Deacon Vicente Perez, Ret. ext 112 Deacon Ruben Solorio ext 100 Deacon Juan Aquino ext 100 Deacon Dung Tran ext 100

MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Iglesia la SantisimaTrinidad•Giáo Xứ Chúa Ba Ngôi Simbahan ng Santisima Trinidad • Tasi Tolu Pa’ia *A Jesuit Parish* At Most

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MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Iglesia la SantisimaTrinidad•Giáo Xứ Chúa Ba Ngôi Simbahan ng Santisima Trinidad • Tasi Tolu Pa’ia

*A Jesuit Parish* At Most Holy Trinity, it is our mission to discover and proclaim God’s love through Worship, Study, Prayer and Good Works. April 24, 2016 - Fifth Sunday of Easter Worship Schedule/Horario de Misas: Saturday Vigil Masses 4:15 pm - Vietnamese 6:00 pm - Spanish Sunday Masses 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 6:00 pm -English 11:00 am -Spanish, 12:30 pm -Filipino 3:45 pm, 7:30 pm -Vietnamese Daily Masses 8:00 am -English 5:30 pm -Vietnamese except Wednesday Novena and Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday - 5:30 pm Confessions/Confesiones Saturday at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm or by appointment Parish Office Hours /Horario de Oficina Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am to 7:00 pm Saturday -10:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday -10:30 am to 2:30 pm Monday - CLOSED

Clergy and Pastoral Staff Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, S.J. Pastor ext 114 Fr. George Wanser, S.J. ext 116 Fr. Duc Vu, S.J. ext 117 Br. Jim Sanders, S.J. ext 100 Deacon Vicente Perez, Ret. ext 112 Deacon Ruben Solorio ext 100 Deacon Juan Aquino ext 100 Deacon Dung Tran ext 100 Sylvia Hogan , Business Manager ext 307 Porty Nevarez, Faith Formation ext 126 Sr. Mary Margaret Phan, L.H.C. ext 115 Sr. Maria Goretti Nguyen, L.H.C. ext 110 Margie Segura, Front Office ext 100 Mario Lucas, Accountant ext 109 Mercedes Serrano,PAR Coordinator ext 108 Sal Rojas, Liturgical Director ext 119

In today’s Gospel we return to the Last Supper to hear Jesus’ new commandment to love one another. Good stewards, as the recipients of God’s unending love, take this commandment seriously. Though we are reminded of his love throughout the year, it is Jesus’ actions and words during the feast of Passover that show us the extent of his love and the way we too can live a life of stewardship: “… love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Can we accept this commandment from Jesus? Are we able to embrace this kind of discipleship? Can we humbly offer ourselves in loving service to one another? By ICSC.

2040 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-0101 • FAX: (408) 258-4131 School: 1940 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-3431 • FAX: (408) 272-4945 -

WORSHIP AND PRAYER MASS READINGS TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- Paul and Barnabas continue their travels, spreading the faith and unifying the churches (Acts 14:21-27). Psalm -- I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading -- John's vision of God dwelling with the human race (Revelation 21:1-5a). Gospel -- As Jesus has loved us, so we must love one another (John 13:31-33a, 34-35). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31;Ps 57:8-10,12;Jn 15:1217 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:1821 Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29

Mass Intentions for the Week MONDAY 8:00 AM TUESDAY 8:00 AM

April 25, 2016 Sacred Heart of Jesus– Thanksgiving April 26, 2016 Silvestre Isabelo Ragasa † Cornelia Idmilao † Guadalupe Carbonell † WEDNESDAY April 27, 2016 8:00 AM Rosalia Ebreo † 5:30 PM Mary Munoz † Natividad Munoz † Feliciano Munoz † THURSDAY April 28, 2016 8:00 AM Nelson Lequete - Health FRIDAY April 29, 2016 Cipriano Duyanen - Bday SATURDAY April 30, 2016

