Estamos en casa. Sabías que...? CAPÍTULO 3. Fifty percent of Spaniards between years old live with their parents. Carmona, un pueblo del sur

CAPÍTULO 3 2 Carmona, un pueblo del sur 3 Estamos en casa From modern skyscrapers in large cities to the narrow streets of medieval towns and smal

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2 Carmona, un pueblo del sur


Estamos en casa

From modern skyscrapers in large cities to the narrow streets of medieval towns and small farms in rural areas, homes in Spain reflect the varied climate, history, and lifestyles of the Spanish people. Homes in southern cities like Córdoba or Sevilla have a Mediterranean feel, while in big cities like Madrid or Barcelona residents may opt to be in the middle of the action in a downtown apartment or choose a quieter, less expensive home on the outskirts of the city.

¿Sabías que...? Fifty percent of Spaniards between 20-25 years old live with their parents.

Preguntas 1. Is there Spanish-inspired architecture in the region where you live? 2. How do you think that geography and environment affect the design and construction of homes? 3. Observe the housing styles shown in the photos. How are these similar or different from those in your area?

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Apartamentos en Barcelona





Vista de Madrid, capital de España

Learning Outcomes By the end of this chapter you will be able to: ✔ describe homes and elaborate on their rooms. ✔ express actions. ✔ share information about household chores. ✔ depict states of being and state there is / there are and it’s necessary to… ✔ communicate about homes and life at home. ✔ create an ad. ✔ exchange interesting facts about housing, food, and other information regarding life in Spain. ✔ read a blog and view contemporary video from Spain.

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Capítulo 3


Comunicación I

SECTION GOALS for Comunicación I

By the end of the Comunicación I section, students will be able to: • compare the features of their houses with the houses of others. • explain how floors or stories of buildings are numbered in other countries. • form the irregular verbs dar, conocer, hacer, poner, salir, traer, and ver. • recognize patterns in the verbs with irregular yo forms. • state the forms of the stem-changing verbs decir, oír, poder, venir, and querer. • express preferences using querer. • combine poder with other infinitives. • report on the activities of classmates. • share about the housing options available in Spain. • describe the interior and exterior spaces of a house.


La casa


Describing homes

el dormitorio

el techo

el altillo

el baño


The activities in this Comunicación section address Interpersonal Communication. Students can partner with classmates and engage in conversations about their houses. A simple summary sheet containing the vocabulary related to a house, the number of rooms, and/or its square footage can provide the basis for giving and obtaining information and exchanging opinions. Students can draw diagrams or write inventories of the things in their houses and present short narrations to the class using the new vocabulary (Presentational Communication). The students in their seats can listen to the presenter and compare their summary sheets with the information given by the speaker (Interpretive Communication).

NOTE for La casa

Remind students that across the Spanish-speaking world there are many variations in vocabulary depending on where you are and with whom you are speaking. For example, the English word “bedroom” can mean el dormitorio, la alcoba, la habitación, la recámara, etc.

el comedor

la cocina

el garaje

la escalera

la oficina el balcón

METHODOLOGY • Teaching Vocabulary

With beginning language students, we believe in presenting vocabulary that is the most commonly used, and giving few, if any, country/regional variations. Presenting several ways to say the same thing becomes too complicated for the novice learner. Having said that, as Spanish language instructors, we all know it is difficult to determine exactly which words have the highest frequency of usage among Spanish speakers in the world. In ¡Anda! Curso elemental, we have attempted to select words that appear to be the most commonly used, but please feel free to use whatever words you may prefer. We encourage you to direct students to the También se dice… section in Appendix 3, for variations and additional vocabulary to enrich the basic Vocabulario activo.

la sala el jardín

Otras palabras el cuarto el piso el sótano el suelo la planta baja el primer piso el segundo piso el tercer piso

Other words room floor; story basement floor ground floor second floor third floor fourth floor

Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.

METHODOLOGY • Teaching Vocabulary

The detailed vocabulary presentation images can be used time and again, not only with the vocabulary presentation, but also as the chapter progresses and with future chapters as well. For example, the next class after having introduced the vocabulary, have an activity where the students look at the image and with

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a partner, they generate as many different sentences as possible, using as many different verbs as possible. They can create competitions with each other. As the chapter progresses, projecting the images in class and having

the students keep their books closed while generating sentences or creating stories is another excellent way to encourage students to work on the new vocabulary.

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SECTION GOALS for Pronunciación


By the end of the Pronunciación section, students will be able to:

The letters h, j, and g

• distinguish between the English h sound and the silent Spanish h. • pronounce the Spanish letter j. • distinguish between the hard g and soft g sounds. • use refranes as a way to integrate culture and pronunciation practice.

Go to ¡Anda! online to learn to pronounce the letters h, j, and g.

Capítulo 2. El verbo estar, pág. XX.



NOTE for La casa

¿Dónde están los cuartos?

Miren (Look at) el dibujo (drawing) de la casa en la página XX y túrnense (take turns) para decir dónde están los siguientes (following) cuartos.


e1: el garaje


Estrategia In Capítulo 3 many of the directions for the activities are written in Spanish. New words that appear in the directions will be translated for you the first time they are used. Keep a list of those words to refer to; it helps you increase your vocabulary.

e2: El garaje está en la planta baja.

The first floor, or ground floor, is generally called la planta baja; el primer piso actually refers to the second floor. What is the third floor called?


la sala


el baño





el dormitorio la cocina


la oficina



• ¿Cierto o falso? Look at the drawing on page XX. Then listen to Marta talking on the phone as she tells her friend where she thinks all of her family members are. Indicate C for Cierto (true) or F for Falso (false) for each statement you hear. C



Miembro de la familia

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Las partes de la casa

Dile (Tell) a tu compañero/a en qué parte de la

casa haces ( you do) las siguientes actividades. MODELO

estudiar e1: Yo estudio en la oficina. ¿Y tú? e2: Yo estudio en mi dormitorio.

1. hablar por teléfono 2. leer un libro 3. ver la televisión


4. organizar papeles 5. preparar enchiladas 6. tocar un instrumento

You might explain that for the true beginners in the class, you have been using more cognates, gestures, pictures, and speaking slightly slower than a native

Your heritage language learners may have a different concept of housing if they have spent time abroad with their families. Some families in Spain and Mexico, for example, are not considered wealthy by American standards, yet they have a summer chalet or a house in another part of the country where the family goes to spend time together. In many Spanish-speaking countries, even families of limited resources, have empleadas domésticas to help with the daily chores, but they are not the same type of personnel that we think of in the United States for those who are very wealthy (e.g., butlers, nannies, chauffeurs, cooks, gardeners, etc.).


hermanos Marco y Ana mamá hermano Gregorio papá abuela



Ask your heritage language learners if they have any words related to the house that they use on a regular basis. Add those words to your vocabulary list so other students are familiar with them.




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Remind students that when communicating with native speakers from different Spanish-speaking areas of the world, they can combine words that they may have learned already with new vocabulary to express their ideas. You can use the word el cuarto to describe a room in general and then tell what function the room has. For example, you can refer to a bedroom as un cuarto de dormir, etc.


el altillo

Capítulo 2. Los deportes y los pasatiempos, pág. XX.




Research strongly supports our belief that class time should be spent engaging students almost exclusively in meaningful oral activities. Virtually all of the activities in ¡Anda! Curso elemental are meant to be done orally in pairs or groups. This maximizes students’ opportunities to speak and use Spanish in confidence-building i + 1 settings. Research confirms that strong oral skills translate into better writing skills. Therefore, students need a controlled environment to practice speaking so that outside of class, they will be more successful and confident writers. For more mechanical writing activities, please refer your students to ¡Anda! online.

Audioscript for 3-2 male:

Hola, Marta. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Yo? Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú? male: Bien. ¿Dónde estás? marta: Estoy en mi casa. male: ¿Y la familia? marta: Sí, toda la familia está aquí también. Mis hermanos Marco y Ana están en el jardín. Mi madre está en el altillo. Mi otro hermano Gregorio está en el baño y papá está en la cocina. Mi abuela está en el comedor. male: Bueno, llego pronto para visitarlos. marta: OK. ¡Hasta pronto! marta:

7. escuchar música 8. tomar el sol

speaker would typically speak in order to facilitate their learning. You can tell the heritage language learners that the pace of your speech and your word choice will change as students acquire more Spanish.

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Capítulo 3

NOTE for 3-5



This activity exposes students to more variety on the subject of housing in the Spanish-speaking world. Further discussion may include housing in other parts of the Spanish-speaking world that are not represented here, the typical organization around the centralized urban state vs. provinces, economic disparity in Latin America, urban immigration and ghettos, etc.


Remind students of, or help them brainstorm, useful vocabulary they already know in addition to the Fíjate listed, e.g., alto, bajo, grande, pequeño, pobre, rico, bueno, malo, fuerte, débil, el edificio, etc.


• ¿Y tu casa…? Túrnense para describir sus casas (o la de un miembro de su familia o de un amigo) y compararlas con la casa de la página XX. Usen el modelo para crear por lo menos (at least) cinco oraciones (sentences).

Fíjate In the directions, words like miren, túrnense, comparen, and usen are plural—they refer to both you and your classmate.

SUGGESTION for La casa

Encourage students to use this location strategy to learn the parts of a house: Imagine that you are in your house, or a house that is familiar to you, and you learn the vocabulary by arranging the list in the order that you see the rooms. You might enter through la puerta, then see la sala, then el comedor, la cocina, and el baño. If you can, walk through the house and pronounce the vocabulary as you enter each room or hang a sign in each room with the corresponding vocabulary word. When it is time to take your test, close your eyes and remember the order in which you learned the rooms, just as they appear when you walk through them.

