Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture Packet Flipbook PDF

Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture Packet

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Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024 Application

Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava Miron Ginzburg Kibbutz Eilot Kibbutz Eilot Kibbutz Eilot, Israel 8880500

[email protected] O: 050-6706009 B 0525915556

Miron Ginzburg

Kibbutz Eilot Kibbutz Eilot Kibbutz Eilot, Israel 8880500

[email protected] B 0547652280 B 0525915556

Project Information Project Name*

Name of Project (Indicate if this is year 2 or year 3) Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Amount Requested* Amount Requested $285,000.00

Project Budget*

Total project budget that includes other funders. $685,000.00

Area of Negev*

What geographic area will your project serve? Aravah and Eilat

Areas of Impact*

Check all that apply to this project Arts and Cultural Enrichment


If other, please specify. Areas of Impact: * Arts and Cultural Enrichment * Demographic Growth * Economic Development * Employment * Tourism

Target Population of Project*

What is the target population(s) for this project (check all that apply)? Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava

Young Adults University Students Families Women

Project Description*

Describe your proposed project and the targeted community, and the problem/issues/opportunities that your organization seeks to address. Indicate your vision for success for the project, during the grant period. Be sure to specify how your project will strengthen the economy of the Negev region. A new life changing strategic plan is about to be launched, with the goal of attracting a critical mass of young families to Eilat and create thousands of new jobs in the southernmost periphery of Israel. According to all the predictions, within two decades Israel’s population will double itself, from nine million today, to 17 million towards the middle of the 21st Century. The majority of them will live primarily in the center of the country, facing immense traffic congestion for hours at a time and having to endure high living expenses. In reality, peripheries will serve as a route for the weaker echelons of society to escape, but the population growth will actually create two states within a nation: the wealthy nation and the poor nation. This is a national catastrophe that is liable to affect all of us. The Solution: Culture as a Growth Engine Many cities around the world have invested resources in the development of local culture, with the understanding that culture is the most powerful growth engine they have. So for the first time in Eilat's history we proudly declare - Our leading culture is in the front, welcoming every person entering the city! Opening and operating 3 cultural institutions: Adult Theater, Kids Theater & a Dance Company. The cultural institutions will operate at Eilat's new Cultural Hall, located in a prime location in the heart of the city. The Ness Mission – Establishing Eilat's Kid's Theater Today, there are about 7 children's plays per year in the entire area, and families are required to travel far north to consume culture. The establishment of a Kid's Theater will flood the area with cultural events for residents and tourists, open classes for children and introduce the field of performing arts to educational institutions. The Kids Theater has a greater meaning than an abundance of culture for families and cultural equality for the people of the south - It is a necessary step in establishing a cultural ecosystem!


List and describe the 3-4 goals that you aim to achieve in the next 6-12 months. This strategic plan has a greater meaning than an abundance of culture for families and cultural equality for the people of the south. The Kid's Theater is a necessary step in establishing a cultural ecosystem. The establishment of a Kids Theater in Eilat will promote: 1. Demographic development - More families move to live in the south 2. Employment - Creation of new job position, which together will establish the activity of the new theater in the city 3. Education - Establishment of an educational department that offers annual acting studies for children, youth and adults 4. Tourism - Cultural abundance for the whole family for vacationers in Israel's capital of tourism!

Impact Measurement* Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava

The Ness Fund encourages you to describe how you will measure the progress and impacts of this project. We believe this will lead to greater short-term achievements, strengthen the applicant organization, and it may lead to systemic, sustainable changes. For each goal described in the previous question, list and describe key success measures that will monitor during the grant period, that will indicate whether you are making progress(both quantitative and qualitative). Since the establishment of the Kids Theater in Eilat is a real need arising, so are the goals of the program, both short and long term, are very measurable and applicable. Within 6-12 months the program will achieve: 1. Demographic development - additional 5 artist families move to live in the south 2. Employment - Creation of 5 new jobs for residents of the south: administration, marketing, sales, productions & sound and lighting. 3. Education - Establishment of an educational department that offers annual acting studies for children, youth and adults - 2 annual classes for each age group. 4. Tourism - cultural abundance for the whole family for vacationers in Israel's capital of tourism - from 7 annual events for kids & families to 50 events per year!