Today’s Scripture Reflection Quinto Domingo de Pascua "LES DOY UN MANDAMIENTO NUEVO" La semana pasada, el Buen Pastor dijo: "mis ovejas escuchan mi voz". Esta semana, escuchamos a Jesús claro y fuerte: "les doy un mandamiento nuevo: que se amen los unos a los otros". En caso que nos preguntemos "¿qué es lo nuevo en esto?" Y Jesús especifica exactamente lo que quiere decir. "Así como yo los he amado, así también deben amarse unos a los otros". ¿Jesús nos amó más que asimismo? Y Pablo nos explica, "Jesús se despojó de su grandeza, tomó la condición de esclavo, se humilló así mismo, haciéndose obediente hasta la muerte de cruz". Hace casi diecisiete siglos, san Cirilo de Alejandría predicó "¿Amar como Jesús nos amó? ¡Eso realmente es algo nuevo, porque nuestro amor va tan lejos! Nada puede anteponerse al amor que tenemos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas. No las posesiones, no nuestra reputación. ¡Ni siquiera nuestras propias vidas! Por la salvación de nuestros prójimos, debemos estar listos para morir, así como los primeros discípulos de Jesús. "HE AQUÍ, QUE YO HAGO TODO NUEVO" Dos de aquellos discípulos, Pablo y Bernabé describen sus tribulaciones como algo para lo que debemos estar listos: "es necesario pasar por muchas tribulaciones para entrar en el Reino de Dios". Pero ese sufrimiento palidece comparado con el triunfo que nunca esperaban: Dios "abrió las puertas de la fe a los paganos". Su proceder y celo nos reta a hacer su historia nuestra. Verdad, el Apocalipsis habla de "un cielo nuevo y una nueva tierra en donde "ya no habrá más muerte ni llanto, lamentos o fatigas" no es algo que podamos lograr. Pero, "he aquí, que yo hago todo nuevo" dice Jesús -en tiempo presente. Por que Jesús en efecto puede obrar en nosotros y por medio de nosotros empezando por vencer la malicia humana con la bondad del Evangelio. Así que Jesús nos llama, nos dice el Papa Francisco, a poner una sonrisa en nuestras caras cuando tratamos de llegar a las personas que viven una existencia marginada, llamando a cada uno de ellos por sus nombres, cuidando la fragilidad de los más vulnerables y apoyar los primeros pasos vacilantes con rodillas temblorosas, con la certeza de que aquello que hagamos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas más desamparadas, lo hacemos por el mismo Jesús.

Today’s Scripture Reflection April 24, 2016 — Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14: 21-27; Ps 145: 8-13; Rev 21: 1-5A; Jn 13: 31-33A, 34-35 We often speak of Christ calling us to discipleship. The readings on this Fifth Sunday of Easter address that discipleship and what it means to each of us. When the U.S. Bishops issued a pastoral letter on stewardship, they titled it“Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response.”Just as today’s readings affirm that idea of discipleship, each of us must strive to achieve it. The First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles recounts more about the evangelization and missions of Sts. Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas are excellent examples of what it means to be disciples of Christ. However, they want to do more than just be disciples; they want to make disciples as well. As they pass through the various cities they visited, today’s Scripture points out, “They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith.” Paul and Barnabas wanted to do much more than gain conversions to the faith; they had a passion to make disciples. That is a passion we should share. However, it begins with us becoming disciples ourselves, and then recognizing that part of being a disciple is recruiting and forming other disciples. The Second Reading from Revelations reveals a vision, an understanding, which came to St. John. In the final verse God declares that He makes all things new. This implies the completion of God’s plan for us, but again we must play a part by striving to be good disciples. In one of his letters, St. Paul asserts, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” To become “new” requires conversion. That conversion includes embracing Christ as our Savior, and our commitment to be His disciple as good stewards. Once God makes things new, they remain new. Note that God speaks in the present tense. The Lord does not say, “I have made things new,” or “I will make things new.” He states clearly that He is making things new, right now — today. The Gospel Reading from St. John answers any questions we may have about what is expected of us if we are to be disciples of Christ. Jesus says, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” In those terms discipleship is quite basic and simplistic: to truly be a disciple we must love one another. That is it. The Roman Emperor Tertullian, more than 100 years after the crucifixion of Christ, commented about the Christians whom he had witnessed, “See how they love one another.” In love we find satisfaction and comfort. Not just being loved, but by loving. That is what Christ asks of us in discipleship. Although it is not involved, we do understand what a challenge it can be. That is the challenge of being a disciple, of being a steward, of being a follower of Christ. Love one another! Filed Under: Homily Guides, Stewardship Reflections on Lectionary Readings

Parish News and Announcements Registrations for Sacraments Registrations English and Spanish for First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA for Adults and Children (only English Sessions) will be available beginning on May 15, 2016 in the Parish office until June 30, 2016. Please bring the form to the Parish Office, last day to accept forms will be July 31st, make an appointment with director to reserve your space in the program. (Please bring the students to the appointment). Las inscripciones en Ingles y Español para la Primera Comunión, Confirmación, RCIA para adultos y niños (Clase solo en Ingles) estarán disponibles a partir del 15 de mayo de 2016 en el despacho parroquial el 30 de junio 2016. Por favor traiga la forma a la Oficina Parroquial, el ultimo día que se aceptaran las formas será el día 31 de Julio, haga una cita con el director para reservar espacio en el programa. (Por favor traiga al estudiante a la cita).

