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Pedagogy of teaching English Subject

Techniques and Methods



NOTION PRESS India. Singapore. Malaysia. ISBN 978-1-63920-160-0 This book has been published with all reasonable efforts taken to make the material error-free after the consent of the author. No part of this book shall be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The Author of this book is solely responsible and liable for its content including but not limited to the views, representations, descriptions, statements, information, opinions and references [“Content”]. The Content of this book shall not constitute or be construed or deemed to reflect the opinion or expression of the Publisher or Editor. Neither the Publisher nor Editor endorse or approve the Content of this book or guarantee the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the Content published herein and do not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. The Publisher and Editor shall not be liable whatsoever for any errors, omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause or claims for loss or damages of any kind, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of use, inability to use, or about the reliability, accuracy or sufficiency of the information contained in this book.

Contents. Preface------------------------------------------v Acknowledgments----------------------------1 1. Meaning, Importance and Functions of language-----------------------------------------2 2. Importance of study skills and reference skills for the language students--------------18 3. Modern approaches to teaching English---------------------------------------------------23 4. Language laboratory---------------------


5. Role of an English teacher in a Multilingual classroom and Multicultural classroom--------------------------------------44 6 E-resources for a language teacher----- 51 7 R.K.Narayan: A great Indian writer----59 8 Theories of language acquisition: -------62 9 Techniques of teaching English---------71 10 Literary Appreciation------------------- 88 11 ICT in Language Assessment----------92

12 Professional development of a Language Teacher---------------------------------—-99 13 Correlation------------------------------102 14 Maxims of teaching------------------108 15 Learning resources- Library and E-resources---------------------------------110 16 Language Registers-------------------120 17 Principles of Language Learning----124

18 Have Fun with English (A Compilation-----135 Question bank --------------------------------------137 Descriptive questions -------------------------140 Multiple choice qutions ------------------------142 References. ------------------------------------------157


Preface The syllabus of two years B.Ed course of credit based choice system includes pedagogy of school subjects in the second and third semester with effect from 2017. The present book would provide information on objectives of teaching as a subject in the school, role of English language in day to day life, different approaches and techniques of teaching English, use of library, E-resources as a learning resource, and theories in language leaning. This book is prepared keeping in view the latest syllabus .A special feature of this book are the different examples provided to clarify the content. The question bank at the end of the book would help the student teachers to do well in their exams. While writing this I have referred to different books, magazines, articles in the newspapers also. I have entitled the book,’ Pedagogy of teaching English Subject.’ with special emphasis on the Methods and Techniques of teaching English. I hope this book would help the teacher educators teaching English method and also for student teachers to transform conventional English classroom to one of the stimulating and communicative. The chapters are also small as it was prepared keeping in view the contents needed for the students from the syllabus and examination point of view. Your comments and suggestions are welcome for further improvement.

Dr.Rukmini U Jamdar

Date: 2nd May, 2021


Acknowledgments I woud like to express my sincere gratitude to the Almighty who instilled me with self confidence in writing this book. My heartfelt thanks to my husband and children who has been the source of inspiration to me throughout in my journey of writing this book. I would also acknowledge my Principal, Dr Beena S Khemchandani who has motivated me to write this book. My sincere gratitude to all my friends and colleagues who has guided me throughout the publication of this book.

Dr Rukmini U Jamdar. Author


Pedagogy of teaching English Subject

Chapter 1. Meaning, Importance and Functions of language. Introduction English symbolizes in the minds of Indians better education, better culture and higher intellect. Indians who know English often intersperse it with regional languages in their conversation. English also serves as a means of communication among Indians who speak different regional languages. Until many years ago, English movies in India were not translated or dubbed in regional Indian languages, but were broadcast in English and were meant only for English speakers. The reason Indians give such importance to English is related to the fact that India was a British colony. The English language came to India in the 17th century, with the East India Company. It was formed to conduct trade with India and other countries in the east. Initially, the British tried to learn Indian languages to communicate with Indians. They started special colleges for this purpose. They also took the help of translators. But when their political powers increased, they created the British Indian provinces like Bengal, Madras and Bombay. So the English traders gave more importance to English than to Indian languages. Some missionary institutions taught English to Indians. The East India Company took over the responsibility of educating the Indians. Indians were also realizing the importance of the English language. They realized that English was the language required for a secure future in a government job. Private schools offering this service were already doing good business, particularly in the then Calcutta. The state was set for the first ‘big moment’. History of English Language Teaching in India:, Meanwhile, a movement was started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy to introduce western scientific education through English. Lord Macaulay was the chairman of a committee. He advocated English as the medium of instruction in place of the vernacular languages. He wanted to make the people Indian in blood and colour but English in taste and opinion. He thought the members of this class would increase their knowledge through English. Macaulay’s 2


