CURRICULUM VITAE Steven F. White Dept. of Modern Languages St. Lawrence University Canton, NY 13617 phone: (315) 229-5160 FAX: (315) 229-5989 E-Mail

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POR. STEVEN F. WHITE St. Lawrence University
SALOMON DE LA SELVA: POETA COMPROMETIDO DE LA "OTRA" VANGUARDIA POR STEVEN F. WHITE St. Lawrence University Como soldado en el ejercito ingles, el ni

1 CURRICULUM VITAE CURRICULUM VITAE ANTECEDENTES PERSONALES Apellido y nombres: Milstein, Diana Judit Diana Fecha de nacimiento: 13 de Julio de 19

CURRICULUM VITAE Datos personales Apellido y nombres: Rasftopolo Alexis Pedro. D.N.I: 30.959.322. Fecha de Nacimiento: 23 de Abril de 1984. Lugar de n

CURRICULUM VITAE 1.- DATOS PERSONALES APELLIDO: De Vito NOMBRE: Irma Esther Lugar de nacimiento: Mendoza, Argentina Fecha de nacimiento: 21 de diciemb

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Dept. of Modern Languages St. Lawrence University Canton, NY 13617 phone: (315) 229-5160 FAX: (315) 229-5989 E-Mail [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________ Education Ph.D. 1987, M.A. 1982, University of Oregon. Spanish. Dissertation: Modern Poetry in Nicaragua: The French and American Influence, directed by Prof. Juan Armando Epple. B. A. 1977, Williams College. English. Grants, Honors, and Prizes Frank P. Piskor Faculty Lecturer (“Trees and Rivers: Poetry and Ecology in Latin America”), St. Lawrence University, 2008. The lecture was in conjunction with an exhibit of photographs and a video by Wilmor López (Nicaragua) and Mariana Matthews (Chile) at the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery: me=true&height=500&width=720 J. Calvin Keene Award, 2007. (Recognition of a St. Lawrence University faculty member who demonstrates high standards of personal scholarship, effective teaching and moral concern). Fulbright Senior Specialist (month-long project on ecocriticism and development of academic curricula at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua UNANManagua and UNAN-León, July 2007). Writer’s Residency (Marfa, Texas), Lannan Foundation, June 2003. Socio Correspondiente, Academia Nicaragüense de la Lengua (Corresponding Member, Nicaraguan Academy of the Language), 2000. Runner-up, Lucille Medwick Award (for the poem “Fire that Engenders Fire”), Poetry Society of America, 1997.


St. Lawrence University Faculty Research Grant, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2006, 2012. Ford Foundation Faculty Research Grant/St. Lawrence University African Studies Program, 1993. National Endowment for the Arts Translators Fellowship Grant, 1988. Fulbright grant (for research in Chile on contemporary Chilean poetry), November 1982--November 1983. Hubbard Hutchinson Fellowship/Williams College (two-year grant to pursue interests as poet and translator), 1977-1979. Teaching Experience St. Lawrence University. Lewis Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, 2010present; Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, 1998-2010; Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, 1992-1998; Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, 1987-1992. Director of SLU Spain Program (Madrid), 1988-1989, 1998-1999, 2010-2011, 20132014. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Guest Lecturer, “Poesía hispanoamericana de postvanguardia y poéticas contemporáneas” (in graduate course taught by Prof. Niall Binns), fall 2010. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), León, Nicaragua, Visiting Professor, Programa de Maestría, June-July 2009. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. Visiting Professor, 19931994. Courses Taught Spanish 101, 102 Spanish 103, 104 Spanish 201, 202 Spanish 211 Spanish 221 Spanish 444 Spanish 445

Elementary Spanish Intermediate Spanish Advanced Spanish Aspects of Contemporary Culture in Latin America Latin America in Film Survey of Latin American Literature Translation Workshop More than 60 SLU students who have taken this class published book reviews in the academic journal Cadernos de Tradução (the preeminent academic journal on literary translation from the


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil) Oral Expression in Spanish The Representation of Amerindian Culture in Contemporary Latin American Literature The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

Spanish 346 Spanish 348 (special topics)

Spanish 443

Contemporary Latin American Literature

Spanish 489/497

Independent Study/Honors Project Topics with SLU students include:

“The Hernández Collection in St. Lawrence University’s Owen D. Young Library: Translating a Transnational Family from Nineteenth Century Cuba” “Emiliano Zapata y Augusto C. Sandino como íconos revolucionarios” “Trabajando: Hispanic Workers on the North Country's Dairy Farms” “El jaguar y la luna: El arte Náhuatl y el mundo natural” “Madrid’s Response to the March 11 Bombings” "The Visionary Art of Pablo Amaringo” “El sentido mágico de un lugar en Cien años de soledad” “La transición en el sistema educativo universitario de Costa Rica durante los años 1990-2010” Translation of Screenplays: “El laberinto del fauno” and “A Fairy Tale” Media Bias in Spain toward Hispanic American Immigrants (2000-2010) Brazil and the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language Brazilian Portuguese Caribbean and Latin American Studies 104 Introduction to Caribbean and Latin American Studies First Year Program Seminar, “Exploring Language” First Year Seminar, “Who Are Los Indios?”


Literary Translation: Theory and Practice (Graduate course in English co-taught with Prof. Walter Carlos Costa at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) La Literatura Latinoamericana Post-Boom (Programa de Maestría, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León, Nicaragua)

SCHOLARSHIP Summary and visual electronic portfolio of publications available here:

Literary Criticism Books El consumo de lo que somos: muestra de poesía ecológica hispánica contemporánea. Madrid: Amargord/Transatlántica, 2014. (Ecocritical edition) Review from Tendencias 21: Arando el aire: la ecología en la poesía y la música de Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua: Alcaldía Municipal de León/400 Elefantes, 2011. (Essays) Review from El Nuevo Diario: Siete árboles contra el atardecer (y otros poemas ecológicos) by Pablo Antonio Cuadra. Madrid: Veintisiete Letras, 2011. (Ecocritical edition) Culture and Customs of Nicaragua. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008. (coauthor with Esthela Calderón) El mundo más que humano en la poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra: un estudio ecocrítico. Managua: Asociación Pablo Antonio Cuadra, 2002. (Essays) (2nd Revised edition, 2009) Ayahuasca Reader: Encounters with the Amazon’s Sacred Vine. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Synergetic Press, 2000. (co-edition with Luis Eduardo Luna) (2nd Revised edition, 2015, forthcoming) Modern Nicaraguan Poetry: Dialogues with France and the United States. London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1993. (Essays)


La poesía de Nicaragua y sus diálogos con Francia y los Estados Unidos. México: Editorial Limusa, 1992. (Essays) (2nd Revised edition, León, Nicaragua: UNAN-León, 2009).

Articles “Translation as a Means of Preserving Historical Memory in Spain, Nicaragua, and Chile,” in Sites of Memory in Spain and Latin America: Trauma, Politics, and Resistance, Edited by Marina Llorente, Marcella Salvi, and Aída Díaz de León. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015: 77-90. “Hacia una nueva campaña de alfabetización, esta vez ecológica,” La Carta Literaria (Foro Nicaragüense de Cultura: Managua) 21 (marzo 2015): 1-17. “Prólogo: la voz del poema y su campo vivencial,” en El material de tu sueño: cuatro voces de la nueva poesía en León, Esthela Calderón, ed. León: Promotora Cultural Leonesa, 2015: I-X. “La fisura en el silencio: homenaje a la poesía de Ana Ilce,” El hilo azul (Revista Literaria del Centro Nicaragüense de Escritores) 10 (verano 2014): 80-81. “Nicaraguan Environmental Literature” in “A Booklist of International Environmental Literature, Part 2”, ed. by Scott Slovic. World Literature Today (May-August, 2014) “¿Quién es nuestro Rubén Darío?: la construcción del pensamiento social dariano ante el espejo,” Journal of Hispanic Modernism 5 (2014): 190-205. “Conciencia etnobotánica en la poesía de Nicaragua,” El Nuevo Diario (14 julio 2013): 5B. Eco-Literature in Latin America, guest academic/creative editor, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts 45.2 (November 2012). “Like a River: An Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Eco-Literature”: 151-156. “Nicaragua” in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed., Roland Greene, ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012: 945-948. “La migración intelectual como peregrinaje medieval: Pablo Antonio Cuadra en España (1939)” en Carmen de Mora y Alfonso García Morales, eds. Viajeros, diplomáticos y exiliados: Escritores hispanoamericanos en España (1914-1939) vol. 1. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2012: 417-427.


