CallforEurope 15 Jan 2023 Flipbook PDF

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Jan Risden, MD
Charles Downey, MD / Carol Norton, MD / Jan Risden, MD Nombre__________________________________________________________________________ Fecha: _______

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calls for funding research and innovation under Horizon Europe Other new funding calls under Horizon Europe funding competitive platforms

2 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 3   The smart tool for EU proposal drafters and grant writers “This magazine aims to help ‘Euro-Drafters’ make the most of their funding call proposals” CallforEurope is a consultancy that provides for professional information and assistance on European Policies, Programmes and Public Calls. Our mission is to support transparent knowledge and easy access to all of the opportunities offered by EU Programmes. We think that giving fresh information on such themes is a valid lever for boosting European Union integration. Our support is intended to: • offer technical information on how to access to and manage EU grants and projects; • make people find new transnational partnerships throughout Europe; • stimulate public debate on how to access to EU funds. Our ambition is to serve as a technical resource center. We want to serve primarily those that usually work on writing applications and managing projects through European funding. Call them “Euro-drafters” or “Euro-experts”: in any case, their activity demands high specialization and a constant updating on European policies, programs and public calls. Our service is intended for them but also for any private, public and not-for-profit organization interested to European programmes and funds. If you want more information on our services, please drop a line at [email protected] visit us at subscribe to our newsletter at On the Cover: DimHou/Pixabay IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

2 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 3 Hello readers! In the 15th of January 2023 edition, we commented various EU calls published during the current week. On last december a first call under the ALMA Programme was published. It is a pilot call for sustaining for the first time mobility experiences for young NEETs through EU Member States. IMPETUS is a funding programme for Citizen Science projects supported by Horizon Europe Programme. Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines is a programme of the European Commission to sustain information and consultation at European level between undertakings and workers'associations. More than 40 funding calls were recently issued under Horizon Europe Programme in particular through on Health Mission. 2 funding calls were published to support projects on Cultural Heritage digitalisation in Europe. Have a good read! page 51 296 Calls open on Research and Innovation. Calls from Horizon Europe and European Innovation Council. page 140 37 calls open on Energy, Environment and Climate Change. page 141 45 calls open on Enterprises and Economic Development Policies. page 155 3 calls open on Regional Development and Interregional Cooperation. page 159 22 call open on Education, Vocational Training and Culture. New calls offered by the new Europa Creativa Programme. page 202 11 calls open on Employment and Social Inclusion issues. page 212 10 calls open on International Development and Cooperation. Pixabay/free-photos Pixabay/free-photos Pixabay/emirkrasnic Pixabay/free-photos Pixabay/Wiener Pixabay/Kudra_Abdulaziz IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!


4 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 5   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 4 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 5 Icons on Topics we begin to add icons on topics into our general list of calls, to provide a faster view on funding opportunities open every week Agrifood Digital Development, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, High Performance Computing, Internet of Things Arts and Culture Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Construction & Building Employment Promotion and Jobs protection Education and Vocational Training Health Issues and Prevention Industry development and promotion Innovation ecosystems and initiatives International Aid and Cooperation Justice Affairs Maritime and Blue Economy Mass Media Renewable Energy and Sustainability Regional and City Development IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

6 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 7   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 17/01/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe TV and online content 22.000.000 page 180 17/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe SMART4ALL Third CTTE Open Call 320.000 page 69 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development SMP Programme Tourism4.0 Call for selection of Tourism SMEs 7.000 page 142 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Inland ports – studies, works or mixed 350.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed 350.000.000 Scientific Research Security and fight against crime Social Development and Inclusion Space and Satellite Economy and Research Sport Tourism Transport and Road Development Note: new funding calls opened in the current week are stressed in red colour NEW! A SORTEABLE EXCEL FILE OF THE GENERAL LIST OF CALLS IS NOW AVAILABLE EVERY WEEK! TO GET IT YOU CAN: DOWNLOAD IT AS A ONE-TIME DOCUMENT CLICKING HERE, OR SUBSCRIBE HERE FOR ONLY 2.99 Eur TO GET IT AUTOMATICALLY EVERY WEEK.

8 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 9   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Road safety - studies, works or mixed 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works 100 000 000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS Other SESAR Projects – works 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed 1.620.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies, works or mixed 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies, works or mixed 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies, works or mixed 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies, works or mixed 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) ERTMS – unit contribution 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed 150.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) data - studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) EMSWe – studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) ERTMS – unit contribution 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) ITS – studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

8 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 9   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) New technologies and innovation – studies 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) RIS – studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS Common Project One implementation projects – works 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS HLA - works 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eFTI – studies, works or mixed 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Multimodal passenger hubs – studies 400.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Rail Freight Noise - Unit Contribution 100.000.000 18/01/2023 Research and Innovation Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed 1.620.000.000 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANTS 30.000.000 page 60 24/01/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe Innovative tools and business models 8 883 198 page 160 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Smart-grid ready and smart-network ready buildings, acting as active utility nodes (Built4People) 18.000.000 page 68 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support to the activities of technology areas of the SET Plan: Action dedicated to energy efficiency in industry 600.000 page 69 24/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Solutions for the sustainable, resilient, inclusive and accessible regeneration of neighbourhoods enabling low carbon footprint lifestyles and businesses (Built4People) 15.000.000 page 70 IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

