HUMAN. Cristianas. Estrellas. Christian Stars. Traffickingpg. 3 TITLE. First Annual Conference for Community Service Advocates and Ministers

HUMAN pg. 3 • CHAPLAIN HEROES pg.10-11 • Divorce Rate Among Christians pg. 4 • CFL Homeless Coalitition An Embarassment to

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Story Transcript


pg. 3


• Divorce Rate Among Christians pg. 4

• CFL Homeless Coalitition An Embarassment to Human Dignity

• Las Aventuras Amorosas: un Daño A Nuestros Hijos y a La Sociedad

pg. 16

Newspaper Orlando.Tampa


pg. 5

Christian Stars

Newspaper Orlando.Tampa

Estrellas Cristianas


• The United States Losing it’s Moral Ground

pg. 16

• Minister Falls from Grace

pg. 17

• 300,000 Demonstrate Against gay Marriages


First Annual Conference for Community Service Advocates and Ministers April 12th, see page 2

PG. 2

STATE OF FLORIDA Estrellas Cristianas Chaplain Ministry, Inc

8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.


9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Welcome Remarks

9:20 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Topic: Domestic Violence; Spousal and Child Abuse Topic: Children’s Plight in Our Society;

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Homelessness, Foster care & Adoption.

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Topic: Human Trafficking, Civil Rights vs. Child slavery & Prostitution in Our Community


12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch: Community Services Awards for Advocates & Ministers. (Diversity Job Fair Starts from 12 p.m. to 3p.m. in Adjacent Hall.)

1:40 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

IRS Prosecuting Not for Profits... How to Keep Your Organization’s Taxes LEGAL!

2:40 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.

Panel: Identifying Potential Violence, Maintaining Physical & Mental Health in Our Community

3:50 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Immigration for Community Advocates and Pastors

5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Theology Topics Presentation. Church vs. State *(Attending all of these seminars qualifies you to recieve a Chaplain Certificate on the day of this conference. For registration go to: for full details.)

PG. 3

HUMAN TRAFFICKING W hen we think about slavery our minds take a retrospective journey into our school years during American history. Many minds start replaying images that resemble an episode of the miniseries Roots. Perhaps some of us think about the history of Spanish slavery and most of us will picture images of other miniseries, Amistad. For those of us that are believers and have studied the Word of God our minds perhaps would travel to the years of captivity and slavery of the chosen people of God, Israel, where 4 million Jews lived under slavery under the fist of the Egyptians. Perhaps Roman slavery, Greek slavery, I could probably write a documentary on different types of slavery. However, when it came to human trafficking of children in the United States and sex slavery of children in the 21st. century I was confronted with not knowing very much about this alarming crime. I felt like if I was attending my first day in history class when it came to this subject. I was clueless! Therefore, I decided to research it and inform about it. I was also confronted with the fact that many of us, when we hear about it, we tend to think that this is a mafia crime committed by Russians or people living in eastern European countries or South American under developed countries. Maybe people in Asia had to come up with a different way of making money to help them survive after communism ended. Some of us may also think that this is a way of people that live in an underdeveloped third world country to make money or that since Thailand is the country with the largest prostitution incidence in the world we immediately place it in those categories. Our minds don’t fathom that the United States has its own home grown children human trafficking and sex slavery mafias. I wasn’t able to play an image on my mind but I was confronted with unspeakable fear and even anguish to just imagine what would happen if my 12 year old son was a victim of a sex slavery/ human trafficking crime. My eyes welled up by just thinking… what if he would be abducted? What would happen to him? Would he be raped? Would they make him a drug addict and put him on the street to sell his body? Where would he sleep? What types of drugs and sexually transmitted diseas-

es would he be exposed to? What about him having to endure the removal of one of his vital organs to be sold? How would he endure physical, mental and sexual abuse? Is he hungry out there? Is he sick and cold? What about school? What about his dreams? What type of fears he might be going through? How is he dealing with the fears that he might be under? The list of questions is unending! The horror of experiencing all this as many parents in the United States are experiencing it. I am only imagining it! Many families are living under this horrifying condition as I write this report. Misinformation about this topic is the most critical aspect of this horrible crime. People perish for lack of knowledge. Therefore, knowledge is key… Wisdom comes from above when we ask about it in prayer. Let’s take a moment and ask for wisdom and understanding over this matter, lets allow ourselves to

be educated in order to be able to protect our children shall we?

What Is Human Trafficking? What Is the Extent of Human Trafficking in the United States?

Contrary to a common assumption, human trafficking is not just a problem in other countries. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and some U.S. territories. Victims of human trafficking can be children or adults, U.S. citizens or foreign nationals, male or female. According to U.S. government estimates, thousands of men, women, and children are trafficked to the United States for the purposes of sexual and labor exploitation. An unknown number of U.S. citizens and legal residents are trafficked within the country primarily for sexual servitude and, to

a lesser extent, forced labor.

How Does Human Trafficking Affect Our Schools?

Trafficking can involve school children particularly those not living with their parents—who are vulnerable to coerced labor exploitation, domestic servitude, or commercial sexual exploitation (i.e., prostitution). Sex traffickers target children because of their vulnerability and gullibility, as well as the market demand for young victims. Those who recruit minors into prostitution violate federal anti-trafficking laws, even if there is no coercion or movement across state lines. The children at risk are not just high school students studies demonstrate that pimps prey on victims as young as 12. Traffickers have (Continues on Page 4)

PG. 4


t’s one of the most quoted stats by Christian leaders today. And it’s perhaps one of the most inaccurate. Christians are not doing well in living out their faith. But it could also be taken as a statement that redemption by and real discipleship under Jesus makes no real difference when it comes to marriage. Based on the best data available, the divorce rate among Christians is significantly lower than the general population. People who seriously practice a traditional religious faith---whether Christian or other---have a divorce rate markedly lower than the general population. The difference is religious commitment and practice. What appears intuitive is true. Couples who regularly practice any combination of serious religious behaviors and attitudes---attend church nearly every week, read their bibles and spiritual materials regularly; pray privately and together; generally take their faith seriously, living not as perfect disciples, but serious disciples---enjoy significantly low-

er divorce rates than mere church members, the general public, and unbelievers.

Professor Bradley Wright, a sociologist at the University of Connecticut, explains from his analysis of people who identify as Christians but rarely attend church, that 60 percent of these have been divorced. Of those who attend church regularly, 38 percent have been divorced. Other data from additional sociologists of family and religion suggest a substantial marital stability divide between those who take their faith seriously and those who do not. W. Bradford Wilcox, a leading sociologist at the University of Virginia and director of the National Marriage Project, finds from his own analysis that “active conservative Protestants” who regularly attend church are 35 percent less likely to divorce compared to those who have no affiliation. Nominally attending conservative Protestants are 20 percent more likely to divorce, compared to secular Americans. Professor Scott Stanley from the University of Denver, working

with an absolute all-star team of leading sociologists in the Oklahoma Marriage Study, explains, “Whether young or old, male or female, low-income or not, those who said that they were more religious reported higher average levels of commitment to their partners, higher levels of marital satisfaction, less thinking and talking about divorce and lower levels of negative interaction. These patterns held true when controlling for such important variables as income, education, and age at first marriage.” These data indicate that the divorce rate among serious believers is not something to crow about. It is still higher than most of us are comfortable with. But there is no reliable, mainstream social-science data that has this rate higher than the general population. Faith and disciplinee helps, but it doesn’t make all our problems go away.