For each goal identified above,, describe your strategies: who you intend to reach, what you intend to do, the rationale behind your approach. Indicate the role of key partners in achieving each goal. 1. Demographic development - As of today, the Elad Theater is holding a waiting list of leading actors and creators, who wish to move south and take part in the unique artistic activity. In addition, the theater holds annual auditions for over 120 graduates of acting schools. 2. Employment - The first jobs we will recruit for the Kids Theater, alongside the existing operation of the Elad Theater will allow us to get started: from administration, through sales and marketing, production and technical staff. This is the organizational structure required to launch the activity in the first year of the new theater. 3. Education - We believe in processes that grow from the bottom-up, as well as those that are built from the top-bottom. The connection with the community is our key to this exact integration, through collaborations with the schools, informal education and the educational leadership of the city. 4. Tourism - In all official state surveys conducted by the Ministry of Tourism nationally and internationally, there is a significant lack of content in Eilat. This goal will be promoted in cooperation with Eilat Municipality, the Municipal Tourism Corp. and the Ministry of Tourism


Tell us about the key leadership team and 1-2 lead individuals that will be responsible for the project. Boaz Dan - CEO, Elad Theater of Eilat-Eilot Boaz has been at the head of the Elad Theater since its establishment in 2014 and led the growth of the theater to success and recognition by the state institutions. Boaz Has named the Theater in memory of his brother, Sergeant Major Elad Dan, who died during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Shay Pitowsky - Artistic Director, Elad Theater The Artistic Director of the company, Shay Pitowsky is a respected playwright and director, who managed the youth group the National Theater for seven years (2008-2015) with great success. Pitowsky and the Elad ensemble of actors, decided to leave their desirable positions in Tel Aviv and relocate with their families to the southern tip of Israel with the goal to turn the most remote periphery into a groundbreaking center of culture. Eli Lankri - The Mayor of Eilat Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava

Lankri has placed the work plan in the top of the municipal priorities and he is promoting it alongside the theater in front of the government.

Uniqueness and Timeliness*

How is this project unique? Why is it important now? Why should it be funded now? Today the Elad Theater is the only entity that “stops” families from moving to live in the south, due to lack of a budget. While the State invests millions of shekels through incentives for teachers and doctors to move to the South, and who in the end don’t remain in the region, because they don’t survive despite the bonuses and because there is no inclusive development and holistic vision. Operating a Kids Theater in Eilat, along with the other cultural institutions, would provide the "X factor" and the exact holistic vision the city needs, to help other sectors and experts remain in the area. Thanks to the success of the Elad Theater in Eilat (which the Ness Fund supportes as well!), the residents and tourists enjoy an abundance of over 200 performances a year - until the theater was established there were 7. The impact is enormous and it's time to replicate the success with the Kids Theater as well, so children and families also deserve accessible culture, all year round.

Project Start Date* 05/01/2023

Project End Date* 05/01/2025

Prior fund for other projects*

Please list any prior projects funded by the Ness Fund, by year and amount funded. Elad Theater 2018 - 2019 | $50,000 + $50,000 The Establishment of an international desert campus for the performing Arts 2020-2021 | $75,000 + $75,000

Outreach and Promotion*

How do you plan to attract and recruit participants/target audience to your project? How will you select participants? How will you publicize your successes? As of today, the Elad Theater holds a waiting lists of leading actors and creators who want to move to the south, and holds annual auditions for over 120 actors and actresses. In all official state surveys conducted by the Ministry of Tourism nationally and internationally, there is a significant lack of content in the city of Eilat. The Kids Theater will provide a supply for a real demand! National campaigns will be held by the municipality of Eilat, the theater and the Ministry of Tourism


Describe the readiness of your organization to implement this project, upon hearing of approval, in terms of these and other relevant aspects: • Personnel are hired; if not, plans for hiring key people • Physical facilities are ready or space is arranged • Need to raise other needed funding • Need for government approvals • Outreach to identify participants • Key partnerships to collaborate We are 100% ready!

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava

In an historic step, Elad Theater & the city of Eilat decides to embark on a groundbreaking strategic plan for developing the southern tip of Israel through culture: 1. Opening and operating 3 cultural institutions, led by the leading masters of their field: • Adult Theater - directed by Shay Pitovsky • Kids Theater – directed by Hanoch Reim • Dance Company led by world renown choreographer Ohad Nharin 2. The cultural institutions will operate at Eilat's new Cultural Hall, located in a prime location in the heart of the city! Eilat's famous airport that was relocated 2 years ago. So for the first time in Eilat's history we proudly declare - Our leading culture is in the front, welcoming every person entering the city! To establish the work plan we recruited leading international masters in the world of theater and dance who will position the activity in the worldwide forefront of action. With the support of the Ness Fund, we will be able to launch the Kids Theater activity. Through the work plan, the professional experience and the rising demand for Kids Theater from both residents and tourists, within 3 years the theater will receive official recognition from the Ministry of Culture as a "theater group", and after two more years official recognition as a "small Kids Theater". The budgets provided by this recognition alongside the theater's income and state support, will allow it to exist on an ongoing and permanent basis.


List any risks or challenges you anticipate with this project. Today, when we can safely say that the covid crisis is behind us, governmental stability is a significant key to success. Although the professional criteria by which the Ministry of Culture measures and budgets the activity are established by law and are indisputable, there is no doubt that a stable government and a state budget is more than important to recruit the relevant ministers and ministries to support the plan. � Governmental instability might prevent the implementation of long-term plans.


