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9,00 N$

SEIT 1916

Korruption Fachkräfte machen sich in einer Gesprächsrunde Gedanken über Korruption, die durch Großprojekte ausgelöst wird. Seite 2


Bewilligt Bei der Artenkonferenz in Panama wurde der namibische Antrag auf Lockerung zur Ausfuhr von Nasenhörnern bewilligt. Seite 3

ISSN 1560-9421



n Seite t l a h In

Die Elf der Deutschen Fußball Nationalmannsaft hat einen Fehlstart zum Auftakt der WM in Katar gegen Japan hingelegt. Seite 4

Stadtbild für immer verändert • Von-Francois-Standbild wird für unbekannte Zeitspanne eingelagert Mit großer Freude und einer Flasche Sekt feiert der ExBürgermeister die Enthebung einer echt namibischen TouristenAttraktion und legt die Gedenktafeln Wort wörtlich ins Gras(b). Die Nachfahren des „nicht mehr Gründers” sprechen währenddessen ihren Unmut aus. Von Tanja Bause (Bearbeitet von S. Noechel) WINDHOEK


ch bin sehr unglücklich darüber, was heute hier passiert ist. Es wird die Stadtverwaltung Millionen kosten, nicht nur das Standbild zu entfernen, sondern auch ein anderes an seiner Stelle zu errichten. Das Geld könnte viel besser verwendet worden sein. In den Squatter Camps rund um Katutura gibt es viele Menschen, die keine Häuser, kein fließend Wasser und keine Toiletten haben, sie leben in Armut. Die Ratsherren diskutieren und beraten sich über kleine Dummheiten und nicht darüber, was die Massen dort in Katutura brauchen. Für mich ist es eine unnötige Geldverschwendung, aber es ist scheinbar eine Tradition der Stadtverwaltung, wenn es um die Geldverschwendung geht, sind sie die Nummer eins“, sagte Alfons. „Ich arbeite hier in der Nähe und sehe die Touristen, die jeden Tag hierher kommen, aber nicht nur sie, sondern auch Namibier, die hierher kommen und Fotos machen, weil das Standbild Teil unserer Geschichte ist. Ich frage mich, ob die Person, die sie an seine Stelle setzen wollen, jemanden ins Stadtzentrum locken wird?” Alfons war einer der wenigen Menschen, die bei der Entfernung des Curt-von-Francois-Standbildes vor dem Gebäude der Stadtverwaltung

im Zentrum von Windhoek anwesend waren. Auch war Daphne mit ihrem Bruder und ihrer Tochter gestern vor Ort. „Ich bin sehr traurig. Dies ist Teil meiner Geschichte als Damara. Es ist etwas, das passiert ist und das wir nicht ändern können, aber aufgrund unserer Geschichte sind wir, wer wir heute sind, und die Zukunft ist etwas, das wir bestimmen können. Also wollten wir nur noch ein letztes Mal die Gelegenheit wahrnehmen und ein Foto zusammen unter dem Standbild machen. Das wird uns in Zukunft an diesen Tag und diesen Teil unserer Geschichte erinnern“, sagte sie. Petrus lebt in Havanna und auch er ärgert sich über das Geld, das die Stadtverwaltung verschwendet hat, anstatt für Menschen in Havanna, Wasser, Waschanlagen und Strom anlegen zu können. „Der Mann steht einfach da und stört niemanden. Wir haben lange gekämpft, gebettelt und mit der Stadtverwaltung gesprochen, aber nichts passiert, und jetzt schauen wir uns an, wie das ganze Geld verschwendet wird.“ Auch das Stadtratsmitglied und der ehemalige Bürgermeister, Job Amupanda, sprach sich gegenüber der NMH aus. Ihm zufolge war dieser Schritt schon lange abzusehen. „Unsere Argumente sind sehr einfach. Die Leute sagen, er sei der Gründer der Stadt, und das stimmt

Job Amupanda: ,,Mein Kampf ist erfolgreich beendet.” Der ehemalige Bürgermeister von Windhoek scheint sich auf dem Sockel wohl zu fühlen.

Nach knapp 57 Jahren wurde am 23. November 2022 das Standbild des „ehemaligen” Stadtgründers von Windhoek, Curt von Francois, abmontiert und bis auf ungewisse Zeit eingelagert. • FOTOS: TANJA BAUSE einfach nicht. Wir wissen, dass dies nicht wahr ist, und es beendet somit jedes Gespräch. Wir möchten nicht, dass es an öffentlichen Orten Artefakte oder Standbilder gibt, die eine Lüge darstellen. Wir haben die bewusste Entscheidung getroffen, ihn zu entfernen. Jetzt müssen wir in öffentlichen Diskussionen darüber sprechen, was wir an seiner Stelle aufstellen sollen. Wir haben ein paar Vorschläge erhalten, aber wir haben uns entschieden, öffentliche Diskussionen zu führen.“ Nacheinander nahm Amupanda die Gedenktafeln in Englisch, Afrikaans und Deutsch ab und legte sie mit den Worten auf das Gras neben dem Standbild hin: „Es ist eine weitere Lüge, dass er Windhoek 1890 gegründet hat. Wir wissen dass es Jan Jonker und seine Leute waren, die seit 1850 hier waren. Damit ist die Lüge nun ein für alle Mal gefallen“. Brunhilde Cornelius, eine Nachfahrin der vierten Generation von Curt und Amalia !Gwaxas von Francois, stellte im Namen ihrer Brüder, Schwestern und der Familie eine kritische Erklärung in die sozialen Medien. „Es ist in der Tat ein sehr trauriger Moment. Durch den Abbruch

des Standbilds wird die Geschichte nicht gelöscht oder neu geschrieben. Es wird uns nicht vergessen lassen. Die Geschichte ist da, um uns an unsere vergangenen Fehler zu erinnern und uns zu helfen, es besser zu machen. Die Entfernung des Standbilds wird die Arbeitslosenquote unter unseren arbeitslosen Hochschulabsolventen, die 70 Prozent unserer namibischen Jugend ausmachen, nicht verringern. Es wird unsere korrupte Regierung nicht davon abhalten, uns auszuplündern und auszusaugen. Wir sind in der Tat sehr traurig und bedrückt über die Entfernung des Standbildes unseres Urgroßvaters, aber sie werden niemals in der Lage sein, das blaue Blut zu entfernen, das in unseren Adern fließt. Wie das alte Sprichwort besagt: Die Geschichte ist sicherlich in Stein gemeißelt.“

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Das Wetter

Windhoek..................14o| 33o Walvis Bay..................12o| 25o Weitere Werte und Vorhersage Seite 2

Brutale Vergewaltigung – ungewöhnlicher Tod

Windhoek (th/km) • Ein 13-jähriges

Mädchen wurde am Freitag im Dorf Onandjila bei Okahao von einem Mann, der sie mitnehmen wollte, zweimal vergewaltigt. Der regionale Polizeikommandant von Omusati, Kommissar Ismael Basson, gab an, dass es sich sowohl um vaginale als auch anale Vergewaltigung gehandelt habe. Einzelheiten seien noch unklar, aber es bestehe keine Beziehung zwischen dem Opfer und dem Verdächtigen, sagte er. Basson fügte hinzu, dass der Verdächtige das Opfer angeblich auf einer Hochzeit kennengelernt und ihr angeboten habe, sie nach Hause zu fahren. Der Verdächtige ist den Strafverfolgungsbehörden bekannt, wurde aber noch nicht verhaftet. Die Polizei meldete außerdem, dass am vergangenen Sonntag ein Mann verstorben sei, nachdem er womöglich vergiftetes traditionelles Gebräu im Dorf Omukondo getrunken hatte. Der stellvertretende Kommissar Moses Simaho, Koordinator der Verbrechensbekämpfung in Omusati, sagte, Johannes Amadhila (36) habe in sich in einem Cuca-Laden drei Männern zum Trunk eines Glases Okatokele angeschlossen. Er habe aus demselben Glas wie die anderen getrunken. Wie Zeugen berichteten brach er später vor einem anderen Cuca-Shop zusammen. Er wurde in das Indira Gandhi Health Centre in Onemanya gebracht, dann in das Okahao Staatskrankenhaus verlegt und verstarb am Montag. Die Ergebnisse der Obduktion deuten auf eine mögliche Vergiftung hin. Es wurden noch keine Festnahmen vorgenommen. Des Weiteren starb ein Mitglied der Namibia Defence Force (NDF) am Dienstagnachmittag bei einem ungewöhnlichen Unfall im Dorf Onaeluka. Johannes Natangwe Aiyambo sei tot zwischen seinem Auto und den Pfählen seines traditionellen Hauses gefunden worden. Vorläufige Ermittlungen ergaben, dass Aiyambo (57) anscheinend gerade die Reifen seines Wagens wechselte und den Wagen startete, der daraufhin nach vorn schoss und ihn tödlich verletzte.

Postfach 3436 • General-Murtala-Muhammed-Avenue 11 • Windhoek • Tel.: +264-61-297 2300 • Fax: +264-61-22 02 25, +264-61-24 52 00 • [email protected] •



Das Wetter 99.5 Whk

Sonnig und heiß im Süden und Westen des Landes, ansonsten teilweise bewölkt. Einzelne Gewitter im Norden möglich. An der Küste mild bis warm.

97.5 Swk 083 202 0124

Wir empfehlen auch:

Der Kommentar

Windhoek (NMH/km) • Die

Stadt Windhoek (CoW) genehmigte im Oktober nach Angaben von IJG Securities insgesamt 262 Baupläne, ein Anstieg von 10,5 Prozent gegenüber den 237 im September genehmigten Bauplänen. Der Wert der Genehmigungen belief sich auf 157,4 Mio. N$, was einem Anstieg von 5,3 Prozent gegenüber den im September genehmigten Plänen im Wert von 149,4 Mio. N$ entspricht. Im bisherigen Jahresverlauf wurden insgesamt 2 166 Baupläne im Wert von 1,57 Mrd. N$ genehmigt, das sind 3,6 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr, aber auch 3,6 Prozent weniger als zur gleichen Zeit des Vorjahres. Laut IJG wurden zudem im Oktober insgesamt 88 Bauvorhaben im Wert von 75,8 Millionen N$ abgeschlossen. Im Oktober wurden 182 Grundstückserweiterungen im Wert von 84,6 Mio. N$ genehmigt,


Ein Gesprächsthema weniger! Ein Bekannter zeigte sich erstaunt, als er unlängst in London – im „Parliament Square“ – am Jan-SmutsDenkmal vorbeikam: „Da wird an einen Mann aus unserer Region im südlichen Afrika erinnert, der maßgeblich zur Geschichte der Welt beigetragen hat. Die Idee der kollektiven, internationalen Sicherheit durch den Völkerbund war doch letztendlich nobel.“ Knapp 8 500 Kilometer weg von Windhoek wird an ein Stück Geschichte erinnert. Die Statue von Curt von Francois hier in Namibia und das Rhodes-Denkmal an der Kapstädter Universität in Südafrika erfüllten eigentlich denselben Zweck. Doch beide mussten weichen und so bieten wir unseren Besuchern halt weniger Gesprächsthemen. Gesprächsthemen, die sich gar nicht unbedingt nur mit den Leistungen zu befassen brauchen, sondern auch die Schattenseiten beleuchten könnten. Auch das ist Teil der Geschichte und so bräuchte man diese Denkmäler oft nur im Kontext darstellen, sodass sie für Besucher noch interessanter würden. Statt Geschichte zu vervollständigen und geschmackvolle neue Denkmäler zu errichten und im Kontext darzustellen, reißen wir in Windhoek alles ab, was entfernt einen Zusammenhang mit der kolonialen Vergangenheit hat. Haben wir also gar keine Geschichte mehr? Auf welchen Einflüssen beruht denn dann unsere Multikulti-Gesellschaft, wenn wir nur die Facetten erhalten, die uns momentan politisch genehm erscheinen? Was bietet Windhoek Besuchern denn noch? Museen, die meist verschlossen sind – am Wochenende grundsätzlich! - eine marode, unzugängliche Alte Feste mit eingeschlossenem Reiter (und nun auch von Francois); neue und doch vergammelnde Unabhängigkeitsdenkmäler; kaputte Gartenanlagen – siehe Zoo-Park – und verriegelte Stadtgärten – siehe Tintenpalast –; und ein paar verbliebene, ramponierte Denkmäler. Mit derartigem Ramsch locken wir bestimmt erfolgreich Touristen in die namibische Hauptstadt!

Herausgegeben von Namibia Media Holdings / NMH (Pty) Ltd., Windhoek, Namibia, Co. Reg. No: 77/03366/07; 106. Jahrgang; erscheint Montag bis Freitag mit einer Tagesauflage von ca.­ 4 000 Exemplaren; Druck: Newsprint Namibia, Windhoek. Mitglied im Editors’ Forum of Namibia (EFN) und in der AG Internationale Medienhilfe (IMH), Köln. Es gilt die Preisliste von November 2019.

Der Spruch

Okaukuejo.................... 20o / 34o Omaruru........................16o / 34o Oranjemund.................10o / 24o Oshakati........................20o / 33o Otjiwarongo.................. 17o / 34o Outjo..............................16o / 34o Rehoboth...................... 15o / 33o Rundu............................20o / 33o Swakopmund.................. 12o / 22o

Tsumeb..........................18o / 30o Walvis Bay..................... 12o / 25o Windhoek...................... 14o / 33o SADC-Region Gaborone...................... 19o / 33o Harare............................15o / 24o Luanda...........................23o / 30o Lusaka.............................17o / 27o

Kapstadt.........................13o / 21o Johannesburg...............15o / 28o Europa Berlin..................................0o / 5o Frankfurt/M..................... -1o / 5o München........................... 3o / 7o Wien...................................3o / 8o Zürich................................. 2o / 9o

CoW bewilligt 262 Baupläne im Wert von 157,4 Mio. N$



Aus................................. 12o / 28o Gobabis......................... 16o / 32o Grootfontein................. 18o / 33o Henties Bay..................12o / 20o Katima Mulilo.............. 20o / 34o Keetmanshoop.............14o / 34o Khorixas........................ 20o / 35o Lüderitzbucht............... 12o / 24o Mariental...................... 20o / 34o



ein Anstieg der Anzahl von 7,7 Prozent und ein Wertanstieg von 46,6 Prozent gegenüber dem Vormonat.

Für das laufende Jahr wurden 1 444 Grundstückszukäufe im Wert von 784,8 Mio. N$ genehmigt, was einem

Anstieg von 8,9 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr in Bezug auf die Anzahl, und von 29 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr in Bezug auf den Wert entspricht, so die IJG weiter. 34 Neubauten im Wert von 9,94 Millionen N$ wurden im Oktober fertiggestellt, ein deutlicher Rückgang gegenüber den 52 Neubauten im Wert von 17,78 Millionen N$ im September. 67 neue Wohneinheiten wurden im Oktober genehmigt, ein leichter Anstieg gegenüber den 62 Genehmigungen im September. Ferner wurden im Oktober 13 neue Gewerbe- und Industrieanlagen im Wert von 9,55 Mio. N$ genehmigt. Während die Anzahl der Genehmigungen zum ersten Mal seit Februar 2020 zweistellig war, war der Wert der Genehmigungen mäßig und lag unter dem monatlichen Durchschnitt, der für das Jahr bisher gemeldet wurde, so die IJG.

Projekte verleiten zu Korruption • Ausführung von Lebensstil-Audits ist effektivste Maßnahme Experten warnen vor den Versuchungen, denen Projektleiter und Einkäufer sowie Lieferanten ausgesetzt sind. Entwicklungen, wie die im Gas- und Ölsektor sowie in der möglichen Wasserstoffherstellung führen laut Fachkräften unweigerlich zur Korruption. Diese kann nur durch konsequente Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht verhindert werden. Von Frank Steffen WINDHOEK


m vergangenen Dienstag bot die „NWU Business School“ – Teil der Nordwest-Universität (NWU) im Kap, Südafrika – zwei ver-

schiedene Podiumsdiskussionen in Windhoek an. In der ersten Runde ging es um die Optimierung einer möglichen Wasserstoffherstellung in Namibia zum Vorteil aller (AZ berichtete). Die Teilnehmer an der zweiten Gesprächsrunde befassten sich ge-

Albert van Zyl (r.), Senior-Lektor an der „NWU Business School” leitete ein Gespräch über Korruptionsrisiken mit: V.l.n.r. André Groenewald und Prof. Joseph Lekunze (beide NWU) sowie Hans Hashagen von PwC. • FOTO: FRANK STEFFEN

• Redaktion Chefredakteur: Frank Steffen (ste), Tel.: 081 124 0882. Reporter & Fotografen: Stefan Noechel (sno), Jemimah Ndebele (jn) Freelancer: Eberhard Hofmann (hf), Olaf Mueller (omu), Brigitte Weidlich (bw), Wiebke Schmidt (ws), Annika Oppermann (ao), Katharina Moser (km) • NMH-Mitarbeiter Namibian Sun: Toivo Ndjebela (tn), Matthias

Haufiku (mh), Elanie Smit (es), Ogone Thlage (ot), Jemima Beukes (jb), Kenya Kambonde (kk), Tuyeimo Ivana-Haidula (th) Republikein: Ronelle Rademeyer (rr), Hendriette Lamprecht (hl), Augetto Graig (ag), Tanja Bause (tb), Kristien Kruger (krk), Leondrea Louw (ll), Adam Hartman (ah), Yolanda Nel (yn) • Grafiker: Ezegiel Swartbooi & André Sieverling • Hauptbüro Windhoek: General-MurtalaMuhammed-Avenue 11, Postfach 3436, Tel.:

nauer mit der Thematik „zum Vorteil aller“. Die effektivste Maßnahme gegen Korruption ist laut der Teilnehmer zweifelsohne der sogenannte Lifestyle Audit. Auf der Internetseite „gh2namibia. com“, die vom Büro des namibischen Präsidenten, beziehungsweise dem „Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board“ (NIPDB), betrieben wird, hieß es unlängst: „Ein wichtiger Meilenstein in Namibias strategischer Initiative für grünen Wasserstoff wurde auf der UN-Klimakonferenz 2022 (COP27) erreicht. Die namibische Regierung gab die Mobilisierung von mehr als 11 Milliarden N$ bekannt.“ Francois van Schalkwyk, der für Investitionen und neue Unternehmen zuständige Direktor des NIPDB, sprach sogar von 13 Mrd. N$. Dr. Seamus Duggan vom EMEA warnte vor riesigen Summen, die durch Investitionen in die Gas- und Ölindustrie, aber auch Investitionen in die Entwicklung von Wasserstoffherstellung, zur Sprache kommen. „Leider verleiten diese Beträge immer wieder zur grassierenden Korruption, nicht nur in Afrika. Dabei führt ein kleiner, verkehrter Schritt leider oft zum unmittelbaren Abbruch der Aktivitäten, wenn nicht sogar Misserfolg auf

+264-61-297 2300, E-Mail: [email protected] • Anzeigen & Marketing Agnes Hoffmann, Tel. 061-297 2310 (Büro); Fax: +264-61-245 200, E-Mail: agnes@synergi. / [email protected], Carmen Stenger, Tel. 061-297 2102 (Büro) und 081 239 7664 • Küstenbüro Swakopmund Platz am Meer, c/o Tsavorite & AlbatrosStraße, Vineta-Nord, Postfach 2336; Tel. 064-404 452.