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As many as 2.8 million children run away each year in the US. Within 48 hours of hitting the streets, one-third of these children are lured or recruited into the underground world of prostitution and pornography, reports The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

300,000 children in the U.S. are at risk every year for commercial sexual exploitation, reports U.S Department of Justice.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Continued from Page 3)

been reported targeting their minor victims through telephone chat-lines, clubs, on the street, through friends, and at malls, as well as using girls to recruit other girls at schools and after-school programs.

How Do I Identify a Victim of Human Trafficking?

A victim: Has unexplained absences from school for a period of time, and is therefore a truant. Demonstrates an inability to attend school on a regular basis, chronically runs away from home, makes references to frequent travel to other cities, exhibits bruises or other physical trauma, shows withdrawn behavior, depression, or fear, lacks control over their schedule or identification documents, is malnourished or inappropriately dressed (based on weather conditions or surroundings), shows signs of drug addiction.

Additional signs that may indicate sex-related trafficking include:

Demonstrates a sudden change in attire, behavior, or material possessions (e.g., has expensive items). Makes references to sexual situations that are beyond age-specific norms, has a “boyfriend” who is noticeably older (10+ years). Makes references to terminology of the commercial sex industry that are beyond their age, specific norms, engages in promiscuous behavior and may be labeled as “fast” by their peers.

Child Trafficking Statistics

Child/Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Child/ human trafficking is the world’s second largest criminal enterprise, after drugs, reports the U.S. State Department. The global market of child trafficking is over $12 billion a year with over 1.2 million child victims. UNICEF

The average age of entry for children victimized by sex trade industry is 12 years of age, says U.S. Department of Justice. Approximately 80% of human trafficking victims are women and girls and up to 50% are minors, says U.S. State Department. The average victims of non-incestuous pedophiles who molest girls is 20, for pedophiles who prefer boys 100, reports The Associations for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA).

600,000- 800,000 people are bought and sold across international borders each year; 50% are children, most are female. The majority of these the majority of these victims are forced into the commercial sex trade, reports U. S. Department, 2004, Trafficking in Persons Report, Washington, D.C. An average serial child molester may have as many as 400 victims in his lifetime, says Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Study. The National Center for Missing Exploited Children, which helps to identify and locate children in pornography photos and videos, says its staff reviewed more than 10.5 million images in 2009 alone. (Continues on Page 8)

PG. 5



pon initially arriving at the coalition web site: “http://www.” visitors will read the following paragraph: “The Pavilion is a traditional drop-in shelter that can house 375 men on a given night. It is the only emergency dropin shelter in Central Florida. Men who stay at the Pavilion are provided a warm meal, showers, and a place to sleep for the night.” “Meals are served thanks to the kindness of volunteers throughout the community who come in 365 days a year to prepare food. All meals are open to the community. Nearly 20 percent of the food served goes to people in the community who are not homeless, but do not have money for food on a given night.” Having been around the coalition for three years now, having countless relationships with the homeless in the area I had to go back and confirm that the pictures on the page were of the same place I had stepped into hundreds of times at 639 West Central Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32801. The reality is as we have heard infinite times; a picture is worth a thousand words. The picture to your right is the harsh reality of the men’s pavilion. The yellow outlines above represent a space where a homeless individual would pay $1 to sleep for the night. As you can clearly see there are no beds in the men’s pavilion. Should you want the comfort of an inch thick matt similar to what your child would get at nap time in kindergarten that will cost you a whopping $5 per night. On cold nights these mock like parking spaces are overcrowded. Many individuals rather brave the weather than face the living conditions at the coalition. Many have awoken to find that they have been robbed. When you decide to confirm for yourself by just walking through the facility make sure you visit the bathrooms. Unsanitary, would be a compliment; the bathrooms at the coalition are in worse condition than any gas station I ever vis-

Adults and children are designated into yellow painted parking lot spaces, that outline where they sleep on the concrete floor at City of Orlando Homeless Shelter. Occupants have to pay for a one inch thick dirty pad to sleep on. Bathrooms are verified to be filthy. ited on my many road trips up and down I95, and that includes a horrible greyhound bus ride. I have no words to describe the showers. The fact is the Coalition for the Homeless is one of many entities exploiting the homeless situation. Their upcoming gem which they also boast about on their web site is the replacement of the men’s pavilion; “Thanks to $6.6 million in capital funding support from the City of Orlando and Orange County Government, construction of the new Men’s Service Center (MSC) is underway on the Coalition’s main Central Boulevard campus. This upcoming two-story, residential facility will serve one of the most underserved segments of the homeless population: homeless men. It will replace the Men’s Pavilion and is expected to be open in summer 2013.” Go verify for yourself, did the website say 6.6 million? This is “for up to 250 men in the new facility”. Break out your calculator: If my math is right that’s $26,400 per bed, on top of which they are increasing the cost to stay per night. Let’s not forget to add in the 6 million dollars donated by Marc Anthony and Goya. Where is all this money going if most of the food is being provided, prepared and served by volunteers? Furthermore, in the thou-

sands of homeless individuals I’ve encountered, not one has received a voucher for free clothes. I called several years ago to donate clothes to the homeless and was told to take it to their thrift shop; anyone needing clothes would receive what they needed. I asked Benny, a formerly homeless man, he walked me to their silo where they store all the donated goodies, and he said this is where they keep all the donations, we don’t get. Our small non-profit this year had a budget of less than five thousand dollars; we placed nearly a dozen individuals in jobs and apartments. How many people would you be able to help get apartments with 6.6 million dollars the city gave? Now double that with Marc Anthony and Goya’s donations. Can you imagine if you had all the resources the coalition receives? The fact is the Coalition is a self serving for profit hiding under the flag of 501c3 status. It perpetuates crime by forcing its guest to pay to stay, and it perpetuates homelessness by not working towards ending the cycle of homelessness. In September 2010, I was moved to ask the staff of the coalition if we could provide a thanksgiving feast for the homeless. This is when I was directed to and met Marty Vevera, Director- Volunteer Services. She told me that we could bring

the meal, her staff would oversee and we could do the work as dictated by her staff, however, I would not be allowed to pray. A year later I was offered a day of the week but I had to be able to provide meals for 350 individuals. I opted not to accept the offer. I spent the following years inviting anyone who wanted to take a gander for themselves the reality of the coalition. Some individuals left crying, others could not react to how people in our country, in our city are living. We have since been banned from bringing cameras into the facility, and understandably so. We have also been banned from sharing water and food on the grounds.On the coldest nights this year Christian radio station Z88.3 announced the coalition would not close its doors to anyone. I decided to drive by, just as I suspected the gates were closed and there were people outside the street walking off the cold. One of those nights we went to hand out blankets. A worker came and said we should bring it inside for them to hand out, my reply was no, we will make sure the homeless get the blankets thank you. Shortly after the man at the gate caved and invited us in. We drove in and personally handed out the blankets, towels and pillow cases. (Continues on Page 7)