How do you anticipate this project can be scaled larger if successful? The establishment of the Kids Theater has a greater meaning than an abundance of culture for families and cultural equality for the people of the south. The Kids Theater is a necessary step in establishing a cultural ecosystem! Impact : A Regional Growth Engine! *Demography- approximately 200 families of artists will relocate to the region, thereby encouraging teachers, intellectuals and social entrepreneurs to follow in their footsteps. *Employment – 500 new places of work in the south, alongside numerous local suppliers that will Which will benefit from economic growth thanks to the new thriving culture industry in the city *Tourism – Promoting the southern tip of the country as a 365 day tourist destination offering international content for both local and foreign tourists.

Program Evaluation*

What review process(es) are you planning to use for the program? Who is in charge of this? What are your tools and methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, follow-up questionnaires, communal feedback, interim discussions with staff, and use of the previously describe success measures in each phase or stage of the project? Please be specific and realistic. As a cultural institution, we need to meet quantitative, artistic and budgetary criteria, according to criteria published by the Ministry of Culture. Our activity is measured by a professional committee that agrees to support us each year anew.

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Development of Israel’s Southern Most City Through Culture

Elad - Theater Of Eilat & The Arava

As a non profit organization, we are committed to proper management strict rules and are reviewed annually by the Registrar of Associations and the Ministry of Finance. At the business level, we are required to present independent income at the rate of 25% of the general budget each year.

Organization Information and Partnerships Organization Budget*

What is your organizational budget on an annual basis? $1,200,000.00

Leverage and Partnerships*

Are you working with other organizations on this project to achieve your goals and achievements? yes

Attachments Partnerships*

If yes, list the partner organizations you are working with and in what capacities. For example, program collaboration, providing funding, outreach, shared fundraising or shared staff. The strategic plan is led in collaboration with: Ministry of Culture Ministry for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee Ministry of Tourism Eilat Municipality The Eilot Regional Council


upload your budget format or you can use Ness format BUDGET.pdf

Organization Board of Directors and Organization Structure*

Please attach the list of board members and the organizational structure. board + structure.pdf

Short Video- 2 minutes max

Optional video describing your project.

If you have created a youtube or mp4 video, please add your link here:

File Attachment Summary Applicant File Uploads

• BUDGET.pdf • board + structure.pdf

Supporting Documents

No files were uploaded

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Elad – Eilat and Arava Theater Budget 2023 Total USD Total NIS




Eilat Municipality (CONFIRMED) The Ministry for the Development of the Negev and Galilee

(PENDING) 60,000


Government and Charitable Funding Income


Pias Council ( National Lottery) (PENDING)


1,000,000 NESS

545,000 140,000

Sub Total : 1,900,000 500,000 Independent Income Sub total Independent income. 500,000 Total Income 2,400,000

140,000 685,000 340,000

1,200,000 Production Cost


250,000 Theater Expenses


300,000 Publicity and Marketing


100,000 Travel Expenses


400,000 General and Administrative

40,000 685,000

150,000 Unexpected Expenses. Total Expenses 2,400,000




Organization Structure – Elad Theater

Production Manager

Technical Staff


Show Manager



Artistic Director



Assistant Director



7 Actors

Administration Board Elad - Theater Eilat & the A email | ‫דוא"ל‬

‫טל פון נייד‬ Mobile num | 054-3077328

[email protected]. il [email protected] 054-9262880

ID | ‫מורשה חתימה | ת"ז‬ authorized signer 050746163 No ‫א‬


No ‫א‬

[email protected]

052-8579568 066370255


[email protected]




[email protected] [email protected]

054-7652278 052-5326623

300164563 07639354

Yes No ‫א‬


[email protected] 540159555 .‫פ‬.‫ח‬ [email protected]

054-5430520 054270293 03-6255400 0546678667

No ‫א‬

No ‫א‬

No ‫א‬

d & authorized signers Arava – Amuta # 580587426 Role


‫לא‬ ‫כן‬ ‫כן‬

‫כן‬ ‫לא‬

‫תפ ק י ד‬

Chairman and ‫יו"ר ועד מנהל‬ Executive Committee Board of Directors ‫ועד מנהל‬ CEO of Elad Theater

‫מנכ"ל‬ ‫תיאטרון אלעד‬ Director of Finance ‫מנהלת כספים‬

Name ‫שם החבר‬

Isaac Weingarten Ronit Lerer Shefk Boaz Dan

‫יצחק‬ ‫ויינגרטן‬ ‫רונית לרר‬ ‫שפק‬ ‫בעז דן‬

Hana Diamant

‫חנה‬ ‫דיאמנט‬ ‫דנה יצחקי‬ ‫עודד‬ ‫קוטלר‬ ‫שלי‬ ‫אביצור‬

Dana Itzhaki Oded Kotler


Chairman of the General Assembly Legal Counsel

‫יושב ראש‬ ‫אספה כללית‬ ‫ יועצת‬Shelly Avizur- S. ‫משפטית‬ Friedman




Eran Yarak ‫ערן יאראק‬


Internal Controller

‫מבקרת פנים‬

Batya Kahana ‫בתיה כהנא‬

Get in touch


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