Age Requirements Children’s at the age of 6 can begin their preparation for the Sacrament of First Communion. Children at the age of 7 years old can begin their preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation if they are not baptized (RCIA for Children sesión in English Only). Teens at the age of 13 years old or 8th grade can begin the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Adults over 18 can begin their preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.

Confirmation Please pray for our candidates for Confirmation, a total of 110 will receive the Sacrament on Friday April 29th at 7pm. Congratulations to all of them! Oren por nuestros candidatos de Confirmación, un total de 110 recibirán el Sacramento el día 29 de Abril a las 7pm. Felicidades a todos ellos!

First Communions Please pray for each student, a candidate for First Communion, they are excited to be able to receive Christ for the first time. We have two special weekends for all of them, May 7 and May 14, 2016, 10 am, 12 noon (Spanish) and 7:30pm with our Parish School. We extend our congratulations to every parent and candidate. Oren por cada estudiante, candidatos de Primera Comunión, están emocionados por ir a recibir a Cristo por primera vez. Tenemos dos fines de semana muy especiales para ellos, Mayo 7 y 14, 2016, 10am, 12 md en Español y 7:30pm con nuestra Escuela Parroquial. Extendemos nuestras felicitaciones a todos los padres y candidatos. Join the bible study group this week as we discuss part 1 of Conquest and Judges (Session 9). This Thursday April 28th, 7pm in the Old Hall.

All the prorgams are two year based with the exception of RCIA for adults.

Venga y únase al estudio de biblia para habl;ar de la parte 1 de Conquista y Jueces (sesión 9). Este Jueves 28 de Abril a las 7pm en el Salón Viejo.

Requisitos de edad

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

Los niños de a la edad de 6 años pueden comenzar su preparación para el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión. Los niños en la edad de 7 años de edad pueden comenzar su preparación para los sacramentos de iniciación si no están aun bautizados (RICA para los niños Clase solo en Ingles). Los adolescentes a la edad de 13 años de edad o en 8th grado pueden comenzar la preparación para el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Los adultos mayores de 18 años pueden comenzar su preparación para los sacramentos de iniciación en la Vigilia de Pascua. Todos los programas son de dos años con la excepción del RICA para adultos.

MARRIED COUPLES: Marriage Encounter is a positive, simple common sense, private experience between you and your spouse, that revitalizes marriage by helping you to see again those loving qualities in each other that you may be taking for granted. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 20-22, 2016 in Mountain View. For more information visit our website at: or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413.

Thank You to Advertisers We would like to thank the advertisers on our bulletin. With their support, we receive our bulletin at no cost from J. S. Paluch. Please patronize our advertisers and let them know you appreciate their support to the Parish Bulletin. That’s the best way to thank them for your bulletin. Should you have a business and would like to advertise, please call J. S. Paluch at 1-800-231-0805.

Parish News and Announcements Online Giving/Donaciones en línea

Parish Registration

Online Giving is an easy way for your Stewardship to continue, even while you are away. If you are interested in Online Giving, sign-up to use the secure online “Evergive” in three different ways:

Whether you are currently a parishioner or are interested in becoming one, we love having you at Most Holy Trinity Parish. Choosing your church can be as vital to your family as it is selecting the town in which you live. Registration is the first step toward active participation in a parish. You will find that Most Holy Trinity is a welcoming, serving and loving church family with many diverse personalities and talents. There are many parish ministries to involve yourself with. As a registered parishioner, you may sponsor individuals for sacraments, receive sacraments yourself, or participate in Faith Formation classes. In addition, you become a supporting member of the parish community. Registered parishioners will have available an end of the year tax contribution statement. Call the parish office for more information at 408-729-0101. Register today!

