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Story Transcript

COMPILERS Srinidhi.V. & Madhumitha. G.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to use this opportunity to thank each and everyone who all the people involved in this book and, more specifically, to all the co - authors. Without your support, this book would not have become a reality. We would like to thank each one of the authors for their contributions. Our sincere gratitude to all who contributed their time and expertise to this book. We wish to acknowledge the valuable contributions of the Publication regarding the improvement of quality, coherence, and content. Last but not least, we would like to extend our gratitude to parents and friends who have been a huge support through the book.


LIST OF WRITERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.




Srinidhi is a writer by passion, singer by choice ,an artist by essence of creation and an athlete by inspiration. She is a co-author of 30+ anthologies.



I met Miffy in my first year of high school..We remained as old buddies during that time and we kept in touch even after graduation..We would regularly hang out and do as such numerous things together as such countless companions do.. Yet, there's one thing specifically that we both shared a typical interest for and we delighted in it more than some other interest we had..We both anticipated an outing to a backwoods since we were exhausted aff.. It was a very much forested region with various groups of water..Miffy and I had come here for our next climbing campaign and we wound up going down a long earth way which drove us more profound and more profound into the space.. However, Miffy had gone soo quick and I was unable to get up to speed her in speed.. I was looking for Miffy around yet I was unable to discover.. So I began shouting.. "Miffy hang on.. Where right? "

There wasn't any reaction from Miffy.. I thought it was abnormal first yet.. It's standard for Miffy that her interest on investigating things made her to run so quick.. I was somewhat irritated however I could see that she went straight so I just headed a similar way, trusting that she 5

didn't get excessively far ahed.. As I drew nearer, I saw Miffy remaining on the edge of a lake; with somewhere around twelve others inside the waterway.. "Hello Miffy," I hollered.. Yet, by and by she didn't react at all and she wasn't moving by the same token.. I was unable to see her face however I could tell that he was watching out into the water and I figured she was hypnotized by the sight.. The lake was somewhat wonderful considering the region it was in..They were looking straight at Miffy and they were similarly however still as Miffy might have been, and they skimmed in the water.. "Miffy what's happening?" I attempted to quiet my nerves ,imagining that perhaps Miffy or the swimmers had some way or another tested each other in a game..But that just appeared to be too unusual thinking about that I didn't perceive their faces..It was absolutely conceivable that possibly they had quite recently met, yet Miffy wasn't that alluring that she could just out of nowhere make companions or associates with an entire gathering of individuals in a range of a couple of moments.. Then, at that point Miffy came colliding down with the lake, towards those arrangement of individuals.. The water sprinkled such a lot of that I was unable to see the others in the lake briefly. Yet, after the water had settled 6

couldn't see anyone at all...Neither Miffy nor any of the others could be seen.. Be that as it may, those a couple of minutes passed, they actually hadn't come up out of the water and I went into full frenzy mode, figuring they might have all suffocated.. I pulled out my telephone and called 100..I disclosed to them the circumstance and I sat tight for them to arrive..It took them for a spell yet when they arrived, they promptly began looking through the lake.. Yet, that search continued for some time with nothing to show for it. They hadn't discovered Miffy or any other individual in there and there was no hint of them all things considered.. They proceeded with the inquiry yet many its fizzled, they needed to surrender it and cut the misfortune.. It was a major report for a couple of days, however it was forgotten in a brief time frame.. In any case, I always remembered it and I never could, regardless of whether I needed to, thinking about the abnormality of the occasion.. Questions showed up in me..How could they simply vanish without me seeing them? How is it possible that they would have apparently been submerged and never show up again? For some time I thought perhaps that Miffy would just come dependent upon me one day and say that it was all an appalling trick...


After the occasion happened I did some examination and made a few inquiries that specific region, about anything they was aware of that specific lake.. They said that there had been an old metropolitan legend about the lake and odd figures living within it...The legend was that these figures would draw in and allure individuals towards the lake, at last getting them into the water, before they just vanish...What happens to them is obscure and there are shifting speculations regarding where they go.. On the off chance that you would have disclosed to me something like this, quite a while back I would have laughed..But I don't giggle at these sorts of stories any longer after what befell Miffy..These days I've quit going on trips totally and I never wish to rehash it in the course of my life….