PG. 6


a Organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)3 Nuevo Sendero que dirige la Sra. Diana Mejía, tiene como finalidad crear conciencia y educar al público en general para reconocer y proteger a las víctimas de violencia domestica y abuso sexual restaurando las familias a través de grupos de apoyo, seminarios y conferencia, Nuevo Sendero insta a las víctimas a no tener miedo de pedir ayuda, reiterando que el silencio le da poder al abusador. Esta organización, gracias a donaciones de empresas de la comunidad ofrece ayuda a las víctimas y continúa su labor de difusión buscando sensibilizar a la comunidad sobre la problemática existente y trabajando para articular acciones preventivas a favor de toda la familia. Febrero es el mes de concientización y prevención a los jóvenes sobre violencia domestica. La Organización Nuevo Sendero renueva su compromiso y apoyo a las víctimas de este crimen secreto que afecta nuestra sociedad y continua haciendo estragos en nuestra comunidad latina, invitando a la comunidad las organizaciones y la iglesia a formar parte del nuestro programa de prevención abriendo las puertas para concientizar y educar a nuestros jóvenes, La violencia domestica tiene su base en pautas culturales. Un chico que quiera cumplir con su rol de tradicional masculino querrá aparentar ser quien tomes las decisiones en la relación de pareja, dominar y controlar las actividades y comportamientos de ella, sus amistades y forma de vestir. Ni siquiera se nos ocurre pensar como ciudadanos que las muchachas jóvenes son maltratadas por sus parejas porque pensamos que el maltrato solo ocurre en relaciones de personas mayores o casadas. Existe un silencio cómplice de parte de la sociedad por considerar el problema es de índole privada. Los jóvenes están ejerciendo poder y control en sus relaciones a través de las redes sociales y la tecnología moderna. No debemos esperar que nuestros hijos muestren conducta violenta para educarlos. La violencia domestica en las relaciones adolescentes y jóvenes es una necesidad urgente que debemos unidos abordar diseñando una intervención educativa de prevención. (407) 332-6200

To comment contact us at www.EstrellasCristianas.US Click on “Contact Us”

PG. 7

Continued from page 5

CENTRAL FLORIDA HOMELESS COALITITION AN EMBARASSMENT TO HUMAN DIGNITY Current Progress as reported by the Coalition for the Homeless:

“A ceremonial groundbreaking took place on Friday, February 10, 2012 at 11:00 am, with about 200 community and government leaders, Board members, clients and media in attendance. The site changed rapidly, as dirt mounds were leveled, the new retention pond wall was poured, and re-bar and building footers were strategically placed. In May, the contractor began pouring 42 “tilt wall” panels - or sandwiched slabs of concrete – on the horizontal. The panels, which together form the exterior walls of the 33,000 sq. ft. facility, had to be stacked upon each other three high because of the tight working space.”We were there the week before on February 4th, they had a feast, the food smelled so good it made my mouth water, but their homeless guest weren’t invited. The Holy Bible reads: “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, otherwise they may also invite you in return and that will be your repayment. But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

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Teenager, assigned to his concrete floor space defined by yellow lines like a parking lot. It is clear that the people that run this place have no love for humanity. The accomodations would be different if the administrators were the oens who had to sleep here. We challenge the mayor to sleep here for three nights!

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Maritza Collazo

PG. 8

Continued from page 4

HUMAN TRAFFICKING Reports of exploited children grow every year, in 2009, the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children received more than 120,000 reports on its cyber tip line. In 2010, the number grew to over 160,000 with the vast majority being from Child Pornography.

How do I report a suspected incidence of Human Trafficking?

It is important to note that this list is not comprehensive of all signs of human trafficking, nor are all students who exhibit these signs most certainly traffick-ing victims. The list is meant to be a guide to help determine if further action is appropriate. In cases of immediate emergencies, it is best to call your local police department or emergency access number. You can report suspected trafficking crimes or get help by calling the national 24/7 toll-free Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888. This center will help you determine if you have encountered a victim of human trafficking; identify local resources available in your community to help victims; and coordinate with local social service providers to help protect and serve victims so they can begin the process of rehabilitation and restoring their lives. When appropriate, the Resource Center makes referrals to local organizations that assist victims.

To comment contact us at www.EstrellasCristianas.US Click on “Contact Us”

(Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, Amtrak, in collaboration with federal agencies, plans to train 8,000 employees nationwide about the dangers of human trafficking, viewing online videos about trafficking, and regularly scheduled crew briefings will including talks about trafficking victims, learning how to identify trafficking victims and how to report potential crimes.)

PG. 9

Publisher/Editor Chairman/Chaplain Danny Ramos Pastor Chaplain Rafael Romero Publisher/In House Counsel

Contributing Editors and Researchers ORLANDO/TAMPA Chaplain Jeannette Rivera Chaplain Lisa Pietri Chaplain Gus Martinez Chaplain Marilyn Casabuenas Chaplain Sharon Ferrer

Art Directors Javier Madera Stephanie Scofield

Advertising Orlando

Chaplain Jeannette Rivera (407) 271-1007 Chaplain Lisa Pietri (321) 277-0850

Chaplain Millie Ann Silva Castillo

(321) 356-5596


Pastor/Chaplain Rafael Romero (813) 728-6868 Chaplain Marilyn Casabuenas (813) 843-3942

SALES REPRESENTIVE Wanted for Orlando and Tampa for this


PART-TIME FULL-TIME (813) 728-6868

1 (888) 661-5971

PG. 10


Time to Fight Back

By Danny Ramos, Chaplain


here is no doubt to all Christians, that the United States which was founded in Christian values, has gone far beyond neutrality in its views as demonstrated by many elected officials who now represent the anti Christian minority. We live in a political paradox where the majority rules except for Christians who value family first.

Hispanic Achievers President Lisa Pietri ( L ), and Jeanette Rivera, Director of the new newspaper Estrellas Cristianas ( R ) receive Award from Gloria Puerto, President of Feed and Fortify, not for profit serving homeless in Orlando, at the first Annual Hand and Heart Gala held December 14, 2012 at Windham Hotel in Orlando Florida

Darren Soto was elected as the first ever Puerto Rican State Senator in the State of Florida. He serves district 19 in Central Florida.



he New 950 WTLN is Central Florida’s only Christian Teaching & Talk Radio Station. Found at 950 am or on the web at ‘I Heart Radio’ or, WTLN airs an incredible offering of today’s leading evangelical Pastors. John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Alistair Begg, RC Sproul and many more delivering challenging messages from the Bible every day. “We’re really trying to open our doors wider to invite every Christian in Central Florida to listen…” says Bill Files, GM of WTLN & the Salem Communications cluster in Orlando. “We know that many of our listeners are bi-lingual, and we get calls all the time thanking us for what we do…it is very humbling to know that we are reaching more and more people who want to be lifted by the Word.” Files said. “We really want to expand our programming to include Hispanic Pastors

Christians now must unite and organize in the political arena to eliminate those Politian’s that have taken God’s word and trashed it for immoral and unethical methods who put money and power first. At stake is the very existence of morality in America. At stake is the person your child will grow up to be. The time is now! The mission is Gods and you must be the instrument to save this country. Go now to www.ChristianStars.ORG to sign up and express your opinion if Christians in Central Florida and Tampa should organize a “Christian Political Advocate Group”. Go to www.ChristianStars.ORG, and click on “Contact Us” to let us know your opinion.

Increase your community based sales... This publication is distributed in 320 7-Eleven stores & 300 churches. This is the only newspaper addressing the Christian market in Central Florida and Tampa Bay area. Your business can increase its sales and support Christian values in your community. Call NOW...

who want to use our Christian platform as a jumping point to grow their ministry. We have in the works a bi-lingual Youth oriented program, and would welcome

more ideas on how we can better serve the Hispanic community.” Bill Files may be reached at 407-618-1760.

