CURRICULUM VITAE María Cristina C. Mabrey, Ph. D

CURRICULUM VITAE María Cristina C. Mabrey, Ph. D. Home address 2829 Earlewood Dr. Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 251-8989 Academic address Languages, Liter
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1 CURRICULUM VITAE CURRICULUM VITAE ANTECEDENTES PERSONALES Apellido y nombres: Milstein, Diana Judit Diana Fecha de nacimiento: 13 de Julio de 19

CURRICULUM VITAE Datos personales Apellido y nombres: Rasftopolo Alexis Pedro. D.N.I: 30.959.322. Fecha de Nacimiento: 23 de Abril de 1984. Lugar de n

CURRICULUM VITAE 1.- DATOS PERSONALES APELLIDO: De Vito NOMBRE: Irma Esther Lugar de nacimiento: Mendoza, Argentina Fecha de nacimiento: 21 de diciemb

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CURRICULUM VITAE María Cristina C. Mabrey, Ph. D. Home address 2829 Earlewood Dr. Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 251-8989

Academic address Languages, Literatures and Cultures University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 (803)777-4884 (803) 777-0454 fax [email protected]


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985 Summa cum laude Spanish and English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1981 ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 2008-Present University of South Carolina, Columbia: Professor of Spanish Comparative Literature, Core faculty Women's Studies and Film Studies, Affiliate faculty 2000-2008 University of South Carolina, Columbia: Associate Professor of Spanish Comparative Literature, Core faculty Women's Studies and Film Studies, Affiliate faculty 1994-2000 University of South Carolina, Columbia: Assistant Professor of Spanish, Women's Studies and Film Studies Affiliated faculty 1991-1994 University of Richmond: Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish 1988-1991 University of Richmond: Adjunct Spanish Instructor 1981-1988 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures, Graduate Teaching Assistant AREAS OF COMPETENCY: Spanish Peninsular poetry: Medieval through 20th Century Spanish Peninsular 18th, 19th and 20th Century Literature Contemporary Spanish Peninsular Culture & Film Comparative Studies in Literature and Film Contemporary Feminist Writers of Spain Applied language studies PUBLICATIONS: Books: Luzmaría Jiménez Faro o el canto de la luz: la editora y la poeta. Madrid: Torremozas, 2009. Ernestina de Champourcin, poeta de la Generación del 27, en la oculta senda de la tradición poética femenina. Madrid: Ediciones Torremozas, 2007. La obra poética de Luis Cernuda: Entre mito y deseo. Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 1996. Book Chapters:

“Pablo Antonio Cuadra.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. Modern Spanish-American Poets. Vol 290. Second Series. María Salgado Ed. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. New York: Thompson Gale, 2004. 95-103. Articles: “Juana Manuela Gorriti y Lo íntimo: Memoria, reflexión, autobiografía histórica de su participación en el proyecto independentista de Suramérica.” Miríada Hispánica. 5 (September 2012): 129-144. “Dialéctica del ser y la palabra: la poesía femenino-feminista de Ana María Fagundo y Julia Uceda.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU. 24 (Fall 2012): 107-124. "Mapping Homeorotic Feelings and Contested Modernity: Whitman, Lorca, Ginsberg and Hispanic Modernist Poets. South Atlantic Review. 75.1 (Winter 2010): 83-98. “El exilio fructífero: poesía y erudición de Champourcin, Cernuda, Jiménez y Paz.” Exilio y Universidad. (1936-1955). Coord. José Ángel Ascunce, Mónica Jato & M. Luisa San Miguel. Deusto, Spain: Editorial Saturraran, 2007. 995-1007.

