2015 v e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea

Carlos Brais Carballeira Braña Generado desde: Editor CVN de FECYT Date of document: 22/01/2015 v 1.3.0 e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea Este ficher

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2015 v de4c10db6d08fc0060c928f99
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2015 v f15ae99baf53198b332385c293abaa0
Francisco Adolfo Carratalá Simón Generado desde: Editor CVN de FECYT Date of document: 31/01/2015 v 1.3.0 8f15ae99baf53198b332385c293abaa0 Este fich

2015 v b59bd0dfc03cc8f90609f9b
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2015 v dfbc6fbc69ba0e812d7b82700ecaaa53
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Carlos Brais Carballeira Braña Generado desde: Editor CVN de FECYT

Date of document: 22/01/2015 v 1.3.0 e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea

Este fichero electrónico (PDF) contiene incrustada la tecnología CVN (CVN-XML). La tecnología CVN de este fichero permite exportar e importar los datos curriculares desde y hacia cualquier base de datos compatible. Listado de Bases de Datos adaptadas disponible en http://cvn.fecyt.es/


Carlos Brais Carballeira Braña Surname(s): Name: DNI: Date of birth: Gender: Nationality: Country of birth: Aut. comm./reg. of birth: Contact province: City of birth: Contact address: Postcode: Contact country: Contact aut. comm./reg.: Contact city: Land line phone: Email: Mobile phone:

Carballeira Braña Carlos Brais 44828024N 01/11/1983 Male Spain Spain Galicia A Coruña Santiago de compostela Avd. Bilbao 10, 9ºB 15706 Spain Galicia Santiago de compostela (0034) 981563300 - 13396 [email protected] (0034) 685891009

Current professional situation Name of institution: Universidad de Santiago Type of institution: University de Compostela Department, service, etc.: Ecología, Facultade de Bioloxía Category/position or post: European Project Teaching staff (yes/no): No Manager City of job: . SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Galicia, Spain Phone: 981563300 - 13396 Start date: 01/03/2012 Type of contract: Temporary employment Type of dedication: Full time contract Primary (UNESCO code): 250811 - Quality of water Secondary (UNESCO code): 321400 - Toxicology Tertiary (UNESCO code): 239100 - Environmental Chemistry Current professional activity: Gestión de proyectos Activity keywords: Protection of animal life; Control of chemicals; Exhaust emissions; Environmental risk assessment; Water protection; Pollution control; Metal pollution; Coastal pollution; Organic pollution; Atmospheric pollution Type of management activity: University

Previous posts and activities


Name of institution Universidad de Cádiz

Category/position or post Investigador


Start date 01/10/2009





Name of institution Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Name of institution: Universidad de Cádiz Category/position or post: Investigador Start-End date: 01/10/2009 - 01/10/2011

Category/position or post Técnico de Laboratorio Type of institution: University Duration: 2 years

Name of institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela Category/position or post: Técnico de Laboratorio Start-End date: 02/06/2001 - 30/09/2001 Duration: 3 months


Start date 02/06/2001


Official training received University education University degrees, engineering degrees or master's degrees 1

Official qualification: Curso superior Name of qualification: Curso superior en Gestion de Proyectos del VII Programa Marco City of qualification: Santiago de compostela, Galicia, Spain institution issuing the qualification: Campus Type of institution: University Centres and Stellae Structures and Associated Bodies Date of qualification: 11/01/2013 Average mark: Excellent Standardised degree: Yes Date of homologation: 17/01/2013


Official qualification: Tercer ciclo Name of qualification: Tercer ciclo en Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente City of qualification: Santiago de compostela, Galicia, Spain institution issuing the qualification: Universidad Type of institution: University Santiago de compostela Date of qualification: 22/09/2009 Average mark: Excellent


Official qualification: Master Erasmus Mundus Name of qualification: Joint European Master in Water and Coastal Management institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Cádiz Date of qualification: 01/09/2008 Average mark: Excellent


Official qualification: Higher degree Name of qualification: Biología institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Santiago de compostela Date of qualification: 31/07/2006

