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Old No. 38, New No. 6 McNichols Road, Chetpet Chennai - 600 031 First Published by Notion Press 2019 Copyright © Pooja Pasricha 2019 All Rights Reserved. ISBN 978-1-64546-282-8 This book has been published with all efforts taken to make the material errorfree after the consent of the author. However, the author and the publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is for testing purpsose.

Contents 1. Chapter 1


2. Chapter 2


3. Chapter 3


4. Chapter 4


5. Chapter 5


6. Chapter 6


7. Chapter 7


8. Chapter 8


9. Chapter 9


10. Chapter 10


11. Chapter 11


12. Chapter 12


13. Chapter 13


14. Chapter 14


15. Chapter 15


16. Chapter 16


17. Chapter 17


18. Chapter 18


19. Chapter 19


20. Chapter 20




IELTS QUESTION 1 : Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others however , believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Having a good member around is an asset to the society. Moreover many believe that it would be better if parents train their children how to be a decent person in the society. On the other hand others opine that it is the school’s responsibility to do the same. According to me rearing a child is a very important responsibility , which apparently could be shared by both school as well as the parents. First of all, a child spends its formative years with parents, that is , at least till he is five, so initially parents are obliged to inculcate some good manners and etiquettes. For instance, when the child starts walking many parents take the children to the public parks to spend some quality time so the first lessons should begin from there like when the child tends to pluck flowers or harm the environment by is way. Another scenario where the parents need to tackle their children is to maintain basic hygiene and uncluttered ambience around. For example, when a child throws a chip’s cover on the road, parents should show them the way to the dustbin and imbibe this value into their children. However, a child cannot be confined to only parents, after a certain age he is exposed to school and experiences a new surrounding. Now the school plays a significant role to induce good behavior in children. For example, nowadays school s indulge their students in value based classes and take the children to make them a part of some charity. So here the school exposes the child to various activities and plays a dominant role in teaching the children to be a better human being. Another rea where the school plays a vital role is; actually only in school students get to experience a diverse field of cultures and races. So students learn to respect different cultures and know them more closely. As a result, when they are an adult they will •1•


continue to respect people from different cultural backgrounds. In conclusion, bringing up children is a very huge responsibility which only a parent or only the school cannot perform it properly so the whole society should join hands to grow the upcoming generation in an excellent manner.



IELTS QUESTION 2: Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others however think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. “Change is inevitable” however some people do not prefer change and opt a life without much difference. On the other hand others feel that change is essential and beneficial. According to me some changes are important in life, at the same time opting change very frequently could be damaging too. Nobody can argue on the fact, that life changes very often, moreover it’s very natural and it is experienced every moment and every day. For example a day begins with sunlight and ends with sunset. So this way nature shows us that nothing is permanent. Changes keep happening and we have to accept it and keep going with it. To cite an example for the positive sides of change are, today the world is in full control of technology which was not the case a decade ago so if one does not change according to the demand, they may be considered as old fashioned or out dated. Today each and every person has a smart phone, people are associated with social networking sites and they do accept these kind of changes in order to be a part of the zing. Eventually people have started getting bored and avoid stereotypical lives in order to retain the energy and enthusiasm. For example, if a family has very dull and mind – numbing interiors in their home, It is very likely that, this family may face lack of energy and enthusiasm however a slight change in the décor with some bright coloured walls and changes in upholstery may rejuvenate the family. On the other hand change may not be positive all the time. Too many changes could bring an extra burden to a person himself as well as his family too. To illustrate, changes in career, very frequently could be very dangerous for a person’s career and at some point people need to be consistent and composed in their performance. If a person keeps on •3•


changing his job very often he may not be able to experience or explore one profession also in a proper manner. This would ultimately result in multiple failures. Finally, change is required however every human should be aware with the positive sides of changes and then adapt those changes in their lives.