En la casa del dibujo, la sala está en la planta baja y mi sala está en la planta baja también. En la casa del dibujo, el dormitorio está en el segundo piso, pero mi dormitorio está en la planta baja. No tenemos altillo…




Bring in a photo of a recognizable house or building, such as the White House, Trump Towers, or some other famous example of architecture in your area. Ask students to compare these buildings with the photos, or with the places in which they live.


Capítulo 2, Presente indicativo de verbos regulares, p. XX; Capítulo 1, El verbo tener, p. XX

• Es una casa interesante… Look at the following photos and, with a partner, create a short description of one of the houses. Imagine the interior, and the person(s) who may live there. Share your description with the class. MODELO

La casa está en México y es grande y muy moderna. Tiene seis dormitorios, cuatro baños, una cocina grande y moderna, una sala grande y un balcón. Gastón y Patricia viven allí. Tienen tres hijos. Ellos trabajan en la ciudad…

antiguo/a la calle el campo la ciudad contemporáneo/a


old street country city contemporary

humilde moderno/a nuevo/a tradicional viejo/a


humble modern new traditional old



Have your students create architectural diagrams or floor plans of the houses or apartments in which they grew up. Have them label the rooms in Spanish, using the correct definite articles. Along with labeling the rooms, they can write to whom the room belongs.


Give students the following list of “words” to unscramble. MODELO 1. louse 2. reascale 3. oñba 4. alas 5. naiciof 6. mocored

sipo piso (suelo) (escalera) (baño) (sala) (oficina) (comedor)

México Oviedo, España


Guanajuato, México




Play Twenty Questions with the parts of the house and the furniture. Hide a picture or a flashcard of the vocabulary word. Students can only ask questions that have “yes” or “no” answers. Model questions using the verb Hay, such as ¿Hay agua? ¿Hay mesas? ¿Hay una cama?, etc.

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Cartagena, Colombia

Las islas flotantes de los Uros, Perú

Paracas, Perú

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Algunos verbos irregulares


Necesito un apartamento para este semestre. ¿Qué hago?

NOTE for Algunos verbos irregulares

Expressing actions

Tienes que poner un anuncio en Internet

Estrategia Memorizing information is easier to do when the information is arranged in chunks. You will notice that some of the yo forms end in -go, such as salgo, traigo, and pongo. Learning the information as a chunk of “go” verbs may make it easier to remember.

Look at the present tense forms of the following verbs. In the first group, note that they all follow the same patterns that you learned in Capítulo 2 to form the present tense of regular verbs, except in the yo form.

Group 1

yo tú Ud. él, ella nosotros/as vosotros/as Uds. ellos/as

conocer (to be acquainted with) conozco conoces conoce conoce conocemos conocéis conocen conocen

Estrategia Organize the new verbs you are learning in your notebook. Note whether each verb is regular or irregular, what it means in English, if any of the forms have accents, and if any other verbs follow this pattern. You might want to highlight or color code the verbs that follow patterns.

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yo tú Ud. él, ella nosotros/as vosotros/as Uds. ellos/as

dar (to give) doy das da da damos dais dan dan

hacer (to do; to make) hago haces hace hace hacemos hacéis hacen hacen

salir (to leave; to go out) salgo sales sale sale salimos salís salen salen

These common irregular verbs have been grouped by similarities—irregular yo forms, verbs with first-person -go endings, and four stem-changing verbs. Poder and querer are included here because they are useful in practicing chapter vocabulary. They will also serve as a point of reference when stem-changing verbs are presented in Capítulo 4.

NOTE for Algunos verbos irregulares

The students who studied Spanish in high school might have learned about “shoe verbs” or “boot verbs.” If you use the vosotros/as forms in your teaching, you might want to arrange the verb charts in two columns, with the singular forms on the left and the plural forms on the right. Then, you can draw a circle around the forms that change (excluding nosotros/as and vosotros/as) to form a boot or shoe. This helps students to remember which forms change and which do not. If you use the vosotros/as forms in your class, point out that the verbs dar and ver have no accent in the vosotros/as forms.

NOTE for conocer

We have chosen to introduce conocer in Capítulo 3 as an irregular verb, and to focus on the meaning “to be acquainted with.” In Capítulo 4, saber is presented and contrasted with conocer.

poner (to put; to place) pongo pones pone pone ponemos ponéis ponen ponen traer (to bring) traigo traes trae trae traemos traéis traen traen

ver (to see) veo ves ve ve vemos veis ven ven

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Capítulo 3


METHODOLOGY • Teacher Talk

Although we simplify our spoken language in class, in order to stay within the range of i + 1, we should strive to speak at a speed as close to natural as possible. Gradually increase speed as the semester progresses.


In the second group, note that venir is formed similarly to tener, which you learned about in Capítulo 1, on p. XX.

Group 2

Remind students that salir is generally used with prepositions. A few common examples are: salir de salir con salir por salir para

yo tú Ud. él, ella nosotros/as vosotros/as Uds. ellos/as

to leave from to go out with to leave for an errand; to leave through (e.g., a window or door) to leave for (a destination)

venir (to come) vengo vienes viene viene venimos venís vienen vienen

Quiero comprar esta casa. ¿Qué dices?

Me gusta. ¡Yo digo que sí!

In the third group of verbs, note that all of the verb forms have a spelling change except in the nosotros and vosotros forms.

Group 3

yo tú Ud. él, ella nosotros/as vosotros/as Uds. ellos/as

decir (to say; to tell) digo dices dice dice decimos decís dicen dicen

oír (to hear) oigo oyes oye oye oímos oís oyen oyen

poder (to be able to) puedo puedes puede puede podemos podéis pueden pueden

querer (to want; to love) quiero quieres quiere quiere queremos queréis quieren quieren Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.

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Capítulo Preliminar A. El verbo ser, pág. XX; Capítulo 1. El verbo tener, pág. XX; Capítulo 2. El verbo estar, pág. XX.




La ruleta

How competitive are you? Listen as your instructor explains how to play this fast-paced game designed to practice the new verb forms. When you finish with this list, repeat the activity with different verbs and include estar, ser, and tener.

1. traer 2. hacer 3. oír

4. querer 5. conocer 6. dar

7. decir 8. venir 9. poder

10. poner 11. ver 12. salir



• ¿Qué hacen? Empareja los elementos de las dos columnas para formas oraciones lógicas.Compara tus oraciones con las de tu compañero/a (with those of your partner). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

e c a f g b d

Hoy mis hermanos… Mis amigos y yo… Mi abuelo… Yo… Mi perro (dog)… Mi profesor/a… Tú…

a. pone los recuerdos (mementos) de nuestra familia en el altillo. b. conoce bien la arquitectura de España. c. hacemos fiestas en el jardín. d. ves la televisión en tu dormitorio. e. no pueden salir de casa. f. quiero una casa con dos pisos, tres baños y un garaje. g. siempre viene a la cocina para comer.


3•8 Paso 1


Completa los siguientes pasos.

Escribe una oración lógica con cada (each) verbo, combinando elementos de las tres columnas. MODELO

(A) nosotros, (B) hacer, (C) la tarea en el dormitorio Nosotros hacemos la tarea en el dormitorio.




Uds. mamá y papá yo tú el profesor nosotros/as ellos/ellas

(no) hacer (no) ver (no) conocer (no) oír (no) querer (no) salir (no) traer

estudiar en el balcón programas interesantes en la televisión los domingos de la casa la tarea en el dormitorio los libros al segundo piso ruidos (noises) en el altillo por la noche bien el arte de España

Paso 2

En grupos de tres, lean las oraciones y corrijan (correct) los errores.

Paso 3

Escriban juntos (together) dos oraciones nuevas y compártanlas (share them) con la clase.

Form groups of two to four students. Each group will need either a die or six small pieces of paper on which the numbers 1 through 6 have been written. Number 1 = yo; 2 = tú; 3 = él, ella; 4 = Ud.; 5 = nosotros, nosotras; 6 = ellos, ellas. The first person in the group rolls the die (or selects a numbered piece of paper) and gives the correct verb form, matching the number rolled. Other group members must verify the answer. After the correct verb form is given, the player passes the die to the next person. Players continue until the forms come quickly and automatically. You may wish to keep ten dice on hand to provide to students for activities like 3-6.


Repeat the activity and include tocar, mirar, trabajar, comprender, etc.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY for Algunos verbos irregulares Jugar a la pelota

Use a softball or make one out of paper. Say an infinitive and a subject, and then toss the ball to a student. The student must give the correct form of the verb. At this point, you can either remain in control of the ball by having the student toss it back to you so that you can continue as before, or students can take over the game. If students take control, then the one who catches the ball and gives the correct answer (sometimes with some coaching by the teacher or other students) then says another infinitive and subject and tosses the ball to a different student, who must give the correct verb form. Be sure to say the infinitive and subject before tossing the ball, so that all students formulate the answer instead of only the one who catches the ball.

NOTE for 3-6

Activities like La ruleta and Jugar a la pelota can be used regularly in class. The first time you give directions, a more detailed explanation may be required, but thereafter, set-up for the activity is minimal.


Paso 3 could also be used to follow up and summarize group work.

METHODOLOGY • Direction Lines

Beginning in this chapter, direction lines will be in Spanish if they are i + 1. The nomenclature i + 1 comes from research by Stephen Krashen known as the Input Hypothesis. (See Krashen, Stephen. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. New York: Pergamon Press, 1982, pp. 9–32.) The Input Hypothesis states that learners can comprehend input (language) based on words they already know plus a few additional words they may not know, but can intuit from context. A level higher than i + 1 is not comprehensible; it causes confusion and frustrates many learners, causing them to shut down to a point where they cannot comprehend anything. By the end of the first semester, virtually all direction lines will be in Spanish.

METHODOLOGY • Teaching Techniques

Most of the vocabulary and grammar activities are designed to be completed either in pairs or small groups. Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis states that students need a non-threatening environment, and having students work with each other provides just such an environment.

