insemination in sheep/ J. Olivera-Muzante, J. Gil, S. Fierro, A. Menchaca, E. Rubianes Theriogenology, Volume 76, Issue 8, November 2011, p. 1501-1507, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Ewes; Estrus synchronization; AI; Conception 177. An assessment of the economic performance of organic dairy sheep farming in Greece Irene Tzouramani/ Alexandra Sintori, Angelos Liontakis, Pavlos Karanikolas, George Alexopoulos Livestock Science, Volume 141, Issues 2–3, November 2011, p. 136-142, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Organic farming; Dairy sheep; Economic aspect; Agricultural policy 178. Antioxidant combinations are no more beneficial than individual components in combating ram sperm oxidative stress during storage at 5 °C/ Vera Susana N. La Falci, Alma E. Yrjö-Koskinen, A. Fazeli, W.V. Holt, P.F. Watson Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 129, Issues 3–4, December 2011, p. 180-187, ISSN 0378-4320

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 32 Keywords: Fluorometric microplate assay; Amplex Red™; Vitamin E phosphate; Superoxide dismutase; Catalase; Glutathione peroxidase 179. Candidate gene and genome wide association studies of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in cattle and sheep: A review, Comparative Immunology, Auriol C. Purdie, Karren M. Plain, Douglas J. Begg, Kumudika de Silva, Richard J. Whittington, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Volume 34, Issue 3, May 2011, Pages 197-208, ISSN 0147-9571 Keywords: Paratuberculosis; Johne's disease; Genome wide association studies; Microsatellites; Quantitative traits; Single nucleotide polymorphism; Mycobacterium avium, Subspecies; Sheep; Cattle 180. Changes in bone structure of Corriedale sheep with inherited rickets: A peripheral quantitative computed tomography assessment, Keren E. Dittmer, Elwyn C. Firth, Keith G. Thompson, Jonathan C. Marshall, Hugh T. Blair, Veterinary Journal, Volume 187, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 369-373, ISSN 1090-0233, Keywords: pQCT; Rickets; Sheep; Genetic disease; Bone 181. Combination of the ram effect with PGF2α estrous synchronization treatments in ewes during the breeding season. R. Ungerfeld, Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 124, Issues 1–2, March 2011, Pages 65-68, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Estrous synchronization; Estrous behavior; Sheep; Socio sexual stimulus 182. Comparison of prostaglandin- and progesterone-based protocols for timed artificial insemination in sheep/ J. Olivera-Muzante, S. Fierro, V. López, J. Gil, Theriogenology, Volume 75, Issue 7, 15 April 2011, p. 1232-1238, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Ewes; Estrus synchronization; Timed artificial insemination (AI); AI pathway 183. Conservation genetics of cattle, sheep, and goats, Pierre Taberlet, Eric Coissac, Johan Pansu, François Pompanon, Comptes Rendus Biologies, Volume 334, Issue 3, March 2011, p 247-254, ISSN 1631- 0691 Keywords: Bos; Breeds; Capra; Domestication; Genetic diversity; Ovis; Selection; Capra; Races; 184. Current genetic profile of sheep breeds/populations from Northwestern semi arid zone of India/ R. Arora, S. Bhatia, D.K. Yadav, B.P. Mishra, , Livestock Science, Volume 135,