IELTS QUESTION 3: Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach art subjects like philosophy and history and only offer practical degree course that maximize chances of employment. To what extent do you agree or disagree. Universities are considered to be the doors for better career. However the scenario depicts that in spite of so many hikes in the university fees the students do not get placed properly, which is why some experts suggest to eliminate subjects like history and philosophy and focus more on practical degree training which would result in better career prospects. It is true that there are more students who take admission in the university but not all achieve a better career. Unemployment is a major issue in most of the countries and to cope up with this issue experts suggest too many things and one among that is to stop subjects like history and philosophy which may give the students more time to prepare on practical subjects. This could be advantageous to an extent because not everyone is interested in pursuing their career in philosophy or history so abrogating these subjects would definitely give more time to the students to focus on their profession and skills which would indeed result in better career prospects instead of blindly learning those subjects what they don’t like, they would be able to spend more valuable time, may be they could join some extra courses in the evening which would enhance their present knowledge. They can also spend time to improve their language which is an essential part of career which in turn would make them perform better on an interview desk. On the other hand eliminating history and philosophy completely would first and foremost affect those who want to pursue their career in these subjects. Secondly history tells us about the past so if a student does not study history then it would be very difficult for him to know about his country’s culture and heritage. Philosophy is considered as a comprehensive •5•


system of belief or an outlook system of belief or an outlook about different things so to an extent to understand things in a better way it is essential. Finally it is true that the university fees has been hiked, however students do not get placed according to the money been spent on their education so practical approach towards education should improvise the scenario.



IELTS QUESTION 4: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Consumer goods are the end results of production and manufacturing, moreover in today’s scenario the elevated sales of famous consumer goods is because of the dynamic effectiveness of advertising and not the actual requirements of the community where it has been sold. According to me it is highly dependent on an individual to decide on advertisements about different products that are very common nowadays. We can come across advertisements everywhere like on radio and the most popular ones are on the television and newspaper. Advertisements are a good source to get information about different products. If there are no advertisements it would be difficult to know about the new products. Often advertisements tell us about the offers available on a certain product. For example, a general store offers five kg rice, five litres of oil and five kg sugar together for just six hundred rupees whereas if a consumer buys it separately it would at least cost them fifteen hundred, these offers are shown on television and on newspaper very frequently and because of this consumers save money. On the other hand, it has been felt that advertisements are actually influencing people a lot. To cite an example the fairness cream advertisements, the hair fall shampoo advertisements have greatly influenced the youth, they really believe that if they use a particular cream, they might turn up looking fair just like the famous model who must have promoted that particular product. Here they might not really need the product or in other words this cream may not be effective enough to improve someone’s texture. Therefore to an extent consumers are carried away by the advertisements. In short, without advertisements it’s very difficult to know about the products, therefore it would be better if people use their intelligence before •7•


investing on any product.



IELTS QUESTION: 5 As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? Job satisfaction is very important for an individual’s prosperity. It is an undenied fact that an adult spends most of his time at work. There are several factors contributing to job satisfaction like the commercial and work balance however it may not be very practical all the time to be satisfied at work place in the practical life. Job satisfaction could be defined as how content an individual is with his or her job. To put in simple words it is a simple question; whether the employee is satisfied with his job or not. Now the question of being satisfied differs with people. For some job satisfaction could purely rely on remuneration and for others it could be whether they are enjoying their work ambience or not. To start with the commercial part of it, it is a practical need of a person to earn some good amount of money and get the facilities which are offered and in today’s scenario where a person’s reputation is measured with his income, it’s highly important that he earns a good amount to lead a decent life. Moreover the demand and the availability of excellent products in the market, literally provokes people to grow up financially. Today people like to brag about their commodities and they like getting that attention from others and feel that if they earn a lot of money they can be satisfied. However this may not be true with all even if someone earns huge he may not be satisfied still the reasons could be if they work somewhere, where they are not very acquainted with the kind of work culture or if it is different from their stream it may result in being unsatisfied. In conclusion job satisfaction is very essential for a person’s well being, if a person is not very satisfied with the work he may not grow in his career and may tend to lead a mediocre life. •9•

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