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CUMULATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS FROM THE MEXICAN MIGRATION PROJECT OR BASED ON MMP DATA 7/1/2007 BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS By Principal Investigators: Durand, Jorge, ed.. 1991. Les Llueve Sobre el Mojado. Guadalajara: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente y Academia Jalisciense de Derechos Humanos. Durand, Jorge. 1994. Más Allá de la Línea: Patrones Migratorios entre México y Estados Unidos. México, DF: Consejo Nacional de la Cultura. Durand, Jorge. 1996. El Norte es Como el Mar: Entrevistas a Trabajadores Migrantes en Estados Unidos. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara Durand, Jorge. 1996. Migrations Mexicaines aux Etats-Unis. Paris: CNRS Editions. Durand, Jorge . 1998. Política, Modelo y Patrón Migratorios: El Trabajo y los Trabajadores Mexicanos en Estados Unidos. San Luis Potosí: El Colegio de San Luis. Durand, Jorge, ed.. 2002. Rostros y Rastros: Entrevistas a Trabajadores Migrantes en Estados Unidos San Luis Potosí: El Colegio de San Luis. Durand, Jorge. 2006. Programa de Trabajadores Temporales: Evaluación y Análisis del Caso Mexicano. México D.F. Consejo Nacional de Población. Durand, Jorge, and Patricia Arias. 2000. La Experiencia Migrante: Iconografía de la Migración México-Estados Unidos. Guadalajara: Altexto.. Durand, Jorge, and Patricia Arias. 2005. La Vida en el Norte. Historia e Iconografía de la Migración México-Estados Unidos. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara y El Colegio de San Luis. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 1990. Doy Gracias: Iconografía de la Emigración México-Estados Unidos. Guadalajara: Programa de Estudios Jaliscienses, Secretraría de Educación y Cultura, Universidad de Guadalajara. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 1995. Miracles on the Border: Retablos of Mexican Migrants to the United States. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2001. Milagros en la Frontera: Retablos de Migrantes Mexicanos a Estados Unidos. Spanish edition of Miracles on the Border. México: El Colegio de San Luis y Centro de Investicaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2003. Clandestinos: Migración México-Estados Unidos en los Albores del Siglo XXI. México, D.F.: Editorial Porrua. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey, eds.. 2004. Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Durand, Jorge, and Primitivo Rodríguez, eds. 2000. La Familia Transnacional: Migración México-Estados Unidos. México, DF: Red de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural. Massey, Douglas S., ed. 2007. New Faces in New Places: The New Geography of American Immigration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, forthcoming. Massey, Douglas S., Jorge Durand, and Nolan J. Malone. 2002. Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Mexican Immigration in an Age of Economic Integration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Massey, Douglas S., Rafael Alarcón, Jorge Durand, and Humberto González. 1987. Return to Aztlan: The Social Process of International Migration from Western Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press. Massey, Douglas S., Rafael Alarcón, Jorge Durand, and Humberto González. 1991. Los Ausentes. Spanish edition of Return to Aztlan. México, Alianza Editoria. By Others: Anderson, Joan, and Gerber, James. 2007. Fifty Years of Change on the U.S.-Mexico Border: Growth, Development, and Quality of Life. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. Espinosa, Víctor M. 1998. El Dilema del Retorno: Migración, Género y Pertenencia en un Contexto Transnacional. Zamora: Editorial El Colegio de Michoacán. Fomby, Paula. 2005. Mexican Migrants and their Parental Households in Mexico. New York: LFB Scholarly Publishers. Garrison, Philip. 2006. Because I Don’t Have Wings. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Marcial, César. 2004. La Migración en Oaxaca. México, DF: Consejo Nacional de Población y Fondode Población de Naciones Unidas. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 2003. OECD Economic Survey of Mexico. Paris: OECD. Shorris, Earl. 2004. The Life and Times of Mexico. New York: Norton.


United Nations Development Program. 2007. Human Development Report Mexico 2006-2007. Mexico, DF: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Zahniser, Steven S. 1999. Mexican Migration to the United States: The Role of Migration Networks and Human Capital Accumulation. New York: Garland. JOURNAL ARTICLES By Principal Investigators: Aguilera, Michael B., and Douglas S. Massey. 2004. “Social Capital and the Wages of Mexican Migrants: New Hypotheses and Tests.” Social Forces 82:671-702. Arias, Patricia, and Jorge Durand. 1985. “El Impacto Regional de la Crisis.” Relaciones 6(22):43-64. Arias, Patricia, and Jorge Durand. 1988. “Santa María de las Esferas.” Sociedad y Estado 1:516. Arias, Patricia, and Jorge Durand. 1997. “El Ahorro Migrante.” Ciudades 9(35):12-26. Arias, Patricia, and Jorge Durand. 1997. “Las Remesas: ¿Continuidad o Cambio?” Ciudades 9(35): 3-11. Cerrutti, Marcela, and Douglas S. Massey. 2001. “On the Auspices of Female Migration Between Mexico and the United States.” Demography 38:187-200. Donato, Katharine M., Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey. 1992. "Stemming the Tide? Assessing the Deterrent Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act." Demography 29: 139-57. Donato, Katharine M., Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey. 1993. “Changing Conditions in the U.S. Labor Market: Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.” Population Research and Policy Review 11:93-115. Donato, Katharine M., and Douglas S. Massey. 1993. “Effect of the Immigration Reform and Control Act on the Wages of Mexican Migrants.” Social Science Quarterly 74:523-41. Durand, Jorge. 1986. “Circuitos Migratorios en el Occidente de México.” Revue Europeéne des Migrations Internacionales 2:49-67. Durand, Jorge. 1988. “Los Migradólares: Cien Años de Inversión en el Medio Rural.” Argumentos 5: 7-21. Durand, Jorge. 1989. “Guanajuato: Cantera de Migrantes.” Encuentro.4(16):.49-62.


Durand, Jorge. 1989. “Las Pioneras del Género.” Estudios Sociológicos 12(21):.547-562 Durand, Jorge. 1989. “Migración México-Estados Unidos: Una Bibliografía.” L’Ordinaire Mexique Amérique Centrale 122: 66-69. Durand, Jorge. 1989. “Los Hijos de Rodino.” L’Ordinaire Mexique Amérique Centrale 122: 57-60. Durand, Jorge. 1997. "Les Nouveaux Scénarios de l'immigration Mexicaine aux Etats-Unis.” Revue Tiers Monde 38: 359-69. Durand, Jorge. 1999. “Enganchadores, Braceros y Contratistas: Sistemas de Reclutamiento de Mano de Obra Mexicana en Estados Unidos.” Revista de Ciencias Sociales 7:126-52 Durand, Jorge. 2000. “Un Punto de Partida: Los Trabajos de Paul S. Taylor Sobre la Migración Mexicana a Estados Unidos.” Frontera Norte 12:51-64. Durand, Jorge. 2000. “Tres Premisas para Entender y Explicar la Migración México-Estados Unidos.” Relaciones 21(83):17-35. Durand, Jorge. 2000. “Milenarismo Recurrente: El fin del Mundo Siempre es Noticia.” Estudios del Hombre 11:201-9. Durand, Jorge. 2002. “Sistema Geográfico de Distribución de la Población Migrante Mexicana en Estados Unidos.” Espiral 3(23):141-156. Durand, Jorge. 2004. “Ensayo Teórico Sobre la Migración de Retorno: El Principio del Rendimiento Decreciente.” Cuadernos Geográficos 35: 103-116. Durand, Jorge. 2004. “El Talibá Americá i la Verge de San Juan de los Lagos: Devoció Mariana en un Context Protestant.” Revista d’Entologia de Catalunya 24: 56-63. Durand, Jorge, William Kandel, Emilio Parrado, and Douglas Massey. 1996. “International Migration and Development in Mexican Communities.” Demography 33:249-64. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 1992 “Mexican Migration to the United States: A Critical Review.” Latin American Research Review 27:3-42. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 1997. “The Retablo Art of Mexican Migrants to the United States.” The Latino Review of Books, pp. 22-24 Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2000. “Migrantes Agradecidos.” Artes de México 53: 74-79.


Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2001. “El Norte: Vida y Milagro de la Migración Hispana—Purgatorio or Sweet Home Chicago.” Cultura Hispana 12(33):5-7. Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2001. September 24, 2001, pp. 28-31.

“Borderline Sanity.” American Prospect,

Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2003. “The Cost of Contradiction: US Border Policy 1986-2000.” Latino Studies 1: 233-52. Durand, Jorge, Douglas S. Massey, and Fernando Charvet. 1999. “The Changing Geography of Mexican Immigration to the United States: 1910-1996" Social Science Quarterly 81:1-15. Durand, Jorge, Douglas S. Massey, and Emilio Parrado. 1999. “The New Era of Mexican Migration to the United States.” Journal of American History 86:518-36. Durand, Jorge, Douglas S. Massey, and René Zenteno. 2001. “Mexican Immigration to the United States: Continuities and Changes.” Latin American Research Review 36:107-27. Durand, Jorge, Emilio Parrado, and Douglas S. Massey. 1996. “Migradollars and Development: A Reconsideration of the Mexican Case.” International Migration Review 30:423-44 Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey. 2001. “Borderline Sanity.” American Prospect, September 15, 2001. Durand, Jorge, and Michael M. Smith. 2001. “El Comopolita de Kansas City (1914-1918): Un Periódico para Mexicanos.” Frontera Norte 13(26):7-30. Espinosa, Kristin E., and Douglas S. Massey. 1997. "Determinants of English Proficiency Among Mexican Migrants to the United States." International Migration Review 31:28-50. Espinosa, Kristin, and Douglas S. Massey. 1998. "Undocumented Migration and the Quantity and Quality of Social Capital." Soziale Welt 12:141-62. Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia, and Douglas S. Massey. 2007. “Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 610:98-119. Fussell, Elizabeth, and Douglas S. Massey. 2004. “The Limits to Cumulative Causation: International Migration from Mexican Urban Areas.” Demography 41:151-71 .Kandel, William, and Douglas S. Massey. 2002. “The Culture of Mexican Migration: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.” Social Forces 80:981-1004.


Lindstrom, David P., and Douglas S. Massey. 1994. "Selective Emigration, Cohort Quality, and Models of Immigrant Assimilation." Social Science Research 23:315-349. Massey, Douglas S. 1986. "The Settlement Process Among Mexican Migrants to the United States." American Sociological Review 51:670-85. Massey, Douglas S. 1986. "The Social Organization of Mexican Migration to the United States." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 487:102-13. Massey, Douglas S. 1987. "The Ethnosurvey in Theory and Practice." International Migration Review 21:1498-1522. Massey, Douglas S. 1987. "Do Undocumented Migrants Earn Lower Wages than Legal Immigrants? New Evidence from Mexico." International Migration Review 21:236-74. Massey, Douglas S. 1987. "Understanding Mexican Migration to the United States." American Journal of Sociology 92:1372-1403. Massey, Douglas S. 1988. "International Migration and Economic Development in Comparative Perspective." Population and Development Review 14:383-414. Massey, Douglas S. 1990. "Social Structure, Household Strategies, and the Cumulative Causation of Migration." Population Index 56:3-26. Massey, Douglas S. 1993. “The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and its Aftermath.” Mexico Policy News 9:45-46. Massey, Douglas S. 1995. “The New Immigration and the Meaning of Ethnicity in the United States.” Population and Development Review 21:631-52 Massey, Douglas S. 1998. “March of Folly: U.S. Immigration Policy Under NAFTA.” The American Prospect, 37:22-33. Massey, Douglas 1999. “International Migration at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: The Role of the State.” Population and Development Review 25:303-23. Massey, Douglas S. 2000. “To Study Migration Today, Look to a Parallel Era.” Chronicle of Higher Education Review, August 18, pp. B4-B5. Massey, Douglas S. 2001. “Etats-Unis: La Peur du Mexicain.” Le Monde des Debats, Numéro 21, Janvier. Massey, Douglas S. 2003. “Closed-Door Policy: Mexico Vividly Illustrates How U.S. Treatment of Immigrant Workers Backfires.” American Prospect 14(7):26-29.


Massey, Douglas S. 2003. “Mondialisation et Migrations: L’Exemple des Etat-Unis.” Futuribles 284:1-9. Massey, Douglas S. 2003. “Una Política de Inmigración Disfuncional.” Letras Libres 53:16-21. Massey, Douglas S. 2003. “Closed-Door Policy: Mexico Vividly Illustrates How U.S. Treatment of Immigrant Workers Backfires.” American Prospect 14(7):26-29. Massey, Douglas S. 2006. “Borderline Madness.” Chronicle of Higher Education Review, June 30, B11. Massey, Douglas S. 2006. “Seeing Mexican Immigration Clearly.” Cato Unbound, Online Magazine of the Cato Institute, http://www.cato-unbound.org/ Massey, Douglas S. 2007. “Understanding America’s Immigration Crisis.” American Philosophical Society Proceedings, forthcoming. Massey, Douglas S. 2007. “International Migration in a Globalizing Economy.” Great Decisions 2007: Journal of the Foreign Policy Association, pp. 41-52 Massey, Douglas S., and Katherine Bartley. 2005. “The Changing Legal Status Distribution of Immigrants: A Caution.” International Migration Review 34:469-84. Massey, Douglas S., and Lawrence Basem. 1992. Determinants of Savings, Remittances, and Spending Patterns among Mexican Migrants to the United States. Sociological Inquiry 62:186207. Massey, Douglas S., and Chiara Capoferro. 2004. “Measuring Undocumented Migration.” International Migration Review 38:1075-1102. Massey, Douglas S., and Kristin Espinosa. 1997. "What's Driving Mexico-U.S. Migration? A Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Analysis." American Journal of Sociology 102:939-999. Massey, Douglas S., Jorge Durand, and Fernando Riosmena. 2006. “Capital Social, Política Social y Migración Desde Comunidades Tracionales y Nuevas Comunidades de Orgien en México.” Revista Española de Estudios Sociológicos 116:97-122. Massey, Douglas S., Mary J. Fischer, and Chiara Capoferro. 2006. “Gender and Migration in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis.” International Migration 44:1-29. Massey, Douglas S., and Felipe García España. 1987. "The Social Process of International Migration." Science 237:733-8.


Massey, Douglas S., Luin Goldring, and Jorge Durand. 1994. "Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of 19 Mexican Communities." American Journal of Sociology 99:14921533. Massey, Douglas S., Frank Kalter, and Karen A. Pren. 2008. “Structural Economic Change and International Migration from Mexico and Poland” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, forthcoming. Massey, Douglas S and Zai Liang. 1989. "The Long-Term Consequences of a Temporary Worker Program: The U.S. Bracero Experience." Population Research and Policy Review 8:199-226. Massey, Douglas S., and Emilio A. Parrado. 1994. “Migradollars: Remittances and Savings of Mexican Migrants to the United States.” Population Research and Policy Review 13:3-30. Massey, Douglas S., and Emilio A. Parrado. 1997. "International Migration and Business Formation in Mexico." Social Science Quarterly 79:1-20. Massey, Douglas S., and Emilio A. Parrado. 1997. “Migración y Pequeña Empresa .” Ciudades 35:34-40. Massey, Douglas S., and Julie Phillips. 1999. “Engines of Immigration: Stocks of Human and Social Capital in Mexico.” Social Science Quarterly 81:33-48. Massey, Douglas S., and Mariano Sana. 2004. “Patterns of U.S. Migration from Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America.” Migraciones Internacionales 2(2):1-39. Massey, Douglas S., and Magaly Sanchez. 2007. “Latino and American Identities as Perceived by Immigrants.” Qualitative Sociology 30:81-108. Massey, Douglas S., and Audrey Singer. 1995. “New Estimates of Undocumented Mexican Migration and the Probability of Apprehension.” Demography 32:203-13. Massey, Douglas S., and René Zenteno. 1999. “The Dynamics of Mass Migration.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96(8):5328-335. Massey, Douglas S., and René Zenteno. 2000. “A Validation of the Ethnosurvey: The Case of Mexico-U.S. Migration.” International Migration Review 34:765-92. Palloni, Alberto, Douglas S. Massey, Miguel Ceballos, Kristin Espinosa, and Mike Spittel. 2001. “Social Capital and International Migration: A Test Using Information on Family Networks.” American Journal of Sociology 106:1262-99.


