December 4, de Diciembre 2016 St. Mary s Parish

December 4, 2016 4 de Diciembre 2016 St. Mary’s Parish Mass Schedule of Intentions December 3 - 9 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Glenn Shephard Satur

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Story Transcript

December 4, 2016

4 de Diciembre 2016

St. Mary’s Parish

Mass Schedule of Intentions December 3 - 9 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Glenn Shephard Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Jeremy Volbeda Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Albert Peccia Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Steve Austin Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Memory of Glenn Shephard Monday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Glenn Shephard Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of the Maier Family Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Gloria Weber Wednesday 5:30 PM ~ Intention for Joe VanNatta Thursday 9:00 AM ~ Immaculate Conception Mass Thursday 7:00 PM ~ Immaculate Conception Mass Friday 8:30 AM ~ For the Souls in Purgatory

December 10 - 11 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Intention for T.C. VanNatta Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Bobby Loper Sunday 1:00 PM ~

Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass, or available candles for dedications.

Repent! A call to transformation is fundamental in the celebration of the Advent Season. John the precursor heralded repentance to prepare the way of the Lord. John’s announcement of the Lord’s coming and the call to repentance presupposes a renewal of every created thing and the emergence of the new heaven and new earth. Also it declares war against the reality of sin and evil. When we welcome the Lord when he arrives, do we have a house ready to receive him? We prepare for a visitor’s arrival. We make sure that our house is clean and we have enough supplies to offer him hospitality. Repentance during advent is exactly like that. We cleanse our hearts and we prepare a room fit for Lord to stay. We also make sure that we have enough love, peace and joy in our hearts when he comes. Advent practices continue until Christ’s second coming. Therefore, the season of Advent is a constant reminder that we have to be prepared for Christ’s arrival. o0o Symbols of Advent. As we begin this celebration of Advent, we spruce up our environment fit for the season. Our environment is filled with symbols of the Advent season. Here are some of the things that you see in our church. Wreath. The advent wreath is round and green. The wreath symbolizes God. The round wreath means God is infinite. The wreath is made up of green branches. The green branches symbolize God’s promise of Newness. It also symbolizes hope amidst hopelessness. On the wreath are four candles. Four (4) candles. There are three (3) purple candles and one (1) pink candle. Ideally the candles used in the advent wreath must be made of wax. Wax candles melt. As they melt away, we get the feeling that truly God’s arrival is very imminent. There are four candles to representing four (4) Sundays of Advent. Each Advent Sunday represents patience, hope, joy and peace. The purple color represents the penitential character of the season. All of us are called to penance and forgiveness so that when Christ arrives, we are less unworthy of God’s mercy. The pink (rose) color is used on the Third Sunday of Advent. This Sunday called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete, the first word of the Introit of the Mass of the Third Sunday of Advent, means rejoice. Sometimes we see wreaths with a fifth candle, like what we have in the church. The fifth candle is white. This type of wreath is an adaptation from other Christian traditions. A Catholic Advent wreath has only four candles. If Catholics use it for the sake of creativity, that means we do not truly understand what we are celebrating. Remember, we celebrate Tradition and not only a simple remembrance of the past. In this celebration of Tradition, we make the celebration of what we believe in alive and real and present.

¡Arrepentirse! Un llamado a la transformación es fundamental en la celebración de tiempo de Adviento. Juan el precursor anunció el arrepentimiento para preparar el camino del Señor. El anuncio de Juan de la venida del Señor y el llamado al arrepentimiento presupone una renovación de cada cosa creada y el surgimiento del nuevo cielo y la nueva tierra. También declara la guerra contra la realidad del pecado y del mal. Cuando el Señor llega de damos la bienvenida, ¿Tenemos una casa lista para recibirlo? Nos preparamos cuando recibimos una visita a nuestra casa. Nos aseguramos de que nuestra casa este limpia y preparamos lo necesario para ofrecerle al huésped. (continua en la pagina próxima)