Zwischen zu früh und zu spät liegt immer nur ein Augenblick.

• Vertrieb & Abonnement: Ettienne Kotze, Tel. 061-297 2171, [email protected] Nachdruck nur mit Genehmigung des Verlages und Quellenangabe. Für unaufgefordert eingesandtes Material wird keine Haftung übernommen. Leserbriefe können sowohl in der gedruckten Ausgabe als auch auf der AZ-Webseite erscheinen. Internet: Facebook: WhatsApp: 081 170 0030

Franz Werfel

ganzer Linie“, betonte Duggan. Albert van Zyl, Senior-Lektor an der Business School - er hat auch in der südafrikanischen Zondo-Kommission gedient -, leitete die zweite Runde und ging auf Korruptionserscheinungen und -risiken ein, die durch Mammut-Geldflüsse ausgelöst werden. André Groenewald, Senior-Lektor für Forensische Buchhaltungspraktiken an der NWU, und Prof. Joseph Lekunze, Forschungsbeauftragter der NWU Business School, sowie Hans Hashagen, Risikomanagement-Fachkraft des Buchprüfungsunternehmens PwC, waren sich alle einig, dass die Korruption von Anfang an verhindert werden muss, anstelle einer späteren Aufdeckung. „Es ist billiger, Transparenz und eine offene Buchhaltung zu pflegen, statt im Nachhinein teure Untersuchungen durchzuführen“, sagte Hashagen mit Nachdruck. „Wer einmal überführt wurde, sollte lebenslang als Lieferant ausgeschlossen werden!“ Lekunze, gebürtiger Kameruner, sagte: „Ob Kamerun, Nigeria oder sonstiger Staat, die Korruption grassiert dort, wo sie vorgelebt wird. Die einfachste Lösung ist die, Kindern von Anfang an moralische Werte mit auf den Weg zu geben. Wir als Eltern und Bürger tragen die Verantwortung!“

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Sorgerechtsstreit um drei Minderjährige Kinder


Windhoek (krk/sno) • Ein Verfah-

ren um das Sorgerecht zweier Mädchen im Teenagealter und ihren 12-jährigen Bruder nahm vorgestern vor Gericht eine unerfreuliche Wendung, bevor die Angelegenheit auf einmal zurückgezogen wurde. Die drei minderjährigen Kinder haben 2014 ihre Mutter verloren und 2021 verstarb dann auch ihr Vater. Seitdem befinden sich die drei Geschwister in der Obhut ihrer Stiefmutter. Die Tante – die Schwester der Mutter – hatte vor kurzem beim Obergericht in Windhoek eine einstweilige Verfügung beantragt, um das Sorgerecht über die Kinder bis zu einer endgültigen gerichtlichen Entscheidung zu bekommen. Die Tante behauptete, die Stiefmutter würde die Kinder vernachlässigen und nicht pflegegerecht versorgen. Sie zog den Antrag jedoch gestern zurück, und der Fall wurde von der Gerichtsliste gestrichen. „Ich möchte ihnen emotionale Unterstützung bieten und sicherstellen, dass ihre besten Interessen berücksichtigt werden“, sagte die Tante der Kinder in Gerichtsakten. Die Stiefmutter der Kinder bestreitet dies jedoch. Sie ist der Meinung, dass sie die Kinder niemals vernachlässigen würde und sagt, „dass sie sich um sie kümmert, als ob es ihre eigenen wären“. Kurz nach dem Tod des Vaters beantragte die Tante der drei die Vormundschaft für die Kinder, wurde aber darüber informiert, dass der Vater seine Frau testamentarisch als Vormund der Kinder bestimmt hatte. „Ich habe die Kinder kennengelernt, nachdem sie ihre Mutter verloren hatten. Seitdem habe ich sie gehegt und gepflegt, als wären sie meine eigenen. Wir haben eine enge emotionale Bindung entwickelt und ich liebe sie sehr“, sagte die Stiefmutter in ihrer eidesstattlichen Erklärung, die am 21. November dem Gericht vorgelegt wurde, während die Tante behauptete, der Antrag der Stiefmutter diene lediglich der finanziellen Bereicherung. Die Frage der Vormundschaft wird derzeit vor dem Kindergericht verhandelt.

Artenkonferenz bewilligt Antrag • Lockerungen für Namibia beim internationalen Nasenhörner-Handel

Im Mittelpunkt der Weltartenkonferenz in Panama stehen diesmal: Nashörner. Ein kleines Königreich will das Horn der Tiere verkaufen, darf es aber nicht. Namibia hingegen bekommt eine Lockerung des Handelsverbots zugestanden – und das freut sogar Tierschützer. PANAMA-STADT


er Handel mit Nasenhorn von Nashörnern ist seit mittlerweile 45 Jahren illegal – und dabei wird es vorerst bleiben. Zum Start der letzten Verhandlungswoche der Weltartenkonferenz in Panama scheiterte das afrikanische Königreich Eswatini erneut mit dem Antrag, das Handelsverbot zu kippen. Während der Kleinstaat am mehrheitlichen Widerstand der 184 Vertragsstaaten der sogenannten Cites-Konvention abprallte, wurde Namibia eine Lockerung des Schutz-

Namibische Firmen ausgegrenzt

status seiner Nashörner gewährt. Das Land in Südwestafrika soll Erfolge beim Schutz dieser Tiere nachgewiesen haben. Die Vertragsstaaten des Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommens (Cites) tagen seit vergangener Woche und noch bis Freitag in Panama, um rund 600 gefährdete Wildarten vor übermäßigem Handel zu schützen. Die Beschlüsse der Kommissionen müssen am Ende der Konferenz noch vom Plenum bestätigt werden. Namibia hatte einen weniger strengen Schutzstatus für seine Nashörner beantragt. Der Vorschlag wurde angenommen, allerdings in

nenstaat mit 1,1 Millionen Einwohnern zwischen Südafrika und Mosambik, scheiterte zum dritten Mal in Folge bei Cites-Konferenzen mit dem Antrag auf Freigabe des Handels mit Horn von Nashörnern. In Eswatini gibt es einen Bestand von nur 98 Exemplaren. Seit 1977 ist der Handel mit Horn weltweit verboten. Die Konferenz hatte vergangene Woche auch das Verbot für den Handel mit Stoßzähnen von Elefanten beibehalten. Auch Tiger und Jaguare waren Gegenstand der Verhandlungen am Montag. Dabei ging es um die Frage, wie der Kampf gegen Wilderei und illegalen Handel verstärkt werden kann. Cites-Experten wollen nach Angaben des WWF nächstes Jahr Tigerfarmen in Südostasien unter die Lupe nehmen. Die Zuchteinrichtungen haben laut Experten Verbindungen zu kriminellen Netzwerken.


Handels- & Börsenbarometer NCPI

Windhoek (omu) • Dem Vorwurf

der Benachteiligung lokaler Straßenbau-Unternehmen sieht sich der Geschäftsführer des nationalen Straßenbau-Amts (RA), Conrad Lutombi, ausgesetzt. Die Vereinigung des namibischen Bauwesens (CIF) mahnt an, dass hiesige Firmen beim Straßenbau zwischen Karibib und Usakos nicht oder nur wenig Berücksichtigung finden. Die CIF findet dieses Verhalten absolut unnötig. Für die Wartungs- und Erneuerungsarbeiten des 30 Kilometer langen Streckenabschnitts wird die RA unterstützt durch die Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). CIF bemängelt nun, dass die Präqualifikationsanforderungen so gewählt seien, dass namibische Firmen quasi ausgegrenzt wurden. Die Geschäftsführerin von CIF Namibia, Bärbel Kirchner, führte weiter aus, dass die Anforderungen auch finanziell so hoch angesetzt waren, dass lokale Unternehmen dadurch ausgegrenzt wurden. Lutombi entgegnete dem Vorwurf mit dem Argument, die RA habe einige der Anforderungskriterien bereits gelockert und auch der Bewerbungszeitraum sei verlängert worden. Außerdem gebe es bereits einige hiesige Firmen, die dem Anforderungsprofil gerecht werden.

7,10% (Okt. 2022)



Indikatoren der Bank of Namibia (23. Nov. 2022)





6,25% Leitzins



Börse in Namibia (NSX)

Lokalhandel-Index 502,54 +0,01% (Handelsschluss) Gesamt-Index 1693,57 +1,37% (Handelsschluss) Gold (Comex) US$/Unze

Die namibische Straßenbehörde (Namibia Roads Authority, RA) hat am Dienstag, 22. November 2022, eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, in der sie darauf hinweist, dass einige Abschnitte der öffentlichen Straße (DR212) überflutet sind, was auf den hohen Wasserstand des Oranje-Flusses zurückzuführen ist, der durch die jüngsten starken Regenfälle in einigen Teilen Südafrikas verursacht wurde. Die Pressesprecherin der RA, Constance Mwilima, sagte, dass sie alle Reisenden bittet, die Straße Keetmanshoop-Aus-Rosh Pinah statt der DR212 zu benutzen, bis der Wasserstand gesunken ist und die Straße wieder sicher befahren werden kann. „Bisher wurden keine Zwischenfälle gemeldet, und man wird erst wissen, wie stark die Straße beschädigt ist, wenn das Wasser zurückgegangen ist“, sagte Mwilima. Außerdem wird die RA auf ihrer Facebook-Seite die Öffentlichkeit auf dem Laufenden halten. • FOTO: MONIQUE ADAMS

Rohöl (Brent)



Rohstoffe/ Mineralien


Silber (Comex) US$/Unze


(Quelle: Bloomberg)

Kupfer (Comex) US$/Pfund


Uranoxid US$/Pfund


(23. Nov. 2022)

Platin (Spot)



infografic: @nmh170917 - ezegiel swartbooi

Von A. S. Cabrios und N. Kaiser, dpa

eingeschränkter Form. Das Land wird künftig lebende Tiere zu Naturschutzzwecken im natürlichen und historischen Verbreitungsgebiet innerhalb Afrikas verkaufen dürfen. Auf Vorschlag der EU wurde aber der Export von Jagdtrophäen ausgeschlossen. Die Umweltstiftung WWF begrüßte die Handelslockerung. Sie schaffe Anreize für den Artenerhalt und belohne die erfolgreiche Arbeit Namibias beim Schutz der Nashörner, sagte WWF-Sprecherin Rebecca Gerigk. Die Organisation Pro Wildlife bezeichnete die Entscheidung hingegen als Fehler. „Das sendet ein falsches Signal und zielt letztendlich darauf ab, die Einschränkungen des kommerziellen Handels mit Nashornprodukten Schritt für Schritt aufzuweichen“, sagte Daniela Freyer, die für Pro Wildlife am Treffen teilnahm. Das Königreich Eswatini, ein Bin-



In Kürze

Auftakt ausverkauft

Oberstdorf (dpa) • Nach zwei Jahren pandemiebedingtem Geisterspringen ist der Auftakt das Vierschanzentournee der Skispringer für diesen Winter ausverkauft. Mehr als 25 000 Karten wurden für den Wettbewerb in Oberstdorf am 29. Dezember verkauft, wie die Organisatoren am Mittwoch mitteilten. Nach dem Wettbewerb im Allgäu geht es in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1. Januar), Innsbruck (4. Januar) und Bischofshofen (6. Januar) weiter.

Türe steht offen

London (dpa) • Der Deutsche Tennis-Bund würde den derzeit in einem britischen Gefängnis sitzenden Ex-Profi Boris Becker in Zukunft gern wieder einbinden. „Die Türen beim DTB stehen Boris Becker immer offen“, sagte DTB-Vizepräsident Dirk Hordorff der „Sport Bild“. „Wenn er seine Strafe abgesessen hat, spricht nichts dagegen, dass er wieder eine Funktion übernimmt.“

Noch besser werden

Lake Louise (dpa) • Deutschlands bester Abfahrer Thomas Dreßen will sich schnellstmöglich wieder in der alpinen Weltspitze etablieren. „Ich will dahin, wo ich vorher war. Hoffentlich noch bisschen besser werden“, sagte der 29-Jährige vor seinem ersten WeltcupRennen seit März 2020. Die WM in Cortina d’Ampezzo war Dreßens einziges Rennen in den vergangenen zweieinhalb Jahren. Anzeige


Japans Joker schocken Flick

• Starke Botschaft, ärgerliches Spiel – DFB-Elf trauert Chancen nach Das deutsche Team erlebt den nächsten WM-Auftaktschock. Wie 2018 geht die erste Partie verloren. Beim 1:2 gegen Japan rächt sich der Chancenwucher. Vor der Partie zeigt Manuel Neuer & Co. eine vielbeachtete Geste.

Die deutsche Mannschaft beim Teamfoto mit einem symbolischen Akt. Dieser Gruß mit der Hand vor dem Mund ist ein klares Signal an die FIFA, ausgelöst durch das Verbot, die ‚OneLove´Kapitänsbinde nicht tragen zu dürfen, die für Diversität steht.

Von Deutsche Presse-Agentur, dpa AL RAJJAN


oralischer Erfolg für Deutschland – aber Riesenfrust über den nächsten WM-Auftaktschock: Nach dem 1:2 (1:0) gegen Japan droht der deutschen Nationalmannschaft wie 2018 in Russland schon wieder das Vorrunden-Aus. Zwei Joker-Tore, eins vom Freiburger Ritsu Doan (75. Minute) und eins vom Bochumer Takuma Asano (83.) rissen Bundestrainer Hansi Flick und sein Team aus allen Träumen. Die zahlreichen vergebenen Chancen nach dem Elfmetertor von Ilkay Gündogan (33.) rächten sich brutal. Vor dem Anpfiff punkteten die Fußball-Nationalspieler noch mit einer vielsagenden Geste gegen die FIFA. Nach dem Verbot der «One Love»-Binde hielten sich Kapitän Manuel Neuer und seine zehn Teamkollegen beim Mannschaftsfoto vor dem Anpfiff demonstrativ die Hand vor den Mund. Ein starkes Bild, das da vor 42 608 Zuschauern aus dem Chalifa-International Stadium in die Welt hin-


ausging. Auch auf dem Platz präsentierte sich das DFB-Team lange gut, auch wenn Flick in seiner großen Coaching-Zone nur einmal jubeln durfte. Das Auslassen mehrerer Topchancen, nicht nur beim Pfostenschuss von Gündogan (60.), wurde am Ende brutal bestraft: Die Defensive zerfiel bis auf Torwart Neuer zusehends. Am Sonntag geht es gegen Spanien schon um alles beim Kampf um den Einzug ins Achtelfinale.

Zumindest ein politischer Doppelpass gelang an diesem bemerkenswerten Mittwoch: Auf der VIPTribüne, wo FIFA-Präsident Gianni Infantino saß, trug Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser die für Neuer verbotene „One Love“-Binde für Vielfalt. Die SPD-Politikerin hatte sie erst unter ihrem pinken Blazer verborgen, den sie nach dem Anpfiff auszog. Die Hand-vorm-Mund-Aktion der Nationalspieler könnte der Auftakt

zu den bekannten drei Affen gewesen sein: Diesmal nichts sagen - und dann womöglich nichts hören und nichts sehen bei den weiteren zwei Vorrundenspielen. Sportlich erinnerte das 1:2 an die WM vor viereinhalb Jahren, als ein 0:1 gegen Mexiko das schmachvolle Vorrunden-Aus einleitete. Bei allen bisherigen vier Weltmeistertiteln konnte das deutsche Team sein Auftaktspiel gewinnen.



Wie geht es weiter?

Neue Wege beschreiten

Al-Schahania (dpa) • Das spekta-

Berlin (dpa) • Das Bundesinnenmi-

Vereinsloser Ronaldo will sich beweisen

Christiano Ronaldo will sich auf der WM-Bühne noch einmal beweisen. • FOTO: DAVID DAVIES, PA WIRE/DPA Anzeige

kuläre Ende der Beziehung zwischen Cristiano Ronaldo und Manchester United war noch ganz frisch, da präsentierte sich Portugals Superstar schon wieder seinen Fans. Topfit auf dem Trainingsplatz und voll fokussiert auf den WM-Auftakt gegen Ghana heute (17.00 Uhr MEZ/ ZDF): Dieses Bild von sich übermittelte der 37-Jährige seinen 500 Millionen Followern auf Instagram - und auch potenziellen neuen Arbeitgebern. Denn nach dem Hin und Her

um seinen geräuschvollen Abschied interessiert vor allem eins: Wie geht es weiter mit Ronaldo? Sein fester Plan ist es, in Katar noch einmal zu beweisen, dass er auch mit seinen 37 Jahren noch auf WeltklasseNiveau spielen kann. Denn auf diesem Level sollte sich auch sein neuer Verein bewegen - und über ausreichend finanzielle Mittel verfügen. Der französische Spitzenclub Paris Saint-Germain oder der FC Chelsea oder Newcastle United könnten sich Ronaldo wohl zumindest leisten.


BMI und DOSB stellen Konzept für Sportreform nisterium und der Deutsche Olympische Sportbund haben ein Grobkonzept für eine Leistungssportreform präsentiert. „Mit den getroffenen Vereinbarungen machen wir den Spitzensport in Deutschland zukunftsfest“, sagte Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD). „Unsere Spitzenathletinnen und -athleten brauchen verlässliche Rahmenbedingungen.“ Kernpunkte in diesem Konzept sind ein Sportfördergesetz und eine unabhängige Agentur für Leistungssport

in Deutschland. Damit sollten die Weichen für ein transparentes Fördersystem gestellt werden, hieß es in einer Mitteilung des BMI. In der geplanten Agentur für Leistungssport sollen erstmals Steuerung und Förderung des Leistungssports in einer Hand liegen. Mit dem Sportfördergesetz will man eine langfristige Finanzierung sicherstellen und damit den Verbänden Planungssicherheit geben. Zurzeit wird über die Förderung durch den Bund von Jahr zu Jahr entschieden.




