Defined range of assets

Defined range of assets This document was last reviewed in November 2016. Please confirm with your financial adviser that this is the most up-to-date

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Software Defined Radios - TinySDR
Software Defined Radios - TinySDR Gintaras LY1GP (ly1gp at Este material puede ser encontrado en su lenguaje original en

Mid Range
CLV410-2010 HOJA INFORMATIVA ONLINE Lectores de códigos de barras láser CLV41x / CLV410 / Mid Range Lectores de códigos de barras

The Range
The Range 2008-2009 Sensacion, La Gama COMPONENTES AUDIOVISUALES Sistemas de AV independientes 4 Reproductores universales de HD

Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders
Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Repeat each exercise _____ times, _____ times a day. Do only the exercises th


Story Transcript

Defined range of assets This document was last reviewed in November 2016. Please confirm with your financial adviser that this is the most up-to-date document for your product or servicing needs.

The following assets are to be used in conjunction with charging structures that waive Telegraphic Transfer charges and dealing fees. Fund Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen

ISIN Absolute Return Bond -U Asia Pacific and Japan Equity -U Asia Pacific Equity -U Cash -U Corporate Bond -U Diversified Growth -U Eastern European Equity (I) -U Emerging Markets Bond -U Emerging Markets Equity -U Ethical World Equity -U European Equity -U European High Yield Bond -U European Property Share -U European Smaller Companies Equity -U Japan Equity -U Latin American Equity -U Managed Distribution -U Multi Asset Conservative Portfolio -U Multi Asset Growth 1 Portfolio -U Multi Asset Growth 2 Portfolio -U Multi Asset Growth 3 Portfolio -U Multi-Asset -U Multi-Manager Balanced Mgd Portfolio -U Multi-Manager Cautious Mgd Portfolio -U Multi-Manager Diversity -U Multi-Manager Equity Managed Portfolio -U Multi-Manager Ethical Portfolio -U Multi-Manager Multi Asset Distribution -U North American Equity -U Property Share -U Responsible UK Equity -U Sterling Government Bond -U Sterling Short Term Government Bond -U Strategic Bond -U UK Equity Income -U UK Equity -U UK Mid-Cap Equity -U UK Property Feeder Unit Trust -U UK Smaller Companies Equity -U World Emerging Markets Equity -U World Equity Income -U World Equity -U World Opportunistic Bond -U Global Chinese Equity -U

GB00BWK27F30 GB00B0XWNK36 GB00B0XWNG99 GB00B1C42332 GB00BWK26L25 GB00B5MNDD51 GB00B3NC3D74 GB00B5L9HN22 GB0033227561 GB0006833932 GB00B0LG6P37 GB00B5VSSV49 GB00BWK26907 GB00B0XWN580 GB0004521737 GB00B4R0SD95 GB00B1C42779 GB00BVTW2W98 GB00BVTW3267 GB00BVTW3820 GB00BVTW3G06 GB0031682395 GB00B843VR45 GB00B8GLGR18 GB00B7DZK008 GB00B7GQCS25 GB00B87TVT17 GB00B8340374 GB00B0XWN259 GB00B0XWNN66 GB00B131GD17 GB00BWK26S93 GB00BWK25K43 GB00BWK28275 GB00B0XWN929 GB00B0LG6K81 GB00B0XWNT29 GB00BTLX1P22 GB00B07T4859 GB0033309757 GB00B8MYXW82 GB0031682734 GB00B98WWS27 LU0837970457



Aberdeen Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies -U Aberdeen Global Indian Equity -U Aberdeen Global Select Global Credit Bond -U Aberdeen Global Select High Yield Bond -U CF Richmond Core -U Acumen Conservative Portfolio -U Acumen Progressive Portfolio -U Alliance Trust Monthly Income Bond -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Absolute Growth -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Cautious Managed -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Corporate Bond -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Defensive Managed -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future European Growth -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Global Growth -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future Managed -U Alliance Trust Sustainable Future UK Growth -U Alliance Trust UK Ethical -U Allianz Brazil -U Allianz BRIC Stars -U Allianz Continental European -U Allianz Japan -U Allianz RiskMaster Conservative Multi Asset -U Allianz RiskMaster Defensive Multi Asset -U Allianz RiskMaster Growth Multi Asset -U Allianz RiskMaster Moderate Multi Asset -U Allianz Sterling Total Return -U Allianz Total Return Asian Equity -U Allianz UK Equity Income -U Allianz UK Growth Allianz UK Mid-Cap -U Allianz UK Unconstrained -U Allianz US Equity -U Allianz Gilt Yield -U Alquity Africa -U Alquity Asia -U2 Alquity Latin America -U Architas Diversified Real Assets -U Architas MA Active Dynamic -U Architas MA Active Growth -U Architas MA Active Intermediate Income -U Architas MA Active Moderate Income -U Architas MA Active Progressive -U Architas MA Active Reserve -U Architas MA Blended Growth -U Architas MA Blended Intermediate -U Architas MA Blended Moderate -U Architas MA Blended Progressive -U Architas MA Blended Reserve -U Architas MA Passive Dynamic -U2 Architas MA Passive Growth -U2 Architas MA Passive Intermediate -U2 Architas MA Passive Moderate -U2 Architas MA Passive Progressive -U2 Architas MA Passive Reserve -U2 Artemis Capital -U Artemis European Growth -U Artemis European Opportunities (GBP Hedged) -U Artemis European Opportunities -U Artemis Global Emerging Markets -U Artemis Global Energy -U Artemis Global Growth -U

LU0837974368 LU0837977031 LU0848704713 LU0848705017 GB00B8HDPQ82 GB00B84LZT89 GB00B87LP737 GB00B3WJZK03 GB0030029622 GB00BMN90304 GB0030029069 GB00BMN90635 GB0030029390 GB0030030067 GB0030030398 GB0030028764 GB00B8HCSD36 GB00B5M3FQ25 GB00B0WDH832 GB00B3Q8YX99 GB00B83R7687 GB00B7V78Q03 GB00B7V77X05 GB00B7V79R84 GB00B7V78Y86 GB00B06T9362 GB00B1FRQV53 GB00B82ZGC20 GB0031383515 GB00B83YTF22 GB00B8NC2Z78 GB00B4N1GS74 GB00B5V1QG43 LU0727491382 LU1070051708 LU1049765818 GB00BRKD9W23 GB00B6ZRLF91 GB00B88MN829 GB00B7T34843 GB00B8HWD272 GB00B7JBSW09 GB00B84QFC61 GB00B820T519 GB00B8KLDR64 GB00B85L1G65 GB00B8JY5364 GB00B8BMB189 GB00BNGNDL53 GB00BNGNDK47 GB00BNGNDH18 GB00BNGNDG01 GB00BNGNDJ32 GB00BNGNDF93 GB00B2PLJM64 GB00B2PLJD73 GB00B6WFCS60 GB00B6WFCR53 GB00BW9HL132 GB00B56FW078 GB00B2PLJP95




Artemis Global Income -U Artemis Global Select -U Artemis High Income -U Artemis Income -U Artemis Monthly Distribution -U Artemis Pan European Absolute Return Hdg GBP -U Artemis Strategic Assets -U Artemis Strategic Bond Q -U Artemis UK Select -U Artemis UK Smaller Companies -U Artemis UK Special Situations -U Artemis US Absolute Return (HDG) -U Artemis US Equity -U Artemis US Extended Alpha -U Artemis US Select -U Artemis US Smaller Companies -U AHFM Defined Returns -U Aviva Investors Corporate Bond -U Aviva Investors Distribution -U Aviva Investors European Equity -U Aviva Investors Global Equity Income -U Aviva Investors High Yield Bond -U Aviva Investors Higher Income Plus -U Aviva Investors International Index Tracking -U Aviva Investors Managed High Income -U Aviva Investors Monthly Income Plus -U Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund I -U Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund II -U Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund III -U Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund IV -U Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund V -U Aviva Investors Multi-Manager 20-60% Shares -U Aviva Investors Multi-Manager 40-85% Shares -U Aviva Investors Multi-Manager Flexible -U Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Income -U Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Return -U Aviva Investors Property Trust -U Aviva Investors UK Equity Income -U Aviva Investors UK Equity -U Aviva Investors UK Growth -U Aviva Investors UK Index Tracking -U Aviva Investors UK Opportunities -U Aviva Investors UK Smaller Companies -U Aviva Investors Global Convertibles (Hedged) -U AXA Defensive Distribution -U AXA Distribution -U AXA Ethical Distribution -U AXA Framlington American Growth -U AXA Framlington Biotech -U AXA Framlington Blue Chip Equity Income -U AXA Framlington Emerging Markets -U AXA Framlington European -U AXA Framlington Financial -U AXA Framlington Global Opportunities -U AXA Framlington Global Technology -U AXA Framlington Health -U AXA Framlington Japan -U AXA Framlington Managed Balanced -U AXA Framlington Managed Income -U AXA Framlington Monthly Income -U AXA Framlington UK Growth -U

GB00B5ZX1M70 GB00B568S201 GB00B5V44M59 GB00B2PLJH12 GB00B75F9Z67 GB00BMMV4J16 GB00B3VDD431 GB00B2PLJR10 GB00B2PLJG05 GB00B2PLJL57 GB00B2PLJQ03 GB00BMMV5N27 GB00BMMV4S07 GB00BMMV5G59 GB00BMMV5105 GB00BMMV5766 IE00BFLR2202 GB0004462957 GB0030442320 GB0004461322 GB0030442098 GB00B3CGJJ86 GB0008531302 GB00B2NRNX53 GB0004463039 GB00B7RBPT80 GB00B70FJQ29 GB00B7JRQQ84 GB00B581Z480 GB00B72W9168 GB00B7FM5934 GB00B1N94W01 GB00B1N94Q41 GB00B1N95279 GB00BQSBPF62 GB00BMJ6DT26 GB00B7RBQK62 GB00B6R51K64 GB0004460357 GB0004460571 GB00B8XCGM21 GB0030944648 GB0004462171 LU0880135149 GB0005409379 GB0006160104 GB0005409262 GB00B5LXGG05 GB00B784NS11 GB00B7KBNV36 GB00B4490M25 GB00B7G8XW93 GB00B5BHKC62 GB00B7MMKJ14 GB00B4W52V57 GB00B6WZJX05 GB00B7FSWP64 GB00B7MMHK16 GB00B6RPX228 GB00B7MMK809 GB00B51R1233




AXA Framlington UK Mid Cap -U AXA Framlington UK Select Opportunities -U AXA Framlington UK Smaller Companies -U AXA Global Distribution -U AXA Global High Income -U AXA Pan European High Yield Bond -U AXA Sterling Corporate Bond -U AXA Sterling Credit Short Duration Bond -U AXA Sterling Index Linked Bond -U AXA Sterling Strategic Bond -U Baillie Gifford Active Gilt Plus -U Baillie Gifford American -U Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies -U Baillie Gifford Cash -U Baillie Gifford Corporate Bond -U Baillie Gifford Developed Asia Pacific -U Baillie Gifford Emerging Markets Growth -U Baillie Gifford European -U Baillie Gifford Global Discovery -U Baillie Gifford Global Income Growth -U Baillie Gifford High Yield Bond -U Baillie Gifford International -U Baillie Gifford Investment Grade Bond -U Baillie Gifford Japanese Smaller Companies -U Baillie Gifford Japanese -U Baillie Gifford Managed -U Baillie Gifford Pacific -U Baillie Gifford UK Equity Alpha -U Barclays Wealth Global Markets 1 -U Barclays Wealth Global Markets 2 -U Barclays Wealth Global Markets 3 -U Barclays Wealth Global Markets 4 -U Barclays Wealth Global Markets 5 -U Baring Eastern Europe -U Baring Dynamic Capital Growth -U Baring Eastern Trust -U Baring Emerging Markets -U Baring Europe Select Trust -U Baring European Growth Trust -U Baring German Growth Trust -U Baring Global Agriculture -U Baring Global Growth Trust -U Baring Japan Growth Trust -U Baring Korea Trust -U Baring Multi Asset Income -U Baring Multi Asset -U Baring Strategic Bond -U Baring UK Growth Trust -U Baring Asean Frontiers -U Baring Eastern Europe Baring Frontier Markets -U Baring Global Resources -U BlackRock GF European Equity Income GBP Hdg -U BlackRock SF Fixed Income Strategies GBP Hdg -U BlackRock SF Managed Index Portfolio Defensive GBP Hdg -U BlackRock SF Managed Index Portfolio Growth GBP Hdg -U BlackRock SF Managed Index Portfolio Moderate GBP Hdg -U BlackRock 100 UK Equity Tracker -U BlackRock Absolute Return Bond -U BlackRock Asia Special Situations -U BlackRock Asia -U

