Helping Peru! | 1 Asociacion Peruanos Unidos Board 2014 – 2015 Erick Huarcaya President Ronnie Ruiz Vice-president Carolina Felipa Secretary Ana Cam
Author:  Celia Mora Cano

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Helping Peru! | 1

Asociacion Peruanos Unidos Board 2014 – 2015 Erick Huarcaya President Ronnie Ruiz Vice-president Carolina Felipa Secretary Ana Camargo Treasure Consuelo Graffeo Vocal Miguel Cabrera Past-President Leonor Sanchez Honorary President BOOK DESIGN & PRINTED BY Left Eye Creations 60 Island St. Unit 103 Lawrence, MA 01840 978.984.0581

CON TACT U S asocperuanos unidos@gmai Proudly repres enting Peruvi an affair s in the Mer rimack Va lley of Massachus et ts, USA A so c. Peruan os Unidos P.O. Box 924 L aw rence M A, 01842

APU MISSION We are the Asociacion Peruanos Unidos, Inc (with 501 C3), a non-profit organization devoted to preserve Peruvian culture and heritage while supporting children and adults who are in need that reside in Peru. The Asociacion is formed by Peruvian, spouses, children, relatives, and friends from all over the world. Most of our members are of Latin-American and American origin.

WELCOME WORDS FROM THE APU PRESIDENT ERICK HUARCAYA In the name of the board of the Asociación Peruanos Unidos (APU) we salute and welcome you to the ‘Peruvian Night 2015’. We are glad that you can join us! APU was founded in 1994 to organize the ‘Peruvian Night’ with the participation of Peruvian families living in the city of Lawrence. Throughout these years the “Peruvian Night’ has been part of the ‘Semana Hispana’. This year our efforts has been focused to create an event that can led you to appreciate part of the cuisine, music, dances, festivals and craft from Peru. The central inspiration for this celebration is the Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun) celebrated during the Inca Empire. You will be able to find more information about Peru, the Inti Raymi festival and APU in this publication. Finally I want to thank our sponsors, Santander Bank, Rockland Trust and Enterprise Bank for their support. As well as our members and friends of APU and to our guest, for being part of this celebration. Enjoy the Peruvian Night 2015!

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Theodorick (Todd) B. Bl and Mr. Bland is the Head of school at Milton Academy, an independent college preparatory K-12 school in Milton, MA. Todd is the Great Grandson of Hiram Bigham III, who discovered the Lost Inca city of Machu Pichu in 1911. For Todd, history is not just about facts and dates. It is also about stories that involve real people, like his ancestors. He learned of his famous Great Grandfather (Hiram Bigham III) through the stories passed down from his grandmother, June Rossbach Bingham, who Todd described as „a great story teller.” When Todd thinks of the discovery of Machu Pichu he thinks of the stories June used to tell him about his great grandfather. In these stories, Hiram Bigham had a deep fascination for the ancient Inca civilization. Hiram his great grandfather was also a very bright, scholarly, and charismatic person. Bigham‘s story is also about collaboration, courage, and luck. In the first month of his expedition to find the ancient Incan city, Bigham met an indigenous farmer by the name of Melchor Arteaga who asked him what he was doing in the Andes. Bigham spoke of his expedition and his goal of finding the Incan ruins. The farmer led him to what is now known as Machu Pichu. Because of Bigham’s work, Machu Pichu is now one of the most visited archeological sites in the world. In 2011, The Bingham family, Mr. Bland and his son, Nicholas Frost Bland was invited to Cusco, Peru to partake in the centennial of the disco-