“Salvador Cardenal: un canto verde” La Prensa Literaria (30 de julio 2011): 6-8. “Carlos Martínez Rivas: el césped del miedo” La Prensa Literaria (9 de abril 2011): 6. “La otredad de Claribel Alegría,” La Prensa Literaria (12 de febrero 2011): 6. “Written on Earth and Water: Poetry and Ecology in Nicaragua,” World Literature Today (online edition) (January-February 2011) “La homogeneización de la naturaleza en la obra de Gioconda Belli” Ecozon@ (European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment) 1.2 (2010): “A reinvenção de um passado sagrado na poesia afro-brasileira contemporânea,” in Edimilson de Almeida Pereira, ed. Um tigre na floresta de signos: Estudos sobre poesia e demandas sociais no Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Mazza Edições, 2010: 396-409. “Rubén Darío: ¿cosmopolita de un futuro verde?” La Prensa Literaria (16 de enero 2010): 4-5. Rpt. Mi municipio (León, Nicaragua) (abril-junio 2010): 30-35. “Los poemas etnobotánicos de Esthela Calderón: un enfoque ecocrítico,” Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana 38 (2009): 95-110. Online version from Jornal de Poesia: “Transformaciones, reencarnaciones y transmigraciones en Darío: signos para la traducción del mundo natural”, Memorias VII Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío Ed. por María Manuela Sacasa de Prego y María Esthela Calderón. Managua: Alcaldía de Managua, 2009: 118-130. “El paisaje invisible revelado en textos botánicos de Darío, Cortés y Cuadra”, Memorias VI Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío Ed. por María Manuela Sacasa de Prego y María Esthela Calderón. Managua: Alcaldía de Managua, 2008: 47-56. “Cuatro Fundamentos Verdes de la Poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra” La Prensa Literaria (21 noviembre 2009) “Hace falta una lectura más crítica” (sobre Alfonso Cortés) La Prensa Literaria (7 febrero 2009): 6-7. “Los sueños traducidos del poeta,” La Prensa Literaria (24 enero 2009): 9-10. “Narrativas chamánicas del ayahuasca y la producción de la literatura neo-indigenista,” Agulha (janeiro 2009). “Los poemas etnobotánicos de Esthela Calderón,” (edited version) Anide 17 (enero-abril 2008): 84-86.


“Tres poetas ecologistas,” La Prensa Literaria (19 enero 2008): 6-9. “Translating the African Diaspora,” Callaloo 30.2 (Spring 2007): 439-440. “Carta al alimón a Rubén Darío” (with Greg Simon), Memorias IV Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío: “Proyección y cultura ecuménicas” Ed. by María Manuela Sacasa de Prego and María Esthela Calderón. Managua: Alcaldía de Managua, 2007. n.p. Published in English as “Letter al alimón to Rubén Darío,” Hinchas de Poesía 10 (June 2013): n.p. “Rubén Darío: más ecológico,” La Prensa Literaria (20 enero 2007): 6-8. “Los ríos en la poesía chilena: nuevas definiciones ecocéntricas de la poesía épica y lírica,” Crítica Hispánica 28.1 (2006): 125-152. Rpt. Agulha (January 2009). “Ecocrítica y chamanismo en la poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana 33 (2004): 49-64. Rpt. Agulha Hispánica 1-2 (enero-marzo 2010) “El mundo ecocéntrico en Siete árboles contra el atardecer de Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Revista Iberoamericana 204 (julio-septiembre 2003): 555-563. “El jaguar y la luna: la simbolización del mundo más que humano” in Jorge Eduardo Arellano, ed. Pablo Antonio Cuadra en la Academia. Managua: Ediciones de la Academia Nicaragüense de la Lengua, 2003. pp. 70-100. “Introducción a la poesía más que humana de Pablo Antonio Cuadra: un estudio ecocrítico” Lengua 25 (noviembre, 2002): 39-61. “Translating for Film: Creating the Subtitles for Sylvio Back’s ‘Cruz e Sousa: The Banished Poet’” Translation Review 62 (2001): pp. 30-34. “Shamanic Ayahuasca Narratives and the Production of Neo-Indigenista Literature,” Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 17.2 (Fall 2001): pp. 111-123. “Desexílio em inglês,” Suplemento Literário (Minas Gerais) 65 (novembro 2000): pp. 1516. “Brazil: Interactions and Conflicts in a Multicultural Society,” (co-authored with Edimilson de Almeida Pereira), in Grant H. Cornwell and Eve Walsh Stoddard, eds. Global Multiculturalism: Comparative Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and Nation. New York, Boulder and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. pp. 123-141. Portuguese translation: “Brasil: Panorama de interações e conflitos numa sociedade multicultural,” Afro-Ásia 25-26 (2001): 257-280.


“El nacionalismo y la comunidad imaginada en la obra de Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Lengua (Managua) 17 (mayo 1998): 79-93. “Translation and Teaching: The Dangers of Representing Latin America for Students in the United States,” Cadernos de Tradução (Florianópolis, Brazil) 2 (December 1997). Revised and Rpt. in Daniel Balderston and Marcy E. Schwartz, eds. Voice-Overs: Translation and Latin American Literature. Albany: SUNY Press, 2002: 235-244. “Reinventing a Sacred Past in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Poetry,” Callaloo (Charlottesville) 20.1 (1997): 69-105. Special section also includes a bilingual selection of 14 poems by Ricardo Aleixo, Lepê Correia, Estevão Maya-Maya, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira, and Oliveira Silveira. Rpt. The Afro-Brazilian Mind: Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Literary and Cultural Criticism. Ed. by Niyi Afolabi, Márcio Barbosa and Esmeralda Ribeiro. Trenton: Africa World Press, 2007. pp. 217-251. “Brazil Issue,” Guest editor for International Poetry Review (Greensboro) (Introduction, Translations of Poems by 31 Poets, Bibliography and Notes on Contributors) 23.1 (Spring 1997). Essays on Vicente Huidobro, Nicanor Parra, Ernesto Cardenal and Murilo Mendes, in Verity Smith, ed. Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997: pp. 164-165, 428, 539, and 628. “El pensamiento medieval en la obra de Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (7 octubre 1995): 4-5 & 7. “Roberto Sosa: fabulador y creador de un nuevo bestiario,” in Amelia Mondragón, ed. Cambios estéticos y nuevos proyectos culturales en Centroamérica: testimonios, entrevistas y ensayos. Washington, D. C.: Literal Books, 1994. pp. 253-256. rpt. in Jorge Román-Lagunas, ed. La literatura centroamericana: visiones y revisiones. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 1994. pp. 327-332. rpt. in Roberto Sosa. Secreto militar. Tegucigalpa: Editorial Atlántida, 2005. pp. 63-68. “Coronel, el traductor,” La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (16 abril 1994): 4-6. “La poesía de Yolanda Blanco: cantos de inocencia y de experiencia,” Alpha (Osorno, Chile) 9 (1993): 57-64. rpt. La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (11 noviembre 1995): 4. rpt. Reflexiones: ensayos sobre escritoras hispanoamericanas contemporáneas (volumen I). Priscilla Gac-Artigas, ed. New Jersey: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, 2002. pp. 123-132. “La traducción y la poesía chilena postgolpe: historicidad e identidad de género,” Revista Chilena de Literatura (Santiago) 42 (agosto 1993): 275-279. “El impulso edénico en Poemas nicaragüenses,” La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (10 julio 1993): 4-5. rpt. Pablo Antonio Cuadra: valoración múltiple. Jorge Eduardo


Arellano, ed. Managua: Impresiones y Troqueles, 1994. pp. 179-181. rpt. Decenio (Managua) 14-15 (noviembre-diciembre 1999): 50-52. “Amor, soledad y paraíso en tres poetas nicaragüenses contemporáneos,” La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (22 febrero 1992): 4-5. “Miseria y esplendor en la traducción de Poeta en Nueva York,” Boletín (Fundación Federico García Lorca) (Madrid) 10-11 (febrero 1992): 37-39. revised and reprinted, in Lilianet Brintrup, Juan Armando Epple and Carmen de Mora, eds. La poesía hispánica de los Estados Unidos. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2001. pp. 161-167. “Salomón de la Selva: poeta comprometido de la 'otra' vanguardia,” Revista Iberoamericana (Pittsburgh) 157 (octubre-diciembre1991): 915-921. “Translation in Nicaraguan Poetry as a Literary Weapon against Imperialism,” Translation Perspectives (Binghamton) VI (1991): 165-171. “Ernesto Cardenal and North American Literature: Intertextuality and the Formulation of an Ethical Identity,” Inti (Providence) 31 (1990): 106-118. “Traducción e intertextualidad: el diálogo de José Coronel Urtecho con la literatura norteamericana,” Estudios Filológicos (Valdivia, Chile) 24 (1989): 103-110. “Martínez Rivas y Baudelaire: dos pintores de la vida moderna,” Cuadernos Hispoanoamericanos (Madrid) 469-470 (julio-agosto 1989): 81-92. rpt. Idiay--Textos (Managua) 3 (octubre1989). “The Eschatological Voyage in the Poetry of Joaquín Pasos and T. S. Eliot,” The Literary Half-Yearly (New Delhi) 29.2 (July, 1988): 192-202. Rpt. La literatura centroamericana como arma cultural. Jorge Román-Lagunas and Rick McCallister, eds. Guatemala: CILCA, 1999. 243-271. “Letter from Chile,” Third Rail (Los Angeles) 6 (1984): 30-33. “Reconstruir la ciudad: dos poemas chilenos del exilio,” Literatura chilena: creación y crítica (Los Angeles) 23 (enero-marzo 1983): 12-15. rpt. La poesía chilena actual (19601984) y la crítica. Ricardo Yamal, ed. Concepción, Chile: Ediciones LAR, 1988. 167180. “Breve retrato de Joaquín Pasos,” Inti (Providence) 21 (1985): 67-73. “Toward Cultural Dialogue with Nicaragua,” Third Rail (Los Angeles) 5 (1982): 45-58.