European Universities - Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation (Topic 2) 38.400.000 page 163 31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development EMFAF Sustainable transport and ports in the Mediterranean 2.400.000 page 143

Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Internal EU issues: Digital Transformation in Europe 18 633 414 page 170

Erasmus Mundus Design Measures 3.000.000 page 176

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters 142.589.571 page 177 21/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe Circulation of European literary works 21.000.000 page 178 21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H) Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other NCDs 5.000.000 21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H) Call for proposals to support the roll-out of the second cohort of the inter-speciality cancer training programme 7.000.000 21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H) Call for proposals to support structured dialogue at national or regional level on public procurement in the health sector - HERA 5.000.000 21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H) Call for proposals on cancer and other NCDs prevention – action on health determinants 12.000.000 23/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe European Cooperation projects Small, Medium, Large Scale 60 076 809 page 179 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy works projects 30.000.000 page 153 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy studies projects 30.000.000 page 154 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) European Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works 90.000.000 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Works 100.000.000 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Interconnection of backbone networks for cloud federations – Studies 3.000.000 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 5G coverage along transport corridors - Works 25.000.000 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 5G for Smart Communities - Works 5.000.000 23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies 3.000.000 IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

Capacity Building in the field of Youth 6 923 231 page 205 IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

16 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 17   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Planning, tracking, and assessing scientific knowledge production 8000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Preparatory phase of new ESFRI research infrastructure projects 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC 15000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Early phase implementation of ESFRI Projects which entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018 7500000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Consolidation of the RI landscape – development of complementarities, synergies and/ or integration between a set of pan- European research infrastructures 20000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Strengthen the bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Latin America 3750000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Build on the science cluster approach to ensure the uptake of EOSC by research infrastructures and research communities 25000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Programme level collaboration between national R&I policy-makers 6000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe A strong European R&I Foresight Community to better inform R&I policy decisions in the European Research Area about potential futures 2000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of new approaches to the macroeconomic modelling of research and innovation 1000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Exploitation and valorisation of results relevant for the ERA Policy Agenda 2200000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Laying the groundwork towards Europe-wide citizen science campaigns 3000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support to reforms of research assessment in the European Research Area 5000000

European Youth Together 8 000 000 13/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe IMPETUS Citizen Science Challenge 2023 650.000 page 95 14/03/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe Films on the Move 16.000.000 page 139 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Addressing housing inequalities in a sustainable, inclusive and affordable way 9.000.000 page 93 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated care solutions leading to better quality, person-centred long-term care and overcoming territorial inequalities in their provision 9.000.000 page 97 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Remote working arrangements and their economic, social and spatial effects 9.000.000 page 98

18 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 19   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Towards sustainable economic policy paradigms 9.000.000 page 99 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Tackling inequalities in the green and digital transitions 9.000.000 page 100 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Mapping of longitudinal data and assessment of inequalities in education, training and learning achievements 9.000.000 page 101 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Bridging the migration research to policy gap 9.000.000 page 102 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Global Shortages and Skill Partnerships 9.000.000 page 103 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Tackling European skills and labour shortages 9.000.000 page 104 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Efficiency and effectiveness of investment in high-quality education and training 9.000.000 page 105 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe The emotional politics of democracies 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Democratic governance for times of disruptive changes to the social contract 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Detecting, analysing and countering foreign information manipulation and interference 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing a better understanding of information suppression by state authorities as an example of foreign information manipulation and interference 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New approaches for combatting corruption and other undue influences on political decision-making 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe The climate imperative and its impact on democratic governance 9.000.000

20 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 21   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Political perspectives for the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Intersectionality and equality in deliberative and participatory democratic spaces 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Cultural heritage in transformation – facing change with confidence 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe A world leading European video game innovation system 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advanced technologies for remote monitoring of heritage monuments and artefacts 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Re-visiting the digitisation of cultural heritage: What, how and why? 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Promoting cultural literacy through arts education to foster social inclusion 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Fostering socio-economic development and job creation in rural and remote areas through cultural tourism 9.000.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Increasing health equity through promoting healthy diets and physical activity (HealthEquity) 13.520.000 14/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Cultural and creative approaches for gender-responsive STEAM education 3.000.000 15/03/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture ALMA Programme First Alma Call 15.000.000 page 186 15/03/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion EU Bodies and Agencies Selection of hosting sites and fellows for EU-FORA Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme 825.000 page 206

Partnerships for Innovation - Forward-Looking Projects - Adult learning 35.000.000 page 187 16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme Data space for security and law enforcement 8.000.000 page 108 15/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Screening platform and biomarkers for prediction and prevention of diseases of unmet public health need 138.000.000 15/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Strengthening the European translational research ecosystem for advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) for rare diseases 138.000.000 15/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Digital health technologies for the prevention and personalised management of mental disorders and their long-term health consequences 138.000.000 15/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Combining hospital interventional approaches to improve patient outcomes and increase hospital efficiency 138.000.000 15/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Patient-generated evidence to improve outcomes, support decision making, and accelerate innovation 138.000.000 16/03/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme Call for proposals to support Member States and other relevant actors to implement relevant results of innovative public health research in relation to vaccination against COVID-19 18.400.000 page 107 16/03/2023 Regional Development and Cooperation Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (I3) Capacity Building Strand 2b 7.155.858 page 157 16/03/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme Data space for security and law enforcement 8.000.000 page 108