Phillips, Julie, and Douglas S. Massey. 1999. “The New Labor Market: Immigrants and Wages after IRCA.” Demography 36:233-46. Sana, Mariano, and Douglas S. Massey. 2000. “Seeking Social Security: An Alternative Motivation for Mexico-U.S. Migration.” International Migration 38: 3-24. Sana, Mariano, and Douglas S. Massey. 2005. “Household Composition, Family Migration, and Community Context. Migrant Remittances in Four Countries.” Social Science Quarterly 86:509–28. Sana, Mariano, and Douglas S. Massey. 2007. "Family and Migration in Comparative Perspective: Reply to King." Social Science Quarterly 88(3):908-911 Singer, Audrey, and Douglas S. Massey. 1998. "The Social Process of Undocumented Border Crossing." International Migration Review 32:561-92. Taylor, J. Edward, Joaquin Arango, Graeme Hugo, Ali Kouaouci, Douglas S. Massey, and Adela Pellegrino. 1996a. "International Migration and National Development." Population Index 62181-212. Zenteno, René, and Douglas S. Massey. 1999. “Especifidad versus Representatividad: Enfoques Metodológicos para el Estudio de la Migración Internacional.” Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos 40:75-116. By Others: Aguilera, Michael B. 2002. "The Impact of Social Capital on Labor Force Participation: Evidence from the 2000 Social Capital Benchmark Survey." Social Science Quarterly 83: 853874. Aguilera, Michael B. 2003. "The Impact of the Worker: How Social Capital and Human Capital Influence the Job Tenure of Formerly Undocumented Mexican Immigrants." Sociological Inquiry 73:52-83. Aguilera, Michael B. 2004. "The Effect of Legalization on the Labor Markets of Latin American Immigrants: A Gendered Comparison." Sociological Focus 37: 351-71. Aguilera, Michael B. 2004. "Deciding Where to Retire: Retirement Location Choices of Formerly Undocumented Mexican Migrants." Social Science Quarterly 85:340-60. Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, and Susan Pozo. 2006. "Do Remittances Decay with Emigrants' Foreign Residencies? Evidence from Mexican Migrants." Well-being and Social Policy Journal/Bienestar y Política Social 2(2):


Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, Cynthia Bansak, and Susan Pozo. 2005. "On the Remitting Patterns of Immigrants: Evidence from Mexican Survey Data." Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 90(1):. 37-58. Bean, Frank D.. Rodolfo Corona, Rodolfo Tuiran, Karen A. Woodrow-Lafield, and Jennifer Van Hook. 2001. “Circular, Invisible, and Ambiguous Migrants: Components of Difference in Estimates of the Number of Unauthorized Mexican Migrants in the United States.” Demography 38:411-22. Brownell, Peter B. 2001. "Mexican Migration and the Reproduction of Mexican Migrant Labor." Social Justice 28(2):32-49. Canales, Alejandro I. 2003. “Mexican Labour Migration to the United States in the Age of Globalization.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 29:741 -61 Chiquiar, Daniel, and Gordon Hanson. 2005. "International Migration, Self-Selection, and the Distribution of Wages: Evidence from Mexico and the United States." Journal of Political Economy 113: 239-281. Curran, Sara R., and Estela Rivero-Fuentes. 2003. “Engendering Migrant Networks: The Case of Mexican Migration.” Demography 40: 289-307. Deléchat, Corinne. 2001. “International Migration Dynamics: The Role of Experience and Social Networks.” Labour15:457-66. Dick, Hilary P. 2006. W”hat Do You Do With ‘I Don’t Know’: Processes of Elicitation in Ethnographic vs. Survey Interviews.” Qualitative Sociology 29:87-102. Dick, Hilary P. 2006. “Haciendo de Tripas el Corazón/Plucking Up Courage: Migration, Family Internal Conflict, and Gender in Veronica's Story.” Migration Letters 3: 67-75 Donato, Katharine M. 1993. “Current Trends and Patterns of Female Migration: Evidence from Mexico.” International Migration Review 27:748-771 Donato, Katharine M. 1994. "U.S. Policy and Mexican Migration to the United States 194292." Social Science Quarterly 75: 705-29. Donato, Katharine M. 1999. "A Dynamic View of Mexican Migration to the United States." Gender Issues 17:52-75. Donato, Katharine M., Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni, and Melissa Stainback. 2003. “Sex Differences in Child Health: Effects of Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 34:455-72.


Enchautegui, María E., and Nolan J. Malone. 1997. “Female Immigrants: A Socioeconomic Portrait.” Migration World 25(4):18-23. Fairchild, Stephen and Nicole B. Simpson, 2004. “Mexican Migration to the United States Pacific Northwest.” Population Research and Policy Review 23: 219-34. Fairchild, Stephen , and Nicole B. Simpson. 2007. “A Comparison of Mexican Migrant Remittances across U.S. Regions.” Contemporary Economic Policy, forthcoming. Fitzgerald, David. “Colonies of the Little Motherland: Membership, Space, and Time in Mexican Migrant Hometown Associations.” 2007. Comparative Studies in Society and History, forthcoming. Flores Avila, Alma Leticia. 2007. “Implicaciones de la Migración Internacional Urbana en las Relaciones de Género y la Economía en Hogares de una Colonia Popular: Algunas Reflexiones.” La Ventana 25, forthcoming. Frank, Reanne, and Elizabeth Wildsmith. 2005. “The Grass Widows of Mexico: Migration and Union Dissolution in a Binational Context.” Social Forces 83: 919-947. Fussell, Elizabeth. 2004. “Sources of Mexico's Migration Stream: Rural, Urban, and Border Migrants to the United States.” Social Forces 82: 937-967. Gang, Ira, and Myeong-Su Yun. 2007. Immigrant Amnesty and Immigrant’s Earnings. Research in Labor Economics, forthcoming Gang, Ira N., Thomas Bauer, and Gil S. Epstein. 2007. “The Influence of Stocks and Flows on Migrants’ Location Choices.” Research in Labor Economics, forthcoming Gang, Ira N., Thomas Bauer, and Gil S. Epstein. 2005. Enclaves, Language and the Location Choice of Migrants. Journal of Population Economics 18 (4) 649–662. Hanson, Gordon. 2006. “Illegal Migration from Mexico to the United States.” Journal of Economic Literaturer 44: 869-924. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M., and Donato, Katharine M. 1999. “Migradollars and Mortality: The Effects of Migration on Infant Survival in Mexico.” Demography 36:339-353. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M. 2000. Reframing the Migration Question: An Analysis of Men, Women, and Gender in Mexico.” Social Forces 78:1311-47. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia, Katharine M. Donato, Theresa Thompson-Colon and Melissa Stainback. 2005. “Counting on Kin: Social Networks, Social Support, and Child Health Status.” Social Forces 83: 1137-64


