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Redacție: Dinu Alexandru – redactor-șef Cățoi Andreea-Gabriela – Redactor, designer grafic Ciobănescu Tiberiu-Florin– Redactor, designer grafic Zulchefil Aylin Hayriye– Redactor, designer grafic Coordonator: Bucovală Carmen Contributori: prof. Anghel Cristina Chiștruga Cătălina prof. Bucovală Carmen Gavrilă Ioana prof. Cristea Dorina Hanu Rareș prof. Dima-Aldea Nadina Iatan Maria prof. Gavrilă Cristina Ionescu Adela prof. Gheorghiu Lavinia Mareș Alexandra prof. Ionescu Florentina Marusciac Angela prof. Mihai Bogdan Mate Mirela prof. Mihălțeanu Cristina Mihu Dora prof. Pavlicu Crina Niță Andreea prof. Trifan Deniz Papp Francesca prof. Vintilă Mihaela Rașid Sara Rus Matei Ardeleanu Arina Schell Alexandra Badea Alin Scupra Elisa Băluță Ioana Șerban Ecaterina Barbu-Crețu Andrei Simionescu Lara Bocai Vlad Stercu Alexia Bucur Ștefan Suliman Emre Budeș Cristian Târșoagă-Eduard-Mihai Buiculescu Sebastian Ureche Eduard Butnărașu Sorin Vașlaban Mara Chiriac Victor Zulchefil Aylin 1

Editorial Istoria proiectelor europene de la Liceul Teoretic „Ovidius” începe în urmă cu peste 20 de ani, când am inițiat desfășurarea unor activități de parteneriat alături de școli din Norvegia, Danemarca, Spania și Olanda. Primul proiect s-a derulat în perioada 2000-2004 și a vizat problemele legate de conflictele dintre generații. Echipa de proiect, destul de restrânsă la acel moment, a avut ocazia să participe la întâlniri internaționale, să lucreze alături de elevi și profesori din țările partenere și să vină în contact cu modalitatea de organizare a sistemelor educaționale din alte țări. A fost o perioadă de pionierat, plină de provocări, atât din punct de vedere organizatoric, cât și logistic și financiar. Rezultatele, însă, au fost pe măsura efortului depus și acest proiect a reprezentat punctul de plecare în derularea unui opțional de tip curriculum la decizia școlii, intitulat “Proiecte europene”. Mergând mai departe, proiectele noastre s-au înlănțuit, atât în cadrul programului Socrates cât și în cadrul programului care a urmat și anume Erasmus +. În 2020, am elaborat propunerea de proiect pentru acreditarea liceului nostru ca parte a programului Erasmus mobilități pentru cadrele didactice și elevi, pentru perioada 2021-2027. Aplicația noastră a fost apreciată și am primit această acreditare, statut care ne-a dat dreptul de a organiza mobilități din anul 2021 și până la încheierea programului Erasmus, adică în 2027. În cadrul acestui program, primul an de proiect a stat sub egida dialogurilor, fie că a fost vorba de dialoguri teatrale la care au luat parte elevii noștri alături de elevi de la Liceul “Notre Dame de Sion” din Istanbul sau că a fost vorba de dialoguri pe teme științifice, de educație pentru dezvoltare durabilă și de integrarea principiilor STEAM în activitatea de învățare. Alături de elevi, 10 cadre didactice ale Liceului Teoretic „Ovidius” au avut ocazia să participe la cursuri pe tematici foarte variate, de la îmbunătățirea abilităților de comunicare în limba engleză, până la competențe TIC sau integrarea educației artistice alături de educația științifică în programele curente ale școlii. Instrumentele digitale au reprezentat în toate aceste inițiative o latură esențială, care a permis care a permis valorificarea abilităților deja deținute de elevi și profesori, cât și la îmbunătățirea acestora. Profesorii liceului au avut ocazia să participe și la mobilități de tip job-shadowing (misiuni de observare), putând astfel să vină în contact cu sisteme educaționale din diferite țări, preluând unele modele care au fost, într-o destul de bună măsură, transpuse în practică în liceul nostru. Fiecare participant, elev sau profesor, a avut ocazia să reflecteze asupra experienței de formare la care a participat, prin elaborarea unui articol pe care îl puteți citi în paginile următoare ale revistei "Dialoguri", cât și prin inițierea unor proiecte la care au participat în echipă. Proiectele astfel inițiate au reprezentat liceul la diferite concursuri internaționale, precum cel organizat de Junior Achievement România sau de Bernhard Schulte Ship Management, proiectele elevilor noștri fiind apreciate de juriile acestor concursuri și putând fi regăsite în paginile acestei reviste. Privind în urmă, la proiectele derulate de liceul nostru în ultimii mai bine de 20 de ani, pot spune că firul conducător a fost perseverența, tenacitatea și efortul elevilor și profesorilor pentru a deschide noi orizonturi de învățare și de integrare europeană.

prof. Carmen Bucovală


Pași spre viitor, prin educație Liceul Teoretic "Ovidius" Constanța este o școală deschisă valorificării potențialelor variate ale tinerilor în activități de învățare formale și în activități extracurriculare, dezvoltând competențe de comunicare și sociale în spirit civic european și democratic. Anticipând nevoile comunitare și individuale, Liceul Teoretic "Ovidius" formează tinerilor capacitatea și responsabilitatea deciziei privind propria carieră și asigură competențele necesare continuării dezvoltării profesionale în învățământul superior. Ținte organizaționale generale 1. Oferta curriculară și extra curriculară atractivă şi dinamică, adaptată la nevoile elevilor, la contextul actual, în continuă schimbare, centrată pe dezvoltarea de competențe utile pentru a putea răspunde noilor cerințe ale secolului XXI 2. Asigurarea unui cadru optim pentru dezvoltarea profesională a cadrelor didactice şi personalului didactic auxiliar 3. Integrarea liceului în diferite rețele instituționale funcționale care să asigure abordarea sinergică a componentei curriculare, manageriale și financiare a școlii 4. Valorificarea experienței importante acumulate prin derularea de proiecte de anvergură în ultimii 15 ani prin inițierea de programe de replicare a acestei experiențe la nivel local, național, regional și european.

Obiectivele cooperării europene 1. Creșterea abordării integrate a STEM în procesul de predare-învățare-evaluare 2. Îmbunătățirea abilităților de exprimare artistică ale elevilor, în contextul folosirii unui cadru colaborativ multilingv 3. Dezvoltarea competențelor globale ale elevilor şi profesorilor, astfel încât să cuprindă abilități de analizare a contextelor internaționale, pornind de la cele locale, specifice, in scopul familiarizării acestora cu necesitatea atingerii obiectivelor dezvoltării durabile.


Le «LabelFrancÉducation» au lycée Notre Dame de Sion Lancé en 2012, le «LabelFrancÉducation» est accordé aux établissements scolaires étrangers qui participent, dans le cadre des programmes d’enseignement locaux, au rayonnement de la langue et de la culture françaises. Cette marque de qualité est décernée par le ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères (MEAE). L’obtention du «LabelFrancÉducation» est soumise à des critères exigeants qui permettent d’identifier les meilleurs établissements scolaires étrangers. Pour obtenir ce label, les établissements peuvent faire l'objet, à leur demande, d'un audit mené conjointement par le poste diplomatique et l'AEFE qui apprécient le respect des conditions d’attribution ainsi que l'opportunité du projet au regard du dispositif local d'enseignement français. Ce réseau compte 523 filières bilingues implantées dans 62 pays.

Partant de l’intention du Lycée „Ovidius” d'obtenir le certificat qualité LFE, nous avons eu comme objectif de la mission d'observation au lycée Notre Dame de Sion d'Istanbul, notamment, cette démarche.

Chaque département du lycée a une contribution importante à la définition des objectifs à atteindre, tant dans les domaines scientifiques qu'humanistes. Le lycée doit avoir des enseignants certifiés et capables d'enseigner le DNL en français, afin qu'au moins 20% du nombre d'heures hebdomadaires soient dispensées en français.

En discutant avec les représentants du lycée, et plus particulièrement avec M. Alexandre Abellan, le proviseur de lycée, nous avon identifié les étapes à suivre pour obtenir cette marque de qualité. Un rôle important est joué par les partenariats écoles, mais aussi par ceux avec les entreprises qui peuvent dessiner plus clairement pour les élèves et les enseignants quels sont les avantages d'appartenir à la francophonie.

L'existence d'un point d'information et de documentation est un avantage ainsi que l'existence d'une collection d'ouvrages et de publications en français, consultables dans un espace adapté.


L'accès à l'enseignement supérieure en Turquie

Première session: Test de Compétence de base. Cette session est obligatoire pour tous les candidats. Seuls les candidats ayant obtenu un score suffisant (au moins 150) à cette session peuvent accéder à la deuxième session et à la troisième session. Cette session seule est suffisante pour acceder à une formation de pré-license.

En Turquie, pour les cantidats de nationalité turque résidant en Turquie, l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur est regi par un concours d’entrée national (examen des établisments d’enseignement supérieur) très selectif. Le choix des filièrs et des établisments se fait en fonction du classement du candidat et du nombre de places disponibles.Le concours est géré par le Centre d’évaluation de sélection et d’affection, association interuniversitaire de droit public qui organise les principaux examens et certifications de la fonction publique turque. Le Conseil de l’Enseignement Supérieur, instance tutélaire des universités, fixe un quota de places par filière et par université, les établissments pouvant néanmoins établir un seuil d’admission par faculté. Il comprend trois sessions:

Deuxième session: Test de Compétence par domaine. Cette session permet d’accéder à une formation de license ( formation en 4 années)

Troisième session: Test de Langues Etrangère: Cette session permet d’accéder à une formation de license dans le domains des langues étrangères ( littérature, linguistique, didactique, traduction).

Pour les étudiants de nationalité étrangère, les conditions d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur en Turquie sont celles qui sont requises dans le pays d’origine du candidat. Cependant, les conditions peuvent changer selon les établissments d’enseignement supérieur et/ou la formation souhaitée. L’examen est géré par l’établissments d’enseignement supérieur qui l’organise: Selon le score obtenu et dans la limite des places disponibles, le candidat est affecté dans une formation.


Répétitions, Répétitions, Répétitions – Baluta Ioana Le projet Erasmus à été un moyen par lequel nous avons eu l’occasion de montrer tout le monde notre pièce de théâtre au Fest’Istanbul, festival de théâtre lycéen francophone d’Istanbul. Mais, devant la pièce finale, qui nous avons joué sur la scène en Turquie, il y a eu plusieurs répétitions.

Nous avons répété dans le cadre de notre lycée en Aula Mare et après dans le hôtel. La dernière répétition a eu lieu sur la grande scène du Lycée « Notre-Dame de Sion ». Notre pièce de théâtre est composée de 6 dialogues qui illustre des événements de notre vie quotidienne. Après chaque pièce c’est un chanson qui accentue le message de la pièce précédente. Nous avons 2 chansons en turque, 2 en anglais et 1 en roumaine. J’ai pris beaucoup de photos représentatives pendant les répétitions pour vous aider entendre l’effort déposé par nous.

Les photos sont dans cette ordre « Tiens ta langue », « Routine », « Couple idéal « , « Jamais vue » et « Fleurs du Béton ».