Tampa: Orlando:

(813) 843-3942 (202) 905-3600 (407) 271-1007

PG. 11



ithout Walls International Church believes in clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. Helping the needs of the Tampa Bay community all began with Pastor Randy White in 1992 with a desire to feed anyone in need, especially on Christmas through an event called “Christmas Extravaganza” where the church had an opportunity to make some children happy by giving toys to those families that can’t afford it. Over the last twenty years Without Walls has been known as one of

Tampa’s largest community food providers; a compassion that continues to this day. Boxed foods that are enough to feed a family of four for a week have been given a long with a frozen turkey to thousands of people from all walks of life. A program called Road to Recovery provides: stylish clothes , hot meals and boxed food, weekly to anyone in need at their location: 3860 West Columbus Drive, Tampa. The church may be reached at 813 879 HOPE (4673) for more information.

ish Dobson – For the last seven years, I have held the position of Event Coordinator/Recreation Manager at Wilderness Lake Preserve. From the younger residents to the mature, I have the opportunity to make a difference in their day to day lives. A few years ago, a resident stopped me and shared with me that she had been praying for me. In that prayer, she said that God told her to tell me that I was put in my position because of who I am and how I deal with people. She went on to explain that I was there for a specific purpose that only I could fulfill without even knowing that I was doing it. I was honored and thrilled that someone that I worked for would pray for me and that God would speak to her on my behalf. In that brief moment, I realized that I wasn’t just working for a pay check, but I was actually doing God’s will for my life. That was just a stepping stone though. A few months later, another resident approached me about becoming a Chaplain. I was a little nervous about the idea, but

very excited that God would use me in such an honorable position. I am truly humbled to have the opportunity to give back by offering a hand up.



Dr. Chuma G. Osuji

iabetes among HIspanics Adults age 18 years and older was 7.4 percent. Diabetes strikes Hispanics at a younger ages than nonHispanic white-population. The overall prevalence of diabetes among Hispanics was almost twice that of non-Hispanic whites(9.8 percent vs 5 percent), however prevalence decreased with higher education levels. Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death among Hispanics in the United States and leading cause of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and amputations. For more information visit

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astor Frank & Darlene White have been commited to serve the Lord as pastors on the nursing home for over 20 years. They share the love and message of Jesus Christ to the residents, their families and staff of the nursing home, joy wish fills the place and as they sing and pray for them. Pastor Frank is 76 years old, he has been faithful to the call of God in his life, and even though he’s has been through a tough surgery, he continues preaching and showing the residents how much he loves them along with his wife. He has Shown the residents how much God truly loves them. This is why he is my real life hero.

PG. 12


ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Annunciation Catholic Church 1020 Montgomery Rd. Altamonte Springs , Fl 32791 407-869-9472 Church of Christ 620 Palm Spring Dr. Altamonte Springs, Fl 32686 407-831-3230 Estrellas Cristianas Chaplaincy Ministry 280 S Ronald Reagan Blvd. Longwood Fl, 32750 407-271-1007 Faith World 7601 Forest City Rd. Altamonte Springs, Fl 32810 407-292-8888 Faith World 7601 Forest City Rd. Altamonte Springs, Fl 32810 407-292-8888 St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church 861 Maitland Ave. Altamonte Springs, Fl 32701 407-831-1212

APOPKA Monte Sinai 829 East Votaw Rd. Apopka, Fl 32703

To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007

Rejoice in The Lord Ministries 8053 Gilliam Rd. Apopka Florida 32703-8968 407-814-7643 Vineyard Sda Church 750 Roger Williams Rd. Apopka, Fl 32703 407-529-7379

CASSELBERRY Ascension Lutheran Church 351 Ascension Dr. Casselberry, Fl 32707 407-831-7788 Crossroads Baptist Church of Central Florida 414 Ridge Rd. Casselberry, Fl 32730 407-599-4033 Metro Life Church 910 S Winter Park Dr. Casselberry, Fl 32707 407-740-0561

CELEBRATION Corpus Christi 1050 Celebration Ave. Celebration, Fl 34747 321-939-1491

CLERMONT Evangelica Compañerismo Cristiano 131 Chestnut St. Clermont, Fl 34711 407-421-3967

DAVENPORT Disciples Baptist Church 125 Cottonwood Dr. Davenport, Fl 863-424-3674

DELTONA Iglesia Adventista Hispana 1180 Doyle Rd. Deltona, Fl 32725 386-574-5007 Iglesia Hispana Nazareno 600 Fort Smith Blvd. Deltona, Fl 32738 386-574-5604

KISSIMMEE Emmanuel Baptist Church 2627 Lehigh Ave. Kissimmee, FL 34741 407-846-8230 First Presbyterian Church 15 Church St. Kissimmee, Fl 34741 407-847-2807 Gods Missionary Church 3331 Oberry Rd. Kissimmee, Fl 34741 407-847-5024 Hispanic Church Nazarene 2637 Fortune Rd. Kissimmee, FL 34744 407-348-9575



l Centro Cristiano Revive fue fundado el 1ro de abril del 2012 por una visión plasmada en el corazón del Apóstol Elías Colón de parte de Dios. El Apóstol es el fundador del Ministerio Int’l Restaurando El Reino un ministerio apostólico en la cual ofrece cobertura al ministerio quíntuple y afiliaciones a las iglesias, ministerios y organizaciones cristianas. El Apóstol Elías Colón se ha desempeñado en el ministerio pastoral desde la edad de 17 anos. A la edad de 24 años fue nombrado Supervisor de la Iglesia de Dios del estado de Massachusetts adonde también fue nombrado por el alcalde de la ciudad Comisionado de Asuntos Hispanos de Chelsea Ma. El Apóstol ha trabajado arduamente en diversidades de organizaciones de filantropías incluyendo el ser presidente y fundador de la organización de filantropías Centro en Acción para Nosotros/Care About Now, (CAN) Chelsea, Ma, Fundador y Presidente de COP/Community Outreach Program de la Iglesia de Dios de Chelsea. Ahora el Apóstol Colón, sirve en el Comité de Directiva como asesor de la agencia Nuevo Sendero, Inc. de Orlando, y Deltona, Fl, es conferencista, y predicador del evangelio a las naciones.