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Capítulo 3


Remind students that for 3-9, they can confess what other people do. Sometimes shy students are more willing to participate if they can talk about other people, instead of themselves. They could say: Yo no vengo tarde, pero mi hermana siempre viene tarde. That way, they also practice the other verb forms.




Capítulo 2. La formación de preguntas y las palabras interrogativas, pág. XX.

• Confesiones Time for true confessions! Take turns asking each other how often you do the following things.

siempre a menudo a veces nunca MODELO

always often sometimes never

venir tarde (late) a la clase de español e1: ¿Vienes tarde a la clase de español? e2: Nunca vengo tarde a la clase de español. ¿Y tú? e1: Yo vengo tarde a veces.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


As a follow-up, instead of just asking questions such as: ¿Quién ve la televisión todas las noches? also ask ¿Quiénes ven la televisión todas las noches? Or, after gathering some answers, check to make sure students are listening by asking questions like, ¿Tom ve la televisión todas las noches? ¿Shirley y Steve ven la televisión todas las noches?

querer estudiar oír lo que (what) dice tu profesor/a poder contestar las preguntas de tu profesor/a de español escuchar música en la clase de español hacer preguntas tontas en clase traer tus libros a la clase salir temprano (early) de tus clases querer comer en la sala para ver la televisión


3•10 Firma aquí Paso 1

Complete the following steps.

Circulate around the room, asking your classmates appropriate questions using the cues provided. Ask those who answer sí to sign on the corresponding line in the chart. MODELO

venir a clase todos los días e1: Roberto, ¿vienes a clase todos los días? e2: No, no vengo a clase todos los días. e1: Amanda, ¿vienes a clase todos los días? e3: Sí, vengo a clase todos los días. e1: Muy bien. Firma aquí, por favor.




1. ver la televisión todas las noches


Part of the enjoyment of learning another language is getting to know other people. Your instructor structures your class so that you have many opportunities to work with different classmates.

2. hacer la tarea siempre


3. salir con los amigos los jueves por la noche


4. estar enfermo/a hoy


5. conocer Madrid


6. poder estudiar con música fuerte (loud)


7. querer ser arquitecto


8. tener una nota muy buena en la clase de español


Paso 2

Report some of your findings to the class. MODELO

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Joe ve la televisión todas las noches. Toni siempre hace la tarea. Chad está enfermo hoy…

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3•11 Entrevista Paso 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Complete the following steps.

Ask a classmate you do not know the following questions. Then change roles.

¿Haces ejercicio? ¿Con quién? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo ves la televisión? ¿Cuál es tu programa favorito? ¿Con quién(es) sales los fines de semana (weekends)? ¿Qué hacen ustedes? ¿Qué días vienes a la clase de español? ¿A qué hora? ¿Dónde pones tus libros? ¿Siempre dices la verdad (the truth)? Paso 2

Share a few of the things you have learned about your classmate with the class. MODELO

Mi compañero sale los fines de semana con sus amigos y no hace ejercicio.





¿Dónde viven los españoles?


n Madrid, la capital de España, al igual que en Barcelona, una ciudad cosmopolita en el noreste del país, la vida es tan rápida y vibrante como en la ciudad de Nueva York y otras grandes ciudades. Muchas personas viven en pisos (apartamentos) en edificios grandes, mientras que muchas otras viven ahora en las afueras (outskirts) en complejos (grupos) de casas llamados “urbanizaciones”, y van a la ciudad para trabajar. Para muchas personas, el costo de vivir en los centros urbanos resulta demasiado caro. Para otras, es preferible vivir donde la vida es un poco más tranquila y tener algo de naturaleza (nature) cerca de su vivienda. Sin embargo (Nevertheless), en los pueblos pequeños y en el campo la vida es diferente. Generalmente, las casas son bajas y algunas (some) tienen corrales con animales. Muchas personas se dedican a la agricultura y la vida es más lenta (slow).

Preguntas 1. ¿Dónde viven generalmente las personas que residen en Barcelona y en Madrid? ¿Qué es una “urbanización”? 2. ¿Cómo es diferente la vida en el campo? 3. ¿Dónde prefieres vivir tú, en el campo o en la ciudad?

Communication, Cultures, Comparisons

By reading texts in Spanish (Interpretive Communication), students are exposed to the culture of the people whose language they study. An article on Spanish housing provides a glimpse into one important aspect of the culture (Cultural Practices/Perspectives) while simultaneously reinforcing the reading comprehension and communication skills of the learners (Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication). The reading is short, it includes definitions for unfamiliar vocabulary, and it includes appropriate cognates. University students are familiar with different types of housing, and they can make comparisons between typical housing arrangements in the United States and abroad (Cultural Comparisons). They understand the cost of housing as part of their room and board at school or by paying rent in an off-campus apartment. This background knowledge helps them compare the cultural differences.

METHODOLOGY • Students Taking Responsibility

We recommend assigning all culture sections to be read in advance. Additionally, we recommend assigning students to read all the grammar explanations before class since they are written in a very clear, concise fashion. The instructor’s role then becomes that of clarifying or reviewing any points that the students read in advance. Finally, we suggest assigning the Escribe sections as homework, as well as the reading and Club cultura video series. You may also want to assign pages from the book for students to study for homework. Remind them to read through the activities, including direction lines, so that less class time is spent setting up activities and more-time can be spent with students actively engaged.


Prior to assigning a reading, always activate students’ schemata, e.g., tap into their pre-existing knowledge. For example, prepare students for this reading by asking: 1. where most people live in New York City (or a large city near your university). 2. what types of dwellings are found out in the country. You can also brainstorm with them words they know that relate to housing. You may want to pick out a few key words from the reading and ask what they mean.

EXPANSION for Nota cultural

Additional questions to ask your students are: ¿En qué se diferencian las casas del campo de las de la ciudad? ¿Qué tipo de casas hay en tu ciudad o pueblo? ¿Hay barrios de inmigrantes? En el futuro, ¿dónde quieres vivir: en la ciudad, en un pueblo o en el campo? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y las desventajas de vivir en un apartamento en la ciudad?

ANSWERS to Nota cultural 1. Viven en pisos/apartamentos. Una urbanización es un grupo de casas en las afueras de una ciudad. 2. La vida en el campo es más lenta. 3. Answers may vary.

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Capítulo 3


• Textbook images, PPT


METHODOLOGY • Vocabulario


Los muebles y otros objetos de la casa

Pronounce the new vocabulary words, and then have students repeat after you, both chorally and individually. You may also ask them to point to the part of the drawing in their books that represents each new word. Also, computer slides are another way to verify meaning and practice pronunciation, by pointing to different items and having students say the Spanish word that corresponds to each illustration.

Elaborating on rooms

el estante de libros

SUGGESTION for Los muebles

You may want to explain that with faucets “C” does not mean “cold” but rather “hot” (caliente) and “F” means “cold” (fría).

la lámpara

el sillón

la ducha


el lavabo

Form groups of at least 4 students. Student 1 says Vivo en una casa que tiene… and inserts something relevant. Student 2 says the phrase, inserting what his or her own house has, and then repeats what Student 1 has.

la bañera el sofá

MODELO E1: Vivo en una casa que tiene un jardín grande. E2: Vivo en una casa que tiene una estufa y un jardín grande. E3: Vivo en una casa que tiene tres camas, una estufa y un jardín grande.

el inodoro

el bidet

la alfombra el refrigerador

Have students continue to see how many rooms or things in a house they can add.

el microondas

el cómoda la almohada

la estufa las sábanas

el lavaplatos la colcha

la manta

Otras palabras el armario la cosa el cuadro el mueble los muebles el objeto amueblado/a

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la cama

Other words armoire; closet; cabinet thing picture; painting piece of furniture furniture object furnished

Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.

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NOTE for 3-12


3•12 En mi casa Capítulo 1. El verbo tener, pág. XX.




Túrnense para describir qué muebles y objetos tienen en

sus casas.

Instruct students to organize their descriptions by rooms. They may also choose to describe their dorm rooms or apartments rather than their family homes.


e1: Yo tengo una cama y dos sillas en mi dormitorio. ¿Qué tienes tú?

Several additional activity ideas include:

e2: Yo tengo una cama, un cuadro, una lámpara y una televisión. ¿Qué tienes en tu cocina?

1. Have students bring in images of rooms from the Internet, or catalogs and magazines, to describe to a partner. 2. As homework, or quickly in class, have students draw a floor plan of an ideal house, labeling the furniture. For students in CAD (Computer Assisted Design) classes, they could bring in an assignment from class to describe. 3. Have students bring in an image of an ideal room that they describe to their partner. The partner draws what he/she hears. The images are then compared when they are finished.


3 13

• El dormitorio de Cecilia Mira (Look at) la foto y con un/a compañero/a determina dónde está o no está cada objeto.

Fíjate The preposition de combines with the masculine definite article el to form the contraction del. The feminine article la does not contract. Note the following examples. La cómoda está a la derecha de la puerta. La cómoda está a la derecha del armario.

The dresser is to the right of the door. The dresser is to the right right of the closet.

a la derecha (de) a la izquierda (de) al lado (de) encima (de) sobre


e1: e2: e2: e1:

to the right (of) to the left (of) beside on top (of) on; on top (of); over

¿Dónde está el cuadro? El cuadro está en la pared sobre la cómoda. ¿Dónde está el sillón? No veo un sillón.

¿Dónde está(n)…? 1. 2. 3. 4.

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la cama el armario las lámparas la alfombra

5. las sábanas 6. la manta 7. las almohadas

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Capítulo 3



Ask each student to write an ad to “sell” his/her own apartment or the apartment of a friend or family member.

3 14

Capítulo 2. El verbo gustar, pág. XX.