Madhumitha is an ambitious girl of 17...She is a logophile seeking more words to her creative world and she is a mesmerizing singer. She is a co author of 30+ anthologies.


SCARY NIGHT Based on true events I experienced that night of my life... It was a cold, windy night with no moon. The wind sounded like a thousand spirits trying to tell me of their pain at once. As I walked to the end of the lane, where I lived, I noticed the streetlamp outside my house had stopped working. The darkness there was frightening. It was so dark that no colour could describe it. It felt wrong there, something otherworldly, something darker than the darkest black. I tried to ignore the eerie feeling slowly creeping into me. I knew what had brought this on, though. Since I was a child, I have been absolutely terrified of clowns. Today, for some reason, I had agreed to watch the movie ‘It’ with my friend. It was all fine when I was with him, but then, as I unlocked the door and stepped inside my house, I cursed myself. I felt all the terror the children must have felt when they saw him for the first time. One particular line from the movie was really stuck in my head, “I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.” The accurateness of this was astonishing. My walk tothe kitchen to get a glass of water was the longest walk of my life. My paranoia made me turn and look back at least thrice in ten steps. My heart was racing like I had just sprinted for a kilometre. It felt like any second the shadows would spring to life in the shapes of clowns. I shuddered and drained my glass in one long sip. I started taking deep breaths and focusing on my breathing. 10

As my heart rate gradually came back to normal, so did I. There are no ghosts. I had locked my house before leaving. Nothing or no one could have entered. Unless they were supernatural, I thought. No. Enough. I shook my head like my pet after he used to get wet. I splashed cold water on my face. I felt better and soon my mind wandered to other things. As I lay in bed, I thought about my day and felt silly about getting so alarmed at nothing. I really had to work on not getting so scared. I think my fear stemmed from the fact that I didn’t really understand what was going on inside the clown’s head. I didn’t trust them. Panic attacks were my constant companion. That reminded me to stock up on my medicines, which were almost over. Would the attacks ever go? Or would they stay with me forever? The sound of the clock ticking twelve brought me out of my reverie. How the mind wanders when left alone. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was in the backseat of a car with a pink balloon next to me. I was the sole passenger and the driver was going at a steady pace on a dark, lonely road. There were no vehicles anywhere near. I was feeling very disoriented. Where was I? How did I get there? Where was I being taken? Why was there a pink balloon next to me? Who was the driver? I said, “Excuse me.” The driver didn’t give any indication that he might have heard me. Something was off. “Excuse me.” I said, a little more forcefully. Still no response. I felt annoyed. Why was he not responding? I tapped him on 11

the shoulder. This time, he turned. It was a clown, with a knife in his hand.My heart started beating so fast that I thought it would burst out. I was trembling uncontrollably, fighting with my fear for the control of my mind. Then, I screamed, and screamed, and screamed, an unending screech as bottomless as the depths of my fear.The sound of the clock striking one woke me up, panting and covered in sweat. My heart still felt like it would burst at any time and I was every bit as terrified as I had been in my nightmare. I looked around wildly, half expecting clown to come out wielding a knife. The only good part was that I had somehow managed to not soil myself. Instantly, I heard three knocks on my bedroom door. I froze. A shiver went down. Just then, I noticed the pink balloon next to me. I lost all control of mine and started screaming like a child. Standing in front of me, was the clown again, knife in hand. As I looked at the smile on his face, my life flashed before me. The last thing I heard before the world went black was, “I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.”



Anisha hails from Chennai. A girl who loves to fly and chasing after her dreams and find peace in other’s happiness.


THE STATUE A few years ago in Japan , a mother and father decided they need a break out of their stressful work life , so they decided to head for a night on the town. Since they had never been out on a night leaving their children's home alone, they called their most trusted babysitter who had been taking care of them since they were born. When the babysitter arrived, the two children were already fast asleep in their bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children. Later that night, the babysitter got bored and went to watch TV, but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they did not have cable downstairs. So, she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parent's room. The parent's said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request - she asked if she could cover up the statue outside the bedroom window with a blanket or cloth, because made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time said,


" Take the children and get out of the house...we don't own a statue." The police found both of the children and the babysitter slumped in pools of their own blood within three minutes of the call. No statue was found.


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