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Welcome to Local Dose! Episode 114 Est. 2020

“Kwam i-gate iyatixwa ngecawe ongafuniyo asilinde ngaphandle side sibuye”

- Buhle INSIDE

We have a triple dose of Phendula Chomi Eh… A ‘Lets win smart this year’ article by yours truly. We have a new feature - AN APPRECIATION POST!



Editor’s Corner With Thandokazi Melissa Gono Fede, When considering the past year plus and the path forward, the word I keep shifting my mind back to is intentionality. The routines and calculated risks of the pandemic gave space to the more intentional, gave strength to conviction and encourage the existential nourishment gained from supporting the community. Knowing that time is fleeting, knowing that we can cease to exist so quickly, how am I putting care and thought into my actions? Am I only reposting stories online or am I donating to mutual aid funds, bringing food to pantries, participating in protests? Am I actually doing the work when I know I can? We must continue to ask ourselves these questions of intentionality. We have gone through a collective trauma, an amorphous mass pain, and the immediate reaction is to push it deep down until it seeps out of our toes and act as if it never existed at all. But that would be a disservice and dishonesty, threatening the negation of any lessons and the devaluation of any growth. Erasure of the last year and half isn’t the answer. Reflection and connection through art and community is. That’s why Local dose was created: to provide an open community for the people, and ourselves, to engage in. With so much necessary distance, New Year’s resolutions, and uncertainty since we spoke last, we hope this makes you feel human and unalone. And folks the corona virus is confirmed to be still amongst us, now it’s up to our individual discipline to ensure it is not spread like the other previous years. Kanene namhlanje yi pay day iphelile indlala kubantu. Have yourselves a lovely weekend!


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To many people being young and saved is still taboo. We caught up with Buhle who accepted the Lord as her personal saviour a few years back. We talked about her background, the salvation, and more. This is how the chat went… Buhle I know you one person who loves church -



ndonqena ukuthi ngentliziyo yakho yonke. I know



you believe in the name. So we bringing you on

personal sav-

these pages because we live amongst people who

iour on March

view other young people who have chosen to love

2017 my last year in Varsity at Shalom Temple Ministry

Jesus and commit to church as abaxhaka for lack

in Queenstown and from then I never looked back.

of a better word. The majority of young people be-

At school we used to mock each other ngalento

lieve you can't be cool usindisiwe and I am damn

yokusindiswa because, ngoku sendimngaka I can

sure you have come across such - even without

see, we were short-sighted. We believed in what we

comment, a mere look ethetha iindaba. Masike

were believing in. I bet you have been through

sincokole and, who knows, this ncoko might just

such where you were labelled and judged. How did

be the light a lot of us out there needs... Firstly,

you handle it then, and how are you handling it

who is Buhle and when was your first encounter


with God?

By God’s Grace I have never experienced that much of

(Taking a deep breath) Where do I start Bhuti? Well

labelling and Judgment, at the beginning it was hard

Buhle is a young Born again lady in her mid 20’s born

especially because I used to do mostly of the things

in a small village of Kwa-Bhala in Flagstaff, a second

young people do, But ever since I got saved I became

born in a family of 3 beautiful girls, and I was raised by

wise( Prov9:10) my vision for the future was more

my loving grandmother-“MBI” as we used to call her,

cleared and more optimistic Now I actually feel pity of

May her Beautiful soul continue to rest in peace. I hold

those who are judging saved people because they

a qualification in Local Government Finance and a

don’t know the Love, Peace and Joy of salvation as a

Post Graduate Certificate in Education, the academic

Young Person, Giving God your best year is the great-

excellence was influenced by my parents especially my

est feeling I tell you.

father who is still studying At his old age and I am a full

Now let's talk about church. There are many unbe-

time member of Eternal Life Gospel Outreach, a church

lievers out there. What is in the church? What does

that is based in Flagstaff and Durban under the leader-

it bring to your being as a person?