Iglesia Bautista Central de 2275 Boggy Creek Rd. Kissimmee, Fl 34744 407-483-8951

Iglesia Bautista Resurreccion 2534 Neptune Rd. Kissimmee, Fl 34744 407-201-7994 Iglesia Cristiana de Kissimmee 2440 Boggy Creek Rd. Kissimmee, Fl 34744 407-348-6461 Iglesia Cristiana El Renuevo 290 Competition Dr. Kissimmee, FL 34743 321-737-7009 Iglesia de Dios Luz y Vida 3239 S John Young Pkwy. Kissimmee, Fl 34743 407-952-8935 Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal MI 2519 Fortune Rd. Kissimmee, Fl 34744 407-348-7705 Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo 1318 W Oak St. Kissimmee, Fl 34743 407-931-1916 Iglesia Jesucristo-Libertador 1499 N John young Pkwy. Kissimmee, Fl 34741 407-870-0543 Iglesia Nazaret 3051 Lions Ct. Kissimmee, Fl 34744 407-935-9883 Iglesia Pentecostal De Jesucristo La Nueva 2006 Smith St. Kissimmee, Fl 34744 407-847-7329 Iglesia Pentecostal Rehodoth 205 W Cypress St. Kissimmee, Fl34741 407-944-9430 Iglesia Principe de Paz 2204 W Columbia Ave. Kissimmee, Fl 34741 407-201-2080 Nacion Santa 2954 Pleasant Hill Rd. Kissimmee, Fl 34746 New Hope Bible Church 1730 Vintage St. Kissimmee, FL 34741 407-933-4888 Peace Lutheran Church 3249 Windmill Point Kissimmee, Fl 34741 407-870-5965

Seventh-day Adventist Church 2123 Smith St. Kissimmee, Fl 34741 407-847-0095

OCOEE Nova Esperanza 9600 West Colonial Dr. Ocoee, Fl 34761 407-273-4545

LAKE MARY First Presbyterian Church 128 W Wilbur Ave. Lake Mary, Fl 32746 407-321-1021 Holy Cross Lutheran Church 780 N Sun Dr. Lake Mary, Fl 32746 407-333-0797 Life Point Christian Church 665 Longwood Lake Mary Rd. Lake Mary, Fl 32746 407-327-6468 River Oaks Church of Lake Mary 385 Washington Ave. Lake Mary, Fl 32746 407-330-9103

LONGWOOD Episcopal Church-Resurrection 251 E Lake Brantley Dr. Longwood, Fl 32779 407-788-3704 First Baptist Church of Longwood 891 E State Rd. 434 Longwood, Fl 32750 407– 339-3817 Nativity Catholic Church 3255 N. Ronal Reagan Blvd. Longwood, Fl 32750 407-322-3961 Northland A Church Distributed 530 Dog Track Rd. Longwood, Fl 32750 407-949-4000

ORLANDO Abiding Faith & Healing 4451 Old Winter Garden Rd # B Orlando, FL 32811 407-601-7955 Avalon Community 12319 S Orange Blossom Trl. Orlando, Fl 32837 Bethel Eglise Haittienne Adventiste 5431 S Rio Grande Ave. Orlando, FL 32839 407-812-9334

To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007


PG. 13

Church of Brethren The Community 3839 S Ferncreek Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 407-857-1149

Embassy in Christ Church 9191 University Blvd. Orlando, Fl 32817 321-296-1777

Fellowship Orlando 5140 S Conway Rd. Orlando, FL 32812 407-888-3101

Flame of Fire Ministries 3621 Columbia St. Orlando, Fl 32805 407-237-0409

Church of Healing & Prosperity 3099 Orange Center Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 407-253-0604

Emmanuel Seventh Day Adventist 6350 Arundel Dr. Orlando, FL 32818 407-704-7905

Filipino International Christian Church 2250 S Goldernrod Rd. Orlando, Fl 32822 407-382-1016

Florida Orlando Mission 8809 Commodity Cir. Orlando, Fl 32819 407-352-5359

Congregation of Reform Judaism 928 Malone Dr. Orlando, FL 32810 407-645-0444

Faith Assembly 2008 N Golden Rd. Orlando, FL 32807 407-275-8790

First AME Church 997 Kennedy Blvd Suite A10 Orlando, FL 32810 407-480-3263

Child Evangelism Fellowship 4522 Clarcona Ocoee Rd # 100 Orlando, FL 32810 407-896-7288

De La Buena Semilla 41140S Goldenrod Rd. Orlando, FL 32822 407-277-7507

Faith Christian Center Church 1977 Bruton Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 407-299-7313

First Baptist Church 11511 State Road 535 Orlando, Fl

Christ for All Nations 6880 Lake Ellenor Dr. Orlando, FL 32809 407-854-4400

El Bethel Temple of Jesus 3000 Bruton Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 407-648-1975

Faith Tabernacle Worship Center 4304 N Pine Hills Rd. Orlando, FL 32808

Christ Sanctified Church 3720 Silver Star Rd. Orlando, FL 32808 407-299-0771

El Camino 5815 Cornelia Ave. Orlando, FL 32807 407-679-4948

Faith Temple Ministries 6216 All American Blvd. Olrlando, Fl 32810 407-420-7963

ORLANDO Casa del Alfarero 7051 Pershing Ave. Orlando, FL 32822 407-736-8701 Casa sobre Roca Iglesia Cristiana 2149 Orinoco Dr. Orlando, Fl 32837 407-674-8746 Central Christian Church 250 SW Ivanhoe Blvd. Orlando, FL 32804 407- 425-6611

First Born Pentecostal Church 220 S Orange Blossom Trl. Orlando, FL 3280 407-704-8180 First Unitarian Church of Orlando 1901 E Robinson St. Orlando, Fl 32603 407-898-3621

Fountain of Living Water Church 5380 Silver Star Rd. Orlando, FL 32808 407-291-3001 Genesis Christian Center 4065 L B McLeod Rd. Orlando, FL 32811 407-802-2982 Global Impact 11301 S Orange Blossom Trl. Orlando, FL 32837 407-855-7767 God is Good Ministries 2800 N Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32804 47-418-1300

PG. 14

Are CENTRAL you a Community Activist? FLORIDA CHURCHES To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007



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Compliment your Chaplancy by becoming a State of Florida Certified Child Advocate preventing child abuse. Certification class is 26 hours beginnning on March 23rd. To request information go to

280 S. Ronald Reagan Blvd. #201, Longwood, FL 32750 | Email: [email protected]


Bell Shoal Church of Christ 2908 Bell Shoals Rd. Brandon, Florida 33511 813-685-0750

Cristiana Principe De Paz 7506 Causeway Blvd. Tampa, Fl 33619 813-401-0771

Igl. Destinado Para Su Gloria 7520 Caron Rd. Tampa, Fl 33634 407-738-8749

Methodista Libre Cristo La Senda 3104 Bryan Rd. Brandon, Fl 33511 813-571-7174

Templo El Rey 9213 Davis Rd. Temple Terrace, Fl 33637 813-748-6184

Casa De Salvacion 12811 N Nebraska Ave. Unit J&K Tampa, Fl 33612 813-500-4330

Cristiano Buenas Nueva 3826 W Water Ave. Tampa, Fl 33614 813-531-2828

Igles De Dios Pentecostal M.I 7417 S 12th Ave. Tampa, Fl 33619 813-531-1740

Metodista Vino Nuevo 5120 N Mendenhall Dr. Tampa, Fl 33603 813-523-2407

Vida Community Church 410 W County Line Rd. Lutz, Fl 33548 813-829-9228

Central Church of Christ 1454 Belleair Rd. Clearwater, Florida 33756 727- 446-4808

Cristo Jesus Es La Vida 206 W 131 Street Ave Tampa, Fl 33612 813-900-2170

Iglesia De Dios Fortaleza 18310 US Hwy 41 N Lutz, Fl 33549 813-948-7555

Oasis Fuente De Vida 6922 142Rd Ave. Largo, Fl 33771 727-564-3906

Vida Victoriosa 6224 Old Pasco Rd. Wesley Chapel, Fl 33544 813-973-2230

Centro Adoracion Bethel 505 N Valrico Rd. Valrico, Fl 33594 813-662-0855

Dios Con Nosotros 1025 Greenbriar Dr. Brandon, Fl 33511 813-810-0509

Oficinas Iglesia De Dios 7712 E Chelsea St. Tampa, FL 33610 813-626-7500

Centro Cristiano Hispano 2014 Providence Rd. Brandon, Fl 33511 813-685-4454

El Mana 16331 US Hwy 301 N. Dade City, Fl 33523

IRA. IGL. De Dios Wesley Chapel 7546 Boyette Rd Wesley Chapel, Fl 33545 813-843-2908