Book Reviews


Reviewer, Handbook of Latin American Studies, Library of Congress, 2002-present. (I review all books of Hispanic American poetry in English translation) El espinazo de la noche by Daniel Ulloa, La Prensa (6 mayo 2015): 6 B. Reviews of “Translations from the Spanish” in Handbook of Latin American Studies 68 (2013): 547-551. Adiós muchachos by Sergio Ramírez, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts 46.1 (May 2013): 149-151. Ashes in Love by Oscar Hahn, translated by James Hoggard, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts 44.1 (May 2011): 175-177. Pluriverse by Ernesto Cardenal, edited by Jonathan Cohen, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts 43.2 (November 2010): 280-282. Cipango by Tomás Harris, translated by Daniel Shapiro, World Literature Today (MayJune 2010): 76-77. Rubén Darío, melancólico capitán de la gloria by Nydia Palacios Vivas. La Prensa Literaria. (21 marzo 2010): 9 Nuevos asedios a Rubén Darío: (1988-2007) by Nydia Palacios Vivas. La Prensa Literaria. (22 noviembre 2008): ¿Va a arder París…? Crónicas cosmopolitas, 1892-1912. By Rubén Darío. Selección, introducción y notas de Günter Schmigalle. La Prensa Literaria. (2 agosto 2008): 6-7. La casa de fuego por Marta Leonor González. Anide (Asociación Nicaragüense de Escritoras) 18 (mayo-agosto 2008): 89-90. “The Return of the River: Selected Poems” by Roberto Sosa, translated by Jo Anne Engelbert. Review: Latin American Literature and Arts (New York) 37.1 (May 2004): 178-181. “Figures & Figurations” by Octavio Paz and Marie José Paz, translated by Eliot Weinberger. World Literature Today 77: 3-4 (October-December 2003): 145. “The Return of the River: Selected Poems” by Roberto Sosa, translated by Jo Anne Engelbert. Translation Review 66 (2003): 72-76. “Velocities of the Possible” by Gonzalo Rojas, translated by John Oliver Simon and “Corriendo bajo la lluvia/Running Back Through the Rain, Selected Poems 1982-1998” by Raúl Barrientos, translated by Ben A. Heller and Christopher Maurer. Review: Latin American Literature and Arts (New York) 65 (Fall 2002): 92-93.


“Stolen Verses and Other Poems” by Oscar Hahn, translated by James Hoggard. Review: Latin American Literature and Arts (New York) 64 (Spring 2002): 91-92. “Stolen Verses and Other Poems” by Oscar Hahn, translated by James Hoggard. World Literature Today 75.2 (Spring 2001): 402. “Laberinto de espadas: Prosemas/1962-1992 y Mañana sin paraíso de Francisco Valle,” La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (19 de julio de 1997): 2-3. “The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice by Willis Barnstone,” Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (Bloomington) 41 (1995): 235-237. “The Gathering of Voices: The Twentieth-Century Poetry of Latin America by Mike Gonzalez and David Treece,” Studies in 20th Century Literature (Manhattan, Kansas) 19.1 (Winter 1995): 139-141. “Strange Houses by Gonzalo Millán, translated by Annegret Nill; From the Country of Nevermore by Jorge Teillier, translated by Mary Crow,” Review: Latin American Literature and Arts (New York) 46 (Fall 1992): 82-85. “Pablo Neruda's Late and Posthumous Poetry,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 30.3 (1992): 117-127. rpt. Nerudiana 1995 (Università di Sassari, Italia) (1995): 154-163. “Bird of Life, Bird of Death: A Naturalist's Journey through a Land of Political Turmoil by Jonathan Evan Maslow; Popol Vuh translated by Dennis Tedlock; Canek by Ermilo Abreu Gómez, translated by Mario L. Dávila and Carter Wilson; The Emperor of the Amazon by Marcio Souza, translated by Thomas Colchie; The Earth Is a Satellite of the Moon by Leonel Rugama, translated by Sara Miles et al.,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 24.3 (1986): 95-103. “Mothers and Shadows by Marta Traba, translated by Jo Labanyi; One Day of Life by Manlio Argueta, translated by Bill Brow; I...Rigoberta Menchú: An Indian Woman in Guatemala by Rigoberta Menchú, edited by Elisabeth Burgos-Debray, translated by Ann Wright; Memory of Fire: Genesis by Eduardo Galeano, translated by Cedric Belfrage; At Night the Cats by Antonio Cisneros, translated by Maureen Ahern et al.,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 24.2 (1986): 95-102. “Where the Island Sleeps Like a Wing by Nancy Morejón, translated by Kathleen Weaver; A Nation of Poets: Writings from the Poetry Workshops of Nicaragua translated by Kent Johnson; The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende, translated by Magda Bogin; Changing Centuries by Fernando Alegría, translated by Stephen Kessler; The Separate Rose by Pablo Neruda, translated by William O'Daley,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 24.1 (1986): 110-118.


“Deep Rivers by José María Arguedas, translated by Frances H. Barraclough; Fire from the Mountain by Omar Cabezas, translated by Kathleen Weaver; The Gods, the Little Guys and the Police by Humberto Costantini, translated by Toby Talbot; I Dreamt the Snow Was Burning by Antonio Skármeta, translated by Malcom Coad; The Decapitated Chicken and Other Stories by Horacio Quiroga, translated by Margaret Sayers Peden,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 23.3 (1985): 150-157. “Other Inquisitions by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Ruth L. C. Simms; El Central by Reinaldo Arenas, translated by Anthony Kerrigan; Family Ties by Clarice Lispector, translated by Giovanni Pontiero; Sea of Death by Jorge Amado, translated by Gregory Rabassa; Widows by Ariel Dorfman, translated by Stephen Kessler,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 23.2 (1985): 106-112. “Windows that Open Inward: Images of Chile, photographs by Milton Rogovin,” Bloomsbury Review (Boulder) (June 1985): 17. “The War of the End of the World by Mario Vargas Llosa, translated by Helen R. Lane,” The Oregonian (Portland) (October 10, 1984): n.p. Interviews Book Culture & Politics in Nicaragua: Testimonies of Poets and Writers. New York: Lumen Books, 1986. (Interviews with Introduction, Commentary and Bibliography).

Articles “Aquí estuvo preso un hombre libre” (entrevista a Pablo Antonio Cuadra) La Prensa Literaria (18 julio 2009): 6-9. “Poetry is the Plenitude of Humanity’s Word: An Interview with Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 67 (Fall 2003): pp. 28-31. “Entrevista a Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” El Pez y la Serpiente (Managua) 35 (mayo-junio 2000): pp. 69-84. “Interview with Edimilson de Almeida Pereira,” Callaloo (Charlottesville) 19.1 (1996): 44-54. “Entrevista a José Coronel Urtecho,” La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (16 abril 1994): 4. “Interview with Chilean Poet Gonzalo Rojas,” Third Rail (Los Angeles) 8 (1987): 4143+.


“An Interview with Nicaragua's First Lady, Rosario Murillo,” Third Rail (Los Angeles) 7 (1985-86): 72-75. “Two Nicaraguan Poets: Interviews with Mayra Jiménez and Daisy Zamora,” Another Chicago Magazine (Chicago)13 (1985): 218-228. “Pablo Antonio Cuadra: entre poesía y política,” Vuelta (Mexico, D. F.) 102 (mayo 1982): 29-35. rpt. Diario 16 (unable to locate). rpt. Revista del Pensamiento Centroamericano (Managua) 187 (abril-junio 1985): 22-27. rpt. “An Interview with Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Northwest Review (Eugene) 23.1 (1985): 74-93. rpt. Northwest Review (Eugene) 25.3 (1987) (Thirtieth Anniversary Issue): 366-377. rpt. Pablo Antonio Cuadra: valoración múltiple. Jorge Eduardo Arellano, ed. Managua: Impresiones y Troqueles, 1994. pp. 95-112. “Conversación con Carlos Martínez Rivas” (excerpts), La Prensa Literaria (Managua) (19 junio 1983): 2-3. rpt. (in its entirety) “Entrevista con Carlos Martínez Rivas,” Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (Madrid) 469-70 (julio-agosto 1989): 93-104. “Sergio Ramírez: On Literature, On Commitment,” Third Rail (Los Angeles) 6 (1984): 44-46+. rpt. “Sergio Ramírez: sobre literatura, sobre compromiso,” Ventana (Managua) 156 (1984): 2-4. rpt. “Sergio Ramírez: el escritor y la revolución,” Apsi (Santiago, Chile) 150 (14-27 agosto 1984): 49-51. Translations Film Cruz e Sousa: O Poeta do Desterro (The Banished Poet) Dir. Sylvio Back, 2000. (All English subtitles). Compact Discs “Transversions 2” (poetry and music), Colibrí Records, 2004. (Original poetry and translations of poems by Pablo Antonio Cuadra, Rubén Darío, Miguel Anxo FernánVello, Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Garcilaso de la Vega, Ana Ilce, Carlos Nejar, and Alvaro Urtecho). “Transversions”

(poetry and music), Colibrí Records, 2001. (Original poetry and translations of poems by Gastón Baquero, Alfonso Cortés, João da Cruz e Sousa, Pablo Antonio Cuadra, Federico García Lorca, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira and Alberto Rubio).