ship of Pastor G And Mr S Manyathela My First en-

I would say a Church is a place of Enlightenment,

counter with my Lord and Saviour? I’ve always been a

Healing &Empowerment through the word of God and

church girl from Sunday school my Gran used to force

the family of believers that you find at church, there is

everyone on Sunday’s to go to church “Kwam i-gate

an everlasting love, I get to grow at church, it’s my hap-

iyatixwa ngecawe ongafuniyo asilinde ngaphandle side

piest place , a place of worship, fellowship and the

sibuye” (laughs). As the Bible instruct us that one

Word of God. It changes you completely, it goes be-

ought to Believe and confess (Romans 10:9-10) I

yond your spiritual life and you find family. It has taught



me the principles and benefits of the Kingdoms of God.

the joy, love and peace that is found in this Kingdom...

We have seen many churches doing 'wrong'

The Holy Spirit being our helper, sending angels to

things to our eyes i.e. congregants made to eat

look over us daily. Basically being born again guaran-

grass, snakes, jik. These might not be wrong to

tee you to eternal life. I mean who wouldn’t want to be

them but to our eyes it is definitely not a good

treated like a Princess? Having a helper, someone who

sight. How do we regulate churches to make sure

has good plans for you? Beloved cross over to this

that some of the things do not take place?

light and let God lead you.

Churches must be hold to a higher standard, is it registered? Is the Pastor legit? And also we must have a spirit of descendant because the Holy Spirit always

______________________END__________________ ___

speak and lastly Churches should have affiliations and be associated with other reputable churches within the body of Christ. More socially, in life who would you say is your role model - the way you lead your life and such. Granny aside. When it comes to role models mine changes seasonally and currently someone that inspires me is Mpoomy Ledwaba. How she conducts herself and her family, the way she lives according to God’s principles. For me it’s how she practise Faith in all that she does and her life is just a testimony of how faithful and amazing our God is. And, lastly, what do you say to those who are still in the darkness, still doing what you say you used to do? Firstly God genuinely desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). My honest wish, therefore, is that everyone would see

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Chomi Phendula Haibo! Oth’awe Amathamsanqa Nqunqa What was your favorite age growing up? Why? It has to be 18 years. Life was much easier and enjoyable with so little to worry about. What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made? What’s the worst career decision you’ve ever made? Best career decision I have ever made was to furthering my studies, even though it hasn't done much for me but I'm glad I furthered my studies. I don't have worst career decision so far. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want? This is kinda difficult but I'd go with "Sight". Do you live by any piece of advice or motto? What is it? Yes I do. "Warriors don't have mourning period". What’s your “dance like nobody’s watching” song? Mr Thela and Mshayi - Flight mode. This song makes me forget that I have morals. What causes are you passionate about? It has to be Education, I believe that people must be educated. Whether formal or domestic Education. Knowledge is power, remember. Have you ever lost a friend? If so, what happened? I don't think I lost friends. We grew apart. But if you referring to death, yeah I lost someone through Car accident last year 2022. He was not a friend but someone whom I knew from University. We were kinda close, may his soul continue to rest in peace. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better? A Job. Yhoo bra, I need iSpani. A funny memory you have of your child? I'm not anyone's Baby Daddy so I don't have any funny moments of my child. The closest smartest person (ukleva) you know? It has to be Siphelele Lubuzo and myself (laughs). - END -


