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Carter Frezza - Simplicity

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Lenguaje Ensamblador para PC. Paul A. Carter
Lenguaje Ensamblador para PC Paul A. Carter 9 de agosto de 2007 c 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Paul Carter Copyright Traducido al espa˜ nol por Leonardo Rodr´ıguez M´ ujica. Sus comentaros y sugerencias acerca de la traducci´on por favor a: lrodri@udi

Story Transcript

Simplicity Carter Frezza

“Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better.” - Edsger

Definition To a Transcendentalist, simplicity is honest beauty. The beauty derives itself from being natural and fitting in perfectly with the natural environment. There is nothing complex about a blade of grass (unless you are a biologist working at a fertilizer producing company), especially compared with the movement of a Rolex Submariner.

Reflection Simplicity could mean dressing less elegantly or it could be related to how something is explained or presented. In this case simplicity is aligned specifically with beauty and is tied specifically with natural beauty. Nature has a purpose to the natural order while glamorous clothes and accessories do not. That is what makes simplicity superior to complexity. However taking the simple lifestyle too far can be a bad decision. The single best way to live this simple life was through living naturally. This does not mean spending mountains of money on organic food or a new expensive hybrid or electric car. Instead, it means planting a garden or being responsible for your own actions. Nature is very important to living a simple life and it can help make your life more pure and healthy. Being directly tied to nature helps make certain you are able to live a more simple life. Our current society is so complicated with technology and work, but this concept of simplicity and basking in natural beauty. It is teaching that sometimes it’s good to just disconnect and look around in the world. So you can simplify things around you, for example you could simplify things around you by donating some of your clothes to charity so you have less and others can have more that they need. Instead of having multiple plates to eat from, just keep washing the same one. Try to use the internet as little as possible and instead of using the air conditioner just open the window instead on a nice day. For instance living in a big city disconnects you from natural beauty of the planet. Instead of going to another big city for a vacation go to a natural vacations destination. This could be a state park, a beach, or a mountain trail. These type of things help with getting closer to nature and help amplify the simplicity of the world and those around.

Picture Natural Bridge, Virginia is a prime example of nature being beautiful yet simple all the same. The natural structure looks amazing but is a simple rock formation that formed this way overtime.

Emerson Quote

Poem “Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.”

Simplicity in Pop Culture

Steve Jobs who was the CEO of Apple, Inc. used the transcendentalist idea of simplicity. He based all of the designs of his electronics based on this idea. The simpler it was made the better and it makes it more appealing to the consumers.

Carter Frezza 1/17/22 Ms.Donado Works Cited

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