En route… - Bucur Ștefan En route vers Istanbul, dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+, nous avons eu l’occasion de voir de beaux paysages en Bulgarie et en Turquie. En raison du fait que nous sommes allés en bus, nous avons eu de nombreuses occasions de nous amuser et d’apprendre à se connaître. Sur le chemin nous avons débattu différents sujets, on à écouté de la musique par moment et on s'est même endormis (je pense que tout le monde sait à quelle vitesse on s’endort quand on est sur une longue route)

La route vers la Turquie était très intéressante, parce q'on se connaissait, mais en cours de route, à travers différents jeux, blagues et musique, nous avons commencé à mieux nous connaître. Le temps passé à la douane était probablement le plus ennuyeux, parce qu’on devait attendre, dans un paysage monotone.La route à travers la Bulgarie était magnifique, parce que nous avons eu le temps d’apprécier le relief unique de la partie orientale de la Bulgarie, qui est vraiment unique. Les villes et les stations avaient un aspect unique, très intéressant.

En Turquie, les paysages les plus intéressants étaient ceux d’Istanbul, où nous avons vu divers bâtiments super modernes à la périphérie de la ville, qui sont devenus de plus en plus classiques du point de vue architecture, une fois que nous avons approché le vieux centre.

Au retour en Roumanie, nous avons eu des expériences similaires à celles de notre départ. Près de la frontière entre la Bulgarie et la Turquie, nous nous sommes arrêtés dans un magasin appelé « Le Dernier Magasin » qui avait toutes sortes de friandises. Je recommanderais forrtement les baclavals, qui étaient délicieux.


… - Buiculescu Sebastian Nous avons visité beaucoup de beaux endroits lors de notre départ avec le projet Erasmus+. Istanbul est une ville pleine d'histoire et de culture et nous étions plus que ravis de découvrir ses secrets. L'un de ces lieux est le palais de Topkapi, un musée à Istanbul, l'ancienne résidence des sultans ottomans pendant environ 400 ans (1465-1856). C'est une attraction touristique majeure de la ville, avec Sainte-Sophie, étant le musée le plus visité du pays. Nous avons été impressionnés par la beauté du palais et les jardins animés. Une chose que nous voulions voir avant même de partir Constanta est l'épée d'Etienne le Grand, qui était exposée dans l'une des pièces du palais.

La deuxième place la plus importante pour le tourisme à Istanbul est Sainte-Sophie. Sainte-Sophie nous a profondément impressionnés. De l'extérieur, cela a l'air incroyable, mais l'intérieur de la mosquée est ce qui laisse les touristes du monde entier sans voix. Une chose que j'ai remarquée en visitant Sainte-Sophie, c'est que les gens sont très respectueux et amicaux. Nous avons eu l'occasion de nous lier d'amitié avec des dames venues à la mosquée dans le même but.

Le palais de Topkapi et Sainte-Sophie sont deux expériences inoubliables de notre séjour à Istanbul que nous reviendrons certainement si nous en avons l'occasion.


Lycée Notre Dame de Sion – Chistruga Cătălina

Pour commence, je voudrais vous familiariser avec le Lycée Notre Dame de Sion. Au début, il été un lycée pour les filles et après 140 ans de tradition, en 1996 le lycée a commencé d’accepter des garçons. Ce fait m’a été dit par le professeur Ozgun Pinarer, qui été diplôme de ce lycée et qui dans ce moment, enseigne les élevés de NDS pour partager ses expériences et faire le change des connaissances.

Dans le NDS le français c’est très important, à la question „ Que-est que les élevés à besoin d’avoir pour être dans ce lycée, il m’a répondu „Tous d’abord, le langage français parce que vous apprenais la culture, littérature, aussi. Le langage de vie quotidien c’est différent de ce que nous apprenons, donc nous faisons attention de ça.”.

À NDS nous avons parlons avec Hélène Köroğlu, elle est la coordonnatrice de „Festivale du Théâtre Francophone” en Istanbul. Madame Hélène a souligné l’importance des festivales dans notre vie par les mots suivants „Les festivals sont des moments très privilégie parce que ça permet une rencontre et de brisée tous les préjudices dans notre tète. „Le voyage forme la jeunesse”, c’est un cliché, mais c’est vrai.”.

Son rêve est très beau „ Dans ma tête, c’est toujours en train d’essaie d’améliorer l’enseignement de théâtre en français à Istanbul.”. Ce que nous avons tous ressenti en participant à ce festival a été raconté en quelques mots par Hélène Köroğlu „ Je sens beaucoup des émotions, beaucoup de joie. ”.

Merci pour vos rêves !


Interview avec Madame Mireille – Gavrilă Ioana Lorsqu’on est entré dans le lycée Notre-Dame de Sion, on a été accueilli chaleureusement par madame Mireille Sadège. Madame la Professeur est Journaliste et Docteur en Histoire des relations internationales à l'Université de Sorbonne et aussi Responsable de communication au lycée NotreDame de Sion d'Istanbul depuis dix ans. Elle a été enchantée de me répondre à quelques questions. Q: Quelle université avez-vous suivi? R: Moi, j’ai été à Dijon, donc j’ai terminé la Faculté de Droit à Dijon. Ensuite, je suis allée à Paris, à La Sorbonne, j’ai fait d’abord un master et ensuite un doctorat sur l’Histoire des relations internationales. Q: Est-ce que vous avez écrit des livres? R: Oui, en fait, j’ai écrit plusieurs livres, mais la plupart des mes livres correspondent à mes recherches universitaires. Mais aussi, je travaille pour un journal francophone en Turquie et depuis 2005, chaque mois j’écris un article. Il y a cinq ans, j’ai publié un livre qui sélectionne une partie de mes articles. Q: Quelle est votre opinion sur les élèves du lycée ,,Ovidius’’ de Constantza? R: Je trouve que vous êtes très motivés, très intéressés, tout ce qu’on vous propose, vous vous intéressez et ça, je trouve fantastique, parce que je vois que vous êtes curieux, que vous posez des questions, que vous expliquez des choses, que vous vous informez. Vous êtes formidables! Madame Mireille nous a offert un exemplaire d’un de ses livres. Elle nous a impressionnés avec son bonheur et son plaisir de partager des choses de sa vie. Pour tous les élèves qui y ont été présents, elle restera toujours un exemple.


Aquarium Sea Life – Iatan Maria

TurkuaZoo, également appelé Sealife, est un aquarium public situé à Bayrampaşa, Istanbul, Turquie et est le cinquième plus grand aquarium au monde. C'était le premier aquarium public de Turquie, ouvert pour la première fois en 2009, et c'est l'un des plus grands aquariums d'Europe. En plus d'être une attraction touristique majeure pour Istanbul, l'aquarium est un centre de recherche et de conservation de la faune marine, composé de plus de 10 000 créatures marines.

Visiter cette attraction touristique a été une expérience unique pour moi, car j'ai pu admirer 15 espèces différentes de requins nageant au-dessus de ma tête, des requins que l'on ne peut voir dans aucun autre coin du monde. Cependant, l'hôpital des tortues et le récif de corail tropical n'étaient pas pires !

C'est incroyable comme on peut voir de plus près le monde marin en pénétrant dans une capsule transparente encastrée dans l'aquarium, c'est ce que nous avons essayé ! Ici, nous pouvions voir des coraux, des méduses et des hippocampes aux poissons tropicaux, des pieuvres et, surtout, des raies pastenagues, qui étaient mon attraction préférée car je n'ai jamais vu cette espèce jamais réelle. Avez-vous déjà touché une étoile ou un concombre de mer ? Vous pouvez le faire pendant l'expérience Touch Pool. C'était la première fois que j'essayais cela et c'était fantastique grâce au poisson qui nage entre vos doigts.

En conclusion, Sea Life Istanbul est l'occasion idéale de découvrir le monde aquatique de manière simple et amusante !


Lycée Notre-Dame de Sion -Une communauté francophone unie – Mareș Alexandra

Pendant quelques jours, j'ai participé un peu à ce que signifie réellement ce lycée, avec l'aide d'un programme Erasmus, bien sûr.

En général, quand on dit lycée privé, on pense tous que les élèves de cet établissement ne sont rien de plus que des enfants qui ont beaucoup d'argent , mais là on se trompe. J'avais aussi cette opinion, mais le contraire m'a été prouvé.

Ces gens ont été extrêmement gentils avec nous, ils nous ont aidés avec n'importe quoi et nous ont reçus comme les leurs. Ce que j'ai le plus aimé c'est qu'ils étaient ouverts à tout apprendre : danse, langues étrangères, littérature... Ils partageaient les mêmes passions dont l'une était le thème de notre voyage : le théâtre.

Leur pièce intitule ”Et revoir les étoiles” était très belle, jouée, de mon point de vue, au niveau de quelques professionnels. Le thème abordé par les élèves était le rêve, sous tous ses aspects, l'imaginaire étant à la base de ce spectacle véritablement réussi. Le scénario a été écrit d'après Beckett , introduisant des situations de la vie quotidienne, mais aussi leurs vrais rêves. L'un des moments les plus drôles a été la question "chips ou frites?”, chacun des élèves argumentant la réponse donnée.


La discipline et le sérieux sont des valeurs dont ces enfants ont fait prevue et pour cela nous les remercions beaucoup. Le festival de théâtre était impressionnant, et je suis heureux et reconnaissant d'avoir assisté à cet événement.

Le lycée Saint Benoît, Istanbul - Mihu Dora

La troupe Théâtre Choc du lycée Saint Benoît s'est préparé pour le Festival de théâtre francophone d'Istanbul avec une pièce émouvante et magnifique intitulée "Après J.C." Les vêtements monochromes et la créativité des jeunes qui ont été vus lors de la mise en scène ont transmis leurs émotions aux spectateurs.

Le thème de la pièce comprenait également des éléments de la vie de l'auteur Jean Cocteau, un poète français qui a eu une enfance traumatisante parce que son père s'est suicidé quand Cocteau avait 9 ans.De plus, ils ont choisi cette pièce parce que le poète français a visité leur lycée.

Même s'ils ont eu des problèmes lors des répétitions, car beaucoup d'étudiants ont quitté le groupe et il y a quelques étudiants de plus qui apprennent le français depuis quelques mois et n'ont travaillé que 3 heures pour ce festival, la pièce a été jouée très sérieusement et les jeunes talentueux ils ont fait de leur mieux. Je suis heureux d’avoir eu l’occasion de participer à ce festival et j’ai été agréablement surpris par l’exécution de toutes les chansons.


Lycée Français Pierre Loti - Niță Andreea

Le Lycée Français Pierre Loti est un lycée français international d'Istanbul. La troupe de théâtre qui représentait le lycée au Festival de théâtre lycéen francophone d'Istanbul était composée de quatorze élèves très charismatiques et talentueux. La pièce qu'ils ont interprétée s'intitule Le théâtre ou la vie et raconte l'histoire d'une comédienne qui, en prévision de la mort, révise sa vie qui défile sous ses yeux. Ainsi, le sketch était divisé en plusieurs épisodes, chacun représentant un moment important de sa vie. La première partie de la pièce présente la protagoniste enfant, témoin des conflits familiaux de ses parents. En fait, la pièce expose des moments clés de la vie tels que le premier amour, ses amitiés, les rôles importants joués dans sa carrière, le tout se concluant par l'étreinte de la mort comme métaphore du théâtre. Le concept de la pièce part de l'idée de la vie vue comme un théâtre, chacun de nous est acteur dans sa vie. Au final, la protagoniste transfigure le sens de sa propre mort vue come un act d'une pièce de théâtre. Le message de la pièce était soutenu par les vêtements des acteurs, mais surtout par le maquillage qui inspire l'idée de la vie qui défile devant les yeux. Suite à cette représentation, nous avons eu l'occasion de discuter avec Elisa, Manon, Elif et Ozan autour du sketch et d'échanger sur plusieurs sujets, et plus encore nous sommes devenus amis. Ils étaient tous très ouverts et nous nous entendions très bien.