Doctorates Doctorate programme: Bases científicas para el diseño de un plan de vigilancia ambiental para las piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University Cádiz City of qualification: Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain Date of qualification: 12/04/2013 University where DEA was obtained: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela DEA, date: 24/09/2008


e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea European doctorate: Yes European doctorate date: 12/04/2013 Thesis title: Bases científicas para el diseño de un plan de vigilancia ambiental para las piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra Thesis director: Angel DelValls Casillas Thesis co-director: María Laura Martín Diaz Mark: apto cum laude Recognition of quality: Yes Special doctorate award: Yes Year of special award: 29/04/2014 Standardised degree: Yes Date of standardisation: 27/06/2012

Courses completed and seminars attended in order to improve and innovate teaching skills 1

Title of course/seminar: Horizonte 2020. Introducción al principal programa de I+D+i de la UE Aims of course/seminar: Información sobre el programa H2020 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela Faculty, institute or centre: USC virtual Duration in hours: 40 hours Start-End date: 18/11/2014 - 17/12/2014


Title of course/seminar: Cómo redactar propuestas de investigación en ciencia excelente Aims of course/seminar: Redactar propuestas para el programa H2020 Organising institution: Fundación Type of institution: Foundation Empresa-Universidad Gallega (FEUGA) Duration in hours: 14 hours Start-End date: 15/10/2014 - 16/10/2014

Language skills Language French Portuguese Spanish Gallegan English

Speaking Elementary Elementary Advanced Advanced Advanced

Reading Elementary Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced

Writing Elementary Intermediate Advanced Advanced Advanced

Teaching activity Most relevant aspects from teaching experience 1

Description: Herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad ambiental en ecosistemas litorales Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Activity end date: 22/04/2011




Description: Herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad ambiental en ecosistemas litorales Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Activity end date: 16/04/2010


Description: Herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad ambiental en ecosistemas litorales Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Activity end date: 08/05/2009


Description: Herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad ambiental en ecosistemas litorales Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Activity end date: 14/04/2008

Experience in science and technology Scientific or technological activity Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive calls by public or private bodies 1

Name of the project: Creating and testing a method for controlling the air quality based on a new biotechnological tool. Use of a devitalized moss clone as passive contaminant sensor Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University de Santiago de Compostela City: santiago de compostela, Galicia, Spain Head(s) researcher(s): José Ángel Fernández Escribano Number of researchers: 26 Funding institution or bodies: Comisión Europea Type of institution: FP7 City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain Start-End date: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015 Total amount: 4.484.583


Sub-project amount: 408.499

Name of the project: Diseño de una herramienta integrada para la evaluación y gestión de la calidad ambiental de sistemas acuáticos afectados por vertidos de productos farmacéuticos Project area: Regional Role: Researcher Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University de Cádiz City: Puerto Real, Andalusia, Spain Head(s) researcher(s): MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ Number of researchers: 8 Type of participation: Collaborator Name of the programme: PROYECTOS DE EXCELENCIA, JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA Code acc. to the funding institution: P09-RNM-5136 Start-End date: 03/02/2010 - 03/02/2014 Duration of the project: 4 years Total amount: 242.483 Dedication: Part time




Name of the project: Caracterización y análisis dentro de la red autonómica de biomonitorización de metales pesados en La Rioja (2012-13) Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University de Santiago de Compostela Head(s) researcher(s): Javier Martínez Abaigar; Alejo Carballeira Ocaña; Carlos Brais Carballeira Braña Number of researchers: 6 Funding institution or bodies: Consejeria de Medio Ambiente Type of institution: Consejería City: Logroño, La Rioja, Spain Start-End date: 25/05/2012 - 15/12/2013 Total amount: 30.600


Name of the project: Selección de indicadores, determinación de valores de referencia, diseño de programas y protocolos de métodos y medidas para estudios ambientales en acuicultura marina Project type: Demonstration, pilot projects, Project area: National conceptual formulations and design of processes and services Role: Researcher Institution where project took place: JACUMAR Head(s) researcher(s): Nieves González Henríquez Number of researchers: 27 Funding institution or bodies: JACUMAR Type of institution: State agency Type of participation: Collaborator Name of the programme: OTROS PROGRAMAS DEL PLAN NACIONAL I+D, MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA Code acc. to the funding institution: PNCM/IND/08 Start-End date: 31/12/2008 - 31/12/2010 Duration of the project: 3 years - 729 days Total amount: 1.081.680 Sub-project amount: 185.250 Applicant's contribution: http://www.magrama.gob.es/app/jacumar/recursos_informacion/Documentos/ Publicaciones/292_Propuesta_metodologica_PVA.pdf