• ¿Quieres un apartamento estupendo? You have received a grant to study abroad in Sevilla, Spain! Now you need to find a place to live. Look at the three apartment ads below, and select one of them. Give your partner at least three reasons for your choice. Use expressions like Quiero…Me gusta(n)… or Tiene un/a… Be creative! MODELO

Me gusta el edificio nuevo y tiene un apartamento con muebles. No me gustan …

Piso. Plaza de Cuba, Los Remedios. Edificio nuevo: dos dormitorios, baño, cocina, sala grande y balcón. Amueblado. 750€ al mes. Tel. 95 446 04 55. Piso. Colonia San Luis. Sala, cocina, dormitorio y baño. Sin muebles. 400€ al mes. Tel. 95 448 85 32. Alquilo piso de lujo en casa patio rehabilitada del siglo XVIII. Dos plantas, sala, cocina con zona de comedor, baño y dormitorio. Totalmente amueblado (junto a la Plaza Nueva, a dos minutos de la Catedral, Alcázar). Para más información por favor ponte en contacto con Teresa Rivas. Tel. 95 422 47 03.

¿Cómo andas? I Feel confident

Need to review

Having completed Comunicación I, I now can … • describe homes. (p. XX) • pronounce the letters h, j, and g. (p. XX and online) • express actions. (p. XX) • relate general differences in housing in Spain. (p. XX) • elaborate on rooms. (p. XX)

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Comunicación II


SECTION GOALS for Comunicación II





By the end of the Comunicación I section, students will be able to:

Los quehaceres de la casa

Sharing information about household chores

Lina Carlos Javier Juan Teresa


Donato Reyes Leticia

Felipe y Alfonso


• share information about household chores. • discuss responsibilities and obligations using tener que + infinitive. • summarize daily activities related to running a household. • compare their household chores with the chores of other students. • discover environmental initiatives in the Spanish-speaking world. • identify colors and use adjectives to modify nouns. • inventory the contents of a house, including appliances and accessories. • compare aspects of their houses with the houses of classmates. • experience a Spaniard’s house by taking a virtual tour. • use idiomatic expressions with tener to express feelings. • state the numbers 1,000–100,000,000. • employ the ordinal numbers. • review the numbers 0–999. • report the price and features of a property for sale. • analyze the population data of Spanish cities. • budget euros and use the budget to furnish a house. • recognize the meaning and uses of hay. • listen for specific details about the rooms of a house. • communicate on chapter’s themes. • create an ad.



Otras palabras arreglar ayudar cocinar; preparar la comida guardar hacer la cama lavar los platos limpiar

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Sr. Sánchez

Other words to straighten up; to fix to help to cook; to prepare a meal to put away; to keep to make the bed to wash dishes to clean

pasar la aspiradora poner la mesa sacar la basura sacudir los muebles la ropa desordenado/a limpio/a sucio/a

to vacuum to set the table to take out the garbage to dust

Students can use household chores and everyday activities such as cleaning as a starting point for conversation. They engage in conversations comparing what types of chores they do, what responsibilities they have, how often they do specific chores, and their likes and dislikes (Interpersonal Communication). This topic lends itself well to exchanging opinions and providing and obtaining information, through interviews, signature activities, presentations or TPR modeling in front of the class, and role plays. One effective way of using roleplays in this situation to elicit communication is to pair students and have one student be the parent and the other student be the child. The division of household labor, and the equities or inequities involved are familiar situations in most families.

clothes; clothing messy clean dirty

Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.

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CAPÍTULO 3 SUGGESTION for 3-15 and 3-16


Capítulo 3



Pair students by the household chore they like the least, or by the appliance they could least/most live without.

3 15

• ¡Mucho trabajo! Mira el dibujo en la página XX y con un/a compañero/a determina qué hacen las siguientes personas. MODELO

e1: Carmen e2: Carmen hace la cama.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NOTE for 3-16

Explain that days of the week are plural when talking in general, e.g., los lunes for “on Mondays,” or Limpio el apartamento los sábados.

METHODOLOGY • Tener que + infinitive

Tener que + infinitive is introduced lexically in 3-16 in order to present contextually a number of new verbs. It is then introduced formally on page XX, with a group of other tener expressions in Algunas expresiones con tener.

El Sr. Sánchez El Sr. Sánchez sacude los muebles. Hosun Hosun pasa la aspiradora. Javier Javier arregla su dormitorio. Reyes Reyes sacude los muebles y limpia la casa. Donato y Leticia Donato y Leticia lavan los platos. Lourdes Lourdes saca la basura. Lina y Carlos Lina y Carlos guardan/arreglan los libros. Teresa Teresa cocina/prepara la comida. Felipe y Alfonso Felipe y Alfonso ponen la mesa. Juan y Carmen Juan y Carmen hacen la cama.


3 16

• Responsabilidades ¿Cuáles son tus responsabilidades? ¿Cuánto tiempo dedicas a (do you devote to) estas tareas? ¿Cuándo? Completa el cuadro y comparte (share) oralmente tus respuestas con un/a compañero/a.

Fíjate The expression tener que + infinitive means “to have to do” something. ¿Qué tienes que hacer? means “What do you have to do?” Later in this chapter you will learn more expressions with tener.


tener que + (infinitive)

to have to + (verb)

Tengo que limpiar mi dormitorio y sacar la basura los lunes. Dedico dos horas porque está muy sucio y tengo mucha basura.


1. mi dormitorio


limpiar mi dormitorio y sacar la basura


el lunes


dos horas

2. el baño 3. la cocina 4. la sala 5. el garaje 6. el comedor

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Los colores

• Textbook images, PPT

Illustrating objects using colors

SUGGESTION for Los colores

Ask students to identify any additional colors they see in the photos.




NOTE for Los colores

Although “beige” is spelled the same in English and Spanish, reinforce the proper Spanish pronunciation.

blanco negro

el Puerto de Ribadeo

EXPANSION for Los colores

For further practice with colors, use the photos El dormitorio de Cecilia, from 3-13, and ¿Cómo son? 3-18. Ask specific questions like ¿Qué colores ves en la foto? ¿De qué color es la alfombra? ¿De qué color es la lámpara? or ask students to describe the two rooms orally and/or in writing. Additional questions include: ¿De qué color es tu dormitorio? ¿De qué color es tu silla favorita? ¿Qué color te gusta más? ¿Qué color no te gusta?, etc.

beige los Picos de Europa

una casa sevillana



una casa urbana española

el mar al lado de Baiona morado


la catedral en Bilbao verde

un viñedo en La Rioja

una casa privada las botellas para la sidra

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un autobús


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CAPÍTULO 3 ANSWER to question in Los colores presentation


Capítulo 3


Un refrigerador negro, un sofá blanco, una cocina verde, unas sillas amarillas.

Colors are descriptive adjectives, and as such, they must agree with the nouns they describe in number and gender.


• Adjectives ending in -o have four forms.

Remind students that so far they have been using colors as descriptive adjectives. They are also used as nouns when they do not describe objects, just as in English: e.g., the brown one (el marrón), the blue ones (los azules), etc.


Túrnense para decir cuáles son sus colores favoritos y qué cosas de esos (those) colores hay en la sala de clase. MODELO E1: Mis colores favoritos son el marrón, el azul y el verde. En la clase hay veinte escritorios marrones y un libro azul. E2: Sí y también hay una puerta marrón.

Fíjate You learned in Capítulo 1 (p. XX) that adjectives normally follow nouns in Spanish, e.g. el coche rojo.

rojo roja rojos rojas • Adjectives ending in a vowel other than -o, or in a consonant, have two forms. verde



azules ¿De qué color es…? La casa es blanca y tiene un techo rojo. Las casas son blancas y tienen techos rojos. Tengo un armario marrón. Tengo una alfombra marrón. Tengo dos sillones marrones.

What color is … ? The house is white and has a red roof. The houses are white and have red roofs. I have a brown armoire. I have a brown rug. I have two brown armchairs.

How would you say “a black refrigerator,” “a white sofa,” “a green kitchen,” and “some yellow chairs?” Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.


3•17 La casa ideal

Termina (Finish) las siguientes oraciones para describir tu casa ideal, incluyendo los colores. Comparte tus respuestas con un/a compañero/a. MODELO

e1: Quiero una casa con… una cocina… e2: Quiero una casa con una cocina amarilla.

Quiero una casa con… 1. una alfombra… 2. una bañera… 3. un inodoro y un lavabo… 4. un refrigerador…

5. 6. 7. 8.

un comedor… unos sillones… un techo… ¿?


3 18

Capítulo Preliminar A. El verbo ser, pág. XX; Capítulo 1. El verbo tener, pág. XX; Capítulo 2. El verbo estar, pág. XX.

• ¿Cómo son? Túrnense para comparar la sala de Luis con la tuya (yours) o la sala de un/a amigo/a. Usen los verbos ser y tener. MODELO

e1: Luis tiene una sala grande, pero yo tengo una sala pequeña. e2: La sala de Luis es grande y mi sala es grande también.

la sala de Luis

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3•19 Buena memoria

Bring in colorful pictures of a house or rooms in a house. Select one picture and take a minute to study it carefully. Turn it over and relate to a partner as much detail as you can remember about the picture, especially pertaining to colors. Then listen to your partner talk about his or her picture. Who remembers more? 5:00

3 20

• En la casa de Dalí Go to the Internet to take a virtual tour of the home of a famous Spaniard, such as the house of the famous artist Salvador Dalí, the Castillo Gala Dalí in Púbol, Spain. While you are exploring his house, or the house of another Spaniard, answer the following questions. Then compare your answers with those of a classmate.


Assign 3-20 for homework. Students should bring answers to class to compare them with classmates’ answers.


Practice expressions with directed questions, such as ¿Qué no tienes ganas de hacer los lunes? ¿Cuándo tienes hambre? ¿Cuándo tienes sueño? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿En qué meses tienes frío? ¿En qué meses tienes calor? etc.

Depicting states of being using tener

The verb tener, besides meaning to have, is used in a variety of expressions.

—Mamá, tengo hambre. ¿Cuándo comemos? —Tienes suerte, hijo. Salimos para el restaurante Tío Tapas en diez minutos.


