Story Transcript
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
I don't often eat fish Basic foods
This is chicken
These are bananas.
This is pasta.
These are oranges..
This is bread.
These are apples.
These are beans.
These are strawberries.
This is rice.
These are mangoes.
These are potatoes.
These are carrots.
This is milk.
These are tomatoes.
These are eggs.
This is broccoli.
This is cheese.
These are green beans.
This is butter..
These are peppers.
This is yogurt.
This is lamb
This is beef
This is shrimp
This is salmon
Countable vs. Uncountable COUNTABLE SINGULAR an apple a carrot a potato
PLURAL apples carrots potatoes
UNCOUNTABLE SINGULAR ONLY yogurt beef broccoli
Examples: I'm eating an apple. Apples are my favorite fruit. I like apples.
Examples: I'm eating yogurt. Yogurt is delicious. I love yogurt.
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
COUNTABLE NOUNS Por ejemplo: (a) car - (un) auto; (a) flower - (una) flor; (an) apple - (una) manzana. Puedes usar esta fórmula: ONE/TWO/THREE + COUNTABLE NOUN (uno/dos/tres... + sustantivo contable). Puedes usarlos de este modo porque los PUEDES CONTAR; puedes contar ONE car, TWO flowers, THREE apples, etc. (UN auto, DOS flores, TRES manzanas, etc..). Los sustantivos contables pueden estar en SINGULAR (= one, uno) o en PLURAL (= two or more, dos o más). Veamos estos ejemplos: SINGULAR: a car, my car, the car, etc. (un auto, mi auto, el auto, etc.) PLURAL: cars, two cars, the cars, some cars, many cars.. (los autos, dos autos, los autos, unos o algunos autos, muchos autos.). OBSERVA AHORA ESTAS CURIOSIDADES GRAMATICALES: Habrás observado tres líneas arriba que cars y the cars se tradujo en ambos casos como los autos. Veamos: a) Cuando te refieres a "los autos" EN GENERAL, es decir a TODOS los automóviles del mundo NO DEBES USAR el artículo definido the: CARS are expensive (LOS AUTOS son caros). Lo mismo ocurre con cualquier otro sustantivo: ELEPHANTS don't fly (LOS ELEFANTES no vuelan); ARGENTINIANS eat too much meat (LOS ARGENTINOS consumen demasiada carne). b) Cuando te refieres a "los autos" EN PARTICULAR (es decir a los automóviles de los cuales estás hablando) DEBES USAR el artículo definido the: He's buying THE CARS (Está comprando LOS AUTOS). Se supone que está comprando los autos acerca de los cuáles nos estuvo hablando en algún momento. ULTIMA OBSERVACION DE ESTE PUNTO: NO DIGAS: I don't have car para significar No tengo auto. DEBES DECIR: I don't have a car.
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Por ejemplo: water - agua; rain - lluvia; rice - arroz; money - dinero, etc. NO PUEDES USAR la fórmula ONE/TWO/THREE + UNCOUNTABLE NOUN (water/rain/rice, etc.). NO PUEDES DECIR: one water , two rains , etc. LOS SUSTANTIVOS NO CONTABLES TIENEN UNA UNICA FORMA: money, the money, my money, some money, much money, etc. Ejemplos: I have some money (Tengo algún/algo de dinero); There isn't much money here (No hay mucho dinero aquí); Money isn't everything (El dinero no lo es todo). ULTIMA OBSERVACION DE ESTE PUNTO: NO PUEDES USAR LA FORMULA A/AN + UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS: a money (un dinero); a music (una música); etc. PERO EN CAMBIO PUEDES EXPRESARLO DEL SIGUIENTE MODO: a piece of cheese (un trozo de queso); a piece of music (un fragmento de música); a glass of water (un vaso de agua); a bar of chocolate (una barra de chocolate); a game of tennis (un partido de tennis). Es decir mencionando siempre la menor unidad del sustantivo (trozo, fragmento, vaso, barra, partido, etc). Activity 39: Intenta ahora ESCRIBIR en forma correcta estas oraciones en las celdas basándote en las explicaciones.
1. I don't have car. 2. A potatoes aren't expensive. 3. Ann never wears hat. 4. Are you looking for job? 5. Mary doesn't eat a meat. 6. I'm going to party tonight. 7. Do you like a cheese? 8. Do you want cup of coffee? 9. I have great idea. 10. Peru is country in South America. Activity 41: SELECCIONAR la opción más adecuada. (is, are) Como ejercicio de audio-comprensión escucha al final (NO ANTES) el archivo de sonido.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Strawberries ________ my favorite fruit. I love strawberries!! I think mangoes ________ delicious. Grean beans ________ my favorite vegetable. Broccoli ________ very good for you. I think cheese ________ awful. I hate cheese!! Chicken ________ my favorite meat.
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
Stresss stress on FIRST syllable
Acentuación stress on SECOND syllable
apple strawberries
potatoes tomatoes
Use of some and any AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS We need some vegetables. We need some meat. We need some.
QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVE STATEMENTS Do you want any carrots? We don't need any carrots. Do you want any chicken? We don't need any chicken. Do you want any? We don't need any.
CÓMO DEBES USAR SOME, ANY, NO, NOT ANY ... SOME (algo, algunos, algunas) se usa para oraciones AFIRMATIVAS. El verbo de la oración debe estar en AFIRMATIVO. Helen pays SOME attention in class (Helen presta ALGO DE atención en clase). ANY (algo, algunos, algunas) se usa para oraciones INTERROGATIVAS. El verbo de la oración debe estar en INTERROGATIVO. Does Helen pay ANY attention in class? (¿Presta Helen ALGO DE atención en clase?). NO (nada, ningún, ninguno, ninguna) se usa para oraciones NEGATIVAS. El verbo de la oración debe estar en AFIRMATIVO. Helen pays NO attention in class (Helen no presta NADA DE atención en clase). NOT ANY (nada, ningún, ninguno, ninguna) se usa para oraciones NEGATIVAS. El verbo de la oración debe estar en NEGATIVO. Helen does NOT (doesn't) pay ANY attention in class (Helen no presta NADA DE atención en clase).