Lycée Sainte-Pulcherie-pièce de théâtre et portraits - Papp Francesca

Le Lycée Sainte-Pulchérie a été créée en 1846 par les sœurs françaises de la Congrégation Filles de la Charité. La troupe de théâtre est composée de quatre filles et un garçon entre les âges de cinquante et dix-huit ans.

Leur pièce, « La leçon » a été la dernière du Festival. Avec beaucoup de dansés et des scènes horror, cela était très unique. De plus, ils ont utilisé un vidéoprojecteur pour créer l’atmosphère et la musique a été choisie en fonction de scènes.

Après la pièce, j’ai parlé avec une membre de la troupe pour apprendre beaucoup de la mise en scène. Ils ont répété chaque semaine pendant six mois. Elle m’a dit : « C’était très difficile au début parce qu’il faut qu’on fasse beaucoup de répétitions et toutes les scènes par improvisation ».

Leur professeur a choisi la pièce. Elle leur a dit quoi faire, puis ils sont venus avec beaucoup d’idées et l’enseignante les a sélectionnés. L’élève m’a raconté : « Elle voulait qu’on invente une danse traditionnelle turque et après elle voulait qu’on fasse quelque chose comme une scène d’horreur ».

À la fin, je lui a demandé comment elle avait trouvé cette expérience. « J’ai appris comment être plus créative et c’est pourquoi j’avais tellement de plaisir sur la scène. C’était notre pièce, nous avons fait chaque morceau ! ».

Je suis très heureuse d’avoir l’opportunité de voir cette pièce de théâtre authentique et étonnante !


Le projet Erasmus+ “Dialogues” – prof. Cristina Gavrila Un groupe de 16 élèves du Lycée Théorique ,,Ovidius’’ de Constantza a bénéficié du programme Erasmus+ qui leur a permis d’effectuer entre le 15 et le 22 mai 2022 une mobilité à Istanbul, en Turquie. Pour candidater, les élèves ont déposé un dossier et ont participé à une interview. Les critères de sélection ont été rigoureux et ont consisté à l’analyse de la lettre de motivation, du C.V, des diplômes qui prouvent les compétences linguistiques et l’implication dans des activités éducatives et de bénévolat. L’objectif du projet a été le développement de nouvelles compétences, la participation au festival de théâtre francophone inter-lycées et les échanges culturels et artistiques entre les apprenants roumains et turcs. Le lycée qui nous a accueillis chaleureusement a été Notre Dame de Sion, un des lycées francophones d’Istanbul. Nos élèves ont participé à des activités concernant la diversité culturelle et à des ateliers de théâtre et de danse. L’observation d’un cours de préparation à l’examen du C1, un travail sur les articles de presse avec Mireille Sadège, tout comme l’observation d’un cours de nouvelles technologies avec le professeur Ozgun dans le laboratoire de physique du lycée ont fasciné les jeunes.

Aussi, les élèves roumains se sont rencontrés avec les membres du jury du Prix Littéraire lycéen de NotreDame de Sion et du Prix Littéraire francophone et ont assisté au concert réalisé à l’occasion de la fête de la jeunesse. En plus des activités développées dans le cadre du Lycée Notre-Dame de Sion en compagnie des partenaires turcs, nos élèves ont visité des objectifs culturels représentatifs pour le patrimoine culturel antique, médiéval et moderne. Suite aux discussions qu’on a eues avec le directeur du lycée, on s’est proposé de continuer les échanges avec les élèves et les professeurs d’Istanbul.


Sur les chemins du théâtre francophone à Istanbul – prof. Lavinia Gheorghiu

Per aspera ad astra est le dicton qui guide les pas des élèves du Lycée Théorique Ovidius, élèves qui contribuent à l'accroissement du prestige du lycée tant au niveau national qu'international.

Entre le 18 et le 21 mai 2022, a eu lieu une mobilité de groupe des élèves du Lycée Théorique « Ovidius », au lycée « Notre Dame de Sion » à Istanbul, au festival de théâtre francophone « Fest'Istanbul ». Cette mobilité s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet Erasmus, qui se déroule au sein du Lycée Théorique "Ovidius". L'art théâtral a été choisi pour cette mobilité car la pratique du théâtre à l'école offre aux élèves la découverte d'un autre univers, de mieux se connaître et de développer chacun sa capacité d'innovation et d'imagination et d'avoir l'opportunité d'échanger son expérience avec d'autres groupes du pays, mais aussi de l'étranger.

16 élèves coordonnés par la professeur Lavinia Gheorghiu et la professeur Cristina Gavrilă ont participé pendant quatre jours à des activités menées avec les élèves du lycée d'accueil, mais aussi avec les élèves d'autres lycées francophones d'Istanbul. Les pièces de théâtre présentées dans la salle de spectacle du lycée « Notre Dame de Sion » ont donné vie aux scénarios suivants: Le lycée « St. Benoit » avec la pièce « Après Jean Cocteau » ; le Lycée « Notre Dame de Sion » avec la pièce « Et revoir les étoiles » d'après Beckett ; le Lycée Français « Pierre Loti » avec la pièce "Le théâtre ou la vie" ; le Lycée « St Joseph » avec la pièce « Les fourberies de Scapin » d'après Molière ; le Lycée « Sainte Pulcherie » avec la chanson « La leçon » d'après E. Ionesco ; le Lycée Théorique « Ovidius » avec la pièce « Dialogues ». Les étudiants ont aimé jouer et leur succès a été récompensé avec un diplôme international au Festival FEST'ISTANBUL en Turquie..

Après leur mobilité Erasmus, les élèves ont joué la pièce dans leur lycée et reçu des diplômes des deux lycées.


Rus Matei

Dans l'ensemble, ce fut une expérience inhabituelle, à partir de laquelle nous avons beaucoup appris et où nous avons rencontré des gens formidables.

Depuis que nous sommes entrés la porte du Lycée “Notre Dame de Sion” d’Istanbul, nous avons été fascinés par tout ce qui s'y passe, par les activités qu'ils mènent, par la façon dont les cours sont dispensés. Nous avons eu l'occasion de rencontrer différents adolescents motivés à apprendre, ouverts à socialiser et à nouer des liens avec nous, mais aussi avec de nouveaux professeurs, des mentors qui nous ont montré et appris beaucoup de nouvelles choses et qui avaient de bonnes intentions pour nous faire sentir mieux. Parmi eux se trouve Madame la Professeur d'histoire qui étudie les relations historiques, internationales, économiques entre la France et la Turquie et qui a eu le plaisir de nous présenter la galerie du Lycée “Notre Dame de Sion” qui contenait des documents, des artefacts, des pièces importantes dans la relation et l'histoire de la France-Turquie. En outre, je me suis sentie épanouie après cette présentation car j'ai eu l'occasion de faire un petit interview avec l'enseignante et d'approfondir ses connaissances, de découvrir différentes choses sur sa vie professionnelle, mais aussi sur une partie de l'histoire du lycée. Madame la professeur enseigne aussi à l'Université d'Istanbul.


Lycée Français Saint-Joseph - pièce de théâtre et portraits Scupra Elisa

Lycée Français Saint-Joseph d’Istanbul est un institution des religeux français « Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes ». L’Institut de Frères a été fondé par Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle en 1860, à Reims en France. La fondation du lycée remonte à 1857 à Beyoglu (Pera), rue Imam, sous le nom « Pensionnat Saint-Joseph ». Depuis 3 mois, ils ont decidé de créer cette piece, mais le temps pour les répétitions durent 3 semaines. Le texte à été trop longue, et leur professeur à découper le texte, parce qu'il l'a choisi. En raison du peu de temps de répétition, il y avait de petites fautes. cela donne aux artistes la possibilité improviser sur la scène.

Les artistes ont dit que considérez cet festival comme une formation, parce qu'ils présenteront aussi la pièce en été. L’école à leur donne les costumés et ils ont trouvée un tronc pleins de costumés et après chaque élève à choisi que est qu’il à voulu. Un membre du groupe décrit cette expérience comme telle « C’etait mieux de partager les choses avec les spectateurs et faire des activités comme ça. On aime le théâtre.».’


Les ateliers de danse - Simionescu Lara

L'une des activités les plus intéressantes aux quelles j'ai participé au lycée Notre Dame de Sion en Turquie était l'atelier de danse avec l'aide de Madame Semra Duman. La première chose que nous avons faite a été d'apprendre une danse traditionnelle turque qui s’appelle Damat Halay. De plus, j'ai eu l'occasion de poser quelques questions à Madame Semra Duman : Comment est née votre passion pour la danse? Je viens d’une famille qui aime le sport et la danse donc ils m’ont toujours soutenue.Premièrement, j’ai commencé à imiter les danses des chanteurs que je voyais à la télé.

Depuis combien de temps danses-vous avec des enfants ? J’ai commencé à donner des cours de danse dans les écoles primaires pendant les heures du club. Je donne des cours de danse depuis environ 15 ans. Vous faites de la danse avec tous les âges des enfants?Et quelle est votre horaire pour les heures de la danse? Généralement, je travaille avec les jeunes de l'âge 14 jusqu'à 18. Nous travaillons 4 heures par semaine. Nous pratiquons à la fois moderne, Hip Hop, street jazz et la danse folklorique anatolienne. Comment la danse aide-t-elle la vie d'un enfant? La danse fait augmenter la flexibilité, l'équilibre et la force physique de l'enfant. Il donne du bonheur à la personne, tout en améliorant sa motricité, il fait augmenter la coordination et améliore la capacité de réflexion, d’adaptation et sûrement l’imagination. Comme elle soutient le développement psychologique, elle fait développer une personnalité plus positive. C’a ete une expérience inoubliable avec madame Semra Duman et les étudiants turcs !


Le début du festival de théâtre lycéen - Stercu Alexia

Je suis heureux d'avoir pu assiste à une telle performance et je suis reconnaissante pour cette merveilleuse expérience.

Le début du festival de théâtre lycéen francophone d'Istanbul était prometteur, comme on peut le voir sur la scène professionnelle "Ubu Roi" sur laquelle les acteurs de club Sari Sandalye l'ont préparé. Les vêtements riches en couleurs frénétiques et le talent débordant de jeunes nous ont fait découvrir leur scène vivante, touchant un thème sensible, la corruption : l'histoire représente un cercle vicieux de l'amour de la domination, avec un roi en conflit externe avec d'autres pays.

Le mouvement scénique était vivant, authentique et la façon dont ce groupe a réussi à développer ce thème a été complètement transparente. Également, il n'y a aucun doute sur l'émotion qu'ils ont transmis, montrant ainsi la valeur à la fois des acteurs et de la pièce elle-même.



15 Temmuz Şehitler Köprüsü «15 Temmuz Şehitler Köprüsü» («Pont des martyrs du 15 juillet»), anciennement le pont du Bosphore, ou le premier pont parmi le public, se référant à celui-ci étant le premier pont construit sur le Bosphore; c'est l' un et le premier des trois ponts suspendus sur le Bosphore, qui relie la mer Noire et la mer de Marmara. Les pieds du pont sont à Ortaköy du côté européen et à Beylerbeyi du côté anatolien .

