February 2016 CURRICULUM VITAE - PAOLO MONCAGATTA PERSONAL DATA_______________________________________________________ Address: Colegio de Ciencias

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Curriculum vitae
Ciencias sociales. Tipos. Estructura. Ejemplos

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February 2016

CURRICULUM VITAE - PAOLO MONCAGATTA PERSONAL DATA_______________________________________________________ Address:

Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad San Francisco de Quito Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica Cumbayá, Quito, Ecuador


[email protected] ; [email protected]



Guayaquil, Ecuador. October 5, 1977.

Citizenships: Ecuador, Italy, U.S.A.

EDUCATION___________________________________________________________ 2015

Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Dissertation: “Studies in support for democracy”. Thesis director: Dr. Willem E. Saris. Dissertation committee: Dr. Hanspeter Kriesi (chair), Dr. Clara Riba, Dr. Jonas Linde.


M.A. in Political and Social Sciences. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.


B.A. in Liberal Arts. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador. Honors: Cum Laude.

EMPLOYMENT_________________________________________________________ 2015-

Full time Professor and Researcher. School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidad San Francisco de Quito – Quito, Ecuador.


External collaborator / researcher. Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Spain.


Associate professor. Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Spain.


Researcher. Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Spain.

Curriculum Vitae - Paolo Moncagatta


Research assistant. Survey Research Centre, ESADE Business School (Universitat Ramón Llul) - Barcelona, Spain.


Freelance translator (Spanish – English). Barcelona, Spain.

PUBLICATIONS________________________________________________________ Kriesi, H., Saris, W.E. & Moncagatta, P. (2016). “The structure of the meaning of democracy: citizens’ models of democracy”. In M. Ferrín & H. Kriesi (Eds.), How Europeans view and evaluate democracy. Oxford University Press. Moncagatta, P. (2013). “Support for democracy in Venezuela: Does trust in Hugo Chávez play any role?” Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 3, 113–141. Moncagatta, P. (2013). “El perfil socio-demográfico del votante de Rafael Correa”. Carta Económica - Corporación de Estudios para el Desarrollo (CORDES), 19(3), 2–4. Moncagatta, P. & Safranoff, A. (2013). “¿Quién apoya a la izquierda “populista” latinoamericana?” Revista Mexicana de Análisis Político y Administración Pública, 2(1), 29–48. Moncagatta, P. (2013). “El por qué del voto por Rafael Correa”., 89, Moncagatta, P. (2013). “¿Quién vota por Rafael Correa?”, 86, Torcal, M. & Moncagatta, P. (2011). “Support, political”. In B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser & L. Morlino (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Political Science (pp. 2564–2567). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE_________________________________________________ 2015-

Professor of the courses: “Political Culture”, “Introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods”, and “Introduction to quantitative political analysis”. B.A. in International Relations and Political Science. Universidad San Francisco de Quito – Quito, Ecuador.


Teacher of the course “Mathematics and computer tools in political analysis”. B.A. in Political Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Spain.


Teaching assistant of the course “Quantitative Research Techniques”. B.A. in Political Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Spain.

Curriculum Vitae - Paolo Moncagatta


Teaching assistant of the course “Design, evaluation and analysis of questionnaires for survey research” (with Prof. Dr. Willem E. Saris). M.A. in Political and Social Sciences. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.


English teacher. Bénédict School of Languages, Quito, Ecuador.


Teaching assistant of the course “Logical Reasoning” (with Prof. Emilio Cerezo). B.A. in Anthropology. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.


“Econometrics using Stata” Course. Prof. Christopher F. Baum. Cass Business School, City University London, United Kingdom. September 2014.


“Regression Analysis II: Linear Models” Workshop. Prof. Brian Pollins. ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. University of Michigan. July-August 2013.


“Categorical Data Analysis” Workshop. Prof. Shawna Smith. ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. University of Michigan. July-August 2013.


“Introduction to the R Statistical Environment” Workshop. Prof. John Fox. ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. University of Michigan. July-August 2013.


“Presenting Data and Information” Course. Prof. Edward R. Tufte. Graphics Press LLC, New York, U.S.A. October 2011.


“Political and Election Forecasting” Course. Prof. Michael Lewis Beck. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Summer School in Methods and Techniques. University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. August 2010.


“Accuracy of Survey Estimates: Sampling, Weighting, Variance Estimation and Design Effects in Cross-Sectional Surveys” Course. Professors: Dr. Ralf Münnich and Dr. Matthias Ganninger. 9th European Social Survey Training Course. University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. August 2010.


“Hierarchical Models and HLM” Course. Prof. Hanna Ayalon. Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Juan March Institute. Madrid, Spain. June 2010.