El arrepentimiento durante el advenimiento es exactamente así. Purificamos nuestros corazones y preparamos una habitación adecuada para que el Señor se quede. También nos aseguramos de que tengamos suficiente amor, paz y alegría en nuestros corazones para cuando el venga. Las prácticas del Adviento continúan hasta la segunda venida de Cristo. Por lo tanto, la temporada de Adviento es un recordatorio constante de que tenemos que estar preparados para la llegada de Cristo. o0o Símbolos del Adviento. A medida que comenzamos esta celebración de Adviento, hemos preparado nuestro entorno para la temporada. Nuestro entorno está lleno de símbolos de la temporada de Adviento. Aquí están algunas de las cosas que usted puede ver en nuestra iglesia. La corona. La corona del advenimiento es redonda y verde. La corona simboliza a Dios. La corona redonda significa que Dios es infinito. La corona se compone de ramas verdes. Las ramas verdes simbolizan la promesa de Dios de la novedad. También simboliza la esperanza en medio de la desesperanza. En la corona hay cuatro velas. Cuatro (4) velas. Hay tres (3) velas púrpuras y una (1) vela rosada. Idealmente las velas usadas en la corona del advenimiento deben ser hechas de cera. Las velas de cera se derriten. Al derretirse, tenemos la sensación de que la verdadera llegada de Dios es muy inminente. Hay cuatro velas para representar cuatro (4) Domingos de Adviento. Cada Domingo de Adviento representa la paciencia, la esperanza, la alegría y la paz. El color morado representa el carácter penitencial de la temporada. Todos estamos llamados a la penitencia y el perdón para que cuando Cristo llegue, somos menos indignos de la misericordia de Dios. El color rosa se utiliza en el tercer Domingo de Adviento. Este Domingo se llama Domingo Gaudete. Gaudete, la primera palabra del Introit de la Misa del Tercer Domingo de Adviento, significa regocijarse. A veces vemos coronas con una quinta vela, como la que tenemos en la iglesia. La quinta vela es blanca. Este tipo de corona es una adaptación de otras tradiciones cristianas. Una corona de Adviento Católica tiene sólo cuatro velas. Si los Católicos lo usan como creatividad, eso significa que realmente no entendemos lo que estamos celebrando. Recuerde, celebramos la tradición y no sólo un simple recuerdo del pasado. En esta celebración de la Tradición hacemos la celebración de lo que creemos en vivo, real y presente.

In the new Catholic Sentinel, meet a refugee family from Iraq. They are fleeing from Al-Qaida and are being helped by Catholic Charities. See what happened when St. Mary Cathedral started saying it needed more space. Hear Archbishop Sample’s call for calm in Portland and what he says about the death penalty. And believe us when we say that one Portland parish went out onto the streets asking for clean underwear.

Pray One! Knit One! There is a meeting schedule change for Prayer Shawl meetings for the month of December. The next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 5. The last meeting for December will be Monday, Dec. 19 - this schedule change is to accommodate the holiday calendar - meetings will be held at the same time from 9:00am to 11:00am - the December 19th meeting will have a potluck luncheon following the meeting. Please contact Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or email [email protected] for more information..

Prayer Corner  Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers. For those who are ill or homebound: Tom Barnes, Jeanette Duncan, Bob Worthington, Dick K., John H., Ryan Huber, Gretta Aker and those struggling with cancer and other illnesses or upcoming surgeries We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving the military: Michael Pennington, Mike Andre If you would like to add the name of someone who is serving in the military, please call the office. For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed:

Upcoming Events: December 6th - Advent Reconciliation / Confeciones @ 7pm December 8th - Feast of Immaculate Conception Mass / Festividad de la Inmaculada Concepcion Misa @ 9am & 7pm December 11 - Lighting of the Nativity and Tree / Ilumina la Navidad y el arbol @ 7pm December 12th - Festividad de Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe Mañanitas 4-7am y cena @ 8:15pm December 12th - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Masses /Misas @ 8:30am & 7pm December 13th - OFFICE CLOSED / LA OFICINA ESTARA CERRADO December 15th - Senior Luncheon @ 11:30am December 16-24 - Posados Actividades @ 7:30pm-9pm December 24th - Family Mass 4pm (Eng); Misa Familiar 6pm (en español); Midnight Mass 11pm December 25th - Christmas Day Masses 8:30am & 11am (Eng) 1pm (en español)

Saying the Rosary It may no longer be “the month of the Rosary” but we still say it regularly at church if you would like to join us. We say the rosary at 8:00am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Chapel before the 8:30 a.m. mass. Wednesday we recite it after the 8:30 am mass.

Offertory Update 11/27/16 Parish General Collection: $8,973 Raise the Roof: $1,870 Liturgy: $1 Local Charities: $100

Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Parish through your prayers, good wishes and gifts of time and money. If you would like to use envelopes or EFT to make your donations, please contact the parish office. Thanks!

The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a contest to find the best posters with the theme of Keeping Christ in Christmas. All youth ages 5 through 14 are invited to submit an 11” by 17” poster to any Knight or placed on the designated table in the Gathering Space no later than December 11, 2016. Entry forms are available in the Gathering Space or online at on the News & Announcements page. Contest rules are on the back side of the entry form. Three youth will be awarded $25 each.

Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8 God created Our lady with sin to be the Mother of Jesus; “Holy Virgin, I beg you; enable me to receive Jesus from the Spirit, according to the same process by which you bore Jesus…May I love Jesus in the Spirit in whom you adored Him as your Lord and looked after Him as your Son”. (St. Ildephonsus of Toledo) Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is available in the chapel 24 hours every day. For adoration outside of the 24-hour regular Thursday schedule, call the office for instructions and to enlist. Everyone is welcome. Spend as much or as little time as you can. Thank you for offering our Lord this special hour. Expect God's blessing, and give Him thanks.

In Loving Memory Each year, parishioners give donations toward Christmas decorations or flowers in memory of someone they love. If you would like to be part of this, please fill out the form below and return it to the parish office with your donation. Memorials will be published in the Christmas program. Thank you! My Name: __________________________________________________________ I would like to donate towards the: _____ Christmas trees and greens ($25 each) in memory of __________________________________________________________

_____ Christmas Flowers ($15 each) in memory of _________________________________________________________________

_____ general donation of $______ in memory of _________________________________________________________________

Las Posadas: Del 16 al 24 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm en nuestra Iglesia Santa Maria (OLPH) las posadas conmemoran el viaje que Jose y Maria hicieron de Nazaret a Belen en busca de un refugio seguro donde Maria pudiera dar a luz al niño Jesus. Las posadas se llevan acabo los nueve días previos a la Navidad, simbolizando los nueve meses de espera de Maria.

The Posadas: (“The Inns”) between December 16 and 24 at 7:00pm at our Church St. Mary’s (OLPH) las Posadas commemorates the journey that Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe refuge where Mary could give birth to the baby Jesus. The Posadas are held the nine days before Christmas, Symbolizing Mary's nine months of waiting.

Seek and You Shall Find Keep your eyes open for the symbols from “The 12 Days of Christmas.” They can be anywhere in the bulletin. There will be about 3 each weekend. A representative symbol will be used, not necessarily the quantity noted in the song. Just something fun for the holidays!

Did you find these in last weekend’s bulletin?

Vengan a Celebrar la Festividad de Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe! (Come to celebrate with us the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!)

En la Iglesia Santa Maria (Our Lady of Perpetual Help ) 822 Ellsworth St SW Albany OR 97321

Iniciaremos Nuestra Celebración con una Novena el Sabado 3 de Diciembre y concluiremos Nuestra Celebración el 12 de Diciembre. (The Celebration begins December 3 and it will conclude

December 12, 2016)

Diciembre 3

8:00 PM


Diciembre 6 6:30 PM

Diciembre 7

Diciembre 9

Diciembre 10

7:00 PM

7:00 PM 8:00 PM

Diciembre 5

7:00 PM

Diciembre 8

6:30 PM

Diciembre 11 7:00 PM

Diciembre 12 Nuestra Celebración iniciara con Las Mañanitas de 4:00 AM — 7:00 AM Nuestra Santa Misa sera 7pm iniciando con una procession a las 6:45 PM (December 12 Our Celebration begins with the Mañanitas from 4am 7am. Our Mass begins with the procession at 6:45 PM) Después de la Misa Tendremos Cena para toda la comunidad. (After Mass we serve Dinner to the whole community.)

También Baile Folklórico (Also, Folkloric Dancing)

Mo’s Chowder! Don’t miss it! This Week ONLY!

Please help support our Cub and Boy Scouts and enjoy a nice bowl of Mo's Clam Chowder! Order your Chowder base after mass. Cost is $10. Makes five 10oz bowls. Orders will be available for pick up on Tuesday, December 13. Perfect for the holidays. Thank you.

Adult Confirmation If you are a Catholic adult who Is post high school Has made First Communion And would like to be confirmed Please consider joining us for Adult Confirmation Classes.

starting on the 10th of January 2017 @ 6:30pm in Maximillian Kolbe Room (near the parking lot at the back of the Church). Please contact ACE TUPASI at 541-926-1449 or [email protected]

MARRIED COUPLES “For you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made;” Celebrate the love of God for us and for each other by strengthening, renewing and rekindling our marriages by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on February 17th - 19th, 2017 at Mt. Angel Abbey. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.

Infant Baptism Class For those from birth thru first grade NOTE: No Class is scheduled for December. Sunday, January 29th, there will be a class in Corvallis at 12:30-2pm in the Sienna Room. Please call 541-9261449 to fully register at least a week in advance.

