Guía Datos del docente Apellido y nombre Asignatura Facultad Regional

Guía Inglés Datos del docente Apellido y nombre Garcén, Marta Asignatura: Inglés Técnico Nivel I Facultad Regional Buenos Aires INGLÉS TÉCNICO – Nivel

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GUÍA DOCENTE CURSO FICHA TÉCNICA DE LA ASIGNATURA Datos de la asignatura Nombre. Datos del profesorado Profesor Nombre
FICHA TÉCNICA DE LA ASIGNATURA Datos de la asignatura Nombre Titulación Curso Semestre Créditos ECTS Carácter Departamento Área GUÍA DOCENTE CURSO 2

POSICION APELLIDO Y NOMBRE 517 516 271 369 68 279 135 249 263 269 302 547 559 375 495 540 195 639 255 393 417 87 86 343 148 575 573 149 445 624 654 35

RUT Nombre y Apellido
RUT 116358XX-X 142523XX-X 127896XX-X 190774XX-X 155428XX-X 192041XX-X 192006XX-X 80222XX-X 106120XX-X 153668XX-X 80789XX-X 136741XX-X 167948XX-X 15512

Legajos Apellido y nombre
Sheet1 Legajos 32/2012 64/2012 70/2012 76/2012 77/2012 78/2012 82/2012 93/2012 97/2012 98/2012 101/2012 102/2012 105/2012 107/2012 108/2012 109/2012

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 NOMBRE BEATRIZ

Story Transcript

Guía Inglés Datos del docente Apellido y nombre Garcén, Marta Asignatura: Inglés Técnico Nivel I Facultad Regional Buenos Aires INGLÉS TÉCNICO – Nivel I 1. Presentación para el Aula Virtual El desarrollo contínuo y avasallante del mundo científico y tecnológico nos obliga a estar constantemente actualizados, a tomar contacto con el "estado del arte" de la tecnología y la investigación de punta; esto implica poder leer directamente, de primera mano, lo que se publique en cualquier parte del mundo y en fuentes variadas de información. Un porcentaje muy alto de esas publicaciones vamos a encontrarlas en idioma inglés, por ejemplo: las revistas profesionales, los manuales de instalación y uso de equipamiento, los artículos que circulan en Internet, etc. Es por ello que la lecto-comprensión en inglés nos brinda una herramienta necesaria para la actualización centrándonos, en este caso, en una sola de las habilidades lingüísticas: la capacidad para leer y comprender perfectamente textos en inglés. A diferencia de un curso de lengua inglesa convencional que apunta, además, a la capacidad para entender lo que se escucha (la captación auditiva), a la producción escrita y a la producción oral, este enfoque nos permite acceder al aprendizaje con mayor rapidez. Mientras en las clases presenciales vamos analizando y resolviendo las posibles dificultades en la comprensión del idioma en forma teórico-práctica - es decir con "fórmulas" que nos permitan solucionar problemas similares cuando se vayan presentando - el aula virtual nos ofrece una opción para extender la práctica, para reforzar los temas tratados en las clases presenciales. Encontraremos ejercicios ampliatorios y la posibilidad de analizar su resolución para despejar dudas, afianzar conocimientos y evaluar los progresos.


2. Índice Unidad temática 1 -

Presentación – La frase nominal


¿Por qué la traducción?


¿De qué habla el texto?


Textos cortos

Unidad temática 2 -

Presentación - La forma –ING




Textos cortos

Unidad temática 3 -

Presentación - El verbo BE




Textos cortos

Unidad temática 4 -

Presentación - Poder y deber




Textos cortos

Unidad temática 5 -

Presentación - Construcciones pasivas




Textos cortos

Unidad temática 6 -

Presentación- El infinitivo




Textos cortos

Unidad temática 7 -

Presentación - Tiempos, modos y formas verbales





Usos del verbo HAVE


Tiempos perfectos


Textos cortos

Unidad temática 8 -

Presentación- Afijos - Indefinidos compuestos




Textos cortos

Unidad temática 9 -

Presentación - Comparativos - Nexos lógicos




Textos cortos


Unidad Temática 1

Presentación El desconocimiento del idioma inglés al iniciar el curso no constituye un obstáculo para el trabajo en la asignatura, ya que iremos abordando los textos en inglés de manera muy gradual, mediante el análisis de las palabras y su forma (morfología), la observación cuidadosa del orden de las palabras (sintaxis) y el uso de diccionarios bilingües para establecer sus significados.