very of Machu Pichu. This was Todd’s Asociacion Peruanos Unidos will exhifirst visit. For the first 40 years of his bit a few items from Mr. Hiram Bigham life, Todd had been surrounded by sto- III’s collection including: ries, pictures and artifacts relating to the site and admitted to feeling nervo• 1st Edition book of The Lost us for his first visit there. He explained, City of the Incas with an in„You see, I had such a high expectascription by Hiram Bingham tions of the discovery and was worried III to Todd’s grandmother June that seeing it for real would fall short Rossbach Bingham of my expectations” Instead, Machu Pi• A crayon portrait of Hiram chu surpassed all expectations. Todd Bingham III done in 1900 or said the visit was “breath-taking” and 1901 by Raymond Crosby, a “memorable”. He remembers being Yale classmate awestruck by the magnificence of the • An April, 1913 The National city’s construction and its natural beGeographic Magazine, “In auty. He was most moved by a spiritual The Wonderland of Peru” feeling he had during his visit-- how it dedicated to the discovery of felt as if Machu Pichu was a mystical Machu Pichu place between this world and the next. We thank Mr. Bland for sharing his Today, Todd carries on his family’s story about his great grandfather Hilove for history. A history teacher him- ram Bigham III and for allowing us to self, he has tried to make history come touch the history of Machu Pichu throalive to his students through the touch ugh the historical documents that Mr. of his hands. He explains to the stu- Bland has allowed us to showcase. dent, touching his hand, that they are now connected to a piece of history The documents can be seen at the because they are touching the hand of Peruvian night on Sunday, June 7th at a person, whose hand was held by his 301 Haverhill Street in Lawrence mass grandmother, who held Bigham’s hand, and displayed at the Lawrence Heritawho discovered the ancient Inca city of ge State Park located at one Jackson Machu Picchu. Street in Lawrence MA during the Hispanic Week, June 8th through June For the first time in Lawrence the 13, 2015.

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nti Ray mi is a rite of the anci ent Inca s that worships the God Apu Inti Tayt a. It surely on their mar ks the most impo rtan t date in histo ric 24th June on ed brat cele is It . calendar ’s vast emp ire, in Cus co, the anci ent hub on the Inca the beginnin g of both ting esen repr tice, sols er the wint ce of life to the sour the of n a new cycl e and the retur And es. acut ec Inti Ray mi was crea ted by Inca Pach to thank es, And the in year new the to celebrat e seas on. The ping crop d Pachama ma, to ensure a goo . 1412 in first one was ning in the the The ceremony star ts in the mor where the Inca Sun, the Qor ikancha, or Temple of Fath er Sun. to se prai or n catio invo delivers an the city’s main to es mov e Nex t, the roya l ento urag sacr ed the to ial mon cere a r Afte re. civic squa ire, the emp the of re futu coca 0lea f to divin e the lls ramewa ston sive mas the to eeds Inca proc p outside of part s of Sac sayhuam an, on a hillto stro ngho ld old agethe , sion occa this On town. of Inca n s focu the into is again tran sfor med life. spiri tual chua, the The ceremony is recit ed in Que s. A land high ean And native tongue of the a ritua lly llam e whit a and dled rekin is fire , drum s and “sac rific ed”. Sounds of panp ipes al danc ers ition Trad air. the fill s horn ing blar the emp ire of ers corn four repr esen ting the es of red flash us rioto with eye the le dazz and gold.

Now Inti Ray mi coincide s with the tist. Cath olic feast of St. John The Bap th Sou in val festi est larg It’s the seco nd e to America and a sour ce of grea t prid Peru vian s.

El Inti Raymi es el rito más antiguo de los Incas que adoraban al Dios Apu Padre Sol. Marca con seguridad la fecha más importante de su calendario anual. Se celebra el 24 de junio en el histórico Cusco, la capital del inmenso Imperio de los Incas, en el solsticio de invierno, al inicio de un nuevo ciclo y en el retorno de la fuente de vida a los Andes. El Inti Raymi fue creado por el Inca Pachacutec para celebrar el año nuevo en los Andes, dar gracias a la Pachamama, para augurar una buena estación de siembras. El primero se celebró en el año 1412. La ceremonia empieza en la mañana en el Qorikancha, o Templo del Sol, donde el Inca pronuncia una invocación u oración al Padre Sol. Después el séquito real se dirige a la Plaza Central. Después de la ceremonia a la sagrada hoja de coca para adivinar el futuro del imperio, el Inca continúa a la inmensa fortaleza de Sacsayhuaman, de piedras gigantescas, en la parte alta fuera de la ciudad. En esta ocasión la antigua fortaleza se convierte nuevamente en el centro espiritual de la vida de los Incas. La ceremonia es recitada enteramente en quechua, la lengua nativa de los Andes. Un fuego es avivado y una llama blanca es “sacrificada” ritualmente. Suenan las antaras, tambores y pututos llenando el ambiente. Luego danzas tradicionales representand o los cuatro suyos del imperio deslumbran los ojos con juegos de colores rojo y amarillo. Ahora el Inti Raymi coincide con la fiesta católica de San Juan Bautista. Es el segundo festival más grande en Sudamérica y una fuente de gran orgullo para los peruanos.