GB00B64W4Q70 GB00B7FD4C20 GB00B7MMLM18 GB0008309063 GB00B29NGF01 GB00B4T5HR93 GB00B0T9V714 GB00B5VLK178 GB00B02Y6C39 GB00B02Y6M37 GB0005770762 GB0006061963 GB0005931356 GB00B17Q7952 GB0005947857 GB0030492044 GB0006020647 GB0006058258 GB0006059330 GB0005772479 GB0030816713 GB0005941272 GB0030816481 GB0006014921 GB0006011133 GB0006010168 GB0006063233 GB0005858195 GB00B55LZH47 GB00B510V991 GB00B4Z0MR31 GB00B4ZFH287 GB00B4YPY060 IE00BZ2GS623 GB00B9M3RS62 GB00B9M3QP66 GB0004513072 GB00B7NB1W76 GB00B8DDXV30 GB00B9M3QX41 GB00B3B9VD63 GB00B8DF2345 GB00B9M3QZ64 GB00B9M3RQ49 GB00BWY4XM45 GB00B3VBCB75 GB00B8DF1J32 GB00B8DFR516 IE00B3BC5W20 IE00B4VQT291 IE00B8TS4Q42 IE00B4V6GM81 LU0949170855 LU1117534401 LU1191062733 LU1191063897 LU1191063202 GB00B7W4GQ69 GB00B618DS31 GB00BJGZZ065 GB00B7VS8S56




BlackRock Balanced Growth Portfolio -U2 BlackRock Cash -U BlackRock Consensus 100 -U BlackRock Consensus 35 -U BlackRock Consensus 60 -U BlackRock Consensus 70 -U BlackRock Consensus 85 -U BlackRock Continental European Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock Continental European Income -U BlackRock Continental European -U BlackRock Corporate Bond 1-10 Yr BlackRock Corporate Bond Tracker -U2 BlackRock Corporate Bond -U2 BlackRock Dynamic Diversified Growth -U BlackRock Emerging Markets Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock Emerging Markets -U BlackRock European Absolute Alpha -U BlackRock European Dynamic -U BlackRock Fixed Income Global Opportunities -U BlackRock Global Equity -U BlackRock Global Income -U BlackRock Global Multi Asset Income -U2 BlackRock Global Property Securities Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock Gold & General -U BlackRock Index Linked Gilt Tracker -U BlackRock Japan Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock Natural Resources Growth & Income -U BlackRock North American Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock Overseas Corporate Bond Tracker -U2 BlackRock Overseas Government Bond Tracker -U2 BlackRock Pacific ex Japan Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock UK Absolute Alpha -U2 BlackRock UK Equity Tracker -U2 BlackRock UK Gilts All Stocks Tracker -U2 BlackRock UK Income -U2 BlackRock UK Smaller Companies -U2 BlackRock UK Special Situations -U2 BlackRock UK -U2 BlackRock US Dynamic -U BlackRock US Opportunities -U Pyrford Global Total Return (Sterling) -U BNY Mellon Long-Term Global Equity -U Newton Global Emerging Markets -U Newton International Bond -U The Boston Company US Opportunities -U Brown Advisory US Equity Value -U Carmignac Portfolio Commodities GBP Hgd -U Carmignac Portfolio Commodities -U Carmignac Portfolio Emergents GBP Hgd -U Carmignac Portfolio Emergents -U Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Discovery -U Carmignac Portfolio Euro Entrepreneurs GBP Hgd -U Carmignac Portfolio Euro Patrimoine GBP Hgd -U Carmignac Portfolio Global Bond GBP Hgd-U Carmignac Portfolio Global Bond -U Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine GBP Hgd -U Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine -U Cavendish Asia Pacific -U Cavendish Opportunities -U Cavendish Worldwide -U CF Canlife Portfolio III -U

GB00BK1PJY07 GB00B4V7NX18 GB00B7KPX155 GB00B7W6H253 GB00B86VJL67 GB00B86MM213 GB00B8D0SR58 GB00BJL5BS14 GB00B3S9LG25 GB00B4VY9893 GB00B59NP872 GB00BJL5BV43 GB00BK1PJT53 GB00B823TT41 GB00BJL5BW59 GB00B4R9F681 GB00B4Y62W78 GB00BCZRNN30 GB00B8DCRV88 GB00B4XLYS34 GB00B3L7Q242 GB00BK1PJZ14 GB00BPFJCF57 GB00B5ZNJ896 GB00B83RVT96 GB00BJL5BZ80 GB00B6865B79 GB00BPFJD412 GB00BPFJD529 GB00BPFJD859 GB00BJL5C004 GB00BW0D7Q79 GB00BPFJDB84 GB00BPFJDD09 GB00BK1PJS47 GB00BW1YLZ63 GB00BW1YM751 GB00BK1PJP16 GB00B87XJQ69 GB00B8GMZS88 IE00BZ0CQG87 GB00B8K6W529 GB00BVRZK937 GB00B619HV72 GB00B8L14S33 IE00B0PVDC05 LU0553415323 LU0992629401 LU0992626647 LU0992626720 LU0992630086 LU0992625672 LU0992627454 LU0553413385 LU0992630839 LU0992627967 LU0992627884 GB00BC9LJW28 GB00B9F9Z985 GB00B9651860 GB00B96T7P76




CF Canlife Portfolio IV -U CF Canlife Portfolio V -U CF Canlife Portfolio VI -U CF Canlife Portfolio VII -U CF Canlife Total Return -U CF Lindsell Train UK Equity -U CF Morant Wright Japan -U CF Odey Opus -U CF Prudential Dynamic 0-30 Portfolio -U2 CF Prudential Dynamic 10-40 Portfolio -U2 CF Prudential Dynamic 20-55 Portfolio -U2 CF Prudential Dynamic 40-80 Portfolio -U2 CF Prudential Dynamic 60-100 Portfolio -U2 CF Prudential Dynamic Focused 0-30 -U2 CF Prudential Dynamic Focused 10 - 40 Portfolio -U CF Prudential Dynamic Focused 40 - 80 Portfolio -U CF Prudential Dynamic Focused 60 - 100 Portfolio -U CF Woodford Equity Income -U Elite CAM Balanced Discretionary Portfolio -U Elite CAM Cautious Discretionary Portfolio -U CFIC Oriel UK -U City Financial Absolute Equity -U City Financial Multi Asset Balanced -U City Financial Multi Asset Diversified -U City Financial Multi Asset Dynamic -U City Financial Wealth -U IWI Oriel UK -U Close Balanced Portfolio -U Close Bond Income Portfolio -U Close Conservative Portfolio -U Close Diversified Income Portfolio -U Close Growth Portfolio -U Coram Global Balanced -U Coram Global Defensive -U Coram Global Opportunities -U Dodge & Cox US Stock -U Dimensional Emerging Markets Core Equity -U Dimensional Global Short Dated Bond -U Dimensional International Core Equity -U Dimensional International Value -U Dimensional United Kingdom Core Equity -U Dimensional United Kingdom Small Companies -U Dimensional United Kingdom Value -U Dimensional Emerging Markets Targeted Value -U Dimensional Emerging Markets Value -U Dimensional European Small Companies -U Dimensional European Value -U Dimensional Global Core Equity -U Dimensional Global Short Fixed Income -U Dimensional Global Short -Term Investment Grade Fixed Income -U Dimensional Global Small Companies - U Dimensional Global Sustainability Core Equity -U Dimensional Global Targeted Value -U Dimensional Global Ultra Short Fixed Income -U Dimensional Pacific Basin Small Companies -U Dimensional Sterling Inflation Linked Interim Duration Fixed Income -U Dimensional US Small Companies -U Dimensional World Allocation 40/60 -U Dimensional World Allocation 60/40 -U Dimensional World Equity -U TB Doherty Active Managed -U

GB00B976VR77 GB00B9BQJ249 GB00B9BQBN99 GB00B76WGJ99 GB00B8B6XC56 GB00B18B9X76 GB0033010124 GB00B54RK123 GB00BF232388 GB00BF232503 GB00BF232727 GB00BF232941 GB00BF232C79 GB00BF232F01 GB00BVYTZX71 GB00BVYV0275 GB00BVYV0721 GB00BLRZQC88 GB00B64HMB35 GB00B65MCF19 GB00B05MF837 GB00B2PX1C62 GB00B89R1H14 GB00BDZTGM60 GB00BH4TWG19 IE00B74TPB72 GB00B5839S67 GB00B7KDKJ66 GB00B7V89J33 GB00B82P0081 GB00B5N0YZ48 GB00B7F1W221 IE00BRJL4C27 IE00BRJL4K01 IE00BRJL4X30 IE00B50M4X14 GB0033772624 GB0033772848 GB00B23YLH62 GB0033772285 GB00B15JMH94 GB0033771980 GB0033771766 IE00B1W6DR00 IE00B0HCGX34 IE00B0701870 IE00B1W6CY02 IE00B2PC0484 IE00B0701G54 IE00BFG1R551 IE00B67QQ264 IE00B7YBX086 IE00B2PC0930 IE00B64G4925 IE00B0701D24 IE00B3PVQJ91 IE00B0701B00 IE00B56FVB15 IE00B416SD35 IE00B3Z8MM50 GB00B92M1L47




TB Doherty Balanced Managed -U TB Doherty Cautious Managed -U TB Doherty Distribution -U Dominion Global Trends Luxury Consumer -U CF Eclectica Absolute Macro -U CF Eclectica Agriculture -U EdenTree Amity European -U EdenTree Amity International -U EdenTree Amity Sterling Bond -U EdenTree Amity UK -U EdenTree Higher Income -U EdenTree UK Equity Growth -U F&C Corporate Bond -U F&C Emerging Markets -U F&C European Growth and Income -U F&C European Small Cap Ex UK -U F&C Extra Income Bond -U F&C FTSE All-Share Tracker -U F&C Global Bond F&C Global Equity Market Neutral -U F&C Global Real Estate Securities -U F&C Global Thematic Opportunities -U F&C High Income F&C Managed Growth -U F&C Maximum Income Bond -U F&C MM Lifestyle Balanced-U F&C MM Lifestyle Cautious -U F&C MM Lifestyle Defensive -U F&C MM Lifestyle Foundation F&C MM Lifestyle Growth -U F&C MM Navigator Boutiques -U F&C MM Navigator Distribution -U F&C MM Navigator Moderate -U F&C MM Navigator Progressive -U F&C MM Navigator Select -U F&C North American -U F&C Pacific Growth -U F&C Property Growth & Income -U F&C Responsible Global Equity -U F&C Responsible Sterling Bond -U F&C Responsible UK Equity Growth -U F&C Responsible UK Equity Income -U F&C Strategic Bond -U F&C UK Alpha -U F&C UK Equity Income -U F&C UK Property Feeder -U F&C UK Smaller Companies -U F&C US Smaller Companies -U Fidelity Allocator World -U Fidelity American Special Situations -U Fidelity American -U Fidelity Asia Pacific Opportunities -U Fidelity Asia -U Fidelity Asian Dividend -U Fidelity China Consumer -U Fidelity Emerging Asia -U Fidelity Emerging Europe Middle East + Africa -U Fidelity Emerging Markets -U Fidelity Enhanced Income -U Fidelity European Opportunities -U Fidelity European -U

