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Story Transcript

INTRODUCTION Bible Reading; Gen.17:1-27, Rom 4:1- 14. You may have prayerfully and diligently desired a victorious and vibrant life in the spirit of overcoming sin, the Flesh and the devil in every area of life, being able to dwell daily in God's Tabernacle and on His Holy Hill. Yet, for all your efforts made in fervent and sincere zeal, a spiritual breakthrough in your life is perhaps still a distant dream. You may also have claimed all the promises in God's words that have known, and have positive confessions based on these quite consistently, yet your daily spiritual experience remains that of failure and defeat. Rev. Olusola Areogun ( General overseer , The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis intl Church) said in one of his Magazine "LIVING BY THE ANSWER"; Too many people today looking for personal victories without having victory over the original sin and this is one reason why we have contradiction in Christianity. Original sin is like a tree that is planted with roots inside the soil, while personal sin is like the branches of the tree. Dealing with the branches will not stop the problem, it is when the tree is uprooted that other problems can be taken care of. I am trusting that God will lead you through this booklet into discovering FLESH (the foreskin covering every man's heart or Old nature that disobey God), the hidden cause of this problem and to reveal to your spirit His abundant provisions for your freedom from the Flesh -life. I am also praying that He will grant you a personal experience of the out-working of this victory in your daily living. AMEN

CHAPTER ONE THE NATURE OF FLESH What is Flesh? "For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells, Romans 7:18". The Flesh here is the fallen and corrupted human body with all it's lusts. This flesh was not created by God but is a mixture of God's creature and sin, which is the life of Satan, the evil one. God created man's body a pure vessel, but this vessel was corrupted and transmuted into the Flesh by Satan injecting himself into it at the time of the fall. Now Satan as Sin personified is in man's flesh, making his home there and ruling as an illegal Master, overruling man and forcing him to do things that he dislikes. The Flesh is the part of a believer that disagrees with the spirit. The make up of a believer is different from that of an unbeliever, in that an unbeliever's flesh is in agreement with the spirit of that unbeliever. In Romans chapter six (6), Paul described body of sin as the FLESH. Considering these scriptures in different Bible versions; Eph. 4:22, Col.3:9, Gal. 5:16, Roman 8:7. You will understand that FLESH is the art of just being human- living, thinking, behaving and reacting as a normal human being. Some other Bible translations further expose it's true identity as THE FLESH, OLD MAN, CARNAL, NATURE, SINFUL NATURE,

LOWER NATURE, HUMAN NATURE, SINFUL MIND, EVIL NATURE and OLD SINFUL LIFE etc. Each of these names describes the distinguishing characteristics of the Flesh life.

FLESH IS OURS BY INHERITANCE Job 15:14-16, Ps 58:3, 51:5, Jn 3:6, Rom.8:8, 1Pet.1:18. The Flesh or the Self, we inherited it by birth. Everyone born of a woman is born with the natural instincts of the human nature. We dare say, it is unnatural for a man, born of human parents, not to commit sin (Jn 3:5) "............. and they that are in the Flesh cannot please God" (Rom. 8:8, 1Pet 1:18) also speaks of the human nature as "empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers". The Flesh nature can therefore be best described as the art of being a human being. Fasting, giving, praying, teaching, preaching notwithstanding, that which is born of the Flesh is flesh......" and they that are in the Flesh cannot please God. Even though Nicodemus was a prominent Pharisee who fasted at least twice in a week, prayed at least three times in a day, gave alms, and was a teacher of scriptures in his own right, Jesus still pointed out that he was being hindered from seeing or touching anything of the kingdom of God because of his lower nature. Hence every human being has the human nature in him, not because of what he does or does not to, but because of who he is: he is born of the Flesh. The reason why you keep sinning is that you are still living in old house of human nature inherited from forefather. Sinning is inevitable for every man under the possession of old nature. Whatever title, gift or spiritual abilities you may carry, you are still human that can not please God. Get this right, over commitment to spiritual activities can not overcome human nature, no wonder, why so many Pastors, Evangelists, teachers and prophets misbehave, flattering, dupe, deceiving, lies on the puilt. My friend, may I ask you this beautiful question? WHAT IS YOUR OWN NATURE? If you can truthfully identify them and speak them out, then pen it on a paper, you are on the way of overcoming human nature.

CHAPTER TWO LIFE IN THE FLESH What does it mean to be in the Flesh? " And so as man becomes an enemy of God when his mind is controlled by human nature for does not obey God's law and in fact he cannot obey it. Those who obey their human nature cannot please God". (Rom. 8:5-8 GNB). A man is said to be living in the Flesh not just when he commits sins but when he allows his mind and subsequent actions to be led or controlled by the human nature, the old fallen nature of man. Peter, a man of revelation looked no less than Satan because he was thinking as natural men think, not as God thinks. A man becomes an enemy