Unidad Temática 1

Ejercitación ¿De qué habla el texto? Elija la opción correcta: (Choose the correct option) Por ejemplo: 1 – An information control system a) Información b) Control c) Sistema La opción a) es la correcta ya que habla del sistema. La traducción de esta frase es la siguiente: Un sistema de control de información 2 – The highly complex, probabilistic business environment a) complejo b) probabilística c) empresa d) ambiente 3 – Information storage and retrieval applications a) información b) almacenamiento c) aplicaciones d) recuperación e) almacenamiento y aplicaciones 4 – The perennially critical design problems a) problemas b) diseño c) crítica 5 – Data integrity, retrieval, security and privacy a) datos b) privacidad c) integridad, recuperación, seguridad y privacidad 6 – Force and pressure sensors a) presión


b) sensores c) fuerza 7 – A large, complex, supersophisticated information filing system a) archivo b) información c) sistema d) complejo e) información, archivo y sistema. 8 – Main memory storage space a) memoria b) espacio c) almacenamiento 9 – Your personal computer’s applications a) Usted b) aplicaciones c) computadora d) computadora personal Frase Nominal

Dar una versión en castellano de cada una de estas oraciones: (Give the Spanish version of each of the following sentences) Por ejemplo: 1. There are important news about current trends in data base systems. Hay importantes noticias sobre las tendencias actuales en los sistemas de base de datos. 2. Force and pressure Sensors: Force and pressure are related concepts, so the sensors used to measure these parameters are grouped together. 3. New computer architectures are more efficient in information storage and retrieval applications. 4. Some systems add complexities to the perennially critical design problems of data integrity, retrieval, security and privacy.


5. An information control system is not a large, complex, super sophisticated information filing system. It is a tool for making decisions in the highly complex, probabilistic business environment. 6.

The only U.S. world-class manufacturer of television sets is Zenith Electronics

Corp. 7.

The strength of a permanent magnet´s field is always the same.


Some computers have a built-in operating program.


Computer-based devices will improve medical record keeping, diagnosis programs,

and medical imaging systems. 10.

The use of computer terminals and communications networks will permit messages

to be sent across the country. 11.

Digital computer-controlled synthesizers provide enormous possibilities for

technically minded composers. 12.

Degremont´s Seine-Centre is the biggest compact wastewater treatment plant in

the world. 13.

We claim an innovative and effective technology for the production of drinking

water. 14.

The European Commission has announced the first steps of a Community-wide soil

protection policy. 15.

The MIEX Process differs from conventional ion exchange technology in that the

ion exchange part of the process is continuous. 16.

Another important motherboard component is the central component.


The deadly collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minnesota was merely one example of

America's troubled concrete-and-steel underpinnings. 18.

A helmet serves the vital protective function of shielding your head from impacting

the roadway, so make sure to buy one that’s Department of Transportation approved and that provides full-face coverage. 19.

America's only domestic supplier of nuclear fuel has created an advanced

centrifuge, able to produce enriched uranium using just 5 percent of the electricity required by the company's previous design.


Unidad Temática 1

TEXTOS CORTOS Identifique las frases nominales y luego traduzca los párrafos. (Underline the noun phrases and then, translate the parragraphs) 1. The major elements of a building include: -

the foundation


the structure


the exterior walls


the interior partitions


the environmental-control systems


the power, water supply and waste disposal systems

2. Mediterranean Regional Symposium on Water Recycling and Reuse. Topics covered at the event will include: -

Conservation and energy considerations


Reliability and costs of marginal water recycling technologies


Dual distribution systems and related safety monitoring and control measures


Reuse of marginal waters for industrial irrigation and aquaculture purposes.


