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mind | body | soul

Tamaraw Eudaimonia THE mental health CONDITION OF FEUA students



MENTAL Academic



Time passes and seasons change. Many articles have highlighted the adverse and disastrous effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Despite the challenges faced, society bravely faces an altered system fit to address concurring issues and take a step toward normalcy. Universities and academic institutions are among those that opened their doors to the public. Granted a hybrid teaching and learning convection is utilized to ease some doubts and difficulties, but a mental health situation remains to stick like used gum. In more recent years, the stigma against mental health is finally being erased and has garnered public attention. Students are one of the main focuses of this issue raising awareness of the hurdles students face.

EDITORIAL 1 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

What’s the difficulty? Some, due to academic pressures, and others with additional external stressors due to family, finance, needs, and others have developed social anxiety, depression, and variations. Isolation and unprepared challenges faced during the pandemic have heightened the mental health issue. Many students struggle to express their concerns due to ignorant responses that belittle their experiences. In some online student rant forums, for example, there are degrading responses from alumnus students wherein derogatory terms such as “snowflake” is used. The general motif of these comments is to emphasize how students of their time had it much worse than students today.

[Credits: benzoix, n.d.]

What’s the difficulty? Some, due to academic pressures, and others with additional external stressors due to family, finance, needs, and those alike, have developed social anxiety, depression, and variations. Isolation and unprepared challenges faced during the pandemic have heightened the mental health issue.

Does technology make academics any easier? Well in some way, as time passes there are more complex concepts to be learned and practiced. Academics aren’t static. So what then is the problem?

Many students struggle to express their concerns due to ignorant responses that belittle their experiences. In some online student rant forums, for example, there are degrading responses from alumnus students wherein derogatory terms such as “snowflake” is used. The general motif of these comments is to emphasize how students of their time had it much worse than students today.

More importantly, have students just learned to suck it up and believe that the struggle they are facing is normal?

Is it the school environment or the workload? Would, if there be any, academic breaks solve the case or just be enough for the moment?

While there is some degree of difficulty in studying and simultaneously balancing one’s social life, a new stigma may be forming without us noticing it. Issues may be ignored, normalized, and never brought up despite school support facilities' fear of bringing issues up. The question now is, how far is the mental health agenda being pushed in an academically driven institution?

Editorial | 2

Then, Amidst, and Now:


After almost 3 years since the virus forestall societal development, the world is still on its ongoing path to recovery from the COVID19 pandemic, and for many, is on the same path to recovery from the onslaught of the pandemic mentalitywise. No one was spared from the pandemic’s assault on mental health. Everyone has their own set of challenges to either bring back their resiliency and hope, or strengthen their sanity, and each one responds differently. Prior to the mental and physical existence of the coronavirus, people have already begun their process of piecing together the puzzle of mental health; and back then, there was already a deterioration of the mental state.

EXCLUSIVE 3 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

A study revealed that Students' academic years play a crucial role in developing positive health behaviors that promote wellbeing into adulthood. Globally, one in five college students suffered from one or more diagnosable mental disorders before the pandemic. Stress, anxiety, and depression are significant mental health issues affecting students. (Baumann, C. et al., 2021). Thereafter, the deterioration of mental health even plunged further during the pandemic. A 2021 article that features the study of Psychology Lecturers Dr. Christopher Hand, Greg Maciejewski, and Joanne Ingram, suggests that the social isolation experienced during the pandemic has directly and gravely

affected everyone’s mental health, in which its effects greatly differ from that during the pandemic. Even without previous psychological history, people’s mental well-being has deteriorated, and are at an elevated risk of loneliness resulting in fatigue, stress, and problems with concentration. Research shows that anxiety nearly doubled among young people. The same is observed in a 2021 research by Rowalt Alibudbud which revealed that among 232 adult college students, they are 35% at risk for depressive disorders and 47.2% for anxiety disorders. The study utilizes employed descriptive statistics and logistic regression.

