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Amazon Flora Giant

Water Lily,

Victoria Amazonica Giant Waterlily is one of two species in this genus and is not viviparous, meaning that the seeds do not develop before they detach from the parent plant. It is the largest member of the water lily family. The lily pads are up to 8 feet across and the large white to pink blooms are very fragrant, having a sweet pineapple-like scent on the first day of is two day lifecycle. Only blooming for a few days, the flowers will open at nighttime on the first day being white. When they open on the second night, they will be purple-red color and will have lost their scent. Its leaves are rounded and upturned. It is supported by a ribbed underside and anchored to a submerged stalk, with the leaf floating on the water surface. The stalks can be up to 26 feet long and in nature will embed themselves in the lake or river bottom. This rapid growing plant can expand by up to 20 inches per day. While the upper surface has water repellent properties, the underside is protected from herbivorous fish by its sharp spines. Air becomes trapped between the ribs on the underside, which keeps it afloat.




The Harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) is one of the largest eagles in the world and easily the largest and most dominant raptor in the Amazon rainforest. This carnivorous predator has a wingspan of 69 to 88 inches, the largest talons of any living eagles, the ability to lift prey equal to their body weight (9 to 20 pounds), and can reach a top speed of 50 miles per hour. It uses these tools to hunt a wide array of animals, including sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, anteaters, iguanas, snakes, and other birds (and their eggs), such as the macaw, and many more. Harpy eagles have a vast territory, spanning from Mexico down to Argentina, but their numbers are on the decline, and they are listed as "Near Threatened" (NT). ,

The Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)is also known as the Pink River Dolphin for its pretty hue. This freshwater mammal is found throughout the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. These cute and curious creatures can grow up to 9.2 feet and weigh upwards of 352 pounds. Their populations are generally abundant; however, in some areas, these dolphins are listed as vulnerable due to fragmentation of their habitat/population by dams and threats related to the contamination of the waterways (particularly mercury pollution from gold mining in Bolivia).

The poison dart frog (Dendrobatidae) is another particularly colorful creature on this list. The intricate patterns on their bodies further enhance their beauty. These overt displays are an evolutionary tactic to warn off potential predators (a phenomenon called aposematic coloration). As the name would suggest, poison dart frogs are toxic and, in some cases, extremely so. The hunters of the indigenous Emberá people of Colombia capitalized on this fact by applying the poison to the tip of their blowgun darts.


Macaws are a group of New

World parrots that are long-tailed and often colorful. They are popular in aviculture or as companion parrots, although there are conservation concerns about several species in the wild..


These brightly-colored birds belong to the parrot family. Their plumage is well-matched to their habitat of green trees, tasty fruits, and pretty flowers. Macaws (Psittacidae) are omnivorous, using their beaks to crack nuts and seeds and their tongues, which are specially designed with an interior bone, to tap into nutritious fruits. They also use their gripping toes to catch insects and snails. These birds are intelligent and highly vocal. They typically congregate in flocks of 10 to 30, calling out loudly to communicate. Famously, some species are known to mimic human speech. There are 17 documented species of macaws. The red-fronted and blue-fronted species are seriously at-risk, while the glaucous and Spix's macaw species are possibly already extinct in the wild. Pressures on the macaw relate to habitat destruction and their popularity as pets, which causes them to be captured and traded illegally.

A jaguar (Panthera onca) resting on a tree log


The jaguar's preternatural beauty and affiliated terror cause admirers and prey to freeze in their tracks. The stand-out spots are similar to the leopards of Africa and Asia, but a small dot in the center is the key point of differentiation. The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the biggest cat in the Americas and the third biggest in the world (behind lions and tigersand retaliatory killings by cattle ranchers. These magnificent carnivores are solitary but effective night hunters, both on land and water. They have even been known to attack caimans. Jaguars are classified as "Near Threatened" (NT) on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List. Since the 1880s, they have lost nearly half of their territory, now mostly relying on the Amazon Basin and some parts of Central America. They also face threats from poachers and retaliatory killings by cattle ranchers.

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