Name of the project: Apoyo para la implantación de la ley 16/2002 del 1 de Julio, de prevención y control integrados de la contaminación, en el ámbito de la elaboración del inventario de emisiones industriales de Galicia Project area: Regional Role: Researcher Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University de Santiago de Compostela Head(s) researcher(s): Casares-long, Juan Number of researchers: 3 Type of participation: Collaborator Name of the programme: Consellería de Medio Ambiente Start-End date: 03/01/2005 - 31/12/2007 Duration of the project: 3 years - 1092 days


Name of the project: Vigilancia y evaluación de la contaminación metálica atmosférica con el musgo Scleropodium purum: Bioconcentración intracelular. Batería mínima de bioensayos para la evaluación de la ecotoxicidad Project area: National Role: Researcher Type of institution: University


e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea Institution where project took place: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Head(s) researcher(s): Carballeira-ocaña, Alejo Number of researchers: 5 Funding institution or bodies: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Type of institution: CICYT

Type of participation: Collaborator Name of the programme: Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) Code acc. to the funding institution: CGL2004-02724/BOS Start-End date: 01/01/2004 - 31/12/2007 Duration of the project: 4 years - 1460 days


Name of the project: Banco de Especimenes Ambientales de Galicia Project area: National Role: Technician Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University de Santiago de Compostela Head(s) researcher(s): Carballeira-ocaña, Alejo Number of researchers: 5 Type of participation: Collaborator Name of the programme: Consellería de Medio Ambiente Code acc. to the funding institution: 1998/CP170 Start-End date: 10/01/2000 - 30/12/2005 Duration of the project: 6 years - 2181 days

Participation in R&D&I non-competitive projects, contracts or agreements with administrations or public or private bodies Name of the project: Biomonitorización de la inmisiones de F mediante el musgo P. purum en el entorno de la planta de Alcoa-Europe (S. Ciprián, Lugo) Campaña 2012 Role: Researcher Head researcher: Carlos Brais Carballeira Braña; Alejo Carballeira Ocaña Number of researchers: 5 Funding institution or bodies: ALCOA Europe Type of institution: Business City: Xove, Galicia, Spain Start date: 2012 Total amount: 13.320

Duration of project: 1 year



Scientific and technological activities Scientific production Publications, scientific and technical documents 1

Alejo Carballeira Ocaña; Carlos Brais Carballeira Braña. Guia para la realización de planes de vigilancia ambiental de cultivos marinos en jaulas flotantes instaladas en las costas de Galicia. Xunta de Galicia, 10/09/2014. Type of production: Scientific and technical document Format: Book or report


Carlos Carballeira; Ana Rey-Asensio; Alejo Carballeira. Interannual changes in #15N values in Fucus vesiculosus L.Marine Pollution Bulletin. 85 - 1, pp. 141 - 145. 2014. Available online at: . ISSN 0025-326X Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.793


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Gonzalez-viana, Ines; Carballeira, Alejo. 15N values of macroalgae as an indicator of the potential presence of waste disposal from land-based marine fish farms. Journal of applied phycology. 25 - 1, pp. 97 - 107. Springer, 2013. Available online at: . ISSN 0921-8971 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.492


ELENA MARTIN GARCIA; Sanchez-jerez, Pablo; Aguado, Felipe; Ávila, Pablo; ALEJANDRO GUERRERO LEÓN; Sánchez-lizaso, Jose Luis; Fernandez-gonzalez, Victoria; González, Nieves; Ignasi-gairin, Joan; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; García-garcía, Benjamín; Carreras, Jordi; Macías, Jose Carlos; Carballeira, Alejo; Collado, Cayetano. A meta-analysis approach to the effects of fish farming on soft bottom polychaeta assemblages in temperate regions. Marine pollution bulletin. 69 - 1-2, pp. 165 - 171. Elsevier, 2013. Available online at: . ISSN 0025-326X Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 10 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.793