24 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 25   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Reducing observation gaps in the land-sea interface area 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Digitalisation in agriculture and forestry: markets for data, and digital technologies and infrastructure – state of play and foresight in a fast changing regulatory, trade and technical environment 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advancing analytical capacity and tools to support EU agrifood policies post 2027 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing EU advisory networks to reduce the use of pesticides 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Open source solutions for edge, cloud and mixed model applications to strengthen production and administrative capacities in agriculture 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Revitalisation of European local (rural / peri-urban) communities with innovative bio-based business models and social innovation 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Coordination and supporting action to increase synergies in the dissemination and exploitation of climate observations by World Meteorological Organization and its affiliated bodies 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing an EU advisory network on organic agriculture 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Empowering citizens to monitor, report and act in partnership with relevant public authorities to protect their environment in the context of environmental compliance assurance 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Organisation of the Women TechEU Scheme 15.000.000 page 115 23/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Preparatory action for setting up joint programmes among innovation ecosystems actors 8.000.000 page 116 IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

24 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 25   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 24/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe GreenOffshoretech 1.560.000 page 118 26/03/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) Data space for security and law enforcement 8.000.000 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe End-to-end Earth observation systems and associated services 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Biodiversity friendly practices in agriculture – breeding for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Impact of light and noise pollution on biodiversity 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Interdisciplinary assessment of changes affecting terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, building on observation programmes 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Better understanding of routes of exposure and toxicological and ecological impacts of chemical pollution on terrestrial biodiversity 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Valorisation of ecosystem services provided by legume crops 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Interlinkages between biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystems and the emergence of zoonotic diseases 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Addressing biodiversity decline and promoting Nature-based Solutions in higher education 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Biodiversity, economics and finance: unlocking financial flows towards reversing of biodiversity loss 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Build up of knowledge on Nature Positive Economy and supporting its scale-up 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Crop wild relatives for sustainable agriculture IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

26 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 27   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Nature protection: Better methods and knowledge to improve the conservation status of EU-protected species and habitats 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Future Space Ecosystem and Enabling Technologies 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Scientific exploitation of space data 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Copernicus in-situ component 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Copernicus for Marine Environment Monitoring 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Copernicus for Emergency Management 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Space technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Low cost high thrust propulsion for European strategic space launchers - technologies maturation including ground system tests 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Modern, flexible and efficient European test, production and launch facilities 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Quantum Communication Technologies for space systems 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrative forest management for multiple ecosystem services and enhanced biodiversity 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Biodiversity loss and enhancing ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban areas 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Reinforcing science policy support with IPBES and IPCC for better interconnected biodiversity and climate policies

28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Tackling human and climate change induced pollution in the Arctic - building resilient socio-ecological systems 12.000.000 page 119 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Strategies to prevent and reduce plastic packaging pollution from the food system 8.000.000 page 120 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Future Space Ecosystem: Management and Coordination Activity 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New space transportation solutions and services 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Quantum Space Gravimetry Phase-A Study 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Copernicus for Atmosphere and Climate Change, including CO2 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Knowledge and innovative solutions in agriculture for water availability and quality 6.000.0000 page 121 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Understanding and reducing bycatch of protected species 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated assessment and monitoring of emerging pollutants in the marine environment 12.500.000 page 122 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Environmental sustainability and circularity criteria for industrial bio-based systems 8.000.000 page 123 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Biosensors and user-friendly diagnostic tools for environmental services 8.000.000 page 124 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Optimisation of manure use along the management chain to mitigate GHG emissions and minimize nutrients/contaminants dispersion in the environment 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Industrial biotechnology approaches for improved sustainability and output of industrial bio-based processes 10.000.000 page 125

28 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 29   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Safe-and-sustainable-by-design bio-based platform chemicals, additives, materials or products as alternatives 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstration of marine and coastal infrastructures as hybrid blue-grey Nature-based Solutions 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Restoration of deep-sea habitats 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)’s circular systemic solutions 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Novel, sustainable and circular bio-based textiles 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Non-plant biomass feedstock for industrial applications: technologies and processes to convert non-lignocellulosic biomass and waste into biobased chemicals, materials and products, improving the cascading valorisation of biomass 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Supporting the fair and just transition from GHG-intensive economies facing challenges towards circular bioeconomy model regions 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Optimising the sustainable production of wood and nonwood products in small forest properties and development of new forest-based value chains 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Monitoring the multi-functionality of European forests 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe One hundred circular model households: making European households sustainable through inclusive circular practices 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Harnessing the innovation potential and market uptake of successful circular economy water related projects