Vida Victoriosa Asamblea De Dios 18924 County Lane Rd. Spring Hill, Fl 813-997-4771

Comunal Cristiana 6204 Webb Rd. Tampa, Fl 33615 813-888-4949 Cristiana Misionera 4902 E Busch Blvd. Tampa, Fl 33617 727-657-5164

El Nazareno En Brandon 114 Kingsway Rd. Brandon, Fl 33510 819-909-6649 Fuente De Vida 2802 E State Road 60 Valrico, Fl 33594 813-659-1600

Jesucristo Mi Refugio 5656 N 150th Ave. Clearwater, Fl 33760 727-902-9428

Perfected Love Intl. Fellowship 10960 N 56th St. Temple Terrace, Fl 33617 813-443-5107

Las Pisadas Del Maestro 3400 74th Ave N Pinellas Park, FL 33781 727-528-1105

Revival Ministries Inter. (The River) 3738 River International Dr. Tampa, Fl 33610 813-971-9999

M. Hispano Nueva Vida 11 N. Mc.Mullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, Fl 33758 727-686-2877

Solio De Gloria 11803 M.L.K Blvd. Suite A-B Seffner, Fl 33584 787-667-6315

Zion Pentecostal ASAMB. De Dios 8014 N Hanley Rd. Tampa, Fl 33615 813-884-2600

PG. 15

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PG. 16



uestro trabajo constante como ministro y consejeros bíblicos para la familia nos muestra una realidad preocupante, las estadistas de estos casos solo en esta ciudad son impresionantes. Una mujer en la oficina de consejería dice: “estoy enamorada de un hombre, que no es mi esposo”, un esposo confiesa: “una compañera en mi trabajo me hace sentir mejor que llegar a casa”, cosas como estas me animan a escribirles acerca del daño que produce a nuestros hijos y a la sociedad este tipo de relaciones. Debido a que hoy la tecnología por su desarrollo nos permite ser casi omnipresentes, no podemos negar que también nos está dejando grandes daños a la vida familiar. Las redes sociales a través del internet está motivando a muchos a buscar saber de aquella persona con la que tuvimos una relación sentimental, saber

Pr. J. Antonio Massi; Rev. J. Antonio & Yajaira Massi

(Continúa en la página 17)


s a young woman, I was raised by a strong woman of faith, pastor Celia Amador, my mother. Through her I learned to love God with all my heart, to love people, to believe in God’s word and to embrace in his promises. I learned to put God first in every area of my life, my mom used to say to me “when people take God out of their lives things change without His protection”. Now with all the things happening in our country, this phrase couldn’t be more true today, and it helps me understand more the consequences of taking God out of many places in a country that was founded under God’s principles.

Chaplain and Evangelist Marilyn Casabuenas, who represents Estrellas Cristianas Newspaper in Tampa Bay.

July 4, 1821 – John Quincy Adams: “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. From the day of the Declaration … they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by

the laws of the Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledged as the rules of their conduct.”1833 – Noah Webster:“The religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles … This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions and government … the moral principles and precepts contained in the Scripture ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. ”1841 – Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America):“In the United States of America the sovereign authority is religious … there is no other country in the world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America.”Summer 8, 1845 – President Andrew Jackson asserts:“The Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rests”.

Even though we look for ways to protect our children and families, I be-

lieve that the root, is in people’s heart, and the only way to restoration for families, for our country and for the whole world is through repentance. We need to turn back to God, only the gospel of Jesus Christ, His good news has the power to change lives, heal the broken hearts and restore our families, country and the whole world. We as a Christian have the responsibility to help this nation. Let’s stop entertaining people and let’s start seeking for God’s power to be manifest, miracles and wonder, let’s put Jesus back to the pulpit. This world is in desperate need of the good news of the gospel, let’s bring prayers back home, so our children can carry back them back to school. It is my desire that one day we break the bondage of denomination and come united with only one vision, to change hearts and lives of people around the world for our Lord and Savior.

To comment contact us at www.EstrellasCristianas.US Click on “Contact Us”



saac Hunter, the popular lead pastor at Summit Church in Orlando has resigned after admitting to an affair with a former church staffer. Hunter, 35, is a married father of three. Threehundred people attended Summit’s first service and it now has five locations and nearly 5,000 worshippers.

“It’s heartbreaking,” said Scott George, senior pastor at Pine Castle United Methodist Church and co-founder of the Community Food & Outreach Center in Orlando. “He is a very gifted leader, a tremendous motivator.... The ripple effect of this is devastating.” A Church leader said, “He’s human. I’m human. We all fall short of the glory of God,” Watkins said. “Isaac has shown us so much grace that I would love to return the favor.”

To comment contact us at www.EstrellasCristianas.US Click on “Contact Us”

Isaac Hunter, the founding pastor of the popular Summit Church in Orlando, resigned this week amid adultery scandal. Nov 29, 2012

PG. 17



uman trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery and affects both foreigners and American citizens. It is defined as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, providing or obtaining of a person by means of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of a commercial sex act or labor services. Trafficked persons usually suffer torture tactics including sexual abuse, imprisonment and starvation. Trafficking often involves elements of other crimes, including forcible rape, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and violations of labor and immigration codes. Human trafficking continues to be the second largest criminal industry in the world, after the weapon and drug trades. Women and children remain the most vulnerable victims. Victims of human trafficking include foreigners who are brought across international borders, as well as U.S. citizens and residents who are trafficked within U.S. borders. On a global scale, approximately 800,000 people are trafficked each year and become victims of commercial sex exploitation and forced labor. Eighty

percent of these victims are women and children.

The internal or “domestic” component of human trafficking is much larger than the international one. Nationally, more than 200,000 American children are at risk for being lured into sex trafficking each year. Sex trafficking is the largest form of domestic human trafficking. Traffickers coerce women and children to enter the commercial sex industry through the use of a variety of recruitment and control mechanisms. Victims are often recruited to work in strip clubs, and to prostitute on the streets, for escort services, and in brothels. Vulnerable youth, such as runaway and homeless children, are particularly at risk for being targeted by pimps. The average age of entry into prostitution in the United States is 12-14 years old. On the international side of the issue, it is estimated that between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. each year.