Kritik an Gas-Projekt im Senegal

Berlin (dpa) • Die Grünen sehen die von Kanzler Olaf

Scholz (SPD) angebotene Hilfe für die Erschließung eines Gasfeldes im Senegal kritisch. „Wir haben immer gesagt, wenn wir Verträge mit anderen Ländern machen, dann müssen sie ausgerichtet sein auf den Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien, auf Wasserstoffpartnerschaften“, sagte Fraktionschefin Katharina Dröge in der RTL/ntv-Sendung „Frühstart“. Solche Verträge dürften dagegen keine dauerhaften „Lock-ins“ bei fossiler Infrastruktur schaffen. „Wir werden da in der Bundesregierung miteinander drüber sprechen.“ Unterstützung für das Projekt kam hingegen aus der FDP im Bundestag. „Es ist völlig klar, dass Deutschland nach dem dauerhaften Wegfall der russischen Gaslieferungen neue Bezugsquellen braucht“, teilte Fraktionsvize Lukas Köhler mit. Dabei gelte es, neue Abhängigkeiten von einzelnen Ländern durch eine möglichst breite Lieferantenstruktur zu vermeiden. Köhler zufolge wäre es zynisch, Senegal eine Zusammenarbeit und die damit verbundenen Chancen zu verwehren und die fehlenden Mengen stattdessen beispielsweise in Katar zu kaufen. Ein möglichst großes Angebot sei notwendig, um sowohl die Industrie als auch die privaten Verbraucher vor immer weiter steigenden Gaspreisen zu schützen. Bundeskanzler Scholz hatte dem Senegal schon im Mai während einer Afrika-Reise Unterstützung bei der Erschließung eines Gasfeldes vor der Küste versprochen. Das kleine Land in Westafrika soll zumindest einen Teil der Lücke füllen, die durch das fehlende Gas aus Russland entstanden ist. Ab Herbst 2023 will der Senegal Flüssigerdgas (LNG) exportieren - unter anderem nach Deutschland und Europa.

Südafrika und die Verbindung zur Queen

London (dpa) • Bei einem Staatsbankett zu Ehren des

südafrikanischen Präsidenten Cyril Ramaphosa hat König Charles III. die Verbindung der verstorbenen Queen zu dem Land betont. Seine Mutter habe mehrere südafrikanische Staatschefs empfangen, sagte Charles im Buckingham-Palast. „Bei jedem dieser Anlässe hat sie ihre Bewunderung für Ihr Land und seine Menschen, natürliche Schönheit und Vielfalt zum Ausdruck gebracht.“ Der Monarch rief zur Zusammenarbeit auf. Nur dann könnten Lösungen für einige der größten Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel und Verlust der Biodiversität gefunden werden.

Südafrikas Präsident Cyril Ramaphosa (l.) zu Gast im britischen Königshaus im Gespräch mit König Charles III. • FOTO: AARON CHOWN, PA WIRE, DPA

Charles berichtete, dass ihm der ehemalige südafrikanische Präsident Nelson Mandela einst gesagt habe, dass er Queen Elizabeth II. einen speziellen Namen gegeben habe – Motlalepula, das bedeute „mit Regen kommen“. „Mir wurde versichert, dass dies ein Zeichen der besonderen Zuneigung war, die Präsident Mandela für die Queen empfand, und nicht eine Bemerkung über die britische Gewohnheit, unser Wetter mitzunehmen“, sagte Charles. Der König sprach aber mit der schwierigen Geschichte der beiden Länder auch ernstere Themen an. Einige Abschnitte hätten „tiefes Leid“ ausgelöst, es müsse das „Unrecht“ anerkannt werden, dass die Kolonialgeschichte geprägt habe. Zuvor hatte Charles den verblüfften Ramaphosa begrüßt, indem er „Willkommen“ in sechs verschiedenen Sprachen sagte, die in Südafrika gesprochen werden. Sowohl Ehefrau Königsgemahlin Camilla als auch Schwiegertochter Prinzessin Kate würdigten die Queen bei dem Empfang, dem unter anderem Premierminister Rishi Sunak beiwohnte. Beide hatten ein Miniaturporträt der im September gestorbenen Königin an ihren Kleidern befestigt und nutzten deren Juwelen: Camilla eine Tiara mit Diamanten und Saphiren, Kate ein Perlenarmband. Die Ehefrau von Thronfolger Prinz William trug zudem Ohrringe von ihrer 1997 tödlich verunglückten Schwiegermutter Diana.



Themen und Sorgen im November werden immer enger


ie Armbinde, die Schärpe, das Brett vorm Kopf. Alle drei sind schwer befrachtet mit Bedeutung. Die schwarze Armbinde hat man früher zur Trauer getragen, den Verlust einer Person aus dem engeren Kreis anzuzeigen. Oder die Armbinde mit Logo sollte eine politische Gesinnung sowie Zugehörigkeit, meinetwegen auch Solidarität kundtun. Oder die Armbinde hat


Hof(f )manns Erzählungen

ein Regime den Angehörigen einer geächteten Gruppe aufgezwungen, um diese Menschen zu diskrimieren, herabzusetzen. Die Binde is vor allem bei den Deutschen historisch belastet. Und die regenbogenartige OneLove-Armbinde, mit der europäische Kapitäne der Nationalmannschaften in Katar in die WM-Fußballarena auslaufen sollten – was soll die ei-

Was sollste dazu noch sagen? • OTJIPERENDERO + COLLAGE AZ-ARCHIV

Ovenduka geht auf die Festzeit zu. Da erhöht sich die Gefahr der Einbrüche. Und Verkehrsampeln sind nich mehr sicher. Die Stadt Windhoek hat die Ampel inzwischen erneuert - wie hier an der Ecke der Kerina-, vormals Bahnhofstraße, sowie der Mugabe-Äwwenjuh, vormals Leutweinstraße. • OTJIPERENDERO: STEINBOCK


gentlich aussagen? Der Fußballweltverband (FIFA) hat die Auflage an die Team Captains widerrufen, bzw. die Europäer ham die Kapitänsbinde im Vorhinein selbst abgewiesen. Manchen Mannschaften gefällt das offensichtlich nich. Andere und viele Zuschauer fragen sich, aus welchen Grund neben der Nummer des Spielers und neben dem Nationaltrikot ein weiteres optisches Signal werben soll, das boggeroll mit Fußball zu tun hat. Für uns Laien am Wendekreis des Steinbocks is zunächst Nachhilfeunterricht nötig, was ,One Love’ eigentlich bedeutet. Und da gibt´s enzyklopädische Hilfe mit Google aus dem Internet. Also ,One Love’ im Regenbogenmix fasst die LGBTQ-Gemeinschaften zusammen, auf Otjiingirisa: ,,lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer“. Overgezet synde: Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, Transvestiten, Queere. Jong, bei der Definition der letzten Kategorie sökkeln wir wüst. Querdenker und Quertreiber sind hier muhts nich gemeint. Es geht um Menschen, deren geschlechtliche Identität oder deren sexuelle Orientierung sich nich der binären, bzw. heterosexuellen Unterteilung

zuordnen lässt. Die gehören laut Definition nich in die Sequenz der ersten vier Kategorien des LGBTQSammelsuriums. Und schon gibt es Stimmen, dass die LGTBQ-Klammer gar nich mehrausreichend sei, weil es noch mehr Gruppen gäbe. So weit die graue Theorie. Aber eins geht deutlich hervor. Den Verfechtern der Regenbogenskala geht es darum, dass ihr Hype auch auf das WM-Spielfeld in den Weltfokus getragen wird. Denen reicht´s nich, dass Mannsen und Weibsen zur geschlechtlichen Zuordnung die Hose runterlassen, um Zuordnung zu erleichtern. Da kannste nur fragen: Was soll denn das? Es sollte genügen, dass Anhänger des Sammelsuriums auf den Zuschauerrängen selbst die Binde tragen, zusätzlich zur Bauchbinde oder welche auch immer. Und wenn die mit dem Otjiauto angereist sind, können die ja ´nen Bindensticker aufs Heck kleben. Diese WM-Kontroverse lässt viele Fußballfäns gähnen. Und da ham wir noch nich einmal die Einstellung des Gastgebers, des Muslim-Staates Katar, zur Geschlechterfrage herangezogen. ´s Gibt schon stief genug

Der Weltfußballverband und Katar ham die Armbinde abgelehnt. • OTJIPERENDERO DPA

Themen, Stahlgewitter in der Ukraine und globale Existenzsorgen, die Aufmerksamkeit verlangen, aber derzeit biekie warten müsssen, bis die WM gelaufen is. Anzeige

...vor 50 Jahren


Kampala – Um die Möglichkeit subversiver Umtriebe ausländischer Missionare in Uganda von vornherein auszuschalten, müsse auch die Kirche „ugandisiert” werden. Das äußerte gestern auf einer Konferenz vor 1 500 weiblichen Delegierten in Kampala Ugandas Präsident Idi Amin. Seine Äußerungen begründete Amin damit, „dass die Imperialisten es versuchen könnten, unter dem Deckmantel der Religion ins Land zurückzukehren und Unruhe zu stiften”. Die Polizei, das Gefängniswesen, die Armee und das Außenministerium seien inzwischen völlig afrikanisiert worden, sagte Präsident „Big Daddy“ Amin: „Warum sollte dasselbe nicht auch in unseren religiösen Angelegenheiten der Fall sein?”


Hamburg – Im Frühjahr 1972 versteigerte Wolfgang Jakuberg in Hamburg eine Blaue Mauritius, die zu den wertvollsten Briefmarken der Welt zählt, für 287 000 Mark. Zurzeit bietet er eine noch größere Seltenheit: den sogenannten Schweden-Fehldruck, ein sechs Quadratzentimeter kleines orangerotes Schnipselchen Papier, das unter Kennern eine halbe Million wert ist, weil nur dieses eine Stück existiert. Der Mann, durch dessen Hände solche philatelistischen Kostbarkeiten wandern, sammelt selbst keine Briefmarken. Der 42-jährige Geschäftsführer eines Hamburger Briefmarken-Auktionshau-

24. November 1972 ses gibt dafür eine einleuchtende Begründung: „Ich habe inzwischen so ziemlich alles in den Fingern gehabt, was gut und teuer ist. Kaufen kann ich mir solche Sachen nicht, deshalb fange ich damit gar nicht erst an, auch nicht in kleinerem Rahmen.”


Helsinki – In der finnischen Hauptstadt trafen Delegierte aus 34 Ländern zu einer Konferenz zusammen, deren Hauptaufgabe die Vorbereitung einer europäischen Sicherheitskonferenz ist, die im nächsten Juli stattfinden und einen weiteren Schritt in der Entspannung zwischen Ost und West darstellen soll. Die Konferenz wird mehrere Wochen dauern. Auf einem Staatsbankett forderte der finnische Präsident Dr. Urho Kekkonen die Delegierten auf, die Hoffnungen auf Frieden und Sicherheit in Europa zu verwirklichen.


Oslo - Kriegsschiffe und Kampfmaschinen der norwegischen Marine haben gestern ihre Suchaktion nach einem bisher nicht identifizierten Unterseeboot in norwegischen Hoheitsgewässern verstärkt, das die norwegische Regierung zu versenken gedroht hat, „selbst, wenn es sich dabei um das Atom-Unterseeboot einer Großmacht handelt”. Die Suchaktion – die bereits elf Tage anhält und an der unter anderem auch britische Anti-U-Boot-Hubschrauber teilnehmen – war

(ausgesucht und aufbereitet von Ronja Lyhs)

eingeleitet worden, nachdem das Periskop des unbekannten Unterseebootes gesichtet worden war. Gestern durchkämmten norwegische Marineschiffe den rund 200 Kilometer langen SogneFjord nördlich von Bergen und brachten dabei mehrere Unterwasserbomben zur Explosion, die allerdings nur als Warnung gedacht und in sicherer Entfernung von jenem Ort gezündet wurden, wo das unbekannte Unterseeboot vermutet wird.


Tel Aviv/ Damaskus – Seit Dienstag herrscht auf den Golan-Hohen wieder Ruhe, doch bleibt die Atmosphare gespannt. Einige israelische Flugzeuge drangen am Mittwoch offenbar zu Beobachtungszwecken in den syrischen Luftraum ein, kehrten jedoch ohne Aktionen nach Israel zurück: Die Syrer behaupten, die Flugzeuge zum Riickflug gezwungen zu haben. Israels Generalstabschef besuchte am Mittwoch den nördlichsten Kibbutz, der am meisten durch syrisches Feuer beschädigt wurde. Ein Zivilist wurde getötet, und zwei wurden verletzt. Ein Haus wurde zerstört, ein Bekleidungsgeschäft schwer beschädigt, und außerdem wurden 50 Kühe getötet. Die israelischen Truppen befinden sich auf der 65 Kilometer langen Front im Alarmzustand. Truppen halfen den UNO-Beobachtern, zwei zerstörte Posten wiederherzustellen. Die geringe Zahl der Opfer unter der Zivilbevölkerung erklärt sich daraus, dass solide Unterstände zur Verfügung stehen.

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In Kürze Kein Referendum



London (dpa) • Ein neues Unabhängigkeitsreferendum in Schottland ist in weite Ferne gerückt. Das höchste britische Gericht in London teilte mit, das schottische Regionalparlament habe kein Recht, eine Volksabstimmung anzusetzen. Damit folgten die Richter den Argumenten der britischen Regierung. Bei einer ersten Volksabstimmung 2014 hatte sich eine Mehrheit der Schotten für den Verbleib in der Union mit Großbritannien ausgesprochen.

Export von Dünger

Moskau (dpa) • Kremlchef Wladimir Putin hat sich für eine Ausfuhr von russischem Dünger über den ukrainischen Schwarzmeerhafen Odessa ausgesprochen. „Sie kennen meine Position, ich bin nicht dagegen“, sagte der 70-Jährige bei einem Treffen mit dem Chef des Düngemittelproduzenten Uralchem, Dmitri Masepin. Dieser hatte ihn gebeten, den Export über Odessa wieder aufzunehmen.

Standort Südkorea

Seoul (dpa) • Südkoreas Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol hat bei Tesla-Chef Elon Musk darum geworben, dass er eine E-Auto-Fabrik in dem ostasiatischen Land baut. Südkorea verfüge über erstklassige Investitionsbedingungen und „ein industrielles Fahrzeug-Ökosystem von Weltrang“, sagte Yoon laut seinem Büro in einem Online-Gespräch mit Musk. Er sehe Südkorea als einen der Top-Kandidaten für Investitionsstandorte, habe Musk erwidert.

Euro gewinnt

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) • Der Euro hat am gestern seine Kursgewinne vom Vortag ausgebaut. Im frühen Handel kostete die Gemeinschaftswährung 1,0325 US-Dollar und damit etwas mehr als am Abend davor. Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hatte den Referenzkurs am Dienstag noch etwas tiefer auf 1,0274 Dollar festgesetzt.

Iran: Keine Urananreicherung

Teheran (dpa) • Der Iran hat inter-

Ursache untersuchen

Seoul (dpa) • Das Parlament in Südkorea will sich mit den Ursachen der tödlichen Massenpanik während Halloween-Feiern in Seoul vor fast vier Wochen befassen. Bei der Katastrophe in dem Vergnügungsviertel Itaewon der Hauptstadt kamen Ende Oktober 158 Menschen ums Leben. Wie südkoreanische Sender berichteten, gab die regierende Partei Macht des Volkes ihren anfänglichen Widerstand gegen eine Untersuchung auf.


Seite n Inhal t

Einbrecher haben im oberbayerischen Manching einen mehrere Millionen Euro teuren Goldschatz aus der Keltenzeit erbeutet. Wie ein Sprecher des Bayerischen Landeskriminalamtes (LKA) berichtete, waren die Täter in der vorangegangenen Nacht in das Kelten Römer Museum in Manching bei Ingolstadt eingestiegen und entwendeten den 1999 bei Manching entdeckten Schatz vollständig. Der Sammlerwert der historischen Münzen wird laut LKA auf mehrere Millionen Euro taxiert. Es handelt sich um den größten keltischen Goldfund, der im vergangenen Jahrhundert aufgetaucht ist. Ein Grabungsteam hatte vor 23 Jahren die Münzen entdeckt. In der Vitrine befanden sich 483 Goldmünzen, die insgesamt rund vier Kilogramm wiegen, wie das LKA am Abend mitteilte. Sie würden auf etwa 100 vor Christus datiert. • FOTO: FRANK MÄCHLER, DPA

Strom – Wasser – Schutz

nationale Kritik an der Urananreicherung in der Untergrundanlage Fordo zurückgewiesen. Dies sei Irans Recht, sagte Atomchef Mohammed Eslami nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Isna. Er räumte zugleich ein, dass der Schritt als Reaktion auf eine Resolution der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) vergangene Woche getroffen wurde. Diese bezeichnete er als „grundlos“ und politisch motiviert. Der Iran hat nach eigenen Angaben am Dienstag in der Untergrundanlage Fordo im Zentraliran mit der Urananreicherung auf 60 Prozent begonnen und dabei die neuen, schnelleren IR-6 Zentrifugen verwendet. Der Vorgang wurde international kritisiert. Für diesen Ausbau gebe es „keine zivile Begründung“, hieß es in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung von Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien. Der Schritt berge ein „signifikantes Risiko“ einer militärischen Nutzung von Atomtechnologie. Teheran betont, das Atomprogramm sei ziviler Natur. Derzeit reichert der Iran Uran bis zu einem Reinheitsgrad von 60 Prozent an, der nach IAEA-Angaben nur knapp unter dem für Atomwaffen benötigten 90 Prozent liegt.