Appropriate wastewater treatment technologies in the Mediterranean region.


Disinfection issues including alternative wastewater storage


Development of microbiological and epidemiological regulations


Operational and maintenance problems and control evolution.


Research and education needs in water reuse.

3. Solar cells. At the present time, solar-heating systems represent the most common use of solar energy. Unfortunately, each solar cell produces only a small amount of electricity. It is about the same amount of power produced by a standard flashlight battery. 4. Artificial Intelligence. From the halls of academia and private research laboratories to the market place, developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are achieving national


importance. Whether in the design of expert systems, vision systems for robots, intelligent English interfaces for databases, or diagnosis system for doctors, AI has come to the fore. 5. Degrémont provides 3,000 drinking water production plants, 2,500 sewage treatment plants, 2,000 industrial wastewater treatment plants and 1,800 process water production plants in over 70 countries all over the world. 6. Airline passengers abroad could soon find themselves sitting in chatter class. Regulatory authorities and individual airlines in Europe have taken steps to allow inflight cellphone use. 7. With two new units in the Paris region, Degrémont is expanding its business in the buoyant demineralisation sector. In the meantime, deregulation of the European electricity should boost this business in the years ahead.


Unidad Temática 2

Presentación La interpretación y traducción de la terminación –ing depende de su posición en la oración y presenta diferentes variantes. En esta Unidad temática trataremos algunos de sus usos.


Unidad temática 2

núcleo La forma –ING

modificador verbo

conjugado gerundio infinitivo



La forma –ING como núcleo. Global warming brings threat of flooding from glacial lakes. (El calentamiento global ...) La forma –ING como modificador. Tap water versus drinking water: is a debate necessary? (Agua de la canilla versus agua potable ...) La forma –ING como verbo conjugado. Dam removal can pose dangers for people living nearby. (… peligro para la gente que vive cerca.) La forma –ING como gerundio. TNT have invested heavily in their security frameworks globally, demonstrating a worldwide investment in both security provisions, practices and procedures. (… en sus s istemas de seguridad globalmente, demostrando una inversion mundial en …) La forma –ING como infinitivo. Answering the ‘why’ of nature’s behaviour patterns has always been central to our office. (Contestar el por qué de las estructuras de comportamiento de la naturaleza ...)

EJERCITACIÓN Traduzca las siguientes oraciones teniendo en cuenta la función de ING en el contexto. (Translate into Spanish the following sentences taking into account the uses of the – ING form in the context) 1. At the start of the 20th century, Fossil Creek was a spring-fed waterway sustaining an oasis in the middle of Arizona desert. 2. Dams control flooding, and their reservoirs provide a reliable supply of water for irrigation, drinking and recreation. Some serve to help navigation, by stabilizing flow. 3. Often a big issue facing managers is what to do with accumulations of dirt and debris. 4. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as cleaning agents in manufacturing processes are a dangerous source of air pollution. 5. Light is a wonderful medium for carrying information. 6. Warning to the finance market. 7. Many glaciers in the area are now retreating up to 40 meters a year. 8. The full reports, including video clips and photographs, can be found at: www. 9. TNT, a leading global express and mail provider, is at the forefront of fighting fraud and corruption. 10. Vietnam´s fledgling shipbuilding industry has its sights on going higher. 11. In most organizations the planning projects are disconnected from the opertaions. 12. The energy industry works very closely with FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) when filing LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) projects.


13. The miniaturization of computing power in the form of microprocessors has enabled the computer to be incorporated in an ever-increasing variety of consumer products. 14. The integration of computers and movable electro-mechanical arms –to perform such tasks as assembling parts, welding, and spray painting– define industrial automation. 15. Word-processing, electronic filing and retrieving, electronic mail, automatic scheduling of meetings, management information systems, and remote data entry and programming are among the new possibilities. 16. By using satellites, digital cameras, and Internet protocols, the company is hoping to unite buyers. 17. Minondo is a project for the 10 MW Río Bobos Hydroelectric Plant nearing completion 150 miles northeast of Guatemala City. 18. INDE´s commitment to its Río Bobos contract is highly important to the over-all wellbeing of Guatemala´s power sector. 19. Making the transition to Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a smart decision. 20. You can realize cost savings up to 60% compared to traditional methods.