To comment contact us at www.EstrellasCristianas.US Click on “Contact Us”

LAS AVENTURAS AMOROSAS: UN DAÑO A NUESTROS HIJOS Y A LA SOCIEDAD (Viene de la página 16) de aquel novio que tuvimos en nuestro tiempo de colegio, o esa persona con la que pensé que me iba a casar y no lo hicimos. Esa vinculación amorosa que existió, da pie para iniciar una aventura sentimental que deja resultados nada agradables cuandoa ya existe una familia constituida. Entienda de manera clara que la vinculación amorosa entre un hombre y una mujer puede producirse con o sin intimidad genital y no todas las aventuras amorosas son de la misma índole. Hay aventuras amorosas donde la pareja siente una gran atracción mutua pero no llegan a tener contacto sexual, y hay muchos hombres que piensan que por no haber existido sexo entonces “no paso nada”. Como ministro cristiano y educador bíblico matrimonial quiero dejar claro la óptica bíblica de eso que podemos llamar una simple aventura. La Biblia dice: Tomara el hombre fuego en su seno sin que sus ropas ardan? Andará el hombre sobre brasas sin que sus

pies se quemen? Aquí el sabio Salomón nos deja ver el peligro de jugar con el fuego de la tentación sexual, si usted comienza a enviar mensajes a una persona que no es su cónyuge y que despierta un interés intenso en mantenerse en contacto enviando y recibiendo mensajes, no le extrañe que comience luego a sentir que el tiempo que esta con su cónyuge no despierta la misma emoción, y luego su vida matrimonial solo la ve totalmente aburrida y sin sentido, y entonces el siguiente paso va a ser una doble vinculación, pues llega a pensar que lo que usted necesita no está en su casa sino fuera de ella, provocando en su interior un confusión en sus sentimientos. Esto constituye un problema serio en las personas que tienen ilusiones no cumplidas en su matrimonio y además problemas que no se han resuelto en su mundo interior, pues entonces esa relación que solo se mantiene por la computadora, comienza a desearse con más intensidad y se activa la imaginación de cómo sería si estuviéramos cerca, cara a

cara, mirándonos, tocándonos y acariciándonos, y lógicamente no podemos sorprendernos que eso deseo interno le lleva a pensar que para que seguir en esta casa, de que me sirve seguir en esta familia? Y piensa: no creo que pueda vivir el resto de mi vida en esta relación sin sentido …y ¡zúas! ya el terreno está preparado para decidir abandonar la casa e irse en busca de ese amor perdido, no importandole su relación con Dios, su pacto matrimonial de hasta que la muerte los separe, sin importarle el dolor de unos hijos que no entienden porque sus padres se separan, luego esos hijos van al colegio confundidos, eso hijos ya no ríen como otros niños pues en sus mentes suenan las palabras que papa y mama se dicen peleándose y atacándose uno al otro, luego esos mismo hijos crecen con resentimiento hacia sus padres, con ira ante la gente, pues no entienden su dolor, llevándoles a ser parte de una sociedad adolorida, con rencores profundos, pensando que la vida les debe lo que ellos no alcanzaron en su casa; y todo esto por creernos la mentira de que EL PLACER ES LO QUE CUENTA. Hay

quienes hoy lamentan haber pensado que una aventura amorosa que se siente tan buena, no pueda ser mala. Quiero terminar mi columna hoy llamándole su atención, si usted no está envuelto en una relación amorosa con alguien que no es su cónyuge, entonces hoy mismo comience a ser preventivo, evite todo aquello que lo pueda comprometer, aléjese de todo lo que favorece comenzar lo que a final de cuentas solo dejara dolor y miseria; pero quiero también dirigirme a quienes están dentro de la marea del engaño de que todo lo prohibido es placentero a largo plazo, por favor busque ayuda ya mismo, rompa todo lo que alimenta sentimientos confusos, salga de esa situación en este mismo momento, por amor a Dios, a su cónyuge, a sus hijos y todos los seres queridos que sufrirán por su mala decisión. Hoy es el mejor momento para decidir el valor de su hogar y al hacerlo tendrá la bendición de Dios y en casa se lo van a agradecer.

To comment contact us at www.EstrellasCristianas.US Click on “Contact Us”

PG. 18



esde el momento en que salió la página de internet :http://www. los visitantes podrán leer este párrafo: “El Pabellón es uno tradicional donde se alojan a las personas sin hogar para protección temporera, el cual puede albergar 375 hombres en cualquier noche. El hogar de protección es el único centro para casos de emergencia en el área de Florida Central. A los hombres que se quedan en el Pabellón se le provee una comida caliente, duchas y un lugar para dormir esa noche.” “Las comidas son servidas gracias a la amabilidad de voluntarios através de la comunidad, quienes vienen 365 días al año para confeccionar los alimentos. Todas las comidas están disponibles a la comunidad. Cerca del 20% de la comida servida va a personas de la comunidad que no son individuos sin hogar, pero que no poseen dinero para alimentos en ciertos días.” Estando cerca del área de la Coalition por cerca de tres años ahora, al tener innumerables relaciones con los personas sin hogar en el área, tuve que regresar y confirmar que las fotos en la página internet eran en el mismo lugar que yo estuve cientos de veces en el 639 West Central Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32801. La realidad es, según hemos escuchado infinidad de veces; una foto vale mil palabras. La foto de abajo es la dura realidad del Pabellón de los hombres. Las líneas amarillas arriba representan el espacio donde estas personas sin hogar pagaran $1.00 para dormir una noche. Como usted puede ver claramente, no existen camas en el pabellón del los hombres. Si desea la comodidad de un colchón de una pulgada, similar al que usan los niños para dormir la siesta en Kingerdarten, eso le costara la enorme cantidad de $5 dólares por noche. En noches frías, estos espacios parecidos a estacionamientos, están sobrepoblados. Muchos individuos prefieren enfrentar el clima que estar de frente a estas condiciones de vivienda. Muchos se han despertado para darse cuenta que han sido robados de sus pertenencias.

Cuando usted decide confirmar por sí mismo, con solo caminar através de las facilidades, asegúrese que usted visita los baños. Describirlo como insalubre, es un cumplido; los baños del Coalition están en peores condiciones que los de que cualquier gasolinera que haya visitado en mis viajes de carretera, incluyend un viaje horroroso en un autobús de Greyhound. No tengo palabras para describir las duchas. El hecho es que la “Coalition for the Homeless” es una de las organizaciones que explota a los individuos desamparados sin hogar. Esa agencia se jacta en su página de internet, de reemplazar el pabellón de los hombres; “gracias a la ciudad de Orlando y el condado de Orange por el dinero de apoyo de $6.6 millones, la construcción del nuevo Centro de Servicios para hombres está en camino en la Coalition”. El edificio de dos pisos, facilidad residencial que servirá uno de los segmentos menos provistos de servicios en el área de personas sin hogar; hombres sin hogar. Este reemplazara el pabellón delos hombres en el Coalition y se proyecta que estará abierto para el verán del 2013.

Vaya y verifique usted mismo, en sitio de internet dice 6.6 millones? “Solo para cerca de 250 hombres en esta nueva facilidad. La pregunta lógica es hacia donde va todo ese dinero, cuando la mayoría de la comida es provista, preparad y servida por voluntarios. Para más decir de miles de persona sin hogar que me he encontrado, ninguno ha recibido un vale para ropa. Nuestra organización (non-profit) este año tiene un presupuesto de $500; hemos colocado cerca de 12 personas en empleos y apartamentos de alquiler. Cuantas personas crees que se pueden ayudar a conseguir apartamentos con 6.6 millones que la ciudad ha donado? Ahora dupliquemos eso con las donaciones de Marc Anthony y la empresa Goya. Te puedes imaginar si tuviéramos los recursos que tiene la “Coalition”? El hecho es que la “Coalitioin” es una empresa de auto-servicio que se esconde bajo el sello de ser una empresa sin fines de lucro 501c. Esto perpetua los crímenes forzando a sus clientes a pagar por su estadia, y perpetua la situación de personas sin hogar, al no trabajar con el objetivo de finalizar el ciclo de estos desamparados.En septiembre 2010, me movilize para coordinar y proveer una cena