1. Download the free Evergive app with your iPhone or Android and register with community code: MHTSJ 2. Visit: and sign up from the church's website 3. Visit and register with community code: MHTSJ Evergive site provides you with the ability and the convenience to donate your weekly offertory gift online. You can easily adjust the amount of your contribution and avoid writing a check every week. We appreciate your generosity whether you contribute by check or cash, using the envelopes or electronically. Thank you. Donaciones en Línea es una manera fácil para que su administración continúe, aun cuando no esté presente. Si está interesado en Donaciones en Línea, puede registrarse para usar la aplicación segura en línea de “Siempre dar” en tres diferentes maneras: 1. Baje la aplicación gratis a su Iphone o Android y regístrese usando el código de la comunidad: MHTSJ 2. Visite: para entrar desde el sitio web de la Iglesia. 3. Visite y regístrese con el código de la comunidad: MHTSJ El sitio Siempre Dar es conveniente para hacer sus donaciones semanales de ofertorio en línea. Puede ajustar fácilmente el monto de su contribución y así evitar escribir cheques cada semana. Apreciamos su generosidad ya sea que contribuya con cheque, efectivo, usando sobres o electrónicamente. Gracias.

Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose -Here to Serve You Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Los Altos 650-428-3730 Calvary Cemetery, San Jose 408-258-2940 St. John the Cemetery, Milpitas Pre-Need Arrangements at time of death, contact: Teresa Huyen Nguyen at [email protected] or 408-296-


El Registro Parroquial Si usted es actualmente un feligrés o está interesado en convertirse en uno, nos encanta tenerlo en la Parroquia Santísima Trinidad. La elección de su iglesia puede ser tan vital para su familia, como lo es la selección de la ciudad en la que vives. El registro es el primer paso hacia la participación activa en una parroquia. Usted encontrará que la Iglesia de Santísima Trinidad es una familia amigable, sirviente, y amorosa con diversas personalidades y talentos. Hay muchos ministerios parroquiales para involucrarse a sí mismo. Como un feligrés registrado, puede patrocinar a personas para sacramentos, recibir los sacramentos usted mismo, o participar en las clases de Formación de Fe. Además, usted se convierte en un elemento de soporte de la comunidad parroquial. Feligreses registrados tendrán disponible al fin de ano una declaración de sus contribuciones del año fiscal. Llame a la oficina parroquial para más información al 408-729-0101. Regístrese hoy!

WEEKLY GIVING April 17, 2016 Offertory Collections $ 19,597 Offertory Budget 20,000 Second Collections– Church Aircon Project


The Priests and Deacons of this parish have contributed $ 127.00 the past week from their ministries to support the mission of MHT. Thank you for your generosity and continuing support.

Contacts If you have any questions regarding PARISH ASSESSMENT AND RENEWAL or any of the commissions, please feel free to contact the PAR Coordinator: Mercedes Serrano [email protected]

Health Ministry April 24, 2016 VARY YOUR PROTEIN ROUTINE 10 tips for choosing protein Protein foods include both animal (meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs) and plant (beans, peas, soy, nuts and seeds). We should eat 5 to 7 ounces of protein foods each day: 1. Eat a variety of Protein foods each week. 2. Eat seafood in place of meat or poultry twice a week. 3. Choose lean or low-fat cuts of meat such as ground beef that is at least 90% lean. Trim the fat, and remove poultry skin. 4. Make eggs part of your weekly choices. Only the egg yolk has saturated fat, so have as many egg whites as you want. 5. Try beans and peas, chickpeas and hummus, soy products, nuts and seeds. They are low in saturated fat and high in fiber. 6. Choose unsalted nuts or seeds. Eat small portions because they are high in calories. 7. Try grilling, broiling, roasting or baking your protein – Avoid breading meat or poultry which adds calories. 8. Avoid deli meats such as bologna or salami are high in fat and calories – eat them occasionally. 9. Eat smaller portions of meat – order a small burger or a petite steak . 10. Check the sodium if your protein is canned. Processed meats such as ham, sausage and hot dogs are high in sodium.