Kandel, William, and David Post. 2003. “After-school Work in Mexico: Competing for Children’s Time and Success?” International Journal of Educational Development, 23(3): 299314. Kandel, William, and Grace Kao. 2001. “The Impact of Temporary Labor Migration on Mexican Student Outcomes.” International Migration Review 35(3): 1205-31. Kandel, William, and Grace Kao. 2000. “Shifting Orientations: How U.S. Labor Migration Affects Children’s Aspirations in Mexican Migrant Communities.” Social Science Quarterly 81(1):16-32. Lindstrom, David P. 1996. “Economic Opportunity in Mexico and Return Migration from the United States. Demography 33:357-74. Lindstrom, David P. 1998. The Role of Contraceptive Supply and Demand in Mexican Fertility Decline: Evidence from a Microdemographic Study. Population Studies 52:255-74. Lindstrom, David P., and Nathanael Lauster. 2001. “Local Economic Opportunity and the Competing Risks of Internal and U.S. Migration in Zacatecas, Mexico.” International Migration Review 35: 1232-1256. Lindstrom, David P., and Silvia Giorguli Saucedo. 2002. “The Short- and Long-Term Effects of U.S. Migration Experience on Mexican Women's Fertility.” Social Forces 80:1341-68. Martinez Curiel, Enrique. 2004. “The Green Card as a Matrimonial Strategy: Self-Interest in the Choice of Marital Partners.” Pp. 86-108 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Martínez Curiel, Enrique. 2004. “Matrimonios sin Fronteras: Hasta que la green card nos Separe.” Red de Comunicación y Vinculación de la Ciencia 5(16): 30-36. McConnell, Eileen Diaz. 2008. "The U.S. Destinations of Contemporary Mexican Immigrants." International Migration Review 42, forthcoming Fall 2008. McConnell Eileen Diaz, and Felicia B. Leclere. 2002. “Selection, Context, or Both? The English Fluency of Mexican Immigrants in the American Midwest and Southwest.” Population Research and Policy Review 21:179-204. McKenzie, David and Hillel Rapoport. 2007. "Network Effects and the Dynamics of Migration and Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Mexico." Journal of Development Economics 84:124. Mooney, Margarita. 2003. “Migrants' Social Ties in the U.S. and Investment in Mexico.” Social Forces 81:1147-70


Munshi, Kaivan. 2003. “Networks in the Modern Economy: Mexican Migrants in the US Labor Market.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 118:549-97. Orrenius, Pia M. 2001. “Illegal Immigration and Enforcement along the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Economic and Financial Review, 1st Quarter, pp. 2-11. Orrenius, Pia M. and Madeline Zavodny. 2005. “Self-Selection among Undocumented Immigrants from Mexico.” Journal of Development Economics 78:215-40. Orrenius, Pia M. and Madeline Zavodny. 2003. “Do Amnesty Programs Reduce Undocumented Immigration? Evidence from IRCA.” Demography 40:437-50. Parrado, Emilio A. 2004. “International Migration and Men's Marriage in Western Mexico.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 35:51-71. Parrado, Emilio A. 2007. “Economic Restructuring and Intra-Generational Class Mobility in Mexico.” Social Forces, forthcoming. Parrado, Emilio A., Chenoa Flippen, and Chris McQuiston. 2005. "Migration and RelationshipPower among Mexican Women.” Demography 42:347-72. Parrado, Emilio A. and Chenoa Flippen. 2007. “Migration and Gender among Mexican Women” American Sociological Review, forthcoming. Parrado, Emilio A. and Rene Zenteno. 2002. “Gender Differences in Union Formation in Mexico: Evidence from Marital Search Models.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 64:756-74. Ponette-Gonzalez, A.G. 2007. “A Household Analysis of Huastec Maya Agriculture and Land Use at the Height of the Coffee Crisis”. Human Ecology 35: 289-301. Portas, Eduardo. 2007. “Cae Regreso de Migrantes. Reforma 22 de Abril. Perez Godoy, S. Mara. 1997. “Transnational Migration and the Institutionalization of Mobilization: The Role of a Political Party in a Social Movement”. Revista Interamericana 27(14) 715-731. Quinn, Michael A. 2007. “Estimating the Impact of Migration and Remittances on Agricultural Technology.” Journal of Developing Areas, forthcoming. Quinn, Michael A, and Stephen Rubb. 2006. “Mexico’s Labor Market: The Importance of Education-Occupation Matching on Wages and Productivity in Developing Countries.” Economics of Education Review 25:147-56.


Quinn, Michael A. 2006. “Relative Deprivation, Wage Differentials and Mexican Migration” Review of Development Economics 10:135-53. Quinn, Michael A, and Stephen Rubb. 2005. “The Importance of Education-Occupation Matching in Migration Decisions” Demography 42:153-67. Quinn, Michael A. 2005. “Remittances, Savings and Relative Rates of Return” Journal of Developing Areas 38:1-23. Reyes, Belinda I. 2001. “Immigrant Trip Duration: The Case of Immigrants from Western Mexico.” International Migration Review 35:1185-1204 Reyes, Belinda I., and Laura Marmeesh. 2002. "The Regional Variation on Mexican Immigration and Settlement." Social Science Quarterly 83:580-93. Reyes, Belinda I. 2004. "Changes in Trip Duration for Mexican Immigrants to the United States." 2004. Population Research and Policy Review 23:235-57. Reyes, Belinda I. 2007. "U.S. Immigration Policy and Undocumented Immigration." Legal Forums 2007: Immigration Law and Policy, forthcoming. Roberts, Kenneth D., and Morris, Michael. 2004. “Fortune, Risk and Remittances: An Application of Option Theory to Participation in Village-based Migration Networks.” International Migration Review 37:1252-81. Sana, Mariano. 2005. "Buying Membership in the Transnational Community. Migrant Remittances, Social Status and Assimilation." Population Research and Policy Review 24:23161. Sana, Mariano. 2007. "Understanding the Growth of Migrant Remittances from the United States to Mexico, 1990-2004." Social Forces, forthcoming. Stack, Trevor. 2003. "Citizens of Towns, Citizens of Nations: The Knowing of History in Mexico" Critique of Anthropology 23 (2)112-136. Stack, Trevor. 2007. "Rooting and Culture in West Mexico." Bulletin of Latin American Research 27, forthcoming. Swanger, Joanna B. 2003. “Labor in the Americas: Surviving in a World of Shifting Boundaries.” Latin American Research Review 38:147-66 BOOK CHAPTERS By Principal Investigators:


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Massey, Douglas S. 1985. "The Settlement Process Among Mexican Migrants to the United States: New Methods and Findings." Pp. 255-292 in Kenneth Hill, Daniel Levine, and Burton Singer, eds., Immigration Statistics: A Story of Neglect. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Massey, Douglas S. 1994. “The Methodology of an Ethnosurvey.” Chapter 24 in Donald J. Bogue, ed., Readings in the Methodology of Population Research. New York: United Nations Fund for Population Activities. Massey, Douglas 1999. “When Surveys Fail: An Alternative Approach to Studying Illegal Migration.” Pp. 145-60 in Arthur A. Stone et al., eds., The Science of the Self-Report: Implications for Research and Practice. New York: Erlbaum Press. Massey, Douglas S. 2005. “Social and Economic Aspects of Immigration.” Pp. 206-212 in Stephen G. Kaler and Owen M. Rennert, eds., in Understanding and Optimizing Human Development: From Cells to Patients to Populations, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1038. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. Massey, Douglas S. 2006. “Building a Comprehensive Model of International Migration.” Pp. 4-28 in Annex of Neil Howe and Richard Jackson, eds., Long-Term Immigration Projection Methods: Current Practice and How to Improve It.. Boston: Center for Retirement Research, Boston College Massey, Douglas S. 2007. “Immigration and Equal Opportunity.” Forthcoming in Elijah Anderson, ed., Poor, Young, Black, and Male: A Case for National Action? Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Massey, Douglas S. 2007. “The Political Economy of Migration in an Era of Globalization.” In Samuel Martinez, ed., International Migration and Human Rights: The Global Repercussions of US Policy. Berkeley: University of California Press. Massey, Douglas S., and Marcela Cerrutti. 2004. “Trends in Mexican Migration to the United States: 1965-1995.” Pp. 17-44 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Massey, Douglas S., Kristin Espinosa, and Jorge Durand. 1998. “Dinámica Migratoria entre México y Estados Unidos.” Pp. 49-68 in René Zenteno, editor, Población, Desarrollo, y Globalización: V Reunión de Investigación Sociodemográfica en México, Volumen 2. México, D.F.: Sociedad Mexicana de Demografía y El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Massey, Douglas S., Nadia Flores, and Ruben Hernandez Leon. 2004. “Social Capital and Emigration from Rural and Urban Communities.” Pp. 184-200 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S.


Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. By Others: Alarcón, Rafael. 1992. “Nortenización: Self-Perpetuating Migration from A Mexican Town.” Pp. 302-318 in Jorge Bustamante, Clark Reynolds, and Raul Hinojosa, eds., U.S.-Mexico Relations: Labor Market Interdependence. Stanford: Sanford University Press. . Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina. 2007. "Remittance Patterns of Latin American Immigrants in the United States." In Susan Pozo, ed., International Money Flows. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Arias, Patricia. 2004. “Old Paradigms and New Scenarios in a Migratory Tradition: U.S. Migration from Guanajuato.” Pp. 147-71 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Aysa, Maria. 2005. “Dominican and Mexican Labor Migrants to the United States: Are they Alike?” Pp. 20-37 in Vladimir Iontsev, ed., International Migration of Population: Russia and Contemporary World. Moscow: MAX Press. DeSipio, Louis. 2002. “Sending Money Home...for Now: Remittances and Immigrant Adaptation in the United States.” Pp 157-187 in Rodolfo de la Garza, and B. Lindsay Lowell, eds., Sending Money Home: Hispanic Remittances and Community Development. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield

Donato, Katharine M. 1998. “Mexican Migration Project Data.” Pp. 903-64 in Binational Study of Migration Between Mexico and the United States, Volume 3, Research Reports and Background Materials. Washington and Mexico City: U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Donato, Katharine M. 2000. "Impacto en la Salud de los Migrantes Mexicanos en Estados Unidos." Pp. 43-44 in Jorge Durand and Primitivo Rodriguez, eds., La Familia Transnacional: Migracion Mexico-Estados Unidos. Mexico, D.F.: Red de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural. Donato Katharine M., and Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia. 1999. “Women's Status and Demographic Change: The Case of Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Pp. 217-242 in Brígida García and Karen Mason, eds., Women, Poverty, and Demographic Change. New York, Oxford University Press.


Donato, Katharine M., and Evelyn Patterson. 2004. “Women and Men on the Move: Undocumented Border Crossings.” Pp. 111-30 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Flores, Nadia Y. 2007. “The Social Network Structure of Social Capital Exchange among Undocumented Migrants from Mexico to the United States.” Forthcoming in John Robertson and Michael Meimeth, eds., Immigration and Citizen Identity in the EU and the USA. Halle, Germany: Nomos Press. Flores, Nadia Y. 2005. ”The Clique Effect: The Dynamics of Urban Undocumented Migration Networks from Mexico to the United States” Pp. 62-74 in Vladimir Iontsev, ed., International Migration of Population: Russia and Contemporary World. Moscow: MAX Press. Flores Avila, Alma Leticia. 2007. “Migración Internacional y Remesas en Espacios Urbanos. Su Impacto en Familias de la Zona Metropolitana De Guadalajara.” In Blanca Suárez and Emma Zapata Martelo, eds., Ilusiones, Sacrificios y Resultados: El Escenario Real de las Remesas de Emigrantes a Estados Unidos. México, D.F.: Serie PEMSA VI, GIMTRAP. Flores Avila, Alma Leticia y Salinas Escobar, Evangelina. 2007. “El Imaginario urbano en una Colonia Popular de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara.” In Patricia Arias y Ofelia Woo, eds., ¿Campo o ciudad? Nuevos Espacios y Formas de Vida. Guadalajara: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara. Fussell, Elizabeth. 2002. “The Social Organization of Migration from Tijuana.” In María Eugenia Anguiano, Leticia Calderón Chelius y Miguel Hernández Madrid, eds., Migración Internaciónal, Identidades y Socialización en un Mundo Globalizado. Tijuana y Zamora: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte y El Colegio de Michoacan. Fussell, Elizabeth. 2004. “Tijuana’s Place in the Migration Stream: Destination for Internal Migrants or Stepping Stone to the U.S.?” Pp. 147-70 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Fussell, Elizabeth. 2008. "Migration as a Labor Market Entry Point." In David P. Lindstrom, Emilio Parrado, Katharine Donato, Elizabeth Fussell, William Kandel, Silvia Giorguli Saucedo, and Mariano Sana, eds., Straddling Borders: Mexico-U.S. Migration and the Bifurcation of the Life Course. Fussell, Elizabeth. 2008. "New Orleans' Latino Newcomers: A Comparison of Brazilians, Hondurans and Mexicans." In Elizabeth Fussell and James R. Elliot, eds., Displaced City: Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M., and Donato, Katharine M. 1999. "Linking Migration and Health: Community and Household Effects of Male Migration on Mothers and Children's Health in


Mexican Origin Communities." Pp. 251-76 in Kenneth Hill, Jose B. Morelos, and Rebecca Wong, eds., Las Consecuencias de Las Transiciones Demograficas y Epidemiologicas en America Latina. Mexico, D.F.: El Colegio de Mexico y John Hopkins University Press. Kandel, William. 2004. “Mexican Workers in U.S. Agriculture.” Pp. 235-64 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Kandel, William. 2003. “The Impact of U.S. migration on Mexican children’s educational attainment” In M. Cosio, R. Marcouz, M. Pilon, and A. Quesnel, eds., Education, Family, and Population Dynamics. Paris: CICRED. Kandel, William. 1998. “Case Study of Education Decentralization in Zacatecas, Mexico.” In Alec Gershberg, ed., Decentralization and Recentralization in Mexico and Central America; Lessons Learned. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. Mooney, Margarita. 2004. “Migrants’ Social Ties and Investment in Mexico.” Pp. 45-62 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Orrenius, Pia. 2004. “The Effect of U.S. Border Enforcement on the Crossing Behavior of Mexicans.” Pp. 45-62 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Parrado, Emilio A. 2004. “U.S. Migration, Home Ownership, and Housing Quality in Mexico.” Pp. 63-84 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Reyes, Belinda I.. 2004. “U.S. Immigration Policy and the Duration of Undocumented Trips.” Pp. 299-320 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Riosmena, Fernando. 2004. “Return versus Settlement among Undocumented Mexicans 19801996.” Pp. 265-81 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Rivero Fuentes, Estela. 2004. “Cumulative Causation Among Internal and International Migrants in Mexico.” Pp. 201-34 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey, eds., Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage. Stack, Trevor. 2004. "The Time of Place in West Mexico" In Wendy James and David Mills, eds., The Qualities of Time: Anthropological Approaches. London: Berg.