"Experiencia de la memoria o memoria de la experiencia: novela y film, Soldados de Salamina." Espéculo: Revista de Estudios Literarios. 37. "La mujer como agente de su propio discurso: La tradición de Teresa de Ávila en Gloria Fuertes y Rosa Montero." Letras Peninsulares. 17.2-3 (Fall-Winter 2005): 513-531. "Extranjeridad, feminismo e ideología de la descreencia: parodia y querella al poder en la obra de Cristina Peri Rossi y Rosa Montero." SECOLAS ANNALS, Journal of the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies. 36 (Nov 2004): 61-73. "Pilar Miró y Ricardo Franco: Un tributo póstumo a dos atrevidos cineastas del cine español de los setenta. Ciberletras. June 2003. "Pilar Miró y Rosa Montero: La mujer en los medios de comunicación, la novela y el cine." La mujer hispana en el mundo: sus triunfos y sus retos/Hispanic Women in the World: Accomplishments and Challenges. Madrid: Editorial Urbis Press, 2000. 396-403. "Latinoamérica de cara al Siglo XXI: acercamiento vía la conexión cultural entre Europa (España) y América (países donde se habla español). South Eastern Latin Americannist. XLII.2-3. (Fall 1998-Winter 1999): 42-50. "Mis recuerdos de la guerra." Voces y textos de la Guerra Civil Española/Voices and Texts From the Spanish Civil War. Letras Peninsulares. Tenth Anniversary Issue. (Spring 1998): 89-101. "Antonio Machado y 'Fantasía iconográfica': Ficcionalización en el tiempo." Explicación de Textos Literarios. XXV.1 (1996-97): 51-61. "La sexualidad femenina contra la estructura de poder en Yerma de F. G. Lorca," Hispanófila: Romance Languages Publications. 116. (Enero 1996): 35-45. "El laberinto de la soledad y Variaciones sobre tema mexicano: Paz y Cernuda, dos miradas a un mismo paisaje." SECOLAS Annals, vol. XXVII (1996): 97-106. "Miguel Hernández y la revolución clandestina de los años 60: Recepción de su obra antes de la transición." Miguel Hernández, cincuenta años después. Alicante: Comisión del Homenaje a Miguel Hernández, 1992: 905-913. Book Reviews: Bellver, Catherine. Bodies in Motion: Spanish Vanguard Poetry, Mass Culture, and Gender Dynamics. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2010. 257. pp. Hispanófila. 165 (May 2012): 140-143. Jato, Mónica, Sharon Keefe Ugalde, y Janet Pérez, Eds. Mujer, creación y exilio (España 1939-1975). Barcelona: Icaria, 2009. 302 pp. Hispanófila. 163 (September 2011). 85-90. Fernández Pura y Marie-Linda Ortega. Eds. La mujer de letras o la letraherida: discursos y representaciones sobre la mujer escritora en el siglo XIX. Hispanófila. 161 (January 2011). 107112. Murphy, Peter. La poesía de Vicente Aleixandre. Hispanófila. 140 (January 2004): 83-85.

Díaz de Alda, María del Carmen, Luis Rosales: Poesía y verdad. Hispanófila. 209 (August 2001): 14042. Browne, Peter E. El amor por lo (par)odiado en la poesía de Gloria Fuertes y Ángel González. Hispanófila. 129 (Mayo 2000): 139-141. Acereda, Alberto. El lenguaje poético de Miguel Hernández (El rayo que no cesa), Hispania. 88.3 (Sept. 1997): 488-9. Peer Reviewed Articles: "Las cinco heridas." For Cuadernos de Aldeu.

"La locura como experimentación narrativa en el Camino de Santiago de Patricia Laurent Kullick" for Miridada Hispánica. “Mirroring and the (Re)Vision of Identity in Cristina Peri Rossi's Erotic Poetry” for the Latin Americanist (formerly South Eastern Latin Americanist) “Manifestaciones de la escritura somática en la narrativa de Severo Sarduy” for South Eastern Latin Americanist Other scholarly work: Invited Lectures: "The Role of Women Poets in the Generation of 1927: Ernestina de Champourcin." Columbia College, Columbia, SC. March 17, 2005. "Women’s Stance against Patriarchy: The Case of the Spanish Republic (1931-1939)." Anne Morrison Chapman Visiting Lecturer, at Converse College, Spartanburg, SC. March 2003. "Hispanic Women Behind the Camera: Pilar Miró, a Woman and a Pioneer Filmmaker." Invited by the Women’s' Studies Program, Research Series Lectures, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. March 21, 2001. "Women on the Resistance: Politics and War in Republican Spain (1931-1939)." Invited by the Women’s' Studies Program, Research Series Lectures, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. January 27, 1999. Guess Speaker: "Changing the US Media's Perspective on Madrid's Train Bombings on March 11, 2004" at the Palmetto Club Monthly Meeting on Current Affairs, sponsored by the University of South Carolina's Walker Institute for International Studies. April 7, 2004, and at Columbia, SC Civitan Club Luncheon on April 26, 2004. Initiation Ceremony, Hispanic Honorary Society, Ridge View High School, Columbia, SC. March 19, 2001. Creative writing: Poetry: "Poesía" y "Dedal". Textos: Revista de Creación y Crítica. 4.2. (Otoño 1996): 9-10. PAPERS PRESENTED AT CONFERENCES:

2009-010 “The Neo-Baroque and the Films of Pedro Almodóvar”. Thirty-Five Southern Comparative Literature Association. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Oct. 2010. “Auto-identificación, auto-conocimiento, auto-liberación y auto-exilio: las escritoras vanguardistas y sus semejantes decimonónicas.” Trans-acciones: dos siglos XIX, XX (y comienzos del XXI) de

intercambios culturales entre América Latina y España. Castro Urdiales, Spain. July 1-4, 2010. 2008-2009 2007-2008

“Hojas de hierba y Poeta en Nueva York: Walt Whitman y Federico García Lorca, erotismo, feminismo y poseía de amor.” I Congress of Spanish and Latin American Poetry. University of Virginia, Charlottesville. VA. Nov. 9-11, 2007.