Activity 43: Aquí tienes cinco oraciones en las cuales deberás SELECCIONAR la opción más adecuada basándote en las explicaciones (elije entre some;any;no) 1. We need _____________ potatoes for the potato salad. 2. Is there _____________ mayonnaise at home? 3. I don't want _____________ broccoli in the salad. I hate it !!! 4. We need _____________ rice today. We have two boxes in the cabinet. 5. There are _____________ apples in the refrigerator. 6. There isn't _____________ bread. Please go and buy some.
The barbecue
Charles y Anne están preparando la lista de compras para un asado y necesitan varios elementos..
Charles: What do we need for the barbecue? Anne: Well, we need hamburger meat and hot dogs. Charles: We have some hamburger in the freezer, but we don't have any hot dogs. Anne: Right, and there aren't any buns. Charles: Do we need any soda? Anne: Yes, we do. Let's buy some soda and some lemonade, too. Charles: All right. And how about some potato salad? Anne: Great idea !! Everyone likes potato salad. Charles: Let's not forget dessert. Anne: Yeah. How about some fruit? Maybe mangoes and strawberries. Charles: Hm. I don't really like fruit. Anne: I know. Your favorite dessert is apple pie. Charles: Yes. Apple pie with ice cream !! Anne: OK. So let's put apple pie and ice cream on the shopping list. 1. to need (necesitar). Ejemplos: I need money (Necesito dinero). 2. Right (All right) = OK (de acuerdo). Expresión coloquial de aceptación. 3. How about...? = What do you think about...? (¿Qué te parece?). 4. Maybe = Perhaps (Puede ser; Es posible; Puede que). 5. Let's + verb (invitation): Let's go to the movies today, Let's eat ice cream tonight
Frequency adverbs
Adverbios de frecuencia
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
I always have breakfast.
I usually have breakfast.
I often have breakfast.
I sometimes have breakfast.
I seldom have breakfast.
I never have breakfast.
Do you usually have tea? Do you ever have tea?
I don't usually have tea. I don't often have tea. I don't ever have tea.
UBICACION DE LOS ADVERBIOS DE FRECUENCIA ... Existen DOS REGLAS BASICAS 1. Si la oración lleva el verbo "TO BE" (am, is, are) el adverbio de frecuencia se coloca DESPUES DEL VERBO. Ejemplos: I'm USUALLY in a hurry (Generalmente estoy apurado); He's NEVER at home (El nunca está en casa); We are OFTEN at school (Estamos a menudo en la escuela). Si la oración es negativa, el adverbo de frecuencia se coloca DESPUES de la partícula not o contracción negativa (isn't, aren't). Ejemplo: I'm not USUALLY in a hurry (Generalmente no estoy apurado). Sin embargo, con otro sentido, el adverbio de frecuencia puede ser utilizado antes de la partícula not. Ejemplo: I'm USUALLY not very pessimistic (Generalmente soy poco pesimista). 2. Si la oración lleva CUALQUIER OTRO VERBO (play, have, watch, etc.) el adverbio de frecuencia se coloca DELANTE DEL VERBO. Ejemplos: They USUALLY have dinner at 8:00 (Ellos cenan usualmente a las ocho); I NEVER play tennis on Saturdays (Nunca juego tennis los sábados); She OFTEN goes to the movies (Ella va a menudo al cine).
Activity 44: Aquí tienes diez oraciones en las cuales deberás ELEGIR LA UBICACIÓN exacta de los adverbios de frecuencia indicados al final de cada una.
1. What do you __________ have __________ 2. I __________
am __________
3. Do you __________
sick. (never)
eat __________
breakfast at work? (ever)
4. I __________ have breakfast __________ 5. Do you __________ eat rice __________ 6. I __________
for breakfast? (usually)
at my desk. (sometimes) for dinner? (ever)
have eggs, bacon, and toast __________
7. In the winter it __________ 8. She __________
is __________
isn't __________
very cold here. (often)
home in the evenings. (usually)
9. My kids __________ are __________ 10. We don't __________
on Sundays. (always)
late for school. (seldom)
have rice __________
at home. (often)
I don't often eat fish Sarah: Kumiko: Sarah: Kumiko: Sarah: Kumiko:
Kumiko invita a Sarah a desayunar en su casa platos típicos de su país.
Let's have breakfast together on Sunday. OK. But why don't you come to my house? On Sundays my family has a Japanese-style breakfast. Really? What do you have? We usually have fish, rice, and soup. Fish? Now that's interesting. We sometimes have salad, too. And we always have green tea.
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
Well, I don't often eat fish for breakfast, but I love to try new things.
1. Why...?: se utliza para hacer preguntas. Para responder debes utilizar because.. 2. On Sundays. Observa que para referirte a todos los domingos debes pluralizar el día de la semana. En cambio, si dices On Sunday (en singular) te refieres al próximo domingo. 3. I LOVE + INFINITE VERB WITH "TO" (Me encanta, Me gusta mucho + VERBO EN INFINITIVO CON "TO"). Esta fórmula se utiliza siempre con el segundo verbo en infinitivo precedido de la preposición to. Ejemplos: I love to play the piano (Me encanta tocar piano); I love to eat mangoes (Me encanta comer mangos); I love to read English newspapers (Me encanta leer periódicos ingleses).
She's good at languages The Hamburger You probably think that the hamburger is a typical American food. Americans often have a hamburger for a quick lunch or snack. But do you know that the favorite American "fast food" actually comes from many different countries? The hamburger is made of beef, not ham. The idea of chopping meat into very small pieces comes from Turkey. The name hamburger comes from the town of Hamburg in Germany. The pickle, or pickled cucumber, comes from Eastern Europe. It is popular in Poland. The word ketchup comes from China. "Ke-tsiap" is the Chinese name for a sauce made of pickled fish and spices. The first recipe for tomato ketchup is in a 1792 American cookbook. Mayonnaise, sometimes called "mayo", is a yellow-white sauce made of eggs, oil, and lemon juice. It comes from the Spanish island of Minorca, but its name is French. Mayonnaise is also used as a dressing for salads. The bun is a kind of bread. It comes from an English recipe, and the sesame seeds on top come from the Middle East. So, the "American" hamburger is a truly international meal.