GB00B92M7160 GB00B92M8572 GB00BYQ06472 MT7000004073 GB00B3B1N814 GB00B3B02F88 GB0008448333 GB0008449075 GB00B2PF8D20 GB0009371757 GB0009449710 GB0008446063 GB00B77G9791 GB00B5463542 GB00B4Q7SF31 GB00BVVB7L88 GB00B783SR26 GB0033138131 GB0033138685 GB00BY7S9L81 GB00BJ05NG47 GB00BYZ62V52 GB0003460507 GB00BYZ62Y83 GB00B8191314 GB00B7S6RS52 GB00B7MXZP57 GB00B83XVS65 GB00BG5GMB95 GB00B8987430 GB00B80L5H04 GB00B80KXN90 GB00B80KPZ54 GB00B80KKL63 GB00B80L3W15 GB0030281512 GB00B23SF324 GB00BQWJ8687 GB0033145045 GB00B4RB3Z95 GB0033396481 GB00B4NKFT88 GB00B80KFS89 GB0008464314 GB00B7TFC979 GB00BWZMHM55 GB0005843882 GB00B7YDFB99 GB00B9777B62 GB00B89ST706 GB00B8GPC429 GB00BQ1SWL90 GB00B6Y7NF43 GB00B8W5LX86 GB00B6WFC868 GB00B4Q7B107 GB00B818K645 GB00B9SMK778 GB00B7W94N47 GB00B8287518 GB00BFRT3504




Fidelity Global Dividend -U Fidelity Global Enhanced Income -U Fidelity Global Focus -U Fidelity Global Property -U Fidelity Global Special Situations -U Fidelity Index Emerging Markets -U Fidelity Index Europe Ex UK -U Fidelity Index Japan -U Fidelity Index Pacific ex Japan -U Fidelity Index UK -U Fidelity Index US -U Fidelity Index World -U Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies -U Fidelity Japan -U Fidelity MoneyBuilder Dividend -U Fidelity MoneyBuilder Global Fidelity MoneyBuilder Growth -U Fidelity Multi Asset Adventurous -U Fidelity Multi Asset Allocator Adventurous -U Fidelity Multi Asset Allocator Defensive -U Fidelity Multi Asset Allocator Growth -U Fidelity Multi Asset Allocator Strategic -U Fidelity Multi Asset Balanced Income -U Fidelity Multi Asset Defensive -U Fidelity Multi Asset Growth -U Fidelity Multi Asset Income & Growth -U Fidelity Multi Asset Income -U   Fidelity Multi Asset Open Adventurous -U Fidelity Multi Asset Open Defensive -U Fidelity Multi Asset Open Growth -U Fidelity Multi Asset Open Strategic -U Fidelity Multi Asset Strategic -U Fidelity Open World -U Fidelity Special Situations -U Fidelity UK Growth -U Fidelity UK Select -U Fidelity UK Smaller Companies -U Fidelity WealthBuilder -U Fidelity Extra Income -U Fidelity Global High Yield -U Fidelity MoneyBuilder Balanced -U Fidelity MoneyBuilder Income Reduced Duration -U Fidelity MoneyBuilder Income -U Fidelity Strategic Bond -U Fidelity Global Inflation Linked Bond -U Fidelity International China Focus -U Fidelity International Global Focus -U Fidelity International India Focus -U Fidelity Latin America First State Asia Focus -U First State Asian Property Securities -U First State Emerging Markets Bond -U First State Global Agribusiness -U First State Global Listed Infrastructure -U First State Global Property Securities -U First State Global Resources -U First State Greater China Growth First State Greater China Growth -U Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders -U Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Leaders -U Stewart Investors Worldwide Equity -U

GB00B7GJPN73 GB00BD1NLL62 GB00B3RDH349 GB00B7K2NZ09 GB00B8HT7153 GB00BLT1YT76 GB00BLT1YQ46 GB00BLT1YR52 GB00BLT1YS69 GB00BLT1YM08 GB00BLT1YN15 GB00BLT1YP39 GB00B73VMD59 GB00B882N041 GB00B3LNGT95 GB0003363297 GB00B6840Q15 GB00B8P4GX70 GB00B893BN59 GB00B9C3H088 GB00B9C3GS90 GB00B99P9349 GB00BFPC0949 GB00B3W9Q419 GB00B3YF1Z39 GB00BFPC0D88 GB00BGFBMY77 GB00B97CCC73 GB00B97BG009 GB00B83G9L40 GB00B7LZXD60 GB00B3WFXL57 GB00B974J663 GB00B88V3X40 GB00B848C326 GB00BFRT3942 GB00B7VNMB18 GB00B8HWDF03 GB00BFRT3728 GB00B7J7VT61 GB00BYRPGV84 GB00B6SNZN07 GB00B6ZX7B59 GB00B05NC964 LU0393653919 LU0457959939 LU1033663219 LU0457960192 LU0251125042 GB00BWNGXJ86 GB00B1F76J34 GB00B6R3H571 GB00B3CR0549 GB00B24HJL45 GB00B1F76N79 GB0033737767 GB0033874107 GB0033874321 GB0033874768 GB0033874545 GB00B4KJBJ07




Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders -U Stewart Investors Worldwide Sustainability -U FP Multi-Asset DRP III -U FP Multi-Asset DRP IV -U FP Multi-Asset DRP V -U FP Multi-Asset DRP VI -U FP Multi-Asset DRP VII -U FP Multi-Asset DRP VIII -U FP Apollo Multi Asset Adventurous -U FP Apollo Multi Asset Balanced -U FP Apollo Multi Asset Cautious -U FP Argonaut European Alpha FP Argonaut European Enhanced Income FP Argonaut European Income FP CRUX European Special Situations -U FP Frontier MAP Balanced -U FP Miton Income -U FP Russell Defensive Assets -U FP Russell International Growth Assets -U FP Russell Multi Asset Growth Fund I -U FP Russell Multi Asset Growth Fund II -U FP Russell Multi Asset Growth Fund III -U FP Russell Multi Asset Growth Fund IV-U FP Russell Multi Asset Growth Fund V -U FP Russell Real Assets -U FP Russell UK Growth Assets -U FP Tatton Oak Advanced -U FP Tatton Oak Capital Growth -U FP Tatton Oak Cautious Growth -U FP Tatton Oak Distribution -U FP Verbatim Portfolio 3 -U FP Verbatim Portfolio 4 -U FP Verbatim Portfolio 5 Growth -U FP Verbatim Portfolio 5 Income -U FP Verbatim Portfolio 6 -U FP Verbatim Portfolio 7 -U FP WHEB Sustainability -U Franklin Diversified Income - U Franklin European Opportunities -U Franklin Mutual Shares -U Franklin UK Equity Income -U Franklin UK Managers Focus -U Franklin UK Mid Cap -U Franklin UK Opportunities -U Franklin UK Rising Dividends -U Franklin UK Smaller Companies -U Franklin US Opportunities -U Templeton Global Emerging Markets -U Templeton Global Total Return Bond (HEDGED) -U Templeton Global Total Return Bond -U Templeton Growth -U Templeton Global Bond (Hedged) SICAV -U Templeton Global Bond (Un-hedged) SICAV -U Fulcrum Alternative Beta Plus Daily (GBP) SICAV Fulcrum Commodity FP Russell Multi Asset Income -U Fundsmith Equity -U GAM North American Growth -U GAM Star Balanced -U GAM Star Cautious -U GAM Star Credit Opportunities -U

GB0030978729 GB00B7W30613 GB00B3QJYR62 GB00BH7YBJ94 GB00B68SQX20 GB00BH7YBL17 GB00B67R3280 GB00B3QS0T78 GB00B67BB375 GB00B4T7ZR16 GB00B4TDQD29 GB00B4ZRCD05 GB00B7M3XX95 GB00B71CZG49 GB00BTJRQ064 GB00B51J2488 GB00B29LZ803 GB00B4L7KL81 GB00B4KHXP47 GB00BYXJKN47 GB00BYXJKQ77 GB00B7W5QJ24 GB00BYXJKS91 GB00BYXJKV21 GB00B4KQS127 GB00B4L1FT37 GB00B63B9H15 GB00B63B9K44 GB00B63B9M67 GB00B7FN2Q25 GB00B3PSD118 GB00B3P42N43 GB00B3P2HB11 GB00B3P1DM13 GB00B3MPJG29 GB00B3PVM139 GB00B8HPRW47 GB00BKS8SK13 GB00B7JBJ503 GB00B768TX26 GB00B7MKLS14 GB00B7MPWT49 GB00B8K8HH50 GB00B76GK996 GB00B5MJ5601 GB00B7FFF708 GB00B7KCG406 GB00B7MZ0J00 GB00BKT0HX25 GB00BBM4VB49 GB00B7K6LK38 LU0768359340 LU0768361676 LU0415204774 LU0746019529 GB00B8GWKL49 GB00B41YBW71 GB00B6TTG122 IE00B56X5F76 IE00B7XD3T46 IE00B510J173




GAM Star Defensive -U2 GAM Star Global Equity -U2 GAM Star Growth -U TB Garraway UK Equity Market -U GS Growth & Emerging Markets Broad Equity Portfolio -U GS India Equity Portfolio -U GS Japan Portfolio -U GS Wealthbuilder Multi-Asset Balanced Portfolio -U GS Wealthbuilder Multi-Asset Conservative Portfolio -U GS Wealthbuilder Multi-Asset Growth Portfolio -U Guinness Global Energy -U Guinness Global Equity Income -U GVQ UK Focus -U FP 8AM Multi-Strategy Portfolio II Henderson All Stocks Credit -U Henderson Asia Pacific Capital Growth -U Henderson Asian Dividend Income Unit Trust -U Henderson Cautious Managed -U Henderson China Opportunities -U Henderson Core 3 Income -U Henderson Core 4 Income -U Henderson Core 5 Income -U Henderson Core 6 Income & Growth -U Henderson Emerging Markets Opportunities -U Henderson European Absolute Return -U Henderson European Focus -U Henderson European Growth -U Henderson European Selected Opportunities -U Henderson European Smaller Companies -U Henderson Fixed Interest Monthly Income -U Henderson Global Care Growth -U Henderson Global Care UK Income -U Henderson Global Equity Income -U Henderson Global Financials -U Henderson Global Growth -U Henderson Global Technology -U Henderson Index Linked Bond -U Henderson Institutional Cash -U Henderson Institutional Global Care Managed -U Henderson Institutional Japan Enhanced Equity -U Henderson Institutional Long Dated Gilt - U Henderson Institutional North America Enhanced Equity -U Henderson Institutional Overseas Bond -U Henderson Institutional UK Gilt -U Henderson Japan Opportunities -U Henderson Long Dated Credit -U Henderson Money Market Henderson Multi Manager Absolute Return -U Henderson Multi-Manager Active -U Henderson Multi-Manager Distribution -U Henderson Multi-Manager Diversified -U Henderson Multi-Manager Global Select -U Henderson Multi-Manager Income & Growth -U Henderson Multi-Manager Managed - U Henderson Preference & Bond -U Henderson Sterling Bond -U Henderson Strategic Bond -U Henderson UK & Irish Smaller Companies -U Henderson UK Absolute Return -U Henderson UK Alpha -U Henderson UK Equity Income + Growth -U

