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Graphic story f6

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GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS K-5 © 2014 Santillana USA Publishing Company, Inc. 2023 NW 84th Avenue Doral, FL 33122, USA All rights res

Stamps as Storytellersand the Story of Stamps
News for Schools from the Smithsonian Institution, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Washington, D.C. 20560 Spring/Summer 1985 Stamps as

Story Transcript

Slow down child


You are eating bamboos too quickly. You must stop and save some for tomorrow.

But I’m hungryyyy. you never stopped me before, why must I start saving now!

Oh child, you remind me of my youth. We must save as food is a rare commodity for us. Now that you are old enough I must tell you our predicament. Go and bring your cousin. I shall tell you both a story.

The young panda wanted to argue, but in the end his curiosity won over his hunger.

The baby panda rushed to call his friend.

Upon returning, they both sat in front of the old panda, eager to hear the story.

Once, these forests were green and plentiful. We were healthy and happy. All around, there were echoes of laughter, and not a single panda remained hungry. Little children, such as yourself, used to run around playing with bamboo and climbing trees without fear of wastage. Why don’t we still do that grandpa? Why do you tell us to save and be cautious?

Because something terrible has happened, young one.


Yes, it has been the most unfortunate. I saw the changes with my own eyes. But the worst was told by my grandad to me as a cub. I was reckless back then and would not understand the restrictions8

Grandpa you were reckless?

Oh yes, my parents had spoilt me rotten.

Just like our mum and dad?

Yes. Children are so rare and precious. We do everything in our power to see a smile on your faces.

Why are we so rare??

Allow me to finish my story, and you will understand everything. After that, ask all of your questions.

As I was saying, when I was young, I acted recklessly. One day, my grandfather sat me down and scolded me regarding the amount of food I wasted. He told me about global warming.

Suddenly the old panda grew sombre. T h e y o u n g p a n da s g i g g l e d a t t h e ol d p a n da ’s e x a s p e r a te d b u t k i n d e x p re s s i o n .


T h e Pa s t

Junior, you see these bamboos? Once these were in the millions, and soon the ones left will be gone.

Why sir? What happened?

Wildfire has destroyed most of our home. The bamboos are unable to survive this climate and atmosphere. We barely have any food left and look at yourself, you are too careless. Don’t you want future generations to have food and shelter? Of course grandfather I do, but-

Hush. If you continue this way nothing would be left. Humans cause enough damage. It is your responsibility to save what is left.

Yes grandfather, I will be more care-

He was wrong I have realised. It is the responcibility of humans to be cautious with our homes. Still we muct do what we can in protecting our home. Saving food is one of the way.

What damage have the humans done? Humans use our bamboo for their own interests, cutting down our homes without any concern for us.

They say they want to solve environmental problems, but they keep causing us more damage. While the forest has improved since I was a cub, it is till too sparce.

B o t h y o u n g p a n da s lo o k s a d b u t d ete r m i n e d .

We understand the importance of saving our resourses now. We shall be careful!

The grandfather smiles at the y o u n g ge n e r a ti o n , w is h e s fo r t h e ir s ucc e s s .

We will convince the humans to save our home!! We can only hope that the humans understand.

And so the story ends..

Then I will do my to BEST to SAVE the pandas. Is this true? Are we causing pandas pain?

You make me proud everyday

Sadly yes child, it is true

The end...

Hiranya Toor

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