Activity 45: Se encuentran los lugares de origen de los componentes de una hamburguesa. Selecciona la opción MAS ADECUADA
CAN with abilities 1 I can swim. Can you swim very well? Yes, I can.
Can he swim very well? No, he can't. He can't swim.
You can swim. Can I swim very well? Yes, you can.
Can we swim very well? No, we can't. We can't swim.
She can swim. Can she swim very well? Yes, she can.
Can they swim very well? No, they can't. They can't swim.
En inglés existe un grupo de verbos DEFECTIVOS (también llamados MODALES) (Auxiliares)-muy usados en el lenguaje corriente- con el significado de poder, deber, querer. Estos verbos poseen generalmente sólo el presente y el pasado, y presentan algunas características comunes: 1. Su infinitivo NUNCA va precedido de TO como los verbos comunes (to go, to read, to play, etc). 2. En las formas negativa e interrogativa se comportan como el verbo auxiliar to be que ya has aprendido. Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
3. No toman la s en la tercera persona del singular del presente (he, she, it). 4. Siempre les sigue un VERBO EN INFINITIVO SIN TO . EL VERBO DEFECTIVO (auxiliar) ES EL CAN. VEAMOS... CAN significa poder, ser capaz de, saber (tener capacidad física o conocimiento suficiente para hacer algo). Se utiliza tanto para el afirmativo como para el interrogativo y SIN auxiliares: He CAN play tennis (Puede jugar tenis; Es capaz de jugar tenis; Sabe jugar tenis). CAN he play tennis? (¿Puede jugar tenis?; ¿Es capaz de jugar tenis?; ¿Sabe jugar tenis?). CAN'T es la forma contracta o reducida de CANNOT (nunca se escribe separado): He CAN'T play tennis = He CANNOT play tennis (No puede jugar tenis; No es capaz de jugar tenis; No sabe jugar tenis). COLOQUIALMENTE, SON MUY UTILIZADAS LAS FORMAS CORTAS: Yes, she CAN (Sí, puede hacerlo; Sí, es capaz de hacerlo; Sí, sabe hacerlo) No, she CAN'T (No, no puede hacerlo; No, no es capaz de hacerlo; No, no sabe hacerlo) Escucha a estas seis mujeres hablando de lo QUE PUEDEN y NO PUEDEN hacer.
CAN with abilities 2 I can draw. I can fix a car.
I can't sing very well. I can write poetry.
I can play the piano. I can't cook very well. Escucha atentamente la pronunciación de CAN y CAN'T
I can play the piano, but I can't sing very well. Debido a que la t final de CAN'T no se pronuncia con fuerza, es posible que a veces creas estar escuchando CAN. El audio anterior -repetido varias veces- te ayudará a percibir la sutil diferencia. Como regla general, la pronunciación de CAN'T nunca se reduce mientras que la de CAN suele reducirse en oraciones completas pero no en respuestas cortas.
I can swim
Can I swim?
Yes, I can
Let's go to the pool Helen: Mark: Helen: Mark: Helen: Mark: Helen:
I can Helen y Mark conversan sobre buceo y natación.
It's really hot. Let's go to the pool. OK, but I can't swim very well. Well, I can't, either. I can only swim ten laps. Ten laps? I can't even swim across the pool!! But I can't dive at all. Can you dive? Well, yes, I can. In fact, I can dive quite well. So, let's go. I can teach you how to swim, and you can teach me how to dive.
1. pool = swimming pool ___________________________ 2. either (tampoco). Se lo utiliza como enfatizador en oraciones negativas. 3. even (aún; hasta; ni siquiera). Otro enfatizador utilizado para indicar algo inesperado. 4. at all (para nada; en absoluto). Adverbio utilizado en entornos negativos. 5. in fact = in reality (en realidad; la verdad que). 6. quite well (bastante bien). Quite es un adverbio que modifica la intensidad del adjetivo o segundo adverbio que lo acompaña. Ejemplo: He plays quite well (Juega bastante bien). 7. how + verb infinitive (cómo + verbo en infinitivo): He teaches me how to play soccer (Me enseña cómo jugar fútbol; Me enseña a jugar fútbol).
Sports They're playing basketball. They're playing baseball. They're playing football. They're playing soccer.
They're playing volleyball. She's playing golf. She's playing tennis. He's playing ping-pong.
Be good at - Know how to Is your girlfriend good at sports? She's good at team sports.
She knows how to play basketball, but she doesn't know how to play baseball.
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
Activity 47: En este ejercicio podrás aplicar la gramática anterior. Selecciona del menú la opción MAS ADECUADA. (good at ; how to)
1. Are you _________________ languages? 2. Do you know _________________ speak Japanese or Russian? 3. What sports does she know _________________ play? 4. Is Helen _________________ winter sports? 5. Does Mr. Brown know _________________ ski or ice-skate? 6. Are they _________________ at video games? 7. We aren't _________________ sports. 8. She isn't _________________ card games. 9. What board games do you know _________________ play? 10. Michael isn't _________________ geography and math. Activity 48: Lee CON ATENCION los seis comentarios de abajo y SELECCIONA la opción MAS ADECUADA como RESPUESTA CORTA. 1 We play soccer every Sunday afternoon, and we need another person for the team. Do you know how to play soccer?
No, I don't. ; No, I can't. 2 There's an exciting party on Saturday, and I can't dance very well. Can you teach me how to dance this week? Yes, I do.;Yes, I can. 3 I'm not very good at math. Can you help me with my algebra exercises? Yes, I do.;Yes, I can. 4 There's a barbecue at my house on Friday night, and I need some help. Do you know how to cook steaks? Yes, I do.;Yes, I can. 5 Let's play a game of cards. I love bridge. Do you know how to play bridge? No, I don't.;No, I can't. 6. Excuse me. I have this letter from my boyfriend, and I can't understand it. Can you read Italian? No, I don't.;No, I can't.