Steuerunterlagen herausgeben

• Ukraine: 4 000 Wärmestuben für Bevölkerung Mit einer Raketenangriffs-Welle nach der nächsten beschädigt Russland die kritische Infrastruktur der Ukraine. In Kiew wird gezählt: Für wie viele Attacken reicht das Moskauer Arsenal noch? Ein Überblick über Geschehnisse in der Nacht und ein Ausblick auf den Tag. Von Deutsche Presse-Agentur, dpa KIEW


it Tausenden öffentlichen Wärmestuben will die von Russland angegriffene Ukraine ihre Bevölkerung durch einen kalten und dunklen Winter bringen. Mehr als 4 000 solcher „Stabilitätspunkte“ in Schulen und Verwaltungsgebäuden seien landesweit bereits vorbereitet, sagte Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj. Weitere sollten folgen. „Alle grundlegenden Dienstleistungen werden dort bereitgestellt“, sagte er in Kiew in einer Videoansprache. „Dazu gehören Strom, mobile Kommunikation und Internet, Wärme, Wasser, Erste Hilfe. Völlig kostenlos und rund um die Uhr.“ Der Kiewer Bürgermeister Vitali Klitschko unterstrich den Ernst der

Lage für die drei Millionen Einwohner zählende ukrainische Hauptstadt: „Das ist der schlimmste Winter seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg“, sagte er der „Bild“-Zeitung. Durch die russischen Raketenangriffe auf das Elektrizitätsnetz kämpft die Ukraine mit Stromausfällen, zudem sorgen die Attacken auch für große Probleme bei Fernwärme, Wasser- und Gasversorgung. „Sollte es erneut zu massiven russischen Angriffen kommen und die Stromversorgung nicht innerhalb weniger Stunden wiederhergestellt werden können, wird die Arbeit der ,Stabilitätspunkte’ aktiviert“, sagte Selenskyj. Die lokalen Behörden sollten darüber informieren, wo man im Falle eines längeren Stromausfalls Unterstützung finden kann. Auch Unternehmen seien gebeten, Räume und andere Hilfen zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Winter gemeinsam überstehen

Der offizielle Name der Sammelstellen auf einer Webseite der Regierung lässt sich auch mit „Punkte der Unerschütterlichkeit“ übersetzen. Auch Mütter mit Kindern sollen dort Zuflucht finden können. „Ich bin sicher, dass wir diesen Winter gemeinsam überstehen werden, wenn wir uns gegenseitig helfen“, sagte der Staatschef. Für die Millionenstadt Kiew sagte Bürgermeister Klitschko, man müsse auf das „schlimmste Szenario“ von flächendeckenden Stromausfällen bei tiefen Temperaturen vorbereitet sein: „Dann müssten Teile der Stadt evakuiert werden, aber so weit wollen wir es nicht kommen lassen.“ Der Ex-Boxweltmeister warf dem russischen Staatschef Wladimir Putin vor, durch Angriffe auf die zivile Infrastruktur noch mehr Ukrainer in die Flucht treiben zu wollen. „Aber das wird nicht passieren. Mein Eindruck ist: Die Menschen werden nur noch wütender, noch entschlossener. Wir werden nicht sterben oder fliehen, so wie Putin es möchte.“

Ex-Präsident Donald Trump muss seine Steuerunterlagen herausgeben. • FOTO: MICHAEL BROCHSTEIN, ZUMA PRESS WIRE, DPA

Washington (dpa) • Der Oberste Ge-

richtshof der USA hat den Weg für die Herausgabe von Steuerunterlagen des Ex-Präsidenten Donald Trump an einen Kongressausschuss freigemacht. Der Supreme Court wies am Dienstag einen Antrag von Trumps Anwälten ab, die Übermittlung der Steuerdokumente aufzuhalten. Der Republikaner hatte sich über Jahre auf rechtlichem Weg gegen die Herausgabe der Unterlagen gewehrt und scheiterte nun schließlich an höchster Stelle.


Namibia 2023

Der AZ-Wandkalender 2023 ist erhältlich bei: Windhoek: AZ-Büro, Craft Café, Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Windhoeker Buchhandlung

Grootfontein: Mendacom

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24/11/22 Market Watch





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INTERVIEW: IJG SECURITIES Year-to-date, 2 166 building plans worth N$1.57 billion have been approved.

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10% The current prime lending rate in Namibia. BANK OF NMAIBIA

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Operational guidelines launched

Informal economy remains vulnerable The sector is a major source of employment and livelihoods for many Namibians, most of whom are women.

ditions for businesses including micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and informal traders through initiatives covering both policy, legislative, regulatory, institutional and programme specific one. “The ministry is also supporting the directive on local procurement through our Buy Local Grow Namibia Campaign and the launch of the Namibian Bar code. “We know that one of the biggest challenge facing our informal traders is access to market, infrastructures deficit and other formal supports. We are further urging our entrepreneurs to come together and receive business training through our Empretec programme,” Iipumbu said. - [email protected] 



ver the years, informal traders who are trying to make an honest living, experienced police brutally, had their goods confiscated and got fined for operating at places deemed illegal. Given this background, the Namibian Informal Sector Organization (NISO), in partnership the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung launched the operational guidelines for the code of conduct for the Namibian informal economy. The guidelines are anchored on five pillars aimed at bridging the existing gaps. The first guideline calls for the recognition of the informal economy and its contribution to job creation and poverty reduction. The second pillar calls for stakeholder consultation and participation to ensure an inclusive and transparent policy making process. The third pillar advocates for continuing education and training for informal traders, their families and workers, in skills essential for development and effective transition to formality. Furthermore, there is a need to reduce the obstacles to the formaliza-

Street vendors selling fruits and vegetables. PHOTO PHILLEPUS UUSIKU

tion by developing simplified administrative procedures. This includes increasing the number of one-stopshop models and promoting spaces for exchanges on innovative practices in public sector institution. The last pillar focuses on the need for alternative dispute resolution in the informal economy in the form of mediation, conciliation and arbitration. In her keynote address, minister of industrialisation and trade Lucia Iipumbu stated that the crafting the

guidelines is meant to set the tone in terms of regulating the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all stakeholders in the informal economy.


Iipumbu acknowledged that informal trading remains a critical part of economic activities in Namibia yet it is one of the most vulnerable due to the operational instability and unstable support. This sector is a major source of

employment and livelihoods for many Namibians, most of whom are women. Estimates of the size of this sector, its contributions, and composition vary widely within regions and countries across the world. Therefore, establishing the nature and extent of the informal economy in a country is a necessity for the development of sound and targeted policies, strategies and interventions, she said. The ministry will strive to improve the business environment and con-

Business7 is aired weekly on Wednesdays at 21:00 on NTV - channel 285 on DStv and channel 94 on GOtv with repeats at 20:30 on Saturdays. It is also broadcast on Wednesdays at 19:00 on the Facebook pages of Namibian Sun, Republikein and Allgemeine Zeitung. It focuses on current issues in the Namibian economy and analyses how global developments impact the country.

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This document is meant to set the tone in terms of regulating the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all stakeholders in the informal economy. Lucia Iipumbu, Minister of Industrialisation and Trade


Market Watch


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COMPANY NEWS IN BRIEF MOMENTUM METROPOLITAN’S PROFIT SURGES The Momentum Metropolitan Holdings stable has seen a large improvement in its fortunes as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic fades. The group increased its operating profit by 248% from R299 million in the three months to the end of September 2021 to just over R1 billion, and its normalised headline earnings grew by 73% to R1.23 billion. MMH said that this time last year its life insurance businesses, especially Momentum Life, were impacted by Covid-19 death claims, but the mortality experience has since improved significantly. Momentum Life saw significant growth in its profits in the three months to 30 September. In the same period in 2021, Momentum Life had an operating loss of R3 million. This year, it recorded an operating profit of R330 million. Its normalised headline earnings jumped from R39 million to R353 million. Metropolitan Life, which sells life insurance mostly to low-income consumers, also grew its normalised headline earnings by 110% to R176

million, from R84 million in the prior period. It also benefitted from lower death claims as well as better investment returns this time around. “The current economic conditions are placing pressure on this segment’s customer base, and lapse experience is expected to remain negative in the short term,” warned MMH in the trading update published on Tuesday. -Fin24 OLD MUTUAL PLANS TO LAUNCH BANK IN 2024 Financial services group Old Mutual has received approval from the South African Reserve Bank’s prudential authority to apply for a banking licence. This will help it expand its relationship with some of its customers and secure cheaper sources of funding available through accepting retail deposits. The firm plans to spend R1.75 billion on building the bank’s transactional capacity, eyeing a launch in the second half of 2024. It expects this bank to break even three years after launch. It has already spent R830 million on the bank in the current year. Old Mutual already has exist-

ing lending and transactional products, through its Money Account, as well as an unsecured lending product. This is largely aimed at the lower- to middle-income markets. Because it doesn’t have a banking licence, this requires a commercial relationship with a third party, and the firm’s Money Account is in association with Bidvest Bank. As of the end of June, the end of the group’s half-year, loans and advances within that cluster stood at R14.78 billion, while net interest income came in at just above R1 billion. In the firm’s 2021 year, banking and lending results from operations, which includes both South Africa and the rest of Africa, came in at R1.68 billion, compared to R4.38 billion for the group.-Fin24 NASPERS SAYS WORST OF LOSSES SHOULD BE BEHIND Global media and technology giant Naspers says it believes the worst of its trading losses in its unprofitable businesses are behind after some hefty spending, reporting on Wednesday that its preferred measure of profits slumped almost three quarters in its half-year to end-September. Naspers, whose interests span food delivery, e-commerce, payments


and media, reported a US$1.1 billion (R19 billion) fall in core headline earnings to US$372 million to endSeptember, with most of this relating to a lower contribution from Tencent, although new initiatives contributed $484 million of a $557 million trading loss. Trading losses in the group’s classified business, which includes vehicle trader OLX, almost quadrupled, while losses in payments and fintech nearly tripled, with Naspers saying it was pursuing initiatives such as building its delivery footprint or investing in new products. E-commerce revenue, however, climbed 38% to US$5.6 billion, with group CFO Basil Sgourdos saying in a statement that the firm’s e-commerce businesses are all profitable or breakeven “at the core,” and the group had picked up efforts to drive

profitable growth. “We expect halfyear 2023 to mark our peak investment spend, with profitability and cash flow generation in half-year 2025,” he said. The firm’s stake in Chinese media giant Tencent, however, continues to dominate the results, and Tencent had contributed US$2.1 billion of the firm’s US$1.4 billion in core headline earnings from continuing operations in its 2022 year, amid losses elsewhere. Prosus, the group’s Amsterdam-listed consumer internet arm, holds the valuable Tencent stake in the group, which it has been selling in part in order to fund an ongoing share buyback programme, announced in June. The stake in Tencent has fallen to 27.86% at the end of September from 28.81%, yielding $3.86 billion in proceeds.-Fin24

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS IN WALVIS BAY ERONGO REGION Mobile Telecommunications Namibia (MTC Namibia) proposes to erect telecommunication towers in Walvis Bay. The proposed locations of the towers are presented below


Site Name



Kuisebmond North (Erf 7334, Kuisebmond)



Anchovy 1 (Erf 644, Taara Park Kuisebmond)



Lagoon (Erf 127, Lagoon Park)



Tutaleni Primary School (Erf 8360, Kuisebmond)



Anchovy 3 (Fire Brigade)



Under the Environmental Management Act (2007) and its Regulations (2012), the proposed activity requires an Environmental Clearance Certificate from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT): Department of Environmental Affairs and Forestry (DEAF). GCS Water Environmental Engineering Namibia (Pty) Ltd has been appointed to conduct the process and submit the application to the Environmental Commissioner on behalf of the proponent. The I&APs are hereby invited to attend the public meeting during which the potential environmental and social impacts of the project will be presented for comments and inputs from the public. The meeting is scheduled to take place as follows: Site




Erf 127, Lagoon Park

30 November 2022


Lagoon Park

Erf 7334 & Tutaleni Primary School

1 December 2022


Tutaleni High School

Erf 644 & Fire Brigade

1 December 2022


Taara Park, Kuisebmond

To comment or receive further information on the project, please register with GCS (contact details below) as an I&AP before or on 8 December 2022. Contact: Michael Cloete Tel: +264 248 614 Fax: +264 61 238 586 E-mail: [email protected]

Valued at N$157.4 million in Oct

CoW approves 262 building plans Year-to-date, 2 166 building plans worth N$1.57 billion have been approved. STAFF REPORTER


he City of Windhoek (CoW) approved a total of 262 building plans in October, representing a 10.5% month-on-month increase from the 237 building plans approved in September, according to IJG Securities. In value terms, the approvals were valued at N$157.4 million, rising 5.3% month-on-month from the N$149.4 million worth of plans approved in September. Year-to-date, 2 166 building plans worth N$1.57 billion have been approved, up 3.6% year-on-year in number terms but down 3.6% yearon-year in value terms than at the same time last year. On a twelve-month cumulative basis, the number of approvals climbed by 2.1% year-on-year to 2 527 but in value terms declined by 1.9% year-on-year to N$1.90 billion. A total of 88 building plans worth N$75.8 million were completed in October, IJG said. October saw 182 additions to properties approved valued at N$84.6 million, up 7.7% month-on-month in number terms and 46.6% month-on-month higher in value terms. Year-to-date 1 444 additions to properties worth N$784.8 million received the nod, representing an 8.9% year-onyear increase in number terms and a 29.0% year-on-year increase in value terms, IJG added. 34 Additions worth N$9.94 million were completed in October, notably down from the 52 additions worth


N$17.78 million completed in September. 67 New residential units were approved in October, slightly up from the 62 approved in September. In value terms, N$63.2 million worth of residential units were approved during the month, representing a 46.6% monthon-month rise from the N$48.6 million approved in September but 22.4% lower than a year prior. Year to date, 673 residential units valued at N$631.9 million were approved, representing an 8.2% year-on-year decline in number terms and a 26.8% year-on-year contraction in value terms. 13 New commercial and industrial units valued at N$9.55 million were approved in October. While the number of approvals reached double digits for the first time since February 2020, the value of the approvals was tepid and came in below the monthly average reported for the year thus far, IJG said.

PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO ATTEND A PUBLIC MEETING: REHOBOTH STRUCTURE PLAN The Rehoboth Town Council is in the process to prepare an Urban Structure Plan to guide the development of Rehoboth over the next 20 to 30 years. The review of the Rehoboth Urban Structure Plan is an opportunity to refresh and adjust our plans for tomorrow and to create and reserve space for our dreams. By charting/mapping our future today, we can envision new possibilities, cater for emerging needs, and anticipate unknowns in the next 20 years and beyond. As your inputs is highly valued by the Rehoboth Town Council and the project team, you are herewith invited to a public meeting where feedback on the project progress will be shared, as well as to offer the opportunity to the Rehoboth residents and all interested parties to be part of the process of planning for the future to unlock endless possibilities and opportunities for growth, coupled with a better city life. The date, time and venue for the public meeting is as follows: Date: Time: Venue:

Monday, 28 November 2022 18:00 to 20:00 Hermanus van Wyk Memorial Hall

Any person or institution are also invited to submit written ideas regarding the future development of Rehoboth to WINPLAN, to the following address: WINPLAN Town and Regional Planning Consultants P.O. Box 90761 Klein Windhoek Tel: 061 – 246761 E-mail: [email protected] Attention: Louis Esterhuizen


Market Watch


VACANCY ENGINEERING MANAGER Ongopolo Mining Limited is in the process of restarting its Tschudi open pit copper mine and associated heap leach and SX/EW processing facility, located 25 km west of Tsumeb in northern Namibia. Applications are invited for the position of Engineering Manager to head up the Engineering Department. The primary purpose of this role is to provide direct support to the General Manager by establishing a management plan and strategy to ensure that all engineering systems (structure, processes and people) are appropriately managed and optimised on a continual basis. The position reports to the General Manager on site. Key Accountabilities • Strive for optimum availability of all mine dewatering infrastructure, processing plant and associated services; • Design, develop and execute effective and efficient Engineering Department strategies, budgets, procedures and standards, aimed at maximizing business continuity; • Function as a subject matter expert on engineering infrastructure, and drive effective problem solving and process improvements; • Ensure the safe, timely and efficient delivery of the Engineering Department targets, whilst continuing to improve outputs, maintaining standards and reduce costs; • Build and maintain a capable, high performing engineering team: Manage the utilisation and development of departmental human resources effectively and efficiently and ensure that the appropriate development and succession plans are in place; • Ensure legal compliance to the Namibian mining-related regulatory framework; • Drive health and safety as a key aspect of organisational culture, and ensure compliance to corporate-, work specific-, environmental- and health and safety policies, procedures and practices; • Drive relationships with both internal and external stakeholders to ensure optimisation of the business value chain; • Establish reporting best practice for the Engineering Department; • Manage engineering contractors in accordance with executed service level agreements, so as to ensure

efficient and cost-effective service; • Manage procurement of all engineering equipment, spare parts and consumables. Education and Experience requirements • Degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering; • At least 10 years relevant post graduate experience, of which at least five years should have been spent at senior management level; • A Project Management qualification will be an advantage; • Proven track record of leadership ability, skills and knowledge in successfully running an Engineering Department. Skills and Knowledge • Experience in opencast mine dewatering and SX/ EW processing plants; • Experience in financial modelling and budgeting; • Proficiency in Microsoft 365 and MS-Project; • Excellent communication, organisation and coaching skills; • Well-developed critical and analytical thinker, with the ability to challenge assumptions and propose appropriate solutions; • Ability to work under pressure in a multi-disciplinary, integrated team environment. Candidates must be Namibian citizens or holders of Namibian permanent residence permits and should hold a valid Code BE (08) drivers licence. Applications for the above position must be accompanied by a detailed CV and non-returnable certified copies of relevant qualifications. Please use the position title you are applying for as reference. Qualifying candidates may send their applications addressed to The Human Resource Manager by post to PO Box 40791, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, or by Email: [email protected] CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 2 DECEMBER 2022. Ongopolo Mining Limited is an equal opportunity employer

VACANCY PROCESSING MANAGER Ongopolo Mining Limited is in the process of restarting its Tschudi open pit copper mine and associated heap leach and SX/EW processing facility, located 25 km west of Tsumeb in northern Namibia. Applications are invited for the position of Processing Manager to head up the Processing Department. The primary purpose of this role is to provide direct support to the General Manager by establishing a management plan and strategy to ensure that all metallurgical processing systems (structure, processes and people) are appropriately managed and optimised on a continual basis. The position reports to the General Manager on site. Key Accountabilities • Strive for optimum availability and output from the heap leach infrastructure, SX and EW plants, and all associated services; • Design, develop and execute effective and efficient Processing Department strategies, budgets, procedures and standards, aimed at maximizing business continuity; • Function as a subject matter expert on metallurgical processes and infrastructure, and drive effective problem solving and process improvements; • Ensure the safe, timely and efficient delivery of the Processing Department’s targets, whilst continuing to improve outputs, maintain standards and reduce costs; • Build and maintain a capable, high performing processing team: Manage the utilisation and development of departmental human resources effectively and efficiently and ensure that the appropriate development and succession plans are in place; • Drive health and safety as a key aspect of organisational culture, and ensure compliance to corporate-, work-specific-, environmental- and health and safety policies, procedures and practices; • Drive relationships with both internal and external stakeholders to ensure optimisation of the business value chain; • Establish reporting best practice for the Processing Department; • Manage processing contractors in accordance with executed service level agreements, so as to ensure efficient and cost-effective service; • Manage procurement of all metallurgical processing

equipment, spare parts and consumables; • Design, implement and supervise metallurgical test work and/or projects as may be required. Education and Experience requirements • Degree in Metallurgical, Process or Chemical Engineering; • At least 10 years relevant technical and operational experience, of which at least three years should have been spent at senior management level; • A Project Management qualification will be an advantage; • Proven track record of leadership ability, skills and knowledge in successfully running a Processing Department. Skills and Knowledge • Experience in operating a copper heap leach and SX/EW processing plant; • Experience in financial modelling and budgeting; • Proficiency in Microsoft 365 and MS-Project; • Excellent communication, organisation and coaching skills; • Well-developed critical and analytical thinker, with the ability to challenge assumptions and propose appropriate solutions; • Ability to work under pressure in a multi-disciplinary, integrated team environment. Candidates must be Namibian citizens or holders of Namibian permanent residence permits and should hold a valid Code BE (08) drivers licence. Applications for the above position must be accompanied by a detailed CV and non-returnable certified copies of relevant qualifications. Please use the position title you are applying for as reference. Qualifying candidates may send their applications addressed to The Human Resource Manager by post to PO Box 40791, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, or by Email: [email protected] CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 2 DECEMBER 2022. Ongopolo Mining Limited is an equal opportunity employer


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Engine output boosted to 165 kW and 550 Nm

Toyota Hilux GR Sport: Looks, power and presence The Hilux GR Sport continues Toyota’s performance-focused product roll-out.


he 2022 Hilux GR Sport (GR-S) is the second GR iteration of southern Africa’s best-selling vehicle, following the debut model introduced in 2019. It features a host of unique designs and dynamic features to differentiate it from its stablemates and position the Hilux GR-S as the hero model of the range. The GR product hierarchy comprises four levels, represented as a pyramid: The first layer is GR Parts, which allows customers to inject their normal model variant with GR flavour, followed by the GR-S moniker which offers cosmetic and dynamic handling enhancements (Corolla Cross, Hilux, Land Cruiser 300). The third tier is occupied by fully-fledged GR performance models (GR86, GR Yaris, GR Supra), while the fourth and final layer is GRMN - which represents the highest level of performance tuning.