Phendula Chomi Haibo (Festive Special) Eyethu Mkumla aka Juicy What set the last festive season apart from others? It can be a good/ bad thing. What set apart the last festive season for me was that I got out of the house more than I usually do in my hometown and actually enjoyed it. The best and the worst day kuwe ku December and what happened? The best December has to be 2017. I was expecting and I spent it having fun with my then Best friend. I don't think I have had a bad December, it’s always been jolly. If had powers what would you change about the December holidays? I would change people's mind-sets about drinking and driving. People tend to think “I’m used to driving while drunk and I can handle this" and it sometimes ends up and lives lost. I know kuthiwa masingakufoti sikufake emqaleni kuphela... Fine. But what is your ideal Christmas dish? I'm a very simple girl so it has to be Mushroom wrapped in bacon for starters. Lamb Shank with either mashed or baked potatoes as the main dish. And for Desert Ice cream with crushed Oreos always hits the spot. To you what was your ultimate 2022 song... Or the song of the year? Yebba's Heartbreak by Drake..... In your ideal holiday period who are in your circle apho uye ubone ukuba ay ndiphelele now andishoti nga nix? Definitely my family. My siblings, cousins, parents and friends. Uthi wena masimlungiselele kanjani uJanuary ukuze singabikwigenge yekhaphetshu? I think in December we are bound to spend more than we normally do. So I think saving throughout the year for the extra things you normally do in December so that January comes you are still financially afloat. Which place would you say has the best service apha kwithi - it can be a restaurant, food outlet or a pub/ liquor outlet. It has to be Barceló’s. The staff there is always friendly and helpful. Lastly a shout out to your people... Shout out to Ngcali Faku, Nasiphi Mkumla, Asi Mkumla and Liso Mkumla...they make my life better. - END -


Chomi Phendula Haibo! Asiphe Somzana (Asi, Pheeh, Som-Som, Aselele) What was your favorite age growing up? Why? Adolescent stage/age, I was so innocent, full of love and life, nothing mattered because I had my whole family, holidays were my happiest and the only pain I used to feel was of bruising my knees and elbows while playing. What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made? What’s the worst career decision you’ve ever made? Best career decision was to be an educator. I love that field, working with children has always been something I loved and its just unfortunate that I am still very much unemployed. 2023 is my 5th year ndihleli ekhaya - I do get piece jobs here and there but school is where my heart is. Worst, I wouldn't say I have made one yet because I haven't fully given up hope. I still believe my career path will open doors for me one day. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want? Sight, yhuu I love seeing God's creativity everyday, in a form of nature, people, their talents nje the works. Ndingafa ba ndingavuka ndiyimfama. Do you live by any piece of advice or motto? What is it? Reciprocity… Life is hard for everyone, we are all fighting demons, we no longer jump oceans for people who wouldn't even cross paddles for us. Give what you getting. What’s your “dance like nobody’s watching” song? Just play me anything by Makhadzi, I never understood any of her lyrics, never even bothered to google her lyrics, I just sing whatever that I'm hearing and dance like a crazy old hag. What causes are you passionate about? Education… I'm not just talking about pedagogy wise, but passing information nje in general. I strongly feel we are a generation that lacks knowledge and wisdom yet we think we know it all. I realize everyday that we still need to be educated in a lot of things starting from UBUNTU. I recently took interest in reading books online and I'm still in awe at how much I didn't know and how I've learnt so far about this journey called life. Have you ever lost a friend? If so, what happened? I wouldn't say I have, because firstly I'm not into friends, I do most of the things by myself. So I keep a very small circle of individuals in my space because I don't take kindly to losing people, so all those who are close to my heart are still in my circle, all those other friends I lost in the way weren't my besti bombers, we were either friends because of something we had in common at that time, and as time went we outgrew each other and moved. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better? Getting a permanent job would make my life way better. A funny memory you have of your child? (Laughs) he told me that he is bored yena ufuna a little brother or sister, and futhi all his friends have younger siblings except for him....He took me by a surprise. The closest smartest person (ukleva) you know? My cousin sister (Sipokazi Somzana), She is a role model, she has achieved so much and you would swear she has it all figured out ebomini because she works silently and only her success makes noise. Soon we will be officially calling her Dr Somzana.