She's good at languages
Philip habla de su novia con Matthew y comenta que es muy buena para los idiomas, pero...
Matthew: What's your new girlfriend like? Philip: Katherine? Well, she's good at languages. Matthew: Does she know how to speak Spanish? She knows how to speak Spanish and Japanese. Philip: Matthew: Wow !!! Philip: And she's good at sports, too. She knows how to play tennis and basketball. Matthew: That's terrific !!! Philip: But there's one thing she's not good at. Matthew: What's that? She's not good at remembering things. We have a date, and she's an hour late !! Philip: 1. She's good at___________________________ 2. Wow !!:___________________________ 3. Terrific: ___________________________ 4. She's not good at: (en lo que no es buena). Observa el uso de la preposición at al final de la oración. También se utiliza del mismo modo en preguntas: What are you good at? (¿En qué eres bueno?; ¿En qué te destacas?). 5. GOOD AT + VERB > ING: Es importante recordar esta fórmula. Despues de good at puedes usar un sustantivo (como ya hemos visto) o un verbo. En este caso, el verbo va en gerundio: Ejemplos: She's good at playing tennis (Es buena jugando al tenis); I'm not good at writing Japanese (No soy bueno escribiendo japonés), etc. 6. She's an hour late (Llega una hora tarde; Está atrasada una hora).
Happy birthday !! What do they do, exactly? Activity 49: Esta es una sesión de LECTO-COMPRENSION donde podrás leer los comentarios de tres personas acerca de sus trabajos. En cada uno de los párrafos se menciona su trabajo o profesión que debes escribir en las Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
casillas en blanco. Como práctica de audio-comprensión, ESCUCHA luego los audios, tratando de NO LEER los textos. Aunque las imágenes te servirán de ayuda,
As a directory assistance operator, I give out hundreds of telephone numbers every day. I sort of like talking to people all day. I earn around $20,000 a year. But I don't feel very secure - a lot of operators are losing their jobs because of automation. Computers do everything these days. So I'm studying to be a computer programmer at night school.
My clients are all business travelers. I make plane, hotel, and car reservations for them. My annual salary isn't very high - only $24,000 but I like my job. It's pretty secure because travel is a growing field. Also, I often travel in order to learn about cities, hotels, airlines, and tours. And when I do, everything is free - the plane tickets, the hotel rooms, etc.
In my job, I mainly work with athletes who have sports injuries. Sometimes the athletes are famous, and that's always exciting. My salary is good - $38,000 a year - and I always have a lot of patients. Doctors are too busy to do physical therapy these days, and they're happy to give the work to specialists like us.
GLOSARIO BILINGÜE directory: guía, directorio telefónico; give out: repartir, entregar, dar; hundreds: cientos, centenares; sort of: (aquí) en cierta forma; earn: ganar, percibir (sueldo, salario); around: aproximadamente; a year: (aquí) por año; secure: seguro, estable; losing: perdiendo; automation: automatización; computer programmer: programador informático; night school: escuela nocturna; clients: clientes; business travelers: viajantes de comercio, negocios; make plans: planear, organizar programas; annual salary: sueldo anual; very high: muy elevado; pretty secure: muy seguro, estable; travel: viaje; growing field: terreno, área creciente; learn about: aprender, conocer sobre, acerca de; airlines: compañias aéreas, aerolíneas; tours: excursiones; free: gratis, gratuito, sin costo; tickets: pasajes; mainly: básicamente; sports injuries: heridas por deportes, lesiones por deporte; famous: famoso/s; exciting: emocionante; a lot of patients: muchos pacientes; too busy: demasiado ocupados; physical therapy: fisioterapia, terapia física; these days: hoy día, actualmente.
Periods of time
ACERCA DE LOS MESES DEL AÑO... Recuerda que en inglés los meses se escriben con MAYÚSCULA.
Ordinal Numbers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth
twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth
primero segundo tercero cuarto quinto sexto séptimo octavo noveno décimo vigésimoprimero vigésimosegundo vigésimotercero vigésimocuarto
11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth
décimoprimero décimosegundo décimotercero décimocuarto décimoquinto décimosexto décimoséptimo décimoctavo décimonoveno vigésimo
31st thirty-first ... ...
trigésimoprimero ...
40th 50th 60th 70th 80th
cuadragésimo quincuagésimo sexagésimo septuagésimo octagésimo
fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth
vigésimonoveno trigésimo
90th ninetieth 100th hundredth
nonagésimo centésimo
ACERCA DE LOS NUMEROS ORDINALES... 1. Se forman generalmente con el agregado de th (/z/) al correspondiente número cardinal: seven (siete) - seventh 2. Sin embargo observa algunas excepciones: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, thirtieth, etc. 3. El número ordinal viene normalmente precedido por el artículo determinado the, el cual debe leerse siempre: Elizabeth II - Elizabeth the Second. 4. Las fracciones se leen como en español: a sixth (un sexto), two sixths (dos sextos), etc. 5. Se dice indistintamente part one o the first part (parte primera o la primera parte); lesson ten o tenth lesson
Activity 50: Aquí tienes cinco oraciones en las cuales deberás SELECCIONAR la opción más adecuada.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Breakfast is the _________________________ meal of the day. A minute is the _________________________ part of an hour. Lesson 30 is the same as the _________________________ lesson. The _________________________ day of the week is Saturday. "J" is the _________________________ letter of the English alphabet.
Dates WHAT'S THE DATE? (¿Qué fecha es?) - IT'S MAY 1ST., 1995. Se lee: May the first o bien the first of May. El año se lee nineteen ninety-five o bien nineteen-hundred and ninety-five.
