E-Guide 5 - Creating your Impactful Intro Flipbook PDF

E-Guide 5 - Creating your Impactful Intro

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Your introduction should provide instant clarity

Intro Introductions are highly used by online entrepreneurs but rarely give clarity to the listener or reader about what it is that you actually do. The reason for this is mainly that you 1. Don't know what you do 2. Find it difficult to clarify what you do 3. Do to many things to fit into a short intro!. It's time to get clarity, because the simple fact is, if you don't know what you do then no one else will and they will NOT know what to come to you for. They will also never refer you because they cannot describe how you can help someone. Immediately your potential client reach has dropped by 50%.

If you are someone who is regulary networking, online or in person then this should be the FIRST thing you stop and do RIGHT NOW. If you feel you already have a good intro then just go over the promts and ensure you cover every aspect.

YOUR INTRO IS PRIME REAL ESTATE Your intro will not only be used in person or at networking events, it will be the intro to your guest expert appearances, your podcast introduction, your You Tube channel intro and on every free or paid live that you do. It is an invaluable investment of time to get really clear on your introduction, not only for yourself but for others to understand exactly what you do for referral purposes.

Below is a breakdown of my intro to give you a clear example of how I communicate what I do in the most effective way possible in a short amount of time. Following that is a prompt to fill in yourself to achieve your introduction with clarity and ease.

my intro prompt example


Hi I'm Michelle, Online Marketing Educator for busy entrepreneurs. I teach coaches, consultants & course creators, ready to automate, to master their branded funnels, client attraction methods, website & content with speed & clarity.

02 03

Because most are fearful when they hear 'client attraction' or 'automation', they think it will be difficult & costly, especially if current methods are not working.

And in the meantime they are busy manually onboarding clients, taking payments & are generally stuck doing stuff they don't need to do, while omitting the practices that are necessary to gain clients. Namely building relationships, creating content that sells & putting their offer out REPEATEDLY.

my intro my example


I help them confidently create effective funnels in record time, deliver high converting automated sales funnels, automated client attraction methods & automated course delivery without procrastination or confusion.


So they can pull away from manual processes & increase client conversion and client retention rates.

my intro my example


Hi I'm {Name}, {Role Title} for {Ideal Client Description}. I teach {Ideal client role title}, ready to {What are they ready for?}, to master their {What do you help them with}, {What else do you help them with?}, & {What do you help them with?} with speed & clarity.

02 03

Because most are {Negative Emotion} when they hear {Industry Keyword} or {Industry Keyword}, they think it will be {Negative associated Word} & (Negatively associated word}, especially if {What are they currently trying to overcome their pain point?} is not working. And in the meantime they are busy {Task they are currently doing}, {task they are currently doing} & {Task they are currently doing}, while omitting the practices that are necessary to {Ideal Client Outcome}. Namely {What should they be doing in your expert opinion} & {What should they be doing in your expert opinion}.

my intro prompt example


I help them confidently {Transformation 1} in record time, {Transformation 2}, {Transformation 3} & {Transformation 4} without {Pain Point} or {Pain Point}.


So they can move away from {Pain Point} & increase {Outcome 1} and {Outcome 2}.

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