“Nonantzin: Poesía Cantada” by Yolanda Blanco, Dariana Productions, 2000. (Liner notes and translations of poems by Gioconda Belli, Yolanda Blanco, Ernesto Cardenal, José Coronel Urtecho, Pablo Antonio Cuadra, Ana Ilce, Carlos Martínez Rivas, Joaquín Pasos, and Salomón de la Selva).

Books Livro de falas/Book of Voices by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Juiz de Fora: Funalfa; Belo Horizonte: Mazza Edições, 2008. Seven Trees against the Dying Light by Pablo Antonio Cuadra (Ecocritical edition and translation with Greg Simon). Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2007. The Angel of Rain by Gastón Baquero (Translation with Greg Simon). Spokane: Eastern Washington University Press, 2006. Early version of manuscript in 91st Meridian (online journal from International Writers Program, University of Iowa) (October, 2002) Rubén Darío: Selected Writings (Translation with Greg Simon and Andrew Hurley). New York: Penguin, 2005. Cruz e Sousa: O Poeta do Desterro (The Banished Poet) (screenplay) by Sylvio Back. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2000. Selected Verse of Federico García Lorca. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995. (Translation with Greg Simon of “After a Walk,” “Dawn,” “The King of Harlem,” “Dance of Death,” “Landscape of a Vomiting Multitude,” “Sleepless City,” “Double Poem of Lake Eden,” “Cow,” “Death,” “New York (Office and Denunciation),” “Ode to Walt Whitman,” “Little Infinite Poem,” and “Omega”) Collected Poems of Federico García Lorca. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1991. (Translation with Greg Simon of “Ode to the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar;” “Prose Poems and Narrations;” “Trip to the Moon;” “Childhood and Death;” poems from Earth and Moon; and “The Death of Charlot's Mother”), revised edition (includes Poet in New York), 2002. From Eve's Rib by Gioconda Belli. Willimantic, Connecticut: Curbstone Press, 1989. (Translation) Poet in New York by Federico García Lorca. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1988. (Translation with Greg Simon); rpt. London: Penguin, 1990; revised Farrar, Straus & Giroux edition, 1998; rpt. Alfaguara/Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía (with illustrations by Rafael Alberti), 1998. Poeta en Nueva York: cita en Manhattan. Bilingual edition with Photographs by José Antonio Robés. Barcelona: Lunwerg, 2011. Revised FSG edition, 2013.


The Birth of the Sun: Selected Poems of Pablo Antonio Cuadra (1935-1985). Greensboro: Unicorn Press, 1988. (Edition and Translation) Poets of Chile: A Bilingual Anthology, 1965-1985. Greensboro: Unicorn Press, 1986. (Edition and Translation) Poets of Nicaragua: A Bilingual Anthology, 1918-1979. Greensboro, North Carolina: Unicorn Press, 1982. (Edition and Translation) Articles “In the Street,” by Elena Poniatowska. DoubleTake 4.1 (Winter 1998): 117-122. (cotranslation with Greg Simon and the author). “Contemporary Brazilian Poetry: Invention and Freedom in the Afro-Brazilian Cultural Tradition,” by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies (London) 5.2 (November 1996): 139-154. “Poesia Sempre in the Americas and Europe,” by Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna. Poesia Sempre (Rio de Janeiro) 2.3 (fevereiro 1994): 10-12. “Poetry and the Temptations of Power,” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra. In Doris Meyer, ed. Lives on the Line. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988. pp. 281-289. Fiction “Meat,” by Márcio Barbosa. Callaloo 19.3 (1996): pp. 779-783. “Commiseration,” by Pía Barros. A horcajadas/Astride. Ed. Analisa Taylor. Santiago, Chile: Asterión, 1992. p. 21. Poetry “Fragment from The Bones of My Grandfather” by Esthela Calderón. ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature and Environment) (Winter 2014) 21: 97-99. “Beauty the Waters Will Bury” by Jorge Riechmann. ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature and Environment) (Winter 2014) 21: 9-17. “Visitations,” “Destinations” and “Praying Mantis” by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Hilda Magazine (2014) “When the Stones Sing” and “Almendro Tree” by Esthela Calderón. St. Petersburg Review 6 (2013): 51-54.


“The Signalled Hour,” “Heraclitus”, “Imperfect Preterite”, “When It´s Over”, and “Subway” by Juan Cameron in So We Lost Paradise: Selected Poems. Lyttelton, NZ: Cold Hub Press, 2013: 15, 23, 26, 30 & 33. Originally published in Poets of Chile: A Bilingual Anthology, 1965-1985. “The Woman I Could Have Been,” “The House of the Dreamer,” “Classified Ads,” and “Coyol Palm” by Esthela Calderón. Review: Latin American Literature and Arts 45.2 (November 2012): 191-197. “If You Stay In My Country,” “Synthesis/Dream,” “Yachay Hanay,” “Cañete,” and “Maitreya” by Enrique Verástegui (plus introduction). Callaloo 34.2 (Spring 2011) (Special Issue on Black Peru): 244-250. “Wheel of Fortune,” “Sentinels” and “Portrait on Obsidian” by Rosario Murillo and “My Wish List,” “The Flower and the Hummingbird” and “Jiñocuajo Tree” by Esthela Calderón. World Literature Today (January-February 2011): 14-15. “The Flower and the Hummingbird” and “Jiñocuajo Tree” appear in the online edition of this issue. “As My Grandmother Used to Say,” “Mucuna urens,” “Madrone,” “Like Parrots,” and “The Dwelling” by Esthela Calderón. Translation Review 77-78 (Special Latin American Issue) (2009): 115-123. “Warsong of the Things” by Joaquín Pasos and “Two Murals: USA” by Carlos Martínez Rivas. The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry. Cecilia Vicuña and Ernesto LivonGrosman, eds. New York: Oxford, 2009. Págs. 276-279, 327-327. “The Jocote Tree” and “The Jenisero Tree” Northwest Review 45.3 (2007): pp. 144-150. “The Mango Tree” Salt River Review 10.2 (Fall 2007): “Homeless” by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira Callaloo 30.2 (Spring 2007): 449-470. “Letter Lost on the Water” by Gastón Baquero. Northwest Review 44.3 (2006): 83. “Special Feature: Gastón Baquero” (“Translator’s Note,” “Adam in Paradise,” “The River,” “Homage to Jean Cocteau,” “Hands,” and “F.G.L.” Callaloo 29.2 (2006): pp. 289-303. “Special Feature: Rubén Darío” (“Translator’s Note,” “Earthquake,” “Far Away,” “Leda,” “Metempsychosis,” “To Roosevelt,” “Questions,” and “Self-Portrait for His Sister Lola”) Northwest Review 43.3 (2005): pp. 39-50.


“Poem of the Foreigners’ Moment in Our Jungle” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra (text and MP3 file of Cuadra and White reading at the University of Oregon in 1987, recorded live) Third Rail “August Afternoons,” “The Photographer’s Position,” “Plaza at Dusk,” “Farewell” by Miguel Anxo Fernán Vello from the Galician Atlanta Review 9.2 (Spring/Summer 2003): pp. 31-34. “Calunga lungara” by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira in Charles Henry Rowell, ed., Making Callaloo: 25 Years of Black Literature. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2002. pp. 377-378. Poems by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira (“Banner of Agony,” “Book,” Corália Her Food,” “Dear Listeners,” “Dorva’s House,” “Orpheus,” “The Painter Jorge Dos Anjos,” “The Painter José Luis S.,” “The Painter Estêvão Silva,” “Sunday,” “Unsuffered Parts of a Wife’s Letter,” “Walking Around”). Callaloo 24.4 (Fall 2001): pp. 1135-1152. Poems by Nancy Morejón (“Cloak,” “Lake Waban,” “Merceditas,” “Mississippi”) Callaloo 24.4 (Fall 2001): pp. 1117-1124. Poems by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Callaloo (“The Best of Callaloo: Poetry, A Special 25th Anniversary Issue) 24.3 (Summer 2001): pp. 865-867. “Plural,” “Guests,” “Looms,” “Epitaph,” “First Letters,” by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Atlanta Review 7.2 (Spring/Summer 2001): pp. 71-77. Poems by Marize Castro, Chacal, Clara Góes, Mário Quintana, Denise Emmer, and Júlio Castañón Guimarães. Helicóptero 3-4 (December 2000): pp. 24-26. “Poem of the Foreigners’ Moment in Our Jungle,” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra in Frederick Smock, ed. The American Voice Anthology of Poetry. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 1998: pp. 25-26. “The Masters of Psychedelia in an Inner War (Vanishing in the Fog),” by Márcio Salerno. Helicóptero 2 (1998): p. 8. “The Dutchman Cristián Huitman,” by Federico García Lorca. DoubleTake 4.3 (Summer 1998): 109 (co-translated with Greg Simon) “Nocturne,” “Two Bagatelles,” “Burning the Files,” and “Usefulness of Insomnia” by Paulo Henriques Britto. Silverfish Review 29 (Winter 1997): pp. 24-28. “It Happened on a Sunday Trip to the Beach,” by Gioconda Belli. In Martín Espada, ed. El Coro: A Chorus of Latino and Latina Poetry. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1997. pp. 29 & 31.