Zahniser, Steven. 2000. “One Border, Two Crossings: Mexican Migration to the United States as a Two-Way Process. P.p. 242-276 in Nancy Foner, ed., Immigration Research for a New Century: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Zahniser, Steven H., and Greenwood, Michael R. 1998. “Transferability of Skills and the Rewards to U.S. Employment for Return Migrants in Mexico.” Pp.1133-152 in. Migration Between Mexico and the United States: Binational Study, Vol. 3, Research Reports and Background Materials. Mexico City and Washington: Mexican Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs and U.S. Commission of Immigration Reform. PRESENTATIONS (Not Yet Published) Antman, Francisca M. 2007. "The Intergenerational Effects of Paternal Migration on Schooling.” Paper presented at NEUDC and the Pacific Conference for Development Economics. Aysa, Maria, and Douglas S. Massey. 2005. “Social Capital and International Migration from Latin America.” Presented at the XXV International Congress of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Tours, France, July. Brownell, Peter B. 2007. “Sanctions for Whom? The Immigration Reform and Control Act's Employer Sanctions: Provisions and the Wages of Mexican Immigrants.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Oakland, CA, March. Brownell, Peter B. 2006. "Migrant Networks: Operations and Effects” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, April 1, 2006. Ceballos, Miguel. 2001. “Social Networks and Sibling Order in U.S.-Mexico Migration: Preliminary Findings.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C. Dick, Hilary P. 2005. “El Norte Wasn’t Made for Everyone: The Construction of Social Difference in Migration from Mexico to the United States.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Dick, Hilary P. 2004. “If God Will Help Me Get a House: The Role of Housing in Migration from Mexico to the United States.” Presented at the XXV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Dick, Hilary P. 2000. “Sealing the Mexico-U.S. Border with Words: The Metaculture of Nation-Building in a Land of Emigrants.” Presented at the 99th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association.


Donato, Katharine M., Douglas S. Massey, and Brandon Wagner. 2006. “The Chilling Effect: Public Service Usage by Mexican Migrants to the United States.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, March. Durden, Elizabeth. 2005. “Immigrant Settlements in Emerging Areas: Mexicans in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, August. Flores, Nadia Y. 2006. "The Strength of Strong Ties: The Dynamics of Social Capital Exchange among Mexican Undocumented Migrants." Presented at the Segundo Coloquio Internacional Sobre Migración y Desarrollo: Migración, Transnacionalismo y Transformación Social, (Second International Colloquium on Migration and Development: Migration, Transnacionalism and Social Transformation), October, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico. Flores, Nadia Y. 2006. “Immigration Policy and Human Rights of Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S.” Paper presented in a regular session at the Southern Sociological Society Meetings, New Orleans, Lusiana, March. Flores Nadia Y. 2005. “Clique Networks and the ‘Clique Effect’ among Undocumented Migrants from Mexico to the United States. Presented at the XXV International Population Conference (IUSSP). Tours France, July 18-23. Flores Nadia Y. 2005. “The Interrelation between Social Context, Social Structure, and Social Capital of International Migration Flows from Mexico to the U.S.: the case of Guanajuato, Mexico.” Presented at the Population Association of America meetings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2005. Flores Nadia Y. 2003. "Familles du Sud et du Nord du Mexique et migration internationale vers les États-Unis". Presented at Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Démographie in Marseille, France, June. Flores, Nadia Y., and Magaly Sanchez. 2003. "Familles du Sud et du Nord du Mexique et migration internationale vers les États-Unis". Paper presented at Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Démographie de l’AUF qui Auront Lieu à Marseille en Juin 2003. Flores, Nadia Y. and Li Zhang. 2006. “The Social Capital of Immigrants and Non-immigrants in Los Angeles.” Poster presented at the Population Association of America meetings in Los Angeles, March29-April 1st, 2006. Flores Avila, Alma Leticia. 2007. “Migración Internacional y Remesas en Espacios Urbanos: Su Impacto en Familias de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara.” Paper presented at the Primer Congreso Internacional Migraciones Globales, Población en Movimiento, Familia y Comunidades Migrantes. Mazatlán Sinaloa, México, March 21 -24.


Flores Avila, Alma Leticia. 2007. “Implicaciones Económicas por la Migración Internacional: Análisis de un Contexto Urbano.” Ponencia aceptada para el XXVI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología: Latinoamérica en y Desde el Mundo. Sociología y Ciencias Sociales ante el Cambio de Época: Legitimidades en Debate?, Agosto 13-18. Fomby, Paula. 2001. “Starting Points: The Influence of Households of Origin on U.S.-Mexico Migration.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Washington DC, March. Fomby, Paula. 2002. “Adult Children’s Home-Leaving in Mexico in the Context of Siblings’ International Migration.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, GA, May. Gang, Ira N. 2006 “Migration, Networks and Development,” Keynote presentation at the ESRC Workshop on Trade, Migration and Labor Markets, UEA, Norwich, April Gang, Ira N. 2005. “Herds vs. Networks in Migration: Evidence and Theory” Inaugural Lecture, Conference Centre for Economic Development and Institutions, Brunel U, London, September. Gang, Ira N. 2004. “Ethnic Networks and International Trade.” Paper presented at the Kiel Conference on Labor Mobility and the World Economy, Kiel, Germany Gang, Ira N. 2003. “Enclaves, Language and the Location Choice of Migrants.” Paper presented at the European Society of Population Economics Conference, NYU, New York, June Gang, Ira N. 2002. “Influence of Stocks and Flows on Migrants’ Locational Choices.” Paper presented at the IZA/SOLE Transatlantic Labor Economics Conference, Amersee, Germany. Gupta, Payal. 2000. “International Migration and Fertility: Individual, Biological and Social Effects.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn, and Paula Fomby. 2000. “Men Who Migrate and Women Who Work: Non-Migrant Women and U.S.-Mexico Migration.” Presented at Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC, August.

Kandel, William. 2004. “Migration and Education over the Life Course.” Mexican Migration over the Life Course Conference. Brown University, Providence, RI. Kandel, William. 2002. “A Profile of U.S. Agricultural Migrant Workers Using Mexican Migration Project Data.” Binational Conference on Mexico-U.S. Migration, Puerto Vallarta.


Martínez Curiel, Enrique. 2002. “La Tarjeta Verde como Estrategia Matrimonial: Razones de Interés en la Elección de la Pareja Mixta.” Presentada en el Congreso Nacional de Migración Dinámicas Tradicionales y Emergentes en la Emigración Mexicana, Nnoviembre, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Martínez Curiel, Enrique. 2002. “Mercado Matrimonial, Migración Internacional y Elección de la Pareja Mixta: El Caso de los Migrantes de Ameca, Jalisco”. Primer Encuentro sobre la Población en el Occidente de México, La Sociedad Mexicana de Demografía y el Centro de Estudios de Población del Departamento de Estudios Regionales de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Julio. Martínez Curiel, Enrique. 2001. “Matrimonios Mixtos en el Contexto de la Migración Internacional: Un Estudio de Caso de los Migrantes de Ameca Jalisco.” Presentada en el Seminario Permanente de Migración Internacional organizado por el CIESAS-ITESMUniversidad de Guadalajara, Diciembre. Martínez Curiel, Enrique. 1996. “Matrimonios Mixtos y Migración Internacional. Exogamia en el Caso de Ameca, Jalisco.” Presentada en El Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de San Luis Potosí, en el Coloquio Internacional sobre Las relaciones México-Estados Unidos Desde la Perspectiva Regional, Agosto. Pren, Karen A. 2006. The Effect of Parental Legal Status on their Children Educational Attainment: The Case of Mexican Immigrants in the U.S.A. Presented at the Population Association of America, Los Angeles. Quinn, Michael A., and Stephen Rubb. 2004. “The Importance of Education-Occupation Matching in Migration Decisions” Presented at the Southern Economic Association Annual Meetings, November, New Orleans, LA. . Quinn, Michael A., and Stephen Rubb. 2004. “Mexico’s Labor Market: The Importance of Education-Occupation Matching on Wages and Productivity in Developing Countries.” Presented at Eastern Economic Association. Washington, DC. February. ” Quinn, Michael A. 2003. "Relative Deprivation, Wage Differentials and Mexican Migration." Presented at the American Economic Association National Meetings. January, Washington DC.

