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Story Transcript

Ce este rozaceea? All nations are called to take the fight against this virus seriously. They should communicate well with their populations, and pull all the stops when it comes to looking for ways to mitigate the spr Dr. Michael J. Ryan, WHO Informal Advisory Group, March 2020

Cele mai frecvente semne clinice Roseata faciala

Papule si pustule

Alte semne si simptome care pot aparea Vase de sange mici la suprafata pielii

Ochi rosii si iritati


Nas marit sau umflaturi prezente pe nas

Senzatie de intepatura

Senzatie de arsura

Impactul psiho-social

3 din 10 persoane isi pierd increderea in sine

4 din 10 persoane se simt agasate

1 din 10 persoane se simt demoralizate




Dintre persoanele diagnosticate cu rozacee considera ca boala lor nu este controlata corespunzator

Dintre acestea spun ca sufera de episoade de exacerbarea bolii

Dintre peroanele angajate, afirma ca afectiunea lor a a afectat productivitatea muncii

Nivel scazut de stima de sine si increderea in sine


Pacientii cu rozacee au raportat


Evitarea contactului public

Anularea angajamentelor sociale


Factori declansatori

Mancarea picanta

Variatiile de temperatura

Expunerea la lumina soarelui

Stresul emotional

Anumite medicamente

Activitate fizica intensa


Parazitul Demodex

All countries need to review their strategies now. All nations are called to take the fight against this virus seriously. They should communicate well with their populations, and pull all the stops when it comes to looking for ways to mitigate the spr Dr. Michael J. Ryan, WHO Informal Advisory Group, March 2020

Optiuni terapeutice

The "panic-then-forget" cycle must be stopped. Instead, a "whole-of-society" approach must be adopted. It is imperative that the the International Health Regulations (IHR) be implemented in countries of all income levels.

Every country should do everything to follow through on prioritizing, funding, and implementing preparedness interventions.

Learn more at www.reallygreatsite.com

Skin Care & Cosmetics Consistent, gentle skin care and effective use of makeup can make a visible difference in managing rosacea and improving the look of your skin. The key is to use products and techniques that minimize irritation. One good guide: look for products that are noted as appropriate for sensitive skin or skin with rosacea — and avoid any products that sting, burn or cause irritation.



Creported that certain skin-care products aggravated their condition certain cosmetics also caused rosacea flare-ups

To avoid irritation, follow these tips when choosing skin-care and makeup products:

Watch out for common rosacea irritants

Choose fragrance-free skin-care products

Test a product first

Use minimal products

many patients cited the following ingredients as triggers for irritation





witch hazel




21% Mentolat


For Men: Shaving tips Shaving may pose a unique challenge for men with The "panic-then-forget" rosacea. Here's what you can do to help get a closer cycle must be stopped. Instead, a "whole-of-society" shave without irritating skin

approach must be adopted. It is imperative

Shaving. Men with rosacea may prefer an electric razor avoid the that theto the International Health Regulations irritation of a dull razor blade

(IHR) be implemented in countries of all income levels.

Lotion. Avoid any shaving creams or lotions that burn or sting your skin.

Every country shouldthe do everything to follow Aftershave. Use a post-shave balm and/or moisturizer to help soothe through on prioritizing, funding, and skin. implementing preparedness interventions.

Learn more at www.reallygreatsite.com


Makeup for Rosacea While medical therapy can address the underlying physical aspects of rosacea, makeup can help instantly improve the look of your skin and boost your selfconfidence about your appearance. Here are some tips to help you look and feel your best. Get a clean start. Before applying makeup, cleanse and moisturize your face with skin-care products appropriate for your skin. Always treat skin gently, never rubbing or pulling with your fingers, makeup sponges or even a washcloth or towel, as this may cause irritation. And use the right tools to minimize irritation — antibacterial brushes may be best, since even the oil and bacteria on your fingers can irritate skin.

Keep it simple. The more ingredients and products you apply to your skin, the higher the likelihood that an ingredient or product may aggravate it. That's why it may be helpful to use multi-function products, such as a green-tinted base that also contains sunscreen.Always test a new product in a peripheral area — your neck, your arm — before using it on your face to make sure your skin doesn't react to it. Avoid any products that burn, sting or irritate your skin.

Use a green-tinted base. A sheer green-tinted primer is a good choice for a makeup base — it can help visually correct redness and even out skin tone. Get one with UVA/UVB protection and you'll help shield skin from exposure that can aggravate rosacea. A protective base has another bonus, too: it helps your makeup last longer

Choose oil-free foundation and concealer. Look for an oil-free foundation that offers the level of coverage you need, from sheer to full. And for both foundation and concealer, choose your shade carefully. Foundation should match your natural skin tone as closely as possible, while concealer should be just one shade lighter than your natural skin tone

How to apply foundation. Use a light touch when applying foundation. You may want to use an antibacterial foundation brush to apply it rather than a sponge (too harsh for skin) or your fingertips (can add unnecessary oil to the face). For brush application, start by applying a small amount of liquid foundation to the back of your hand. Dab with the brush and smooth over your face, starting in the center and blending outward. For cream or powder foundation, sweep the brush across the surface of the compact and apply to your face. Use broad strokes for large areas of the face: cheeks, forehead and chin. Use the edge of the brush to reach narrow areas: nose, mouth, eyes and hairline. Blend well. Be sure to clean the brush between uses

How to apply concealer. Use an antibacterial concealer brush to lightly dot concealer under your eyes, starting at the inner corner and working outward. Blend well for a seamless look. You can hide bumps or visible blood vessels by dabbing and blending concealer directly onto each area, then using foundation all over to create a more even tone.

Consider cover-corrective makeup. Especially for those with moderate to severe rosacea, cover-corrective cosmetics may be an appropriate option. Available in a choice of formulations with UVA and UVB sun protection and a wide array of tones to match your natural skin color, they can thoroughly conceal many types of skin imperfections to create a flawless look. To blush or not to blush. Mineral powder blushers are also available, but since skin already tends to have a lot of color, go easy on cheek color if you use it at all. Choose sheer blush formulated for sensitive skin and apply sparingly with an antibacterial brush, sweeping it from the apples of the cheeks toward the temples.

Opt for extra-gentle eye makeup. Eyes are sensitive to begin with, and if yours have signs and symptoms of ocular rosacea, it's especially important to treat the eye-area skin gently. Select products designed for sensitive eyes that have been ophthalmologist tested — and allergy- tested, fragrance-free formulas may be ideal. Mascara and eyeliner should be easy to apply and remove without pulling or tugging on the eyes.

Go for neutral lips. Lips will shine in neutral shades close to your natural lip color. Avoid red shades that may exacerbate the look of redness in your skin.


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