Le pont du Bosphore, assure un transport terrestre ininterrompu entre les deux côtés de la ville, avec le pont Fatih Sultan Mehmet, le pont Yavuz Sultan Selim et l'Eurasie. Le pont, dont la construction a commencé le 20 février 1970, a été mis en service le 30 octobre 1973 par le président de l'époque, Fahri Korutürk , en l'honneur du 50ème anniversaire de la fondation de la République de Turquie, avec un cérémonie d'état. Alors qu'il était le quatrième pont suspendu le plus long du monde lorsque sa construction a été achevée, il occupe la vingt et unième place en 2012.

Le 26 juillet 2016, le nom officiel du pont a été changé en «Pont des martyrs du 15 juillet», en mémoire des citoyens qui ont perdu la vie sur le pont lors de la tentative de coup d'État militaire turc de 2016.


On the way - Constanța to Belgrade – Ardeleanu Arina

-Truth or dare? -Dare. -Spend 15 hours with 21 strangers on a bus heading to a completely different country. -Bet.

We embarked on our journey to Belgrade, with all our trust in our teachers and drivers. We had no idea what to expect from this experience.

As the hours passed, our surroundings changed - we saw everything from farmlands to skyscrapers, from countrysides to busy cities, from sunrises to sunsets. It was enjoyable and relaxing to look out the window and take in the view, while listening to music. My favourite part was driving along the mountains of Serbia, being able to capture some fantastic pictures.

On such a long road trip, you must stop a few times along the way. A 10-minute break from being stuck in the same seat, once every 4-5 hours, made a big difference. After we would reset, stretch, get some fresh air, and find new snacks, we hopped back on the bus to continue our mission.

For most of us, it was the first time meeting each other. However, what started out as a quiet ride quickly turned into an open conversation. We began to get comfortable, finding common interests, swapping stories, sharing food, and telling jokes. We got on the bus as strangers and left as teammates, ready to explore the numerous cities we were about to step foot in.

After we arrived in Belgrade, we only walked through a small part of the city before our lack of sleep got the best of us, putting a stop to a very long day. However, no need to worry, we picked up right where we left of, the following morning.


STEM jobs and environment – Barbu-Cretu Andrei During this exchange, I had the opportunity to visit the Laura Bassi vessel and meet its crew. The ship is docked at the Trieste Commercial Port and it’s owned by “The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics”. This enormous but fine piece of engineering is classified as an Icebreaker, used for scientific research missions in Antarctica.

The whole ship was presented by Mr. Filip. He is part of the permanent crew and his role is to coordinate the team during the expedition. After he showed me all of the technological processes used to determine the seafloor topography of the Southern Ocean, I asked him about his professional work history. He didn’t really have many different jobs in the past but all of them were in the same domain: sailing. He started as a simple sailor on cruise ships, where he then learned the mechanical field of a ship. He worked for 11 years in total on cruise ships. Then he boarded the Laura Bassi ship where he found the oceanographic research field. “I used to work as a Deck Officer. I was the bonding between the bridge and the research area. I was the guy who placed the waypoints on the map, waypoints that had to be followed by the commander to gather more information about the unknown substrate. Now things changed, I teach the newcomers how to operate our technology and make sure everything goes well during our mission”.

In conclusion, it was a pleasure to talk with this awesome crew, I learned new things about their jobs and lifestyle during the expeditions. I wish them luck in their future expedition which starts at the end of the following month.


Technopark Celje – Bocai Vlad

With the occasion of our mobility in Slovenia, my colleagues and I visited Tehnopark in Celje.

Technopark is located in the iconic city of Celje, in the former department store Tehno Merkator, which was opened in 1971. At that time, it was the first modern department store in Celje that had an escalator and air conditioning. This time, the renovated building has opened its doors as the first park for promoting science, technology and innovation. They want to create awareness of the importance of technology development for our lives and environment.

When we arrived there, we split into two groups. The first group visited the first floor in the first hour and the second floor in the second hour. The other group did the opposite. The first thing they presented to us was an electricity sphere that you had to touch and see what happens. We were all so curious about what was going to happen and a colleague volunteered to be the first one. He touched the sphere and his hair went upright due to the electrostatic voltage of 10,000 volts. Moreover, they let us explore the second and first floor on our own. We learned a lot about technology and how we can use it in our day to day lives. The most impressive thing that I’ve seen there was the Flight Simulator. Using virtual reality, Technopark managed to develop a machine that you enter and it simulates the POV of a pilot. After I finished “flying the plane”, I realized that piloting isn’t just a hard job, but it’s also very exciting and interesting. I also asked my colleagues what they liked the most and the response was the same.


Entrepreneurship and sustainable development – Budeș Cristian George Sustainable development is often brought in discussion in workshops where successful sustainable entrepreneurs teach the teenagers about the needs of today and tomorrow. We were delighted to participate in such a workshop in the week spent in Slovenia. The workshop was organized by Gimnazija Celje-Center in collaboration with the “Make Sense project”. Former students of GCC that are now sustainable entrepreneurs sat at the round table and had a debate about how teenagers could find sustainable solutions that will be used in the future. The debate took place on the topic of research, how to help children in research, how to be a good mentor, entrepreneurship, importance of social science, the need for different mentors. They also explained how crypto currencies are really important for the future but other than Bitcoin because it could harm the environment in the future due to the excessive electricity used in mining.

Sustainable development is an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while also sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. Sustainable entrepreneurship refers to a special subset of entrepreneurship that aims at creating and implementing solutions to environmental problems and to promote social change so that the environment is not harmed.

The entrepreneurs also tried to motivate all the students explaining that you have to work hard for things, even if they look impossible. You need to firstly fall and fail to achieve greatness because even some of the greatest companies were considered a joke at the beginning and succeeded after years.


Harbour of Trieste and its impact on natural habitats – Butnărașu Marian - Sorin

When thinking about Trieste, I couldn’t even point out one more characteristic other than being the most important commercial port of Italy. However, now that I took part in this wonderful Erasmus+ project, I have found out a lot of significant information, which I will be sharing with you.

This city’s history takes us on a beautiful ride full of culture: starting 700 years ago as a commercial port, its name traveled through the position of emporium to the most important seaport of the Habsburg monarchy in the 19th century, now serving as a maritime gateway for northern Italy, Germany, Austria and Central Europe. The famous Slovenian saying “Trst je naš” meaning “Trieste is ours”, is due to the fact that after World War 2, in accordance with the Memorandum of London, the vast majority of Zone A of the so-called “Free Territory of Trieste” - including the actual city of Trieste - joined Italy, leaving the Slovenian people in a feeling of revolt.

Nowadays, urban areas play a crucial role in biodiversity conservation and habitat protection, hosting relatively new plant communities due to the peculiar ecosystem where they vegetate. The Harbor of Trieste is characterized by a mixed mosaic of intensely human-impacted areas surrounded by abandoned areas where vegetation persists or has spontaneously recovered.

Several studies have shown that plant species that grow in urban areas have functional traits that make them well-suited to deal with stress. These species are generally highly resistant to disturbances and tend to have short life-spans, early flowering with a large amount of seeds, all features that underline the impact of this harbor on natural habitats.


Oceanographic research as a tool for environmental conservation – Chiriac Victor Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth, a surface area of 360 million square kilometers with an average depth of 3,682 meters. They are the largest and most inhabited livable space on our planet and, comparatively to land-based ecosystems, our knowledge about them is limited. As of 2021, only about 20 percent of the global seafloor has been mapped with modern highresolution technology installed on ships such as the R/V Laura Bassi and R/V Celtic Explorer.

This scientific study of the oceans is called oceanography, also known as oceanology and simply, ocean science. It covers a wide range of topics, including ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical fluid dynamics; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor; and fluxes of various chemical substances and physical properties within the ocean and across its boundaries.

By fulfilling its mission, OGS aims to find solutions to the world’s most serious problems and to help conserve and understand the maritime environment through research conducted both on land and at sea.

Multiple nations have established research institutions with the scope of understanding the world’s oceans. Such an organization is the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS). Its mission was developed according to five priorities that cover different areas of expertise: ecosystem function and biodiversity, observation and forecasting, climate change and ocean acidification, pollutants and plastics, and sustainable ecosystems and blue economy.


Sustainable Strategies in Slovenia – Hanu Rareș

Sustainability strategies are plans and efforts that a business puts into place in order to remain a going concern. These strategies include corporate governance, employee development, innovation and systematic improvements.

We are ecstatic that while we were in the Erasmus+ project, we took part in a workshop hosted by Gimnazija Celje-Center together with Make Sense project that consisted in a debate between former students of the GCC. They introduced us subjects based on the pillars of the sustainable strategies: Human, Social, Economic and Environmental. They addressed ideas such as increasing the use of crypto currencies instead of bills, the importance of social entrepreneurs, the use of sustainable strategies. Also, we talked about how we can always learn or improve new abilities and we should neither be afraid to take risks, nor fail during our path to success.

During a brainstorming-workshop held in GCC’s Art department, we discussed about how we can start to be social entrepreneurs. We started saying that the use of solar panels on the rooftop of GCC and insulating the building with modern materials such as icynene will be high-cost projects, but on a long term future, GCC will save lots of money. Considering that GCC is a historical protected building, its structure can’t be modified so these projects are going to be difficult to achieve. Furthermore, we’ve talked over ways of reinvesting the money obtained from reducing the cost of maintaining GCC. The ones that stood out the most were these: building a greenhouse to reduce the need of constantly buying vegetables for the school’s canteen, school facilities and using the money to pay school projects or buy scholar items for those students that don’t have a good financial status.


Miramare marine protected area – Ionescu Adela Miramare marine protected area is situated in Trieste, Italy. It was established as a Marine Park managed by WWF Italy in 1973 and it became Italy’s first marine protected area in November 1986. The MPA (marine protected area) protects 30 hectares of coastal-marine biodiversity, divided in two “zones”. In Zone A, boat transit and anchoring, swimming, SCUBA-diving, entering the beach, fishing, any form of species catch and release and discharging toxic substances are forbidden. For Zone A, activities along the shore or at sea are only allowed if WWF Staff members are present. In Zone B, only fishing is forbidden. BioMa, the Immersive Museum of Miramare Marine Protected Area, is located in the former stables of the Miramare castle. This castle was built by Ferdinand Maximilian, who was a younger brother of Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria.

Different from "classical" museums, this centre offers a "dive" in every season, allowing the tourist to plunge into sea surface and depths, from macro to microorganisms both animal and vegetable. It illustrates different marine environments, such as the tidal environment, the reef/rocky environment, the sand and the mud environment. It also displays a beautiful presentation of the sea environment at night and it explores the pollution issue, focusing specifically on plastics and the presence of microplastics in the food chain.

The museum guide was extremely kind and helpful. He explained everything with great patience and answered all the questions he was asked. I especially admired the emphasis he placed on the gravity of the problems caused by pollution in the sea and the fact that he carefully explained sustainable fishing alternatives, such as clam farming.


Ljubljana - The city of dragons – Marusciac Angela Mihaela

During our mobility trip, we visited several astounding towns and cities, one of which is Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. In Slovene the word “Ljubljana” and “beloved” almost sound the same, and for the people who really do know Ljubljana, those words have the exact same meaning. It was evidently clear to us that this place was a friendly location full of young spirit and welcoming faces. As we were taking a stroll around the streets of Ljubljana, we even stumbled upon a couple taking photos for their wedding, and witnessing their love, simply just left me with a peaceful and happy memory. Furthermore, I quickly came to the conclusion that not only were the inhabitants of Ljubljana eager to voice their love for the city, but they wanted to make sure that we would visit the most significant and beautiful places in their city, such as the Ljubljana castle.