33 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Issues 2–3, February 2011, p. 193-198, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Genetic diversity; Indian sheep; Microsatellite markers; Semi arid climate 185. Detection and genetic characterization of peste des petits ruminants virus in free-living bharals (Pseudois nayaur) in Tibet, China, Jingyue Bao, Zhiliang Wang, Lin Li, Xiaodong Wu, Peiwangjie Sang, Guozhen Wu, Guoyi Ding, Longciren Suo, Chunju Liu, Junwei Wang, Wenji Zhao, Jinming Li, Lin Qi, Research in Veterinary Science, Volume 90, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 238-240, ISSN 0034-5288, Keywords: Peste des petits ruminants virus; Bharal; Wildlife; F gene; N gene; Phylogenetic analysis 186. Detection of snail host habitats in liver fluke infected farms by use of plant indicators/ Daniel Rondelaud, Philippe Hourdin, Philippe Vignoles, Gilles Dreyfuss, Jacques Cabaret Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 181, Issues 2–4, 27 September 2011, p. 166-173, ISSN 0304-4017 Keywords: Galba truncatula; Acid soil; Habitat suitability model; Indicator plant; Liver fluke 187. Divergent ghrelin expression patterns in sheep genetically resistant or susceptible to gastrointestinal nematodes/ Aaron Ingham, Moira Menzies, Peter Hunt, Antonio Reverter, Ross Windon, Nicholas Andronicos Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 181, Issues 2–4, 27 September 2011, p. 194-202, ISSN 0304-4017 Keywords: Ghrelin; Nematode; Sheep; Biomarker 188. Do ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy affect foetus and foetal organ weight in twins?/ H.T. Blair, D.S. van der Linden, C.M.C. Jenkinson, S.T. Morris, D.D.S. Mackenzie, S.W. Peterson, E.C. Firth, P.R. Kenyon Livestock Science, Volume 142, Issues 1–3, December 2011, p. 99-107, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Maternal size; Maternal nutrition; Sheep; Foetal development; Twins 189. Economic values for production and functional traits in Valle del Belice dairy sheep using profit functions/ M. Tolone, V. Riggio, D.O. Maizon, B. Portolano Small Ruminant Research, Volume 97, Issues 1–3, May 2011, p. 41-47, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Sheep; Breeding objectives; Economic value; Profit function 190. Economic weights of production and functional traits for Merinolandschaf, Romney, Romanov and Sumavska sheep in the Czech Republic/ M. Wolfová, J. Wolf, M. Milerski Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issue 1, July 2011, p. 25-33, ISSN 0921-4488

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 34 Keywords: Sheep; Dual purpose breeds; Bio economic model; Economic weights 191. Effect of tocopherol supplementation on serum 8 epi prostaglandin F2 alpha and adiponectin concentrations, and mRNA expression of PPARγ and related genes in ovine placenta and uterus/ R.K. Kasimanickam, V.R. Kasimanickam Theriogenology, Volume 76, Issue 3, August 2011, p. 482-491, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Vitamin E; Adiponectin; Isoprostane; ADIPQ; PPARγ; Sheep 192. Effects of orexigenic peptides and leptin on melatonin secretion during different photoperiods in seasonal breeding ewes: An in vitro study/ D.A. Zieba, K. Kirsz, E. Molik, K. Romanowicz, A.K. Wojtowicz Domestic Animal Endocrinology, Volume 40, Issue 3, April 2011, p. 139-146, ISSN 0739- 7240 Keywords: Melatonin; Sheep; Photoperiod; Orexin; Ghrelin; Leptin; Isoproterenol 193. Effects of penalization of FAMACHA© scores of lambs treated for internal parasites on the estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values, D.G. Riley, J.A. Van Wyk, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issues 2–3, August 2011, Pages 122-129, ISSN 0921-4488. Keywords: FAMACHA; Gastrointestinal parasites; Heritability; Predicted breeding values; Sheep 194. Effects of prostaglandin administration on ovarian follicular dynamics, conception, prolificacy, and fecundity in sheep/ S. Fierro, J. Olivera-Muzante, J. Gil, C. Viñoles Theriogenology, Volume 76, Issue 4, 1 September 2011, p. 630-639, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Ovulatory follicle; Timed artificial insemination (AI); Embryo loss; Reproductive performance; Ewe 195. Estimation of (co)variance components and genetic parameters for growth and wool traits of Chinese superfine merino sheep with the use of a multi trait animal model/ Jiang Di, Yuan Zhang, Ke Chuang Tian, Lazate, Jian Feng Liu, Xin Min Xu, Ya Jun Zhang, Ting Hu Zhang Livestock Science, Volume 138, Issues 1–3, June 2011, p. 278-288, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Genetic parameters; Variance components; Chinese sheep 196. Estimation of (co)variance components for growth traits and Kleiber ratios in Zandi sheep/ K. Mohammadi, A. Rashidi, M.S. Mokhtari, M.T. Beigi Nassiri Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issues 2–3, August 2011, p. 116-121, ISSN 0921-