“Century” and “The Angels” by Denise Emmer and “On a Road” by Claudia RoquettePinto. The American Voice 44 (1997) (special issue on new voices from Latin America and Spain): 47 & 56-57. “The Oregon Trail,” “Traditore,” “Wanting to Be Cool,” and “Tarot Man” by Juan Armando Epple. In Rosamel S. Benavides, ed. Formaciones sociales e identidades culturales en la literatura hispanoamericana: ensayos en honor de Juan Armando Epple. Valdivia, Chile: Ediciones Barba de Palo, 1997. pp. 334-339. “Wine” by Marize Castro. The American Voice 42 (1997): 42. “The Great Prayer” by Alfonso Cortés. In Amy Jolin, ed. World Tapestries: An Anthology of Global Literature. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Globe Fearon/Simon & Schuster, 1997. p. 312. “from Brief Lessons in Eroticism I” by Gioconda Belli. In Sam Hamill, ed. The Erotic Spirit: An Anthology of Poems of Sensuality, Love and Longing. Boston: Shambhala, 1996. pp. 174-176. 16 poems by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira from Livro de falas (Book of Voices). Callaloo 19.1 (1996): 31-43. “Circle,” “Iron,” “The Fruit,” “The Dancer,” and “School” by Edimilson de Almeida Pereira and “Fairy Tales for a Black Northeast” and “Meta-Score” by Lepê Correia. Callaloo 18.4 (1995): 713-717, 819-820. “Your Anger,” “The Scream Is a Kind of Coffin,” “Events Like Palaces,” and “Things of the Blind” by Paz Molina and “The Blood of Others,” “Birth,” “Nicaragua Water Fire,” and “Brief Lessons in Eroticism I” by Gioconda Belli. In Marjorie Agosín, ed. These Are Not Sweet Girls. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1994. pp. 133-136, 212-218. “Two Poems” by Yolanda Pantin and “Four poems” by Ana Enriqueta Terán. Translation (Special Venezuelan Issue) 29 (Spring 1994): 109-111. “The Blood of Others,” “In Memoriam,” and “Conjunction” by Gioconda Belli. In Martín Espada, ed. Poetry Like Bread. Willimantic: Curbstone Press, 1994. pp. 48-57. “Permanence” by Ana Ilce, in Literary Olympians 1992: An International Anthology. Elizabeth Bartlett, ed. Boston: Ford-Brown & Co., 1992. p. 165. “Ode to Federico García Lorca” by Pablo Neruda. Northwest Review 30. 1 (1992): 65-68. (co-translated with Greg Simon). Rpt. The Poetry of Pablo Neruda. Ed. By Ilán Stavans. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2003. pp. 120-123.


“The Hen,” “Submerged Swimmer,” “Suicide in Alexandria,” “The Death of Charlot´s Mother,” “Trip to the Moon,” and “Omega” by Federico García Lorca. Northwest Review 28.3 / 29.1 (1990-91): 155-178. (co-translated with Greg Simon) “Earth and Moon,” “Childhood and Death,” and “Little Infinite Poem” by Federico García Lorca. Antaeus 60 (Spring 1988): 252-257. (co-translated with Greg Simon) “Fable of Three Friends to Be Sung in Rounds,” “Abandoned Church,” and “Christmas on the Hudson” by Federico García Lorca. Northwest Review 26.1 (1988): 86-89. (cotranslated with Greg Simon) “Nocturne of Emptied Space” by Federico García Lorca. Third Rail 9 (1988): 26-27. (cotranslated with Greg Simon) “The Signalled Hour” by Juan Cameron, “The Poet´s Days” by Omar Lara, and “VI” by Raúl Zurita (accompanied special section on photographer Sergio Larrain). Aperture 109 (Winter 1987): 28-39. “Blind Panorama of New York,” “Living Sky,” “Dawn,” “Death,” and “Ode to Walt Whitman” by Federico García Lorca. Paris Review 104 (Fall 1987): 89-99. (co-translated with Greg Simon) “Reversible” by Gonzalo Rojas. Third Rail 8 (1987): 40. “Reincarnation of the Butchers” and “Heartbreak Hotel” by Oscar Hahn, “CIII” by Raúl Zurita, “Wishing” by Omar Lara, “They´ve Broken the Most Delicate Bone in My Ear” by Manuel Silva Acevedo, and “Poem 60 from The City” by Gonzalo Millán. Silverfish Review 11 (Summer 1986): 9-23. “Is There Anyone,” “Survivor,” and “The Place You Inhabit” by Walter Hoefler. New Orleans Review 13.2 (Summer 1986): 31, 48, and 57. “The Radiant Beaches,” “The Beaches of Chile X,” “The Cordilleras of Il Duce,” and “The Utopias” by Raúl Zurita. Third Rail 7 (1985-86): 62-69. “The Poet's Days” by Omar Lara, “Snows of Aconcagua” by Raúl Zurita, “Cauquil” by Sergio Mansilla, “Your Great Love” by Diego Maquieira, “A la Apollinaire” by Manuel Silva Acevedo, and “Vision of Hiroshima” by Oscar Hahn. Willow Springs 15 (Winter 1985): 15-25. “The Blindfold” by Aristóteles España and “Captured City” by Omar Lara. Latin American Perspectives 12.3 (Summer 1985): 103-104. “Life” by Sergio Mansilla. Stand 26.3 (Summer 1985): 59.


“No One Knows What I'm Talking About” by Diego Maquieira. The Poetry Review 2.2 (April 1985): 78. “Blue Danube” by Manuel Silva Acevedo, “The Slaughterhouse” by Mauricio Electorat, “We Will Not Hand over the Night” and “The Circle Closes Here” by Waldo Rojas. Another Chicago Magazine 12 (1985): 6-13. “Leaving” by Sergio Mansilla. Central Park 7 (1985): 20. “September: the Shark” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra. Northwest Review 23.1 (1985): 94113. “In Silence” by Francisco Valle, “Furious Birds” and “Summer Street” by Ana Ilce, “The Blind Indians” by Joaquín Pasos, and “The Campesinos Go Down the Roads” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra. Third Rail 5 (1985): 59-64. “When It's Over,” “Beach,” and “Heraclitus” by Juan Cameron. Mundus Artium 15 .1 & 2 (1985): 34-37. “Una carta personal al Coronel Henry L. Stimson” by Salomón de la Selva. Barricada Cultural/Ventana (20 mayo 1984): 6. “Arrival,” “Notes,” “Beyond Torture,” “A Kind of Song,” “No Greater Pain beneath the Trees,” and “Leaving” by Aristóteles España; “Over There One of the Bridges Screams” and “The Lights Reflected on the Water” by Samuel Leal; “Exile,” “The Oregon Trail,” “Demonstrations,” and “Hunter” by Juan Armando Epple. Third Rail 6 (1984): 34-43. “The Three Sisters” by Alfonso Cortés, “The Bullet” by Salomón de la Selva, “The Blind Indians” by Joaquín Pasos, “The Drowned Horse” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra, “Love Knows the Signs” by Juan Francisco Gutiérrez, “Phantom” by Carlos Martínez Rivas, “Furious Birds” by Ana Ilce, and “The Double Blood” by Francisco Valle. La Prensa Literaria (10 julio 1982): 5-6. “July 19” by Manuel Adolfo Mongalo and “The Majority Speaks” by José Luis Quesada. in Other Side. Eugene: Homonculus Press, 1982. pp. 45-46. “Tahirassawichi in Washington” by Ernesto Cardenal. Greenfield Review 9. 3 & 4 (Winter 1981-82): 164-166. rpt. Editor's Choice II. Morty Sklar and Mary Biggs, eds. Iowa City: The Spirit that Moves Us Press, 1987. pp. 244-46. “The Drowned Horse” by Pablo Antonio Cuadra. New Orleans Review 8.3 (Fall 1981): 250. “Reality I” and “Reality II” by Juan Luis Martínez. Colorado State Review 7.2 (Spring 1980): 36-37.


“Any Woman X” and “Mission Accomplished” by Nicanor Parra. New Directions 40 (1980): 127-130. “Summer Street” by Ana Ilce and “Lazarus” by Alvaro Urtecho. Northwest Review 18.3 (1980): 68-70. “Some Time Ago: Backwards” and “Winter” by Gonzalo Millán; and “Selection of Short Poems” by Jaime Quezada. Review: Latin American Literature & Arts 27 (1980): 68-71, 76-79. “For Robert Lowell” and “Sunday in Budapest's Saint Christina's Church and Fruit Stand to the Side” by Antonio Cisneros. Ironwood 14 (Fall 1979): 76-77. “A Stone,” “IX,” and “The prestige, you were saying, of our lamp and leaves” by Yves Bonnefoy. Ironwood 7-8 (Fall 1976): 85-87. Papers “Cultivando una conciencia etnobotánica en la poesía de Nicaragua”, Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, 2013. “¿Quién es nuestro Rubén Darío?: la construcción del pensamiento social dariano ante el espejo”, Primer Ciclo Internacional Dariano, León, Nicaragua, 2012. “Poesía ecológica de Nicaragua: Pablo Antonio Cuadra y Esthela Calderón”, Lanzamiento de Siete árboles contra el atardecer (y otros poemas ecológicos) de Pablo Antonio Cuadra y Soplo de corriente vital de Esthela Calderón, Centro de Arte Moderno, Madrid,7 de junio de 2011. “Rubén Darío: figura precursora del eco-cosmopolitismo”, VIII Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío, León, Nicaragua, 2010. “La migración intelectual como peregrinaje medieval: Pablo Antonio Cuadra en España (1938-39)”, Migraciones Intelectuales: Escritores Hispanoamericanos en España (19141939), Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 2009. “Translations as Ghost Poems/Translations of Sustainability”, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Cross-Cultural Communications: U.S. Writers Translating Hispanic Authors, Library of Congress (Hispanic Division), Washington, D.C., 2009. See Webcast: “El arte terapéutico de Alfonso Cortés”, V Festival Internacional de Poesía, Granada, Nicaragua, 2009. “Transformaciones, reencarnaciones y transmigraciones en Darío: signos para la traducción del mundo natural,’ VII Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío, León, Nicaragua, 2009.