of God whenever he allows his human nature to direct him. It is apparent in the scripture that God abhors the Flesh no matter the disquise under which it appears, either in blatant sins of disobedience or in the display of flesh life or human wisdom, no matter in whom it may manifests. THE ACTIVITIES OF THE FLESH Gal. 5:19-21, Rom 8:7-8, Eph. 4:22, 25-29,31, 5:3-6, Col. 3:5-9. The works of the Flesh are quite clear, "what human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy and indecent, in worship of idols and witchcraft. People become enemies; envious, get drunk, have orgies and do other things like these........". Whether in the Church, in the ministry or in the market, in the prayer room or in political groups and meetings, on the pulpit or in the lecture hall, in the choir as well as fellowship, executive meetings wherever it is human nature does is quite obvious. It can easily be known whenever it appears, we can easily tell who is responsible - MR FLESH!. So whenever you notice any manifestation of human nature in you, rather than explain it away, you can correctly tell that it is the Mr. Flesh that is at work. You do not need to see all his manifestations in your life before you know he is there. Remember that the Flesh does not only manifest his work in negative detestable things but also in seemingly good things. But behind every self will, self identity, and self defense tendencies in your life is Mr Flesh. When seek self praise, when you fight against being taken for granted, wnen Mr "I" in you does not want to receive any damages, it is only an indication that the Flesh is very much active and working in you. Flesh is a very diverse fellow and deceptive. When you are highly secretive and too protecting of your things, when you quarrel with somebody and you want to exonerate yourself (even if you are right), it only means Mr Flesh is very much around. Flesh manifests in false humility (i.e. inverted pride), depression and over - excitement. Flesh loves achievement, acquisition, pleasure, fame, and honor, and always seeks personal intention, flesh makes you shamed when you meet your mates without being prepared. Flesh not only wants good things but also does not anything bad. He does not want to be criticized or embarrassed or lack, does not want to make any discomfort or disgrace, does not want to make mistake or to be corrected, not because of the fear of God, but because of HIMSELF. He thinks of what will become of his integrity and honor. When you find it difficult to forgive, it is only an indication of Flesh. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, they began to defend themselves. They did not repent when God confronted them. Flesh will not apologize. Self prefers to die rather than face shame. Many prayers are not answered because it was flesh that prayed. Flesh can preach to others, but exonerate (justify) himself. Flesh always wants to impress, even in religious matters. Flesh also likes good public image, but as soon as no one is watching, he returns to his normal way of life. Flesh is the cause of the feeling of insecurity and the cause of strains in any human relationship. Flesh also always insists on his ways and rights. The Holy Spirit's searching light could show you personally, various other subtle manifestations of the Flesh in your life. Can you see more? The sadden matter is the end result of a life lived in the Flesh. God's verdict upon MR FLESH is that he is corrupt and should die if you must see God. There is no reason for you to pamper him, cage him or do want to improve upon him and still hope to please God that you might have cherished. The Flesh you keep for so long in your life would keep choking your good efforts to maintain sweet and intimate fellowship with God. You want to maintain a personality, the 'I' in you (status, possession etc) but God demanding that you should surrender that FLESH in you unto death if you must see the kingdom of God.

CHAPTER THREE THE FLESH VERSUS THE SPIRITUAL Read carefully: Rom.7:7-25, 8:2, 1cor. 15:39-50, 11cor. 5:16-17, Gal. 5:17. These are two levels of life and there is a sharp difference and an eternal disagreement between them. They are two separate life-style that cannot be mixed up or lived simultaneously. Mr. Flesh cannot inherit (experience) the kingdom life, neither does that which is corrupt inherit incorruption. You can now see clearly why God insists on the termination of self-life (Mr Flesh) if the true new creation life is to be truly experienced. Jesus says that no man can serve two masters hence it is not possible to be controlled by the spirit at the same time. Nevertheless can Holy Spirit borrow a carnal vessel to be used. People do mix it up here. A carnal man can manifest in gift of prophecy, vision etc but cannot live a life that please God. Whatever action, ideas or wisdom originate from the carnal mind is corrupt in God's sight and can never be manifesting together with the new creation life at the same time. No wonder why Uzzah met his death by reaching out his hand and took hold of the Ark of God, because the Oxen stumbled. And the Bible says "The Lord's anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act"....(2Samuel16:6-7). Flesh cannot be led by the Holy Spirit. And never will he be used of the Holy Spirit. Considering the scriptural illustration of the two life - styles that discuss the effect of the man (men) that represent(s) the Flesh life on the spiritual. Adams and his children persecuted Jesus Christ, Cain persecuted and slaughtered Abel, Ismael mocked and persecuted Isaac, Joseph's brethren persecuted him; so also the Flesh life persecutes and seeks to destroy the spiritual life. The little aspect of your flesh life you leave untouched will eventually jeopardize your spiritual life no matter how long you spent building your life spiritually. Considering Moses's life and be wise!. Listen to what Jesus Christ will say to those who failed to surrender their flesh lives (fails to expose their secret sins or sin hiding in their hearts) unto Christ and careless about little of flesh activities in their lives. In the account of gospel of st Matthews 7:23 "And then I will says to them openly (publicly), I never knew you, depart from Me, you who act wickedly (disregarding my commands)AMP. Examine your life very well, forget about your title or position in the church or spiritual class. Moses worked earnestly with God but missed the promise land because of anger. What does that mean to you? God never overlooks a little unconfessed sin. A little sin spoiled high level of righteousness. You must deal with that strong, old man called MR FLESH by exposing him. He must not expose you before you expose him and deal with him publicly, just like Zacchurs did before the congratulations but it was sin that expose Ananias and Sapphira that led to their eternal death. He must not live in you neither manifest in your life style.

Before we go ahead to look at God's remedy and the way out of the human nature, there is need for you to pray at this point. Humbly search out in your heart and confront the presence of the old nature in you. Any shows of the Flesh must be taken lightly at all. The Lord is able to help you as you now approach the throne of grace, ready to hand over flesh life for God to deal with it. God is not asking you to kill yourself, for that would mean for you to die before flesh can die. He is only asking you to give up flesh. There is a complete and permanent remedy that God has already provided for you to be able to enter the higher life - the spiritual and consistently dwell on His Holy Hill. May the Lord show you yourself now in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.

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