28 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 29   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Broadening the spectrum of robust enzymes and microbial hosts in industrial biotechnology 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Novel culturing of aquatic organisms for blue biotechnology applications 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Symbiosis in the bio-based industrial ecosystems 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Eco-friendly consumer products – low-toxicity/zero pollution construction bio-based materials 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Business models that balance the share of power and profit in the bioeconomy 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Bio-based solutions for humanitarian applications 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Capturing market trends and societal perceptions for tailor-made forest services 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Enhancing collaboration between Circular Cities and Regions Initiative's (CCRI) supporting organisations 28/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Land-based bioprospecting and production of bioactive compounds and functional materials for multiple biobased value chains 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-driven autonomous robots (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA) 30000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Piloting communities of expert facilitators to improve industry-academia-public sector co-creation (CSA) 2000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Versatile light sources and systems as tools for manufacturing and medical application (Photonics Partnership) (RIA) 18000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advanced imaging and sensing technologies (IA)(Photonics Partnership) 18.000.000

30 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 31   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Sustainable safe-by-design 2D materials technology (RIA) 6000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Supporting the emergence of an open human-centric Metaverse (CSA) 2000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Efficient trustworthy AI - making the best of data (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA) 35000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Next Generation Internet Fund (RIA) 35000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe 2D materials of tomorrow (RIA) 12000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Photonic Strategies and Skills Development (CSA) (Photonics Partnership) 20000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Digital Humanism - Putting people at the centre of the digital transformation (CSA) 1500000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Through AI from Disinformation to Trust (IA) 10000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Natural Language Understanding and Interaction in Advanced Language Technologies (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA) 20000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support facility for digital standardisation and international cooperation in digital partnerships (CSA) 1500000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Low TRL research in micro-electronics and integration technologies for industrial solutions (RIA) 35000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Next generation quantum sensing and metrology technologies (RIA) 12000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe eXtended Reality for Industry 5.0 (IA) 25000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Promoting EU standards globally (CSA) 2500000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuit technologies (RIA) 12000000

32 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 33   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Framework Partnership Agreement for developing large-scale quantum Computing platform technologies (FPA) 0 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Next Generation eXtended Reality (RIA) 26000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Investing in alternative quantum computation and simulation platform technologies (RIA) 20000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Large Scale pilots on trustworthy AI data and robotics addressing key societal challenges (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) 24000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pilots for the Next Generation Internet (IA) 14000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Art-driven digital innovation: Towards human compatible and ecologically conscious technology (CSA) 3000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Open innovation: Addressing Grand challenges in AI (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (CSA) 4000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Next Generation Internet International Collaboration - USA (RIA) 4000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Next Generation Internet Commons Policy (CSA) 2000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integration of data life cycle, architectures and standards for complex data cycles and/ or human factors, language (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA) 45000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA) 28000000 29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Collaboration with NSF on fundamental research on new concepts for distributed computing and swarm intelligence (CSA) 1000000

34 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 35   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Cultured meat and cultured seafood – state of play and future prospects in the EU 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Providing marketing solutions to prevent and reduce the food waste related to marketing standards 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support for the implementation of a sustainable platform for the EU-African Union cooperation under the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU-Africa Union – food safety 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Improve the reliability and effectiveness of alternative water resources supply systems and technologies 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Investigating the contribution of geographical indications (GIs) to sustainable development and optimising support for newly established schemes 3.000.000 page 128 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support to the markets and trade of agroecological food products under the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe European partnership on animal health and welfare 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Improving yields in organic cropping systems 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Towards sustainable livestock systems: European platform for evidence building and transitioning policy 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Using automatic species recognition and artificial intelligence to fight illegal fish discards and revolutionise fisheries control

36 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 37   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe European partnership on sustainable food systems for people, planet and climate 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pilot network of climate-positive organic farms 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Analysing fossil-energy dependence in agriculture to increase resilience against input price fluctuations 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe International benchmarking of rural and territorial policies and delivery mechanisms 3.000.000 page 130 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New detection methods on products derived from new genomic techniques for traceability, transparency and innovation in the food system 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Thematic network ensuring food safety by translating research and innovation into practice 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Towards research and innovation beyond farm to fork strategy targets for pesticides after 2030 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Enhancing the sustainable production of renewable energy at farm-level 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Assessing urban farming impacts 5.000.000 page 131 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Eradicate micronutrient deficiencies in the EU 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Fostering resilient European food systems in a changing world 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovations in plant protection: alternatives to reduce the use of pesticides focusing on candidates for substitution 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Additional activities for the European Partnership Water Security for the Planet (Water4All)

36 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 37   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Enhancing social inclusion in rural areas: focus on people in a vulnerable situation and social economy 10.000.000 page 127 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Inclusive and smart ways to communicate sustainability of food 6.500.000 page 129 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advancing vaccine development for African swine fever 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Microbiomes fighting food waste through applicable solutions in food processing, packaging and shelf life 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Ocean and coastal waters carbon- and biodiversity-rich ecosystems and habitats in Europe and the Polar Regions 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Closing the research gaps on Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) in support of global assessments 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU-African Union cooperation – linking the activities of the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership and those of the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP) 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Open Pilot Line/Test Bed for hydrogen 10 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Driving Urban Transition Co-funded Partnership 15 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation Fund 4 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New processes for upcoming recycling feeds (Batt4EU Partnership) 12 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Technologies for sustainable, cost-efficient and low carbon footprint downstream processing & production of battery-grade materials (Batt4EU Partnership) 20 700 000