The heart of the city, Plečnik's market, is protected by tame dragons on a 19th century bridge, and bridge with modern sculptures characterized by love-locks. Museums and art galleries, pubs along the river and city squares, theatres are all lined up near the Plečnik’s Triple Bridge. The city's symbol is the Ljubljana Dragon. It is depicted on the top of the tower of Ljubljana Castle in the Ljubljana coat of arms. It represents power, courage, and greatness. It is historically more believable that the dragon was adopted from Saint George, the patron of the Ljubljana Castle chapel. In the legend, the dragon represents the old ancestral paganism overcome by Christianity.


Celje Gimnazium- a school of great traditions – Mate Mirela Gimnazija Celje – Center was founded on the 14th of October 1912. It started as an all-boys school and it became a grammar school in 1989. It has around 900 students, aged 1518/19, 86 staff members and it’s located almost in the centre of Celje - 3rd largest city in Slovenia.

The school has good working conditions, numerous high achievements and awards at national/international competitions, very active student community. It was renovated approximately ten years ago, new technology was brought in school, but they kept the architecture of the building, because, being such an old building, it became a part of the Slovenian cultural traditions and according to the law the aspect of it can’t be changed, in order to protect the cultural heritage.

Pupils can choose between three programs that are offered: general grammar school, art grammar school, kindergarten pedagogics. I talked to a German teacher and a mother of a student from this school that studied here too, to find out what changed since then and what things are still the same. She is also invited to the celebration day of the school. Some teachers that taught the mother are her daughter’s professors, too. She said that Gimnazija Celje is the best school in Celje and it has the best teachers. When she was a student, there was only the kindergarten pedagogics program. They also had a lunch break, but they didn’t have the canteen that is nowadays, they ate sandwiches brought from home. Even though the school was renovated, the architecture of the building looks the same.


Belgrade, a connection between Est and West – Rasid Sara Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is located at the confluence of the Sava River and the Danube, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe that throughout history has been knocked down countless times and has risen every time.Any circuit in the Balkans puts Belgrade as a transit city. That is why our first stop to Celje, Slovenia, the host city of mobility within the Erasmus+ project was in Belgrade.

On this occasion we visited the Belgrade Fortress. Both the fortress and the surrounding park are basically the core of Belgrade. Here we encountered traces of the walls from various historical periods, from the Roman period to the Habsburg one. The fortress builds a military museum where there is a collection of tanks from the Second World War. A second stop was at the Nikola Tesla Museum. The museum is dedicated to the man that the Serbs worship, namely Nikola Tesla, who made significant contributions to the development of electrical engineering, was a pioneer in the study of alternating current and electricity. Half of this museum is dedicated to Tesla's personal belongings, while the other half contains models of his inventions. We also took a tour through the city center, starting with Knez Mihaila Street, a kind of "Lipscani" of the Serbs. Both the main street and the adjacent areas include various commercial spaces such as: shops, restaurants, but also headquarters of institutions and higher schools.Thus, we had the opportunity to explore the streets full of history, to let ourselves be embraced by the vivid rhythms of Serbian music and to interact with the locals.


Social entrepreneurship or how to put social needs before profit? – Schell Alexandra

To really understand this subject, we should start by defining what social entrepreneurship is. As it is already known, an entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business, taking on financial risks in hope for profit. But what does it mean to be a social entrepreneur?

With Arina, Nika, Tamara, and Jerneja, I learned that you don’t necessarily need to have a ton of money to start bringing a contribution to society. You just need to be willing to look around, willing to give a helping hand without expecting to get something out of it and remember that kindness is always returned in some form. All of us left that workshop with a smile on our faces, and our hearts a bit lighter knowing that we can help those around us no matter what.

Under the guidance of a Slovenian teacher, Rok Lipnik, and alongside Slovenian students, we were dared to play the social entrepreneur for a couple of moments. In groups of 4-5 people, we brainstormed ideas to figure out how our schools could take on projects that could help the social environment around them. We found a way to save money by cutting the use of electric energy and water through sustainable means that our schools either already have or could invest in. That money could be used to solve social needs.


While taking part in a workshop set up in Gimnazija Celje-Center, we found an answer to this question. We managed to define social entrepreneurship as an activity through which someone invests in people, focusing on the needs of those surrounding them, gaining no apparent material winnings.

From Celeia to Celje – Șerban Ecaterina Friday was a rainy day, yet our colorful umbrellas were painting the view. After a nice walk from school, we arrived at the gates of the so-called ‘ancient city’. In the midst of the dark and coldness of the old walls, a warm voice welcomed us. Our guide was a lady called Gabriela Gocci, a woman who loved history, myths and especially her town. Out of passion, she became a historian in order to share with people like us the beauty of Celeia.

During our visit, our breath was taken away by the beauty of the well-preserved ruins. We were already lucky enough to get a look at Marble bride, the remains of the Counts of Celje and the noble dynasty armour. One thing I learned during our trip is how powerful words are and how they are never randomly chosen. The ‘LOVE’ from Slovenia stands for the lovely people and for the love they carry for one another and the country. Furthermore, Celeia is a derivation from the latin word Caelia which means ‘heavenly’. The dwellers strongly believe that our past is what keeps us connected to the divinity. When asked why it is so important to remember the past, Gabriela replied: ‘as scary as it may be, sometimes it is comfortable to look in the future because it looks as you want, while the past stays the same. It reminds us that life it’s progressive, we are not just born with rights and benefits, but someone fought in order for us to have them now. It’s a signal that we need to do the same for future generations.’


The Postojna Cave – Suliman Emre The Postojna Cave is one of the longest and most diverse karst cave systems in the world, located in the southwestern part of Slovenia. During a visit to this place, one has the opportunity to admire mesmerizing stalactites and stalagmites, as well as having the possibility to admire the olm, an aquatic salamander that dwells exclusively in caves found in the Dinaric Alps.

The almost two-hour guided tour of the Postojna Cave consists of passing through 5 kilometers of passages and galleries, including 3.5 kilometers aboard a unique cave train. The remaining 1.5 kilometers are done by foot, consisting of a number of halls, among them being the Spaghetti Hall, with thin and delicate stalactites that are attached to the top part, the White Hall, called that way due to the presence of white limestone, being the chamber that hosts the 5 meter tall “Brilliant” stalagmite. The Concert Hall mustn’t be forgotten, as it is known for its extraordinary acoustics, hosting symphony orchestras and numerous vocalists. The cave has been developed so as to attract more tourists, through different additions to the natural environment of the underground formation, such as the cave train, the adequate lighting that spotlights the most unique formations. Lastly, the gift shop, situated at the end of the cave tour, capitalizes on the demand for souvenirs.

The Postojna Cave represents a mix of an extraordinary environment, the capitalization on the tourist potential, and the possibility of admiring its main attraction, the strange olm, in a protected habitat


Portraits of Celje – Vașlaban Mara When I think of portraits, my mind instantly goes to beautifully painted pieces of art that hang from museum walls. Celje has got does too. During the Erasmus+ mobility, we got the chance to “get to know” the people behind the portraits of Celje. We were told by our guide that the story of the famous Counts of Celje started with the Lords of Sanneck.

Of course, the stories were far more detailed and better explained on the tour than I can recreate in writing but what remained secured in my head were the names Barbara, Frederik and Veronika. Barbara was the highest crowned head in Slovenian history and although this happened by marrying Sigismund of Luxembourg, she became an actual symbol on her own. She stood behind the elite Order of the Dragon, founded by her husband. The members, including even the notorious Count Dracula, swore allegiance to the King and the Queen. With the symbol of the dragon, they were defending Christianity throughout Europe.

The portrait of Frederick II is kept alive through his tragic story with Veronica of Desenice, whom he fell in love with while he was already married. Herman II did not approve of the union and had Veronica drowned and Frederick confined to the tower where he wanted him to starve to death. This love story is what makes the city famous and what caught my attention because who doesn’t love a tragic love story? Those names represent the history of Celje and paint its portrait in water, blood and love. I believe they will be forever stuck in my mind and heart.


Travelling back – a stop in Zagreb – Zulchefil Aylin After spending a wonderful week in Celje, Slovenia, on our way back home, we stopped for a few hours in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb.Zagreb is located in the country's northwestern part, near a stunning mountain range, along the Sava River. With a population of nearly 700 thousand people, the city is full of joy, colorful food markets, and outstanding architecture. The first landmark that we got to see was the Cathedral of Zagreb. It was built in 1906 and is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary and kings Saint Stephen and Saint Ladislaus. Right next to the cathedral is the Dolac Market, an indoor and outdoor market full of souvenirs, fruits, vegetables, and happiness. Along the market is the "Ban Josip Jelačić" town's central square, the most famous landmark in Zagreb. Initially, the square's name was "Harmica" but it was renamed, after Ban Josip Jelačić, a Croatian politician and military strategist.

The symbol of Zagreb might be considered the Funicular. It is the shortest funicular in the world, 66 meters long. Moreover, it was built in the 1890s, being the oldest way of transportation in the city. After a short walk from the funicular, there is the Museum of Broken Relationships. It was founded by two artists when their relationship came to an end. The items in the museum are objects left behind from people's break-ups. In the same area, St. Mark's Church can be visited, dating from the 13th century.

All in all, I enjoyed spending my time in one of the most captivating capital cities in Europe and I recommend it to anyone due to its colorful places and how welcoming people are.


STEM education – the way to connect new skills with new knowledge – prof. Bucovală Carmen STEM Education means educating students in four specific disciplines - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Instead of training students in any one of these domains, STEM combines all four in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.

STEM Education has developed to be more significant for the world as it poses a range of advantages in many fields. As most of the sectors are dependent on the STEM fields, it indirectly plays a significant role in the flourishing of the economy. With significant advances in each of the STEM domains, new career prospects are popping up at a very fast pace. In recent years, there has been a shortage of well-trained STEM workforce in several parts of the world. While the demand for trained students is increasing, the number of students interested in pursuing a career in STEM is going down at an alarming pace.

STEM classrooms typically focus on project-based learning. Activities conducted involve modern technology to accentuate the practical applications of science in the near future. Students get to apply the various domains of STEM in a context that helps them realize a connection between the classroom and the world around them. When it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, innovation is its other name. As the field is ever dynamic, it presents students the opportunity to innovate and challenge their knowledge. This is one of the primary reasons for the rising demand for STEM jobs, thereby leading to a surge in the demand.


Whether the factors are money or subject matter, STEM provides a panoramic view of the future. This provides a great platform for students, a future that is filled with innovation, futuristic learning, and a lot of exploration of skills.

Sustainable development in Slovenia – prof. Mihălțeanu Cristina

Whilist covering less than 0,004% pof the planet`s surface, this country accommodates around 1% of the world`s biodiversity, including more than 2% of all terrestrial species. With this statistic, Slovenia has the highest concentration of animal and plant species per square kilometer in the world. Located in the heart of Europe, Slovenia represents a positive example of a nation - wide awareness regarding the importance of nature. Over the course of recent years, such a mindset has put Slovenia amongst the leading countries in terms of sustainability.

Sustainable development has been defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. In 2015, it has been adopted the Framework Programme for a transition to a `green economy` which integrates environmental and economic goals into sustainable development. It includes actions in many areas:

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It encompasses managing natural resources sustainably Advancing green economy with a smart strategy Increasing green jobs along with a set of skills and knowledge necessary for the jobs Realizing sustainable urban development and developing a sustainable farming practices in agriculture

Transitioning from the current economy to a green economy has been increasingly significant for a more sustainable future for the country. It particularly requires a change of the current patterns of production and consumption which need to be more sustainable and greener.