By: Thandokazi Melissa Gono ith deep love, comes the potential for

With the knowing that nothing stays the same forever,

immense grief. We cannot have one

that death is inevitable, that loss is possible, we can

without the other. Each season of our

either live in a state of constant anxiety or meticulous

lives comes with an ending and a

presence and gratitude for what is here and now. The

beginning. So often the pain and discomfort we feel in

medicine of each moment becomes a living breathing

a new season is prolonged because we don’t let our-

prayer of gratitude. May we all open ourselves wide to

selves grieve, and we resist the change that’s upon us.

the vast wells of love and success that live inside of us.

This life is meant to change and transform us. Nothing

May we all allow ourselves to swim in the great mys-

ever stays the same, and yet, we resist this internally

tery and live life fully. May none of us get out of this life

and miss out on the beauty of what’s in front of us now.

without a broken heart, for it is when our hearts have

Growing older and stepping into new experiences like

been broken open that we can say we have truly lived.

getting married, having a child, stepping out of a mar-

People are afraid to take action and create a better fu-

riage or changing careers all require letting go and

ture for themselves because they’re too worried about

acceptance. The medicine of change can only work in

what others will think of them. Instead of learning how

us if we let it. If we expect to step into new experiences

to REALLY make a difference in their lives, they work

without our lives being impacted at all, we’re in for an

hard – as everybody does. The thing is… If hard work

uncomfortable ride. Our culture tells us that we should

alone had helped to create success and wealth, every-

stay youthful forever, prioritizes freedom above com-

one hardworking the 9-5 would have been a millionaire

mitment and pedestals individuality over family and

by now.

community care. Healing happens when we surrender to the life unfolding in front of us and embrace change. When we can slow down and be present for whatever needs our attention rather than thinking we need to do it all, that’s when the magic begins.

There’s a specific reason why out of 60.6 million people in SA, there are only about 5 billionaires… The key to success isn’t working hard. The key to success is to be able to work smart. Now you’re probably asking: How can I learn to work smart? That’s why today, I

There's a reason many of us inherited closed and

highly recommend you to follow some of the best men-

guarded hearts from our ancestors. Because the deep-

tors online, do research not only books or the internet

er we love, the more potential for immense grief to

but get with people who are what you want. The key to

wash over us. The more we have, the more we have to

learning how to work smart and create your best future

lose. The more open our hearts are, the more they can

is by learning from the people who have already done it

be broken. And the truth is, we cannot make it out of

& teach you how you can do it too.

this life without having lost anything at all. But we can go through life only half awake and half alive. Guarded and unwilling to open, remaining closed to protect ourselves from being hurt. But life's greatest joy is found through connection - friendship, family, community, parenthood, purpose... all of these relational choices are what make life meaningful. On the other side of love and success is grief, we cannot have one without the other. With this knowledge, we can either become avoidant and closed, or open and surrendered. We can let this wisdom anchor us in the present moment.

Life begins to sprout again and we may feel motivated to set intentions, clean our houses and start fresh. So if you don’t feel particularly motivated just yet, that’s ok! Based on the cycles of the earth and your unique design, March may feel like a more vital time for you. Trust your body, listen to nature, and follow the natural rhythms of the earth. Honor the energies that feel most alive for you at this time. There’s no rush. Let’s win smart this year. ***************************************************************


—— UPHUHLISO NEENKONZO —— USodolphu waseWinnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality, uNkskz. T.D. Mafumbatha, kuleveki ubesenza lento kuthiwa kukuqhuzisa uthuli esisa iinkonzo ebantwini. Ubesazisa, ekwanikezela, ngeenkampani ezizokwenza iindlela eSidanga, eLuphilisweni, ukanti eMsarhweni uye wazisa ezofakela umbani emizini. Sikhutshwe: WMMLM Facebook Page












Busiswa Nontuma

Buyanda Qumba Qwalela

Kuhle Mbiko

10 January

11 January

12 January

Philasande Mtshengu

Thabisa Ntlangano

Wandile Mhlongo

13 January

14 January

14 January





********************************** A NEW YEAR. A NEW MONTH. __________________ Happy 2023 To All The Dosers Out There. We Love You.

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