MANOELA DE ORTE ROMANO; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Viana, Ines; Carballeira-ocaña, Alejo. Assessing the toxicity of chemical compounds associated with marine land-based fish farms: The use of mini-scale microalgal toxicity tests. Chemistry and Ecology. 29 - 6, pp. 554 - 563. Taylor & Francis, 2013. Available online at: . Type of production: Article Format: Journal


e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea Ranking: 2

Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee

Impact source: ISI Impact index: 1.18


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MANOELA DE ORTE ROMANO; Gonzalez-viana, Ines; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. Assessing the ecotoxicity of chemicals compounds associated to land-based marine fish farms: Sea urchin embryo bioassay with Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 63, pp. 249 - 261. Springer, 2012. Available online at: . ISSN 0090-4341 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 1.96


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; JULIA RAMOS GÓMEZ; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS; Carballeira, Alejo. Designing an integrated environmental monitoring plan for land-based marine fish farms located at exposed and hard bottom coastal areas. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 14 - 5, pp. 1305 - 1316. RSCPublishing, 2012. Available online at: . ISSN 1464-0325 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS; Carballeira, Alejo. Identification of specific malformations of sea urchin larvae for toxicity assessment: application to marine pisciculture effluents. Marine Environmental Research. 77, pp. 12 - 22. Elsevier, 2012. Available online at: . ISSN 0141-1136 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.328


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MANOELA DE ORTE ROMANO; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; Carballeira, Alejo. Implementation of a minimal set of biological tests to assess the ecotoxic effects of effluents from land-based marine fish farms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 78, pp. 148 - 161. Elsevier, 2012. Available online at: . ISSN 0147-6513 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.482


JACUMAR. Propuesta metodologica para la realización de los planes de vigilancia ambiental de los cultivos marinos en jaulas flotantes. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. pp. 1 - 164. 2012. Available online at: . ISBN 280-12-204-8 Type of production: Book Format: Book




CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. Influence of salinity on fertilization and larval development toxicity tests with two species of sea urchin. Marine environmental research. 72 - 4, pp. 196 - 203. Elsevier, 2011. Available online at: . ISSN 0141-1136 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.328


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Espinosa-,J; Carballeira-, Alejo. Linking 15n and histopathological effects in molluscs exposed in situ to effluents from land-based marine fish farms. Marine pollution bulletin. 62 - 12, pp. 2633 - 2641. Elsevier, 2011. Available online at: . ISSN 0025-326X Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 2.793


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Aboal-,J.R.; Fernandez-,J.A.; Carballeira-, Alejo. Comparison of the accumulation of elements in two terrestrial moss species. Atmospheric environment. 42, pp. 4904 - 4917. Elsevier, 2008. Available online at: . ISSN 1352-2310 Type of production: Article Format: Journal Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee Impact source: ISI Impact index: 3.062


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira-, Alejo. Cambio Global. XLVII - 10, pp. 328 - 397. Grupo Hercules, 2006. ISBN 84-96314-31-6 Type of production: Book Format: Book Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book


CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira-, Alejo. Biomonitorización: concepto y ventajas. XLVIII - 7, pp. 256 - 287. Grupo Hercules, 2005. ISBN 84-96314-36-7 Type of production: Book Format: Book Ranking: 1 Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book

Work presented in conferences at the national or international level 1

Title: An Environmental Monitoring Plan Adapted to Land-Based Marine Fish Farms Located at Exposed and Hard Bottom Coastal Areas Name of the conference: Aquaculture conference: To the Next 40 Years of Sustainable Global Aquaculture Type of event: Conference City: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Date: 04/11/2013 CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira, Alejo.




Title: Toxicity Evaluation of Commonly Used Biocides in Land Based Marine Fish Farms Using a Miniaturized Bioluminescence Test with Vibrio fischeri. Name of the conference: Aquaculture conference: To the Next 40 Years of Sustainable Global Aquaculture Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Date: 2013 Carballeira, Alejo; G-viana, Ines; MANOELA DE ORTE ROMANO; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA.


Title: Vigilancia del potencial de eutrofización de los vertidos de la acuicultura marina intensiva terrestre mediante trasplantes de Ulva sp. Name of the conference: XIX Simposio Botánica Criptogámica Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: European Union City: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Date: 2013 CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Rey-asensio, Ana; Carballeira, Alejo.