Unidad temática 2 TEXTOS CORTOS Identifique los diferentes usos de –ING y realice la traducción de los párrafos (Identify the different uses of –ING form and translate the parragraphs into Spanish) 1. The term “troubleshooting” usually describes the process followed to identify an operation problem and to locate its causes in order to eliminate them. This process should always start with a thorough visual inspection for damaged or loose components, loose connections or any condition suggesting a source of trouble. 2. Troubleshooting instructions often appear as checklists on how to solve a specific malfunction or how to react to an unexpected outcome in a procedure. These lists are frequently arranged in tables or charts under headings such as “problem”, “symptom”, “indication”, “possible cause”, “procedure”, “conclusion”, “solution”. The reader selects quickly a specific step to follow when a particular problem arises. The options might include changing a part, repeating a step, turning off a piece of equipment or eventually calling a service specialist. 3. For the German chemical manufacturer BASF, reducing atmospheric emissions has reigned in energy costs and capital expenditures by 30 percent. One method by which the company has reduced the emissions is avoiding, reducing or recycling the chemical residues from which the emissions derive. 4. In 2000 a group of investigators at the California Institute of Technology gave the name “plasmonics” to the emerging discipline, sensing that research in this area could lead to an entirely new class of devices. Ultimately it may be possible to employ plasmonic components in a wide variety of instruments, using them to improve the resolution of microscopes, the efficiency of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and the sensitivity of chemical and biological detectors. Scientists are also considering medical applications, designing tiny particles that could use plasmon resonance absorption to kill cancerous tissues, for example. 5. Building substantial infrastructure, such as roads, energy plants or power lines, with its associated impact on the environment and possible disturbances to local residents, is difficult. 6. There was concern that industry was not interested in listening to legitimate concerns raised by public officials and the residents of Rhode Island. Similarly, there was a perception that Washington routinely approved applications without addressing legitimate safety and security concerns. 7. Some of the questions to ask when designing a security policy include: Who is allowed to have an account? Who can set up dial-in modems? What can people do on the Internet? How are home computers going to be secured? How are traveling employees going to get access? What information is considered confidential? 8. A dialogue of ideas and problem solving strategies and success stories from diverse industries will capture the benefits of information technology for the rapidly changing business landscape. Executives also will play a key role in the roundtable brainstorming sessions, bringing their wealth of experience in the integration of business management and information technology for positive bottom line results.


9. Creating competitive advantage. After enjoying a number of quick successes on the purchasing side, Bell Atlantic was ready to look at Electronic Commerce opportunities on the customer side.


Unidad Temática 3

Presentación El verbo BE en inglés equivale a los verbos SER y ESTAR en castellano; también tiene OTROS EQUIVALENTES IDIOMÁTICOS según el contexto en que se halle. Las diversas formas pronominales representan funciones de la persona en relación con el verbo, al igual que en español. Sobre estas cuestiones trabajaremos en esta tercera Unidad.


Unidad Temática 3





1. SER, ESTAR, “TENER” (edad, antigüedad, medida, etc.) 2. THERE BE (haber: impersonal. Expresa existencia) 3. + PARTICIPIO PRESENTE (Tiempos progresivos o continuos) 4. + PARTICIPIO PASADO (Voz Pasiva) 5. + INFINITIVO (deber, tener que, ir a + infinitivo)