“Advanced Research Design” Course. Professor Gøsta Esping-Andersen. Ph.D. in Political Sciences Program. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. January – March 2010.

Curriculum Vitae - Paolo Moncagatta


TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Degree. Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Quito, Ecuador) / Juniata College (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.). September 2007.

GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AWARDS________________________________________ 2015

Award for the “Best paper written by a PhD student in 2014” of Universitat Pompeu Fabra’s Department of Political and Social Sciences. Paper: “Behind citizen support for democracy: the democracy people support”.


Ecuadorian State scholarship for the pursuit of doctoral studies (“SENESCYT” scholarship).


Catalan Government grant for new research personnel (“FI” grant).


Finalist for the best presentation award at the Seminario Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores sobre la “Transformación del Estado y Desarrollo”. Instituto de Iberoamérica, Universidad de Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain), September 2011.

PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECTS__________________________________ 2010-2015

The European Social Survey – Data for a Changing Europe. Project Acronym: ESS-DACE. Project Reference: 262208. Funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. Total project cost: 6.72 million euro. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Willem E. Saris.


European Social Survey Infrastructure - Improving Social Measurement in Europe. Project Acronym: ESSI. Project Reference: 26042. Funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme – Infrastructures. Total project cost: 6.24 million euro. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Willem E. Saris.


La calidad de la democracia. Una perspectiva empírica y comparada. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Plan Nacional de I+D+I). Project reference code: CSO2008-06525-C02-01. Principal investigator: Prof. Manuel Pérez Yruela.


European Social Survey Round 4 - Improving Social Measurement in Europe. Project Acronym: ESS4. Project Reference: 28365. Funded under the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme – Citizens. Total project cost: 1.67 million euro. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Willem E. Saris.

Curriculum Vitae - Paolo Moncagatta

PARTICIPATION AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS_____________________________ 2016

Seminario Internacional: Los Retos de la Educación Superior en el Nuevo Milenio. Paper presented: “El presente y futuro de la ciencia política en el Ecuador”. Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador: Quito, Ecuador, Enero 12-13, 2016.


1st Southern European Conference on Survey Methodology (SESM) - VI Congreso de Metodología de Encuestas. Paper presented: “How measurement error affects the analysis of democratic conceptions: a study using the European Social Survey”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Barcelona, Spain, December 12-14, 2013.


Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política (ALACIP) - VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política. Paper presented: “Support for the ‘ideal’ of democracy vs. ‘real’ support for democracy”. Universidad de los Andes: Bogotá, Colombia, September 25-27, 2013.


Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política (ALACIP) - VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política. Paper presented: “¿Quién vota por la ‘nueva izquierda’ latinoamericana?” Universidad de los Andes: Bogotá, Colombia, September 25-27, 2013.


Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política (ALACIP) - VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política. Paper presented: “Un análisis multi-dimensional del apoyo a la democracia: Venezuela y Chile en perspectiva comparada”. FLACSO Ecuador: Quito, Ecuador, June 12-14, 2012.


Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política (ALACIP) - VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política. Paper presented: “Hacia una mejor comprensión de la satisfacción con la democracia: un ejemplo comparado entre el Reino Unido y Rusia”. FLACSO Ecuador: Quito, Ecuador, June 12-14, 2012.


4th Graduate Network Conference. Paper presented: “Towards a better comprehension of satisfaction with democracy”. Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin: Germany, March 22-24, 2012.


Seminario Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores sobre la Transformación del Estado y Desarrollo. Paper presented: “Un análisis multidimensional del apoyo a la democracia: Venezuela y Chile en perspectiva comparada”. Universidad de Salamanca - Instituto de Iberoamérica: Salamanca, Spain, September 29-30, 2011.


4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Coordinator of the “Comparative Research” session. University of Lausanne: Switzerland, July 18-22, 2011.


World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) – III Congreso Latinoamericano de Opinión Pública. Paper presented: “Support for democracy and support for the political system in Venezuela”. Querétaro, México, April 16, 2010.

Curriculum Vitae - Paolo Moncagatta

LANGUAGES___________________________________________________________ English: Native. Spanish: Native. Italian: Basic. Catalan: Basic.

INFORMATIC SKILLS____________________________________________________ Office / presentation delivery: Word, Excel, Prezi, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat – high proficiency. Internet: Google environment, HTML, Adobe Dreamweaver, mailers, etc… – high proficiency. Statistics / Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Stata, SPSS - high proficiency; R, Mplus, LISREL – medium proficiency. Graphic / Web Design: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator – medium proficiency. Audio: Ableton Live, Digital Performer, Pro Tools – medium proficiency.

EXTRACURRICULAR INTERESTS__________________________________________ Music production and interpretation. Football (soccer). Cuisine. Chess.

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