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Spiritual Healing

Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed It means the damage no longer controls our lives -Akshay Dubey

My name is Marcos Carrasquillo and I am the CEO and owner of Blessed Savage. I started this company 3 years ago after going through a drug addication program. I had been struggling with addiction for 15 years and found myself creating more and more wreckage in my life that would take me away from the people who I loved and loved me. I've always believed in a higher power and lived my life knowing the power of prayer. However, the cravings were strong and I needed support to end my addiction. I went to my mom's house one day and she asked me to stand outside in the backyard and lift up my arms. I looked like a scarecrow. She lit this bundle of herbs and set them in a shell as she waived a feather directing the smoke and praying/chanting as she walked aound me. When she was done, she explained the ritual of Smudging and the power it has to remove negative energy from people, objects, and places. I figured why not, by this time I had tried many things to become sober and I was willing to try anything. Three years later, I'm still sober! I'm a recovering addict and realize it's a daily battle but I live to Smudge now! I'm a believer! I am a Blessed Savage!

WHAT IS SMUDGING? If you’re feeling stuck, negative, sluggish, or even downright depressed, it may be due to some stagnant energy in your field to allow positive energy to enter. Your field can include your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual or physical body, and your environment—whether it’s your home, office, or other physical space. Stagnant or negative energy can have extremely detrimental effects on your mental and physical state and is even believed to manifest into things like a lack of happiness and success as well as pain and disease. Smudging can help combat this negativity, clear the energy in your field, and help you start anew. Smudging is an ancient ceremony in which you burn sacred plants, such as sage, to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space.

WHAT DO I NEED? • Sage or other sacred plants listed above. Sage represents the earth element and when burning sage, the smoke from it represents the air. • Abalone shell. This is meant to hold and burn the plants. The shell represents the water element. • Matches or a lighter. These represent the fire element. • Feather. This represents the air element.

TYPES OF SMUDGES & THE BENEFITS Smudging may offer more benefits than you think. Science is slowly catching up to the spiritual, and studies show benefits ranging from reduced airborne bacteria, lower anxiety and stress, enhanced cognition and improved sleep and mood. Smudging sage sticks can bring about an abundance of positive changes in your life. It infuses positivity into every space, improves your mental health and wellbeing, and allows you to be spiritually aligned with the higher forces of the universe.

HOW TO SMUDGE Clear lear your space of clutter and mess and open up windows and curtains and allow for clean air to enter. Once you're ready, hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light it using your match or candle, and let it burn for about 20 seconds. After that, gently blow out the flame so you see orange embers on one end. Slowly walk around your space and allow the smoke to waft around. Guide the smoke—and the negative energy—toward the open windows or a door, so it can escape. Never let the burning sage stay unattended for any reason. Also, take care not to inhale too much of the smoke. Once you're ready to extinguish a sage smudge stick, press the burning tip firmly into your fireproof vessel, dirt, or sand until the smoke no longer rises.

Smudging is not only for spaces; it’s also for clearing your body, mind, and spirit of any negativity, stagnation, or energetic disturbances within or surrounding you. As part of the ritual, make sure to invite the sacred smoke around your body from head to toe and front to back to help set your intentions before smudging your space.


The fascinating aroma of the sage transforms any physical space into a spiritual realm, and ushers in harmony, peace, and tranquility. The Smudge stick is organically grown but the blessings come from your intensional prayers/chants.



• Before you go to bed after a long day around people • Before and after a you’ve had guests at your home • When you move into a new home • When you begin a new job • When you start your own business • Before and after a healing session • Before meditation • After any illness Smudging is, in fact, the most popular ritual • After an argument / conflict used to clear people and places of negative energy they would rather not surround themselves with. So, really, you can smudge anytime you feel you need to.

Prayer To Protect Your Home “Smoke, air, fire, and earth, cleanse and bless this home and hearth. Driveaway harm and fear, only positive energy may enter here.” “I have opened this space to love and affection; may all the positive energy around me benefit my space. May it come with nurturance, compassion, forgiveness, and truth.”

Prayer For Positivity “Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy – myself. Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.”

Prayer to Rid Negative Energy Into this smoke I release All energies that do not serve; All negativity that surrounds; And all fears that limit. Negativity that invades my sacred place, I banish you away with the light of my grace. You have no hold or power here, for I stand and face you with no fear. Be gone forever, for this, I will say: This is my sacred place, and you will obey.

Prayer After An Argument Creator, Great Mystery Source of all knowing and comfort, Cleanse this space of all negativity. Open our pathways to peace and understanding. Love and light fills each of us and our sacred space. Our work here shall be beautiful and meaningful. Banish all energies that would mean us harm. Our eternal gratitude.

Thank You for shopping with Blessed Savage. Please visit our website and check out the Blessed Savage Apparrel. Let's face it, we're all a little savage, but its best to be BLESSED! Peace, Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Awakenings. -Marcos

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