SUGGESTION for Algunas expresiones con tener

Algunas expresiones con tener

to be . . . years old to feel hot to be careful to be successful to be cold to feel like + (verb) to be hungry to be afraid to be in a hurry to have to + (verb) to be right to be thirsty to be sleepy to be lucky to be embarrassed

This activity can be assigned as homework. Ask students to bring in photos from magazines, etc. Bring extra photos of your own in case some students forget theirs. For additional practice, repeat the activity with other photos students bring in or have students pass their photos to someone else.

MODELO E1: Veo una mochila roja. E2: Veo un cuaderno rojo. E3: Veo unos libros rojos. E1: …

El Castillo Gala Dalí

tener… años tener calor tener cuidado tener éxito tener frío tener ganas de + (infinitive) tener hambre tener miedo tener prisa tener que + (infinitive) tener razón tener sed tener sueño tener suerte tener vergüenza


Assign students to work in groups of three. Estudiante 1 selects a color and identifies something in the classroom with that color. Estudiante 2 names something else that is the same color. Estudiante 3 does the same. A student who cannot respond is “out.” The last person left chooses the color for the next round.

1. ¿Qué ves en el jardín? 2. ¿Qué muebles ves o imaginas en cada cuarto? 3. ¿Cuáles son los colores principales de cada cuarto? 4. ¿Qué te gusta más de esta casa? ¿Qué te gusta menos?



NOTE for Algunas expresiones con tener Susana tiene 19 años.

Remind students that they learned frío and calor in Capítulo Preliminar A, when the words were used with Hace…

NOTE for Algunas expresiones con tener

Fíjate When you use expressions like tener frío or tener éxito, please note that words like frío and éxito are nouns and do not change. For example: Nosotras tenemos frío. Ellas tienen éxito.

Mom, I ’m hungry. When are we eating? You are lucky, son. We are leaving for Tío Tapas Restaurant in ten minutes.

To practice the tener expressions, you may wish to pair students as follows: Create slips of paper with half of a sentence that needs to be matched by another half, e.g., Cuando no como… [One slip of paper] … tengo hambre. [One slip of paper that matches the previous sentence] Create enough clauses for your class. Have students circulate to find the match to their clause and hence their partner. To save you time, collect the strips after the students have found their partners so that you can reuse them in another class. The slips can be used in subsequent chapters, as they act as review.

Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.

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CAPÍTULO 3 SUGGESTION for 3-21 and 3-22


Capítulo 3



Encourage students to take turns reading aloud the sentences that they created as they compare their answers.

3•21 ¿Qué pasa?

Mira los dibujos y, con un/a compañero/a, crea una oración

para cada persona. Usa expresiones con tener.

EXPANSION for 3-21

Other ideas to expand upon are:

Susana tiene 19 años.


1. Have students say what they have to do this week, next week, etc. 2. Have students say what they think their instructor has to do today, tomorrow, etc. 3. Have students say what their parents have to do. Note that these expansion options encourage students to use other forms of the verb tener.

ANSWERS to 3-21

Possible answers include: Rosario tiene prisa. Alicia tiene que estudiar. Julián tiene suerte/éxito. Beatriz tiene miedo. Pilar tiene cuidado. Jorge, Ramón y Roberto tienen frío. Carmen tiene sed. David tiene hambre.


NOTE for 3-22

Be sure that your students pay special attention to the modelo. In this activity, students are doing more than matching; they are creating sentences.











3 22

• ¿Qué haces cuando…? ¿Qué haces en casa en las siguientes situaciones? Contesta la pregunta emparejando los elementos de las dos columnas de la forma más lógica. Compara tus respuestas con las de un/a compañero/a. e1: tener ganas de descansar ver la televisión e2: Cuando tengo ganas de descansar, veo la televisión.


Cuando… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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b d g f h a c e

tener hambre tener suerte tener cuidado tener prisa tener frío tener éxito tener sed tener ganas de descansar

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

estar muy feliz preparar comida en la cocina hacer una limonada no tener que limpiar la casa ver la televisión salir rápidamente en mi carro no hacer errores tomar el sol en el jardín

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3•23 ¿Qué tengo yo?

Capítulo Preliminar A. Los días, los meses y las estaciones, pág. XX; Capítulo 2. Presente indicativo de verbos regulares, pág. XX.




Expresa cómo te sientes ( you feel ) en las siguientes ocasiones usando (using) expresiones con tener. Compara tus respuestas con las de un/a compañero/a. MODE LO

e1: antes de comer e2: Antes de comer tengo hambre.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

temprano en la mañana los viernes por la tarde después de correr mucho en el verano en el invierno

6. cuando tienes tres minutos para llegar a clase 7. cuando sacas una “A” en un examen 8. cuando lees un libro de Stephen King o ves una película (movie) de terror


1. Temprano en la mañana tengo sueño. 2. Los viernes por la tarde tengo ganas de salir. 3. Después de correr mucho tengo sed. 4. En el verano tengo calor. 5. En el invierno tengo frío. 6. Cuando tengo tres minutos para llegar a clase tengo prisa. 7. Cuando saco una “A” en un examen tengo suerte/ éxito. 8. Cuando leo un libro de Stephen King o veo una película de terror tengo miedo.

NOTE for 3-24

3•24 Pobre Pablo

Poor Pablo, our friend from Madrid, is having one of those days! With a partner, retell his story using tener expressions.

El despertador de Pablo no funciona (does not work). Tiene una clase a las 8:00 y es tarde. Sale de casa a las 8:10.


These vignettes are based on Pablo, a character from Madrid, Spain. Some students may need more information about the few cultural nuances that appear in the vignettes (e.g., grades). This can also lend itself to cultural comparison.


Have students create a complete narrative of Pablo’s day, including as many details as possible.

Pablo tiene prisa.

1. Es invierno y Pablo no tiene abrigo (coat). Pablo tiene frío.

2. Pablo tiene un insuficiente (60% en los Estados Unidos) en un examen. Pablo no tiene éxito. / Pablo tiene que estudiar.

4. Pablo ve que no tiene dinero para comer. Pablo tiene vergüenza. / Pablo tiene hambre.

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3. Pablo recibe una oferta (offer) de trabajo increíble. Pablo tiene suerte.

5. Pablo está en casa y quiere una botella de agua. En el refrigerador no hay ninguna (none). Pablo tiene sed.

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Capítulo 3




3•25 Datos personales



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Students work with partners using tener expressions to communicate how they feel. They are able to express feelings and emotions with their partners in an interpersonal exchange. This dialogue also allows them to exchange opinions about things such as fears, obligations, and how they react to a changing environment. The Datos personales activity, 3-25, facilitates conversation because students have to provide and obtain information. This type of activity facilitates Interpersonal Communication in Spanish.


¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Qué tienes que hacer hoy? ¿Tienes ganas de hacer algo diferente? ¿Qué? ¿En qué clase tienes sueño? ¿En qué clase tienes mucha suerte?

Have students review numbers 100–1,000 prior to beginning chunk 7.

SUGGESTION for Los números

Pronounce the numbers and have students repeat after you. Then write sample numbers on the board and have individuals say them.

NOTE for Los números

Many Latin American countries have experienced dramatic inflation over the past decades; therefore, prices of everyday items are often expressed in thousands of soles, colones, pesos, etc. Explain to your students that learning the numbers, especially the larger ones, will help them become successful consumers in the Spanish-speaking world.

NOTE for Los números

You may wish to practice stating dates by placing a series of dates on the board and having students in groups express the dates to their partners. There is more practice with dates in ¡Anda! online.

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¿Siempre tienes razón? ¿Cuándo tienes hambre? ¿Cuándo tienes sueño? Cuando tienes sed, ¿qué tomas? ¿En qué tienes éxito?

Los números 1.000–100.000.000 y los números ordinales


Counting from 1,000 to 100,000,000 and ranking people and things

NOTE for Los números

SUGGESTION for Los números

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


As a follow-up, encourage your students to circulate, ask others the same questions, and report back to their groups in order to practice the third-person forms. As a reminder, ¡Anda! believes in teaching language learners skills that are appropriate for the 21st century. These skills will benefit the learner in the world-wide community. Therefore, when learning the numbers, the students will be required to hear numbers and write the numerals they hear, or they will be required to look at a numeral/number and orally state the number. They will not be required to write the words for numbers since the need for that skill has virtually disappeared in our everyday lives.

Túrnense para hacerse esta entrevista (interview).

1.000 1.001 1.010 2.000 30.000

mil mil uno mil diez dos mil treinta mil

100.000 400.000 1.000.000 2.000.000 100.000.000

cien mil cuatrocientos mil un millón dos millones cien millones

1. Mil is never used in the plural form when counting. mil

dos mil

tres mil

2. To state numbers in the thousands (such as the following dates), use mil, followed by hundreds in the masculine form (if needed). 1492 1950 2012

Fíjate To express “a/one thousand,” use mil. Do not use the word un with mil.

mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos mil novecientos cincuenta dos mil doce

3. The plural of millón is millones and when followed by a noun,both take the preposition de. un millón de autos

cinco millones de personas

Fíjate Note that millón has an accent mark in the singular form but loses the accent mark in the plural form, millones.

4. Cien is used before mil and millones (de). cien mil euros

cien millones de euros

5. Decimal points are used instead of commas in some Hispanic countries to group three digits together, and commas are used to replace decimal points. 1.000.000 (un millón)

$2.000,00 (dos mil dólares)

6. Ordinal numbers indicate position in a series or order. The first ten ordinal numbers are listed below. Ordinal numbers beyond décimo are rarely used. primer, primero/a segundo/a tercer, tercero/a cuarto/a quinto/a

first second third fourth fifth

sexto/a séptimo/a octavo/a noveno/a décimo/a

sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

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7. Ordinal numbers are adjectives and agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. They usually precede nouns. el cuarto piso

the fourth floor

la quinta casa

the fifth house

8. Before masculine, singular nouns, primero and tercero are shortened to primer and tercer. el primer coche

the first car

el tercer curso

the third course

NOTE for Los números

Remind students that when writing numbers in Spanish, the decimal point/period is used where in English the comma is used.