purpose was to create the dominance of British culture over the Indians and to have control over the minds of the Indian people through English and to train Indians and make them fit for employment. The British Government gave jobs to those who had knowledge of English. Many new colleges and universities were formed. The system of English education founded on English literature continued till independence. India got independence and the Indian government had to decide its policy towards English. They decided to make Hindi the official language. Regional languages were given the status of national languages. Certain states insisted on making English the associate official language. Universities and schools were increasing rapidly in India. Many people from the neglected sections of the society also came forward to learn English. English was not limited to a few elite schools and colleges any more. But there were complaints about the standard of English. The government appointed many commissions to improve the standard of English in schools and colleges. Several Commissions reaffirmed the importance of English. For instance, University Education Commission says: “English, however, must continue to be studied. It is a language which is rich in literature – humanistic, scientific and technical, if under sentimental urges we should give up English.” Language is needed for every person to talk or communicate with other. It has inherited since ages. Whether human beings or animals need to communicate with their counterparts in order to survive in a society. Meaning of Language. Language is an integrated, whole system which involves the acquisition of four language skills namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. (LSRW). It is primarily the mental faculty that allows humans to learn languages and to produce and understand utterances. It can be seen as a formal system of signs governed by grammatical rules of combination to communicate meaning. Language is largely meant to be a medium of expression. Language is an essential element in the culture of a society.it is the basis of all cultural activities of a social group. Language is the flesh and blood of our culture. 3

Pedagogy of teaching English Subject 1.1 Definitions of language “Language is a human system of communication that uses arbitrary symbols such as voice, sounds, gestures or written symbols.” O.Jesperson. Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into words. Words are combined into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts.”—Henry Sweet. “A system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expression or communication of thoughts and feelings.” American Collins Dictionary “A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.” Bernard Bloch and George Trager. Language is a set of human habits, the purpose of which is to give expression to thoughts and feelings. It is therefore a purposeful activity.” O.H. Jespersen. ‘A language may be said to be any means of expressing emotion or mental conceptions by any living beings whatsoever, and of communicating them to or receiving them from other living beings.’ Mr. Louis K.Gray. A comprehensive definition of language: in the words of an eminent linguist,” Language is a learned arbitrary system of vocal symbols through which human beings interest in terms of their common cultural experience and language habits are more than motor skills of tongue and lip, they are units of sound and units of thoughts established in physical form within the brain” 1.2 Characteristics of language: Language is learnt: human beings learn the language since infancy. Language is learnt through effort, imitation and practice. Language is a system: every language is unique in nature. They have their own structure, sounds, pronunciations, words, vocabulary. 4


Language is a subsystem of a system: Each language, which is a system by itself, consists of various sub systems. There are phonological and grammatical systems in all languages. Language consists of symbols. Each language works through symbols. Different words used in a language are the symbols. The language functions when these symbols are known and interpreted by the speaker and the person for whom it is being used. Symbols of language are vocal: language is primarily used in speech. Only speech provides all essential signals of a language. Non verbal gestures and symbols like ringing of bells and beating of the drums are auditory symbols but they do not form any language. A language cannot be effective without the speech. Symbols of language are arbitrary. Arbitrary symbols means there is no visual relationship between the language item and the object for which it stands. There is no visual similarity between the symbol “man” and the actual man. It is not named on the basis of some logic or scientific principles. In English we say ‘mam’, in Hindi we say ‘aadmi’, and in Sanskrit we say ‘purush’. None of them is better than the other. In fact, we call a man a ‘man’ because people have agreed to use it in that sense. Language is culture/society specific: language is influenced by the culture of a society. Every language is the product of society in which it is practiced. a language cannot be separated from its culture. The vocabulary used has meaning only in relation to that society and culture. Language is species specific: whether animals or birds each have a specific language to communicate. Only human beings are embedded with sophisticated language as a means of communication. Language is for communication: The basic purpose of language is for communication and self expression. It is a means to connect past, present and future. Language changes: what we say about a language today, may not be true tomorrow. And what was said about it several years ago may not be true even today. Changes also take place in pronunciation of certain words 5