Los adultos y los niños son designados a espacios similares a los de los aparcaderos con líneas pintadas en Amarillo. Estas líneas determinan dónde dormirán en la noche en el piso de concreto en el albergue para desamparados de la ciudad de Orlando. Los ocupantes de dicho espacios tienen que pagar por unos colchones sucios de una pulgada para poder dormir. Se ha verificado que los baños están asquerosos. para estas personas el dia de Accion de Gracias. Es en ese momento que fui referido a hablar con Marty Vevera, Directora de Servicios Voluntarios. Ella me indico que podíamos traer los alimentos, su personal supervisaría y que podíamos hacer nuestra actividad bajo la supervisión de su personal, pero que no podíamos orar. Un año mas tarde me ofrecieron servir un dia de la semana, pero nuestra organización no era capaz de servir 350 personas al mismo tiempo. Por lo que opte por no aceptar la oferta. Invertí tiempo en los años subsiguientes para invitar a personas a echar un vistazo por ello mismos a la realidad de la “Coalicion”. Algunas de estas personas se fueron con lágrimas en sus ojos, otros no podían reaccionar en torno a como personas en nuestro país, en nuestra ciudad estaban viviendo. Desde entonces se nos prohíbe llevar cámaras dentro de las facilidades y también se nos ha prohibido servir agua y alimentos en los alrededores. En una de las noches mas frias este año, la emisora cristiana Z88.3 anunio que la “Coalition” no cerraría sus puertas a nadie. Decidi pasar por allí, y justo lo que sospechaba los portones estaban cerrados y las personas caminaban en las calles con ese frio. Una de esas noches fuimos a entregar sabanas. Un empleado vino y nos dijo que debíamos entregarlas aden-

tro para ellos distribuirlas. Les dije que no que aseguraría que las estas personas sin hogar recibieran las sabanas. Luego de que nos invitaran a entrar, personalmente repartimos las sabanas, toallas y las fundas de almohadas. “ Una ceremonia para comenzar labores tuvo lugar el dia viernes, febrero 10, 2012 a las 11:00 de la mañana, con cerca de 200 lideres de comunidad y del gobierno, miembros de junta, clientes y los medios de comunicación estuvieron presentes. El lugar cambio rápidamente, según removieron el terreno y todo fue estratégicamente puesto en su lugar.”Nosotros estuvimos allí una semana ante en febrero 4, y tenía una celebración, la comida tenía tan sabroso que hizo que mi boca se hiciera agua. Pero lamentablemente las personas sin hogar no fueron invitadas. Las sagradas escrituras dicen: “ cuando ofrezcas un almuerzo o cena, no invites tus amigos o tus hermanos o tus vecinos ricos, por otro lado ellos te invitaran devuelta y ese será su pago. Pero cuando des una recepción, invita a los pobres, a los tullidos, invita a los cojos, los ciegos y serás bendecido, porque no tiene medios para pagarte; porque serás recompensado en la resurrección por tus buenos actos.”

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ARIS Holding aloft ancient flags and young children, hundreds of thousands of people converged Sunday on the Eiffel Tower to protest the French president’s plan to legalize samesex marriage and thus allow same-sex couples to adopt and conceive children.

Public opposition spearheaded by religious leaders has chipped away at the popularity of Hollande’s plan in recent months. About 52 percent of French favor legalizing gay marriage, according to a survey released Sunday, down from as high as 65 percent in August.

The opposition to President Francois Hollande’s plan has underscored divisions among the secular-but-Catholic French, especially more traditional rural areas versus urban enclaves. But while polls show the majority of French still support legalizing gay marriage, that backing gets more lukewarm when children come into play. The protest march started at three points across Paris, filling boulevards throughout the city as demonstrators walked three miles to the grounds of France’s most recognizable monument. Paris police estimated the crowd at 340,000, making it one of the largest demonstrations in Paris since an education protest in 1984.

French civil unions, allowed since 1999, are at least as popular among heterosexuals as among gay and lesbian couples. But that law has no provisions for adoption or assisted reproduction, which are at the heart of the latest debate.

“This law is going to lead to a change of civilization that we don’t want,” said Philippe Javaloyes, a literature teacher who bused in with 300 people from Franche Comte in the far east. “We have nothing against different ways of living, but we think that a child must grow up with a mother and a father.”

Hollande’s Socialist Party has sidestepped the debate on assisted reproduction, promising to examine it in March after party members split on including it in the latest proposal. That hasn’t assuaged the concerns of many in Sunday’s protest, however, who fear it’s only a matter of time. “They’re talking about putting into national identity cards Parent 1, Parent 2, Parent 3, Parent 4. Mom, dad and the kids are going to be wiped off the map, and that’s going to be bad for any country, any civilization,” said Melissa Michel, a Franco-American mother of five who was among a group from the south of France on a train reserved specifically for the protest.

Support for same-sex marriage — and especially adoption by same-sex couples — has been particularly tenuous outside Paris, and people from hundreds of miles from the French capital marched Sunday beneath regional flags with emblems dating back to the Middle Ages, chanting “Daddy, Mommy.” If the French parliament approves the plan, France would become the 12th country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, and the biggest so far in terms of economic and diplomatic influence. Harlem Desir, the leader of Hollande’s Socialist Party, said the protest would not affect the proposal’s progress. The Socialists control Parliament, where the bill is expected to be introduced on Tuesday, with a vote following public debate at the end of January.“The right to protest is protected in our country, but the Socialists are determined to give the legal right to marry and adopt to all those who love each other,” he said. “This is the first time in decades in our country that the right and the extreme right are coming into the streets together to deny new rights to the French.” We print articles submitted from responsible parties representing various views supported by facts. To submit an article contact us through our website www.

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hile you were probably at home, sleeping confident that the day after your child will be learning about Math, English, Science and Social Studies your child will be fully exposed to gay talk, cross dressing and teachings that only you as a parent should have the right to decide not your school board chairman Bill Sublette. You would think they should learn about gay rights, gay marriages and gender issues when they are old enough to internalize, understand and assimilate this type of information. On December 11, 2012 at a meeting where the Spanish press was not invited nor conservative groups and Christian organizations, for as long as 6 hours Fox 35, Channel 13, Channel 6 and Channel 4 were waiting in a meeting that took more than 6 hours, this “new policy” passed to protect gay and transgender students and teachers in the Orange County school district. After a 6-2 vote which came around 2 a.m. Your next question might be why until 2:00 a.m.? Because at that time people would not be around to ask questions, organize picket lines opposing the “new policy” or the press would not be covering the vote at that time for the news shows. Sharron Ferrer, our reporter asked Chairman Sublette, since the Orange County policy includes sexual orientation, “why should there be a gender identity or expression amendment to the policy?” Reporter Ferrer also asked how many cases have been submitted stating discrimination against gay students and gay employees that have provoked to push for the amendment of the current policy. Also asked what the reason was for the citizens and press not to be informed of this meeting previously and to be revealed by a citizen via telephone tip which caused an incendiary flood of telephone calls to local radio station 1270, the school board and Bill Sublette’s private attorney law office. Sublette sternly expressed that the questions were going to be answered after the vote was passed and where he ended up voting in favor . For a continuation of this story visit our website www.EstrellasCristianas. us. We welcome submission of other points of view by responsible noted parties.

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