Exterior design

The Hilux GR-S wears a unique suit, with the designers penning the design around the concepts of toughness and sportiness. A large and prominent black front grille, horizontal cross bar finished in a carbon-fibre pattern and chrome Toyota lettering (a GR Sport trademark) announce its presence. Special treatment has been applied to the LED headlights, alongside vertically-stacked air ducts with integrated LED fog lamps. Keen observers will note that the bumpers are based on the Raider model design (rather than the Legend variants) and most notably include wider black overfenders with contrasting inserts. This helps give the GR Sport a more aggressive appearance. Black mirror caps, black door handles, graphite-coloured side steps and rear styling bar with GR branding create a sporty contrast. Customers can also opt for GR side decals on the doors to further add to the visual drama. These decals can be ordered and installed as a dealer option, and come in three designs depending on exterior colour chosen. Four exterior colours are offered mimicking the GR brand colours: Arizona Red,

The new Hilux GR Sport elevates the legendary bakkie to a whole new level of athletic appeal. PHOTOS: MOTORPRESS

Graphite Grey, Attitude Black and Glacier White. These, in turn, are offset by the contrasting inlay in the overfender (red, black or silver depending on paintwork choice).

Interior design

Design changes to the interior include a new instrument cluster with a cog-like metallic bezel, red needles and unique gauge face. A bespoke, perforated leather-trim steering wheel with red contrast stitching and GR badging is joined by sporty aluminium pedals (with rubber inserts). GR branding has also been applied to the push start button and centre console. Striking carbon-fibre trim replaces the brushed finish in Legend models, which is complemented by red accent trim signalling the GR-S’s performance credentials. The racing-inspired front seats feature Alcantara inserts, GR badging on the headrests, red accent panels plus power adjustment for the driver’s seat.

while the tyre package has been revised with taller profile 265-65-R17 rubber, to offer enhanced off-road performance.

The Hilux GR-S wears a unique suit, with the designers penning the design around the concepts of toughness and sportiness. Toyota SA

Ride and handling

Under the skin, new monotube shock absorbers are paired with stiffer coil springs to deliver improved high-speed stability and handling response. The wheel and tyre package features bespoke 17” alloy wheels in a Titanium finish,

Engine and drivetrain

While the GR-S moniker normally represents cosmetic and handling enhancements, the Hilux variant has a trick up its sleeve in the performance department too. Power output has been increased to 165 kW (+15) and torque ramped up by 50 Nm to a peak of 550 Nm. This has been accomplished via a special electronic control unit calibration which interfaces with revised six-speed automatic transmission mapping and lock-up control - to ensure optimised power delivery. These improvements result in a zero to 100 km/h sprint time reduction of 0.65 seconds. Top speed is quoted as 175 km/h. Only one drivetrain configu-

ration is offered in the form of a 4x4 transaxle mated to a sixspeed automatic transmission with Auto LSD function. Aluminium paddle shifters have been added to the mix, allowing the driver to select gears on their own accord, while the transmission mapping also holds onto the selected gear for longer, and assists with downshift engine braking. Drive mode select offers power and eco modes to tailor the GR-S’s power delivery and engine response, with power mode making maximum use of the increased power and torque outputs.

Specification and features

Standard specification remains comprehensive with the model closely aligned to Legend-grade specification (with the exception of an auto-dimming rear-view mirror and JBL audio). This includes keyless entry, retractable and poweradjustable side mirrors, automatic head-

lights, auto door lock, park distance control, reverse camera, dual-zone climate control, airconditioned upper glove box, multi-information display, one-touch power windows and integrated power outlets (in 220 and 12-volt format). A new feature is the panoramic view monitor, which provides surround camera as well as a bird’s eye view of the vehicle surroundings. This feature is particularly handy when traversing obstacles.

Safety and security

The Hilux GR-S is equipped with Toyota Safety Sense, which offers a full suite of active safety aids including adaptive cruise control, lane departure alert and precollision system. These are joined by the obligatory antilock braking system, vehicle stability control, electronic brakeforce distribution, hill assist control and brake assist systems, as well as passive safety aids such as Isofix and a full airbag array. - MOTORPRESS 

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001 Death Notices 002 In Memoriam 003 With Gratitude 004 Lost 005 Notices 006 Personal 007 Training 008 Employment Wanted 009 Vacancies 010 Services 011 Congratulations 012 Properties 013 Construction 014 Accommodation 015 Wanted to Let 016 To Let 017 Commercial Wanted to Let 018 Commercial to Let 019 Commercial Property to Buy 020 Comm. Property for Sale 021 Goods Wanted to buy 022 Goods for Sale 023 Animals 024 Bicycles and Motorcycles 025 Vehicles 026 Trucks and Trailers 027 Residential Prop. to Buy 028 Residential Prop. for Sale 029 Businesses 030 Farms Wanted to Buy 031 Farms for Sale 032 Auctions 033 Erven Wanted to Buy 034 Erven for Sale 035 Legal Notices

008 Betrekkings gevra 009 Vakatures 010 Spesiale dienste 011 Gelukwensings 012 Eiendomme 013 Bou en verf 014 Akkommodasie 015 Te huur gevra 016 Te huur 017 Kommersieel te huur gevra 018 Kommersieel te huur 019 Kommersieel te koop gevra 020 Kommersieel te koop 021 Allerlei te koop gevra 022 Allerlei te koop 023 Diere 024 Motorfietse en fietse 025 Motors 026 Vragmotors en sleepwaens 027 Huise te koop gevra 028 Huise te koop 029 Besighede 030 Plase te koop gevra 031 Plase te koop 032 Veilings 033 Erwe te koop gevra 034 Erwe te koop 035 Regskennisgewings

RATES & DEADLINES To avoid disappointment of an advertisement not appearing on the date you wish, please book timeously. Classified smalls, notices and display smalls: 13:00, two working days prior to placing. A handling fee of 15% is payable on cancellations received in writing by 13:00 two days before scheduled publication. No cancellation will be accepted if received after this deadline. RATES: (Monday * Friday) › Classifieds Smalls: N$105 for the first 20 words and N$2.40 (15% Vat included) for every word thereafter › Display Smalls: N$108.10 per col/ cm (15% Vat included) › School notices: N$66.70 (15% Vat included) per col/cm › Churches: N$66.70 (15% Vat included) per col/cm › Sport Clubs: N$66.70 (15% Vat included) per col/cm › Births, engagements, marriages, deaths, In memoriam: N$66.70 (15% Vat included) per col/cm › Legal Notices: N$697 for the first 300 words and N$2.40 (15% Vat included) for every word thereafter

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BOOK & PAY FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS ONLINE Visit * log in via your account and follow the easy steps to upload your classified ad.

Y toDa... is

Celebrate Your unique talent DaY


Vakatures Vacancies

VACANCY COMMISSIONING ENGINEER / ELECTRONIC ENGINEER Company in PV Solar projects is looking for an energetic person to join their team in Namibia to provide vital support for construction and engineering activities for PV Solar projects. Position will be responsible for commissioning and overseeing of installation of equipment, reviewing design plans and operationally monitoring of the plants for multiple PV projects. •

REQUIREMENTS National Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology or Bachelors Degree in Electrical 5-10 years’ experience supporting the construction and commissioning of power generation facilities Minimum 5 years experience in Solar PV specific with a minimum power scale of 5MW Experience and/or qualification in Project/ Site Management will be advantageous Must have suitable reference

THE COMPANY OFFERS • Opportunity for growth and personal development • Mainly based in Namibia CLOSING DATE 05/12/2022 Please email all applications to : [email protected] HOTEL/RESTAURANT/RETAIL/BAKERY MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH/NUTRITION COUNCIL: Professional Manager duties to include: General oversight and management of all business units within the Solitaire commercial complex including management of two hotels, restaurant, campground, retail store, bakery, petrol station, auto repair, other tourism related business, detailed evaluation and management of staff and vendors. Experience & Requirements: College degree or advanced diploma in Hospitality and Human Nutrition, minimum of 5 years of management experience in Tourism, Retail, Inventory Control, Labour Regulations and Counseling, thorough knowledge of tourism marketing, sales and promotion, have a thorough knowledge of NAMPOS retail and inventory sales system, traceable references, drivers license required. Please submit a recent image and all documentation to: cvs@ Due date: 28 November 2022. DM0202200406976

We all have remarkable talents that are unique to us, and there needs to be a time to celebrate those talents not just for the world, but for ourselves. Can you whistle through your nose? How about balancing an apple on your chin? Can you say the alphabet backwards while belching? It doesn’t matter what your special talent is, Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day is your chance to shine!

Market Watch Om te adverteer skakel: Kleinadvertensies t: 061-297 2055

No advertisements will be accepted telephonically. 009

Vakatures Vacancies

DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR, should be be a holder of Master’s Degree in Educational (Management), Diploma in training, Diploma/Certificate in Education, 15 or more years experience in Management (Education). Closing date: 30 November 2022. Respond to: HR P.O Box 26042 Windhoek, Namibia or info@ DM0202200406967

BOOKKEEPING / ADMIN POSITION AVAILABLE: Candidate is expected to be a fast learner, personally organized and able to navigate everyday administration related challenges independently. Drivers license is required and experience with Namra/Bipa is preferred but not essential. Kindly forward CV & Salary expectation to [email protected] DM0202200406975

(PTY) Limited


50 years of property experience

1990 SOUTH BODY CORPORATE Position: Full Time Caretaker Duties & Responsibilities: • Be the 1st line of response for all residents in the building • Overseeing cleanliness, sufficiency of security & quiet times in the building • Assisting residents & Body Corporate in emergency situations • Manage all keys & access to all parts of the building • Manage incidents, alarms & disturbances • Enforcing house rules where necessary • Conduct regular maintenance & building operation inspections together with MA • Should be able to live in the building. Skills required: • Be physically fit • Have basic first aid training. • Strong mechanical aptitude. • Organizational and Time management skills. • Customer service and interpersonal skills. • Effective, excellent written and verbal communication skills. • Critical thinking and analysis skills. • Basic maintenance skills for minor repairs & maintenance. • Basic mechanical knowledge • Basic risk assessment & solutions skills • Benefits: • Basic salary • Accommodation provided Should you meet all areas of the specified criteria, please forward your CV by 30 November 2022, to the following address: The Managing Agent – 1990 South Body Corporate Joseph & Snyman (Pty) Ltd 61 Independence Avenue Lourinda.liebenberg@joseph-snyman.


Bou en verf Construction

SPECIALS, SPECIALS, SPECIALS! Adriaan Oberholzer: Building & renovations. Specializes in roof sealing, painting, plumbing, building, paving, welding, etc. Call 081-4909420. DM0202200406319


Te huur To Let

KHOMASDAL Centrally located, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, fitted kitchen, in a safe place near schools and shops. N$4 600 W&E incl. Move in immediately. Call: 0812900073 / 081-4969966 DM0202200406658

FARM: Farmland 2600 ha, Omaheke Region, South East of Gobabis. Contact: 081-1277006 / 081-3226155


KHOMASDAL, VAALHOEK: 1 Bachelor woonstel te huur, ingeboude kaste, binneparkering. W+E ingesluit. N$3 800 pm + deposito. Skakel 081-2403304. DM0202200406937

MOTH CENTRE (MAERUA MALL): Upmarket 1 bedroom flat on first floor, under roof parking. N$7 000 available February. Annelize: 081-1285451


FLAT TO RENT: 11 November 2022 or 1 December 2022, Okahandja· 2 Bedrooms· 1 Bathroom.· Main bedroom with a/c, electric fence, alarm available, builtin cupboards in rooms and kitchen, built-in stove and oven, granite tops in kitchen, carport for two cars. Rent N$4000 per month, Deposit of N$4 000 payable (negotiable), prepaid water and electricity, own entrance with remote control gate, TV-connection in open plan sitting room, TV-dish available. Call David at 0812614735


YAMAHA RAPTOR 700 limited edition, full GYTR accessories fitted on bike. Contact: 0812415586 DM0202200406908

FORD RANGER, volledige linker agterlig te koop. Skakel: 0817861958. DM0202200406947

Huise te koop 028 Residential Prop. for Sale PIONIERSPARK, all on one floor, 4 bedroom main en-suite, separate bathroom and toilet, study area, dining room, lounge, welcome area, swimming pool and lapa, large granny flat. Erf size 1266sqm. PriceN$2,950,000. Call: +264811253732. Long term rental negotiable. DM0202200406970

ON SHOW SATURDAY, 26 November from 9am to 3pm. Price N$570,000. Lock Up and Go for Sale in 24 hour Otjomuise Community Lifestyle Estate with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen/living area and parking. Contact Rosa: 081-4902700 for viewing. YellowSquare Properties DM0202200406983


Allerlei te koop Goods for Sale

EXPRESS PLUMBING Scaffoldplanke: benaderde getal van ± 20 stuk, tussen 3m-6m lank. Skakel: 061-253213, Werksure: 07:30 - 17:00


GARAGE & THRIFT SALE, 26 November @ 123 Kenneth David Kaunda street, Klein Windhoek. 9H00 – 13H00. Clothing, curtains, shoes, bedding, handbags galore, and many, many more bargains! Contact: 0811244847 DM0202200406966

26 NOVEMBER-JOE’S BEERHOUSE CAR BOOT SALE: It’s the place to go & the prices are so low. No clothing from 8h00-11h00 DM0202200406866

AUTOMATIC BLOWING PLANT for 6 different plastic bottles, N$400 000 ex vat. Contact: 081-2415586 DM0202200406910


Motors Vehicles

FOR SALE 2006 Volkswagen Transporter 1.9 TDI double cab.

Engine damaged, gearbox 100%. Asking price N$ 50 000 or nearest. Cash offer. Please call or whatsapp: 081-141 7163

Veilings Auctions

NAMIBIA AGRICULTURAL DISTRIBUTORS Namagri Properties presents on Auction Industrial Erf, Omaruru, 25 November 2022 at 12h00 on-site. Alex McDonald 081-1286821 DM0202200406706



Motors Vehicles


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

NOTICE Take notice that PLAN AFRICA CONSULTING CC, TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS, on behalf of the owners of the respective erf, intends to apply to Okahandja Municipality for: * SUBDIVISION OF THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSOLIDATED PORTION F (ASHFORD) OF OKAHANDJA TOWN AND TOWNLANDS NO. 57 INTO PORTIONS 95, 96, 97 98, 99 AND REMAINDER. * REZONING OF PORTIONS 95 AND 96 OF THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSOLIDATED PORTION F OF OKAHANDJA TOWN AND TOWNLANDS NO. 57 FROM ‘AGRICULTURE’ TO RESIDENTIAL’ WITH ADENSITY OF 1:300 M² * REZONING OF PORTION 97 OF THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSOLIDATED PORTION F OF OKAHANDJA TOWN AND TOWNLANDS NO. 57 FROM ‘AGRICULTURE’ TO ‘BUSINESS’ WITH A BULK OF 1.0 * RESERVATION OF PORTION 98 OF THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSOLIDATED PORTION F OF OKAHANDJA TOWN AND TOWNLANDS NO. 57 AS ‘STREET’ * REZONING OF PORTION 99 OF THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSOLIDATED PORTION F OF OKAHANDJA TOWN AND TOWNLANDS NO. 57 FROM ‘AGRICULTURE’ TO ‘GENERAL RESIDENTIAL1’ WITH A DENSITY OF 1:150M² Portions 95 and 96 are 800m² each. While portions 97, 98 and 99 are 2000m²,2497m² and 2223m² respectively in extent. The intention of the owner is to use Portions 95 and 96 for residential purposes, Portion 97 for business purposes, Portion 99 for high density residential purposes while, Portion 98 will be reserved as ‘Street’. Further take notice that the locality plan of the erf lies for inspection on the town planning notice board at Okahandja Municipality and at Plan Africa Consulting CC, No 8 Delius Street, Windhoek West. DM0202200406986


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

CLOSURE, SUBDIVISION AND CONSOLIDATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that SONRADA PROPRTIES CC on behalf of the applicant of Erf 3149 Freesia Street, Extension 3 Khomasdal, in terms of the Local Authority Act of 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) intends to apply to the Urban and Regional Planning Board/Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for the; Subdivision of Erf R/3831 (30 220m²) (Public Open Space) Freesia Street Khomasdal Into Portion A (66.71m²) and Remainder (30153.29m²). Permanent Closure of Portion A of Erf R/3831 (Public Open Space) Freesia Street, Khomasdal as a “Public Open Space”, And Consolidation of Portion A with Erf 3149 (533m²) Freesia Street, Khomasdal, Windhoek into Erf X (599.71m²). Erf 3149 Freesia Street, Windhoek is currently zoned as “Residential” and Measures 533m² in extent with a density of 1:300. Further take note that any person objecting to the proposed land use as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in Writing to the Secretary: Townships Board, Private Bag 13289 and Chief Executive Officer of City of Windhoek P.O Box 59 Windhoek, Within 14 Days after the appearance of this notice in accordance with Article 50 (I) of the Above Act. SONRADA PROPERTIES CC P.O. BOX 70204 KHOMASDAL WINDHOEK 0856820686 / sonradap@ DM0202200406968

IN THE  High Court of Namibia (Main Division – Windhoek) Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2019/04042 In the matter between: SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES LIMITED, Execution Creditor UATAVI CLEMANCIA VENAANI, Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION OF COURT ORDER of THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA, given on 25th day of October 2019 in the abovementioned case, a judicial sale by public auction will be held on the 8th day of December 2022 at 10H00, AUCOR, PLOT H48, BRAKWATER, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA, for the following: GOODS: 1x WHITE IZUZU BAKKIE (N 99894 W) 1x WHITE IZUZU (N 99252 W) CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held without reserve and goods will be sold to the highest bidder. The goods will be sold “voetstoots”. Payment shall be made in cash or by EFT. Dated at Windhoek on this 3rd day of November 2022. REGISTRAR OF THE HIGH COURT KATJAERUA LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Legal Practitioner for Judgement Creditor 1ST Floor, Heritage Square 100 Robert Mugabe WINDHOEK (Ref: SME1/0028) DM0202200406749

• ROOI • BLOU • GROEN • ORANJE Die opwindende nuwe manier om jou kleinadvertensie bo die ander te laat uitstaan, teen net N$5.00 meer word die opskrif in KLEUR gedruk!