Furthermore, a study on psychological distress found that the deterioration in mental health continued even after the lockdown was lifted. It is clear that mental health is becoming increasingly important in educational institutions due to discrimination and the lack of mental healthcare services, especially in developing nations like the Philippines. It is pertinent, however, to start addressing the norms embedded within culture before enacting governmental reforms as these are themselves products of social norms for Filipino culture is heavily misshapen by social stigma and discrimination.

And how about you? Have you, dear reader, stopped and asked yourself how you are today? Have you been true to how you felt? What have you done about it today?

Exclusive | 4

Forging the Tamaraw

Battling Mental Demo Far Eastern University students are many things. In various social aspects, FEU Alabang (FEUA) Tamaraws juggle their time to carry out diverse roles and fulfill respective responsibilities. Health is a vital resource that reigns supreme above all tasks, and mental health is not one to be forgotten and undermined. Prioritizing mental health is one of the many crucial necessities university students must fulfill as they are one of those that carry high risks in developing anxiety and depression. Must we wait for these mentalities to destroy the present and future? It’s a big N to the O. Let us band together, collaborate, and intertwine our hopes. Together, we shall seek and create a safe space for all students, parents, and faculty alike.

EXPLAINER 5 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

Every Far Eastern University branch offers facilities geared towards addressing student health services. In FEU Alabang the Guidance and Counseling Unit and the Health Services Unit are always open to hearing student concerns. These services focus on assisting holistic development. However, how far is the academic institution pushing the mental health agenda?

[Credits: Unique Mindcare, n.d.]


FEU Advocate, the official student publication of FEU-Manila, sat down with Guidance and Counseling Director Dr. Sheila Marie “Shake” Hocson in celebration of National Mental Health Week 2021. She emphasizes the need of prioritizing mental health as it enables holistic development. It is the root of our feelings, behavior, character, and success. Furthermore, according to Dr. Hocson, the acronym BASC, behavior, affect, soma, and cognition can help students keep their mental health in check. These factors directly influence personal strength to face the adversities of life. Fake forces, however, such as the use of illicit substances and fake coping mechanisms, aren’t to be entertained at all.

[Credits: Quiles, n.d.]

Additionally, FEU Manila further strengthens the Tamaraw psyche through the close relations between the Guidance Unit and student organizations FEU University Peer Counselors, and FEU Psychology Society. In the writing of FEU Advocate: “Mental health problem is no fiction. It is invisible because it resides in mind, but this fight does not need to be fought alone.” Such a collaboration is admirable to eradicate the stigmas against varied mental health issues and promote mental health awareness and importance. More than seminars, let there be greater visions and actions similarly performed by FEU Alabang Tamaraws FEU Manila. Our perception in life shapes the way we create our decisions.

Exclusive | 6


Friend o

For many, college is a training ground to practice the specifications and specializations of their chosen course. With college comes a new breath of fresh air for many young adults as they garner some extent of freedom. Compared to a more rigid high school system, college offers more time to spend according to how one desires. Classes may or may not come one after another and vacant periods can extend to hours. With all the time left in the hands of college students, what could they do?

With a new learning environment comes a new period of adjustment. While some FEUA Tamaraws may be excited over a new sense of responsibility, others may feel overwhelmed and stressed. While there are people who resort to social life to relieve stress, there is also a population that prefers alone time to be one with their thoughts. To go home or to party at Festi, that is the question. Though studying and coping styles may differ, one thing is for sure: balance is needed with freedom. Articles from Colorado State University and Princeton University further elaborates on academic freedom and responsibility.

To do or not to do, that is the question.

FEATURE 7 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia


or Foe?