To have a baptism here, parents and godparents need to attend a baptismal class, bring in the original Birth Certificate to the office & fill out a Baptismal information form. Check with Teresa at the office for a day & time of baptism. The office is open T-F, 9am-noon & 1-4pm or e-mail her at [email protected]

Pastoral Counseling Center The holidays are not a time of celebration for everyone. If you are struggling with grief, depression, anxiety, or relationship difficulties, please call the Pastoral Counseling Center at 541-753-9217. Our counselors are here to help.

Are you called to be a Monk?

Open to men 18-45 years old: Free of charge

Serve the Lord in prayer and work Monastic Vocation Retreat at Mount Angel Abbey

Contact Fr. Odo Recker, OSB at 503-845-3123 [email protected] or visit our website:

January 6-8, 2017

This year we have two Giving Trees … one for the children of our parish and one partnering with local Linn County agencies to help provide joy for the children in need in our community. This goes along with our parish’s commitment to help not only our parishioners but our community as a whole. Please take a tag for a boy or girl gift then return your wrapped gift with the tag attached before Monday, December 19th … they’ll be distributed by Christmas to all the boys and girls!

Thank you so much!

St. Mary’s 72nd Annual Arts and Crafts Bazaar had a wonderful turnout and was a great success! The bazaar is always an enjoyable time visiting with many parishioners! Thank you to the following parishioners for volunteering at our bazaar: Pam Bielenberg, Ann Bieler, Cathy Cooper, Daniel Deleon, Michele Ecker, Cheryl Frey, Carol Hawke, Caron Katko, Steve & Sharon Konopa, Shirl Kotara, Susie Kuebrich, Carol Lilley, Trish Little, Helen McGovern, Joyce Moreira, Maria Morgus, Wayne and Denise Parker, Ruth Ranzoni, Rosemary Recek, Rose Seminary, Mary Small, Debby Sparks, Lesa Stivers, Ann Tichenor, Marilyn Warren, Patti White, and everyone else who helped and shopped at the bazaar. Also, the Catholic Daughters who provided the wonderful food for the kitchen. Plus the Bereavement Ministry volunteers who provided the delicious pies.

Sacred Heart St Louis Parish, Gervais, OR Seeking a bookkeeper for part time employment. This position is scheduled at 24 hours per week: To read more, please go to: MINIMAL JOB SKILLS: Understanding of general bookkeeping principles and payroll tax laws. Proficiency with PC software (including BusinessWorks), calculator and all basic office equipment, including experience with spreadsheet, word processing, accounting, and ADP payroll system. Must be able to prioritize workload to meet demands. Requires excellent organizational skills with ability to meet deadlines and good communication skills, both verbal and written. High level of accuracy and attention to detail with ability to maintain confidentiality. Please call the office at 503-792-4231 if you have any questions or come to pick up an employee application. Thank you.

Your donation works for aging religious. “I read that roughly 95 percent of donations to the Retirement Fund for Religious aid senior religious,” a donor writes. “That’s wonderful when we truly want our donations to work.” Your gift works for elderly religious by helping to furnish medications, nursing care, and more. Please support next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, and give to those who have given a lifetime.

Los donativos de ustedes trabajan para los religiosos ancianos. “He leído que cerca del 95 por ciento de los donativos al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda a los religiosos ancianos”, nos escribe un donante. “Es maravilloso cuando verdaderamente queremos que nuestros donativos se aprovechen”. Sus donativos se utilizan para ayudar a suministrar medicamentos, cuidados médicos y más. Sean generosos en sus donativos a la colecta de la semana próxima del Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos, que beneficia a los que han dado toda una vida.

Archdiocese Men's Conference - Dec 16-17 For all men young and old 15 yrs. to 85 yrs. old! Make it a Father & Son event! At you can see: Schedule, promo video by Deacon Harold, an Online Registration link Print off the Register form as a mail in option

Advent Day of Prayer with Archbishop Vlazny Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish! (in English) 605 7th St, Gervais OR 97026 Saturday, December 10, 2016 9 am to 3:30 pm 9 am Mass 9.45am Coffee break (In the vestibule) 10:30 am conference (In Church) 11:45 am Rosary devotions (bilingual in the church) 12:15 pm lunch (provided in the Gym by Spanish Language Retreat organizers) 1:30 pm conference 2:30 pm closing hour with reflection, adoration and Benediction. 3.30pm-4.30pm Parish Confessions Please call the office at 503-792-4231 if you have any questions.