Market Watch

6 035

Market Watch Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

C LO S U R E , S U B D I V I S I O N AND CONSOLIDATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that SONRADA PROPRTIES CC on behalf of the applicant of Erf 2055 Kolossense Street, Katutura, in terms of the Local Authority Act of 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) intends to apply to the Urban and Regional Planning Board / Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for the; * Subdivision of Erf RE/2111 (42 862m²) (Public Open Space), Katutura into Portion A (172m²) and Remainder (42 690m²). * Permanent Closure of Portion A of Erf RE/2111 (Public Open Space) KolossenseStreet Katutura as a “Public Open Space”, * And Consolidation of Portion A with Erf 2055 (269m²) Kolossense Street, Katutura, Windhoek into Erf X (441m²). Erf 2055 Kolossense Street, Windhoek is currently zoned as “Residential” and Measures 569 m² in extent with a density of 1:250. Further take note that any person objecting to the proposed land use as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in Writing to the Secretary: Townships Board, Private Bag 13289 and Chief Executive Officer of City of Windhoek P.O Box 59 Windhoek, Within 14 Days after the last appearance of this notice in accordance with Article 50 (I) of the Above Act. SONRADA PROPERTIES CC P.O BOX 70204 KHOMASDAL Cell/Tel: 085 682 0686 Email: [email protected] DM0202200406969

IN THE: HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA HELD AT OSHAKATI CASE NO. I 01/2012 In the matter between: CHEALAMBAMA INVESTMENT CCC PLAINTIFF and NH NDAFEDIVA DEFENDANT Notice of sale in execution In pursuance of a Judgment of the above Honorable Court dated 21st of January 2022 and Writ of Execution dated 8 February 2013 the following goods will be sold in a sale in execution on 6th of December 2022 at advanced Refrigeration, Main Road, Oshakati at12h00. 1. 1x Till, 2. 1x Deep fridge, 3. 30 x Meal maize, 4. 100 x Rice, 5. 50x Macaroni, 6. 60x Cooking oil, 7. 100x Tinned food, 8. 50x Sugar, 9. 200x Soap,10. 50x washing powder, 11. 5 x Shop Laker, 12. 30 x Body lotion, 13. 4 x Plastic Table, 14. 30 x Plastic Chairs, 15. 1 x Pool Table, 16. 9 x Bar Chairs, 17. 2 x Deep Fridge, 18. Unspecified Amount of Beer, 19. Unspecified amount of wine, 20. Unspecified amount of cool – drinks, 21. Unspecified amount of hot liquor. Terms of sale: Voetstoots and cash to the highest bidder. Dated at Oshakati this 17th day of November 2022. Aingura Attorneys Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Aingura Room 101, Palms Complex Cnr of Robert Mugabe & Main Road Oshakati (Ref: S13089) DM0202200406971

IN THE: HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA HELD AT OSHAKATI CASENO. HC-NLD-CIV-ACTCON-2021/00367 In the matter between: VISTOLINA KANDALI NDONGO PLAINTIFF and MAPHETI CONSTRUCTION CC DEFENDANT Notice of Sale in Execution In pursuance of a Judgment of the above Honorable Court dated 06 of February 2022 and Writ of Execution dated 01 of March 2022 the following goods will be sold in a sale in execution on 6 of December 2022 at Advanced Refrigeration, Main Road, Oshakati at 12h00. 1. 1x Lounge Suite, 2. 1x Braai Stand, 3. 1x Tea Table, 4. 1x Dvd, 5. 1x Dstv, 6. 1x Microwave, 7. 1x Fridge, 8. 3x Plastic Chair, 9. 1x Double Bed, 10. 1x Flat Screen TV, 11. 1x Fan, 12. 1x Dressing Table, 13. 1x Double Bed, 14. 1x Heard Board. Terms of Sale: Voetstoots and Cash to the Highest Bidder Dated at Oshakati this 30th day of March 2022. Aingura Attorneys Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff S Aingura Room101, Palms Complex Cnr of Robert Mugabe & Main Road Oshakati (Ref: S21097) DM0202200406972


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licensing Committee, KAVANGO EAST REGION 1. Name and postal address of applicant: CHOPPIES SUPERMARKET NAMIBIA (PTY)LTD, PO BOX 21491, WINDHOEK, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: CHOPPIES SUPERMARKETS NAMIBIA (PTY) LTD t/a CHOPPIES RUNDU GROCERY STORE 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: ERF NO. 1242, EXTENSION 3, KAVANGO EAST REGION, RUNDU, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA 4. Nature and details of application: APPLICATION FOR A GROCERY STORE LIQUOR LICENCE 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged CLERK OF THE COURT RUNDU 6. Date on which application will be lodged 2 DECEMBER 2022 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard 11 JANUARY 2023 Any objection or written submission in terms of Section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard. DM0202200406981

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licensing Committee, KAVANGO EAST REGION 1. Name and postal address of applicant: CHOPPIES SUPERMARKET NAMIBIA (PTY)LTD, PO BOX 21491, WINDHOEK, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates CHOPPIES SUPERMARKETS NAMIBIA (PTY) LTD t/a CHOPPIES RUNDU BOTTLE STORE 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: ERF NO. 1242, EXTENSION 3, KAVANGO EAST REGION, RUNDU, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA 4. Nature and details of application APPLICATION FOR A BOTTLE STORE LIQUOR LICENCE 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged CLERK OF THE COURT RUNDU 6. Date on which application will be lodged 2 DECEMBER 2022 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard 11 JANUARY 2023 Any objection or written submission in terms of Section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

CALL FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ANDENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN TO OBTAIN ANENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE FOR THECONSTRUCTION OF A POWERLINE IN THE SESRIEM AREAOF THE HARDAP REGION Green Earth Environmental Consultants have been appointed to attend to and complete an Environmental ImpactAssessment and Environmental Management Plan(EMP) to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate as per therequirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact AssessmentRegulations (GN 30 in GG 4878 of 6 February 2012) to construct a powerline in the Sesriem Area of the HardapRegion. Name of proponent: Naukluft Electricity Investments Pty Ltd Project location and description: It is the intention of the proponent to construct a powerline in the Sesriem Area ofthe Hardap Region. The powerline will be ±1.27 km long and link the Namibia Wildlife Resort Facilities at Sesriemwith the existing power grid at Sossus Oasis Service Station. The line will be a 33 kV overhead line with11m highsingle poles with suspension insulators in HLPCD or staggered delta configuration and an AFrame road crossingover Road C27 with average 120mspans with shorter spans to compensate for the terrain and bend points. A planshowing the proposed alignment of the power line is available at the offices of Green Earth EnvironmentalConsultants at Bridgeview Offices, No. 4 Dr. Kwame Nkruma Avenue, Klein Windhoek. Interested and affectedparties are hereby invited to register in terms of the assessment process to give input, comments, and opinionsregarding the proposed project. Interested and affected parties are hereby invited to register in terms of theassessment process to give input, comments, and opinions regarding the proposed project. A public meeting will beheld only if there is enough public interest. Only I&APs that registered will be notified of the possible public meeting tobe held. The last date for comments and/or registration is 14 December 2022. Contact details for registration and further information: Green Earth Environmental Consultants Contact Persons: Charlie Du Toit/Carien van der Walt Tel: 081 127 3145 E-mail: [email protected] DM0202200406956

• RED • BLUE • GREEN • ORANGE New and exciting way of letting your advertisement stand out above the rest, now at an additional N$5.00 per placement, get your classified heading in COLOUR!

Market Watch

PUBLIC NOTICE FOR APPLICATION OF NEW ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE – Operational continuity of the Existing BC Stone Products dimension stone processing factory on Farm No. 38 in the Walvis Bay Rural Constituency In accordance with the Environmental Management Act, 2007, (Act No. 7 of 2007) & the EIA Regulations 30 of 2012, industrial processing of natural rock for dimension stone production is a listed activity which cannot be carried out without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the Department of Environmental Affairs & Forestry (DEAF). OMAVI Geotechnical & Environmental Services has been appointed to undertake an Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to support the application for ECC. Proponent: BC Stone Products (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd Site Locality: : The existing natural stone processing facility is located on Farm no. 38 approximately 9 km east of the town of Walvis Bay and southwest of the Walvis Bay Airport. A locality map is available on request from OMAVI.

thursday 24 november 2022

VACANCY INTERIM DIRECTOR The Namibian Foundation for the Conservation of Seabirds (NAMCOB) has a new position available in Lüderitz for a suitably experienced and qualified postgraduate Namibian or permanent resident with a keen interest in seabirds and coastal and marine ecosystems. NAMCOB is a newly established non-governmental organisation whose goal is to conserve seabirds on the Namibian coast, with emphasis on the most threatened species. The founding members of NAMCOB are: Namibian Chamber of Environment, Namibia Nature Foundation, Debmarine – Namdeb Foundation, Seabirds & Marine Ecosystems Programme, SANCCOB and Maryland Zoo. Interested candidates will find a job description and the Constitution of NAMCOB on this link: Qualified applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and CV via email only to: [email protected] Kindly enter NAMCOB and your surname and initials in the Subject line. Closing date: 09 December 2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

In terms of the requirements of the EIA Regulations, all Interested & affected Parties (I&APs) must be provided with opportunities to participate in the ESIA process. I&APs are therefore, hereby invited to register & submit written comments/ concerns/ suggestions by close of business on 19th December 2022. A Background Information Document is available to I&APs upon registration. A public consultation meeting is tentatively scheduled for 2nd December 2022 at 09h30 in Walvis Bay. The meeting Venue will be communicated to registered I&APs only. Tel: +264 81 478 6303 (SMSes or WhatsApp Texts preferred for record keeping purpose) Email: [email protected]

Market Watch

Om te adverteer skakel: Kleinadvertensies t: 061-297 2055



New Business Systems Specialist Affluent NICHE Consultant Administration Specialist- Affluent Sales Support Affluent Claims Consultant

Closing date for position is

Friday, 09 December 2022

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: Pages/current-opportunities.aspx NAMIBIAN CITIZENS ONLY Sanlam is an equal opportunity employer and candidates from the designated groups are encouraged to apply



EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The United States Embassy in Windhoek has the following vacancy as detailed below. Please note that applications must be submitted electronically via the Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA) system, by December 8, 2022 to be considered. Interested applicants should visit the U.S. Embassy website at to apply for this vacancy. FAC Supply Clerk FSN-05 The Facility (FAC) Supply Clerk works under the direct supervision of the Facility Manager and is responsible for the acquisition, storage, inventory control and issuance of building maintenance supplies, repair parts and materials for the Facility Management Section. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: The complete position description listing the duties and responsibilities may be obtained on our website at EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs.

Market Watch



Market Watch


My rights are my Superpowers The right to PARTICIPATION Children have the right to have a say them. 

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Rehoboth Express DR. LEMMER

DATE 24.11.2022

Zone comments


The Editorial team from M&K Gertze reached out to learners of their school and asked them what they thought of the previous edition of the Rehoboth Express.


Next week’s topic: What do you think about spending on Farewells.

Zinjorita Naris

Young, beautiful, brave and bold ZINJORITA NARIS Serling De Koe is one of the bravest people and is someone that does not let her circumstances determine her way forward. She manages to stand out and thrive in everything that she tackles. She suffers from an illness called epidermolysis bullosa (EB). EB refers to a series of rare genetic skin illnesses that cause the skin to become extremely fragile. Because the signs of EB can be seen from birth, it is commonly diagnosed in newborns and young children. However, some weaker forms of EB may not be detected until maturity. Any type of stress or friction to the skin can result in painful blisters. People with EB have constant pain in everything they do. EB is a genetic condition where blistering occurs on and leaves open wounds. ‘’My skin is very

My skin is very fragile.

Celebrating the ­success and achievements of M&K Gertze RUSHEY CLOETE


Despite all she has gone through with her illness she seizes to amaze those around her.

fragile’’ said De Koe. Just a little bump or scratch, and her skin tears and falls off. As her hands are deformed, the most difficult obstacles she confronts on a daily basis are getting dressed and opening something easy. The criticism she receives from others, as well as the glances she receives whenever she walks out in public, are daily struggles for her. De Koe, however, was unaffected by any of this. She is now an AS student and is nearing the end of her high school career. She aspires to be a doctor so she may help others with her disease. The fighter advises everyone and everybody who is relevant not to let someone dull their light or make them feel less than who they are supposed to be.


nvajy once said “Achievements of today are stepping stones of the future one’s”. On Tuesday, 01 November 2022, M&K Gertze High School celebrated the achievements of their grade 11 learners. The school welcomed all parents and guardians to the annual Award Ceremony at the school hall of M&K Gertze High School where learners were presented with certificates to highlight their achievements. Making the presentations this year was our one-and-only Ms. Van Zyl. Guest were entertained by our entertaining Master of Ceremony, Mr. R. Van Wyk. Our very own Reverend Mouton welcomed the guests and all present with a scripture reading and opening prayer. He also blessed the learners with a moving inspirational speech with the message of the real secret to success. The top 10 learners and best performing learner of grade 11 for the year 2022 was presented by our excellent principal Mr. P. A. Louw. He also presented the Dux Learner for the year 2022, Ruwaldo Bucsh who also served as the Deputy Head boy. Learners were also awarded with additional awards such as, national achievements in Debating for Monique Tsamases and Porcha Goliath for making it to the regionals in the International Mathematic Olympics. To conclude the lovely event, the deputy head boy, Ruwaldo Bucsh did the vote of thanks to all parents, teachers and learners. The evening was ended off with the “Our Father” prayer by all present. Everyone cheerfully departed after a successful evening of success. IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:



Rehoboth Express


Editors column

Sune Farmer Accepting and learning from the gift that is failure Everyone has failed at some point in their lives, and it may happen at any time, often when you least expect it. The word has many definitions, but failure is not the opposite of success, it is a component of success. Someone who is frightened to fail, believe it or not, does not deserve to achieve. In general, we learn from our failures rather than our successes. We want to be flawless as young people, yet being perfect limits our talents and inventiveness, puts us in a box, and eliminates learning opportunities. American televangelist, Robert Schuller once said, “Failure

is not falling it is refusing to stand up.” This continues to emphasize that we must fight for success and never give up, that we must continue to set our limits, and that we must not allow anyone to stop us. If we do that, we will have already achieved success. Look around you if you think you’re the only one who fails; everyone fails, but it’s what you do after you fail that counts. It can be difficult to be bold, but standing up and moving on is the greatest way to show your failure who is

“Failure is not falling, it is refusing to stand up.”

Zinjorita Naris

The final days of Dr. Lemmer’s class of 2022 Zinjorita Naris Time went by fast as the senior learners at Dr. Lemmer celebrated their days with a graduation ceremony which began on 12 October 2022. All students received certificates indicating that they completed their high school education at the lovely Dr. Lemmer High School. Along with the graduation, the school held a prize giving ceremony in which a single learner was recognized as the best performance in each subject. Also included are the top 10 performances. The Dux learner was none other than Alima Nambili, our lovely head girl. Certificates were also given to the Learners’ Representative Council (LRC) for their efforts throughout the year. It has been an honour to be a part of the team that inspires all students at the school to be the greatest versions of themselves. It was a magical evening, and the students had a good time. The professors that guided the students through the year were certainly a blessing because nothing would have been the same without them. This journey has only taught the students how to carry themselves in the real world.

WHAT I LOVE MOST! I enjoy going out of my way to produce creative projects because they help me relax and are therapeutic. In my personal time, I enjoy painting with oil paints and listening to soothing music while doing so.

Self-acceptance MELANDRI MARKUS We all claim to have accepted ourselves and our lives as they are, yet the majority of individuals have not and continue to do so. Self-acceptance is critical to making life’s path brighter and happier. Accepting whoever, whatever, and wherever you are is critical. Self-acceptance is defined as an individual’s acceptance of all of their positive and negative characteristics. When we accept ourselves, we embrace all aspects of ourselves, not just the

positive ones. Self-acceptance is unconditional, you can recognize your flaws while still accepting yourself completely. “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful,” said Amy Bloom, American writer. Self-acceptance is undoubtedly the process of loving your unconditional self, the part of you that is greater than your name, your failures, and your achievements. Accept yourself for who you are, and then work on your flaws to improve yourself. Stop wasting your time condemn-

ing yourself. When you take the time to examine within, you will discover that you have a number of strengths and weaknesses that you must embrace. Accept your flaws, and only then can you make steps to bring about change. Say to yourself, “I like myself,” and use words of affirmation on a daily basis. By performing actions that improve your confidence, you can try to build and maintain your self-esteem. Self-acceptance is the first step toward loving yourself. What you consider your weakness is actually your strength in the eyes of others. Celebrate your successes, let go of what you cannot change, and accept your uniqueness.