9. After décimo, a cardinal number is used and follows the noun. el piso catorce

the fourteenth floor

el siglo veintiuno

the 21st century

Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.


3•26 ¿Cuánto cuesta?

Look at the ads for houses in Spain. Complete the

Take turns asking for the price and other details for each of the houses. MODELO

e1: ¿Cuánto cuesta la casa en Carmona? e2: Cuesta (It costs) ochocientos noventa y cinco mil euros. e1: ¿Cuántos dormitorios tiene? e2: Tiene dos dormitorios.

Paso 2:

Rank the houses from your first to fourth favorite. MODELO

Casa en venta 2 dormitorios, 2 baños, calefacción, aire acondicionado.

e1: Para mí, la primera es la casa en Costa Brava. e2: Para mí, la primera es la casa en Los Gigantes.

Cerca de la calle Santa Ana.

e1: Para mí, la segunda es…. e2: Para mí…

Carmona, España. Precio: 895.000€

Casa independiente en venta

Casa independiente en venta

Tel: (+34) 954 190 576

Casa unifamiliar en venta Casa señorial de cuatro plantas. La construcción data del año 1800. En buen estado de conservación.

6 dormitorios, 3 baños, cocina amueblada, terrazas, piscina.

3 dormitorios, 2 baños, cocina amueblada, calefacción, terrazas, chimenea. Jardín grande. Posibilidad de ampliación de dormitorios.

Los Gigantes, Tenerife, España. Precio: 2.620.000€ Tel: (+34) 922 787 718

Costa Brava, España. Precio: 960.607€ Tel: (+34) 972 212 315

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SUGGESTION for Los números

Have students practice ordinal numbers by having them create lists of favorites: classes, sports, rooms of the house, etc. This can be done individually or with a partner.

SUGGESTION for Los números

following steps. Paso 1:

Students love to talk about the cost of their tuition each semester. Write the amounts of this year’s tuition, room, board, and fees on the board or prepare a PPT slide and ask students to tell you the amounts in Spanish. For the upperclassmen, you might ask them to determine how much they have paid over the course of several years.

5 dormitorios, 2 baños, chimenea, terrazas, jardín grande. Precio: 620.000€

Oviedo, España. Tel: (+34) 984 223 591

Have students create questions using ordinal numbers, e.g. ¿Cuál es tu primera clase los lunes? Then have them circulate to interview classmates.

WORLD-READINESS STANDARDS Communication, Connections

Activity 3-26 asks students to engage in conversations about real estate advertisements. They look at the advertisements, and then they take turns providing and obtaining information about each property. The open-ended format of the activity also allows students to exchange opinions about the properties by using familiar expressions (me gusta, es caro, es feo, es bonito, etc.) (Interpersonal Communication). This activity also reinforces their knowledge of other disciplines such as geography, math, international business, and political science (Acquiring Information/ Diverse Perspectives). The prices listed are in euros, so that students can convert the prices to U.S. dollars and decide whether the properties are reasonably priced and how they compare to property values in their area. Students can use their knowledge of Spanish geography to make predictions about the climate, the locations of the properties relative to other Spanish cities, and how the locations affect the value of the properties. They can use their political science studies to examine what type of local government each city or community has, what types of property taxes a buyer might pay, and how owning real estate in a particular community impacts the local economy (Making Connections).


For up-to-date exchange rates, please consult the Internet.


Have students describe the houses, determine which one they would prefer to live in, imagine what they are like inside, etc.

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CAPÍTULO 3 Audioscript for 3-27


Capítulo 3



Pues, sí. ¡Hay una variedad de casas que se puede comprar! Por ejemplo, la primera casa en España se puede comprar por 1.550.000 euros. La segunda casa cuesta 12.600.000 euros. La tercera casa cuesta 27.900.000 euros. Finalmente, la cuarta casa cuesta solamente 45.800.000 euros. Tienes muchas opciones excelentes, ¿verdad?

3 27

• ¿Cuánto? Listen as Miguel, a real estate agent, tells you the prices of luxury homes available for purchase. Write the prices you hear.










3 28

• ¿Cuál es su población? Lee las poblaciones de las siguientes ciudades de España mientras (while) tu compañero/a te escucha y corrige. Después, cambien de papel (change roles). Madrid Barcelona Valencia Sevilla Granada

2.824.000 1.454.000 736.000 695.000 242.000








1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Valencia Mallorca Sevilla



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3•29 ¿Qué compras?

Your rich uncle left you an inheritance with the stipulation that you use the money to furnish your house. Refer to the pictures on page XX to spend 5.500€ on your house. Make a list of what you want to buy, assigning prices to any items without tags. Then share your list with your partner, who will keep track of your spending. Did you overspend?

Fíjate The sentence in the model includes two verbs; the second verb is an infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir). Quiero comprar un televisvor.

I want to buy a television.


Quiero comprar una televisión por (for) ochocientos noventa y nueve euros.


3•30 Preguntas de trivia




¿En qué piso está tu clase de español? ¿A qué hora es tu primera clase los lunes? ¿Y la segunda? ¿Cuál es el tercer mes del año? ¿Y el sexto? ¿Cuál es el séptimo día de la semana? ¿Cuál es el nombre del primer presidente de los Estados Unidos? ¿Cómo se llama la cuarta persona de la tercera fila (row) en la clase de español?

Las casas “verdes”


l norte de España (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria y el País Vasco) se llama “la España verde” a causa del color verde del paisaje (countryside). Hay suficiente lluvia y los árboles y la otra vegetación responden bien a la madre naturaleza.

Pero verde significa otra cosa también. España y otros países hispanohablantes tratan de (try to) vivir una vida verde. “Vivir una vida verde” significa valorar, cuidar (care for) y preservar los recursos naturales. Por ejemplo, usan el viento para producir energía. España produce entre 30 y 50 por ciento de su electricidad del viento. También hay casas con paneles solares.

WORLD-READINESS STANDARDS Communication, Cultures, Comparisons

The reading offers students examples of living “green” in Spain. The summary allows students to understand and interpret written Spanish (Interpretive Communication) while describing some of the steps the country is taking toward being environmentally conscious.

METHODOLOGY • Reading Túrnense para hacerse las siguientes preguntas y


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


You can introduce the reading in class and have students complete it at home, along with Preguntas. Then in class, you can emphasize points and discuss the answers to Preguntas.

ANSWERS to Nota cultural 1. “Verde” significa el color y también significa valorar, cuidar y preservar la madre naturaleza. 2. Hay edificios y casas verdes por todas partes de los Estados Unidos.

NOTE for Hay / Hay que + infinitivo

Hay was introduced lexically in Capítulo 2, 2-4, when students were asked to describe their classroom. The authors believe that structures should be introduced when needed. Hay is treated formally here.

METHODOLOGY • Hay / Hay que + infinitivo Hay has been introduced more in depth in Capítulo 3 and not earlier since the grammatical syllabus has allowed students a variety of ways to express themselves using other structures. Hay was used lexically in Capítulo 2. Most students benefit from this type of chunking of material. If you feel your students would benefit from an earlier or more in-depth presentation, please do so.

NOTE for Hay / Hay que + infinitivo

¡Anda! introduces compound tenses using haber in ¡Anda! Curso intermedio. A discussion of haber is left for that time, which is at the point of need.

En el sur de España, muchas casas son de color blanco. Es una tradición muy vieja. El color blanco refleja los rayos del sol y conserva la casa más fresca. Es aún otra manera para vivir una vida verde.

Preguntas 1. Explica los dos sentidos (meanings) de la palabra “verde”. 2. ¿Dónde hay edificios o casas verdes en los Estados Unidos?

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Capítulo 3


NOTE for Hay que + infinitivo

For a quick drill that reinforces the use of the infinitive after hay que have students make a list of ten infinitives. Then in pairs, they take turns calling out an infinitive while their partners must quickly make an expression with hay que, e.g. sacudir Hay que sacudir los muebles.

8 GRAMÁTICA Hay y hay que + infinitivo


Stating There is / There are. Stating what needs to be accomplished.

1. In Capítulo 2, you became familiar with hay when you described your classroom. To say there is or there are in Spanish you use hay. The irregular form hay comes from the verb haber. Hay un baño en mi casa. Hay cuatro dormitorios también. —¿Hay tres baños en tu casa? —No, no hay tres baños.

There is one bathroom in my house. There are also four bedrooms. Are there three bathrooms in your house? No, there aren’t three bathrooms.

2. Earlier in this chapter you learned that a form of tener + que + infinitive means to have to do something. Another way of expressing the idea of needing to do something is hay que + infinitive. Hay que limpiar el baño. Hay que poner la mesa. ¿Hay que sacar la basura?

It’s necessary to clean the bathroom. It’s necessary to set the table. Is it necessary to take out the garbage?

Now you are ready to complete the Preparación y práctica activities for this chunk online.

¿Qué hay en ese cuarto?


3 31

• ¡Escucha bien! Descríbele un cuarto de tu casa (real o imaginaria) a un/a compañero/a en tres oraciones. Él/Ella tiene que repetir las oraciones. Después, cambien de papel. MODELO

NOTE for 3-32

e1: En mi dormitorio hay una cama, una lámpara y una cómoda. También hay dos ventanas. No hay una alfombra. e2: En tu dormitorio hay una cama, una lámpara y una cómoda…


Time will vary for 3-32, depending on how thorough your students are. Encourage them to give complete descriptions. To discourage students from getting off-task and chatting, monitor them closely and end the activity when a third to half of your students have finished.