Freedom can be a friend as it enables one to have control over their time. Whether it be sleeping, eating, studying, joining student events, or exploring with friends, students remain in control of their schedule. It can help students have courage in joining student organizations to get involved, to speak up about their opinions and against classroom injustice, and have the selfesteem to confidently mingle with other schoolmates. Freedom can also be a foe, an enemy to getting anything productively done or to deviating away from stressors. Students may harbor control as a means to escape from their academic load or to fully submerge themselves into their tasks without proper care for oneself. It may also be used to fully engage in the social life without concern or be a means to shut people out from their comfort zone.

What is essential is that students find balance within class hours, vacant period, and rest days. They must understand the consequences of their actions. Have fun while working hard to attain a degree as Far Eastern University, alongside other schools, is more than an academic institution. It is a place to make memories, and obtain opportunities. Let thoughts and deeds be conscious acts of smart decisions. Freedom is both a friend and a foe kept in check by the user themself.

[Credits: Lifestyle Filinvest, n.d.]

Feature | 8

Think Twice:


Study Style Fits

Studying seems easy enough, or is it? Often before quizzes or examinations, classrooms are filled with the chatter of students discussing and learning concepts with one another. Such a predicament is the same after tests are taken. A 2022 article by webpage Study in the USA, tackles the benefits of studying alone and in groups. By studying alone, there are minimal distractions, the study environment is inclined to one’s liking, and the study plan can focus on topics the learner really needs to work on. On the other hand, studying with a group prevents procrastination, can help retain more information through peertutoring, and gain new insight and perspective on lessons. Which is more effective? Psychology professor R. Keith Sawyer, Ph.D., from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, reveals that his study shows greater efficacy in group studying as students get to personalize lecture notes during group sessions.

FEATURE 9 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

“Anong sagot mo sa number 2? Hala magkaiba tayo!”

y na a w a a g a a m “Ayan n talino!” a m a k a in p dalawang

All? Images from: Canva

Then again, what works for one person isn’t the same for another.

“Paano ka nagaral para sa lesson na toh?” “Hindi ko na yan inaral, gets ko naman na” Take note of these learning styles and it may just be you! Whether it be studying alone or with a group are learning styles themselves, social and solitary learning respectively.Third, if you feel less engaged learning without pictures or visuals, you might just be a visual learner. Those who better remember what is said by others are auditory learners, while those prefer using writing or speech as verbal learners. Sixth, if you prefer a certain seating arrangement when studying and learn through body sense then you are a kinesthetic learner. And seventh, memorizing just might not be enough for you as reason and systems are used by logical learners. With all these different study styles, it is possible you are a mix of different methods. Have you realized how you learn best?

Feature | 10


FEATURE 11 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

24 to do in h s i w u ings yo h t more ho e e h r t e l l w a e o r e get to d hed the s i u o w d to oth y r e e o r v a D e p u m o co Have y ng less i o d e r hours? od time a o u G o ? y s t r l e r fe hat diff w a day o o rence in s e t f n f i a d t s e n co eople all th p e s k e a Time is d i m v n o ment ca er, it pr e h t g r a u n F a . s m ing task h s i l p m acco ess. less str ction a a e r l a m e a nor b motio o t e d d e n r a e , id al is cons , physic l a t e stres l n t t e Stress i l m s s e ’ iz to one recogn c i n s cons i i l threats s C i h o T y . a er The M do bett o t vorabl f being. a l f e s n i e t n l su age o mes re o c and tr t encour u s l o a i e r r t e t n s wh consta e h eustres t y, smal t o e t i c e o u s ing er, d r sleep Howev e nage. T v a e m n n a a y c tb e an one h t brough e ess wh r r t o s i m d e s t a la sidered accumu n d way o e c s s s i e , r d p p an by an o other h d e t or flig c h a l g i p f e e r h s tivate t stress i c a izes a t t n a g h t o c s e e r n n T Hormo he brai t n abang l e h A w U E d nF w release load, a k r ome or o h w t c a i s m tie , acade difficul g n l needs i a c i a c f n a e n fi may b tuition, h t i w more. d y e n s s a e m r t s so ts, and b u o d self

4 ourns in rs i ers? ?