IE00B7YJD685 IE00B8379398 IE00B8NCRJ66 GB00B6RPQL25 LU0858288516 LU0858290173 LU0858289597 LU1057462530 LU1057461300 LU1057463777 IE00B6XV0016 IE00B7LM5753 IE0033377494 GB00B1Z8MN25 GB00B03TNJ36 GB0007681603 GB00B62SGY92 GB00B6ZHN203 GB00B5T7PM36 GB00B8289886 GB00B9DFQH34 GB00B8J9W526 GB00B96RS580 GB00B87M3G18 GB00B3CPX375 GB00B54J0L85 GB0030617699 GB0032473653 GB0007476426 GB00BXVMC989 GB00B71DPP64 GB0005030373 GB00BFDTFV49 GB0031919235 GB00B68SFJ13 GB0007716078 GB00B03TPN12 GB0004228531 GB00B4LMJ388 GB00B0LZBB16 GB00B03TNW62 GB00B00K2Z88 GB00B03TPH51 GB00B03TPB99 GB0007685026 GB0007475675 GB0004440516 GB00B8113P38 GB00B83VFR76 GB00B87K9900 GB00BHB1YY26 GB00B8B6NJ28 GB00BFDTFW55 GB00B7JZZK97 GB00B03TNZ93 GB00B8GJGW07 GB00B03TP539 GB00BQ8NSN19 GB00B5KKCX12 GB0030956832 GB0007494221




Henderson UK Index -U Henderson UK Property OEIC-U Henderson UK Smaller Companies -U Henderson UK Strategic Income Henderson UK Tracker Henderson US Growth -U Henderson World Select -U HC Sequel Balanced Target Return Strategy -U HC Sequel Cautious Target Return Strategy -U HC Sequel Global Opportunities HC Sequel Growth Target Return -U HC Sequel Monthly Income -U HSBC American Index -U HSBC Asian Growth -U HSBC Balanced -U HSBC Chinese Equity -U HSBC Corporate Bond -U HSBC European Growth -U HSBC European Index -U HSBC FTSE 100 Index -U HSBC FTSE 250 Index -U HSBC FTSE All-Share Index -U HSBC Gilt & Fixed Interest -U HSBC Global Strategy Balanced Portfolio -U HSBC Global Strategy Cautious Portfolio -U HSBC Global Strategy Dynamic Portfolio -U HSBC Income -U HSBC Japan Index -U HSBC Monthly Income -U HSBC Open Global Distribution -U HSBC Open Global Property -U HSBC Open Global Return -U HSBC Pacific Index -U HSBC UK Freestyle -U HSBC UK Gilt Index -U HSBC UK Growth & Income -U HSBC GIF Brazil Equity -U HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Equity -U HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Local Debt -U HSBC GIF Global Macro (HEDGED) SICAV HSBC GIF Indian Equity -U HSBC GIF Latin American Equity -U HSBC GIF Russia Equity -U IFSL AMR Diversified Portoflio -U IFSL Brooks Macdonald Balanced -U IFSL Brooks Macdonald Cautious Growth -U IFSL Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital -U IFSL Brooks Macdonald Defensive Income -U IFSL Brooks Macdonald Strategic Growth -U IFSL Sinfonia Adventurous Growth -U IFSL Sinfonia Balanced Managed -U IFSL Sinfonia Cautious Managed -U IFSL Sinfonia Income + Growth -U IFSL Sinfonia Income -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Aggressive Growth Portfolio -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Conservative Portolio -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Defensive Portfolio -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Growth Portfolio -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Income and Growth Portfolio -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Income Portfolio -U IFSL Tilney Bestinvest Maximum Growth Portfolio -U

GB0032898842 GB00BP46GF57 GB0007447625 GB00B19FM846 GB0032898404 GB00B3B4JF96 GB0007692485 GB00BBDRQW82 GB00BBDRQK60 GB00B1DCMJ29 GB00BBDRR691 GB00BMNQP818 GB00B80QG615 GB00BYNBTJ93 GB00BG0R5293 GB00BYNBTL16 GB00B85KC152 GB00B6Q95412 GB00B80QGH28 GB00B80QFR50 GB00B80QG052 GB00B80QFX11 GB00B8BFCR07 GB00B76WP695 GB00B84DV184 GB00B849DT80 GB00B8FJ1598 GB00B80QGN87 GB00B80H8680 GB00B7JK0545 GB00B84L7Q94 GB00B5KNJT59 GB00B80QGT40 GB00B0666K31 GB00B80QG383 GB00B715G377 LU0854281366 LU0854286837 LU0854287215 LU0505316199 LU0854289005 LU0854289930 LU0854290607 GB00BYT0NG52 GB00B054QF32 GB00B5T81S44 GB00B61MR835 GB00B054QL91 GB00BDX8Y871 GB00B2R2YS84 GB00B2R2YJ93 GB00B2R2Y002 GB00B2R2XR03 GB00B2R2XH05 GB00BFPBZS53 GB00BRKFJK66 GB00BFPBZL84 GB00BFPBZ636 GB00BFPBZ073 GB00BFPBZD01 GB00BRKFJM80




Ignis Absolute Return Government Bond -U Absolute Insight (W) -U Absolute Insight Emerging Market Debt -U Insight Corporate Bond -U Insight Equity Income Booster -U Insight Equity Income -U Insight Global Absolute Return -U Insight Global Multi-Strategy -U Insight Global Select Bond -U Insight Inflation-Linked Corporate Bond -U Invesco Perpetual Asian Equity Income -U Invesco Perpetual Asian -U Invesco Perpetual Balanced Risk 10 -U Invesco Perpetual Balanced Risk 6 -U Invesco Perpetual Balanced Risk 8 -U Invesco Perpetual Childrens -U Invesco Perpetual Corporate Bond -U Invesco Perpetual Distribution -U Invesco Perpetual Emerging European -U Invesco Perpetual Emerging European -U2 Invesco Perpetual European Equity Income -U2 Invesco Perpetual European Equity -U2 Invesco Perpetual European Opportunities -U2 Invesco Perpetual European Smaller Companies -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Bond -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Distribution -U Invesco Perpetual Global Emerging Markets -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Equity Income -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Equity -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Financial Capital -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Opportunities -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Smaller Companies -U2 Invesco Perpetual Global Targeted Returns -U2 Invesco Perpetual High Income -U2 Invesco Perpetual High Yield -U2 Invesco Perpetual Hong Kong and China -U2 Invesco Perpetual Income and Growth -U2 Invesco Perpetual Income -U2 Invesco Perpetual Japan -U2 Invesco Perpetual Japanese Smaller Companies -U2 Invesco Perpetual Latin American -U2 Invesco Perpetual Managed Growth -U2 Invesco Perpetual Managed Income -U2 Invesco Perpetual Money -U Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus -U2 Invesco Perpetual Pacific -U2 Invesco Perpetual Tactical Bond -U2 Invesco Perpetual UK Focus -U2 Invesco Perpetual UK Growth -U2 Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Equity -U2 Invesco Perpetual UK Strategic Income -U2 Invesco Perpetual US Equity -U2 Investec American -U Investec Asia ex-Japan -U Investec Cautious Managed -U Investec Diversified Growth -U Investec Diversified Income -U Investec Emerging Markets Blended Debt -U Investec Emerging Markets Equity -U Investec Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt -U Investec Enhanced Natural Resources -U

LU0866993461 GB00B89QJK70 IE00B2QV6Q84 GB00B8KDLX41 GB00B8SFP070 GB00B8K9KC42 GB00B83VQG35 GB00B84QL393 GB00B7ZBBW57 GB00B8HY5051 GB00B8N44S01 GB00B8N44Q86 GB00B8N44H95 GB00B8N44F71 GB00B8N44G88 GB00B8N46K64 GB00B8N44Z77 GB00B8N45329 GB00B8N46954 GB00BH04FT84 GB00BJ04G289 GB00BJ04FY38 GB00BJ04GL73 GB00BJ04GP12 GB00BJ04GQ29 GB00BKQV1D69 GB00BJ04FP47 GB00BJ04H147 GB00BJ04GX95 GB00BJ04H709 GB00BJ04HD64 GB00BJ04HH03 GB00BJ04HL49 GB00BJ04HP86 GB00BJ04GD99 GB00BJ04HS18 GB00BJ04J077 GB00BJ04HW53 GB00BJ04J309 GB00BJ04J523 GB00BJ04JG36 GB00BJ04JL88 GB00BJ04JQ34 GB00BJ04JS57 GB00BJ04JZ25 GB00BJ04K596 GB00BJ04KC60 GB00BJ04KK45 GB00BJ04KP99 GB00BJ04KT38 GB00BJ04KY80 GB00BJ04L123 GB00B1XFJ342 GB00B1XFJD49 GB00B2Q1J816 GB00B7M0MB14 GB00B2Q1J923 GB00B8HGVH09 GB00B8HWDL62 GB00B3TB1H89 GB00B2QVX896




Investec Global Bond -U Investec Global Energy -U Investec Global Franchise -U Investec Global Gold -U Investec Global Special Situations -U Investec Global Strategic Equity -U Investec Managed Growth -U Investec Monthly High Income -U Investec Multi-Asset Protector Investec Multi-Asset Protector 2 -U Investec Strategic Bond -U Investec UK Alpha -U Investec UK Smaller Companies -U Investec UK Special Situations -U Investec UK Total Return -U JOHCM UK Dynamic -U JOHCM UK Equity Income -U JOHCM UK Opportunities -U JOHCM Asia ex Japan -U JOHCM Emerging Markets -U JOHCM Global Select -U JOHCM Japan Dividend Growth -U JOHCM UK Growth -U JPM Cautious Managed -U JPM Sterling Corporate Bond -U JPM Strategic Bond -U JPM Asia -U JPM Emerging Europe Equity - U JPM Emerging Markets -U JPM Emerging Markets Income -U JPM Europe Dynamic (ex-UK) (GBP Hgd) -U JPM Europe Dynamic (ex-UK) -U JPM Europe Smaller Companies -U JPM Europe -U JPM Global (ex UK) Bond -U JPM Global Equity Income -U JPM Global Financials -U JPM Global High Yield Bond -U JPM Global Macro Opportunities -U JPM Global Property Securities -U JPM Global Unconstrained Equity -U JPM Income -U JPM Japan C GBP Hedged -U JPM Japan -U JPM Multi Asset Income -U JPM Multi-Manager Growth -U JPM Natural Resources -U JPM Portfolio -U JPM UK Dynamic -U JPM UK Equity & Bond Income -U JPM UK Equity Core -U JPM UK Equity Growth -U JPM UK Higher Income -U JPM UK Smaller Companies -U JPM UK Strategic Equity Income -U JPM US Equity Income -U JPM US Select -U JPM US Smaller Companies -U JPM US -U JPM Emerging Markets Opportunities -U JPM Global Convertibles C (Dist) - GBP Hedged -U