35 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 4488 Keywords: Sheep; Heritability; Genetic correlation; Body weight; Maternal effects 197. Evaluating the effects of the c.*1232G; A mutation and TM-QTL in Welsh Mountain lambs using ultrasound and video image analyses, A.Y. Masri, N.R. Lambe, J.M. Macfarlane, S. Brotherstone, W. Haresign, L. Bünger, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issues 2–3, August 2011, Pages 99-109, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Myostatin; TM-QTL; Carcass traits; Welsh mountain crossbred lambs; Video image analysis; Muscle growth 198. Expression of gap junctional connexin proteins in ovine fetal ovaries: Effects of maternal diet/ A.T. Grazul-Bilska, K.A. Vonnahme, J.J. Bilski, E. Borowczyk, D. Soni, B. Mikkelson, M.L. Johnson, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, J.S. Caton Domestic Animal Endocrinology, Volume 41, Issue 4, November 2011, p. 185-194, ISSN 0739-7240 Keywords: Connexins; Gap junctions; Fetal ovaries; Maternal diet; Developmental programming 199. First detection of kobuvirus in farm animals in Brazil and the Netherlands, Aline F. Barry, Juliane Ribeiro, Alice F. Alfieri, Wim H.M. van der Poel, Amauri A. Alfieri, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Volume 11, Issue 7, October 2011, Pages 1811-1814, ISSN 1567-1348, Keywords: Pigs; Cattle; Sheep; Diarrhea; Kobuvirus; Phylogenetic analysis 200. First report of isolation and molecular characterisation of Brucella melitensis Rev-1 vaccine strain from an aborted sheep fetus in Turkey, Zeki Aras, Mehmet Ateş, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 95, Issues 2–3, February 2011, Pages 150-159, ISSN 0921-44883. ( Keywords: Brucellosis; B. melitensis; B. melitensis Rev-1; Genotyping; RAPD-PCR; PCR RFLP 201. François Pompanon, Conservation genetics of cattle, sheep, and goats / Pierre Taberlet, Eric Coissac, Johan Pansu Comptes Rendus Biologies, Volume 334, Issue 3, March 2011, p. 247-254, ISSN 1631- 0691 Keywords: Bos ; Breeds; Capra ; Domestication; Genetic diversity; Ovis; Selection; Capra ; Bos; Diversité génétique; Domestication; Ovis ; Races; Sélection

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 36 202. Genetic analysis of ewe productivity traits in Moghani sheep/ A. Rashidi, M.S. Mokhtari, A.K. Esmailizadeh, M. Asadi Fozi Small Ruminant Research, Volume 96, Issue 1, March 2011, p. 11-15, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Heritability; Genetic correlation; Reproduction traits 203. Genetic and antigenic characterization of bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 2 isolated from cattle in India,Sthita Pragnya Behera, Niranjan Mishra, Stefan Vilcek, Katherukamem Rajukumar, Ram Kumar Nema, Anil Prakash, S. Kalaiyarasu, Shiv Chandra Dubey, Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Volume 34, Issue 2, March 2011, p 189-196, ISSN 0147-9571 Keywords: Antigenic typing; Bovine viral diarrhoea virus; BVDV-2; Cross neutralization; Phylogenetic analysis; Structural gene coding region; 3′ UTR 204. Genetic and antigenic typing of border disease virus (BDV) isolates from Italy reveals the existence of a novel BDV group, Monica Giammarioli, Severina Anna La Rocca, Falko Steinbach, Cristina Casciari, Gian Mario De Mia, Veterinary Microbiology, Volume 147, Issues 3–4, 27 January 2011, Pages 231-236, ISSN 0378-1135, Keywords: BDV; Pestivirus; Genetic typing; Antigenic typing 205. Genetic characterization of local Sudanese sheep breeds using DNA markers/ Nahid Gornas, C. Weimann, A. El Hussien, G. Erhardt, , Small Ruminant Research, Volume 95, Issue 1, January 2011, p. 27-33, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Sheep; Sudan; Microsatellite loci; Genetic variation; Mitochondrial DNA 206. Genetic diversity in the Churra tensina and Churra lebrijana endangered Spanish sheep breeds and relationship with other Churra group breeds and Spanish mouflon/ J.H. Calvo, J. Alvarez-Rodriguez, A. Marcos-Carcavilla, M. Serrano, A. Sanz Small Ruminant Research, Volume 95, Issue 1, January 2011, p. 34-39, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Churra tensina; Churra lebrijana; Genetic variability; Microsatellites; Mouflon 207. Genetic parameters of body weight in sheep estimated via random regression and multitrait animal models/ A. Wolc, E. Barczak, J. Wójtowski, P. Ślósarz, T. Szwaczkowski Small Ruminant Research, Volume 100, Issue 1, September 2011, p. 15-18, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Polish sheep; Body weight; Heritability; Random regressions;