Pedagogy of teaching English Subject .these changes depend upon cultural changes. For ex: a couple of centuries ago the word, ’diverse’ was written as ‘diurse’, choice as choice, and said as sayd. Language is based upon common cultural experience. Language is habit formation: as we know language is a ‘set of human habits, the purpose of which is to give expression to thoughts and feelings’. The very use of the system of language is on habit level. We ordinarily, do not make conscious choices of our actions when we operate the system. The native speaker of a language has never to think of the position of different speech organs, or has to make any conscious effort to arrange words in speech or in writing. Words have a spontaneous flow and a matter of habit for the speaker to arrange them in the order in which others hear them.it is a matter of habit with the user of the language to use the particular forms which he likes. He need not ponder over the choice of forms. 1.3

Importance of English

Language of expression. Knowledge of English language helps a person to express himself/herself in the day to day life.Language is a means of communication to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, suggestions in different occasions.It is medium of instruction as well as language of administration in a number of Asian and African countries today.It is a global language. The world’s knowledge is enshrined in English.English language is a medium of creative exploration and expression of our experience of life.English as a foreign language is taught in schools to develop the competence in the language for use in several ways.Language helps in understanding other person’s thought.A language distinguishes the differences and celebrates the uniqueness of cultures in a country or a region or in a community.It plays an important part in the development of the thinking process and the ability to grasp abstract concepts. 1.4 Importance of English in day to day life



English language has been holding, is holding and will continue to hold a unique position in India. No doubt English is a language borrowed from six thousand miles away and it belongs to entirely different nation.it is in fact the language of the world civilization. Its richness, its flexibility, its elegance, its dignity seem to have made it very popular. English has today become one of the major language of the world. There is an importance of language in terms of the following. a) Intellectual importance: Language of science and technology: It goes without saying that our own language at present are not fully developed. The standard books of science, medicine, engineering etc. are available in English only.so it becomes an absolute necessity for us to have knowledge of English. The knowledge of English in fact serves as the key to all scientific and technical information. English is needed if we want to keep pace with the advanced countries of the world. Our scientists, doctors can make further progress in their career only if they know English. All up to date information in technical subject is available in English medium books without the knowledge of English. b) International language: English is a common language not only of the different states of India, but also of the nations of the world. It is a language which is spoken and understood all over the globe.it is English and no other language which can serve the purpose of linking together the different nations of the world. English is international in the sense that it helps in interlinking the relationships of people living in different countries of the world. Suppose there are five persons living in different countries of the world and they meet for discussion.one of them is from England, one from India, one from Africa, one from Russia and from Japan. They won’t be able to discuss and understand one another unless they make use of one common language. English is such a language which has international status and it will help them hold discussion.


Pedagogy of teaching English Subject c) English as a link language: In our country, education is decentralized. Different states are having different regional language. English links them together. If a person living in Punjab wants to correspond or converse with a person living in Haryana or UP it is not possible unless he takes the help of English language. During the freedom struggle for independence our leaders belonging to different regions of the country having their different regional language would converse with one another through this language. They would think and discuss problems collectively through English medium. So we find that English language has been a unifying factor in the past. d) English at administration level: English language dominates the administrative field in the states as well as in the centre. It has been declared to be the associate language of India. Cases are presented in English in our district courts, high courts and the Supreme Court. The clerks, the officers, the lawyers, the ministers and the governors-all use English in their daily office routine. All types of communications are made through the medium of English between the centre and the states. e) English in our social life: We make use of English in our day to day life. It plays an important role in social life in our country. For example, wedding cards for marriage ceremonies are mostly printed in English language. English is a unifying force and a unifying factor in the interstate social life of a country. f) English in our cultural life: The different cultural groups in our country are united for inter cultural understanding and for their international understanding through the medium of English. English language helps in bringing people of different cultures together.it was through English medium that Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhiji could spread valuable principles and thoughts on foreign countries. g) Literature in English –vast and rich: The literature in English has a quality of style and quality of thought. The literature in the 8


field of drama, fiction, poetry and literary criticism etc.is very rich and interesting. Various writers like Shakespeare, Milton, Arnold etc. have contributed a lot for this literature. It is a language which is rich in literature, humanistic, scientific and technical. h) International importance of English: It is popular within people living in different countries of the world. Its popularity and strength is determined on the basis of its utility all over the globe. It is English language by which people from different states, countries and religions can interact with each other. Difference between Language as a school subject and language as a means of communication. Language as a school subject

Language as communication




Language learning is confined to the classroom

Language is used both inside and outside the classroom.

A formal study of the nature of language.

An informal means of interaction using the language.






phonology, lexis and grammar of language

Learning to use expressions in different social contexts.

Language as a school subject emphasizes the development of four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Student






communication purpose improves the use of oral skills.


Communicative competence is

competence to a certain extent that is

being able to express thoughts and feelings effectively.

acquiring vocabulary and structures to construct meaningful sentences.


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