“La conciencia botánica en la poesía de Salomón de la Selva,” UNAN-León, León, Nicaragua, 2008. “La conciencia botánica en la poesía de Salomón de la Selva,” IV Festival Internacional de Poesía, Granada, Nicaragua, 2008. “El paisaje invisible revelado en textos botánicos de Darío, Cortés y Cuadra”, VI Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío, León, Nicaragua, 2008. “La poesía etnobotánica de Esthela Calderón: un enfoque ecocrítico”, Primer Congreso de Estudios Culturales, Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas”, San Salvador, 2007. “Rubén Darío: atisbos del pensamiento ecocrítico,” Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, 2007. “Cuatro fundamentos verdes en la poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Tercer Festival Internacional de Poesía de Granada, Granada, Nicaragua, 2007. “Rubén Darío: atisbos del pensamiento ecocrítico,” Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío, León, Nicaragua, 2007. “Rubén Darío: atisbos del pensamiento ecocrítico,” Rubén Darío: 90 Years Later, Hofstra University, 2006. “Los ríos en la poesía chilena: nuevas definiciones ecocéntricas de la poesía épica y lírica,” Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2006. “Lanzamiento de Rubén Darío: Selected Writings: Rubén se resucita en la lengua de Whitman”, Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío, León, Nicaragua, 2006. “Árboles y ríos: literatura y medio ambiente,” Autoridad Nacional del Medio Ambiente (ANAM), Ciudad del Saber, Panamá, 2005. “Ecocrítica y chamanismo en la poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra”, Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, 2004. “Ecocriticism and Translation Theory”, The Global and the Local: Rethinking Area Studies, Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, 2003. “Intersticios verdes: el mundo más que humano en la poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra”, Instituto Nicaragüense de la Cultura/Asociación PAC, Managua, 2002. “La afectividad ecocéntrica en la poesía de Pablo Antonio Cuadra”, V Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Literarios Hispanoamericanos, La Coruña, 2002.


“El mundo ecocéntrico en Siete árboles contra el atardecer de Pablo Antonio Cuadra”, CILCA, Berlin, 2002. “Las narrativas chamánicas del ayahuasca y la producción de la literatura neoindigenista,” Latin American Studies Association, Washington, 2001. “Las narrativas chamánicas del ayahuasca y la producción de la literatura neoindigenista,” X Congreso de la Federación Internacional de Estudios sobre América Latina y el Caribe (FIEALC), Moscow, 2001. “Los poetas y los ríos en la poesía chilena: nuevas definiciones de lo épico y lo lírico,” Chile and the Hispanic Poetry of Europe and the Americas, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2001. “Shamanic Ayahuasca Narratives and the Production of Indigenista Literature,” 15th International Symposium on Latin American Indian Literature, Washington (Library of Congress), 2000. “Miseria y esplendor en la traducción de Poeta en Nueva York,” Encuentro de Poesía Hispánica de los Estados Unidos, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 1998. Same paper, Encuentros Literarios con Cuatro Escritores, Colegio Mayor Isabel de España, Madrid, 1999. “Reinventing a Sacred Past in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Poetry,” Latin American Studies Association, Guadalajara, 1997. “New Brazilian Poetry,” The Powers of Poetry in Spanish, Latin American and Latino/a Cultures, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1996. “Translation and Teaching: The Dangers of Representing Latin America for Students in the United States,” Modern Language Association, Chicago, 1995. “Poetry and Public Life: Hispanic American Poets in Dialogue with the United States,” Oakley Center for the Humanities, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, 1995. “El pensamiento medieval en la obra de Pablo Antonio Cuadra,” Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D. C., 1995. “Interrelación entre la poesía norteamericana y nicaragüense,” Primer Festival Hispanoamericano de Poesía en Uruguay, Montevideo, 1993. “La poesía de Yolando Blanco: cantos de inocencia y de experiencia,” V Congresso Brasileiro de Professores de Espanhol (CONBRAPES), Florianópolis, Brazil, 1993. “El impulso edénico en los Poemas nicaragüenses,” Primer Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana, Granada, Nicaragua, 1993.


“La poesía de Yolanda Blanco: cantos de inocencia y de experiencia,” Primer Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana, Granada, Nicaragua, 1993. “The Dangers of Representing Latin America for Readers in the United States,” World View Program, Willamette University, 1992. “The Translators Who Climbed the Heights of Machu Picchu with Neruda,” World View Program, Willamette University, 1992. “The Indian Poems of Ernesto Cardenal” (Discussant), Latin American Studies Association, Los Angeles, 1992. “Roberto Sosa: fabulador y creador de un nuevo bestiario,” Latin American Studies Association, Los Angeles, Califonia, 1992. “La traducción y la poesía chilena postgolpe: historicidad e identidad de género,” Tercer Congreso de Culturas Hispánicas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 1992. “Amor, soledad y paraíso en tres poetas nicaragüenses contemporáneos,” Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil, 1992. “The Literary Interview in Latin America: A Genre In Search of Legitimacy,” Modern Language Association, San Francisco, 1991. “The Ugly Translation As Paradigm?” Hispanic Cultures of the Pacific Coast Conference, Eugene, Oregon, 1991. “Witnessing the Disaster: Chilean Poetry of the 1970s and '80s,” Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 1991. “El viaje hacia Dios de Alfonso Cortés y los poetas franceses,” Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura Hispánica/Embajada de España (Managua), 1991. “Fuentes de la poesía nicaragüense en la poesía norteamericana,” Biblioteca Nacional “Rubén Darío” (Managua), 1991. “Misery and Splendor of Translating Poeta en Nueva York,” A Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Federico García Lorca's Poet in New York, New York University/Fundación Federico García Lorca, 1990. “Translating the Pacific Coast of the Americas,” Hispanic Culture on the Pacific Coast of the Americas after World War II--From Chilenos to Chicanos, California State University, Long Beach, 1990.


“Translation in Nicaraguan Poetry as a Literary Weapon against Imperialism,” Translating Latin America; Culture as Text, SUNY-Binghamton, 1990. “Sex, Lies and Voyeurism in Lorca's Poet in New York,” Hobart and William Smith, 1990. “Ernesto Cardenal and North American Literature: Intertextuality and the Formulation of an Ethical Identity,” Modern Language Association, Washington, 1989. “The Eschatological Voyage in the Poetry of Joaquín Pasos and T. S. Eliot,” MidAmerica Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Kansas, 1989. “José Coronel Urtecho's Dialogue with North American Literature,” Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Louisiana State University, 1988. Papers and Presentations at St. Lawrence University “Plowing the Air: Ecology as a Theme in Nicaraguan Popular Music”, Faculty Café, 2011. “Translating for Film: Creating the Subtitles for ‘Cruz e Sousa: the Banished Poet’,” Faculty Forum Series, 2001. “Contemporary Visionary Literature: Writing Ayahuasca,” Visions that the Plants Gave Us, Educational Program, The Richard F. Brush Art Gallery, 1999. “African Gods in Contemporary Brazil,” Faculty Forum Series, 1995.

Lectures, Panel Discussions and Workshops Presentation of El consumo de lo que somos: muestra de poesía ecológica hispánica contemporánea, Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura Hispánica (Matagalpa), August, 2014. Presentation of El consumo de lo que somos: muestra de poesía ecológica hispánica contemporánea, Promotora Cultural Leonesa (León, Nicaragua), July, 2014. Presentation of El consumo de lo que somos: muestra de poesía ecológica hispánica contemporánea, Librería Primado (Valencia), June, 2014. Presentation of El consumo de lo que somos: muestra de poesía ecológica hispánica contemporánea, Librería Enclave de los Libros (Madrid), May, 2014. Presentation of El consumo de lo que somos: muestra de poesía ecológica hispánica contemporánea, Universidad de Salamanca (Salamanca), April, 2014.