St. Mary’s Appreciates our Bulletin advertisers!

Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1461 Regent: Dorothy Gall 541-926-4699 1st Monday each month @ 6:30 PM All lady parishioners welcome!

A big THANK YOU! To the groups who faithfully set out our coffee and donuts each Sunday.

To our anonymous parishioner who is generously donating flowers every month ...


For information about an ad in the bulletin, contact Joni at [email protected]

Dave Pautsch

Bill Raschko

Juan Vasquez

St. Mary’s Parishioner Principal Broker Listing Specialist Buyer Broker

Listing Specialist Buyer Broker

Listing Specialist Buyer Broker Se Habla Español

Your Ad Could Be Here! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

Our Bulletin goes out in print, via email and is posted on the web & Facebook.

Patty Mello Independent Beauty Consultant (541) 926-2631

Albany Helping Hands Thrift Store 705 First Ave E Changing Lives Open 10 AM— 6 PM Monday– Saturday

Donate a Vehicle Help a Neighbor St. Vincent de Paul’s Car Program 1-800-227-8223 Free towing

St. Mary’s Celebrating 131 Years! 1885– 2016

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish 706 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321-2366 541-926-1449


December 4, 2016

Father Aniceto Guiriba, Administrator, ext 338 Father Leonard Omolo, ALCP, Parochial Vicar, ext 338 Administrative Assistant to the Priests: Teresa Middlemiss, ext 338 Parish Office: Marty Kloeck (AM), Janice, Margie and other volunteers Business Office: Joni Siewell, ext 305 Elementary Religious Education Director: Suzanne Duda, ext 344

2nd Sunday of Advent Youth Coordinator: Cherrie Barnes, ext 315 Adult & Young Adult Religious Education Director and Liturgy Coordinator: Ace Tupasi, ext 304 Office hours Tuesday- Friday ~ 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 PM Parish Office: 541-926-1449 Emergency Phone: 541-220-0634 Fax: 541-926-2191 Email: [email protected] web site:

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish; Sunday 8:30AM English, 11:00 AM English, 1:00PM Spanish DAILY MASSES: Monday to Saturday 8:30AM, Wednesday 5:30PM, 1st Thursdays @ 9:45AM in Mennonite Home Chapel CONFESSIONS: Wednesday 9:15AM - 5PM, Saturday 3:30 - 4:30PM, 6:15 - 7:00PM, Sunday 7:30 - 8:30AM, 10:00 - 11:00AM, 12:15 - 1PM NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Daily Communal Recitation 8:00-8:30AM and 5:00-5:30PM on Wednesday, personal recitation all day Wednesday in the chapel (Novena booklets available in both languages.) ADORATION: Thursday 9:00AM to Friday 8:15AM

In Times of Need PRAYER CHAIN: Fran Pace, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please contact Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or [email protected]. RETROUVAILLE / REDISCOVERY OF OREGON: for couples whose marriages are experiencing pain or communication breakdown. 1-800-470-2230 or BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: weekly support meetings and weekend retreats to aid in healing and beginning again for the widowed, divorced and separated or anyone experiencing the death or loss of a friend or relative. 503-393-2361. Bienvenidos a su casa a su iglesia Santa Maria Asistentes en el Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano Marciano y Honorina Lopez 541- 619-1504 Los Sacramentos en español : Bautismo: Marcos y Aracely Rodriguez; Anselmo Nunez Primera Comunión: Suzanne Duda Boda: Humberto y Susana Martínez 541-971-2698 Quinceañera: María Chavez Confirmación: Marciano y Honorina Lopez Catecismo para Adulto: Antonio Reyes - Domingo de 11:20 am a 12:40 pm Representante del Consejo Pastoral: Marisol de la Torre Para preguntas llamar o venir a la De Martes a Viernes de 1:00pm a 4:00pm 541-926-1449 o al 541-619-1504

Horario de las Confesiones son: Miércoles : De 9:15am a 5:00pm Sábados : De 3:30pm a 4:30pm y 6:15pm a 7:00pm Domingo : De 7:30 a 8:30am, 10:00 a 11:00am, y 12:15pm a 1:00pm Horario de las misas en español Sábado: 7:00pm Domingo 1:00pm Aquí en nuestra parroquia tenemos grupos de oración y evangelización. Los invitamos a formar parte de esta familia parroquial . Lunes grupo de oración en la capilla a las 7:00pm Martes grupo San Juan Diego para hombres a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Miércoles grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Viernes grupo Apóstoles de la palabra a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe

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