While stress is normal it shouldn’t be left to pile up until you can no longer cope. Reaching out is essential during times of need. Fixation, while it can be misrecognized as focus, can be detrimental. Managing stress involves managing time. As an article by Mind Tools emphasizes, it enables people to feel in control of their time which can lead to greater productivity, higher chances of progress, achievement, and reputation.

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Careful and comprehensive planning is necessary to attain high productivity in school. To manage time well, goals must be set, priorities must be recognized, a realistic study and to-do plan must be made, and the plan mustn't be a ‘what if’, it has to be executed. Overcome procrastination by having a study plan that works for you, and seek the help of others for mutual motivation.

Include time for sleep and recreation to avoid burnout. Most importantly, celebrate your wins no matter how small. Reward yourself after finishing tasks and achieving milestones. Part of combating stress has the courage to begin. Do your future self a favor and get things done when you can. Stress doesn’t define people, but one’s work ethic can.

Feature | 12



what I what I


If you were to choose between living with one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Would a sensible answer such as water be your first thought? It may seem obvious to choose needs as these are basic necessities to survive and properly function.

[Credits: Erika Dizon, 2018]

However, temptations may justify the need to buy wants. Take an example from Samantha Rose in an article published in OppU. Food, as needed, is justified to have a sensible portion of the budget, but would snacks that stray away from meal plans be part of a need too? It’s still food, just consumed with a different intent.

FEATURE 13 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

Hence, differentiating needs from wants can help reduce costs and prioritize budgetary expenditures. Are you to eat inside the campus or to eat outside? Depending on the costs and taste preferences, students may choose the cheaper, more tasteful option, or be lucky to have an affordable and nutritious fulfilling meal. Know what is important to you as budgeting defines one’s financial goals, manages income, and savings, and can assist one in achieving personal goals. Goals are objectives you desire to achieve. Short goals are those that span from a week to six months, intermediate goals span from six months to a year, and long-term goals are greater than a year.

College students gain a new sense of responsibility. They aren’t only students but young adults training to become part of the societal workforce. Managing one’s budget is a prime factor in adulting with the constant exercise of selfdiscipline. If they are to deviate from the plan, they must realize and have responsibility for the consequences of their actions. FEUA Tamaraws live varied lives. Some solely depend on the allowance given by their parents while others juggle their time between academics and work. Tracking one’s money is to be accountable for their choices. In turn, these choices are controlled by your habits which cycle back to the highly influential needs and wants. Thus, know what’s important, make adjustments, and stick to the plan.

Setting these goals can help you map out your daily and monthly income and expenses for gradual progression toward achievement. Plan with the present in creating a spending goal but also plan for the future to prepare against unexpected financial situations. Be flexible yet sensible in your planning to prevent expenditures from going haywire.

Feature | 14

ALL ABOARD! Where and How are you Headed Through College?

The K-12 enhanced basic education program enables se without a college degree. The Department of Education rep be a step stool to greater opportunities. Essentially prepa them to forge their own entrepreneurial paths. However, D results. Out of 70% of the leading companies in the Philipp graduates. The Philippine workforce is yet to fully acco requiring at least a 2-year college degree and an observed Such is why many senior high graduates opt to attain higher education or is it? Alongside experience, education is highly valued as it shows prospective employers an individual's capability and competency in their chosen field. Entering college is an option; a stressful and costly one.

FEATURE 15 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

nior high school graduates to join the workforce ports envisioning the senior high school program to aring graduates for higher education and enabling DepEd also reports that it has garnered hit-and-miss pines, only 20% were accepting senior high school ommodate SHS graduates workforce with many inadequacy in training and specific skills. Keep in mind that despite college being an opportunity to freely explore new grounds, remember that it is first and foremost a foundation for mastering skills and specializations. Be proactive to recognize and correcting mistakes as well as executing priorities. Have a solid plan for accomplishing each goal taking the end in mind.