Stewardship of Others: Our Life as Servant Leaders by Leisa Anslinger, author and co-founder of Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community

10 consejos para elegir la proteína Los alimentos con proteínas incluyen tanto animales (carnes, aves, mariscos y huevos) y vegetal (frijoles, guisantes, soja, nueces y semillas). Debemos comer de 5 a 7 onzas de alimentos ricos en proteínas cada día 1. Coma una variedad de alimentos con proteínas cada semana. 2) coma mariscos en lugar de carne o pollo dos veces a la semana. 3) Elija cortes magros o bajos en grasa de la carne, como carne de res molida que es al menos el 90% magra. Recortar la grasa y eliminar la piel de pollo. 4) Haga los huevos parte de sus opciones semanales. Sólo la yema de huevo está saturada de grasa, coma más claras de huevo. 5) Use frijol y guisantes, garbanzos y puré de garbanzos, productos de soja, nueces y semillas. Son bajos en grasas saturadas y alta en fibra. 6) Elija nueces y semillas sin sal. Coma porciones más pequeñas, ya que son altos en calorías. 7) Trate de asar a la parrilla, asar, hornear o asar su proteína. Evite empanizar su carne ya que añade calorías. 8) Evitar mortadela o salami son altos en grasa y calorías - coma de vez en cuando.

9) Coma porciones más pequeñas de carne - pedir During this Easter season we again immerse ourselves in hamburguesa o un filete pequeño. the wonder of Jesus’ resurrection and the story of the early Church through our Sunday liturgies. Each year, I 10) Cuidado con el sodio -- Las carnes procesadas como look forward to hearing from the Acts of the Apostles jamón, salchichas y perros calientes son altos en sodio. during this season. I am inspired by the faith and courage of the apostles and those who came to believe in Jesus Christ as a result of their witness and stewardship of their community of faith. I am also encouraged when reading the story of the development of the early communities of believers – not only did they face immense challenges from the Roman and Jewish authorities, they were often challenged from within, as they figured out what it meant to be Christians in community with one another. In his book on the gift of administration, Reverend Donald Senior, biblical scholar and former president of Catholic Theological Union, writes of the ways leadership emerged in the early Church. He writes: The inspiration for all leadership in the New Testament is rooted in the example of Jesus. His qualities of compassion, integrity, and selfless service in the carrying out of his mission are reflected in the virtues lifted up in the examples of early community leaders such as Peter, Barnabas, Paul, and Priscilla and Aquila. The fundamental responsibility of New Testament leaders is to foster the common good of the community – and here, too, the example of Jesus is paramount. Jesus the healer and teacher was committed to the restoration and well-being of God’s people. So, too, the charismatic leadership of Paul and the more administrative type of leadership exercised by Peter, Barnabas, Phoebe, and Priscilla and Aquila and many others were directed to building up the Body of Christ.” Fr. Senior goes on to summarize this form of leadership, modeled by Jesus himself, as “servant leadership.”1 As we hear the story of the early Church this Easter season, let us reflect on our stewardship of others in our family of faith, our role as servant leaders: How do we continue the mission of Jesus with compassion, integrity and selfless service? How do we build up the Body of Christ as a community of disciples and stewards?

To Want What God Wants Living the Exercises in Every Day Life St. Ignatius of Loyola Spiritual Exercises Workshop Date: Saturday May 21, 2016 Time: 11:30 am – 2:00pm Where: Most Holy Trinity, 2040 Nassau Dr. San Jose

Fr. Bob Fambrini S.J., and Fr. Joe Kim, would give us the teaching of What God Wants base on St. Ignatius of Loyola and Pope Francis. Let’s go Deeper to meet God! Fr. Bob Fambrini, S. J. Pastor Most Holy Trinity Church

Fr. Joe Kim, Director Evangelization & Vocations Diocese of San Jose

For More Information Please contact Margarita Hua 408-623-0838 Kathy Myers 408-476-1514 Simple Lunch Provided Email: [email protected]

Day Break Cares assists seniors with the tasks of daily living that include light housekeeping, meal preparation, personal care, overnight assistance, transportation, respite care, medication reminders, conversation and companionship. Our mission is to help our clients stay dignified in their homes, to improve and promote independent living and provide peace of mind to family and friends that their loved one is well cared for. As you make plans for the future, whether for yourself or your loved one, we want to make sure you have all the support you need. For more information on Day Break Home Care, contact us at 408-325-5176.

Society of Saint Vincent De Paul - Most Holy Trinity Conference Are you in need of monetary or food assistance? We may be able to help you. We provide assistance with food, utilities, transportation and other expenses. Please call (408) 930-4241 and leave a message and phone number so we can help you. ¿Le necesitan ayuda alimentaria o monetaria? Podemos ser capaces de ayudarle. Proveemos la ayuda de la comida, utilidades, transporte y otros gastos. Por favor llame (408) 930-4241 y deje un mensaje y su número de teléfono para que podamos ayudarle.

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