38 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 39   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership) 15 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU-China international cooperation on data and model development for pathways to carbon neutrality: focusing on decarbonisation, energy efficiency and socio-economic implications of the transition 21 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU-China international cooperation on blue carbon 14 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Modelling for local resilience - Developments in support of local adaptation assessments and plans 12 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Solar Radiation Modification: governance of research 5 500 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa 3 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Climate-related tipping points 16 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Science for successful, high-integrity voluntary climate initiatives 16 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Further climate knowledge through advanced science and technologies for analysing Earth observation and Earth system model data 10 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Improved knowledge in cloud-aerosol interaction 10 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Improving the evidence base regarding the impact of sustainability and climate change education and related learning outcomes 8 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Climate impacts of a hydrogen economy 8 000 000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Broadening the range of policy options in transition pathway analysis 14 000 000

38 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 39   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Behavioural change and governance for systemic transformations towards climate resilience 5.000.000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership) 15.000.000 18/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advanced digital twins for battery cell production lines (Batt4EU Partnership) 14.000.000 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pragmatic clinical trials on minimally invasive diagnostics 43000000 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Addressing poorly-understood tumour-host interactions to enhance immune system-centred treatment and care interventions in childhood, adolescent, adult and elderly cancer patients. 36 682 904 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Enhance primary cancer prevention through sustainable behavioural change 25 000 000 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Establish best practices and tools to improve the quality of life for childhood cancer patients, survivors and their families in European regions 6 000 000 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe European Excellence Initiative 54000000 12/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Teaming for Excellence 16000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Maintaining access to regular health and care services in case of cross-border emergencies 20000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pandemic preparedness and response: Sustaining established coordination mechanisms for European adaptive platform trials and/or for cohort networks 3000000

40 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 41   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Novel approaches for palliative and end-of-life care for non-cancer patients 50000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Resilience and mental wellbeing of the health and care workforce 20000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Interventions in city environments to reduce risk of non-communicable disease (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD) 20000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pandemic preparedness and response: Understanding vaccine induced-immunity 20000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Health impacts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: bridging science-policy gaps by addressing persistent scientific uncertainties 40000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development and harmonisation of methodologies for assessing digital health technologies in Europe 15000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Towards structuring brain health research in Europe 1000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Evidence-based interventions for promotion of mental and physical health in changing working environments (post-pandemic workplaces) 30000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Clinical trials of combined Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) 50000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Better integration and use of health-related real-world and research data, including genomics, for improved clinical outcomes 35000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Harnessing the potential of real-time data analysis and secure Point-of-Care computing for the benefit of person-centred health and care delivery 35000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing a Data Quality and Utility Label for the European Health Data Space 4000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Environmentally sustainable and climate neutral health and care systems 20000000

40 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 41   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe European Partnership on Personalised Medicine 100000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pandemic preparedness and response: Broad spectrum anti-viral therapeutics for infectious diseases with epidemic potential 50000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pandemic preparedness and response: Immunogenicity of viral proteins of viruses with epidemic and pandemic potential 50000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Planetary health: understanding the links between environmental degradation and health impacts 30000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Expanding the European Electronic Health Record exchange Format to improve interoperability within the European Health Data Space 8000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe The Silver Deal - Person-centred health and care in European regions 40000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Mapping the hurdles for the clinical applications of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) 3000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated, multi-scale computational models of patient patho-physiology (‘virtual twins’) for personalised disease management 50000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Supporting the uptake of innovative Health Technology Assessment (HTA) methodology and advancing HTA expertise across EU 5000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Relationship between infections and non-communicable diseases 30000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Global coordination of exposome research 3000000 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Modelling and simulation to address regulatory needs in the development of orphan and paediatric medicines 25000000

42 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 43   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 13/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Pandemic preparedness and response: In vitro diagnostic devices to tackle cross-border health threats 40000000 19/04/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion Justice Programme Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children: call to intermediaries (giving financial support to third-party civil society organisations) 24.900.000 page 209 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Achieving resiliency in value networks through modelling and Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA) 1.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Circular economy in process industries: Upcycling large volumes of secondary resources (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA) 30.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Electrification of high temperature heating systems (Processes4Planet Partnership) (IA) 35.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Modelling industry transition to climate neutrality, sustainability and circularity (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA) 13.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe High-precision OR complex product manufacturing – potentially including the use of photonics (Made in Europe and Photonics Partnerships) (IA) 25.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Recycling technologies for critical raw materials from EoL products (IA) 28.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction (RIA) 25.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Technologies for processing and refining of critical raw materials (IA) 22.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Coordination and knowledge sharing across materials development communities (CSA) 2.000.000