“Nicaragua: Nature and Traditions”, SOAR (Lifelong Learning in the North Country), Potsdam, NY, April 25, 2013. (with Esthela Calderón) “Review 85 Launch: Eco-Literature and Arts in the Americas” The Americas Society, New York, November 16, 2012. “Eco-Literature in Latin America Symposium”, The Americas Society, New York, November 15, 2012. “La evolución de los Poemas nicaragüenses de Pablo Antonio Cuadra”, Casa de Cultura, Telica, Nicaragua, 21 de junio, 2012. “Lectura de poemas de E. A. Westphalen y comentario”, En Torno a Westphalen, Centro de Art Moderno, Madrid, 24 de mayo, 2011. “Ecocritical Approaches to the Study of Nicaraguan Poetry”, Sense of Place in a Changing World, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 30 September-2 October, 2010. “La ecopoesía de Nicaragua: hacer la morada con la palabra”, Sociedad Nicaragüense de Escritores Jóvenes, Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América, Universidad Evangélica Nicaragüense, Managua, Nicaragua, 7 y 10 abril, 2010. “La ecopoesía de Nicaragua: hacer la morada con la palabra”, Compañía Telefónica CLARO, Granada, Nicaragua, 9 febrero, 2010. “Una lectura ecológica de la poesía de PAC”, Universidad Autónoma de Managua (UAM), Managua, Nicaragua, 2007. “La ecocrítica: teoría y práctica”, Asociación de Escritoras de Nicaragua (ANIDE), Managua, Nicaragua, 2007. “Chile’s Poetry of Exile”, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, 2006. “Rubén Darío: Poesía y Medio Ambiente”, Simposio Internacional Rubén Darío, León, Nicaragua, 2006. “Translating the Modernista Soundscape in the Poetry of Rubén Darío”, (featured speaker at Institute for Advanced Study Translation Seminar series), Lilly Library, Indiana University, 2005. “La eco-poesía: hacer la morada con la palabra”, Autoridad Nacional del Medio Ambiente, Panamá, 2005. “Análisis de la ecología en la poesía”, Colegio Universitario de Cartago, Cartago, Costa Rica, 2005.


“Translating Darío: Soundscapes and Spirit-Channeling”, American Literary Translators Association, Las Vegas, 2004. “The Need for Translation: Current Questions and Considerations”, Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, 2004. “Ecocriticism: Translating a More-Than-Human World,” Eyes on Translation: Iberia and the Americas, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Emory University, 2004. “Translating Darío with the Vine of the Soul,” Eyes on Translation: Iberia and the Americas, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Emory University, 2004. “La poesía nicaragüense del siglo XX,” Departamento de Filología Española, Universidad Complutense, 2003. “Writing Ayahuasca”, International Symposium on Ayahuasca, Holotropic Breath Work, Psychopharmacology and Consciousness, Manaus, 2003. “Ecocriticism and Literary Translation”, American Literary Translators Association, Chicago, 2002. “Translation Workshop and Reading”, Simon’s Rock of Bard College, 2002. “Translation as Exile and the Journey Home”, American Literary Translators Association, Raleigh, 2001. “Crossing the Great Divide: Translation as Inspiration” American Literary Translators Association, Raleigh, 2001. “Translating Afro-Brazilian Religion in Film and Poetry,” American Literary Translators Association, San Francisco, 2000. “Translation Workshop: Paz, Pacheco and Gaspar de Alba,” for “Mexico in Transition: A National Institute for the Combined Study of Mexican Literature, History and Methodology” (funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities), University of Oregon, Eugene, 1997. “A tradição arrogante dos poetas-tradutores dos Estados Unidos,” Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1994. “Rumos da literatura” (panel) Feira do Livro, Associação Catarinense de Editores e Livreiros, Florianópolis, Brazil, 1993. “Los traductores en la traducción” (panel), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1993.


“La traducción en la poesía: una nueva escritura” (panel), Primer Festival Hispanoamericano de Poesía en Uruguay, Montevideo, 1993. Summer Faculty, Pan-American Conference, Naropa Institute, Boulder, 1990: Workshop: “Translational Imperialism;” Lecture: “Contemporary Chilean Poetry;” Panel: “Literary Import/Export between the Americas from the 1960s to the Present.” “Poesía nicaragüense de vanguardia,” Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, 1988. “Tres perspectivas críticas sobre la traducción literaria,” Instituto de Idiomas Extranjeros, Universidad Austral de Chile, 1988. Readings Recital, “A la poesía le rindo el sombrero”, La Olla Quemada, León, Nicaragua, 2014. Recital, “A la poesía le rindo el sombrero”, La Olla Quemada, León, Nicaragua, 2012. Recital, Departamento de Filología, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 2011. Poesía por el agua, Librería La Marabunta, Madrid, 2011. Ouroborus: II Velada Poética por la Abolición de la Deuda Externa, Tabacalera, Madrid, 2010. Sense of Place in a Changing World, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Depto. de Filología, 2010. V International Poetry Festival, Granada, Nicaragua, 2009. IV International Poetry Festival, Granada, Nicaragua, 2008 III International Poetry Festival, Granada, Nicaragua, 2007. Tercer Encuentro Internacional de Poetas, El Turno del Ofendido, San Salvador, El Salvador, 2006. The Poetry of Rubén Darío, Contemporary Crafts Gallery, Portland, Oregon, 2006. New Translations of Rubén Darío, Segundo Simposio Internacional Rubén Dario: Nuevos Asedios y Reencuentros, León, Nicaragua, 2004. Poetry Reading, Galería Cruce, Madrid, 2003. Poetry Reading, Galería Epikentro, Managua, Nicaragua, 2000. Poetry Reading, Universidad Católica de Nicaragua, Managua, 2000.


Poetry Reading, Biblioteca Municipal, Boaco, Nicaragua, 2000. Poetry Reading, Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1994. Poetry Reading, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, 1994. Encuentro de Poesía '93--Buenos Aires (poetry reading: Casa Museo Ricardo Rojas; poetry reading: Centro Cultural San Martín/Planeta Nuestro) Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993. Poetry reading (with Mario Benedetti), Primer Festival Hispanoamericano de Poesía en Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1993. “La Posta y los Poetas,” (Poetry reading in Spanish), Café Tortoni, Buenos Aires, 1992. Poetry reading , Alcaldía de Granada, (Granada, Nicaragua), 1991. Poetry reading , Naropa Institute, Pan-American Conference, Boulder, 1990. Reading and paper “Translating Poet in New York,” University of Oregon, Eugene 1988. Reading with Pablo Antonio Cuadra, St. Lawrence University, 1988. Reading with Pablo Antonio Cuadra, University of Oregon, 1987. “New Chilean Poetry,” University of Oregon, with featured guest Fernando Alegría, 1986. “New Nicaraguan Poetry,” New Latin American Poetry, National Endowment for the Humanities, Durango, Colorado, 1985. “Nueva poesía chilena,” Literatura Chilena Contemporánea, University of California (Irvine), 1982.

Interview Con Juan Soros en “Definición de Savia” de Radio Círculo, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 16 de marzo de 2011. (Sobre la poesía nicaragüense y la publicación de Siete árboles contra el atardecer (y otros poemas) de Pablo Antonio Cuadra, prólogo de Steven F. White, Madrid: Veintisiete Letras, 2011.

Advisory Boards Amazonian Literary Review (Smith College) (2000-2002) Cadernos de Tradução (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)


Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters (Associate Editor) (Texas A & M University) Conferences Attended “Ayahuasca: Amazonian Shamanism, Science and Spirituality,” California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 2000. “Ethnobotany and South American Shamanism,” Botanical Preservation Corps, Palenque, Mexico, 1996. “IV Congresso Afro-Brasileiro,” Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife, Brazil, 1994. “Centenário Mãe Menininha de Gantois/Religião Afro-Brasileira e Continuidade da Tradição,” Fundação Gregorio de Mattos, Centro de Estudos AfroOrientais/Universidade Federal de Bahia, Memorial Mãe Menininha de Gantois, Salvador, Brazil, 1994. Current Research Projects Edition and Translation of Selected Poems of Esthela Calderón. Selected Letters (1916-1919) of Salomón de la Selva. CREATIVE WORK Books Bajo la palabra de las plantas: poesía selecta (1979-2009). Managua, Nicaragua: 400 Elefantes, 2009. (Selected poems in Spanish) Escanciador de pócimas. Madrid: Estruendomudo, 2003 (Poems in a bilingual Spanish/English edition). Fuego que engendra fuego/Fire that Engenders Fire. Madrid: Verbum, 2000. (Poems in a bilingual Spanish/English edition) Paisagem com uma vela e abelhas assírias. Translated by Walter Carlos Costa. Florianópolis, Brazil: Edições da Orla, 1995. (Poems in a bilingual Portuguese/English edition) From the Country of Thunder. Greensboro: Unicorn Press, 1990. (Poems) For the Unborn. Greensboro: Unicorn Press, 1986. (Poems) Burning the Old Year. Greensboro, North Carolina: Unicorn Press, 1984. (Poems)