GB00B01VDD57 GB00B049PC91 GB00B7VHRM91 GB00B1XFGM25 GB00B29KP103 GB00B1XFJ672 GB00B2Q1JB44 GB00B2Q1JD67 GB00B3CHD226 GB00B8FLYL21 GB00B5W2R303 GB00B7LM4J06 GB00B5NR9271 GB00B1XFJS91 GB00B79C8894 GB00BDZRJ101 GB00B8FCHK57 GB00B95HP811 IE00B3RQ2721 IE00B84FWM25 IE00B3DBRN27 IE00BKS8NS44 IE0033009345 GB00B235HC61 GB00B647K317 GB00B5YKM717 GB00B235GR40 GB00B8DLLD51 GB00B1YX4S73 GB00B5M5KY18 GB00BCV7MM92 GB00B845HL62 GB00B5SDTW07 GB00B235HP90 GB00B235J081 GB00B8DB5B19 GB00B235QL85 GB00B235QY15 GB00B4WKYF80 GB00B235R373 GB00B235QT61 GB00BJ7B5470 GB00B9Z1HQ52 GB00B235RG08 GB00B4N20M25 GB00B235R829 GB00B88MP089 GB00B7XL3656 GB00B6X9BB33 GB00B23FXM80 GB00B55QSH09 GB00B3FJQD79 GB00B235RX72 GB00B84LQR33 GB00B235SZ61 GB00B3FJQ482 GB00B2Q5DR06 GB00B8H99P30 GB00B235T429 LU0776329210 LU0397083535




JPM Income Opportunities C (Dist) - GBP Hedged -U Jupiter Absolute Return -U Jupiter Asian Income -U Jupiter Asian -U Jupiter China -U Jupiter Corporate Bond -U Jupiter Distribution -U Jupiter Ecology -U Jupiter Emerging European Opportunities -U Jupiter Enhanced Distribution -U Jupiter European Income -U Jupiter European Special Situations -U Jupiter European -U Jupiter Financial Opportunities -U Jupiter Fund of Investment Trusts -U Jupiter Global Emerging Markets -U Jupiter Global Managed -U Jupiter Growth & Income -U Jupiter High Income -U Jupiter Income Trust -U Jupiter India -U Jupiter International Financials -U Jupiter Japan Income -U Jupiter Merlin Balanced Portfolio -U Jupiter Merlin Conservative Portfolio -U Jupiter Merlin Growth Portfolio -U Jupiter Merlin Income Portfolio -U Jupiter Merlin Worldwide Portfolio -U Jupiter Monthly Income -U Jupiter North American Income -U Jupiter Responsible Income -U Jupiter Strategic Bond -U Jupiter Strategic Reserve -U Jupiter UK Alpha -U Jupiter UK Growth -U Jupiter UK Smaller Companies -U Jupiter UK Special Situations -U Kames American Equity -U Kames Diversified Growth -U Kames Ethical Cautious Managed -U Kames Ethical Corporate Bond -U Kames Ethical Equity -U Kames High Yield Bond -U Kames Investment Grade Bond -U Kames Property Income Feeder -U Kames Sterling Corporate Bond -U Kames Strategic Bond -U Kames UK Equity Absolute Return -U Kames UK Equity -U Kames UK Opportunities -U Kames UK Smaller Companies -U Kames Absolute Return Bond -U Kestrel Global Portfolio -U Kotak India Fixed Income -U Kotak India Midcap Kotak India Midcap -U L&G All Stocks Gilt Index Trust L&G All Stocks Index Linked Gilt Index Trust L&G Asian Income -U L&G Dynamic Bond Trust -U L&G Emerging Markets Government Bond (US$) Index -U

LU0323456540 GB00B6Q84T67 GB00BZ2YND85 GB00B54HB974 GB00B3ZPHC12 GB00B743QK57 GB00B52HN049 GB00B4KLC262 GB00B45MWP75 GB00BZ0PF372 GB00B6QMYW18 GB00B60WTT90 GB00B5STJW84 GB00B5LG4657 GB00B6R1VR15 GB00B4PF5918 GB00B6QMY217 GB00B6QQDN77 GB00B6531T16 GB00B5VXKR95 GB00B4TZHH95 GB00B58D9P37 GB00B5TGB445 GB00B4351D99 GB00B8GDLS36 GB00B6QGLF53 GB00B4N2L746 GB00B53LG951 GB00B4WLF922 GB00B57YXG68 GB00B40TGH32 GB00B4T6SD53 GB00B7KKF583 GB00B457WC97 GB00B54CH949 GB00B3LRRF45 GB00B4KL9F89 GB0007450553 GB00B625LX43 GB00B7V2CD05 GB00B018K352 GB0007450884 GB0031425563 GB00B141C763 GB00BK6MJG80 GB0007451635 GB00B3ZLQW29 GB00B4XS8040 GB0007451411 GB00B1N9DS91 GB00B142FS18 IE00B6SLQ646 IE00BHB1Y642 LU0996348040 LU0511423492 LU0863494935 GB0002051406 GB0034155605 GB00B409KQ03 GB00B1TWMW95 GB00B7MJV331




L&G Ethical Trust -U L&G European Index Trust -U L&G Fixed Interest Trust -U L&G Global 100 Index Trust -U L&G Global Emerging Markets Index -U L&G Global Inflation Linked Bond Index -U L&G International Index Trust -U L&G Japan Index Trust -U L&G Managed Monthly Income Trust -U L&G Multi Index Income 4 -U L&G Multi Index Income 5 -U L&G Multi Index Income 6 -U L&G Multi Manager Balanced Trust -U L&G Multi Manager Growth Trust -U L&G Multi Manager Income Trust -U L&G Multi-Index 3 - U L&G Multi-Index 4 - U L&G Multi-Index 5 - U L&G Multi-Index 6 - U L&G Multi-Index 7 - U L&G Pacific Index Trust -U L&G Short Dated Sterling Corporate Bond Index -U L&G UK 100 Index Trust -U L&G UK Alpha Trust -U L&G UK Index Trust -U L&G UK Property Feeder -U L&G US Index Trust -U Lazard Emerging Markets -U Lazard European Alpha -U Lazard European Smaller Companies -U Lazard Global Equity Income -U Lazard Managed Balanced -U Lazard Multicap UK Income -U Lazard UK Omega -U Lazard UK Smaller Companies -U Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Equity -U Legg Mason IF Brandywine Global Income Optimiser - U Legg Mason IF Clearbridge Global Equity Income - U Legg Mason IF Clearbridge US Equity - U Legg Mason IF Clearbridge US Equity Income -U Legg Mason IF Japan Equity (X Hdgd) -U Legg Mason IF Japan Equity -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie Asia Pacific -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie China -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie Emerging Markets -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie European Equity Income -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie Global Alpha -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie Global Equity Income -U Legg Mason IF Martin Currie North American -U Legg Mason IF QS Emerging Markets Equity -U Legg Mason IF Royce US Smaller Companies -U Legg Mason IF Western Asset Global Multi Strategy Bond -U Legg Mason IF Western Asset Retirement Income Bond - U Legg Mason Brandywine Global Fixed Income -U Legg Mason Brandywine Global Opportunistic Fixed Income Fund -U Legg Mason ClearBridge US Aggressive Growth -U Legg Mason Opportunity -U Legg Mason Royce US Small Cap Opportunity -U Legg Mason Western Asset Macro Opps Bond -U Lindsell Train Global Equity -U Lindsell Train Japanese Equity -U

GB00B0CNH940 GB00B0CNGR59 GB00B0CNHD88 GB00B0CNH056 GB00B4KBDL25 GB00BBHXNN27 GB00B2Q6HW61 GB00B0CNGW03 GB00B0CNHQ18 GB00BZ0RRN72 GB00BZ0RRW63 GB00BZ0RS348 GB00B8L25945 GB00B8L2B307 GB00B8L2GH97 GB00B9751744 GB00B88Y0217 GB00B8VZ3F59 GB00B95KML23 GB00B9LF0M88 GB00B0CNGY27 GB00BKGR3H21 GB00B0CNH502 GB00B28PT700 GB00B0CNGN12 GB00BK35F408 GB00B0CNGT73 GB00B24F1G74 GB00B7WP6581 GB00B88ZX473 GB00B7VB8X97 GB0031595787 GB0008470360 GB00B8HKDX21 GB00B7J7S065 IE00B5NXD345 GB00B3XX1N61 GB00B82FVZ02 GB00B8F2KD97 GB00B5KP3337 GB00B99C0657 GB00B8JYLC77 GB00BVZ6TT17 GB00BVZ6TW46 GB00BVZ6TY69 GB00BVZ6V174 GB00BVZ6V406 GB00BVZ6V737 GB00BVZ6VF19 GB00B7GH9K65 GB00B8BRMK99 GB00B8267221 GB00B5SKXV86 IE00BQ1YC284 IE00B3TC2899 IE00B19ZB102 IE00B3FHNC91 IE00B23Z8V29 IE00BHBFD929 IE00B3NS4D25 IE00B3MSSB95




Liontrust Asia Income -U Liontrust European Growth -U Liontrust Global Income -U Liontrust Macro Equity Income -U Liontrust Macro UK Growth -U Liontrust Special Situations -U Liontrust UK Growth -U Liontrust UK Smaller Companies -U M&G Asian (I) -U M&G Corporate Bond (I) -U M&G Dividend (I) -U M&G Emerging Markets Bond (I) -U M&G Episode Allocation (Share class I) -U M&G Episode Defensive -U M&G Episode Growth (I) -U M&G Episode Income (I) -U M&G Episode Macro (share class T) -U M&G European Corporate Bond (I) -U M&G European High Yield Bond (I) -U M&G European Smaller Companies (I) -U M&G Extra Income (I) -U M&G Feeder of Property Portfolio (share class I) -U M&G Gilt & Fixed Interest Income (I) -U M&G Global Basics (I) -U M&G Global Convertibles (I) -U M&G Global Corporate Bond -U M&G Global Dividend (I) -U M&G Global Emerging Markets (Share class I) -U M&G Global Floating Rate High Yield (share class I-H) -U M&G Global Government Bond (I) - U M&G Global High Yield Bond (I) -U M&G Global Leaders (I) -U M&G Global Macro Bond (I) -U M&G Global Recovery (I) -U M&G Global Select (I) -U M&G Index-Linked Bond (I) -U M&G Japan (I) -U M&G Japan Smaller Companies (I) -U M&G Managed Growth (I) -U M&G North American Dividend (I) -U M&G Optimal Income (I) -U M&G Pan European Select (I) -U M&G Recovery (I) -U M&G Short Dated Corporate Bond (I) -U M&G Smaller Companies (I) -U M&G Strategic Corporate Bond (I) -U M&G UK Inflation Linked Corporate Bond (I) -U M&G UK Select (I) -U Majedie UK Equity -U Majedie UK Income -U Man GLG American Growth -U Man GLG Continental European Growth -U Man GLG Corporate Bond -U Man GLG Japan Core Alpha -U Man GLG Strategic Bond -U Man GLG UK Income -U Man GLG Undervalued Assets -U Principal Asset Allocation -U Margetts Ardevora UK Income -U Margetts Greystone Balanced -U Margetts Greystone Cautious Managed -U

GB00B7BZB324 GB00B4ZM1M76 GB00B56S8Y21 GB00B88W5T75 GB00B7MVBY07 GB00B57H4F11 GB00B56BDS09 GB00B57TMD12 GB00B6SQYF47 GB00B1YBRL59 GB00B7BX4821 GB00B7GNKY53 GB00B73RVW51 GB00B71Q6528 GB00B5V3ZY14 GB00B4QHRP64 GB00B5LCW587 GB00B76JLK62 GB00B76MD544 GB00B7J8PS69 GB00B7C4NQ54 GB00B7SX7S61 GB00B734BY83 GB00B4WV2P70 GB00B1Z68387 GB00BBCR3G20 GB00B39R2Q25 GB00B3FFXX47 GB00BMP3SC51 GB00B7Q0Q826 GB00B4Z1M213 GB00B4Q4H572 GB00B78PJD16 GB00B6173L33 GB00B77HHZ62 GB00B6SYH932 GB00B74CQP79 GB00B7FGLY29 GB00B7K52D01 GB00B7565G26 GB00B1VMD022 GB00B5ZSNC68 GB00B4X1L373 GB00B8JXBQ82 GB00B75DFL82 GB00B7J4YT87 GB00B460GC50 GB00B6677B69 GB00B88NK732 GB00B83QP495 GB00B035JG00 GB00B0119487 GB00B0118851 GB00B0119B50 GB00BQV0MX70 GB00B0117C28 GB00BFH3NC99 IE00BMMV1N47 GB00B4RL9738 GB00B82VQ206 GB00B84ZNJ63