"Mapping Homoerotic Feelings and Contested Modernity: Whitman, Lorca, Ginsberg and Hispanic Modernists.” Thirty-Third Southern Comparative Literature Association. Depts. of Foreign Languages and English. North Carolina State U. Raleigh, NC. Sept. 2729, 2007. 2005-06:

"El exilio fructífero: poesía y erudición de Champourcin, Cernuda, Jiménez y Paz" VII Congreso Internacional: Exilio y Universidad. Presencias y realidades (1926-1955). San Sebastián, 13-16 de diciembre de 2006. “Experiencia de la memoria y memoria de la experiencia en novela y film, Soldados de Salamina.” III Symposium on Foreign Languages and Film. Wake Forest University, Wiston Salem, NC. Oct. 12-14, 2006.

"Asuntos morales, asuntos carnales: Libertad, independencia y subversión contendientes en el hispanismo feminista de Safo, Agustini, Champourcin y Peri Rossi." 53rd Annual SECOLAS Conference “Latin America in the Age of Globalization.” April 6-8, 2006. University of North Carolina at Charlotte "Reflections on Good and Evil Manifestations in Spanish Feminists Carmen Martín Gaite and Rosa Montero." 8th Annual Comparative Literature Conference, February 9-11, 2006. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. 2004-2005: "De visita con Ernestina de Champourcin y Luis Cernuda: Lecturas paralelas y vías encontradas en la Generación del 27." CAROLINESA: 11th Annual Conference of Romance Languages. March 31-April 2, 2005. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "The Role of Theory in the Graduate/Undergraduate Classroom." SAMLA, South Eastern Conference of the Modern Language Association of America. Nov. 11-13, 2004. Roanoke, Virginia. (Invited) "Atracciones antipolares: Abyección y dominio en Días contados de Imanol Uribe." 2nd Annual Romance Language Film Symposium. Sept. 28-29, 2004. Wake Forest University. Winston Salem, NC. “Extranjeridad, feminismo e ideología de la descreencia: Parodia y querella al poder en la obra de Cristina Peri Rossi y Rosa Montero.” 51st Annual SECOLAS Conference. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 4-6 March 2004. "A Challenge to Power in Today's Subversive Narrative by Spanish and Latin American Women Authors: Rosa Montero and Cristina Peri Rossi." 17th Annual Women's Studies Conference. Feb. 28March 2, 2004. University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. 2002-2003 “Women’s Mobilization in Spain, Party Politics, Suffrage, and Emancipation: Women’s Revoked Revolution of the Twenties and Thirties. 16th Annual Women's Studies Conference. Feb. 28March 2, 2003. University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. “Mujer y vanguardia en la España de los años veinte y treinta: incursiones en el arte la literatura y la política.” 55th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. April 17-21, 2002. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. “A Woman’s Journey Through Self, Society, and Politics: Life and Early Poems by Ernestina de Champourcin.” 15th Annual Women's Studies Conference. Feb. 28-March 2, 2002. University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. 2000-2001:

"Spanish Women Artists and the Avant-garde Movement of the Twenties and Thirties: The Paintings of Maruja Mallo." 14th Annual Women's Studies Conference. Feb. 22-24, 2001. University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. "Pilar Miró y Ricardo Franco: Un tributo póstumo a dos atrevidos cineastas del cine español de los 70." Blue Ridge International Conference on the Humanities and the Arts. April 13-15, 2000. Appalachian State University, Boom, NC. "España en América: Convergencias de una nueva política cultural." 47th Annual Meeting of SECOLAS (South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies). March 9-11, 2000. Coastal Carolina University, Myrtle Beach, SC. "Celestina, Saint Teresa of Avila, and La Regenta: Representations of Witches, Saints, and Sinners in Spain's Literary Tradition." 13th Annual Women's Studies Conference. Feb. 24-25, 2000. University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. "La mujer como agente de su propio discurso." 10th International Congress of the Association of Hispanic Feminine Literature: La mujer y la literatura hispánica hacia el año 2000. September 23-25. Quéretaro, Mexico. 1998-99: "La voz poética de Ernestina de Champourcin, escritora de la Generación del 27." Cincinnati Foreign Language Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 6-9, 1999. "Las escritoras de la Generación del 27: La avanzadilla del feminismo español." American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Annual Meeting. July 31-August 4, 1998. Madrid. "Latinoamérica frente al siglo XXI: acercamiento vía la conexión cultural entre Europa (España) y América (países donde se habla español)." Secolas Annual Conference. April 9-11, 1998. Savannah, Georgia. "Spanish Women Facing History: On the Events of 1898, a Translation of Maricarmen Simón Palmer, 'Escritoras españolas ante el 98." 11th Annual Women's Studies Conference. University of South Carolina, Columbia. February 26-27, 1998. 1996-97: "La Generación del 98 e Hispanoamérica: Dos construcciones culturales durante la España franquista." 1898-1998: Nation, Culture, and Identity. First Florida International University-University of Miami Conference on Iberian and Iberian-American Literature. October 23-25, 1997. "Liberation and Resistance: Women's Movements of Contemporary Spain. 10Th Annual Women's Studies Conference. University of South Carolina, Columbia. March 27-28, 1997. "Poesía de la resistencia: La poesía social de posguerra". South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Annual Convention. Savannah, GA, Nov. 1996. "'¡Ana!', Buñuel, Erice, Saura, Gutiérrez Aragón: La mujer como obsesión en el cine español. Mid America Conference on Hispanic Literature. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. September 19-21, 1996. "La representación femenina en Tristana de Buñuel y Beltenebros de Pilar Miró." Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference. April 18-20, 1996. "Performance by Carmen Tafolla: Community Values of the Chicano, Minorities and Other Voices of the United States." Women's Studies Conference. The University of South Carolina, Columbia. March 29, 1996. 1994-1995: "Pilar Miró y Rosa Montero: la mujer en la España de la democracia, los medios de difusión y el cine." I Congreso sobre La mujer española y latinoamericana en el mundo: historia, éxito y retos. Madrid, July 31-August 6, 1995. "El laberinto de la soledad y Variaciones sobre tema mexicano: Paz y Cernuda, dos miradas a un mismo paisaje. SECOLAS (Southern Eastern Council on Latin American Studies), 42nd Annual Conference. The Duke-UNC Program of Latin American Studies. Chapel Hill, NC., March 9-11, 1995.

"Musings of Alienation: Spanish Women Writer's Fight for Female Identity." The University of South Carolina, Annual Women's Studies Conference, Promises to Keep: Visions for a Feminist Future. Columbia, SC, March 31, 1995. "Antonio Machado y 'Fantasía iconográfica:' ficcionalizacón en el tiempo." South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Annual Convention. Baltimore, Nov. 10-12, 1994. "Fernando Botero y el mito: Tacto y sátira de la iconografía española en el continente americano," Middle Atlantic Council of Lantin American Studies (MACLAS), Fifteen Annual Conference. Kean College, New Jersey, April 7-9, 1994. 1992-1993: "Adaptación cinematográfica de Beltenebros, novela de Antonio Muñoz Molina." Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature. Washington University at Saint Louis, October 14-17, 1993. "La sexualidad femenina contra la estructura de poder en Yerma." The XXXVI Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 22-24, 1993, University of Kentucky at Lexington. "Miguel Hernández y la revolución clandestina de los años 60: Recepción de su obra antes de la transición." I Congreso Internacional Miguel Hernández, Organized by Spain's Ministry of Culture, The Comunidad de Alicante, the University of Murcia, and the University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, March 25-28, 1992. 1990-1991: "El mito de los placeres prohibidos en 'Diré como nacisteis' de Cernuda." Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, October 1991. 1988-1989: "Yerma: poder y sexualidad en la obra de Federico García Lorca." The Second Congress of Graduate Students. The State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, October 1988. 1986-1987: "Carlos Trías, El juego del lagarto o la recuperación del caudal universal." The First Congress of Graduate Students. The State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, October 1987. PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS AT CONFERENCE MEETINGS: “Implementing the 2003 AP Literature Curriculum in Secondary Schools.” SCFLT Annual Meeting. Columbia, SC 22-24 February 2004. "Teaching AP Literature in High School." SCOLT/SCFLT Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC, March 8-10, 2001. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING: Educational Testing Service: Faculty consultant to the Advanced Placement (AP) Reading, 1998-to the present. Associated Press: Series On the use of "Spanglish" in the United States and Latin America PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Modern Language Association of America South Atlantic Modern Language Association of America South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies HONORARY MEMBERSHIPS: Sigma Delta Pi

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