Quinn, Michael A., and Stephen Rubb. 2002. “Educational Mismatches in Mexico: Additional Evidence of the Importance of Labor Market Assignments?” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the International Atlantic Economic Association. October 2002. Washington DC.“. Quinn, Michael A. 2002. “Relative Deprivation, Wage Differentials and Mexican Migration” Presented at the Conference on Latin America at Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. October 2002.


Smith, Jeffrey S. 2007. "The Impact of Transnational Migration on Quality of Life in Chalchihuites, Zacatecas, Mexico" Paper presented at the 2007 OLLAS CUMBRE, Omaha Neb. Smith, Jeffrey S. 2007. "The Impact of Transnational Migration on Quality of Life for Women in Chalchihuites, Mexico" Paper presented at the annual CLAG (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers) meeting, Colorado Springs, Colo. Thompson-Colon, Theresa. 2004. “The Effect of Migration and Sociodemographic Factors on Structural Characteristics of Mexican Immigrant Women-Based Networks Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco. Young, Julia. 2006. “Un obispo cristero en Los Angeles: el exilio de de José de Jesús Manríquez y Zárate, 1927-1929,” Coloquio: A 80 años del levantamiento cristero, CIESAS Occidente, Guadalajara, November. Young, Julia. 2006. “Mexican Emigration to the United Stated During the Cristero Rebellion, 1926-1929.” XII Conference of Mexican, Canadian and U.S. Historians, Vancouver, British Columbia, October. Young, Julia. 2005. “Mexican Emigration to the United States During the Cristero Rebellion, 1926-1929.” Latin American History Workshop, University of Chicago, November. Young, Julia. 2004. “A Sorrowful Caravan, A Nation Bleeding: Elite Perceptions of Mexican Emigration in the 1920s,” Latin American History Regional Workshop, Kellog Center for Latin American History, Notre Dame University, May. WORKING PAPERS Antman, Francisca M. 2007. "Educational Attainment and Age During Parental Migration." Department of Economics, Stanford University. Banco de México. 2006. Informe Trimestral: Remesas Familiares. Guadalajara: Delegación Regional de Guadalajara, Banco de México.

Banco de México. 2006. Informe Trimestral: Características de Algunas Entidades Federativas Receptoras de Remesas Familiares. Guadalajara: Delegación Regional de Guadalajara, Banco de México. Bézard, Gwenn. 2007. Competing in Money Transfers: A Market Overview. Boston: Aite Group, LLC. http://aitegroup.com/reports/200703261.php


Bézard, Gwenn. 2007. Consumer Money Transfers: Powering Global Remittances. Aite Group, LLC. http://aitegroup.com/reports/20050125.php Cuecuecha Mendoza, Alfredo. 2007. “Choice Based Sample Techniques, Undercounting and the Study of the Characteristics of Mexican Immigrants to the US”, Centro de Investigqación Económica, Instituto Tecnológico Autónoma de México. Dick, Hilary P. 2002. “El Diálogo entre los aspectos socio-culturales y económicos de la migración de México a los Estados Unidos,” Cuadernos del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales de Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico. Durden, Elizabeth. 2007. “Hometown Associations as Negotiated Transnational Spaces: the Case of El Grupo de San Mateo.” Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bucknell University. . Flores, Nadia Y. 2007. “’The Strength of Strong Ties:’ Clique networks and the ‘Expanding Clique Effect’ among Undocumented Migrants from Mexico to the United States. Working Paper, Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University.. Flores, Nadia Y. 2007. “Expanding Cliques: The Role of Weak Ties and Strong Ties in Migrant Networks from Mexico to the United States.” Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University. Flores, Nadia Y. 2007. “Migrant Solidarity: The Social Dynamics of Migrant Networks from Mexico to the U.S., Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University. Flores, Nadia Y. 2007. “The Effect of Social Context, Social Structure, and Social Capital on International Migration from Mexico.” Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University. Galetto, Valeria. 2007. "Migration Dynamics in Two Mexican Rural Communities: Explaining Differential Trajectories within the Theory of Cumulative Causation." Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin at Madison. Gathmann, Christina. 2007. "The Effects of Enforcement on Illegal Markets: Evidence from Migrant Smuggling at the Southwestern Border" IZA Discussion paper #1004 (under submission). Jensen, Eric R., Sarah Gale, and Paul Charpentier. 2006. “On Migrant Selectivity.” William and Mary Economics Department Working Paper 32. Available at http://ideas.repec.org/p/cwm/wpaper/32.html . Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M. 1999. “Leaving Parents Behind: Migration and Elderly Living Arrangements in Mexico.” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper No. 99-106. University of Winsconsin-Madison.


Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M. 2000. “Sustaining Families and Communities: Nonmigrant Women and Mexico-U.S. Migration Processes.” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper No. 2000-13. University of Winsconsin-Madison. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M., Theresa Thompson-Colon, and Katharine M. Donato. 2000. “Counting on Kin: Social Networks, Social Support and Child Health Status.” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper #2000-10 Malone, Lauren. 2007. “The Effects of Migrants' Remittances on Children's Human Capital: Gender Asymmetries in the Case of Mexico.” Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Cruz. Massey, Douglas S. 2005. "Five Myths About Immigration: Common Misconceptions Underlying U.S. Border-Enforcement Policy." Immigration Policy IN FOCUS 4(6). Washington, DC: Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation, August 2005. Massey, Douglas S. 2005. "Beyond the Border Buildup: A New Approach to Mexico-U.S. Migration." Immigration Policy IN FOCUS 4(7). Washington, DC: Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation, September 2005. Massey, Douglas S. 2005. “Backfire at the Border: Why Enforcement without Legalization Cannot Stop Illegal Immigration.” Cato Institute Trade Policy Analyses, No. 29. Washington, DC: Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute. Melchor del Rio, Amaranta. 2007. “Tomatoes or Tomato Pickers?- Free Trade and Migration in the NAFTA Case.” Discussion Paper Number 429, Department of Economics, University of Heidelberg Middleton, Melisande. 2007. “What of HR 4437 ? Seeking a practical approach to US-Mexico border immigration". Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France. Nájera, Jéssica. 2007. "Trabajar o no Trabajar: Influencia de la Migración del Jefe de Hogar a Estados Unidos en la Inserción Laboral de las Esposas en México." Subdirectora del Centro de Estudios Migratorios del Instituto Nacional de Migración. Orrenius, Pia. 1999. “The Role of Family Networks, Coyote Prices and the Rural Economy in Migration from Western Mexico: 1965-1994.” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Working Paper 99-10. Orrenius, Pia, and Zavodny, Madeline. 2001. “Self-Selection Among Undocumented Migrants from Mexico.” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Working Paper 00-5, and Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Paper 2001-1


Reyes, Belinda I., Hans Johnson, and Richard Van Swearingen. 2002. Holding the Line? The Effect of the Recent Border Build-up on Unauthorized Immigration. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. Schluter, Christian, and Jackline Wahba. 2007. Illegal migration, wages and remittances- nonparametric estimation of illegality effects." Department of Economics, University of Southampton, UK. Spittel, Michael. 1999. “Testing Network Theory through and Analysis Migration from Mexico to the United States.” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper #99-01. THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Aguilera, Michael B. 1999. "The Labor Market Outcomes of Undocumented and Documented Immigrants: A Social and Human Capital Comparison." Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Antman, Francisca M. 2007. "Migration and the Mexican Family: Exploring the Consequences for Those Left Behind." Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Economics, Stanford University. Boruchoff, Judith. 1999. “Creating Continuity Across Borders: Reconfiguring the Spaces of Community, State and Culture in Guerrero, Mexico and Chicago.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Cabrera Díaz, María del Carmen. 2003. Influencia de la Migración Internacional, MéxicoEstados Unidos, en el Calendario de la Nupcialidad. Tesis de Maestría en Demografía, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales, El Colegio de México. Cobo, Salvador D. 2002. Migración Circular y la Movilidad Ocupacional de los Jefes de Hogar Migrantes en México Regresando a Casa. Tesis de Maestría en Demografía, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales, El Colegio de México. Cobo, Salvador D. 2007. Las Reinserciones Laborales y las Movilidades Ocupacionales de los Migrantes Internacionales de Retorno: Un Análisis Empírico en Algunas Comunidades Rurales, Ciudades Medias y Zonas Metropolitanas de México. Tesis de Doctorado en Estudios de Población, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales, El Colegio de México Colussi, Aldo. 2004. “An Estimable Model of Illegal Mexican Immigration. Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Economics. University of Pennsylvania. Coon, Jeremy T. 2007. “Migration, Remittances and Sustainable Community Development in Mexico.” Doctoral Dissertation, Interdisciplinary Studies, Tulane University.