Title: Determinación de los umbrales, de las variables geoquímicas de sedimento, indicadores del impacto ambiental generado por los cultivos marinos en mar abierto mediante la técnica de gradientes ambientales Name of the conference: XIV Foro dos Recursos Mariños e da Acuicultura das Rías Galegas Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: O Grove, Galicia, Spain Date: 2012 End date: 2012 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela Type: Book CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira, Alejo; Aguado-gimenez, Felipe; González, Nieves; Sanchez-jerez, Pablo; Texeira, Jose Manuel; Gairin, Joan; García-garcía, Benjamín; Fernández-gonzález, Victoria; Carreras, Jordi; Macías, José Carlos; Acosta, Daniel. ISBN 978-84-695-3126-6


Title: Plan integrado para la vigilancia ambiental de las piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra Name of the conference: XIV Foro dos Recursos Mariños e da Acuicultura das Rías Galegas Type of event: Conference City: O Grove, Galicia, Spain Date: 2012 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; JULIA RAMOS GÓMEZ; Carballeira, Alejo. En: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas. 14, pp. 325 - 331. 06/10/2011. ISBN 978-84-695-3126-6


Title: Vigilancia de la ecotoxicidad de los efluentes de las piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra Name of the conference: XIV Foro dos Recursos Mariños e da Acuicultura das Rías Galegas Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: Illa de A Toxa (O Grove), Date: 2012 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Type: Book CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MANOELA DE ORTE ROMANO; González-viana, Ines; Carballeira, Alejo. ISBN 978-84-695-3126-6




Title: Biomonitorización de los efluentes de piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra: bioacumulación de microcontaminantes Name of the conference: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: O Grove, Galicia, Spain Date: 2011 End date: 2011 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela Rey-Asensio-,Ana; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Viana-Gonzalez,Inés; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas. 13, pp. 201 - 218. 07/10/2010. ISBN 978-84-695-3126-6


Title: Biomonitorización de los efluentes de piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra: bioensayos con embriones de erizo Name of the conference: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: O Grove, Date: 2011 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. En: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas. 13, pp. 177 - 184. 07/10/2010. ISBN 978-84-608-1204-3


Title: Biomonitorización de los efluentes de piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra: bioensayos in situ de fertilidad Name of the conference: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: O Grove, Galicia, Spain Date: 2011 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. En: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías Galegas. pp. 181 - 189. ISBN 978-84-608-1204-3


Title: Diseño de un plan integral de vigilancia ambiental de las piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Date: 2011 CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; JULIA RAMOS GÓMEZ; Carballeira, Alejo. En: Libro de actas del XIII congreso nacional de acuicultura. pp. 42 - 43. ISBN 978-84-937611-9-6


Title: Meta-análisis de los cambios en la estructura del poblamiento de poliquetos debido a la actividad de engorde de peces en jaulas flotantes en las costas españolas Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Date: 2011 Martínez-garcía, Elena; Carballeira, Alejo; Aguado-gimenez, Felipe; González, Nieves; Sanchez-jerez, Pablo; Gairin, Joan; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; García-garcía, Benjamin; Sánchez-lizaso, José Luis; Carreras, Jordi; Macías, José Carlos; Acosta, Daniel; Collado, Cayetano.




Title: Biomonitorización de los efluentes de piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra: alteraciones histológicas en moluscos nativos y trasplantados Name of the conference: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías galegas Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: O Grove, Galicia, Spain Date: 2010 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela Type: Book CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Espinosa-,J; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: XIII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías galegas. 13, pp. 191 - 199. ISBN 978-84-608-1204-3


Title: Evaluation of the interespecific differences in 15N in coexisting marine macroalgae Name of the conference: The 7th international conference on applications of stable isotope techniques to ecological studies Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Fairbanks, United States of America Date: 2010 Gonzalez-, Ines; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Rey-Asensio-,Ana; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: The 7th international conference on applications of stable isotope techniques to ecological studies. pp. 222 223.