Considering the green mindset of its citizens, it should come as no surprise that Slovenia has been considered one of the most sustainable countries in the world. In 2017, it successfully completed 96 out of 100 detailed sustainability indicators regarding environment and climate, culture and biodiversity.


Mobilități Erasmus profesori 2021-2022


From STEM to STEAM in Education A New Learning Approach Makerspaces in Education Anghel Cristina A course that I signed up for, after a period of more than 7 years, in which I read, exchanged ideas, experienced, within different specialized groups in Romania, the idea of STEM, of teaching - learning centered on the student, of interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, my expectations were directed towards exchanges of good practice between teachers from different countries. And the meeting with the group from Barcelona was an answer that lived up to my expectations. I met my colleagues - primary, secondary and high school teachers. It was interesting to notice that they acknowledged the same difficulties when working with students - lack of interest and motivation, noninvolvement in solving homework, too many time-consuming administrative papers. Some of them knew what STEM/STEAM meant and even had previous experiences, others confessed that they heard of STEM solely in the title of the course. But everyone was waiting for an exchange of ideas regarding the methods that would make students more committed and help them make significant progress.

The idea of STEAM and that of makerspace came together. I discovered that previous experiences and methodical approaches fit into the STEAM space and, above all, I realized what the impact on the students was. Based on the trainer's explanations and presentations and as an echo of the challenges launched by him, the discussions continued during the breaks, at lunch, during the day trips. The practical activities sparked enthusiasm, curiosity, new questions and new possible answers. We were all in a new space that of the STEAM course. In this space we outlined our future activities, how we were going to tackle things when we got back to school, among the students - we would build new learning spaces.


Erasmus+, introducing new cultures Dima - Aldea Nadina From June 26 to July 2, I had the opportunity to attend the courses held at « Erasmus + Courses Croatia Teacher Training Center», in Split, to deepen my English knowledge. All of the activities were intense, yet in the end, it was all worth it, because I improved my teaching and English language skills. I also made friends of different nationalities with whom I talked freely in English. Following participation to the training program: -Learning was achieved by reading comprehension, creative writing exercises such as telling a story or by voicing our opinions; -I got familiar with the education system from other countries: Poland, Spain, Croatia, Latvia, Portugal and Slovenia; -All the participants shared the problems they are facing in the classroom, with their students; Promoting linguistic diversity and learning foreign languages is one of the program’s objectives. The lack of linguistic skills represents one of the main barriers in participating in European education programs. The opportunities created to provide linguistic support play a major role in making international mobility more effective, improving learning skills and contributing to the specific objective of the program. The training was very well thought-out and coordinated by Marina Dević. The program was balanced and diversified, mixing theoretical classes with practical activities concerning the Croatian culture and civilization. The trainers were very to the point yet open, their theoretical notions strongly backed up by good practical examples.

The training center is located in the city of Split, bearing the symbol of the Diocletian Palace, under the oversight of UNESCO. The trip included visiting an archeological site, Salona, and the museum-city of Trogir, built 300 years ago by the ancient Greeks.


This training made me richer from an intellectual, cultural and spiritual point of view; it made me dare for more.

Erasmus+, the path to self-development Gavrilă Cristina

The Erasmus+ program offers numerous opportunities for mobility and cooperation in the field of Education. The course took place in a very pleasant atmosphere and was structured in order to achieve different skills: Making small talk and conversational competencies, Let’s talk about the present, Let’s talk about the past, Future forms, Reading comprehension, Let’s get creative, Learn how to write an email, Expressing opinions, Listening for better understanding and conversation. The teachers used modern methods and active learning through games and activities.

This year, I had the chance to apply to such a program, to be accepted and to participate at the course Improving English Language Skills: Level A, between June 26 and July 2, 2022. Since the Welcome Event, I have realized that I was surrounded by extremely sociable people who were willing to share examples of good practices.

The organizers also gave us the possibility of discovering the Dalmatian cultural heritage, the Croatian Education System, and the excursions organized within the Social Programme revealed charming places. I was impressed by the Virtual Reality Experience in the Diocletians’ Palace. It is an innovative way of telling a historical tale through the latest in virtual reality technology. This original way to tell Diocletians’ Story opens a completely new perspective on the approach and presentation of cultural and historical heritage.

The most important thing is that we have the opportunity, as a result of participating to this course, to involve ourselves and our students in different activities in collaboration with teachers we met there.


Discover Alicante playing Goosechase, in the Erasmus+mobility Gheorghiu Lavinia Between July 10 and 16, 2022, I participated in the Erasmus+ mobility "Innovative methodologies July 2022", in the city of Alicante, eager to participate in the course but at the same time curious to discover the heritage local culture. Alicante is one of the most beautiful cities on the Spanish coast. This metropolis is one of the most important ports and tourist resorts on the Mediterranean Sea. The town was founded by the Greeks in the 4th century BC, and then it was expanded by the Carthaginians. It received an economic and political importance during the time of the Romans. In 1490, it was declared a city by Ferdinand II. The course Erasmus+ was up to our expectations because as our society becomes more complex, the schools must adapt to prepare students for the new challenges of the 21st century. Every day we discovered that there are different teaching strategies to create an active learning environment. Cooperative Learning, Project Based Learning, Flipped Classroom and Blended learning are excellent examples of these active methodologies. The organizers managed to insert visits to cultural buildings during the course to discover the local heritage. What I found most interesting is that the course started with the discovery of the city, using an application on the phone, through which everyone discovered a certain route in the city. Using Goosechase, we can take photos or videos of scavenger hunt items, solve riddles and puzzles. Scavenger hunts allow students to find information, work as a team, and enjoy an authentic learning experience. Erasmus+ also offered us free and optional activities so that we could better meet fellow students and create an effective network for the future, discovering the city and its cultural heritage, excursion to Tabarca Island in Alicante with all participants from the course.


Erasmus+, a bridge between cultures Ionescu Florentina In a world of change, the human society is in a continuous transformation caused by the modification of the social-economical vision, of the cultural relationship, as well as the multitude of professional orientations. All of these have consequences on the school’s role and of the teachers who need to develop new skills to respond to the new challenges. During the time period 26.06.2022-2.07.2022, I responded to these challenges and took part at the course “Improving English Language skills” supported by “Ustanova za obrazoanje odraslih Maskima”, Split, Croatia, within the project in which “Ovidius” Highschool is involved, funded by the program Erasmus+ KA1- Learning Mobility of Individualism - School education Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training. The host country is known for the traineeships that it offers to the learners, this year reuniting participants from many places from all over Europe. The objectives of the course have included fixing the knowledge of the English Language, as well as enriching vocabulary, developing self esteem regarding the ability to express oneself in a foreign language and new methodical acquisitions useful in pedagogical activities. The classes were dense and the meetings have represented a permanent constructive dialogue, practical applications, workshops, exercises regarding emotional intelligence. The main component targeted by the founders was communication which was practices in four ways: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The forming schedule promoted new methods for language acquisitions, creativity and the educational spirit, pleasing the need expressed by the participants to experience ways to learn a new language and apply it in the learning process. The heritage of dalmatian culture was presented to the participants through direct discovery, the founders using communications and interactions with the ones present in the trips through the antic city Trogir, a medieval citadel, a cruise through the Adriatic Sea and the Brac island.


Innovative Methodologies in the Digital Classroom Mihai Bogdan Innovative Methodologies in the Digital Classroom refers to a broad range of teaching strategies which engage students as active participants in their learning process. Active methodologies place the students at the center of this process and make them the protagonists of discovery, rather than just passive information receivers. Cooperative Learning, Project Based Learning, Flipped Classroom and Blended learning are excellent examples of these active methodologies. The course provided innovative and engaging tools to integrate active methodology based on digital skills, taking into account the content of the lessons and the curriculum. My students and I will be able to use new technologies in the classroom, with special focus on the use of tablets and the achievement of new knowledge. Teaching my students to use technology and to make responsible and critical use of ICT’s, I will be able to contribute so they would be digital citizens of the 21st century.

Currently, Blended learning, the meaningful combination of learning at a distance and in school is becoming increasingly common in schools. It can be an important step towards a competence-based education where the learner stands at the center of an active learning process.

The concrete goals of the course are: • • • • • •

To understand the advantages of ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES To learn to use a great range of new tools and resources for transforming the classroom into an ICT ENVIRONMENT LEARNING. To introduce the principles of COOPERATIVE LEARNING for designing cooperative learning structures. To know FLIPPED CLASSROOM methodology and learn how to introduce it in curriculums. To provide teachers resources which allow them to train their students to use technology in a more CRITICAL AND RESPONSIBLE way. To SHARE EXPERIENCES of international collaboration and projects in order to improve the European awareness.


From STEM to STEAM in Education: A New Learning Approach Makerspaces in Education Pavlicu Crina Oana The initiative of launching an Erasmus project in our school has been well received by me. We, as teachers, need to stay connected to information and technology, be able to develop skills that help us implement a dynamic curriculum and offer an alternative to the traditional school. I have always wanted to participate in such a project and as a result, here we are July 18th 2022 the day we arrive in Barcelona at Europass Teacher Academy for the Course - From STEM to STEAM in Education: A New Learning Approach Makerspaces in Education.

In this programme we reviewed the development of STEM, STEAM and MAKERSPACES. Firstly, we were explained what STEM and STEAM is (Science, Technology, Engineering, ARTS, Mathematics) and how teachers can implement this concept in classrooms. An example of Makerspace concept was introduced to us by getting things together for a project-based activity in nature. We were gathered in a forest at the heart of the Gothic Quarter where we had to display teamwork in a natural makerspace, using both practical experience and technology. Another interesting activity was to design a 1:10 scale companion rover having already given characteristics. This activity was to teach us how to teach our children in school using game-based Learning, where they will exert teamwork, creativity display, controlled competitiveness, strategy simulator. Finally, we had to develop our own STEAM/MAKERSPACES project with all what is implied: design framework, journal writing, drafting a plan.


Overall, this Erasmus experience really helped us see teaching from a different perspective and taught us that we, as teachers, have all the tools to help our children at school to develop and learn more. Also, students should not have knowledge of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math as independent disciplines because they do not exist in world as such.

Erasmus+, breaking barriers Trifan Deniz My participation to a mobility appertaining to the Erasmus+ programme granted me the chance of enjoying a memorable experience, as it pushed me into an outstanding adventure of knowledge. Moreover, the Improving english language skills course connected participants from all four corners of the continent - Italy, Poland, France, Latvia, Portugal, Romania - which assisted in building an international context responsible for bringing awareness to the status of the citizen of an united Europe. Through innovative, creative and interactive ways of teaching, proficient and well versed professors guided us towards enhancing our English communication skills, international language which enables its speakers to dissolve any physical and linguistic barrier met inside the shared European area. The four main abilities of learning a new language - listening, speaking, reading and writing - were not only developped in a formal setting, defined by the lecture hall, at the hand of online tools, tutorials, videos and Active Floor, but also in an informal environment belted by the Dalmatian coast, of an astounding beauty, such as the Bene beach. Grasping, following and understanding the set of skills was possible through reading comprehension, creative writing exercises, such as telling a story or expressing one’s opinion. Interpersonal relationships, counting as a fundamental angle of human existence, were emphasized by socializing during group assemblies, with all participants being constantly engaged in conversations with peers from all over Europe, thus, going through a journey of learning and connecting with both the Dalmatian and the locutor’s culture. Going exploring in Split, to the Trogir fortress, or the roman amphitheater, took us back in time, meandering through the ways and wonders of Croatia’s history, and revealing enigmatic stories of the way in which the continent became as we know it today: a multicultural space where distinct ethnic origins - slavic, romanic - melt into the vast European unit.


