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Malaysian Summer Hues Client Malaysia Tourism

4 Big Idea Malaysian Summer Hues with Philip’s Hue Technology, we let people feel the Malaysian sun and help them with their winter blues. Problem People are prone to the winter blues from the lack of sunlight and vitamin D during winter. Insight People use lamps that mimic natural sunlight to combat seasonal affective disorder, where people exhibit depressive symptoms during winter. Target Audience People in areas with the least daylight hours during winter; Norway, the Faroe Islands, and the United States.

5 Collection > Brand Identity > Malaysian Summer Hues

Take over already existing Philip’s lighbox and install Philip’ Hue Bluetooth lightbulbs. Outdoor Activation:

7 Steps: ① With motion detectors, when a person passes by, the lightbox would then light up with the Malaysian Sunlight. ② After scanning, QR Code will lead users to the Philip’s Bluetooth App. ③ Through the app, users can choose which Malaysian Sunlight they want to bask in. ④ Each sunlight selectrion would allow users to visit the Malaysia Tourism microsite to learn more. ⑤ Lastly, the selected sunlight would illuminate the billboard.

Philips Hue Bluetooth App ① Homepage ② Malaysian Summer Hues


10 Taking over the existing Philips Hue owners to experience Malaysian Summer Hues in their own homes with an added feature of summer playlist in the app. At Home Activation:


Microsite, Billboards, and Social Media. Social Media consists of Instagram Malaysia Sun Therapy stories and TikTok challenges. Awareness:


14 Malaysian Summer Hues > Case Study Video Case Study Video: Watch the Case Study Video for Malaysian Summer Hues through the QR code below!


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