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Story Transcript

I ONCE LIVED A Dead Man's perspective on Life, Death & Beyond

Neethu Gowda

Chennai • Bangalore

CLEVER FOX PUBLISHING Chennai, India Published by CLEVER FOX PUBLISHING 2022 Copyright © Neethu Gowda 2022 All Rights Reserved. ISBN: 978-93-56480-51-3 This book has been published with all reasonable efforts taken to make the material error-free after the consent of the author. No part of this book shall be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The Author of this book is solely responsible and liable for its content including but not limited to the views, representations, descriptions, statements, information, opinions and references [“Content”]. The Content of this book shall not constitute or be construed or deemed to reflect the opinion or expression of the Publisher or Editor. Neither the Publisher nor Editor endorse or approve the Content of this book or guarantee the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the Content published herein and do not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. The Publisher and Editor shall not be liable whatsoever for any errors, omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause or claims for loss or damages of any kind, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of use, inability to use, or about the reliability, accuracy or sufficiency of the information contained in this book.

m TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................. v 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

What matters when you die? .................................................................1 Wish I remembered these! ......................................................................6 Our Earthly Life as we know it ............................................................25 Death Bed, thorn, or flowers? (And my deathbed story) .......................35 4.1 My Death Bed Experience: ..........................................................41 4.2 After Death Reflections: ................................................................47 Die with Memories (worth Reminiscing), Not with Regrets! ................52 5.1 In the large scheme of things: ........................................................60 Regret free life, what is that? ................................................................67 If Given a Chance ................................................................................75 Death, Death, Death!...........................................................................99 Here’s the Secret! ................................................................................111 3 Important Aspects ...........................................................................121 Do not Die until it is your Time ........................................................141 Death Date ........................................................................................155 Stretch your Mind .............................................................................164 The “I-Self ” .......................................................................................175 Mind your Attention .........................................................................181 Celebrate Life & Embrace Death .......................................................189 Heaven & Hell & Resting in Peace! ...................................................195 Is it a Dream or an illusion or is it for real?.........................................199

Author’s Story (brief ) .................................................................................208 Acknowledgment........................................................................................210


m Dedication Dedicated to every Living Human Being who is ready to awaken to their Truth and Live in accordance!



ey Dear Reader,

Thank you for picking up this book. I guarantee you that the time you invest in this will be well worth it! As the name of the book suggests, it is indeed going to talk about a dead man’s perspective on life, death, and beyond. It’s straightforward and simple to read, but don’t let its simplicity mislead you, this can be a life-altering book if you let the content of this book sync in deep. Most probably you might be wondering what this is about. Who’s the dead man here? What the heck is she talking about? Well, to clear that up, I must back up a little bit and tell you who I am and what I do. I am a spiritual life coach, life purpose coach, an intuitive tarot reader, and writer, mostly poems and blogs. So, my primary job is to communicate with the other side (spiritual realm) to bring forth messages that are important and relevant to my clients and sometimes to my community or everyone in general. One calm evening, when I was meditating, I was contacted by a departed soul (whom I don’t want to mention here by name to protect family’s privacy), who passed on during the covid pandemic. He was just in his mid-30s and left behind v

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a boatload of unfulfilled dreams and wishes. He left behind a beautiful family consisted of his dear wife, an adorable young child and an old aged father (who’s around 85 years now) who are all still grieving for their irreplaceable loss. It’s hard to imagine dying with a heart full of dreams and desires, but it did happen, death did knock on the door until it was answered, and the ocean of grief did wash away all the happiness from his family. So, the messages in this book are the regrets, lessons learned, his death, and a little bit about the other side experience of this wonderful soul who is sending out a personal plea to all of us, who are still alive and who still got a chance to make our life worth living and make it special. I know some of you are wondering and categorizing this as another woo-woo book and thinking should you continue reading at all. If that is the case, let me stop you there, I am not writing this book to impose my ideas and beliefs on you, you are free to ignore the method through which the messages were delivered to me and rather just focus on the messages themselves or just consider it as a fiction story, which may help you ease into the content. Also, it’s totally fine if you are not into spiritual stuff or don’t believe in spirit communication and the concept of the “other side” seems a little crazy to you, I totally respect that and understand your point of view. Nonetheless, this book is for anyone and everyone who’s going to die inevitably, to just take a step back, reflect upon where we stand, and ponder upon the thoughts that this book may evoke deep within us. This book is going to serve you as a reminder to live more intentionally