42 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 43   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Expert network on Critical raw materials (CSA) 3.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated approach for impact assessment of safe and sustainable chemicals and materials (RIA) 15.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Computational models for the development of safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials (RIA) 29.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative methods for safety and sustainability assessments of chemicals and materials (RIA) 29.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Affordable Housing District Demonstrator (IA) 10.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Earth Observation platform, products and services for raw materials (IA) 20.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Recyclability and resource efficiency of Rare Earth based magnets (IA) 20.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Boosting generation and diffusion of advanced technologies in SMEs based on a supply chain model (CSA) 10.000.000 20/04/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion Justice Programme Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters 4.500.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Circular economy solutions for the valorisation of low-quality scrap streams, materials recirculation with high recycling rate, and residue valorisation for long term goal towards zero waste (Clean Steel Partnership) (RIA) 12.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Factory-level and value chain approaches for remanufacturing (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA) 37.600.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Sustainable and efficient industrial water consumption: through energy and solute recovery (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA) 30.000.000

44 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 45   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Low carbon-dioxide emission technologies for melting iron-bearing feed materials OR smart carbon usage and improved energy & resource efficiency via process integration (Clean Steel Partnership) (IA) 23.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Foresight and technology transfer for Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (CSA) 1.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Energy efficiency breakthroughs in the process industries (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA) 32.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hubs for circularity for near zero emissions regions applying industrial symbiosis and cooperative approach to heavy industrialized clusters and surrounding ecosystems (Processes4Planet partnership) (IA) 40.000.000 20/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe Innovation Lab 5.438.131 page 191 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Thermal management and energy optimisation of high energy demand IT systems equipment in tertiary buildings 20 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated real-time digital solutions to optimise navigation and port calls to reduce emissions from shipping (ZEWT Partnership) 6 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Towards the implementation of the inland navigation action programme with a focus on Green and Connected Inland Waterway Transport 25 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support for the organisation of EU-US symposia in the field of Transport Research 8 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Interoperable solutions for positive energy districts (PEDs), including a better integration of local renewables and local excess heat sources 9 000 000

44 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 45   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Future-proofing historical buildings for the clean energy transition 10 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative solutions for cost-effective decarbonisation of buildings through energy efficiency and electrification 20 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Measuring road transport results towards 2ZERO KPIs (2ZERO Partnership) 6 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Accelerating climate-neutral hydrogen-powered/electrified aviation 25 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstrations to accelerate the switch to safe use of new sustainable climate neutral fuels in waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership) 8 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative battery management systems for next generation vehicles (2ZERO & Batt4EU Partnership) 9 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing a flexible offshore supply of zero emission auxiliary power for ships moored or anchored at sea deployable before 2030 (ZEWT Partnership) 10 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advanced transport emissions monitoring networks 16 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative cost-efficient solutions for zero-emission buildings 10 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs 15 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing small, flexible, zero-emission and automated vessels to support shifting cargo from road to sustainable Waterborne Transport 15 000 000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Frugal zero-emission vehicles concepts for the urban passenger challenge (2ZERO Partnership) 1 500 000

Partnership for Excellence - Centres of Vocational Excellence 52.000.000 page 200 20/06/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture Creative Europe European Film sales agent 5.500.000 page 201 20/06/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion CERV Programme Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination 20.000.000 page 211 19/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe European Partnership on Rare Diseases 50000000

48 - CALL4EUROPE CALL4EUROPE - 49   GENERAL LIST OF CALLS Edition: Jan 15 - Jan 22 / 2023 Deadlines: 15 January 2023 - 14 June 2023 DEADLINE KEYWORDS FUNDING PROGRAMME CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 20/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions increasing climate resilience of the agriculture and/or forestry sector. 30000000 20/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to protect critical infrastructure from climate change, mainstreaming nature based solutions. 18000000 20/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to build resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change 34000000 21/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage 25000000 page 137 21/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for digitising cultural heritage objects 10000000 page 138 28/09/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hop on Facility 43.000.000 page 139



Research and Innovation   call synopsis 52 - CALL4EUROPE KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY IMCAP-2023-INFOME LIST OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS Programme Information Measures for the Common Agricultural Policy (IMCAP) Administration European Commission Objective The general objective of the call is to inform citizens, farmers and non-farmers alike and to promote information about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), including the national CAP Strategic Plans (i.e. the policy and its benefits for the citizens of the EU). The proposals submitted should provide coherent, objective and comprehensive information measures, reaching a significant number of citizens in the EU, providing them with a factual, accurate and well documented overall picture of the benefits of the CAP for citizens, EU agriculture and the environment. The key issues and messaging should be fully consistent with Article 46 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2116. The focus of the largescale information and communication measures should be on addressing misperceptions and disinformation about European agriculture and the CAP, using facts and backed up with data with a view to raising public awareness on the relevance of EU support to agriculture and rural development through the CAP. The projects must clearly explain how they will contribute to raising public awareness and improving the perception of the CAP among citizens. Eligible Activities The information measures must include one or several activities reaching a significant number of citizens, such as: production and distribution/broadcast of print, multimedia or audio-visual material web and social media outreach activities that reach a significant number of citizens media events conferences, seminars, workshops that reach a significant number of citizens studies on CAP-related issues (if required to support the implementation of the information measures). Eligible Applicants legal entities (public or private bodies) Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon Europe Associate Countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) 48 Mandatory International Partnerships Publication (D/M/Y) 15 september 2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 5 january 2023 Total budget/ call 4.000.000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents BACK TO INDEX IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