Deléchat, Corinne C. 1995. “Mexican Labor Migration to the United States: Determinants, Labor Market Outcomes, and Dynamics.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Economics, Georgetown University. Dick, Hilary P. 2006. “fter God, El Norte: Developing a Discourse-Centered Approach to Migration.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. Espinosa, Kristin E. 1997. “Helping Hands: Social Capital and the Undocumented Migration of Mexican Men to the United States.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. Espinosa, Víctor M. 1998. “El Dilema del Retorno: Migración, Género y Pertenencia en un Contexto Transnacional.” Tesis de Maestría en Antrpología, El Colegio de Michoacán and El Colegio de Jalisco. Fernandez, Alexa. 2005. “Mexican Migrants and Their Use of Social Services in the U.S.” Masters in Public Policy, Georgetown Institute of Public Policy, Georgetown University. Finley, Ashley Paige. 2004. “Are They the Poorest of the Poor? Examining Capital Accumulation among Female-Headed Households in Mexico.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Iowa. Flores, Nadia Y. 1998. "Solidarity, Reciprocity, and Gender in Mexican Migration to the United States: A Case Study." Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis, Social Sciences, University of California Irvine. Flores, Nadia Y. 2002. "Place of Origin and Social Networks of Migration from Mexico to the United States." M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania. Flores, Nadia Y. 2005. "The Interrelation Between Social Context, Social Structure, and Social Capital of International Migration Flows from Mexico to the United States: the case of Guanajuato." University of Pennsylvania..” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania. Flores Avila, Alma Leticia. 2007. “Los Impactos de la Migración Internacional Urbana: El Caso de una Colonia Popular.” Tesis doctoral (en proceso). Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Guadalajara. Galetto, Valeria. 2007. "Migration and Local Development in Two Mexican Rural Communities." Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin at Madison (in progress). Fomby, Paula Wendling. 2002. “Starting Points: Households of Origin and Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.


García España, Felipe. 1992. “Determinants of Internal and International Migration from Rural Areas of Mexico.” Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Gillman, Blake. 2007. Linking Development to Migration in Mexico. Senior Honors Thesis, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Gupta, Payal. 2002. “Marriage at a Distance: Spouse Separation and the Migrant Family.” Doctoral Dissertation, Sociology and Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Hartley, Mia. 2007. "Mexican Immigration and the Use of Remittances: Consumptive vs. Productive Spending and the Women Left Behind ." Undergraduate Research Opportunity Thesis, University of Minnesota, Duluth. Innis-Jimenez, Michael D. 2006. "Persisting in the Shadow of Steel: Community Formation and Survival in Mexican South Chicago, 1919-1939" Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of History, University of Iowa, 2006. Kandel, William. 1998. “Temporary U.S. Migration and Children’s Educational Outcomes. Unpublished Dissertation.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia. 1995. "Women and Migration: Household Organizational Strategies of Mexican Families." Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology Ku, Hyejin. 2007. Migration as Price Arbitrage: Evidence from Mexican Workers in the U.S. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, Cornell University Lima Barranco, Rubén. 2006. Plan de Negocias para la Creación de una Empresa Dedicada a la Vivienda. Tesis de Maestría, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Lindstrom, David P. 1995. “The Relationship Between Temporary U.S. Migration and Fertility in a Rural Mexican Township.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. Livingston, Gretchen M. 2003. “Does Membership Have Its Privileges? Gender, Social Capital, and Employment Outcomes Among Mexican Immigrants.” Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Malone, Nolan J. 2004. “A Whole New Ball Game: An Analysis of the Legalization Processes Faced by Mexican Migrants to the United States in the Post-Bracero Era.” Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania.


McConnell, Eileen Elizabeth. 2001. “The Influence of Context: Regional Analyses of the Mexican Immigrant Experience in the United States.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology. University of Notre Dame. Mullan, Brendan P. 1986. Mexican Migrants in the U.S. Labor Market: A Study of Occupational Mobility. PhD. diss., Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Palcios Espinosa, Rocio. 2005. Las Políticas Estatales de California como Mecanismos de Exclusión del Sistema de Salud: El Caso de los Migrantes Mexicanos. Tesis de Maestría, Estudios sobre Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.. Perez Godoy, S. Mara. 1998. “Social Movements and International Migration: The Mexican Diaspora Seeks Inclusion In Mexico's Political Affairs, 1968-1998.” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. Phillips, Julie A. 1998. "Three Essays Examining Causes and Consequences of Two Urban Social Challenges.” Doctoral Dissertation in Demography and Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania. Pren, Karen A. 2003. “America's Border Death Trap: Geographic Change and Patterns of Migrant Deaths Along the U.S. - Mexico Border.” M.A. thesis, Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Quinn, Michael A. 2002. Essays on the Migration, Remittance and Savings Behavior of Mexican Workers. Doctoral Dissertation. Department of Economics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2002. Riosmena, Fernando. 2005. Within, Between, and Beyond Space-Time: Three Essays on Latin America-United States Migratory Dynamics. Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Romo Viramontes, Raúl. 2004. “Migración y Envejecimiento de la Población: El Caso de Durango 1950 - 2000.” Tesis de Licenciatura en Geografía. Universidad de Guadalajara. Ryo, Emily. 2007. Ryo, Emily. "Becoming Illegal." Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Stanford University (in progress). Sana, Mariano. 2003. “International Monetary Transfers: Three Essays on Migrant DecisionMaking.” Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania. Sánchez, Ernesto. 2002. “Inserción Laboral de Poblanos en California 1900-2000.” Maestría en Estudios de Estados Unidos y Canadá, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.


Sánchez, Ernesto. 2007. “Redes Migratorias y Mercado de Trabajo Sinaloaenses en Los Angeles.” Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Guadalajara. Sandorff, Erik. 2003. Mexican Immigrants’Connection to their Home Communities Before and After the Hardening of the U.S. Border. Master’s Thesis, Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Shutika, Debra Lattanzi. 2001. “Bodies in Motion: Mexican migration, Embodied experience and the Sense of Place. Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Group in Folklore and Folk Life, University of Pennsylvania. Sorensen, Todd A. 2007. “ Three Essays in Labor Economics. Chapter 2: The Effects of Border Enforcement on Migrants Border Crossing Choices: Diversion or Deterrence?” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Arizona. Stack, Trevor. 2002. “Places that Have History: The Public Knowledge of Mexican Towns.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. Steinke, Stacie. 2007. "Explaining and Analyzing the Remittance Network of Mexican Immigrants, 1995 - 2005." M.A. Thesis, International Studies, DePaul University. Tello Franco, Hector. 2006. "Impacto Macroeconomico en Mexico y Microeconomico en el municipio de San Andres Cholula" Tesis Maestría, Estudios sobre Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Van-Wey, Leah Karin. 2002. “A Comparative Study of Migration in Mexico and Thailand.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Zahniser, Steven. 1996. The Effects of Family Networks on Mexico-U.S. Migration. PhD. diss., Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder.


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