Introduction |


and leave no room for regrets when it is your time to die. This book will feel familiar and relatable because the content of this book is all about our daily lives and the challenges that we face when we are too busy hustling. You may notice that I have used the words both “I” and “We” in the first-person narrative, as sometimes the message would come from the collective souls or a master soul, not just from this particular soul. In such case I have used “we”, so do not get confused. Check out our website and write to us with your stories and experiences that you may have had in your life concerning your passed-on loved ones, I would love to hear and write back to you personally. I feel deeply grateful and honored to be able to bring these messages into our lives. I hope they will allow us to pause and reflect before we start a new chapter/new phase in life. Hope this gave you some background before we delve deep into the main content of the book. If you are ready, let’s get started…



bsolutely nothing, at least not what you think would really matter!

Oh, before we start, greetings from the other side! I am so glad that you are still alive and still got an opportunity to live in your physical body and enjoy the planet earth. I know I have not lived very long enough, but I have lived my fair share of life. I was successful in my own way, I had accomplished what I had planned to accomplish and a little more by this age. My career and life were going well, I was at a top position with a lot of responsibilities, which kept me super busy all the time. This was my understanding of what a successful career meant. I had a beautiful wife and an adorable baby, who then became my priority and my world. I had finally found a family which was incredible. It made me feel important (which boosts the ego of a man right, when he feels needed by someone). I wasn’t super-rich or anything, but if I had lived long enough, (I think) I would 1



I once lived

have become affluent, gotten retired by the time I was 40-45 years old and would have settled in the most beautiful place for the rest of my life to watch my kid grow up and become a successful gentleman and a kind human being. Well, I couldn’t do that, obviously, you know the reason! Once I passed on and crossed over, I took a hopelessly long time which felt like an eternity (time is a tricky thing to explain because there is no concept of time outside of the earth, it’s just a long stretch of existence) to even realize and accept that I was in fact not alive anymore, at least not in a conventional sense. It was scary, but this is the only truth that mattered now, this is the only thing that made sense. Nothing else was real. It all felt like an illusion like I was jolted and forced to wake up from the dream that I was dreaming for some time. This truth is what liberated me, after the initial shock of my abrupt transition from being physical to the spirit. Although it felt great to be out of the physical body, and to experience freedom from all the restrictions and limitations of being tied to a physical body, I wasn’t ready for Death. However, I did like and was glad to feel the freedom from illness and so many days of long-suffering in a hospital bed, with all that medical equipment attached and shoved into my mouth to help me breathe, as I wasn’t capable of breathing on my own. I was hardly aware of anything that was going on around me. I was just in a constant state of physical exhaustion due to pain and lack of oxygen. Mentally, I was in an extreme state of fear and nerve wrenchingly panicked all the time due to the ambiguity of whether am I going to

What matters when you die?

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survive and meet my family (who were not allowed to visit me as I was kept in an isolation due to contagious pandemic crisis) or am I going to die. I couldn’t get out of the bed and walk or talk or even breathe which I thought I am entitled to, for being a human. So, when I was freed from this acute state of physical damage, I did like it, but I wasn’t prepared to go through this yet. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye and I wasn’t ready for this intense process of death, but it did happen anyway with or without my consent. After being lost for a long time in the realm of fear and darkness, when I finally started accepting the fact and found my way back to clarity and truth, I asked myself, what was I doing on earth anyway? I asked myself, what mattered now on the other side, after letting go and releasing all that I thought was real, which made so much sense there on earth? The answer was “NOTHING”. Whatever I thought I owned, my physical body, the house I lived in, the family that I had, the beautiful wife, and the child that I thought were my life, the goals, dreams, and the foolproof plan (yeah, I really thought it was a foolproof plan) to accomplish so many goals, was all just gone in a blink of an eye. I am now just a spirit, with no physical body, with no entanglement, no identity, which is so vital on earth. I am just free of all that I thought was “ME”. Nothing matters doesn’t mean I don’t care about the people I loved, and I still love. It just means that no materialistic aspect of earthly life matters, and now love occupies everything and anything and becomes exponential, unconditional and ever giving. My capacity to love them and everyone else has



I once lived

increased to an unimaginable degree. All that matters now is not tangible things, but much deeper and profound innate qualities of us which go unnoticed, and can’t be measured using any metrics that human beings have ever invented. That leaves us with the inevitable question; then what else matters? Here are some of the things that matter: ● ● ●

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Did you love others and yourself enough? How did you live? Did you live up to your fullest potential? How did you overcome the challenge that was presented to you in your life? Were you of service or lived selfishly? What did you give back to your planet? What were your values in life? Did you learn your life lessons? Your perspective and approach towards everything. Was your faith stronger than your fear? Did you show compassion to your fellow beings? How did you impact the people around you?