Margetts Greystone Conservative -U Margetts Greystone Global Growth -U Margetts International Strategy -U Margetts Providence Strategy -U Margetts Select Strategy -U Margetts Sentinel Defensive -U Margetts Sentinel Enterprise -U Margetts Sentinel Growth Portfolio -U Margetts Sentinel Income Portfolio -U Margetts Sentinel Universal -U Margetts Venture Strategy -U MGTS AFH Tactical Core -U MGTS Frontier Adventurous -U MGTS Frontier Cautious -U MGTS Future Money Dynamic Growth -U MGTS Future Money Income -U MGTS Future Money Real Growth -U MGTS Future Money Real Value -U MGTS IBOSS 1 -U MGTS IBOSS 2 -U MGTS IBOSS 4 -U MGTS IBOSS 6 -U Marlborough Balanced -U Marlborough Bond Income -U Marlborough Cautious -U Marlborough ETF Commodity -U Marlborough ETF Global Growth -U Marlborough Global Bond -U Marlborough Global -U Marlborough High Yield Fixed Interest -U Marlborough Multi Cap Income -U Marlborough Special Situations -U Marlborough UK Micro Cap Growth -U Marlborough UK Multi-Cap Growth -U MFM Slater Growth -U MFM Slater Income -U MFM Slater Recovery -U Mirabaud Global Equity High Income -U Mirabaud Global High Yield Bonds -U Mirabaud Global Strategic Bond -U CF Miton Cautious Multi Asset -U CF Miton Defensive Multi Asset -U CF Miton Multi Cap Income -U CF Miton UK Smaller Companies -U CF Miton UK Value Opportunities -U CF Miton Worldwide Opportunities -U PFS Miton Cautious Monthly Income - U PFS Momentum Factor 3 -U PFS Momentum Factor 4 -U PFS Momentum Factor 5 -U Natixis H2O MultiReturns -U Natixis Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders -U Nedgroup Investments Balanced MultiFund -U Nedgroup Investments Global Cautious -U Nedgroup Investments Global Equity -U Nedgroup Investments Global Flexible -U Nedgroup Investments Growth MultiFund -U Nedgroup Investments Income MultiFund -U Neptune Africa -U Neptune Balanced -U Neptune China -U

GB00B8FBGX88 GB00B79FLP68 GB00B8FN1Z15 GB00B4VR6328 GB00B8K0B575 GB00B7754B55 GB00B7HJSF95 GB00BZ0P5600 GB00BZ0P5485 GB00B6X78T41 GB00B6VBDR16 GB00B8KTVT88 GB00BBL4SW58 GB00BBL4ST20 GB00B8FFPK05 GB00B8KBJC34 GB00B7WPBV97 GB00B89JN484 GB00BD8R5D15 GB00BD8R5G46 GB00BD8R5J76 GB00BD8R5K81 GB00B4LXDY07 GB00B8P58897 GB00B83GXN44 GB00B84RD695 GB00B8B83G50 GB00B6ZDFJ91 GB00B84KX912 GB00B8L7D393 GB00B907VX32 GB00B907GH23 GB00B8F8YX59 GB00B8CQP956 GB00B7T0G907 GB00B905XJ71 GB00B90KTC71 LU1064860858 LU0972917131 LU0972400609 GB00B0W1V856 GB00B0525B66 GB00B41NHD71 GB00B8JWZP29 GB00B8QW1M42 GB0031831133 GB00B7T13474 GB00B40M9847 GB00B7W1TW44 GB00B7GSHR29 GB00BFNXSH36 GB00B8L3WZ29 IE00B83TLZ10 IE00BW0D8977 IE00BW0D8860 IE00BW0D8B96 IE00B8NXWC79 IE00B9BBC647 GB00B5BFM137 GB00B85K7211 GB00B5Q38588




Neptune Emerging Markets -U Neptune European Opportunities -U Neptune Global Alpha -U Neptune Global Equity -U Neptune Global Income -U Neptune Income -U Neptune India - U Neptune Japan Opportunities -U Neptune Latin America -U Neptune Russia and Greater Russia -U Neptune UK Mid Cap -U Neptune UK Opportunities -U Neptune US Income -U Neptune US Opportunities -U Newton Asian Income -U Newton Continental European -U Newton Emerging Income -U Newton Global Dynamic Bond -U Newton Global Equity -U Newton Global High Yield Bond -U Newton Global Income -U Newton Global Opportunities -U Newton Managed Income -U Newton Managed Targeted Return -U Newton Multi Asset Income -U Newton Multi-Asset Balanced -U Newton Multi-Asset Diversified Return -U Newton Multi-Asset Growth -U Newton Oriental -U Newton Real Return -U Newton UK Equity -U Newton UK Income -U Newton UK Opportunities -U Old Mutual Asia Pacific -U2 Old Mutual Bond 2 Old Mutual Cirilium Balanced Passive -U Old Mutual Cirilium Balanced -U Old Mutual Cirilium Conservative Passive-U Old Mutual Cirilium Conservative -U Old Mutual Cirilium Dynamic Passive -U Old Mutual Cirilium Dynamic -U Old Mutual Cirilium Moderate Passive -U Old Mutual Cirilium Moderate -U Old Mutual Cirilium Strategic Income -U Old Mutual Equity 1 Old Mutual Equity 2 Old Mutual Ethical -U Old Mutual European Equity (ex UK) -U2 Old Mutual Gilt -U Old Mutual Global Best Ideas -U2 Old Mutual Global Equity -U2 Old Mutual Global Property Securities -U Old Mutual Global Strategic Bond -U2 Old Mutual Gold and Silver -U2 Old Mutual Managed -U Old Mutual Monthly Income Bond -U2 Old Mutual North American Equity -U2 Old Mutual Spectrum 3 -U Old Mutual Spectrum 4 -U Old Mutual Spectrum 5 -U Old Mutual Spectrum 6 -U

GB00B8J6SV12 GB00B8LF7310 GB0031190555 GB00B8DLY478 GB00B91SJC09 GB00B8JCR452 GB00B1L6DV51 GB00B3Z0Y815 GB00B909HH53 GB00B86WB793 GB00B909H085 GB00B8L76S53 GB00B909H978 GB00B7K9LQ88 GB00B8KT3V48 GB00B4Q5KM81 GB00B8GGF462 GB00B8H50V47 GB00B8376K50 GB00B7KWF216 GB00B7S9KM94 GB00B83R9Z17 GB00B8L58J49 GB00BGJZ1S25 GB00BP851Q49 GB00B86LX253 GB00B81C8395 GB00B8454P92 GB00B8GJF672 GB00B8GG4B61 GB00B6X4W596 GB00B7M90R07 GB00B8HQWK01 GB00BHBX7M74 GB0031525990 GB00B7VWLQ60 GB00B2Q8V204 GB00B8BKRY79 GB00B6XW5B09 GB00B909QP60 GB00B2Q8TX72 GB00B8Y8NJ51 GB00B2Q8TQ06 GB00B3X3VM54 GB00B0364W40 GB0032385303 GB00B8RZ2W99 GB00BHBX7T44 GB00B7KHZ157 GB00BJ4WYJ15 GB00BHBX7W72 GB00B84XYZ39 GB00BHBX7Y96 IE00BYVJRJ19 GB00B1XG9K40 GB00BHBX8461 GB00BHBX8800 GB00B8RYMT36 GB00B83XQD69 GB00B3PF8Q23 GB00B8HHRQ45




Old Mutual Spectrum 7 -U Old Mutual Spectrum 8 -U Old Mutual UK Alpha -U Old Mutual UK Equity Income -U2 Old Mutual UK Equity -U2 Old Mutual UK Index -U Old Mutual UK Specialist Equity –U Old Mutual UK Mid Cap -U2 Old Mutual UK Opportunities -U2 Old Mutual UK Smaller Companies -U2 Old Mutual Voyager Diversified -U Old Mutual Voyager Global Dynamic Equity -U Old Mutual Voyager Strategic Bond -U Old Mutual Absolute Return Government Bond -U2 Old Mutual Asian Equity Income-U2 Old Mutual China Equity -U2 Old Mutual Emerging Market Debt -U2 Old Mutual Europe (ex UK) Smaller Companies -U2 Old Mutual European Best Ideas -U2 Old Mutual European Equity -U2 Old Mutual Global Bond -U2 Old Mutual Global Emerging Markets -U2 Old Mutual Global Equity Absolute Return -U2 Old Mutual Global Equity Income (IRL) -U Old Mutual Investment Grade Corporate Bond -U2 Old Mutual Japanese Equity (former SGF) -U2 Old Mutual Local Currency Emerging Market Debt -U2 Old Mutual Monthly Income High Yield Bond -U2 Old Mutual Pacific Equity -U2 Old Mutual Pan African -U2 Old Mutual UK Dynamic Equity -U Old Mutual US Dividend -U2 Old Mutual World Equity -U2 Optimum Enterprise -U Optimum Global Income -U Optimum High Alpha -U Optimum Strategic Income -U PFS Hawksmoor Distribution -U The Vanbrugh Fund -U PFS Thornbridge Global Opportunities -U Pictet Clean Energy -U Pictet Emerging Local Currency Debt -U Pictet Euroland Index -U Pictet Global Megatrend Selection -U Pictet High Dividend Selection -U Pictet Japan Index -U Pictet Japanese Equity Opportunities -U Pictet Pacific (Ex Japan) Index -U Pictet Premium Brands -U Pictet Timber -U Pictet USA Index -U Pictet Water -U PIMCO Global Investment Grade Credit -U PIMCO Global Real Return (GBP Hedged) -U PIMCO Select Global Bond -U PIMCO Select UK Corporate Bond -U PIMCO Select UK Income Bond -U Polar Capital Global Insurance -U Premier Defensive Growth -U Premier Ethical -U Premier Global Alpha Growth -U

GB00B8KS5L57 GB00B3PMBF36 GB00B946BX62 GB00BHBX8G89 GB00BHBX8B35 GB00B8RZSN27 IE00BYXJS852 GB00BHBX8L33 GB00BHBX8Q87 GB00BHBX8S02 GB00B83Y7L45 GB00B6SF6S87 GB00B83NTX72 IE00BYQDQ135 IE00BFWH2Y11 IE00BFWH3B58 IE00BFWH3T33 IE00BRTNQC22 IE00BFWH3043 IE00BFWH3480 IE00BFWH5B98 IE00BFWH3605 IE00BLP5SB37 IE00BYM84M99 IE00BFWH5G44 IE00BFWH3D72 IE00BFWH5N11 IE00BPBG7337 IE00BFWH3G04 IE00BPBG8301 IE00BLP59769 IE00BFWH3M63 IE00BFWH3R19 GB00B7N2N244 GB00B7N2N681 GB00B7N2NB35 GB00B7N2MY96 GB000BJ4GVL48 GB00BJ4GVQ92 GB00B5TP8W88 LU0448836949 LU0465232295 LU0859479825 LU0448837244 LU0503635897 LU0859480245 LU0700307720 LU0859480674 LU0448836519 LU0448837087 LU0859481052 LU0448836600 IE00B8GF2Y22 IE0034235527 IE00B8Y6N118 IE00B7H1QJ57 IE00B8FLDF99 IE00B5339C57 GB00B832BD89 GB00BTHH0625 GB00B6740K61