37 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Multitrait animal model 208. Genetic related effects on sheep meat quality/ D.L. Hopkins, N.M. Fogarty, S.I. Mortimer Small Ruminant Research, Volume 101, Issues 1–3, November 2011, p. 160-172, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Meat quality; Sheep; Eating quality; Nutritive value 209. Genetic relationships and population structure in three Italian Merino-derived sheep breeds/ Emiliano Lasagna, Matteo Bianchi, Simone Ceccobelli, Vincenzo Landi, Amparo Martínez Martínez, Josè Luis Vega Pla, Francesco Panella, Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo, Francesca Maria Sarti Small Ruminant Research, Volume 96, Issues 2–3, April 2011, p. 111-119, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Sheep; STR markers; Genetic variability; Breed assignment; Endangered breeds 210. Genetic variability in the prion protein gene in five indigenous Turkish sheep breeds/ Lorena Alvarez, Beatriz Gutierrez Gil, Metehan Uzun, Fermin San Primitivo, Juan José Arranz Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issues 2–3, August 2011, p. 93-98, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Scrapie; Variability; PRNP; Gene; Sheep; Turkish breeds 211. Genetics of temperament in Merino sheep and relationships with lamb survival, Kate J. Plush, Michelle L. Hebart, Forbes D. Brien, Philip I. Hynd, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume 134, Issues 3–4, 15 November 2011, Pages 130-135, ISSN 0168-1591, Keywords: Temperament; Lamb survival; Genetic parameters; Agitation; Flight time 212. Genomic analysis reveals Nairobi sheep disease virus to be highly diverse and present in both Africa, and in India in the form of the Ganjam virus variant, Pragya D. Yadav, Martin J. Vincent, Marina Khristova, Charuta Kale, Stuart T. Nichol, Akhilesh C. Mishra, Devendra T. Mourya, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Volume 11, Issue 5, July 2011, p 1111-1120, ISSN 1567-1348 Keywords: Nairoviruses; Ganjam virus; Hazara virus; Nairobi sheep disease; Dugbe virus; Polymerase gene; Nucleocapsid gene 213. Good quality sheep embryos produced by superovulation treatment without the use of progesterone devices, I. Mayorga, L. Mara, D. Sanna, C. Stelletta, M. Morgante, S. Casu, M. Dattena, Theriogenology, Volume 75, Issue 9, June 2011, Pages 1661-1668, ISSN 0093-691X,

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 38 Keywords: MOET program; Natural estrus; Superovulation; Embryo transfer 214. Isolation, propagation and preliminary characterisation of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the tick cell line IDE8, Cornelia Silaghi, Melanie Kauffmann, Lygia M.F. Passos, Kurt Pfister, Erich Zweygarth, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 204-208, ISSN 1877-959X, Keywords: Anaplasma phagocytophilum; Roe deer; IDE8; 16s rRNA gene; groEL gene; msp2 gene 215. MHC variation, multiple simultaneous infections and physiological condition in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum, Ana Paula Cutrera, Roxana Rita Zenuto, Eileen Anne Lacey, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Volume 11, Issue 5, July 2011, Pages 1023-1036, ISSN 1567-1348 Keywords: MHC; Balancing selection; Immunocompetence; Parasites; SRBC 216. Microsatellite-Based Genetic Differentiation and Phylogeny of Sheep Breeds in Mongolia Sheep Group of China/ Wei SUN, Hong CHANG, Hassan Musa Hussein, Xin-jun LIAO, Ming-xing CHU, James Kija, Agricultural Sciences in China, Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2011, p. 1080-1087, ISSN 1671- 2927 Keywords: Genetic differentiation; Genetic phylogeny; Microsatellite DNA; Mongolian sheep 217. Molecular discrimination of sheep and cattle isolates of Echinococcus granulosus by SSCP and conventional PCR in Turkey, Sami Simsek, Ibrahim Balkaya, Ayşe Turkan Ciftci, Armagan Erdem Utuk, Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 178, Issues 3–4, 10 June 2011, Pages 367-369, ISSN 0304-4017 Keywords: Echinococcus granulosus; SSCP; Cattle; Sheep; PCR; Genotype; Turkey 218. Monitoring clinical outcomes, pathological changes and shedding of Chlamydophila abortus following experimental challenge of periparturient ewes utilizing the natural route of infection/ Jorge Gutierrez, Erin J. Williams, James O’Donovan, Colm Brady, Aisling F. Proctor, Patricia X. Marques, Sheila Worrall, Jarlath E. Nally, M. McElroy, Hugh F. Bassett, Donal J. Sammin, Bryan K. Markey Veterinary Microbiology, Volume 147, Issues 1–2, 10 January 2011, Pages 119-126, ISSN 0378-1135