Remember: 1. El día del mes se expresa siempre con ordinales y el artículo the se lee normalmente. 2. Los meses suelen preceder a los días. 3. El año suele leerse como si se tratara de dos números de dos cifras cada uno. 4. Detrás del número de la fecha se escriben las DOS ULTIMAS letras del número ordinal. OBSERVA CON ATENCION: May 1st, May 2nd, May 3rd ... May 11th, May 12th, May 13th ... May 21st, May 22nd, May 23rd ... May 31st. 5. Los norteamericanos acostumbran a reducir la fecha con el MES DELANTE: 6/10 para expresar June 10th. Esto suele confundir a europeos y latinoamericanos ya que en Europa o Latinoamérica 6/10 significa Octubre 6. Activity 51: Intenta ahora ESCRIBIR en forma correcta LOS DOS MODOS en que pueden ser leídas estas fechas. 1. January 2nd. 2. September 3rd. 3. June 13th. 4. April 1st.
Future with GOING TO I'm going to work tonight. You're not going to work tonight. He's going to work tonight. She's not going to work tonight. We're going to work tonight. They're not going to work tonight.
Escucha leyendo oraciones con GOING TO. Repítelo luego simultáneamente.
Are you going to work late? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. What are you going to do after work? I'm going to have dinner. (no voy a hacerlo).
TIME EXPRESSIONS tonight tomorrow tomorrow night
next week next Saturday next month
ACERCA DEL FUTURO CON GOING TO O FUTURO DE INTENCION... Se utiliza este tiempo verbal cuando se desea expresar intención, certeza o futuro inmediato. No debes confundirlo con el Presente Progresivo o Continuo que ya has estudiado y que describe acciones que se están realizando ahora, es decir, en el momento en que se las menciona. Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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PARA DESPEJAR TUS DUDAS OBSERVA ESTOS EJEMPLOS: PRESENTE CONTINUO O PROGRESIVO I'm reading a book now. (Estoy leyendo un libro ahora) FUTURO DE INTENCION (PRESENTE + GOING TO) I'm going to read a book tomorrow. (Voy a leer un libro mañana; Tengo intención de leer un libro mañana). Activity 52: Intenta ahora COMPLETAR estas oraciones colocando el verbo entre paréntesis en FUTURO DE INTENCION.
1. He's not ______________________ a movie tonight. (see) 2. Is Katherine ______________________ her house tomorrow morning? (clean). 3. Mr. Dean's ______________________ a barbecue next Sunday. (have) 4. We're ______________________ television tomorrow night. (watch) 5. Are they ______________________ tennis next summer? (play)
GOING TO Ten presente que GOING TO se pronuncia
en conversación.
A: What are you going to do tonight? B: I'm going to stay at home. A: B: A: B:
What are you going to for your birthday? I'm going to go out with some friends. Where are you going to go? We're going to go to a restaurant.
Happy birthday !!
Philip le comenta a su amiga Amy cuánto le disgusta festejar su cumpleaños.
Amy: Philip: Amy: Philip: Amy: Philip: Amy: Philip: Amy: Philip: Amy: Philip: Amy: Philip: Amy:
How old are you, Philip? I'm twenty years old. But I'm going to be twenty-one on August 5th. That's next Friday! What are you going to do? Katherine is going to take me to a restaurant. Nice !!! Is she going to order a birthday cake? Probably. And the waiters are probably going to sing "Happy Birthday" to me. It's so embarrasing !!! Oh, I bet it's going to be fun. I don't know. I hope so. When's your birthday, Amy? It's in September. September what? September seventeenth. And are you going to be twenty-one? I'm twenty-one now. I'm going to be twenty-two. Oh. So do you have any plans? Well, my birthday is on a Saturday this year, so I'm going to have a party. And, of course, I'm going to invite you and Katherine. Can you come? Well, I think I can. And Katherine can probably come, too. Philip: 1. How old are you?: __________________________ La respuesta a esta pregunta es I'm x years old (Tengo x años). 2. to order: pedir, encargar. 3. embarrasing: _______________________________ 4. to bet: apostar. I bet you he comes ______________________________________ 5. I hope so: Asi lo espero. 6. My birthday is on a Saturday: Mi cumpleaños cae (toca, es) un día sábado. 7. of course: ______________________________. 8. Can you COME? ¿Puedes VENIR? - Yes, I think I can COME. (Sí, creo que puedo IR). Observa que suele usarse el verbo come (venir) en lugar del verbo go (ir) para este tipo de preguntas.
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What's your problem? What are they going to do on their birthdays? Activity 54: Esta es una sesión de LECTO-COMPRENSION donde podrás leer los comentarios de tres personas hablando de cumpleaños. Al final tienes que escribir las nacionalidades de cada uno. Como práctica de audio-comprensión, ESCUCHA luego los audios, tratando de NO LEER los textos.
1 SILVIA Madrid, Spain
2 MR. & MRS. SAI Kyoto, Japan
3 GERARD Paris, France
"My twenty-first birthday is on Saturday, and I'm going to go out with some friends. To wish me a happy birthday, they're going to pull on my ear 21 times, once for each year. It's an old custom. Some people do it only once, but my friends are very traditional!!"
"My husband is going to be 60 tomorrow. In Japan, the sixtieth birthday is called kanreki - it's the beginning of a new life. The color red represents a new life, so we always give something red for a sixtieth birthday. What am I going to give my husband? I can't say. It's a surprise."
"I'm going to be 30 next week. So I'm going to invite three very good friends out to dinner. In France, when you have a birthday, you often invite people out. I know that in some countries it's the opposite - people take you out."
Silvia is
Mr. and Mrs. Sai are
Gerard is
to go out: ______________; I'm going to go out: voy a salir, pienso salir; to wish me a happy birthday: para festejar mi cumpleaños; to pull on my ear: tironear de mi oreja; times: (aquí) veces; once for each year: una vez por cada año (cumplido); an old custom: una vieja costumbre; is going to be: _______________; kanreki: el comienzo de una nueva vida (en Japón); a new life: una nueva vida; something red: algo de color rojo; surprise: sorpresa; out to dinner: a cenar fuera de casa (en un restaurante); you often invite people out: a menudo invitas a cenar afuera; I know that: ________________; the opposite: _______________,; people take you out: son los otros quienes te invitan a salir. Activity 55: Intenta ahora CORREGIR dentro de las celdas el contenido de estas tres oraciones de acuerdo con lo que has leído.