PROIECTE 3D Printing În această secțiune puteți vedea proiectele dezvoltate de către elevii și profesorii liceului, în urma participării la mobilitățile Erasmus.

3D printing is a way of creating three dimensional objects for various purposes, by melting a long string of material and adding it together, into a desirable shape. The main advantage of 3D printers is the possibility of minimizing the usage of raw material. Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils. One advantage of bioplastics is their independence from fossil fuel. Bioplastics can be made with a lower carbon footprint than their fossil counterparts. A sustainable ecological footprint can be accomplished in two ways: -Firstly, the use of bioplastics, plant-based raw materials, has the advantage of being renewable, capturing the CO2 present in the air, participating in the reduction of the greenhouse effect. The main bioplastic that would have the most benefits as a source for 3D Printing is Nylon PA11, created from renewable castor oil. -Secondly, sustainability can also be achieved by using biodegradable filaments, such as Polyvinyl Alcohol, a soft and biodegradable polymer that is highly sensitive to moisture. When exposed to water, PVA will dissolve, which makes it a very useful support structure material for 3D printing.

Ways 3D Printing Helps with Sustainability 1. A more efficient design 2. Less Material Usage 3. Reparability and the Production of Spare Components 4. Local Production of Components 5. Elimination of the Need for a Large Inventory 6. Streamline Manufacturing 7. Smaller and Quieter Factories


Additive Manufacturing allows the production of complex architectures in a more efficient and straightforward manner than traditional methods. This type of production presents further advantages by being able to provide attractive scenarios for sustainable production. Though no solution has yet been proven to be perfect, Additive Manufacturing has started to be adopted as a more efficient method in almost every field of study and more.

Proiect realizat de: Bocai Vlad Suliman Emre Profesor îndrumător: Prof. Nițu Alina


CARMINA TOMITANA – Cântece Tomitane, cântecele locuitorilor din Tomis REVISTA MUZICALĂ Revista ”CARMINA TOMITANA” constituie o sursă de informare și mediatizare a proiectelor artistice ce se derulează în școala noastră și județul Constanța. Își propune să abordeze subiecte legate de tradiții și obiceiuri folclorice din zona dobrogeană, să ofere un conținut bogat în festivaluri și concursuri, acțiuni ce definesc activitățile artistice ale tomitanilor.

Obiective: 1. Relaționarea, comunicarea și lucrul în echipă. 2. Formarea și stimularea creativității elevilor. 3. Formarea de comportamente adecvate de receptare a valorilor culturii muzicale. 4. Creșterea motivației elevilor și a stimei de sine. 5. Identificarea de către elevi a unor modalităţi alternative de petrecere a timpului liber. Etape: •

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Activitate 1 Alegerea echipei de redactori (12 – 23 septembrie 2022) Se va face o selecție în vederea realizării echipei de redacție, care doresc să se implice în realizarea unei reviste muzicale. Aceștia trebuie să ştie să transmită informaţia în manieră jurnalistică şi să cunoască tehnicile esenţiale de redactare, să transforme datele primite în informații. Activitate 2 Rubricile revistei muzicale (26 – 30 septembrie 2022) Elevii selectați în echipa de redacție şi colaboratorii trebuie să descopere împreună rubricile ce vor fi abordate în revistă. Activitate 3 Publicitate Carmina Tomitana (octombrie – noiembrie 2022) Activitate 4 Concurs: Coperta revistei Carmina Tomitana (noiembrie 2022) Activitate 5 Concert de pian ”Canticum per Ovidium” (decembrie 2022) Activitate 6 Interdisciplinaritate în creație (noiembrie 2022 - martie 2023) Realizarea unei reviste muzicale presupune realizarea unor activităţi interdisciplinare și elaborarea articolelor, culegerea datelor, prelucrarea acestora. Articolele și informațiile vor fi analizate și tehnoredactate în perioada noiembrie – martie a anului școlar 2022 – 2023. Activitate 7 Lansare revista muzicală online: Carmina Tomitana (aprilie 2023) Prof. Crina Pavlicu


Fashion – the Beauty and the Nightmare The word "fashion" is used to describe the style from a particular period of time in clothes, footwear and makeup. It represents the industry that combines creativity and work, art and necessity, a form of self-expressing and communication, representing an important part of the economy. Every year, 92 million tones of clothing are thrown away, especially due to the fast-fashion phenomenon. The fast-fashion term is referring to the clothes made by street stores which are copies of the runway ones, so that average people can wear something similar to the high-quality ones, but much more affordable. The purpose of sustainable development is to end global poverty and to create a better environment for future generations to live on a healthy planet. “Up-cycling” is the creative recovery of materials of any kind, fabrics or garments from inventories and stocks that become the starting point for different products and new creations. Recycling is finding another use for an existing garment or in the case of textiles it sometimes also means converting waste into reusable materials. If used textiles are not in good condition to be resold or donated, they can be recycled. Because the fast fashion items are low-quality, they cannot be donated so an alternative should be to turn those materials into something that most people always need: household items. In our day-to-day life, we use rags, mop heads, or rugs, so we can take the sewing threads from each material and recreate something useful.

In conclusion, instead of throwing away the clothes, we should start caring about our planet and our future. A solution might be to stop buying unnecessary clothing items and to start recycling the clothes in a way that we will always be useful. Proiect realizat de: Ionescu Adela Mitroi Oana Tea Spirescu Teodora Maria Zulchefil Aylin Hayriye Profesori îndrumători: Prof. Bucovală Carmen Prof. Mihălțeanu Cristina


How to start a business Sustainability in entrepreneurship The 21st century is known to be represented by a massive upsurge in CO2 emissions and pollution-related problems, aspects which deeply affect human life. Ergo, this project aims to provide innovative solutions in order to reduce pollution and better our chances of calling Terra our home in the near future. Sustainable development refers to an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while sustaining the ability of natural systems. We implemented this concept in the business area, which we called Smarter Business. This idea consists in a grading system meant to evaluate the level of sustainability one business shows while raising awareness. Bob, our character, a devoted individual, came up with a list of revolutionary ideas an entrepreneur can apply in his business in order to protect our planet (high-tech water taps, technologies that use thermochemical energy storage concept incorporated in the walls, and many others). Proiect realizat de: Ecaterina Șerban Angela-Mihaela Marusciac Marian-Sorin Butnărașu Profesor îndrumător: Prof. Alina Nițu


LabelFrancÉducation Obtinerea „LabelFrancÉducation” de către Liceul Teoretic “Ovidius” LabelFrancÉducation” este o marcă de calitate atribuită de ministrul francez al afacerilor externe instituţiilor şcolare străine care asigură, în afara graniţelor Franţei şi în cadrul propriului sistem de învăţământ naţional, un învăţământ bilingv francofon de excelenţă. Instituţiile „LabelFrancÉducation” formează o reţea răspândită în lumea întreagă. Apartenenţa la „LabelFrancÉducation” înseamnă garanţia de a fi recunoscut drept o instituţie locală de excelenţă, înseamnă participarea la servicii care permit consolidarea calităţii studiilor oferite: sesiuni de formare pentru profesori, posibilitatea unui sprijin financiar pentru proiecte de inovare pedagogică, participarea la seminarii a directorilor de instituţii sau coordonatorilor secţiilor bilingve ale instituţiilor deţinătoare ale certificării, o ofertă culturală online, schimburilor şi distribuirii de informaţii, resurse francofone şi experienţe cu celelalte instituţii deţinătoare ale certificării „LabelFrancÉducation”. Pentru a putea deveni deţinător al certificării „LabelFrancÉducation”, a fost necesară îndeplinirea unor condiţii, precum: existenta claselor de bilingv – franceza care să studieze cel puţin o disciplina nonlingvistică în limba franceză, implementarea unui plan de formare pedagogică de calitate pentru cadrele didactice implicate, pregătirea elevilor pentru certificările oficiale de limbă franceză DELF-DALF, acordate de Centrul Internaţional de Studii Pedagogice si existenta unui mediu francofon. Certificarea „LabelFrancÉducation” este atribuită pentru o durată maximă de trei ani. Proiectul Liceului Teoretic “Ovidius” a fost inaintat Institutului Francez si Serviciului de Cooperare şi Acţiune Culturală al Ambasadei Franţei din România si a fost evaluat de o comisie consultativa interministeriale care s-a reunit la sfarsitul lunii august pentru exprimarea avizului. Obținerea „LabelFrancÉducation” ne onoreaza si ne indeamnă să continuam eforturile pentru promovarea limbii și culturii franceze în rândul elevilor și profesorilor liceului nostru! Prof. Bucovală Carmen Prof. Mihălțeanu Cristina Prof. Gheorghiu Lavinia Prof. Gavrilă Cristina Prof. Dima - Aldea Nadina Prof. Popovici Mariana Prof. Bucur Ruxandr


LECȚII DIGITALE - UN ALT MOD DE PREDARE Privind spre viitorul educației, încercăm să ne adaptăm la nou, să oferim metode moderne de predare și evaluare. În acest scop, în urma cursului „‘Innovative Methodologies in the digital classroom” susținut prin PROIECT ERASMUS+ 2021-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-000008108, am ales să pot oferi elevilor mei aceste metode moderne prin realizarea site-ului, site unde aceștia pot accesa lecțiile pe care le predau la clasă. Aceste lecții conțin parte teoretică, exerciții rezolvate, exemple de aplicare a noțiunilor prezentate în practică. Construirea acestui site implică o muncă de lungă durată, el urmând a fi realizat integral și îmbunătățit pe o perioadă de cel puțin patru ani.

Prof. Mihai Bogdan


MY SCHOOL ENTERPRISE „Obiectivul concursului de antreprenoriat social “My School Enterprise” este de a identifica arii de activitate strict legate de viața în școală (cum ar fi mentorat, pregătire, grupuri de sprijin, etc) care pot fi îmbunătăţite prin efortul propriu al echipelor înscrise la concurs. Liceul Teoretic “Ovidius” face parte din proiectul european “Make SENSE” – Social ENtrepreneurship for School Education. Ideea concursului de antreprenoriat social “My School Enterprise” a apărut ca rezultat al contribuției directe a echipe de proiect a liceului la dezvoltarea acestui parteneriat.