Amy Bloom “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful,”

Self-acceptance means loving yourself unconditionally.

boss. It is not about who you are, but rather what you do after failing. You should be even more determined since doing nothing does not make you a failure, but rather a loser. Failure exists to remind us that no one is flawless and that there is a lot to learn in this world. Maintain your humility and hunger for improvement, and commit to lifelong learning. When you fail, it signifies that something or somewhere is still not good enough. When you can identify and close that gap, you are one step closer to success. Although going through your own failures can have a stronger impact at times, it can be unneeded if you already know that’s the wrong move to do. So let us make mistakes, learn and live life to the fullest and enjoy it and if we fall we get up and live on.


Rehoboth Express


Zone comments


The Editorial team from M&K Gertze reached out to learners of their school and asked them what they thought of the previous edition of the Rehoboth Express

Next week's topic: What do you think about spending on farewells

Lionel Brockerhof

Caren-Sue Kahmann

Ziaan Beukes

Ashanty Skrywer

Kefas Haindongo

I felt amazed to see that people still get involved in school activities. It’s great to knowing that the achievements accomplished at school get published. I amazed to see that learners of our school still gets honoured and remembered.

When I first saw the school newspaper my face enlightened. I immediately got a broad smile when I saw the front page and was so excited to explore the rest of the newspaper. To see the wonderful things our school had done and learners with their achievements was very exciting.

It was an honour to receive the newspaper of our school. The moment I saw the newspaper and pictures it amazed me. It informed me more about the things that were happening our sport, show etc. It was very inspiring.

I was very happy to know that our school has a media group (Team), and to let people know about our beautiful school. I was so amazed about what our teachers and students have done to make it possible. It was very nice to read about our school and encouraging to know it was written by our fellow students.

When I first laid my eyes on the Rehoboth Express newspaper. I was fascinated by the creativity of the learners of M&K Gertze High School. They are so talented and hard working. It was very captivating to see how M&K Gertze learners have achieved so much through the year. It really inspires and motivates me to go for my goals and to never give up on my dreams.

Tracey-lee Beukes

Sara Kandjebo

José Engelbrecht

Alvonique Louw

Monique Snyders

When I first received the newspaper I was very excited to read it, and I was proud of our school’s Media Team who wrote the newspaper. The newspaper was interesting, it had interesting headlines and it was very brilliant. I was very glad to see that they represent our school.

When I first received the newspaper, I was so amazed by the creativity of our school’s learners. I felt so inspired by the motivating message said by my fellow students. It was very motivating to know what our learners are capable of doing. It lead me to publish my first experience receiving the Rehoboth Express newspaper.

I felt that it was a great idea that the school has sent us to the Rehoboth Express newspaper. Many people have shared their stories and feelings about the school. So we get to see what is going on around the school grounds. I personally think that they should keep sending the newspaper to the school.

When I first saw the newspaper, I was flabbergasted because I didn’t know our school had newspaper. As an M&K Gertze student, I felt proud to see how the learners talked about their first day of school and how they interviewed the new teacher.

When I first saw the newspaper I was amazed. It was exciting to read what kinds of articles my fellow students was writing. It was interesting to read and look to the interested pictures. I am very proud of our school’s Media Team as well it motivates me a lot to write articles in the future, as I have the love for writing.


Rehoboth Express


Rushey Cloete Shimei Humphries

Editors column

Delano Drotsky and Ashton Van Wyk M&K Gertzes growing rugby stars.

As we’re heading towards the end of the year-a year filled with hard work and determination, having to face hills and valleys, highs and lows with just a few steps away from the winning line, I would love to encourage all learners to keep the perseverance, to study hard and stay focused because, our hard work will surely pay off one day.

Education is password to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for today. If you are very much convinced that you will fail, you will struggle to succeed. But if you believe you will succeed, you’ll stand a much better chance. And to my fellow matriculants of M&K Gertze High School, our future is depending on us to just push a little harder as Malcom X once said “ Education is the password to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for today.” All the best of luck to all learners getting ready for the examinations ahead. Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will a famous quote by Venus Williams. This semester we are fighting a lot with our school as this is our second and final chance to prove ourselves, and show that we are capable of moving on to the next grade. Unlike in the past this year we only have 2 semesters making it more complicated for us as we only have 2 chances to progress. Furthermore, this has made school life so much more difficult as all we have is information overload, where you are being taught so much in one semester but remember this; You are not alone everyone else is having a tough time as well. Sometimes you will have a horrible day, but you still need to get back up, keep going, and make goals. You are more insightful than you think, bolder than you think, and more determined than you think.


My love for rugby started when I was only in grade 3 with the age of 9 years old. This year Ashton and I started training with the Falcons team where I learned a few new tricks, how to tackle, stepping skills and some passes. I did tyre running to improve my speed and strength. This year I started playing for the U/16 team for M&K Gertze high school, then I was chosen to play for the Rehoboth team against Mariental after that, I played three games before I was chosen for the U/16 Hardap Team, we played in Windhoek against all other regions for 3 days, then there were only 23 players chosen to play for the Namibian U/16 “Craven week”. I had a week to train from 8-12 o’clock then we had a 2 hour break and start again till 17:00 in the afternoon. I also

had a few injuries during my sports year where I almost went to hospital but that did not hold me back I decided that I want to do this.


Firstly we played a few friendly games, against other teams then my coach Mr. Van Wyk told me that I was selected to play in the U/18 Hardap Trials, I am very thankful that I got that opportunity, it was a breakthrough for me. I played the Hardap trials and I got selected to go and play that three day trials in Windhoek, in order to get selected for the U/18 Academy week team, that went on the 30th May to go and play against three countries in South Africa, Western Cape, Wellington. I was selected for the team, we went for the training camp, a lot of hard work was done, we were well prepared... We went and played three games we won 2/3.

MnK Gertze High School is very proud of our 2 talented National Rugby Players. They are indeed an inspiration for all of us learners. They empower us to always do our best and that hard work always pays off. This year Ashton and Delano and started training with the Falcons team where they learned a few new tricks which included tackling, stepping skills and some passes. We did some tyre running aswell to improve speed and strength.

Winners of the essay writing competition, Santiago Umati and Angela Coetzee.

“Let every scale count ­Pangolin and Wildlife Crime” LEE-HANDRO JANSEN As we all know some learners don’t like writing but there are a few learners who really do. Liz Komen the Namibia Pangolin Working Group (NPWG) competition organiser invited learners to compete in the essay competition. There were two Grade 12 English learners under the Guidance of Ms. Descande who were willing to participate in the competition. Santiago Umati and Angela Coetzee (As Level) students of M&K Gertze participated and won.

Santiago Umati

I still can’t believe I won when I think about it, it’s actually wonderful to receive recognition for something you have done, and in this case something that I took a risk to do. Not only does it make you feel proud it also help you figure out what you do well and why so that you can carry on doing it and

use it to shape your career for the future. I’m forever grateful for Ms. Descande for believing in me and encouraging me to take part in it. My advice for anyone who loves writing is that don’t let fear get in the way it may be your passion.

Angela Coetzee

I feel overwhelmed and very proud it has been an unbelievable moment. Firstly I would like to thank Liz Komen the NPWS Competition Organiser for giving me the opportunity to enter the (Essay Competition), and Ms. Descande for the encouragement to enter the competition. I feel like it is important to write it because it can improve your vocabulary and creativity. It is with pleasure to congratulate the two winners of the Essay Competition. It took a lot of courage and I just want to remind M&K Gertze High School learners to also take part in essay competition.


Rehoboth Express




n the 30th of September 2022, the annual sport and cultural awards resumed at M&K Gertze High School. Learners as well as their educators/coaches received awards for their sports individual and team achievements in ; chess, volleyball, soccer(boys and girls),rugby and netball. As well as the cultural activities which received certificates in the School Choir and Media Team. The learners were taken aback with the ceremony and the encouraging words the speakers gave them. Most of them said that the poem Ms. Descande presented made their hearts swell with joy as she spoke through the microphone, words that will never be forgotten. Words that said ‘’Sacrifices, sweaty bodies. Stiff muscles, injuries. Losses and wins .Not all you went through was in vain. You are the patrons of the game. Those of a special breed. Living a dream, a chance to succeed yesterday’s hopes and desires come true. Making your mark with records anew”. They felt pride and satisfaction. A big reminder that they did well and received an amazing award for their hard work and many hoped this won’t be the last time they will be given awards for their losses and wins. We asked Amor Jansen, the u/19 netball Captain ,who received the award of the, Netball u/19 Newspaper cup 2022 and as well as the National u/19 championship, about her thoughts on the ceremony, she said, her teammates felt excited, supported and appreciated by their peers, coaches and teacher and that the event was a perfect way to end the season. She told me that she and her teammates felt proud of themselves and without each other it would not be possible to attend the award ceremony and they are satisfied with themselves.

Benefits of social clubs at school SUNE FARMER Social clubs play an important role in the school environment.It gives learners the same interests,hobbies and talents the oppertunity to socialise together. Learners learn from each other in a pleasent atmosphere and also build their characters and contribute to acedemic improvement. In social clubs leadership skills develop and it creates a network of connections and oppertunities.It also improves life and social skills such as time management,decision making and problem solving becomes part of their daily lives. Learners also develop passion and patience in the long run it also helps with career choices where learners starts developing their talents passion. On its own its careerguided orientated it also promotes health through physical activities and learners become goal orientated.Lastly they also become benifical towards the school when they take part in compettitions.

Hallian van Wyk Sportsman of the year, Ashton Van Wyk brought great honour to his school by taking them to Nationals in Rugby.

The sport and cultural ceremony was concluded in the most ideal and downright way, with the sportswomen and sportsman of M&K Gertze 2022. This year it was an outstanding performance of two young girls Chrisenthia Bassingthaighte and Erensha Koopman which were neck to neck with their amazing individual performance both taking the schools name to nationals and this was decided to make both of them sportswoman because the pair has put M&K Gertze on the map. The award for the sportsman of M&K Gertze 2022, is Ashton Van Wyk. He brought great honour to his school by also taking them to Nationals in Rugby which was played in our neighbouring country South Africa.



On the 27th of October all primary and secondary schools in Rehoboth had an Anti Bullying Campaign. One of the aims of the campaign was to make bullies aware of the damages they cause through inflicting hurtful words and

wounds on the victim. Some learners don’t know that through being a bully you are planting insecurities in the mind of that victim. A lot of learners lost their lives through bullying due to suicide. Don’t be a bully but a buddy try to make your school a bully free zone to make the next learner feel safe and free. Through out the event the people spoke about bullying and the effects it has on the victims as well as the learners.

If you are being bullied you are advised to call (Life Line Child Line 116) . The regional offices got pledges for learners to sign against bullying from the first lady Mrs. Monica Geingos office. The pledge states that you as the learner pledge to not bully any other learners, be a friend to help and support those that are being bullied, to be a responsible learner not only at school but in the community as well and to always lend a helping hand when needed and to not break the laws of the country, and to keep safe from any criminal activities. M&K showed up in support of the Anti Bullying Campaign.

Generation C Is a featured news show from our printed edition, The Zone. The Zone is a youth centred newspaper distributed in the Republikein, Namibian Sun and Algemeine Zeitung. Broadcasted on the My Zone Platforms every Tuesday at 14h00. Now also on NTV every Tuesdays 17h00 – 17h30 For all your advertising E-mail: [email protected]


Rehoboth Express


Honouring our teachers BERNICE BEUKES The famous Mustafa Kemal Atatürk once said‘’A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others.’’ As learners, we sometimes neglect see the sacrifices our teachers make to light our paths, the late hours they spend marking, the late meetings, lesson plans they must complete, and so much more, all this and still successfully juggling family life These selfless acts because, as Ms Descande said “ Teaching is my passion, my calling, and it’s so satisfactory to know you have made a difference in a child’s life “ when asked why she chose teaching. And Mr R Mouton decided on teaching because he wants to “to inspire and motivate “ as teachers merely want to witness us becoming into the finest selves possible. At school, teachers act as our guardian angels, guiding us in making the best choices for our future, simultaneously they adopt the role of our parents, and we students adopt the

role of their children, so they only have our best interests in mind. As Mrs B Isaacs explained “ I just love children and wanted to make a difference in their lives. I want to guide them to become a better person in life”. Miss Elifas noted that “ To teach is to touch lives forever “. They improve our lives by mastering the skill of living in their pupils’ shoes, looking past the masks they put on to hide their anguish or suffering, and develop empathy for students whose homes are not ideal. Although our attitudes may beg to differ, we do appreciate our teachers. This is evident as we asked around and this is what our students had to say. Charné Diergaardt 10c :” I just love Mis Elifas personality. She always have a smile on her face and that encourages me to appreciate my right to education”. Nashwill Van Wyk 10D: “Mr Festus brings life and inspiration to teach us about life”. Beate Beukes 10D: “ Mrs B Izaacs shows us life and joy throughout our

Boxing has seve ra ing improving l advantages, includhear t health, de ing body fat and cr improving overal eascomposition . l body

Learners gathered teachers in the staff room to celebrate Teachers Day

days at M&K Gertze”. Garth Cloete 10D: “Ms Y Izaacs is strict as she is caring”. Lowell Van Schalkwyk:” I believe all teachers are special and only want the best for us, even though they go through tough times they will always stay respectful and kind towards us as learners”.

Lakiesha Van W yk is a ninth-gr ad dent at Dr. Lem mer High School e stuand the school’s boxer.

She competed in th eration Junior Li e Hardap Boxing Fedght Middleweigh t Competition in Oct ober 2021 and won the championsip.

to see. That teacher is Mr E Van Wyk”. As there are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it, we the learners of M&K Gertze aspire to mirror for the greatness of our teachers. We thank all teachers for everything they do for us, not just in Namibia but around the world

Van Wyk compe te ing Federation Ju d in the Hardap Boxnior Light Middl eweight Competition in Oct awarded the be ober 2021 and was st boxer in that pionship. cham-

Making a name for herself in the boxing world

Lakiesha Van Wyk “I have always enjoyed watching boxing-related movies.”

Van Wyk has won several prizes and hopes to be a even better boxer in the future.

Ashanty Mouton 10G: “It takes a real leader to rule a real nation but it takes a strong and brave leader to rule a nation without any doubt and fear. And Mr J Denk was that leader and he inspired me alot”. Shimei Humphries 10C: “ The best Math teacher are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what



n the combat sport of boxing, two competitors hit each other for a set period of time inside a boxing ring while typically using protective gloves and other safety gear like hand wraps and mouth guards. “You can only assault your opponent by punching with a closed fist,” is the most crucial boxing rule. Lakiesha Van Wyk is a ninth-grade student at

“I am a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds,” - Mike Tyson Dr. Lemmer High School and the school’s boxer. She is a member of the school’s boxing team and an incredible boxer. “I have always enjoyed watching boxing-related movies,” said Van Wyk. She adds that the devotion and hard work of other outstanding boxers has acted as an inspiration to her and has motivated her to take steps into being a

better boxer. Van Wyk competed in the Khomas Boxing Federation Development Tournament in 2021. She also competed in the Hardap Boxing Federation Junior Light Middleweight Competition in October 2021, winning gold and being named the best boxer in that championship. Boxing has several advantages, including improving heart health, decreasing body fat, improving overall body composition more than other activities such as brisk walking, increasing whole-body strength, decreasing stress, lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, reducing stress on the blood vessels, and improving balance. Boxing training provides a full-body workout that aids in the development of large, strong muscles. The intensive cardiovascular workout you do while training aids in keeping these muscles defined. Van Wyk is optimistic about her boxing career’s future, believing that greater things are on the way. Not only does she believe in herself, but the rest of the school does as well, because she represents the school and makes everyone proud. “I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds,” said Mike Tyson, American former professional boxer.


Rehoboth Express



School picture of the week

Christine Shikangalah

BLACK PEPPER WAS ONCE WORTH MORE THAN ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. In fact, the spice was so expensive that when Alaric the Goth conquered Rome in 410 A. D., he asked for 3,000 pounds of pepper as a ransom. It was so valuable because it was an essential part of many medicines.


KETCHUP WAS ONCE USED AS A MEDICINE In the early 1800s, people thought tomatoes had medicinal qualities. Doctors claimed it could treat indigestion, so they turned it into a pill.

BIRDS REQUIRE GRAVITY TO SWALLOW. Birds cannot chew their food and instead swallow their prey whole. The esophagus of a bird is wide enough to swallow larger


This is because of the high amounts of sugar that is found in apples. The vitamins from the apples also have similar effects to caffeine, thus making you feel more awake.

In 1905 an eleven-year-old Frank Epperson was mixing powdered soda and water to make soda pop. Frank accidentally left the mixing bucket outside. During the night the mixture froze solid, with the wooden stirring stick standing straight up.





The young German volunteer teachers, Mattues Kirchven nineteen years of age and eighteen year old Oliver Adelt, who has just recently finished their High School has volunteered to be assistant teachers at M&K Gertze High School this year. They help guide the learners of M&K Gertze with Mathematics, Physical Science and with German. At first they were not quite sure about what they wanted to do after School ,so they tried teaching to see if it is something for them or if they are able to work with the learners or not, to be able to gain a little experience. Mattues said that he loved the idea of living abroad in another country and that he likes to be a little adventurous. While Oliver on the other hand has already been to Namibia before as a tourist and has been mesmerized with its beauty, its landscapes and the different cultures here. So he had to come back to learn more. In order to come here, they had to apply to an organization called the volunta ,they work hand in hand with the red cross. That is where you do a presentation on where you would want to go and why .It’s purpose is to choose more or less 25 volunteers The Dr Lemmer rugby squad had a successful season in the Namibia Secondary School Rugby Super League, reaching the playand send them to different places offs before falling to Walvis Bay Private High School 46-18. Even though they did not win against WBPHS, they gave it their best, to help assist with where they can. and what made them stand out was the fact that they were the only school from Rehoboth to participate in this league. Congrat“Yes ,there are quite similarities ulations, Dr. Lemmer! and some differences between our education system and that of Germany’s, they both said. “There are some challenges they faced with THE HAWAIIAN A ­ LPHABET meals. They depend on gravity teaching here .It always depended CONTAINS ONLY 13 The first meal eaten on the to push their food down the eson every class ,most learners are ­LETTERS. moon contained bacon squares, ophagus and then later be provery active and listen attentively. alongside other treats like sugar pelled into their stomachs. The Hawaiian alphabet contains cookie cubes. The bacon was deOliver said, “Yes it was challenging at the beginning but it gets easier a total of five vowels that are hydrates and more long-lasting with time ,if you master it .” both long and short. It also con- than the breakfast stable we are tains a total of eight consonants. used to today. Hawaii’s alphabet represents all the basic sounds and phonemes POPSICLES WE’RE INVENTED BY AN 11 YEAR OLD. in their language.