1. To celebrate her birthday, Silvia is going to pull on his friends' ears. 2. On his birthday, Mr. Sai is going to buy something red. 3. Gerard's friends are going to take him out to dinner on his birthday.
Parts of the body head
LAS PARTES DEL CUERPO Y LOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS... Recuerda que en inglés se usan los ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) delante de las partes del cuerpo, tanto de personas como de animales. Ejemplos: He sucks his finger (Se chupa el dedo); I have a pain on my leg
Illnesses or health problems What's the matter? What's wrong?
¿Qué les sucede?
How do they feel? What's the problem?
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
¿Cómo se sienten? ¿Qué problema tienen?
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
He has a stomachache
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She has an earache
He has a neckache
She has a headache
She has a sore throat
He has She has He's feeling a cold the flu sad (or blue) Activity 56: Aquí tienes tres diálogos. Escúchalos atentamente y COMPLETA LAS CELDAS con las palabras correspondientes. A CAROL: What's the ____________________ ? DAVID: I have a____________________ CAROL: Oh, that's too bad. C ELSA: How do you ____________________? What's____________________? ARIEL: I feel terrible. I have a _____________ I have a ____________________ ELSA: Well, I hope you feel better soon. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Activity 57: Este es un ejercicio de audio comprensión. Escucha atentamente los tres diálogos y ESCRIBE en las celdas la PARTE DEL CUERPO donde Rolando, Jorge y Gina tienen problemas (no escribas el NOMBRE DEL PROBLEMA).
I think I'm going to home early. I don't feel well. What's the matter? I have a sore ? Oh, that's too bad.
Are you OK? Not really. I have a ? Why don't you go home? Good idea.
Let's go to a movie tonight. I don't think I can watch a movie tonight. Why not? I have a terrible ? OK, so let's go home.
Sentence stress A: What's the matter? B: I have a terrible headache. C: I have a very sore throat.
A: What's the problem? B: I have a very high fever. A: Are you taking some aspirin? B: Yes, I am. And I'm drinking a lot of water.
I'm feeling better already Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
Victor le comenta a su amigo Brian que está un poco deprimido
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Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
Hi, Victor. How are you? Brian: Oh, I'm fine. Victor: So, are you going to go to class tonight? Brian: Maybe... but I don't think so. Victor: Really? What's the matter? Brian: I don't know. I'm just feeling a little sad. Victor: Listen. Come with me to class, and after class we can go out for dinner. Brian: Now that's a good idea. Thanks a lot, Brian. I'm feeling better already. Victor: 1. I'm feeling a little sad = I'm feeling a little blue (Estoy un poco triste, deprimido). 2. after _______________=/= before ____________________ 3. to go out _________________ 4. Thanks a lot = Thank you very much. 5. better (mejor). Forma comparativa del adjetivo good (bueno), 6. already (ya, en estos momentos).
Time Expressions at 10 a.m. on Monday at two o'clock on Monday morning at noon on Mondays at midnight on July 15th at night on the 15th (of July) on weekdays on weekends Activity 58: Aquí tienes tres diálogos en los cuales deberás
in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in June in December in the summer
SELECCIONAR las preposiciones más adecuadas. A
(AT – IN – ON )
Are you free __________ Sunday? There's a party __________ Emilio's place? Is the party __________ the afternoon?
No, it starts __________
But I never go to parties _______ Sunday nights. I go to _________ 7:30 a.m. Monday.
But the party is _______ July 3rd. You don't work ______ the Fourth of July. It's a holiday. Can I make an appointment __________ June? I'm free__________ Wednesdays. Can you come__________ Wednesday the 7th? __________ the 7th, I can only come__________ the morning.
I have an opening__________
Good. So the appointment is__________Wednesday the 7th__________ 10:00 a.m.
That's right. See you then.
8:00 p.m.
the morning.
Can I have an appointment__________ Tuesday the 6th? __________ the morning.
No, __________ the afternoon, please.
Can you come__________ three o'clock?
That's fine. So my appointment is__________ three o'clock__________ the 13th.
Well, no, it's__________ Tuesday the 6th. By the way, what's your problem?
I have trouble remembering things. When is my appointment again?
Imperatives AFFIRMATIVE Take these pills. Stay in bed. Go to bed and sleep. Eat some toast and drink some tea. Take two aspirin and drink a lot of water.
SOME ADVICE NEGATIVE Don't drink coffee. Don't lift heavy things. Don't forget your doctor's appointment. Take some antacid. Try this new ointment. Try these cough drops.
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Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
Don't go to work. Don't eat any food for a day. Don't eat desserts. Don't drink coffee or tea in the evening
Go home and relax. Go to bed early at night. Take a hot bath at night.. Get some exercise every day.
What's your problem? Receptionist: Susan: Receptionist: Susan: Receptionist: Susan: Dr. Ryan: Susan: Dr. Ryan: Susan:
Susan tiene fuertes dolores de espalda y va a ver a la Dra. Ryan.
Dr. Ryan's office. Hello, this is Susan West. Can I make an appointment on Friday the 17th? OK, Ms. West. In the morning or afternoon? In the afternoon. Can you come at 4:00 p.m.? That's fine.. . . And what's the problem, Ms. West? I have a terrible backache. I can't even sit down. OK. Take these pills every four hours. Stay in bed this week. And don't lift heavy things. Thanks, Dr. Ryan.