Prăjituri cu afine și STEM Fizica a părut întotdeauna o materie grea, complicată, cu calcule multe și explicații greu de găsit. Dar când devine parte a unui proiect ce produce bucurie, lucrurile devin mai simple și mai plăcute. Prăjiturile au fost mereu prilej de bucurie, mai ales când sunt integrate unui eveniment plăcut. Proiectul “Prajituri cu afine si STEM”: • Clasa a VI-a • Obiectivul acestui proiect este aplicarea noțiunilor și metodelor învățate la fizică și la matematică în realizarea unor produse din viața cotidiană. • La fizică au fost studiate diferite mărimi fizice și unitățile lor de măsură. Au fost studiate modalitățile de măsurare/determinare a acestor mărimi, pentru sisteme din lumea înconjuratoare. La matematică au fost exersate transformările multiplilor și submultiplilor. • Pentru realizarea proiectului au fost puse la dispoziție trei rețete de prăjituri de casă. • A fost lansată tema de proiect “Alege una din rețetele de prăjituri postate la secțiunea Materiale sau o altă rețetă a unei prăjituri care îți place ție. Cu ajutorul mamei, sau al bunicii prepară prăjitura. In timpul preparării fă poze sau filmulețe în care să se vadă cum măsori cantitățile din rețetă. Postează pozele sau filmul ca răspuns la temă. Respectă regulile de protecție a muncii!!! Determină masa, volumul și densitatea unei bucăți de prăjitură. Postează rezultatele ca răspuns la temă. Respectă termenul. Imparte prăjiturile cu prietenii sau colegii. Yammy!!!” • Elevii au preparat diverse prăjituri, după rețetele mamei sau ale bunicii. • Elevii au adus la școală prăjiturile preparate, le-au prezentat clasei și i-au servit pe colegi. •

Elevii au împărtășit impresiile despre acest proiect.

Prof. Anghel Cristina


Premiul literar al liceenilor Viața în litere Scopul proiectului: •

Formarea gustului pentru lectură al elevilor;

Dezvoltarea valorilor morale, estetic și civice;

Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare;

Cultivarea conștientizării sentimentului apartenenței la dimensiunea culturală europeană;

Dezvoltarea laturii critice a liceenilor.

Obiectivele proiectului: • Asigurarea mobilității în educație prin colaborarea cadru didactic-elev, prin schimbul de idei ce vizează lectura afectivă; •

Stimularea interesului pentru literatura română şi universală;

Abordarea literaturii ca o cale de înțelegere a sensului acțiunilor umane și a propriei vieți;

Cultivarea unei gândiri proprii de relaţionare cu cei din jur şi cu ei înşişi;

Raportarea critică la valorile prezente în cărțile citite;

Parteneri în desfăşurarea proiectului: •

Biblioteca Liceului Teoretic „Ovidius”;

Elevi din unități de învățământ naționale și internaționale interesați de lectura textelor


Acţiuni: •

Invitație pentru înscrierea în proiect adresată elevilor claselor a IX-a;

Efectuarea întâlnirilor în sala de lectură a bibliotecii liceului;

Stabilirea criteriilor de jurizare a cărților propuse spre lectură;

Dezbateri referitoare la tematica textelor-suport relevante pentru conexiunea literatură-viață;

Popularizarea acţiunilor cu ajutorul televiziunii şi a presei locale;

Publicarea în revista liceului a unor articole care să sintetizeze activitățile elevilor;

• Finalizarea proiectului cu jurizarea de către liceeni a celei mai apreciate cărți în cadrul proiectului „Viața în litere”. •

Întâlnire cu scriitorul câștigător al premiului oferit de liceeni.

Calendarul activităţilor : •

Promovarea proiectului în rândul liceenilor.


*septembrie 2022 •

Cunoaşterea participanţilor şi a preferințelor literare.

*octombrie 2022 •

Propunerea titlurilor pentru lectură şi dezbatere:


REM – Mircea Cărtărescu


Tot înainte – Ioana Nicolaie


Inocenţii – Ioana Pârvulescu


Sisteme de fixare şi prindere – Ştefania Mihalache

Jurizarea de către liceenii lectori a textelor propuse

*martie 2023 •

Întâlnirea cu scriitorul premiat de către juriul liceenilor

Prof. Deniz Trifan Prof. Florentina Daniela Ionescu Prof. Nadina Dima-Aldea


Solve for tomorrow Dezvoltare sustenabilă Conform Organizației Națiunilor Unite, sustenabilitatea este definită ca fiind ,,satisfacerea nevoilor prezentului fără a compromite capacitatea generațiilor viitoare de a-și satisface propriile nevoi". Energia durabilă constă în găsirea unor surse de energie curată, regenerabilă. Mișcarea continuă a suprafeței mărilor și oceanelor constituie o formă de energie regenerabilă cu mare potențial în zonele cu valuri tot timpul anului sau în largul mărilor și oceanelor. Constă în mișcarea de suprafață a valurilor și în fluctuațiile de presiune de sub suprafața apei. Planul se bazează pe înlocuirea celor două turnuri înalte din zona CET Constanța cu două SUT (Solar Updraft Tower). Căldura emisă de Soare încălzește aerul de sub o structură, aflată la baza SUT, având efect de seră. Rezultatul obținut ridică aerul cald datorită efectului de „coș de fum”. Acest vânt cald acționează turbinele din turn pentru a creea energie electrică.

De asemenea, intenționăm operarea unui sistem de obținere a energiei valurilor. Aceasta utilizează puterea valurilor pentru a genera electricitate.

Metode de captare a energiei valurilor: 1. Puncte de absorbție axial simetrice – generează energie electrică din acțiunea de bobing/pitching. 2.

Geamanduri plutitoare, pungi plutitoare și plute articulate

3. Atenuatoare – mișcarea indusă de undă este utilizată pentru a presuriza pistonul hidraulic care forțează uleiul de înaltă presiune pentru a activa un generator de turbină hidraulică producând energie electrică.



Coloane de apă oscilante - transformă energia valurilor în presiune a aerului.

5. Dispozitive plasate în vârf – valurile mării sunt conduse în sus pe rampă și peste părțile laterale umplând un mic rezervor. Energia potențială a apei este extrasă prin returnarea apei înapoi în mare pentru a produce energie electrică.

Noile mijloace de obținere a energiei sunt mai puțin poluante datorită emisiilor de CO2 inexistente. Turnurile SUT, mijloacele de captarea a energiei valurilor și Centrala nucleară de la Cernavodă ar urma să producă 30% din energia necesara întregii țări pe parcursul unui an. Proiect realizat de: Barbu-Crețu Andrei-David Budeș Cristian-George Chiriac Victor-Șerban Hanu Rareș-Valentin Târșoagă Eduard-Mihai Profesor îndrumător: Prof. Bucovală Carmen


Teatru francofon pentru elevi - trupele „Mini-Amphithéâtre și „Amphithéâtre” Arta teatrală a fost aleasă pentru această mobilitate deoarece practica teatrului oferă elevilor descoperirea unui alt univers, dezvoltarea capacității de imaginație și ocazia de a face schimb de experiență cu alte trupe de teatru din țară și din străinătate. În perioada 18 – 21 mai 2022 a avut loc o mobilitate din proiectul Erasmus+ pentru elevii de la Liceul Teoretic „Ovidius”, la liceul „Notre Dame de Sion” din Istanbul, la festivalul de teatru de limbă franceză „Fest’Istanbul”. 16 elevi coordonați de profesorii Lavinia Gheorghiu și Cristina Gavrilă au participat la activități desfășurate cu elevii de la liceul gazdă și din alte licee francofone din Istanbul. Ca urmare a acestei mobilități, elevii Liceului Teoretic „Ovidius” sunt invitați să se înscrie pentru a face parte din trupele de teatru francofon ale liceului, „Mini-Amphithéâtre” destinată elevilor de gimnaziu și „Amphithéâtre” destinată elevilor de liceu.

Selecțiile vor avea loc după criteriile menționate mai jos:


Criterii de selecție: 1.

Motivație pentru participarea la proiect


Competenţe în arta teatrală


Competenţe lingvistice de comunicare în limba franceza

4. Competenţe personale, competențe acțiune/relaționare în contexte multiculturale







Calendarul activităților: •

6 – 8 septembrie 2022 - anunțarea selecției

10 septembrie 2022 – selecția candidaților

12 septembrie 2022 – anunțarea rezultatelor

• 17 septembrie – 21 octombrie 2022 – repetiții în vederea participării la « Festival International de Théâtre Jeunes Francophones », Amifran, Arad; • 22 – 27 octombrie 2022 – participarea la « Festival International de Théâtre Jeunes Francophones », Amifran, Arad ; • 1 noiembrie 2022 – 1 februarie 2023 - repetiții în vederea participării la Festivalul internaţional de teatru francofon de la Sorrento, Italia; • Februarie 2023 – participarea la Festivalul internaţional de teatru francofon de la Sorrento, Italia ; • Martie 2023 - repetiții în vederea participării la Festivalul internaţional de teatru francofon din Catania, Italia; • Aprilie 2023– participarea la Festivalul internaţional de teatru francofon din Catania, Italia.

prof. Gavrila Cristina prof. Gheorghiu Lavinia


The Algae Club We want to produce biodiesel from algae in order to solve two problems: reduce the burning of fossil fuel and get rid of the unwanted algae. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly fuel that successfully replaces diesel. This biofuel reduces CO2 emissions from the atmosphere by 80%, SO2 emissions by 100% and it is less inflammable. Microalgae are a much more efficient option of converting solar energy into chemical energy for fuel, due to their simple cell structure and high photosynthetic efficiency. How does it work? 1. The simple method of fatty acids extraction from the algae and separation of biodiesel is the blending method on experimental scale. 2.

The drying technique mostly used is spray drying.

3. One of the ways for extracting oil from algae works very much like the technique used in an oil press. Another common method is the hexane solvent method. 4. Once the oil has been extracted it must be refined to become a diesel fuel. In the process of transesterification, methanol and a basic solution are mixed and reacted with the oil. This produces biodiesel and glycerin byproducts. The experiment: After collecting the macrophyte algae, we washed them in two water baths to remove impurities, and then we extracted the chlorophyll in ethyl alcohol. We added n-hexane over the discolored algae and extracted the oil. The glass flask is placed in a water bath, the substance in the flask boils, evaporates through the refrigerant where it condenses, and the drops return to the flask. The obtained mixture is distilled to separate the two substances. The recovered n-hexane can be reused and we apply the same procedure to the chlorophyll extract, so the ethanol is recovered and can be reused. Starting with 15g of algae, we obtained approximately 15ml of oil.

Proiect realizat de: Ardeleanu Arina Maria Mirela Mate Profesor îndrumător: Prof. Bucovală Carmen


Erasmus Days On October 14th, at Ovidius High School in Constanta, the following events took place: "Goosechase" - an interactive escape room game organized by teacher Lavinia Gheorgiu for classes X B and X E. Prof. Lavinia Gheorgiu

The "My School Enterprise" competition - coordinated by teacher Rodica Crăciun, where students learned about social entrepreneurship and implemented ideas over 5 months. Prof. Rodica Crăciun

The "Life in letters" project - coordinated by Deniz Trifan, Florentina Daniela Ionescu, and Nadina Dima-Aldea, with the aim of fostering students' interest in the works of contemporary writers. Prof. Deniz Trifan, Prof. Florentina Daniela Ionescu Prof. Nadina Dima-Aldea

The final rehearsal of the school's theater troupe - organized by teacher Cristina Gavrilă before participating in the Francophone Theater Festival in Arad.

On October 15th, was organized the "Run & Jump treasure hunt," a game in which students were divided into 6 groups and solved riddles to discover locations in the city. Prof. Cristina Mihălțeanu On October 13th, the interdisciplinary activity "When the chirps of the birds become music" took place at Ovidius High School, organized by teacher Crina Pavlicu. Students explored the connection between bird songs and music, presenting musical works inspired by nature. Prof. Cristina Gavrilă 69

Cuprins Editorial................................................................................................2 Plan Erasmus........................................................................................3 Mobilități elevi Turcia septembrie 2022...............................................4 Mobilități elevi Slovenia septembrie 2022.........................................24 Mobilități profesori 2021-2022..........................................................43 Proiecte...............................................................................................52 Erasmus Days.....................................................................................69 Cuprins...............................................................................................70


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