Title: Seasonal variation of 15N in macroalgae Name of the conference: The 7th international conference on applications of stable isotope techniques to ecological studies Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Fairbanks, Alaska, EEUU, Date: 2010 Gonzalez-, Ines; Rey-Asensio-,Ana; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: The 7th international conference on applications of stable isotope techniques to ecological studies. pp. 126 127.


Title: 15N en macroalgas como marcador del área de influencia de los vertidos de piscifactorías marinas instaladas en tierra Name of the conference: XVII Simpósio de botânica criptogàmica Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: European Union City: Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Date: 2009 Rey-Asensio-,Ana; Gonzalez-, Ines; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: XVII Simpósio de botânica criptogàmica. pp. 97 - 98.


Title: Comparative dredged material characterization using sea urchin embryogenesis and fertilization bioassays in Spanish commercial ports Name of the conference: 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Mykonos (Grecia), Date: 2009 ARACELI RODRIGUEZ ROMERO; MARÍA JOSÉ SALAMANCA MARÍN; INMACULADA RIBA LÓPEZ; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. En: Book of abstracts of the second international conference on environmental management, engineering, planning and economics. CEMEPE & SECOTOX conference. pp. 29 - 29. ISBN 978-960-6865-08-4




Title: Consideraciones para un plan integral de vigilancia ambiental de las piscifactorias marinas instaladas en tierra Name of the conference: Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías galegas (12) Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National City: O Grove, Galicia, Spain Date: 2009 Organising institution: Universidad de Santiago de Type of institution: University Compostela CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: XII Foro dos recursos mariños e da acuicultura das rías galegas. pp. 101 - 126. ISBN 978-84-608-1061-2


Title: Desarollo de un bioensayo miniaturizado de microalgas para evaluar la ecotoxicidad de vertidos marinos: aplicacíon a piscífactorías marinas instaladas en tierra Name of the conference: XVII Simpósio de botânica criptogàmica Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: European Union City: Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Date: 2009 MANOELA DE ORTE ROMANO; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Carballeira-, Alejo. En: XVII Simpósio de botânica criptogàmica. pp. 47 - 48.


Title: Ecotoxicity of sea bream (Sparus aurata l. 1758) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax l. 1758) aquaculture spills located in Cádiz Bay (sw of Spain) Name of the conference: 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Mykonos, Greece Date: 2009 CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. En: Book of abstracts of the second international conference on environmental management, engineering, planning and economics CEMEPE & SECOTOX conference. pp. 6 - 7. ISBN 978-960-6865-08-4


Title: Sediment quality in Guadalquivir river (SW Spain) using four different short term toxicity tests Name of the conference: 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: Non EU International City: Mykonos, Greece Date: 2009 VÍCTOR ALMAGRO PASTOR; MARÍA JOSÉ SALAMANCA MARÍN; MARIA LAURA MARTÍN DÍAZ; CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; TOMÁS ANGEL DEL VALLS CASILLAS. En: Book of abstracts of the second international conference on environmental management, engineering, planning and economics CEMEPE & SECOTOX CONFERENCE. pp. 27 - 27. ISBN 978-960-6865-08-4


Title: Intercalibrado de la acumulación de contaminantes entre los musgos Pseudoscleropodium purum e Hypnum cupressiforme Name of the conference: XVI Simposio de botánica criptogámica Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: European Union City: León, Castile and León, Spain Date: 2007 CARLOS BRAIS CARBALLEIRA BRAÑA; Rey-Asensio-,Ana; Aboal-,J.R.; Fernández-,José Ángel. En: XVI Simposio de botánica criptogámica. pp. 163 - 172.



Experience in R&D&I management and participation in scientific committees R&D&I management experience Title/name of the activity: Creating and testing a method for controlling the air quality based on a new biotechnological tool. Use of a devitalized moss clone as passive contaminant sensor Type of management: Management of R&D&I actions and projects Responsibility held: Gestor de proyectos institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Type of institution: University Start date: 01/04/2012 Duration: 3 years

Experience in assessment and review of R&D&I projects and articles Name of the activity: Experto evaluador Responsibility held: Evaluador de proyectos Organising institution: Czech Science Foundation City: Praha, Praha, Czech Republic Start-End date: 20/09/2012 - 20/11/2012