Las constelaciones de la historia. Santiago, Chile: Editorial América del Sur, 1983. (Poems) Compact Discs “El mundo verde también tiene voz” (ecological poetry with Esthela Calderón). León, Nicaragua: Teatro J. C. Mena, 2009. “Transversions 2” (poetry and music), Colibrí Records, 2004. (Original poems: “Macchu Picchu: Lineages,” “Incan Road,” “Mar-fire,” “Ars Poetica,” “Bees,” “The Clay Pots,” “Use Your Breath,” “Poet in New York,” “Michael, Lucifer and the Emerald of Passion,” “The Owl,” “Little-Pilgrimage-Day,” “Three Arks,” “Oil & Consciousness,” “All Trees the Tree,” “Coatlicue,” “Aurora Borealis,” and “Darío Meets Verlaine in Paris.”) “Transversions” (poetry and music), Colibrí Records, 2001. (Original poems: “Beach Glass,” “Bahia, February 2,” “Fire that Engenders Fire,” “Xochipilli,” “Green Eyes,” “The sky lights its sapphire-dream....,” “Moly,” “Thresholds,” “Mariri,” “Hummingbird,” “Landscape with One Candle and Assyrian Bees,” “Hawking,” “Seven Penitential Psalms,” “Crossing the Plain of Patience,” “Rain,” “One by One,” and “Last River.”) Poems “Petróleo & Conciencia” Integral 381 (septiembre 2011) (selected by Jorge Riechmann) “En Salamanca” Escriaturas (Madrid) 1 (mayo 2011): n.p. “Ars poetica” IV Festival Internacional de Poesía de Granada 2008: Memoria Poética. Managua: Festival Internacional de Poesía de Granada, 2009: 68-69. “Después de la cosecha”, “Pascua en Estelí”, “El fantasma en el río” 400 Elefantes “Petróleo & Conciencia” Nuevo Amanecer Cultural 1363 (3 febrero 2007): 9. “10 Poemas” La Pata de Liebre (Santiago, Chile) (enero 2007) “Los hijos de la guerra,” “Cruzando el llano de la paciencia,” “Una por una,” y “Cetrería” in Un ciervo besa las manos de los niños: Memoria Poética, Tercer Encuentro Internacional de Poetas. San Salvador: Fundación Metáfora, 2006: 130-133. “All Trees the Tree” (text and MP3 file from Transversions 2) Third Rail

“Tres Salmos Penitenciales,” La Prensa Literaria (3 de julio de 2004):

32 “Thresholds,” “Sin límites,” “The Cure,” “La cura,” “Current,” “Corriente” Sinalefa (New York) 7 (enero-abril 2004): 14. “Siete Salmos Penitenciales,” in Estruendomudo (antología). Madrid: Editorial Estruendomudo, 2003. “Use Your Breath” Salt River Review 6.2 (Spring 2003) “Siete Salmos Penitenciales,” Argos (Guadalajara) 18 (2001) “Beach Glass,” Salt River Review 4.1 (Winter 2000-2001) “Mariri” Helicóptero 3-4 (December 2000): p. 99. “Balcón sobre el imperio de las aguas” La Noticia (Managua) (23 enero 2000): 8 B. “Los hijos de la guerra” and “Tiranía” Bolsa Cultural (Managua) 124 (21 enero 2000): 8. “Cetrería,” “Los hijos de la guerra,” and “Miguel, Lucifer y la esmeralda del deseo” La Prensa Literaria (15 enero 2000): 12. “Time/Tempo” Poiésis (Petrópolis) 4.31 (janeiro 1996): 6. “One by One/Uma por uma” Compasso (Juiz de Fora) 5 (1995). “Under Her Window: Ouro Preto/Sob Sua Janela: Ouro Preto” Dimensão (Uberaba) 24 (1995): 114-115. “Siete salmos penitenciales” La Prensa Literaria (9 septiembre 1995): 2 & 7. “The Overseer” Small Press (Spring 1991): 49-50. “Para los no nacidos” Nuevo Amanecer Cultural (23 febrero 1991): 8. “Fuego que genera el fuego” La Prensa Literaria (5 enero 1991): 2. “El río que amamos,” “Poema a un país extranjero,” “Nicaragua,” “Pascua en Estelí,” “Tiranía,” and “El Arrayán” El Pez y la Serpiente 28 (invierno 1989): 187-196.


“Abandoned at 4,000 Meters” and “Crossing the Plain of Patience” in Ray Gonzalez, ed. Crossing the River: Poets of the Western United States. Sag Harbor, New York: Permanent Press, 1987. pp. 49-51. “Stumbling Home Past Curfew in Santiago, Chile” and “Secret Police” Willow Springs 18 (Summer 1986): 15-17. “Rebellion” Latin American Perspectives 12.3 (Summer 1985): 42-43. “The Seeds” Bloomsbury Review (February 1985): 30. “Cruzando el llano de la paciencia” La Prensa Literaria (3 noviembre 1984): 3. “De Nicaragua a Oregon,” “Oregon,” and “Bandera” Barricada Cultural/Ventana 144 (4 febrero 1984): 6. “The River We Love” and “A Sign of Summer” International Poetry Review 8.2 (Fall 1982): 119-122. “Vieja gloria” and “Las constelaciones de la historia” La Prensa Literaria (10 julio 1982): 4. “Pascua en Estelí,” “Casa de rastro,” “El Arrayán,” “Chinchero (Cómo era Cristo y por qué),” “Crecerá de tu corazón,” “Consigna,” “Preservando los muertos,” and “Primera clase” La Prensa Literaria (8 febrero 1981): 3. “The Angels in Quito” and “Slaughterhouse” Aspen Anthology 10 (Winter 1980): 51-53. “The Children of War,” “Los hijos de la guerra,” “Tyranny,” and “Tiranía” Arte y Literatura (San José, Costa Rica) 1 (junio 1979): 7. “Easter in Estelí,” “Pascua en Estelí,” “Orange Sky,” and “Cielo anaranjado” La Prensa Libre (San José, Costa Rica) (7 mayo 1979): 12. UNIVERSITY SERVICE University Committees Arts Collaborative Committee (2009) Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants Committee (1999-2007, 2012-2013) Thomas J. Watson Fellowship Committee (1997-98) International Education Advisory Committee (1995-97)


ODY Library Committee (1992-1994) Academic Affairs Committee (1989-91) Department of Modern Languages Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (2003-07) Chair, Information Technology/Modern Languages Search Committee (2004) Chair, Spanish Search Committees (1995, 1997, 2001, 2013) Chair, German Search Committee (2012) Member, French Search Committee (2000, 2004) Faculty Mentor, Spanish Writing Center Abroad Program Work Director of SLU Program in Spain (2013-2014, 2010-2011, 1998-1999, 1988-1989) Coordinator of Costa Rica program (2004-2005, 1994-1996, 1992-1993) Coordinator of Spain Program (1999-2000, 2011) Area Studies Caribbean and Latin American Studies Advisory Board (1992-present, founding member, serving several times as Coordinator) Editor of online journal Inside the Area: Student Research in Caribbean and Latin American Studies at St. Lawrence University (2004-2009) (contains contributions by some 50 SLU students from a dozen different disciplines) Helped facilitate the acquisition of paintings by Peruvians Pablo Amaringo and Anderson Debernardi for the Brush Art Gallery at St. Lawrence University (1997, 2003). Faculty advisor to SLU Hispanic student organization, AHORA (1991-2000) Helped establish Caribbean/Latin American Studies Minor at SLU (1992) Member, History Search Committee for Latin Americanist (1996 & 1997)

Speakers (in conjunction with other colleagues)


Chilean poets Teresa Calderón and Tomás Harris with translator Dan Shapiro (2001) French anthropologist Françoise Barbira-Freedman (2001) Translator Peter Filkins (1998 & 2000) Brazilian poet Edimilson de Almeida Pereira in conjunction with the St. Lawrence University Festival of the Arts (Carnival!) (1996) Colombian anthropologist Luis Eduardo Luna (1996 & 1999), later awarded the honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters by St. Lawrence University (2002) Hosted “Readers & Writers on-the-air: Call-in on Contemporary Literature” program for WSLU (Canton, New York) with Chicano poet Luis J. Rodríguez (1996) and Puerto Rican poet Martín Espada (1995) Prof. Reginaldo Prandi (Universidade de São Paulo) and Pai Armando Omotokún Vallado for a two-day forum on Candomblé/Religious Diversity in Brazil (1995) Chilean novelist Diamela Eltit (1995) Honduran poet Roberto Sosa with translator JoAnne Engelbert (1994) Puerto Rican poet Martín Espada (1992 & 1996) U.S. poet and translator Sam Hamill (1992) Chilean author Pía Barros (1991) Nicaraguan poet Pablo Antonio Cuadra (1988) Mexican poet José Emilio Pacheco (1987) Outside Advisory Work Evaluator of ms. submitted to McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014. (Sandino’s Nation by Stephen Henighan) (This book is a finalist in the 2015 Canada Prize in the Humanities, the first time a book on Latin America has been distinguished in this way). I wrote blurb for back cover material. Evaluator of ms. submitted to Cambria Press, 2014. (Central American Avant-Garde Narrative 1926-1936: An Anatomy of Subversive Fictions by Adrian Kane). I wrote blurb for back cover material. Jury Member, National Translation Award, American Literary Translators Association, 2012. Jury Member, National Competition for Student Poetry and Short Narrative, Colegio Mayor Isabel de España, Madrid, 2011. Jury Member, Premio Internacional de Poesía Rubén Darío, Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura, 2009. Reader, National Translation Award, American Literary Translators Association, 2006. Judge, Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Literary Work, Modern Language Association (2001-2004) Co-advisor, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Master's Thesis, Zilma Gesser


Nunes (1993). National Endowment for the Arts Accuracy Reader (1992). National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowships Foreign Language Reader (1990). Outside Evaluator for tenure and promotion cases at Boise State University, Lafayette University, SUNY Potsdam and University of Delaware.

Professional Organizations American Association of University Professors (AAUP) American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Modern Language Association (MLA)

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