Research and Innovation   call synopsis CALL4EUROPE - 53 KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY Open Call #2 Programme Intelligent, distributed, human-centered and trustworthy IoT environments Administration IntellIOT Consortium Objective The IntellIoT project mainly focuses on three research aspects and associated nextgeneration IoT capability pillars, namely collaborative intelligent systems (IoT), human interaction with the intelligent systems, and that all these activities are performed in a trustworthy and secure way. These aspects result in four component areas which are the building blocks of IntellIoT’s architecture: Collaborative IoT, Human-in-the-Loop, Trustworthiness, and Dynamic Infrastructure Management. Eligible Activities With the Open Call #2, IntellIoT invites SMEs and startups to join the consortium for pilots of 6 months to build applications, services and extensions by integrating a minimum of four IntellIoT components out of a minimum of two component areas within the three domains: Energy, Construction and Smart City. Overall up to six SMEs in total will be selected with 60.000€ funding for each. Eligible Applicants SME incorporated in the EU or one of the Horizon 2020 associated countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, UK and Ukraine. Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon Europe Associate Countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) 6 Mandatory International Partnerships Publication (D/M/Y) 09 November 2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 09 January 2023 Total budget/ call 360.000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents competitive-calls-cs/1821 BACK TO INDEX IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

Research and Innovation   call synopsis 54 - CALL4EUROPE Programme Horizon Europe Administration European Partnership on Innovative SMEs Objective European Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organisations and other types of organisations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. By participating, organisations from 37 countries can access public funding for international collaborative R&D projects in all fields. Eligible Activities If you are an innovative SME, you can apply to the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs/Innowwide for a grant of 60,000 euros to assess the viability of your research or commercial ambitions in international markets. We’re encouraging you to take your R&I to markets all over the world. Choose a target region and country and find a local counterpart. Eligible Applicants • You are an SME in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country with a partner based in a country in North or South America, Asia-Pacific or the Middle East. OR • You are an SME in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country with a partner based in an African country. OR • You are an SME in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country and you are submitting an application on behalf of an African company that you provide services to. Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon associate countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) Mandatory International Partnerships n.d. Publication (D/M/Y) 5/04/2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 15 november 2022 Total budget/ call 3.000.000 Expected number of proposals funded 50 Max budget/ project 60000 Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents competitive-calls-cs/1321 KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY European Partnership on Innovative SMEs/ Innowwide CALL 1 BACK TO INDEX

Research and Innovation   call synopsis 56 - CALL4EUROPE Programme Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) Administration European Commission Objective Set-up the Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) from all designated candidate entities resulting from the Expression of Interest. Upgrade these entities to provide the complete set of services of an EDIH, including the necessary infrastructure, in a specific geographical area, covering the needs of the local SMEs, small midcaps and/or public sector organisations with respect to their digital transformation. Network these EDIHs with each other and with other projects selected in Digital Europe Programme developing capacities in High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills and accelerating the best use of these technologies. Eligible Activities Each EDIH will provide services based on a specific focus/expertise, which will support the local private and public sector with their digital and green transformation. The specialisation can be strengthened over time, and should make use of existing local competencies in this area. The services will be provided on an open, transparent and non-discriminatory basis and will be targeted mainly to (1) SMEs and small-midcaps and/ or (2) public sector organisations conducting non-economic activities. Each EDIH will act as an access point to the European network of EDIHs, helping local companies and/or public actors to get support from other EDIHs in case the needed competences fall outside their competence, ensuring that every stakeholder gets the needed support wherever it is available in Europe. Reversely, each EDIH will support the companies and public actors from other regions and countries presented by other EDIHs that need their expertise. Eligible Applicants be legal entities (public or private bodies) be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.: EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) Geo-coverage EU Member States, Digital Europe Associate Countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) 36 Mandatory International Partnerships n.d. Publication (D/M/Y) 25/09/2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 16 november 2022 Total budget/ call 30 000 000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs LIST OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS BACK TO INDEX

Research and Innovation   call synopsis CALL4EUROPE - 57 Programme Horizon Europe Administration European Commission Objective Proposal results are expected to contribute to at least one of the following expected outcomes: Truly mixed human-AI initiatives for human empowerment Trustworthy hybrid decision-support systems Eligible Activities Build the next level of perception, visualisation, interaction and collaboration between humans and AI systems working together as partners to achieve common goals, sharing mutual understanding and learning of each other’s abilities and respective roles. Innovative and promising approaches are encouraged, including human-in the loop approaches for truly mixed human-AI initiatives combining the best of human and machine knowledge and capabilities, tacit knowledge extraction (to design the next generation AI-driven co-creation and collaboration tools embodied e.g. in industrial/ working spaces environments). Each proposal will focus on one of the two following research objectives, and clearly identify it: Reach truly mixed human-AI initiatives for human empowerment. The approaches should combine the best of human and machine knowledge and capabilities including shared and sliding autonomy in interaction, addressing reactivity, and fluidity of interaction and making systems transparent, fair and intuitive to use, which will play a key role in acceptance. The systems should adapt to the user rather than the opposite, based on analysis, understanding and anticipation about human behaviour and expectations. Trustworthy hybrid decision-support, including approaches for mixed and sliding decisionmaking, for context interpretation, for dealing with uncertainty, transparent anticipation, reliability, human-centric planning and decision-making, interdependencies, and augmented decision-making. Transparency, fairness, technical accuracy and robustness will be the key, together with validation strategies assessing also the quality of the decision of the AI supported socio-technical system. Eligible Applicants Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon associate countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) Mandatory International Partnerships n.d. Publication (D/M/Y) 20/04/2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 16 november 2022 Total budget/ call 16000000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY AI for human empowerment (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA) LIST OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS BACK TO INDEX