1. office: _________________. En inglés americano se utiliza office para referirse a un consultorio médico. 2. This is Susan West = I'm Susan West: Expresiones utilizadas a modo de presentación telefónica. 3. to make an appointment: __________________________ 4. CAN you COME?: ________________________________, 5. That's fine = That's OK: ___________________________. 6. What's the problem? = What's wrong?: ¿Qué le ocurre?; ¿Cuál es su problema?; ¿Qué le anda pasando?. 7. backache: dolor de espalda. Ache (éik) significa dolor y suele utilizarse a continuación de una parte del cuerpo.
Is it far from here? Secrets of a long life Sadie and Bessie Delany are sisters who live in Mount Vernon, New York. Sadie is 104 years old, and Besie is 102. They tell their life story in a book called "Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First Hundred Years." Here is some of their advice for living a long, healthy life. Get up early. The Delany sisters get up at 6:30 or 7:00 a.m. Levántate temprano. Las hermanas Delany se levantan a las seis y media o siete de la mañana.
Have a good breakfast. The sisters eat oatmeal, half a banana, bran, and eggs with a little cheese. Toma un buen desayuno. Las hermanas comen avena, media banana, salvado y huevos con un poco de queso.
Exercise every day. The Delany sisters like to do yoga. They also walk every day. Haz ejercicio todos los días. A las hermanas Delany les gusta el yoga. También caminan todos los días.
Eat lots of vegetables, specially garlic. Garlic is good for your health, even if it's not good for your breath !! Come muchas verduras, especialmente ajo. El ajo es bueno para tu salud aunque no sea bueno ¡¡para tu aliento!!
BUT . . . PERO . . .
DON'T eat a lot of salt and fat. These things are bad for you. NO comas mucha sal y grasas. Estos elementos son nocivos para tí.
DON'T get married !! The sisters say, "We are still alive because we don't have husbands who worry us." ¡¡NO te cases!! Las hermanas dicen, "Estamos vivas porque no tenemos maridos que nos preocupen."
DON'T listen to the doctor. "Most doctors don't know what to do with us," Sadie says. "When something's wrong they say, 'You're still living, what do you expect?'."
Typical places around town Where can you buy these things?
Lugares típicos de la ciudad
¿Dónde puedes comprar estas cosas?
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You can buy books at a bookstore
You can buy a fish dinner at a restaurant
You can buy carrots at a supermarket
You can buy stamps at a post office
You can buy a television at a department store
You can buy gasoline at a gas station
You can buy aspirin at a drugstore
You can buy a magazine at a newsstand
Compound nouns post office gas station drugstore newsstand credit cards hairbrush briefcase newspaper ACERCA DE LOS SUSTANTIVOS COMPUESTOS... Acentuación 1. Un sustantivo compuesto es una palabra formada por dos sustantivos. 2. Algunos sustantivos compuestos se escriben como dos palabras (post office, gas station, credit card) y otros como una única palabra (drugstore, newsstand, briefcase). 3. Como hemos observado en el ejercicio de pronunciación, la mayor acentuación se encuentra generalmente en la primera parte del sustantivo compuesto (post office, drugstore, briefcase). Activity 61: Este es un ejercicio de audio comprensión. Escucha atentamente los cuatro diálogos y ESCRIBE en el cuadro inferior el NOMBRE DEL PRODUCTO y el TIPO DE TIENDA donde Sarah, Michael, Jennifer y Victor piensan comprar.
ROCIO: Hey, Sarah. Are you going to go to the beach with us on Sunday? SARAH: I think so, but I have a problem. ROCIO: What's the matter? SARAH: I need a ? . So I'm going to go shopping downtown this afternoon. I'm going to a ? ROCIO: Can I come with you? SARAH: Sure. You can help me. ANGELA: Hi, Michael. Are you going to go to the gym tonight? MICHAEL: No, not tonight. I'm going to go to the ? . ANGELA: To the ? ? MICHAEL: I'm going to cook dinner tomorrow evening, and I need some ? . ANGELA: Oh. Do you know how to cook? MICHAEL: Yeah, I'm pretty good at it. DIEGO: Hi, Jennifer. How are you? JENNIFER: Oh, not great. I have a terrible headache. DIEGO: That's too bad. JENNIFER: And I don't have any ? . Do you have any? DIEGO: No, I don't. Sorry. JENNIFER: Then I think I'm going to go to the ? and buy some. ALDEMAR: Let's go to a movie tonight. What do you think, Victor? VICTOR: Good idea, but which movie? ALDEMAR: Hm. I don't know. VICTOR: We need a ? . Is there a ? near here? ALDEMAR: There's one on Third Street. VICTOR: OK. See you in a minute. WHAT? WHERE? SARAH
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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Prepositions of place The department store is on Grant Street. It's between Second and Third Streets. It's across from the Grand Hotel. There's a newsstand in front of the hotel.
There's a gas station behind the hotel. The gas station is on the corner of Washington and Second. The gas station is next to a parking lot. The parking lot is near the City Bank. Escucha a los profesores leyendo algunas INSTRUCCIONES. Repítelo luego simultáneamente.
Giving directions Walk down Fifth Avenue for ten blocks. Walk up Fifth Avenue to 50th Street. Turn right at 50th Street.
Turn left at 50th Street. The building is on the right. The building is on the left.
Activity 63: Aquí podrás aplicar las INDICACIONES estudiadas arriba. En cada oración hay una indicación ERRÓNEA que debes escribir correctamente en la celda vacía. 1. You are at the subway. You want to go to the gas station. Walk up Third Avenue for one block. Turn left. Walk one block. The gas station is on your left. CORRECT WORD OR EXPRESSION ______________________________________ 2. You are at in the park. You want to go to the bank. Walk Second Avenue for one block. Turn right. The bank is behind the post office. CORRECT WORD OR EXPRESSION ______________________________________ 3. You are at the subway. You want to go to the park. Cross Third Avenue and Yale Street. The park is on your left. CORRECT WORD OR EXPRESSION ______________________________________
Can you help me, please? Charles: Woman: Charles: Woman: Charles: Woman: Charles: Woman:
Un turista pregunta a una neoyorkina sobre la ubicación de un baño público.
