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Story Transcript


ROLL NO: 18222359009

Presented By: Remya R K CNCE Thiruvallam

Scientists and their inventions i. ii. iii. iv.

Niels Bohr Albert Einstein Galileo Galilei Max Planck

1. Niels Bohr

Home Lived Education

Copenhagen, Denmark Oct. 7, 1885 - 1962 Doctorate in physics, University of Copenhagen, 1911

Bohr Modal The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom. A negatively charged electron, confined to an atomic orbital, orbits a small, positively charged

nucleus, a quantum jump between orbits is accompanied by an emitted or absorbed amount of electromagnetic radiation

2. Albert Einstein


Mar. 14, 1879 - 1955


Doctorate in physics, University of Zurich, 1905 Physics, Philosophy


Theory of Relativity The theory of special relativity was published by Einstein in 1905, in the paper on the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. It says that both distance measurements and time measurements change near the speed of light.

Things going in the same direction at the same speed are said to be in an inertial frame.

Light from both stars is measured as having the same speed.

3. Galileo Galilei


Feb. 15, 1564 - 1642


University of Pisa


Astronomy, Physics, Engineering, natural philosophy, mathematics

Galileo worked more at physics than at astronomy. He studied that is now called kinematic, including the discovery of the kinematic principle of relativity.

Part of series on Physical cosmology

4. Max Planck


April. 23, 1858 - 1947


University of Kiel



Black-body radiation In 1894, Planck turned his attention to the problem of black-body radiation. The problem has been stated by Krichhoff in 1859. How does the intensity of the electromagnetic radiontion. Plank’s first proposed solution to the problem in 1899 followed from what he called the “principle of elementary disorder”, which

allowed him to derive wien’s law from a number of assumptions about the entropy of an ideal oscillator, creating what was referred to as the Wien-Planck law.

E=hv Where h is Plank’s constant also known as Planck’s action quantum and v is the frequency of the elementary units of energy discussed here are represented by “hv” and not simply by v

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