Type of institution: Public Research Body

Other achievements Stays in public or private R&D&I centres 1

institution: University Graduate Center at Kjeller Type of institution: University (UNIK) Faculty, institute or centre: Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) City: Kjeller, Norway Start-End date: 02/07/2012 - 10/10/2012 Duration: 100 days Aims of the stay: Doctorate Provable tasks: Estancia en UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE. ALGARVE-FARO. PORTUGAL Acquired skills developed: Estudiar medidas de eutrofización


institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Faculta de Biología City: Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain Start-End date: 04/06/2010 - 01/09/2010 Duration: 86 days Aims of the stay: Doctorate Provable tasks: Estancia en UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA; ESPAÑA Acquired skills developed: Muestreo en 6 escenarios (Lira, O Grove, Cangas, Merexo, Quilmás y Aguiño) localizados en las rías Baixas


institution: Universidad de Ningbo City: Ningbo, China Start-End date: 03/07/2007 - 05/10/2007 Aims of the stay: Master

Type of institution: University Duration: 91 days


e148c3995f50fc06d8c052ed43681eea Provable tasks: Estudios en acuicultura


institution: Universidad de Plymouth City: Plymouth, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom Start-End date: 08/01/2007 - 28/06/2007 Duration: 172 days Aims of the stay: Máster Provable tasks: Realización módulos máster


institution: Foreign study league (FSL) City: New Jersey, United States of America Start-End date: 29/07/2000 - 03/08/2000 Aims of the stay: Curso idiomas Provable tasks: Curso idiomas




Type of institution: Business Duration: 32 days

institution: Foreign study league (FSL) City: Cork, Ireland Start-End date: 02/07/1998 - 01/09/1998 Aims of the stay: Curso idiomas Provable tasks: Curso idiomas

Duration: 60 days

institution: Colegio Manuel Peleteiro City: Londres, United Kingdom Start-End date: 28/07/1997 - 29/08/1997 Aims of the stay: Curso idiomas Provable tasks: Curso idiomas

Type of institution: Business

institution: University of St Andrews City: St Andrews, United Kingdom Start date: 07/08/2006 Aims of the stay: Curso de idiomas Provable tasks: Curso de idiomas

Type of institution: University

Duration: 31 days

Duration: 25 days

Grants and scholarships obtained 1

Name of the grant: Beca FPI del Plan Propio de la Universidad de Cádiz City: Cádiz, Aims: Pre-doctoral Conferring institution: Universidad de Cádiz Type of institution: University Amount of the grant: 1.172 Conferral date: 01/10/2007 Duration of the grant: 4 years End date: 01/10/2011


Name of the grant: Beca de colaboración City: Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain Aims: Colaboración en Departamento de Ecología Conferring institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Amount of the grant: 2.700 Conferral date: 03/10/2005 End date: 03/10/2006


Type of institution: State agency

Duration of the grant: 1 year



Name of the grant: Erasmus mundus Acción 3 Aims: Pre-doctoral Conferring institution: European Union Conferral date: 02/07/2007

Type of institution: Unión Europea Duration of the grant: 3 months


Name of the grant: Beca Erasmus Aims: Máster Conferring institution: Ministerio Educación y Ciencia Conferral date: 08/01/2007 Duration of the grant: 6 months


Name of the grant: Beca Movilidad Docente Erasmus City: Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom Aims: Estancia en Plymouth Conferring institution: Universidad Autónoma de Type of institution: University Madrid Amount of the grant: 1.000 Conferral date: 08/01/2007 Duration of the grant: 6 months Name of institution: University of Plymouth


Name of the grant: Beca movilidad para estadías en estados miembros de la UE Aims: Curso de idiomas Conferring institution: Ministerio Educación y Type of institution: State agency Ciencia Conferral date: 08/01/2007 Duration of the grant: 1 month


Name of the grant: Beca de cursos de doctorado Aims: Pre-doctoral Conferring institution: Xunta de Galicia Conferral date: 02/10/2006


Duration of the grant: 2 years

Name of the grant: Beca MEC para cursos de idiomas City: St Andrews, Eastern Scotland, United Kingdom Aims: Learn language Conferring institution: Conselleria de educacion e Type of institution: State agency Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia Amount of the grant: 1.600 Conferral date: 21/08/2006 Duration of the grant: 32 days Name of institution: University of St Andrews


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