39 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Keywords: Enzootic abortion; Sheep; Chlamydophila abortus; Placenta; Breeding; Real time PCR 219. Normal vitamin D receptor function with increased expression of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3- 24-hydroxylase in Corriedale sheep with inherited rickets/ K.E. Dittmer, L. Howe, K.G. Thompson, K.M. Stowell, H.T. Blair, J.F. Cockrem Research in Veterinary Science, Volume 91, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 362-369, ISSN 0034-5288 Keywords: Vitamin D; Rickets; Sheep; CYP24; Genetic disease 220. Ovine footrot: New approaches to an old disease/ G.N. Bennett, J.G.H. Hickford Veterinary Microbiology, Volume 148, Issue 1, 24 February 2011, p. 1-7, ISSN 0378-1135 Keywords: Ovine footrot; Foot rot; Small ruminants; Sheep 221. Pedigree analysis of the closed nucleus of Iranian Baluchi sheep/ M. Tahmoorespur, M. Sheikhloo Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issue 1, July 2011, p. 1-6, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Genetic diversity; Effective population size; Inbreeding; Sheep 222. Phenotypic and seasonal factors influence birth weight, growth rate and lamb mortality in D’man sheep maintained under intensive management in Tunisian oases/ Mohamed Chniter, Mohamed Hammadi, Touhami Khorchani, Riadh Krit, Belgacem Lahsoumi, Mohsen Ben Sassi, Raymond Nowak, Mohamed Ben Hamouda Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issues 2–3, August 2011, p. 166-170, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: D’man Lamb; Birth weight; Growth; Mortality;Seasons; Tunisian oases 223. Potential effects of animal management and genetic improvement on enteric methane emissions, emissions intensity and productivity of sheep enterprises at Cowra, Australia/ D.J. Alcock, R.S. Hegarty Animal Feed Science and Technology, Volumes 166–167, 23 June 2011, p. 749-760, ISSN 0377-8401 Keywords: Methane; Sheep; Genetics; Grazing; Management; Greenhouse gas 224. Pramenka and other local sheep in Southern and Eastern Europe/ Sz. Kusza, A. Ivankovic, J. Ramljak, I. Nagy, A. Jávor, S. Kukovics, Genetic structure of Tsigai, Ruda Small Ruminant Research, Volume 99, Issues 2–3, August 2011, p. 130-134, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Local sheep breeds; Genetic structure; Genetic variability; Microsatellite 225. PrP gene polymorphisms in Cyprus goats and their association with resistance or susceptibility to natural scrapie, Penelope Papasavva-Stylianou, Otto Windl, Ginny

Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 40 Saunders, Petroula Mavrikiou, Pavlos Toumazos, Charalambos Kakoyiannis, Veterinary Journal, Volume 187, Issue 2, February 2011, p 245-250, ISSN 1090-0233, Keywords: Goats; Scrapie; PrP gene; Genotype; Polymorphism 226. Quantitative mRNA expression in ovine blastocysts produced from X- and Y-chromosome bearing sperm, both in vitro and in vivo/ K.H. Beilby, S.P. de Graaf, G. Evans, W.M.C. Maxwell, S. Wilkening, C. Wrenzycki, C.G. Grupen Theriogenology, Volume 76, Issue 3, August 2011, p. 471-481, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: mRNA expression; Gene expression; Sex-sorted sperm; IVF; Sheep 227. Repeatability of methane emissions from sheep/ C.S. Pinares-Patiño, J.C. McEwan, K.G. Dodds, E.A. Cárdenas, R.S. Hegarty, J.P. Koolaard, H. Clark Animal Feed Science and Technology, Volumes 166–167, 23 June 2011, p. 210-218, ISSN 0377-8401 Keywords: Methane emission; Sheep; Repeatability; Heritability; Animal variation; Grasses 228. Repeated superovulation using a simplified FSH/eCG treatment for in vivo embryo production in sheep/ F. Forcada, M. Ait Amer Meziane, J.A. Abecia, M.C. Maurel, J.A. Cebrián-Pérez, T. Muiño Blanco, B. Asenjo, M.I. Vázquez, A. Casao Theriogenology, Volume 75, Issue 4, 1 March 2011, p. 769-776, ISSN 0093-691X Keywords: Sheep; Superovulation; Embryo production; pFSH; eCG 229. Reproductive cycles in sheep/ Pawel M. Bartlewski, Tanya E. Baby, Jennifer L. Giffin Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 124, Issues 3–4, April 2011, p. 259-268, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Sheep; Oestrous cycle; Breeding season; Antral follicles; Luteal function; Ultrasonography 230. Reproductive response of ewes synchronized with different lengths of MGA treatments in intrauterine insemination program/ E. Emsen, C. Gimenez-Diaz, M. Kutluca, F. Koycegiz Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 126, Issues 1–2, June 2011, p. 57-60, ISSN 0378- 4320 Keywords: Melengestrol acetate; Fat tailed sheep; Estrus; Artificial insemination 231. Rumen function and digestion of Merino sheep divergently selected for genetic difference in resistance to Haemonchus contortus/ E.K. Doyle, L.P. Kahn, S.J. McClure Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 179, Issues 1–3, 30 June 2011, p. 130-136, ISSN 0304- 4017

41 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Komoditas Pemuliaan Ternak 2008-2013 Keywords: Rumen fermentation; Nutrient supply; Resistance; Genetic selection; Nematode infection; Haemonchus contortus 232. Selection response to fleece weight, wool characteristics, and heritability estimates in yearling Romney sheep/ T. Wuliji, K.G. Dodds, R.N. Andrews, P.R. Turner Livestock Science, Volume 135, Issue 1, January 2011, p. 26-31, ISSN 1871-1413 Keywords: Heritability; Romney; Selection; Fleece weight; Fibre diameter 233. Sequence analysis of Toll-like receptor genes 1–10 of goat (Capra hircus), A. Raja, A.R. Vignesh, B. Ann Mary, K.G. Tirumurugaan, G. Dhinakar Raj, Ranjith Kataria, B.P. Mishra, K. Kumanan, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, Volume 140, Issues 3–4, 15 April 2011, Pages 252-258, ISSN 0165-2427 Keywords: Toll like receptors; Sequencing; Sequence analysis; Phylogenetic tree; Simple modular architecture research tool; Multi dimensional scaling 234. Sheep's and goat's dairy products in Italy: Technological, chemical, microbiological, and sensory aspects/ Antonio Pirisi, Roberta Comunian, Pietro Paolo Urgeghe, Maria Francesca Scintu Small Ruminant Research, Volume 101, Issues 1–3, November 2011, p. 102-112, ISSN 0921-4488 Keywords: Italian ewe cheese; Italian goat cheese; Italian cheese characteristics 235. Social and environmental challenges faced by goat and small livestock local activities: Present contribution of research–development and stakes for the future,Jean-Paul Dubeuf, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 98, Issues 1–3, June 2011, Pages 3-8, ISSN 0921-4488, Keywords: Innovation; Small livestock; Environment challenges; Governance; Development; Prospective 236. Structural assessment of the Scottish stratified sheep production system/ A. Rodriguez Ledesma, A. Waterhouse, C. Morgan Davies, F. Bruelisauer Small Ruminant Research, Volume 100, Issues 2–3, October 2011, p. 79-88, ISSN 0921- 4488 Keywords: Sheep breeds; Flock Type; Stratified production systems; Typification 237. Synchronization of oestrus and ovulation by short time combined FGA, PGF2α, GnRH, eCG treatments for natural service or AI fixed-time/ G. Martemucci, A.G. D’Alessandro Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 123, Issues 1–2, January 2011, p. 32-39, ISSN 0378-4320 Keywords: Ewe; Oestrus synchronization; Short term protocols; Artificial insemination

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