Premier Multi-Asset Conservative Growth -U Premier Multi-Asset Distribution -U Premier Multi-Asset Global Growth -U Premier Multi-Asset Growth & Income -U Premier Multi-Asset Monthly Income -U Premier Optimum Income -U Premier Pan European Property Share -U Premier UK Money Market -U Premier Corporate Bond Monthly Income -U Premier Global Utilities Income -U Premier Income -U Premier Monthly Income -U Premier UK Growth -U ConBrio UK Opportunities -U ConBrio UK Smaller Companies -U Premier Strategic High Income Bond -U Premier Liberation No IV (share class C) -U Premier Liberation No V (share class C) -U Premier Liberation No VI (share class C) -U Premier Liberation No VII (share class C) -U Premier Multi-Asset Absolute Return (C) -U Rathbone Blue Chip Income & Growth -U Rathbone Ethical Bond -U Rathbone Global Opportunities -U Rathbone Heritage -U Rathbone Income -U Rathbone Multi Asset Strategic Growth Portfolio -U (Share class S) -U Rathbone Multi Asset Total Return Portfolio (Share class S) -U Rathbone Recovery -U Rathbone Strategic Bond -U River and Mercantile UK Dynamic Equity -U River and Mercantile UK Equity High Alpha -U River and Mercantile UK Equity Income -U River and Mercantile UK Equity Smaller Companies -U Royal London Cash Plus -U Royal London Corporate Bond Monthly Income Trust Royal London Corporate Bond -U Royal London Duration Hedged Credit -U Royal London Ethical Bond -U Royal London European Growth Trust Royal London International Government Bond -U Royal London Short Duration Credit -U Royal London Short Duration Gilt -U Royal London Sterling Credit -U Royal London Sustainable Diversified Trust -U Royal London Sustainable Leaders Trust -U Royal London Sustainable World Trust -U Royal London Sutstainable Managed Growth Trust -U Royal London UK Equity Income -U Royal London UK Government Bond -U Royal London UK Growth Trust Royal London UK Income with Growth Trust Royal London US Growth Trust Royal London Sterling Extra Yield Bond -U Sandtander Atlas Income Portfolio -U Santander Atlas Portfolio 3 -U Santander Atlas Portfolio 4 -U Santander Atlas Portfolio 5-U Santander Atlas Portfolio 6 -U Santander Atlas Portfolio 7 -U Sarasin EquiSar Global Thematic -U

GB00B1J7CP79 GB00BTHH0B79 GB00B7ZTRZ49 GB00BTHH0C86 GB00BTHH0D93 GB00B3DDDX03 GB00B65PFX94 GB00BTHH0F18 GB0003895496 GB0031637738 GB0003884722 GB0003886875 GB0031639221 GB00B1XQNC41 GB00B1XQNH95 GB00B8H53V51 GB00B5N42Z23 GB00B675ST41 GB00B66WQ694 GB00B644ZN79 GB00B5PXJK10 GB00B6RRK619 GB00B77DQT14 GB00B7FQLN12 GB00B8CJW049 GB00B3Q9WG18 GB00B86QF242 GB00B8JBXD38 GB00B7FQM503 GB00B6ZS2486 GB00B7H1R583 GB00B3D79W34 GB00B3KQG447 GB00B1DSZS09 GB00B545JR59 GB0033583427 GB00B87FJ401 GB00B4K6P774 GB00B8K6PK81 GB0009537407 GB00B45XHL18 GB00BD050949 GB00BD050C73 GB00BR17BZ02 GB00B79LTQ12 GB00B7V23Z99 GB00B882H241 GB00B8H7XS88 GB00B8Y4ZB91 GB00B5VNGL57 GB0001597979 GB0001598050 GB0030038359 IE0032571485 GB00B4WX4803 GB00BD3CW185 GB00BD3CW292 GB00BD3CW300 GB00BD3CW524 GB00BD3CW417 GB00B8BPJF77




Sarasin EquiSar IIID -U Sarasin FoF Global Diversified Growth -U Sarasin FoF Global Equity -U Sarasin FoF Global Growth -U Sarasin FoF Global Strategic Growth -U Sarasin Food + Agriculture Opportunities -U Sarasin Global Higher Dividend -U Sarasin GlobalSar Strategic -U Sarasin IE Real Estate Equity Global -U Schroder Asian Alpha Plus -U2 Schroder Asian Income Maximiser -U2 Schroder Asian Income -U2 Schroder Core UK Equity -U Schroder Dynamic Multi Asset -U Schroder European Absolute Target -U Schroder European Alpha Income -U2 Schroder European Alpha Plus -U2 Schroder European Opportunities -U2 Schroder European Smaller Companies -U Schroder European -U2 Schroder Gilt & Fixed Interest Schroder Global Alpha Plus -U Schroder Global Emerging Markets -U Schroder Global Equity Income -U2 Schroder Global Healthcare -U Schroder Global Multi Asset Income -U Schroder Global Real Estate Securities Income -U2 Schroder Global Real Estate Securities -U2 Schroder Global Recovery -U2 Schroder Income Maximiser -U2 Schroder Income -U2 Schroder Managed Balanced -U2 Schroder Managed Wealth Portfolio -U Schroder Mixed Distribution -U Schroder MM Diversity Balanced -U Schroder MM Diversity Income -U Schroder MM Diversity Tactical -U Schroder MM Diversity -U Schroder MM International -U Schroder MM UK Growth -U Schroder Monthly High Income -U Schroder QEP Global Core -U Schroder QEP Global Emerging Markets -U Schroder Recovery -U2 Schroder Small Cap Discovery -U2 Schroder Strategic Bond -U2 Schroder Strategic Credit -U2 Schroder Tokyo (GBP Hedged) -U Schroder Tokyo -U2 Schroder UK Alpha Income -U2 Schroder UK Alpha Plus -U2 Schroder UK Corporate Bond -U Schroder UK Dynamic Smaller Companies -U Schroder UK Equity -U Schroder UK Mid 250 -U2 Schroder UK Opportunities -U Schroder UK Smaller Companies -U Schroder US Mid Cap -U2 Schroder US Smaller Companies - U Schroder ISF Emg Mkts Debt Abs Return (GB Hdg) -U Schroder ISF Frontier Markets Equity -U

GB00B7W4B053 GB00BQ0PZS94 GB00B7YYSB32 GB00BQ0PZB28 GB00B800YC57 GB00B77DTQ97 GB00B84ZSV39 GB00B8DPZ138 IE00B8G43R93 GB00BDD27J12 GB00BDD29D99 GB00BDD29732 GB0032312729 GB00B2Q1N560 GB00B39VWZ39 GB00B9GTQ502 GB00BDD29R36 GB00B9F4HD15 GB00B76V5M20 GB00BDD2CB80 GB0007647489 GB00B3NXKY07 GB00B76V5Q67 GB00BDD2CL88 GB00B76V7Q08 GB00BSNLR606 GB00BDD2DJ32 GB00BDD2DQ09 GB00BYRJXP30 GB00BDD2DZ99 GB00BDD2DW68 GB0002899846 GB00B84YNB54 GB00B78ST188 GB00B7K69S70 GB00B4K1MN77 GB00B602F577 GB00B60CZD52 GB00B7BY7Z33 GB00B5ZZ8006 GB00B83RDY83 GB00B5310487 GB00BNGY5232 GB00BDD2F190 GB00BDD2GN82 GB00B71PW951 GB00B11DP106 GB00B8BJDX53 GB00BDD2J739 GB00BDRZNC16 GB00BDD2JB75 GB0009379370 GB0007220360 GB00B3VQSZ80 GB00BDD2JS43 GB0007218398 GB00B76V7Z98 GB00BDD2JX95 GB00B7LDL923 LU0218201134 LU0971766711




SEI Aggressive -U SEI Balanced -U SEI Conservative -U SEI Core -U SEI Defensive -U SEI Emerging Markets Equity -U SEI European (Ex UK) Equity -U SEI Global Developed Markets Equity -U SEI Global Fixed Income -U SEI Global Opportunistic Fixed Income -U SEI Growth -U SEI Japan Equity -U SEI Moderate -U SEI Pacific Basin (Ex Japan) Equity -U SEI UK Core Fixed Interest -U SEI UK Equity -U SEI US Large Companies -U SEI US Smaller Companies -U CF Seneca Diversified Growth -U CF Seneca Diversified Income -U Rubrics India Fixed Income -U Smith + Williamson Global Gold and Resources -U Smith + Williamson UK Equity Income -U Smith + Williamson Short Dated Corporate Bond -U Somerset Emerging Markets Dividend Growth -U Somerset Global Emerging Markets -U Standard Life AAA Income -U Standard Life American Equity Unconstrained -U Standard Life Asian Pacific Growth -U Standard Life Corporate Bond -U Standard Life Dynamic Distribution -U Standard Life Ethical Corporate Bond -U Standard Life European Equity Growth -U Standard Life European Equity Income -U Standard Life European Ethical Equity -U Standard Life Global Absolute Return Strategies -U Standard Life Global Advantage -U Standard Life Global Emerging Market Equity Income -U Standard Life Global Emerging Market Equity -U Standard Life Global Equity Income -U Standard Life Global Equity Unconstrained -U Standard Life Global Index Linked Bond -U Standard Life Global Real Estate -U Standard Life Global REIT -U Standard Life Global Smaller Companies -U Standard Life Higher Income -U Standard Life Ignis UK Property Accumulation Feeder -U Standard Life Investment Grade Corporate Bond -U Standard Life Japanese Equity Growth -U Standard Life MyFolio Managed I -U Standard Life MyFolio Managed II -U Standard Life MyFolio Managed III -U Standard Life MyFolio Managed IV -U Standard Life MyFolio Managed V -U Standard Life MyFolio Market I -U Standard Life MyFolio Market II -U Standard Life MyFolio Market III -U Standard Life MyFolio Market IV -U Standard Life MyFolio Market V -U Standard Life MyFolio Multi-Manager I -U Standard Life MyFolio Multi-Manager II -U

IE00B6390G16 IE00B60CGR62 IE00B616BM72 IE00B62XK082 IE00B6145K75 IE00B3BPRB43 IE00B0689000 IE00B3BPR929 IE00B4T42J36 IE00B068B591 IE00B614TP06 IE00B0689D38 IE00B61N2T25 IE00B0689H75 IE00B068BC69 IE00B0689331 IE00B0689L12 IE00B0689P59 GB00B7FPW579 GB00B7JTF560 IE00B4NW9812 GB00B3RJHY30 GB00BJBQ2L47 IE00B43RH379 GB00B4Q07115 GB00B3KL3W60 GB00B3W48X95 GB00B7JCD629 GB00B7MZSJ60 GB00BYYR0Y84 GB00B7CMQ047 GB00B708KW45 GB00B72RVY84 GB00B7LG0W70 GB00B3B24788 GB00B7K3T226 GB00B5VBS792 GB00B8B02G41 GB00B7ZMKJ84 GB00B7FVHF03 GB00B6915J97 GB00B7C0H946 GB00B774LD38 GB00B7MR5W47 GB00B7KVX245 GB00B79RR984 GB00BYPHPB97 GB00B6TRYW36 GB00B76C7M93 GB00B62FNJ48 GB00B3RHFQ59 GB00B701F734 GB00B759VC93 GB00B7LL4310 GB00B7KSN259 GB00B41R9999 GB00B758J660 GB00B77CW014 GB00B3T5XZ20 GB00B7FMDY47 GB00B7FH4R99