3 32

• ¿Qué hay en tu casa? Descríbele tu casa a un/a compañero/a. Usen todas las palabras que puedan (you can) del vocabulario de La casa, p. XX, y Los muebles y otros objetos de la casa, p. XX. MODELO

e1: En mi casa hay un garaje. ¿Hay un garaje en tu casa? e2: No, en mi casa no hay un garaje. e2: En mi baño hay una bañera y una ducha. ¿Qué hay en tu baño? e1: Hay una ducha, un inodoro y un lavabo grande.


3•33 ¿Qué hay que hacer?

Contesta las siguientes preguntas usando

hay que. MODELO

¿Tienes que limpiar el baño?

1. ¿Tenemos que arreglar la sala? 2. ¿Tengo que pasar la aspiradora? 3. ¿Tiene Miguelito que guardar sus cosas?

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Sí, hay que limpiar el baño. 4. ¿Tengo que sacar la basura? 5. ¿Tienen Uds. que poner la mesa?

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3 34

¿Cuántos hay? Túrnense para preguntar y contestar cuántos objetos y personas hay en su clase aproximadamente. •

Capítulo Preliminar A. Los números 0–30, pág. XX; Capítulo 2. La formación de preguntas y las palabras interrogativas, pág. XX.


libros de español e1: ¿Cuántos libros de español hay? e2: Hay treinta libros de español.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

puertas escritorios mochilas azules cuadernos negros estudiantes contentos

estudiantes cansados computadoras estudiantes a quienes les gusta jugar al fútbol estudiantes a quienes les gusta ir a fiestas (parties) estudiantes a quienes les gusta estudiar

Escucha Una descripción Estrategia Listening for specific information

• practice pre-listening strategies. • prepare questions they might ask a real estate agent. • complete checklists of features of houses. • listen for specific details. • use the information from a listening passage to relay information to others.


Once students are able to listen for cognates and the main idea, the next strategy they can apply is listening for specific information. The communicative mode is interpretive as they understand and interpret spoken Spanish. The Después de escuchar activity allows students to practice role-playing, and the communication is interpersonal. If the students describe the house in front of an audience of listeners, they are also communicating in the presentational mode.

METHODOLOGY • Escucha To practice listening for specific information, first determine the context of the passage and then decide what information you need about that topic. For example, if you are listening to an ad about an apartment to

rent, you may want to focus on size, location, and price. In ¡Anda! Curso elemental, the Antes de escuchar section will provide you with tools for successfully listening to and comprehending each passage.

3 35

• Antes de escuchar A real estate agent is describing one of the homes listed as a possibility to sell to the Garrido family. Mr. Garrido asks for a few details. Write a question Mr. Garrido might ask the agent.

3 36

• A escuchar Listen to the passage and complete the following list based on the information the agent provides. Listen a second time to verify your answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

By the end of the Escucha section, students will be able to:

Number of floors: 1 Number of bedrooms: 4 Number of bathrooms: 3 Size of kitchen: Large Size of living room: Large Price: $204,000

Students can complete this section at home or in class. Encourage them to practice and apply the listening strategy, rather than racing through the exercise. Follow up by checking answers.

AUDIOSCRIPT for 3-36 agente:

Tengo la casa perfecta para usted y su familia. Es una casa bella de un solo piso. Tiene cuatro dormitorios, uno grande y los otros tres más pequeños, y tres baños. La cocina es enorme y muy moderna. sr. garrido: ¿Y la sala? Siempre tenemos muchos amigos en casa. agente: La sala es grande y está al lado de la cocina. Hay mucho espacio para su familia y sus amigos. sr. garrido: ¿Cuál es el precio de la casa? agente: Es muy razonable. Solo 204.000 dólares.

Los señores Garrido quieren comprar una casa.

3 37

• Después de escuchar With a partner, play the roles of Mr. Garrido and a friend. The friend asks questions about the house, and Mr. Garrido describes the house using the information from 3-36.

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CAPÍTULO 3 SECTION GOALS for ¡Conversemos!

By the end of the ¡Conversemos! section, students will be able to: • create in the presentational mode on the topic of homes and housing. • interact in the interpersonal mode with a partner on the chapter theme. • utilize interrogative words.

METHODOLOGY • ¡Conversemos!

Research has indicated that one of the most challenging tasks for a beginning student is to ask questions since in a classroom setting students are usually the ones answering questions, not creating them. Therefore, both this section and the previous Escucha section where one of the students is asked to create/ ask questions are excellent practice.

SUGGESTION for ¡Conversemos!


Capítulo 3


¡Conversemos! 3 38

• Su casa Look at the drawing below, and create a story about the family who lives there. Your partner will ask you the following questions as well as additional ones he/she may have. • • • •

When does your story take place? What is the weather? What is the name of the family? Describe furniture and household objects using colors.

Also make sure that your story includes the following components. • Include at least eight different verbs. • Use at least three new tener expressions (p. XX).

Bring in an episode of a show that features different homes. Play the video with no sound and ask them to make a list of the rooms and additional features of each house. Then ask them to report back to the class and share opinions about the value of each house, whether they would want to live there, and whether this type of house exists where they live.

3•39 Mi casa ideal

Describe tu casa ideal. Di por lo menos (at least) diez oraciones, usando palabras descriptivas (adjetivos) en cada oración. Tu compañero/a de clase va a hacer por lo menos tres preguntas sobre tu descripción.

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By the end of the Escribe section, students will be able to:

Un anuncio (ad) Estrategia Noun ➔ adjective agreement

Remember that most adjectives follow nouns, and that adjectives agree with their corresponding nouns in

gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural). Keep this in mind when creating your ad.

• brainstorm and edit a list of the features of an apartment. • create an ad to post on the Internet. • organize the contents of the ad into appropriate categories. • compare their ad to those of their classmates. • express their likes and dislikes about the ads. • choose the most enticing ad.


3•40 Antes de escribir

You have accepted a new job in a different town and you are uncertain regarding the permanence of the position. Therefore, you decide to sublet your apartment, listing it on the Internet. Before creating the posting, make a detailed list of the features you want to include.

3 41

• A escribir Organize your list and create your ad, making it as informative and attractive as possible. The ad should include the following information: • Location (city, country, street, etc.)

• Pieces of furniture included

• Type of house or building

• Colors

• Number and types of rooms

• Price and contact information

• Appliances in the kitchen

• Special features

3 42

• Después de escribir Circulate among your classmates sharing your ads, and determine which you would most like to sublet.

¿Cómo andas? II

Communication, Connections

Creating an ad as is done in 3-41 provides real-life experiences for students. The listening and writing activities give students the opportunity to engage in conversations about renting, buying, or selling property. They must provide and obtain information about the house they wish to sell, or the property they want to buy. The listening activity (3-36) requires students to understand and interpret spoken Spanish. The Internet ad/posting made in 3-41 uses written Spanish, but depending on how you implement the activity, the students could also present their ads to the class; 3-42 combines written Spanish with the presentational mode of the classroom discussion about the ads. Students make connections between their real world experiences and what they are learning in school. The types of skills they practice while making ads, taking inventories, listening for specific information, and preparing to relocate are practical skills they are learning in college. They use applications from the visual arts for the ads, marketing for preparing their property, economics for calculating where they can afford to live, and life skills they will utilize upon their graduation. Students may also use these skills for making lodging arrangements while traveling or working abroad.


Having completed Comunicación II, I now can . . .

You may want to use the ads in a different way. For example, put students in groups of four or five and have them determine which ad is the most interesting, will be the easiest to sublet, etc.

• share information about household chores. (p. XX)

EXPANSION for 3-42

Feel confident

Need to review

• discover green initiatives. (p. XX)

Ask students to print an ad or spec sheet of a house from a real estate web site you know. Have them pretend they are realtors, and explain the features or selling points of the house to the class in Spanish. Have classmates guess the actual price of the home using the numbers they have just learned.

• state There is / There are and It’s necessary to . . . (p. XX)

EXPANSION for Escribe

• illustrate objects using colors. (p. XX) • depict states of being using tener. (p. XX) • count from 1,000–100,000,000 and use ordinal numbers. (p. XX)

• listen for specific information. (p. XX) • communicate about homes and life at home. (p. XX) • create an ad. (p. XX)

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Here is an additional idea for a writing task: Have students be realtors/clients in search of a home or apartment home. Students would organize a “tour of homes” where realtors have to list all the pros of their houses and clients have to ask follow-up questions about information not listed on the brochure.

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SECTION GOALS for Vistazo cultural

By the end of the Vistazo cultural section, students will be able to: • compare housing options in Spain. • learn about the nightlife in the Plaza Mayor. • recognize the tortilla. • discover the importance of el fútbol. • discuss pastimes. • understand the history and symbolism of Don Quijote. • identify La Alhambra and some of its architectural influences. • identify Gaudí’s architecture. • summarize the statistics about Spain and its government. • identify los castells / los castillos.


Vistazo cultural


San Sebastián




Río Ta jo Río Guadiana








Río Guadalquivir


ro Eb

Ask students whether they have heard of Don Quijote de la Mancha, of the musical Man of La Mancha, and of the popular song “The Impossible Dream.” The musical and song are takeoffs on the themes of the novel.

rC a


ío Jú


SUGGESTION for Don Quijote y Sancho Panza


La Coruña





La Palma

Lanzarote Tenerife

Gomera Hierro

s la

s C an arias

Gran Canaria



Islas Balea

Estrecho de Gibraltar


These two-page culture spreads in every chapter provide points of departure for future student exploration. ¡Anda! Curso elemental acknowledges multiple intelligences, different learning styles, and the need for differentiated instruction. For example, the photos and map will appeal to visual learners (visual intelligence), while students who have the ability to relate to and understand others (interpersonal intelligence) will enjoy learning about the cultural aspects of Spain, and students with verbal/ linguistic intelligence will enjoy reading and discussing the information. Check ¡Anda! online for additional information your students can explore regarding Spain.