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Master of Ceremony: Wendy Solivan and Edgar De La Cruz 2:00-3:15 P.M.

Hiram Bingham III Exhibit Ana Camargo

Ceviche Demonstration Chef William Vergara

Peruvian Craft Tables S & C Exchange One of a Kind Beads by Design

APU Peruvian Cuisine Selection of five ethnic dishes 3:15-5:00 P.M.

The New Inca Son Andean Music Performance

Inti Raymi Procession Asociacion Peruanos Unidos, The New Inca Son, Son De Sol

“Virgines del Sol” Dance Performing & Fine Arts Dance Company

“Valicha” Folklore Peruvian Dance Veronica Robles Cultural Center

“Huaylash” Folklore Peruvian Dance Peru Mestizo

Festejo Folklore Peruvian Dance Performing & Fine Arts Dance Company

“La Marinera” Folklore Peruvian Dance Peru Mestizo

“Tobas” Folklore Bolivian Dance Integracion Cultural Latina Dance Group 5:00-7:00 P.M.

Son De Sol Open Dance

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V va muy pronto CD MANIA 171 Essex St Lawrence, MA 01840 (978) 975-4222

Helping Peru! | 11

Lawrence, MA 978.794.9988 Haverhill, MA 978.372.4242 Salem, MA 978.744.1922 Lowell, MA 978.970-5500 Seabrook, N.H. 603.474.2022 Nashua, N.H. 603.886.8555 Derry, N.H. 603.845.1977 Plaistow, N.H. 603.382.0099

Enterprise Bank is proud to sponsor

Asociación de Peruanos Unidos’ Inti Raymi, Festival of the Sun 22 Convenient branch locations, including:

LAWRENCE | 290 Merrimack Street, 978-688-1166 12 |

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Peru is located central western coast in South America, facing the Pacific Ocean. It is the third largest country in South America, and has three natural regions, the Coast with deserts and valleys, the Highland at the center of the country and the Oriental area of the Amazon jungle. Those multiple temperatures and altitudes allow Peru to possess 84 of the 104 possible ecosystems of the world, creating a mega diversity of animals and plants. Each natural regions has their own customs, festivities and gastronomy. Peru’s history is much more than the Incas. Ruins of cultures as the Nazca’s, Mochica’s, Chimu’s, Paracas’s, Tihuanaco, Chavin, Chachapoyas’s, and Huari’s are still able to be visited throughout the country. The Inca Empire, lasted only approximately 300 years but their temples, roads and cities are the best preserved. The Spanish conquistador’s arrived in 1532, during a civil war between two brothers trying to take

the Incas’s throne. The Viceroyalty of Peru becomes the center of military and political power of Spain in South America. The independence of Peru in 1821 was reach with big effort from Peruvian revolutionaries and troops that arrived with General San Martin from Argentina, only after to reach the independence of Argentina and Chile. Unfortunately, international wars and Coup d’état marked the early Peruvian republican history until 1980’s. It was followed by a traumatic two-decade internal conflict between the state and the communist guerrilla groups, the Shining Path and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement. By 2000 most part of these groups were disbanded. Based on the rising prices of copper, silver, lead, zinc, oil and gold, the country experienced an economic boom in the 2000s, and in 2011 Peru was said to have one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. The current president is Mr Ollanta Humala (2011-2016).

HIMNO NACIONAL DEL PERU (PERUVIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM) Coro Somos libres, seámoslo siempre y antes niegue sus luces el sol, que faltemos al voto solemne que la patria al Eterno elevó.

Estrofa I Largo tiempo el peruano oprimido la ominosa cadena arrastró; condenado a una cruel servidumbre largo tiempo en silencio gimió. Más apenas el grito sagrado ¡Libertad! En sus costas se oyó,

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la indolencia de esclavo sacude, la humillada cerviz levantó.

Estrofa VII En su cima los Andes sostengan La bandera o pendón bicolor, Que a los siglos anuncie el esfuerzo Que ser libres, por siempre nos dio. A su sombra vivamos tranquilos, Y al nacer por sus cumbres el Sol, Renovemos el gran juramento Que rendimos al Dios de Jacob.

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