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An art workbook to help reduce anxiety and create peace of mind

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1 An Art Workbook to Help Reduce Anxiety and Create Peace of Mind Break


An Art Workbook to Help Reduce Anxiety and Create Peace of Mind Break


This workbook is created to help those who suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is an intense, excessive, and persistent worry one has about everyday situations. This book is dedicated to my mom, Eva. I hope some of these activities help you. Dedications



11 Art therapy has several benefits, from helping one discover more about themselves to connecting more with ones emotions. Art therapy has the ability to help people that deal with anxiety and act as a therapeutically benefit. Calms the nervous system Art therapy activities helps one maintain peace and calm, which reduces with stress, nervousness, and irritability. Encourages self-expression Art therapy helps one express themselves in a safe manner. Through diverse and creative, people experiencing anxiety can express themselves in healthy manner. Increases self-awareness By being creative, one can discover more about themselves. Art therapy has the potential to encourage people to experience a meditative and expressive sense of self-awareness. Benefits of Art Therapy


13 When the brain is active and creative, the bilateral hippocampus is activated in the brain. The bilateral hippocampus helps the brain remember details, such as people, places and events. This function can help the individual to remember past times that they were happy, and use that memory to help produce a healthier mental health. By being creative, an individual has more freedom to express themselves when it comes to their traumas or anxieties. This can help aid in leading a healthier form of communication with others and most importantly oneself. Old Pen and Paper A strategy to reducing anxiety is allowing room for creativity. Being creative is important! Writing ideas down with an old-fashioned pen and paper can help with learning and memorization. By writing down thoughts versus typing, individuals tend to learn and memorize better of what they have written. Creativity has no bounds


16 Journaling can help through the act of writing, express feeling into words. Expressing thoughts and emotions allows for a release anxiety and clear the mind. Challenging current perspective allows for self-reflection and helps create room for new perspectives. Tips to help mind and body: • Journaling can be personal. It is mostly meant for you as a way to express your inner thoughts and emotions. If you feel comfortable doing so, as it is sometimes a method of healing, you may also share your written thoughts with other people in your life. • Make sure you are descriptive in your writing, which encourages you to unpeel emotional layers. Journal your thoughts Is there anyone specific who you would like to share journal with?

17 Tools Pens Pens with different sizes of tips can help express words and feelings more. Try using pens with bigger tips to show the impact of the words and a smaller tip to show a lesser meaning. Pens with various tip sizes can be great for journaling.

18 Use the next few pages to express your emotions through journaling.

19 Write about a person in your life who you are grateful for? What is something you are grateful to have learned this week?

20 What positive changes are you thankful for? What skills or abilities are you thankful to have?

21 What part of your morning routine makes you happy? What activities give you the greatest feeling of achievement?

22 When was the last time you laughed uncontrollably — relive that memory through your writing.

23 When was the last time you felt peaceful? Describe this moment through your writing.



26 The mind and body are connected in many ways. Anxiety can create tension in the body and the body can create anxiety. Both of these elements are deeply connected. Taking care of both parts creates harmony in the mind and body. Tips to help mind and body: • Exercise. • Being aware of your physical body and what understanding how pain occurs as a result of stress and anxiety can be powerful. • Be knowledgeable! Focus on mind and body List a few exercises you could do.

27 Tools No Pain Tightness Soreness Pain Take a minute to discover what parts of your body are experiencing pain. Use color pencils or pens to visualize the pain you are feeling in your body. For example, use red, yellow, orange, and green for pain tolerance or discomfort. Use blue if you are experiencing no pain.

28 Listen and work on your mind and body.

29 Exercise Moving your body decreases tension and lessens anxiety. Exercise can help distract from anxiety. Color the parts of your body that feel pain after exercising.

30 Color the parts of your body that feel pain after stretching. No Pain Tightness Soreness Pain

31 Color the parts of your body that feel pain after walking.



34 Color with peace in mind Coloring with pencils can have a strong impact on reducing stress and tension. This activity can enhance your mood feelings and emotions. Make sure to use colors that best represent how you are feeling for that day. This ensures your emotions are being expressed and visible in the physiological world. Some great colors that can be used for your emotions are as follows: • Blue: Calming. • Green: Nature, outdoors, peace. • Yellow: Enhance mood. • Orange: Stimulate mental activity.

35 Tools Color Pencils Color pencils are great to use for coloring. Pick color pencils, markers, brushes, and many other coloring tools that fit the specific mood. Do not be afraid to expand from the primary colors.

36 Take your time and express yourself.

37 Mandala Coloring patterns can help as they require focus. Developing repeated patterns and rhythmic movements help reduce emotions.







44 Creating miniature, abstract patterns help with focus, paying attention to detail, and reducing stress in your daily life. Patterns can help distract yourself from other situations in life. Helpful tips: • Creating patterns can be done anywhere and on any size of paper or surface. Creating patterns What are some of your favorite patterns in your home?

45 Tools Creating patterns is a fun experience, and various tools can help make that happen. Rulers, protractors, pens, pencils, or even a cup can help create patterns that are fun. Be adventurous with the tools that you use to create patterns. Patterns Patterns are everywhere. Be on the lookout for your favorite patters that exist in your everyday life!

46 Create and express yourself with patterns.

47 Zentangle Creating geometric abstract patterns are considered an artistic meditation because it aids in maintaining focus when generating continuous, geometric, and unified shapes. Create a pattern based on your favorite flower.

48 Create a pattern based on your favorite shape.

49 Create a pattern based on your favorite animal.


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