Mi nombre es Mariela Castañeda Ropero y soy de Madrid, lacapital de España. Vivo con mis padres en un piso en el centro. ¿Dónde vives tú? ¿En una casa, en un apartamento o en una residencia estudiantil? Me gusta la vida en la capital porque hay mucha actividad. A veces, me gusta salir con mis amigos por la tarde para comer tapas y tomar algo. La Plaza Mayor es uno de los lugares típicos para ir de tapas. ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para conversar y pasar tiempo con tus amigos? Frecuentemente, hablamos de los deportes, sobre todo del fútbol y de los equipos españoles. ¡Cada uno tiene su favorito! ¿Cuál es tu deporte preferido? ¿Eres aficionado o jugador?

Mariela Castañeda Ropero

Cultures, Comparisons


Les presento mi país


WORLD-READINESS STANDARDS These two-page culture presentations encourage students to compare and contrast the featured country or region with their own. The cultural information about la tortilla, La Alhambra, Gaudí, los castillos, and the Almanaque section provide an excellent resource for making comparisons between the English language and Spanish (Language Comparisons). You could discuss the influencia árabe and the inclusion of words beginning with al into the Spanish language, the linguistic diversity within Spain’s autonomous communities, the difference between the Mexican tortilla and the Spanish tortilla (Cultural Comparisons), and the frequency of “borrowed” words between the languages. The topics of tapas, nightlife, and soccer lend themselves well to comparing other cultural differences such as the hours for eating, the size of portions, the drinking age, the discotecas, the way Spaniards socialize, and their zeal for soccer (Cultural Practices/Perspectives).

Explore more about España with Club Cultura online.

editerráneo Mar M


Los ganadores de la Copa Mundial 2010


La Plaza Mayor de Madrid es un lugar agradable para comer tapas, tomar una bebida y conversar con amigos.

Don Quijote y Sancho Panza son personajes del autor Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

NOTE for La tortilla española

You may wish to point out to your students the different types of tortilla, e.g., Spain’s tortilla made with eggs and potatoes, and the corn or wheat tortilla of Latin America.

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SUGGESTION for La Alhambra

Ask students whether they can identify any particular kind of architecture from their area. What influenced it? What makes it unique?


ALMANAQUE Nombre oficial: Gobierno: Población: Idiomas oficiales: Moneda:

El patio de los leones de La Alhambra muestra la influencia árabe en Granada.

Reino de España Monarquía parlamentaria 46.505.963 (2010) español, catalán, gallego, euskera (vasco) euro(€)

¿Sabías que…? Los castells —o castillos (castles) en español— son impresionantes construcciones humanas.

La tortilla española es una tapa (un aperitivo) muy típica y popular.

La Pedrera (la Casa Milà) en Barcelona es un ejemplo de la arquitectura creativa de Antonio Gaudí.

• España tiene una diversidad de culturas, regiones y arquitectura. Para un país que tiene el doble del tamaño (size) del estado de Oregon, tiene una gran variedad. • Los castells forman parte de una tradición empezada en Cataluña en el siglo (century) XVIII que consiste en competir por hacer la torre (tower) humana más alta. ¡Actualmente el récord es un castillo de nueve pisos!


Show students photos of La Sagrada Familia and ask them to compare this to churches in the United States. Do they like this structure by Gaudí? Why?

SUGGESTION for Los castells

Ask students whether we have unusual contests involving physical activity in the United States (e.g., log rolling, ice sculpture, lumberjack sports). Ask why they think people participate in such activities. Ask whether they would like to participate and, if so, in which activity?

METHODOLOGY • ¿Sabías que…?

As with any country, there is an abundance of fascinating information. At this point in each chapter, you may wish to have students explore additional areas of interest, or you may wish to guide your students. For example, students who plan to pursue a career in architecture may wish to further research Spanish architects such as Gaudí or Calatrava. Those majoring in history or government may wish to explore information regarding Franco and the Spanish Civil War.

ANSWERS to Preguntas 1. Es un aperitivo. 2. La Alhambra en Granada es evidencia de la presencia histórica de los árabes. 3. Los castells son torres humanas. Answers may vary. 4. La arquitectura de Gaudí es muy creativa y modernista. Answers may vary. 5. El deporte más popular de México y de España es el fútbol.

1. ¿Qué es una tapa? 2. ¿Qué evidencia hay de la presencia histórica de los árabes en España? 3. ¿Por qué son impresionantes los castells? Nombra una competencia famosa de tu país. 4. Describe la arquitectura de Antonio Gaudí. ¿Te gusta? ¿Por qué? 5. ¿Qué tienen en común México y España en cuanto a los deportes?

Amplía tus conocimientos sobre España en ¡Anda! online.

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By the end of the Lectura section, students will be able to: • engage in pre-reading activities. • organize the information presented in the reading and scan for relevant information. • utilize reading strategies such as focusing their attention and re-reading the passage.



Title TK

[TK specific to reading.]


The Antes de leer questions are created to spark students’ interest, as well as to engage them in critical thinking and hypothesizing.

Estrategia Scanning

To enhance comprehension, you can scan or search a reading passage for specific information. When skimming, you read quickly to get the gist of the passage, the main ideas. With scanning, you already know what you need to find out, so you concentrate on searching for that information.

3•43 Antes de leer TK

3•44 A leer

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Complete the following steps.

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Communication, Comparisons

Note that the readings are kept at a level of comprehensible input that still entices students to read. Also, follow-up questions encourage students to think beyond the story content and to make informed guesses about what they would do in the same circumstance.

Title TK 3•45 Después de leer

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Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

¡Anda! Curso elemental supports both top-down and bottom-up approaches to reading. In the top-down, or reader-driven, approach pre-existing knowledge the reader brings to the text is critical to comprehension. The Antes de leer section supports this approach. The text-driven, or bottom-up, approach relies on decoding of words, phrases, and sentences. Some reading strategies, as well as teacher-led directed reading, promote this approach.

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Title TK Estrategia Scanning

To enhance comprehension, you can scan or search a reading passage for specific information. When skimming, you read quickly to get the gist of the passage, the main ideas. With scanning, you already know what you need to find out, so you concentrate on searching for that information.

3•43 Antes de leer TK

3•44 A leer

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Complete the following steps.

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Y por fin, ¿cómo andas? Feel confident

Need to review

Having completed this chapter, I now can … Comunicación I • describe homes. (p. XX) • pronounce the letters h, j, and g. (p. XX and online) • express actions. (p. XX) • elaborate on rooms. (p. XX) Comunicación II • share information about household chores. (p. XX) • illustrate objects using colors. (p. XX) • depict states of being using tener. (p. XX) • count from 1,000–100,000,000 and use ordinal numbers. (p. XX) • state There is / There are / It is necessary to… (p. XX) • listen for specific information. (p. XX) • communicate about homes and life at home. (p. XX) • create an ad. (p. XX) Cultura • describe general differences in housing in Spain. (p. XX) • discover green initiatives. (p. XX) • share information about Spain. (p. XX) Lectura • scan a blog about decoration (p. XX) Comunidades • use Spanish in real-life contexts. (online)

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CAPÍTULO 3 INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES • Testing program information


Vocabulario Activo La casa

The house

el altillo el balcón el baño la cocina el comedor el cuarto el dormitorio la escalera el garaje el jardín la oficina el piso la sala el sótano el suelo el techo

attic balcony bathroom kitchen dining room room bedroom staircase garage garden office floor; story living room basement floor roof

la planta baja el primer piso el segundo piso el tercer piso

ground floor second floor third floor fourth floor

Los muebles y otros objetos de la casa La sala y el comedor la alfombra el estante la lámpara el sillón el sofá La cocina la estufa el lavaplatos el microondas el refrigerador El baño la bañera el bidé la ducha el inodoro el lavabo El dormitorio

Los verbos conocer dar decir hacer oír poder poner querer salir traer venir ver

Verbs to be acquainted with to give to say; to tell to do; to make to hear to be able to to put; to place to want; to love to leave; to go out to bring to come to see

la almohada la cama la colcha la cómoda la manta las sábanas

Otras palabras el armario la cosa el cuadro el mueble los muebles el objeto la ropa amueblado/a

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Furniture and other objects in the house The living room and dining room rug; carpet bookcase lamp armchair sofa The kitchen stove dishwasher microwave refrigerator The bathroom bathtub bidet shower toilet sink The bedroom pillow bed bedspread; comforter dresser blanket sheets Other words armoire; closet; cabinet thing picture; painting piece of furniture furniture object clothes furnished

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Los quehaceres de la casa arreglar ayudar cocinar, preparar la comida guardar hacer la cama lavar los platos limpiar pasar la aspiradora poner la mesa sacar la basura sacudir los muebles desordenado/a limpio/a sucio/a

Los colores amarillo anaranjado azul beige blanco gris marrón morado negro rojo rosado verde

Household chores to straighten up; to fix to help to cook; to prepare a meal to put away; to keep to make the bed to wash dishes to clean to vacuum to set the table to take out the garbage to dust messy clean dirty

Colors Yellow orange blue beige white gray brown purple black red pink green

Los números 1.000–100.000.000 y los números ordinales 1.000 1.001 1.010 2.000 30.000 100.000 400.000 1.000.000 2.000.000 100.000.000

Expresiones con tener tener… años tener calor tener cuidado tener éxito tener frío tener ganas de + (infinitive) tener hambre tener miedo tener prisa tener que + (infinitive) tener razón tener sed tener sueño tener suerte tener vergüenza

Haber hay hay que + infinitivo

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Numbers 1,000–100,000,000 and ordinal numbers mil mil uno mil diez dos mil treinta mil cien mil cuatrocientos mil un millón dos millones cien millones

Expressions with tener to be . . . years old to be hot to be careful to be successful to be cold to feel like + (verb) to be hungry to be afraid to be in a hurry to have to + (verb) to be right to be thirsty to be sleepy to be lucky to be embarrassed

There is. / There are. There is / There are. There is / There are.

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