These are some of the aspects that matter because that is what we are supposed to demonstrate on earth, our willingness to learn and grow, not conquer and rule. If you observe, there are no pointers on ‘how many master’s degrees did you get?’, ‘Were you a Ph.D. holder?’, ‘Did you marry?’, ‘Did you have kids?’, ‘Did you have a successful business?’, ‘Did you buy a house?’, ‘Did you win a championship?’ or ‘Were you able to become a multimillionaire?’ Because these are not universal goals, everyone has a unique tailor-made path to each of them,

What matters when you die?

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your purpose and goal change based on what you have come here to learn on earth. If you are a Ph.D. holder or a successful entrepreneur, well, congratulations to you on your accomplishment, but in a broader picture, these earthly achievements and goals only facilitate and catapult you towards your ultimate growth as a soul and aid in its expansion & ascension. More than achieving your set goal of whatever you have planned for yourself, the path to that goal, all the decisions and choices that you made along the way and how open and flexible were you to learn and grow as a person are what matters a lot.



hat I knew about life when I was on the earth and what I know (remember) here now about how to live on earth are absolutely two separate concepts. It astonishes me, at the same time fascinates me to see this difference in how we forget everything and remain oblivious on earth. As the result of the veil getting lifted (which is death) or jolted out of a vivid dream, the 10 important things that I remember now which are enormously significant are:

1. Enter the Sacred School Earth is like a giant workshop/lab/school for us to learn about our strengths & limitations by carrying out various experiments. These experiments which I am referring to are all the life lessons, challenges, trials and tribulations that one goes through on earth, which will allow us to learn and to 6

Wish I remembered these!

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know ourselves better and grow steadily. So, all are there on earth to master the art of living, evolve as human beings and as a soul and be a better and refined version of themselves (the same is true in every lifetime of ours on earth). However, on the contrary, most of them feel it like an entrapment of sorts on earth. They feel restricted, but the truth is to simply shift their perspective and take a creative approach to life. Every problem has a solution, there is no lock made without a key, your job is to identify the right key to unlock all that life has to offer. As a side note, I will share a little secret with you, soul to soul: The “key” to unlock everything is “You”. Dare to be you as authentically as possible and show up every single time as sincerely as possible and shine your light as bright as possible. Always remember the answer/key is within, don’t search for it outside. It’s not a cliché it’s for real.

2. Secret Ingredient Life wasn’t supposed to be so serious as I thought it was when I was there on earth. I forgot the important ingredient of all, which is FUN, childlike WONDER & AWE. Instead of enjoying the process of creation, we dread everything on earth. We don’t let ourselves enjoy our stay on earth, because we always have someplace to go, somewhere else to be, to become someone else, to reach certain goals before 30, 40, 50… I thought the same! I had planned up to the age of about 80, I thought I will live very long, well, the joke’s on me! Having plans is absolutely fine, but what is not fine

Covid was hard for all of us, but it was harder for those who lost their loved ones. It sure felt terrible and scary to witness the fragility of human life as death took the center stage. This is just one side of the coin, on the flip side, what do you think of those people who actually went through death and drifted into the abyss? What were they feeling when they died? If given a chance to these passed-on souls, what would they say about their experience? I Once Lived, is a perspective of one such man who passed away due to covid, now as a soul reflects upon the life he lived, narrates his death experience and his after-life journey, in an attempt to show us all how living well is of paramount importance, and the impact it has on our death process and the journey beyond. I wish these powerful messages will permeate deep inside and re-direct us towards leading a more fulfilling & elated life. Neethu is an Intuitive Tarot Reader, Spiritual Life Coach, Life purpose coach, and an empathic energy healer. She has been on her spiritual quest for over a decade and started offering her spiritual services in the past 4 years to help people find answers and assist them on their self-realization journey. To know more, visit her website www.neethugowda.com.

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