1. The tunnel is 6 kilometers long. 2. There are more elements in a water supply system than the water works plant. 3. The use of membrane technologies is experiencing significant growth throughout the world. 4. Several advantages are listed below. 5. Indirect potable reuse is to become fully implemented as an integral component in water resources management in the future. Traduzca los siguientes ejemplos (Translate the following examples) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Chemistry is the science of the nature of matter and its transformations. Toxicity is not an intrinsic property of a substance. Molecules are always in motion. How high is the new university building? Which are the power sources available nowadays? Computers are to work according to instructions, as they are not creative The new bridge is about five kilometers long. The unit of electric power is the ‘watt’. One watt is equal to a current of one ampere (the intensity) multiplied by one volt (the electromotive force). 9. Iron and steel are by far the most common magnetic materials. 10. There are a number of versions about the origin of stainless steel. 11. In 1964 there was an increase in the number of weather satellites and communications satellites; of the latter, the American satellite Syncom 3 was to achieve an orbit exactly in the plane of the earth’s equator. 12. Uranus is so cold that life there is out of the question. 13. Despite six years of talk, CO2 emissions are still going up by over 2 per cent a year. 14. The world’s leading wildlife conservation groups, BirdLife International and the World Wide Fund For Nature, are launching today Wednesday a report based on the findings of international experts about the impacts of climate change on wildlife. 15. The international community, through the United Nations’ Climate Change Convention, is trying to negotiate new agreements to curb global warming. They are going to have a meeting as soon as possible. 16. Artists are making use of computers in movies, graphics, and music.


17. The basic problem is transmitting the vast number of bits necessary for both the picture and high fidelity sound. 18. How responsible are computer professionals for their actions? 19. The company´s staff of systems engineers was a major asset, because they could handle the total project. 20. The increasing and fluctuating prices of natural gas are contributing to making biomass and wind energy competitive.


Unidad Temática 3 TEXTOS CORTOS Traduzca los siguientes párrafos (Translate the following paragraphs) 1. Simple machines. There are six simple machines. They are the lever, the pulley, the wheel and axle the inclined plane the wedge and the screw-jack. Simple machines make our work easier. A large rock is very heavy but a man can move it with a lever. He can lift a heavy weight with a pulley and can lift a car off the ground with a screw -jack. He can also split a piece of wood with a wedge. 2. The molecules of a solid are fixed in relation to each other. They are so close that a solid can be compressed only slightly. Solids are usually crystalline substances, so their molecules are arranged in a definite pattern. This is why a solid tends to hold its shape and has a definite volume. 3. There is no doubt that soon there will be a variety of new mathematical techniques to solve satisfactorily innumerable scientific problems that today can only be tackled empirically or experimentally. 4. Working with metal. The craftsman is going to make a small aluminum dish. He has rubbed the metal with soap. Now he is putting the piece of aluminum on to a forming block. There is a hollow in the centre of the forming block. He wants to make a hollow in the centre of the piece of aluminium. So he is hitting the metal into the hollow of the forming block. He is using a rubber mallet to hit the piece of metal, and. he is turning the forming block round and round. 5. Nuclear fusion is the combining of two atomic nuclei to produce one larger nucleus, with the release of nuclear energy. Nuclear fusion is the reaction that produces the nergy given off by stars such as our sun. 6. Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania was the site of a serious accident in 1979. The problems associated with the use of nuclear power will be discussed in the following presentation. Scientists are now trying to solve these problems. Will they be able to make nuclear power safer and more cost effective? 7. There is certainly little need to describe video games to anyone living during the early 1980s, when they suddenly captured a large shar of the entertainment market, and the late 1980s, when they made a successful comeback after a difficult period. Teeenagers were the prime group to whom advertisers devoted their attention. 8. Manufacturers are looking to new technological developments to rekindle the flame in the arcade market. The basic Nintendo box is a special purpose computer, which is connected to a television set. Optional components are Zapper guns and specialized joy sticks and gloves, which permiit more realistic interactions. But what is particularly profitable about this industry is the cost of game cartridges compared to the player itself. 9. Health. Is sitting in front of a video display terminal (VDT) dangerous to your health, both physically and psychologically? Are other omputer devices problematic? For example, there is an increased incidence of individuals becoming so infatuated with computers that they withdraw from human contact.


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