Standard Life MyFolio Multi-Manager III -U Standard Life MyFolio Multi-Manager IV -U Standard Life MyFolio Multi-Manager V -U Standard Life Short Duration Credit -U Standard Life Short Duration Global Index Linked Bond -U Standard Life Strategic Bond -U Standard Life UK Equity Growth -U Standard Life UK Equity High Alpha -U Standard Life UK Equity High Income -U Standard Life UK Equity Income Unconstrained -U Standard Life UK Equity Unconstrained -U Standard Life UK Ethical Trust -U Standard Life UK Gilt -U Standard Life UK Opportunities -U Standard Life UK Property Feeder -U Standard Life UK Smaller Companies -U SVM Continental Europe -U SVM UK Growth - U SVM UK Opportunities -U SVM World Equity -U SVS Brown Shipley Sterling Bond -U SVS Cornelian Cautious -U SVS Cornelian Defensive -U SVS Cornelian Growth -U SVS Cornelian Managed Growth -U SVS Cornelian Progressive -U T. Rowe Price US Large Cap Growth Equity -U T. Rowe Price US Smaller Companies Equity -U T. Bailey Dynamic -U T. Bailey Growth -U Climate Assets -U Libero Balanced -U Libero Cautious -U TM Cartesian UK Opportunities -U TM Cerno Select -U TM Sanditon European Select-U TM Sanditon European -U TM Sanditon UK Select -U TM Sanditon UK -U TM UBS (UK) Global Balanced -U TM UBS (UK) Global Equity -U TM UBS (UK) Global Fixed Income -U TM UBS (UK) Global Growth -U TM UBS (UK) Global Yield -U TM UBS (UK) UK Balanced -U TM UBS (UK) UK Equity -U TM UBS (UK) UK Growth -U TM UBS (UK) UK Income Focus -U Threadneedle Absolute Return Bond -U Threadneedle American Extended Alpha -U Threadneedle American Select -U Threadneedle American Smaller Companies -U Threadneedle American -U Threadneedle Asia -U Threadneedle Credit Opportunities -U Threadneedle Defensive Equity & Bond -U2 Threadneedle Defensive -U Threadneedle Dynamic Real Return -U Threadneedle Emerging Market Bond -U Threadneedle Equity & Bond -U2 Threadneedle Ethical UK Equity -U

GB00B7G6TF84 GB00B6XW0B53 GB00B7MMLL01 GB00B7F7XT42 GB00BP2RB79 GB00B7MWXH01 GB00B7J4W502 GB00B76G2B50 GB00B7FTRJ84 GB00B79X9673 GB00B7LK2232 GB00B6Y80X40 GB00B6WZXS38 GB00B7LZCR36 GB00BC5ZL441 GB00B7FBH943 GB0032094954 GB0032084708 GB0032084815 GB00B0KXSK43 GB00B3QLX648 GB00B3WCDF03 GB00B5N17T22 GB00B3RMNL16 GB00B3KXCP84 GB00B5LY2097 LU1028171848 LU0860350650 GB00B1385S07 GB0009346486 GB00B3K3HX15 GB00B4S5LT06 GB00B4PX5395 GB00B96TWP27 GB00BCZXTP59 GB00BNY7Y722 GB00BNY7YH21 GB00BNY7YM73 GB00BXRTP059 GB00BCV7T629 GB00BCV7T280 GB00B8HMPV01 GB00BCV7T066 GB00BCV7SY35 GB00BCV7SW11 GB00BCV7ST81 GB00BCV7SR67 GB00BCV7SP44 GB00B0L4TC50 GB00B9NMDM80 GB00B7HJLD86 GB00B8358Z89 GB00B7T2FK07 GB00B83BWC19 GB00B4V5TL59 GB00BRTM3K66 GB00BRTM3L73 GB00BWWC6P48 GB00B4ZM8598 GB00BRTM3J51 GB00BZ21SS97




Threadneedle European Bond -U Threadneedle European Corporate Bond - U Threadneedle European High Yield Bond - U Threadneedle European Select -U Threadneedle European Smaller Companies -U Threadneedle European -U Threadneedle Global Bond -U Threadneedle Global Emerging Markets Equity -U Threadneedle Global Equity + Bond -U2 Threadneedle Global Equity Income -U Threadneedle Global Equity -U2 Threadneedle Global Extended Alpha -U Threadneedle Global Multi Asset Income -U Threadneedle Global Opportunities Bond -U Threadneedle Global Select -U Threadneedle High Yield Bond -U Threadneedle Japan -U Threadneedle Latin America -U Threadneedle Monthly Extra Income -U Threadneedle Pan European -U Threadneedle Sterling Bond -U Threadneedle Strategic Bond -U Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha -U Threadneedle UK Corporate Bond -U Threadneedle UK Equity Alpha Income -U Threadneedle UK Equity Income -U Threadneedle UK Growth & Income -U Threadneedle UK Institutional -U Threadneedle UK Mid 250 -U Threadneedle UK Monthly Income -U Threadneedle UK Property -U Threadneedle UK Select -U Threadneedle UK Short Dated Corporate Bond -U Threadneedle UK Smaller Companies -U Threadneedle UK -U Threadneedle US Equity Income -U Total Clarity Portfolio 3 -U Total Clarity Portfolio 4 -U Total Clarity Portfolio 5 -U Total Clarity Portfolio 6 -U Troy Spectrum -U Troy Trojan Global Equity -U Troy Trojan Income -U Troy Trojan -U PFS TwentyFour Dynamic Bond -U PFS TwentyFour Monument Bond -U TwentyFour Corporate Bond -U UBS Emerging Markets Equity Income -U UBS Global Allocation (UK) -U UBS Global Emerging Markets Equity -U UBS Global Optimal -U UBS Multi-Asset Income -U UBS UK Equity Income -U UBS UK Opportunities -U UBS US Equity -U UBS US Growth -U Unicorn Outstanding British Companies -U Unicorn UK Growth -U Unicorn UK Income -U Unicorn UK Smaller Companies -U VT Turcan Connell Absolute Return Portfolio -U

GB00B990YR84 GB00B7MJ0253 GB00B2QVTN68 GB00B8BC5H23 GB00B84CYY92 GB00B8C2LS47 GB00B8C2M701 GB00B8BYHK55 GB00BRTM3H38 GB00B99MQF62 GB00BRTM3G21 GB00B3B0F606 GB00BNG64335 GB00BQSTFQ12 GB00B8C2TM45 GB00B7SGDT88 GB00B7TRT705 GB00B8BQ6V57 GB00B8BZ3226 GB00B84X6K21 GB00B7SH5738 GB00B882QB67 GB00B8BX5538 GB00B0WH7N09 GB00B88P6D76 GB00B888FR33 GB00B8848T44 GB0001451615 GB00B8BX5X11 GB00B8BV4509 GB00B23FNS45 GB00B8374670 GB00B3QLHB75 GB00B7JL4Y45 GB00B84PMM20 GB00B5315098 GB00B4W2H776 GB00B4N5YW98 GB00B4WHDG30 GB00B4W0ZG69 GB00B2990B27 GB00B0ZJ5S47 GB00B01BP176 GB00B01BP952 GB00B5VRV677 GB00B3V5V897 IE00BSMTGJ19 GB00B8BDQ491 GB00B4MGDQ07 GB00B7L34154 GB00B89NPX39 GB00B8945255 GB00B4W58959 GB00B806NQ09 GB00B7V68L26 GB00B7VHZX64 GB00B1GGDH66 GB0031217937 GB00B9XQFY62 GB0031785065 GB00B4QPB031




VT Turcan Connell Income Portfolio -U Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex UK Equity Index -U Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex UK Equity Index -U Vanguard FTSE UK All Share Index Unit Trust -U Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index -U Vanguard LifeStrategy 100% Equity -U Vanguard LifeStrategy 20% Equity -U Vanguard LifeStrategy 40% Equity -U Vanguard LifeStrategy 60% Equity -U Vanguard LifeStrategy 80% Equity -U Vanguard UK Inflation Linked Gilt Index -U Vanguard UK Long Duration Gilt Index -U Vanguard US Equity Index -U Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index -U Vanguard Global Bond Index -U Vanguard Global Short Term Bond Index Hdg -U Vanguard Global Small Cap Index -U Vanguard Japan Stock Index -U Vanguard Pacific ex Japan Stock Index -U Vanguard SRI European Stock -U Vanguard SRI Global Stock -U Vanguard UK Government Bond Index -U Vanguard UK Investment Grade Bond Index -U Vanguard UK Short Term Investment Grade Bond Index -U VT Price Value Portfolio -U Evenlode Income -U TB Wise Income -U TB Wise Investment -U TB Wise Strategic -U 7IM AAP Adventurous -U 7IM AAP Balanced -U 7IM AAP Income -U 7IM AAP Moderately Adventurous -U 7IM AAP Moderately Cautious -U 7IM Adventurous -U 7IM Balanced -U 7IM Cautious -U 7IM Moderately Adventurous -U 7IM Moderately Cautious -U 7IM Personal Injury -U 7IM Sustainable Balance -U 7IM Unconstrained -U

GB0033879049 GB00B5B71H80 GB00B59G4Q73 GB00B3X7QG63 GB00B59G4H82 GB00B41XG308 GB00B4NXY349 GB00B3ZHN960 GB00B3TYHH97 GB00B4PQW151 GB00B45Q9038 GB00B4M89245 GB00B5B71Q71 IE00B50MZ724 IE00B50W2R13 IE00BH65QG55 IE00B3X1NT05 IE00B50MZ948 IE00B523L313 IE00B76VTL96 IE00B76VTN11 IE00B1S75374 IE00B1S74Q32 IE00B9M1BB17 GB00BWZMTX09 GB00B40SMR25 GB00B0LJ1M47 GB0034272533 GB0034272756 GB00B2PB2C75 GB00B2PB3794 GB0033954024 GB00B2PB2M73 GB00B2PB2168 GB0033958009 GB0033959742 GB00BVYPGT82 GB0033956516 GB0033953497 GB00B570T445 GB00B1LBFZ86 GB00B75MS619

25 Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes and to avoid misunderstandings. Old Mutual International Isle of Man Limited is registered in the Isle of Man under number 24916C. Registered and Head Office: King Edward Bay House, King Edward Road, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM99 1NU, British Isles. Phone: +44 (0)1624 655 555 Fax: +44 (0)1624 611 715. Licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority. All promotional material is approved by Old Mutual Wealth Limited. Old Mutual Wealth Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services register number 165359. The rules made under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) for the protection of retail clients in the UK do not apply. Old Mutual International Isle of Man Limited is a member of the Association of International Life Offices. Old Mutual International is registered in the Isle of Man as a business name of Old Mutual International Isle of Man Limited. Old Mutual International Ireland dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered No 309649 Administration Centre for correspondence: King Edward Bay House, King Edward Road, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM99 1NU Tel: +353(0)1 479 3900 Fax: +353(0)1 475 1020 Head Office Address: Hambleden House, 19-26 Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. VAT number for Old Mutual International Ireland dac is 6329649S Registered Office: Arthur Cox Building, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland. Old Mutual International is registered in Ireland as a business name of Old Mutual International Ireland dac. When printed by Old Mutual this item is produced on a mixed grade material, which uses a combination of recycled wood or paper fibre from controlled sources and virgin fibre sourced from well managed, sustainable forests. PDF9373/INT16-0807 November 2016


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