Research and Innovation   call synopsis 60 - CALL4EUROPE Programme Horizon Europe Administration European Research Council Objective The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research. Eligible Activities All proposals must be complete, readable, accessible, and be submitted before the relevant deadline. Incomplete proposals may be declared inadmissible (see ERC Proof of Concept Grant proposal submission and description below). The content of the proposal must relate to the objectives and to the grant type set out in the call, as defined in this Work Programme. If a proposal is considered not to relate to the objectives of the grant and/or call for proposals, it will be declared ineligible. Where there is a doubt on the admissibility or eligibility of a proposal, the evaluation may proceed pending a decision following an admissibility and eligibility review committee. If it becomes clear before, during, or after the evaluation phase, that one or more of the admissibility or eligibility criteria have not been met, the proposal will be declared inadmissible or ineligible and it will be rejected. Eligible Applicants Principal Investigators in an ongoing main grant, or Principal Investigators in a main grant that has ended less than 12 months before 1 January 2023 Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon associate countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) 18 Mandatory International Partnerships n.d. Publication (D/M/Y) 20/10/2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 24 January 2023 Total budget/ call 30.000.000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project 150.000 Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY ERC Proof of Concept Grants LIST OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS BACK TO INDEX

Research and Innovation   call synopsis CALL4EUROPE - 61 Programme Horizon Europe Administration European Commission Objective Photovoltaic power generation is pivotal in the transition towards a clean energy system and the achievement of the zero-emissions target. To that end, it is important to enhance affordability, security of supply and sustainability of PV technologies along with further efficiency improvements. Consequently, project results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes: Increase the potential of thin-film technologies for mass production, low cost and/or specialised applications. Reinforce the European PV value chain, support local companies to develop and sell differentiated PV products. Allow for an efficient use of available areas for renewable energy generation/ reducing competition between different kinds of land use by further increasing PV energy yield/m2. Enable and facilitate large-scale deployment of PV and generation of renewable electricity. Eligible Activities Develop novel environmentally benign thin-film technology concepts that optimise PV cell and module architecture, increase durability, decrease losses (minimising also the cell-tomodule efficiency gap) and target very high efficiencies (>25%) with flexibility for specific applications. Employ simple, scalable and low cost/low energy consumption and higher rate deposition processes. Ensure compliance with all relevant standards, including those related to the specific applications targeted. Perform device/module real–life (under actual outdoor operating conditions) characterisation for reliability and energy yield assessment. Perform a life cycle analysis to bring evidence of the lower environmental impact, better resource efficiency than current commercial PV technologies, and circularity potential. Eligible Applicants Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations (including international European research organisations) Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon associate countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) Mandatory International Partnerships n.d. Publication (D/M/Y) 6/09/2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 10 January 2023 Total budget/ call 20.000.000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY Novel Thin Film (TF) technologies targeting high efficiencies LIST OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS BACK TO INDEX

Research and Innovation   call synopsis 62 - CALL4EUROPE Programme Horizon Europe Administration European Commission Objective Advance the European scientific basis, technology base, technology leadership in the area of hydropower in the context of digital transition and energy markets while creating evidence for policy making; Increase the technology competitiveness of the existing hydropower fleet in changing European power markets by increasing hydropower flexibility and decision-making in modern power markets; Facilitate market penetration of renewables and getting closer to the European Green Deal and climate and energy targets for 2030 by increasing the flexibility, sustainability and predictability of existing hydropower; Improve environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the existing hydropower fleet. Eligible Activities Development of novel sensor technologies and digital solutions for digitization of existing hydropower plants and improving their sustainable operation by addressing one or more of the following: weather and flow forecast, biodiversity monitoring, predictive modelling and artificial intelligence for the analysis of sensor data for decision-making in operation and maintenance. Acknowledging eventual confidentiality of operational data, to ensure wide uptake and reliability, actions should promote the highest standards of transparency and openness of the digital solutions, extending to aspects such as assumptions, architecture, code and data. Eligible Applicants Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations (including international European research organisations) Geo-coverage EU Member States, Horizon associate countries Type of call for proposals Max Duration (months) Mandatory International Partnerships n.d. Publication (D/M/Y) 6/09/2022 Deadline (D/M/Y) 10 January 2023 Total budget/ call 9.000.000 Expected number of proposals funded Max budget/ project Max % EU Cofunding More information & official documents KEEP ME UPDATED ON THIS THEME GET SYNOPSIS IN OUR REPOSITORY Development of digital solutions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance LIST OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS BACK TO INDEX IT'S AN EXTRACT GO TO SHOP WINDOW TO GET THE FULL VERSION!

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