All college students are doing their best to get through their own trials and tribulations. See each other as sources of empowerment rather than threats. Taking these habits into account, what is your purpose for pursuing college?

Without a well throughout the framework, the first step may lead to immediate downfall. Further, college is more so a battle with oneself than it is with others. Be considerate of others as there is enough knowledge and recognition to go around.

Feature | 16

College Plan Is College for you? Consider your Interests Decide on a course you would like to pursue. REALLY THINK!!! Apply to different academic institutions of your choice Take the chance and enroll! Attend your classes regularly Mingle with classmates and schoolmates Form trusted relationships. College is fun with companions and buddies Accomplish your school tasks EXPLORE!!!!!! Join recognized school organizations Fulfill responsibilities in your joined RSO (if not joined any, that's fine!) Participate in classroom activities Attend and support school events and be one with the UNIVERSITY PRIDE

Focus on honing your craft. Continue dreaming big

COLLEGE PLAN 17 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

Images taken by: Feuture Arts - FEU Alabang

College Plan | 18

Image taken by: LhexiMont

Images taken by: FEU Alabang

PHOTOJOURNALISM 19 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

Images taken by: FEU Alabang

Photojournalism | 20

Refer Baumann, C., Rousseau, H., Tarquinio, C. et al. Effect of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown on mental health among post-secondary students in the Grand Est region of France: results of the PIMS-CoV19 study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 19, 265 (2021).

Colorado State University. (n.d.). Students’s Guide to Academic Freedom in the Classroom. Colorado State University. Retrieved from:

Department of Education. (n.d.) Special Report: Kobs a Hit or Miss for Senior High School Graduates. Department of Education. Retrieved from:

Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.). Stress basics. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from:

REFERENCES 21 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

FEU Advocate. (October 9, 2021). Seiing the Intangible. FEU Advocate. Retrieved from: -the-intangible/ Kwong, A. S. F., Pearson, R. M., Adams, M. J., Northstone, K., Tilling, K., Smith, D., Fawns-Ritchie, C., Bould, H., Warne, N., Zammit, S., Gunnell, D. J., Moran, P. A., Micali, N., Reichenberg, A., Hickman, M., Rai, D., Haworth, S., Campbell, A., Altschul, D., Flaig, R., … Timpson, N. J. (2021). Mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in two longitudinal UK population cohorts. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 218(6), 334–343.

Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). What Is Time Management?. MindTools. Retrieved from: rb6j5a/what-is-timemanagement

rences Mueller, A. (October 17, 2022). Education vs. Experience: Which One Gets the Job?. Investopedia. Retrieved from:

Rose, (December 10, 2021). Wants vs. Needs. OppU. Retrieved from: /wants-vs-needs/ Study in the USA. (October 31, 2022). Better to Study Alone or in a Group. Study in the USA. Retrieved from: r-to-study-alone-or-in-a-group

Patel K, Robertson E, Kwong ASF, et al. Psychological Distress Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Adults in the United Kingdom Based on Coordinated Analyses of 11 Longitudinal Studies. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(4):e227629. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.20 22.7629

White, A. (September 9, 2022). 5 budgeting tips for college students that can help set you up for financial success. Select. Retrieved from: ting-tips-for-college-students/

Your Path to Princeton. (n.d.). Welcome to college, freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. Your Path to Princeton. Retrieved from: come-college-freedom-andresponsibility-go-hand-hand

Tamaraw Eudaimonia | 22

Image Credits benzoix Canva Erika Dizon FEU Alabang Feuture Arts - Alabang LhexiMont Lifestyle Filinvest Krystal Quiles Unique Mindcare

CREDITS 23 | Tamaraw Eudaimonia

Special Thanks to Professor Joemar Ober

Aliya Cassandra Llanos

Tamaraw Eudaimonia | 24

Tamaraw Eudaimonia

mind | body | soul



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