My advice!

if you c difficult ome across learner and stubbor give up s you should n no ,t with tim hat it gets bet t ter e and a lw prepare ays be d.

“There are some challenges they faced with teaching here. It always depended on every class ,most learners are very active and listen attentively.”

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Rehoboth Sports


Christiaan ­Kooper

Sport Page

Behind a fearless coach, are fearless players CHRISTIAAN ­KOOPER

The Dr. Lemmer team celebrate as they won the classic clashes cup.

Agape Beukes

“Win or lose, we’ll move forward,” and, “deur al die jare was Dr. Lemmer nog altyd bo-bas, altyd nog di wen span.”

Dr. Lemmer ­wins ­Classic Clashes ­trophy O n 10 August 2022, all roads lead to Dr.Lemmer sports field for the annual Classic Clashes game. The Dr. Lemmer pupils were all dressed in green and gold and proudly stood behind their team. They sung their school anthem with pride, proclaiming, “Win or lose, we’ll move forward,” and, “deur al die jare was Dr. Lemmer nog altyd bo-bas, altyd nog di wen span.” The boys’ egos were undoubtedly a little damaged after a losing streak, but Dr. Lemmer rose from the ashes just like the Phoenix. For the eleventh time, the school reclaimed the title. Only three occasions have M&K Gertze prevailed. With five tries to one and a penalty conversion, Dr.Lemmer tore the visitors to pieces. They arrived to play with a brutal mentality. Early in the game, M&K was given a penalty, which put the visitors on the scoreboard with a score of 0-3. At kick-off, team captain Edward Drotsky took the ball, and the ball was passed back and forth. The Dr. Lemmer boys hustled, hit, and did not give up. Alex, the M&K fullback, sent the ball

into their half. Prince Januarie received the ball, and Manfred Garob, the number 12 player, came sprinting as a supporting player, saw the opening, and there you are, five points in a flash.

Last push

5-3 on the scoreboard, and shortly after that Drotsky attempted a lineout, making the halftime score 12-3. Dr. Lemmer had other ideas, but M&K returned determined to turn this situation around. Gianni Rittman handed the ball to Drotsky a few minutes into the game, and Drotsky crossed the white line. In the 48th minute, Altonio Scheffers seized on a scrum opportunity to score a try. Dr. Lemmer seemed to be able to see M&K in their rear-view mirror without even noticing that they were catching up. M&K persisted though, and they eventually scored in the 55th. The final score of the extraordinary game, which featured intense play, line breaks, and bone-breaking tackles, was 29-10. The inspiring captain, Drotsky, was named the game’s top player. When questioned about his feelings following the victory, he responded “I feel great because I knew we could win. Despite our opponents’ skills, we beat them “. Everyone raced onto the field to do their haka under Manfred’s leadership after Dr. Lemmer won. M&K got medals, while Dr. Lemmer was presented with the Classic Clashes Cup.

The season has finally ended and every sports person is waiting for great results. The netball season ended and the team has achieved a lot. The under 15’s lost two games but secured 14 wins for the league games. They played against different schools like Dr Lemmer, Rehoboth High School, etc. One of the players said one of the challenges that was there were, “Lack of communication, inside fighting and unfit, but winning was the goal to hold on”. Vicklynn Snyders says, “Highlight of playing netball is when players understand and think as one, which make the relationship between players more strong and bold”. The under 15 got 3rd place in the whole league of netball while the under 19 team placed 1st. From the newspaper cup the under 19 team had a great performance and 4 of M&K Gertze High School learners have been chosen for the trails. The coaches stood together to equip these players with special techniques and skills, because encouragement and having a role model in sports is the only way that you will commit and give the best in every match. Netball is the application of having fun and discipline to play as a team and most importantly to uplift the school name. As the players say, it is an honor to play netball, because it express people’s feelings and the type of person each player is. They belief that they can and they will achieve everything that they put their mind to, is a very positive sportsmen mindset that there is. The teams do sympathise with those that couldn’t play due to their injuries. Winners never quit and quitters never win.

M&K Gertze Netball girls victorious and happy.


Come have some fun with Active Kids as we play and sing through exciting and fun facts about the world around us! Our coolest puppet friends Zoey, Zoshy and Zacky are there to teach us everything we need to know. Every week day at 09:00 on My Zone facebook pages and 10:00 on NTV. TUNE IN FOR THE LATEST CARS RELATED AND DEVELOPMENT Be on the lookout for the Active Kids team as we might come visit your school! NEWS, SO MUCH MORE… For advertising contact: [email protected]

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24/11/22 The Zone





School Newspaper The Hage Hage Times


Coordinating Journalist: Michelline Nawatises • Tel (061) 297 2314 • E-mail: [email protected]

The young panellists highlighted that more needs to be done to accommodate children with disabilities in society.


VARSITY CORNER QUEEN PIETER To visit The Zone Flipper website please scan the QR code with a QR reader

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Synergi Sales Manager: Carmen Stenger • Tel (061) 297 2102 • E-mail: [email protected]

Gen. Murtala Muhammed AVE • P.O. BOX 3436, Windhoek • Tel: (061) 297 2000 • Fax: (061) 223 721

Early warning, early action Learners received a history lesson from City of Windhoek officials as well as tips on what to avoid when coming across the scene of an emergency. THERESIA LUCAS


he event was attended by primary school students and tourists and featured several speakers, namely museum curator Aaron Nambadi, councillor and member of the economic advancement, public safety, and citizen welfare committee, Dr Otillie Uukule, the

deputy fire chief at the City of Windhoek, Kupaha Uazukuani and former Windhoek mayor Job Amupanda.

Importance of history

Amupanda spoke about the importance of history, saying it is important that history be preserved and recorded correctly to prevent misinterpretations or the history of the nation being obliterated completely. “History is very important and distinct, and it is important that we preserve it; that is why we have establishments like the City Museum,” he said. He added that young people need to start recording their own history as effectively

Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Unit (Fire Brigade). PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

as they can because they too may one day be part of it and future generations will benefit from their records. When mention was made of the possibility of their own history being misinterpreted, the students expressed discomfort and vowed to preserve it as much as they could.

Preserve history

The importance of history for the Namibian economy was also highlighted, with reference made to tourists and researchers travelling to Namibia to view and study historic artifacts. Uukule applauded the museum for effectively preserving the history of the Namibian nation. “This goes without saying, that we need to acknowledge our forefathers and applaud them for preserving our history, allowing for better awareness and insight,” Uukule said. Museum curator, Nambadi, advised the learners to develop a curiosity when it comes to their history so that they can

have a better understanding of their ­heritage. “It is only through an understanding that you will recognise the significance of preserving history and what role it plays in our lives today,” Nambadi said. The museum mainly features historic objects and pictures of Windhoek as well as a detailed history of the city.


Following the museum tour, the learners were shown practical demonstrations on how to deal with emergency situations involving fire. Uazukuani said it is “vital that you know the basics when it comes to dealing with fires because it may help you save a life one day.” He also cautioned that as bystanders at an accident or emergency scene, it is not advisable to take photos of the scene because the photos show sensitive material and could have a negative effect on the family.


The Zone


Vox pop

Partnering with the youth

With the December holidays approaching, The Zone spoke to learners at Sunshine Private School to hear how they will be spending their festive season.

PHOEBE NGARINGOMBE For this December, I plan to go to a camp with the church. I am hoping to learn a lot about God and grow my relationship with him. After the camp, I will be going with my family to the farm.

An inclusive nation for all children Namibia joined the rest of the world in celebrating World Children’s Day on 20 November. This year’s celebrations built on the momentum created in 2021 during the regional engagement, which brought together more than 100 children.


ne of the key outcomes of the meeting was a commitment made by the four heads of state to create a network, through which they will discuss issues of mutual concern and develop tangible strategies to address the rights of children in their respective countries. Honouring the commitment made at Kasane, Namibian Vice President Nangolo Mbumba visited Lusaka, Zambia, to meet the presidents of Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe to mark this year’s World Children’s Day and to live up to the pledge, report on progress made, and hear the challenges children have encountered since the previous World Children’s Day celebration in 2021.

More to do The four heads of state were part of an interactive panel discussion with children in which the youngsters shared their experiences in the four different countries, the challenges they face, and possible solutions with the presidents. The young panellists highlighted that more needs to be done to accommodate children with disabilities in society, including at schools, on public transportation, in clinics, and

in extracurricular activities. They added that governments and partners should find innovative ways whereby they disseminate informative and productive lessons on entrepreneurship and financial literacy, among others, on popular social media applications like TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, where children spend most of their time. Correspondingly, digital inclusivity in schools was a key concern that children shared.

Feedback At the same time, the heads of state reported on the progress they have made in their respective countries, including making mention of several activities children are engaged in where they communicate directly to those that have the power to make changes. President Hichilema urged children to be responsible and hard-working, reiterating that children should not work in isolation but work together as a team with government leaders and partners to create a better future for every child.

Honour commitments Speaking at a commemorative event


in Namibia, Metarere Tjihenuna, who was born with a rare defect called phocomelia syndrome, said “even though I don’t have legs, I can also do everything that those with legs can do. Disability does not mean inability.” During the opening remarks at the Children’s parliament, Peter Katjavivi, Speaker of the National Assembly, said: “I pledge to open parliament to children as it provides an opportunity and serves as the mouthpiece of children and young persons.” He added that as Speaker, he will ensure that they uphold their promise with regard to children’s rights and what Children’s Day and associated celebrations aim to uphold. Rivaldo Kavanga, the chairperson of the health committee of the Children’s parliament of Namibia, said that more needs to be done by presidents to tackle and mitigate the impacts of climate change, especially for children, as they are the most vulnerable to the effects thereof. “Climate change denies children the right to go to school; it denies them the right to safety and protection; and it denies them the right to clean running water, food and shelter,” Kavanga said, while taking note of the devastating droughts not only impacting Namibia but many other African countries. Kavanga also urged the presidents to work closely alongside children as partners as they manage their respective countries and the region.

I will be going to the north this December. I like going there because every time I go, there is always a different adventure. I am also excited to see my cousins and catch up with them as well. I have a huge interest in animals, so looking at horses, cows, etc. is a highlight for me.

DANAI HAPADZIWI I will be travelling to Zimbabwe this holiday to visit my siblings because it has been a long time since I’ve seen them. I would like to spend quality time with them. I am looking forward to playing games and visiting the beach, and I really enjoy gift giving at Christmas.

BRADLEY MURIRWA My plans for the holiday are to go to Swakopmund with my family. One of my favourite things to do is chill and braai because I really enjoy my aunt’s cooking. My aunt has a beach house where we will all go during the holidays.

MBAUNGURA HAMBIRA During my holiday, I would like to play soccer with my friends and family. I am really passionate about it as it keeps me fit, and I will be travelling to the farm, which is located close to Gobabis.


Inclusion for every child: This past weekend, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef) celebrated World Children’s Day under the theme “Inclusion for Every Child”. It was under this theme that children from the school for the visually impaired came together to create art that every child, with or without a disability, will be able to visualize. PHOTO JUNIOR: JUNIOR KAPOFI

MBEURORA KANGOOTUI This December, I want to go to the farm because that is what I usually do during the December holidays. The main reason why I go to the farm is because I get to see horses – they are a hobby of mine. One of my aspirations is to become a great jockey.

eek Slang of the w GUCCI Good, cool, or going well, especially after friends have had an argument. For example: Huncho: We Gucci.

THURSDAY 24.11.2022



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The Hage Times

Harnessing school pride at Hage Gein­ gob High School




Overcoming creative block for the holidays SIRKKA MUDJANIMA As the holidays draw near, many creative young minds plan on taking the festive time to create and explore their creative talents. As a result of all the studying and arduous mental labour that have gone into making sure one not only passes but thoroughly aces the final examinations, creative blockages are to be expected along the journey of exploring one’s talents. This is natural, as learners have been focused on work that has required them to use more of their analytical brain than their creative side. Creative block is the inability to come up with new ideas. It can happen while you’re working on an existing project or when you are trying to create something completely original and haven’t yet figured out what it should be about. You feel stuck

and empty, like you just don’t have any more ideas left in the creative tank. “No matter how hard you try, you just can’t come up with something fresh and new,” said one ninth grader who loves to draw but sometimes struggles as a result of creative block. If you’re like most creative people, you get some of your best creative ideas when you’re doing something else, like taking a walk or a shower. When you step away, your subconscious keeps working on the problem and will often come up with new ideas. Sometimes it takes the direct opposite of a spontaneous walk to do the trick; sometimes creating a routine and setting aside time every day of the holiday to get creative work done also does the trick since your brain then internalises this routine and it later becomes a habit to create during that time.

aving pride in one’s school means going the extra mile to make oneself, one’s school, and one’s teachers proud. At Hage Geingob High School, the school community is tight-knit and very welcoming of new school attendees as a way of encouraging and displaying the pride that both teachers and learners have in their school. School pride fosters a sense of belonging in learners, particularly for the grade-eight learners, who are starting out fresh and tend to feel like outsiders for the first couple of weeks - or even months – at their new school.

Representing unity

Having pride in one’s school means different things for different people. To outgoing deputy head girl Monika Markus, school pride means “being able to go out into the world and proudly emulate the values instilled in us at school.” Markus said she is excited to go out into the real world soon, as she will be able to display the values her teachers and principal worked hard to instil in her since she started her high school journey four years ago. Moreover, the importance of school pride goes beyond just values. It permeates itself deeply into the academic and civic performance and engagement of learners, as they tend to perform and interact better in environments where they are comfortable. Hage Geingob High School en-

Head Boy

UPCOMING EVENTS Valentine’s Day: On 14 February, Hage Geingob High School, along with the rest of the world, will celebrate the day of love. Independence Day: On 21 March, we will be celebrating 33 years of Namibia being an independent nation and the benefits that came from our independence.

Sports Day In honour of all things sports, our school will host its annual sports day early next year to celebrate all sportsmen and women. Miss Hage Geingob High School Mid-year next year, expect great amounts of glitz, glam and entertainment as we will be hosting our annual Miss Hage Geingob.

Being the head boy of any school is a role that comes with great responsibility. It requires a clear set of

Headboy and headgirl posing with pride in their school infront of the school office.

courages school pride through the recognition of even the smallest unsung heroes, as well as by embrac-

goals, an open mind to the views of others, and a real passion for change. I believe that head boy is a position that should only be filled by someone who has a clear vision of what they would like to achieve and by someone who would like to change things for the whole school community, rather than just their year group.

Head Girl

Head girls are often asked to foster positive relationships among their peers and the professionals working at the school. Hage Geingob High specifically asks head girls to




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ing visible leadership at the school, such as the members of the learner representative council.

foster family relationships and encourage communication at the school. Head girls must not only foster relationships with new girls, school headmasters, instructors and other professionals at the school; they may also be required to foster relationships within the community and with potential attendees and their families.


The Zone


NUST paves an innovative future JUNIOR KAPOFI


he Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) handed over offices to the AiRRhow project last week. The offices will be made available to an AiRRhow and NUST team of experts to plan and execute their assigned tasks, culminating in the establishment of the centre of excellence for civil aviation in Keetmanshoop, ||Karas Region, John Mutorwa, the minister of works and transport, said. He said mutual interest in innovation, research, development and education should stand out. Mutorwa said the ministry, as well as Finnish university Tampere University, “undertake to cooperate with NUST in research and development to build capacity on training and education for civil education.” To position Finland as a global leader in aviation education and training, top aviation specialists in Finland created the AiRRhow partner alliance. They offer affordable solutions for all training needs and offer aviation education and training around the world. Additionally, their campus has a living lab, offering a practical setting for testing new ideas. They have outstanding interdisciplinary knowledge as they assemble top experts

A true calling QUEEN PIETER

from various fields to create the aviation of the future.


Also last week, NUST and Demola Global Hub signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the launch of the Demola Global Hub. This collaboration will see NUST students invited to be part of Demola Global teams, which are facilitated by Demola Global experts, stated Ville Kairamo, chief executive

officer of Demola Global. The hub will connect Namibian students and companies to global innovation and will be used as an idea-sharing experience. Kairamo said that he chose Namibia, and in particular, NUST, because he saw where they were headed innovatively, especially after taking a look at the MTC innovation centre located at the High Tech Transfer Plaza (HTTP). The enterprise section of

MTC has created a real location for digital and ­physical tools that will bear the fruits of innovation. This technology aims to lead the digital transformation of smartphones and smart city projects by incubating enterprise-based services on everything from com­prehensive fibre internet to digital cloud computing.

My name is Queen Pieter. I am in my final year of communication studies at the Namibia University of Science and Technology. Additionally, I am also a presenter at Namibia Media Holdings. I currently present a show called Smell the Coffee as well as Blitsfokus. Smell the Coffee is a morning breakfast show that airs on all NMH Facebook platforms and on Network Television Channel (NTV). The show can be described as a mix of informative news and entertainment, while viewers enjoy their daily dose of coffee. Blitsfokus is a show where we talk about the latest edition of The Zone and give viewers a glimpse into the diversity of Afrikaans culture in Namibia. There is usually a prominent guest, who was either profiled in The Zone or selected by the team.

Many opportunities

Communication as a field of study is fascinating. It is broad and gives you a variety of career choices you can venture into. With communication, you really understand the depth of communicating to different kinds of audiences, which is something very important to master. I chose this field because it aligns with what I’m called to do. The Covid-19 pandemic really was one big whirlwind. One of the challenges I faced during the pandemic was the impact it had on our mode of learning and class interactions – it was such a big change. However, the communication course is not so daunting; one just needs to be disciplined and focused.

A worthwhile journey

I’ve had a lot of successes over the last three years. These included not only good grades but also opportunities that opened many doors for me. One of them is, as mentioned earlier, my work as a presenter at Namibia Media Holdings. It all started with me pushing myself out of my comfort zone, which has led me to a great place indeed. The bachelor of communication degree is a very relevant field, and the market is not saturated, which is a great thing. You are not limited to one or two career choices. There will always be a need for communication experts and professionals, which is queen why this is a great journey to embark on.


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