Can you help me, please? Is there a public restroom near here? I'm sorry, but I don't think so. Oh, no!! My son needs a bathroom. Well, there's a department store on Grant Street. There are restrooms in the basement. Where on Grant Street? Between Second and Third Streets. The store is across from the hotel. Thank you very much. You're welcome.
1. public restroom (_______________). En inglés americano se utiliza washroom o restroom para referirse a los baños ubicados en edificios públicos. Los baños de una casa particular se denominan lavatory, toilet o bathroom. 2. I think so (Así me parece; Así lo creo) =/= I don't think so (No me parece; No lo creo así). 3. basement (____________) =/= attic (__________________). 4. Where on...? (¿En qué parte de...?). Ejemplos: Where on Fifth Avenue? (¿En qué parte de la Quinta Avenida?); Where in Italy does he live? (¿En qué parte de Italia vive él?). 5. across from = opposite to (enfrente). 6. You're welcome = Not at all = Don't mention it (De nada).
Is it far from here? Tourist: Woman: Tourist: Woman: Tourist: Woman:
Un turista pregunta a una neoyorkina sobre la ubicación de algunos puntos turísticos.
Excuse me, ma'am. How do I get to St. Patrick's Cathedral? Walk up Fifth Avenue to 50th Street. St. Patrick's on the right. Is it near Rockefeller Center? It's right across from Rockefeller Center. Thanks. And what about the Empire State Building? Is far from here? It's right behind you. Just turn around and look up!!
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
V- 7.1
Iinglés Comunicativo Básico Superior
Reg. Ext. Indep -MEAY701018-0005
1. ma'am = madam 2. How do I get to...? = How can I go to...? (¿__________________...?). 3. on the right (___________________) =/= on the left (______________________). 4. right across from... = exactly opposite to... (justo enfrente de). 5. across from = opposite to (enfrente). 6. What about...? = What do you think about...? (¿Qué te parece...?). 7. It's right behind you = It's exactly behind you (Está justamente detrás tuyo). 8. turn around (darse vuelta; girar sobre los pies). 9. look up (levantar la vista; mirar hacia arriba).
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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We had a great time Amazing animals Esta es una sesión de LECTO-COMPRENSION donde podrás leer comentarios acerca de tres sorprendentes animales mientras repasas el auxiliar CAN en afirmativo y negativo. Como práctica de audio-comprensión, ESCUCHA luego, tratando de NO LEER los textos ...
Do you know that the kangaroo can't walk at all - but it can travel at 40 miles an hour !! This amazing animal is very good at jumping. It can jump 20 feet at a time. An adult kangaroo is only five feet tall, but it can jump over a car.
The camel can live without water for one week. It can walk over 200 miles in the desert without drinking water. It can do this because it has three stomachs that hold water. And the hump on its back holds fat, so the camel can live without food for a long time, too.
CHIMPANZEES The chimpanzee is a very intelligent animal that is good at learning language. A chimpanzee can learn to use sign language, but it can't always use correct grammar. For example, a chimpanzee can use sign language to say, "Me want banana now," but not, "I want a banana now, please."
El jardín zoológico y nombres de animales GLOSARIO BILINGÜE at all: para nada, en absoluto; to travel: viajar, trasladarse; 40 miles an hour: 40 millas por hora; jumping/to jump: salto, saltar; 20 feet at a time: 20 pies de una sola vez, en un solo salto; adult: adulto, mayor; is only 5 feet tall: tiene sólo 5 pies de altura; over: por encima de, sobre; without: sin; for a week: durante una semana; over 200 miles: más de 200 millas; desert: desierto; without drinking: sin beber; to hold: retener, sostener, conservar, guardar; hump: joroba; fat: materias grasas; food: alimentos, comida; for a long time: durante largo tiempo; sign language: lenguaje por señas; correct grammar: la gramática correcta; for
Simple Past 1
Pasado Simple 1
... El verbo 1. Cuando estudiaste el infinitivo de los verbos en la Unidad 5 aprendiste que un CUADRO VERBAL tiene normalmente TRES columnas: La columna 1 para el INFINITIVO y la columna 2 para el PASADO SIMPLE. La columna 3 corresponde al participio pasado que verás hacia el final de este curso. 2. Los verbos en inglés tienen DOS tipos de pasados: IRREGULARES y REGULARES. Veamos ... VERBOS IRREGULARES Son aquellos que varían parcial o totalmente la forma infinitiva al transformarse en pasado (ver columna 2 del Cuadro Verbal). VERBOS REGULARES Son aquellos que agregan -d o -ed a la forma infinitiva al transformarse en pasado (ver columna 2 del Cuadro Verbal, terminaciones en color rojo). Observa que si el infinitivo regular termina en -y precedida por consonante, cambia la y por i y agrega ed. 1
to ask (ásk)
asked (áskt)
to attend (aténd)
attended (aténdid)
to be (bí)
was (uós) were (uér)
fue; estuvo
to be born (born)
was born/were born
nació; nacieron
to become (bikám)
became (bikéim)
llegó a ser;se transformó
to blow (blóu)
blew (blú)
sopló; apagó
to bring (bríng)
brought (brót)
to build (bíld)
built (bílt)
to buy (bái)
bought (bót)
compró; adquirió
to call (kól)
called (kólt)
to carry (kári)
carried (kárit)
llevó; acarreó
to catch (kách)
caught (kót)
agarró; pescó (resfrío)
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to clean (klín)
cleaned (klínd)
to close (klóus)
closed (klóust)
to come (kám)
came (kéim)
vino; llegó
to cook (kúk)
cooked (kúkt)
to choose (chús)
chose (chós)
eligió; escogió
to dance (dáns)
danced (dánst)
to draw (dró)
drew (drú)
to drink (drínk)
drank (dránk)
to drive (dráiv)
drove (dróuv)
condujo (un auto)
to eat (ít)
ate (ét)
to enter (énter)
entered (éntert)
ingresó (escuela)
to fall (fól)
fell (fél)
to feel (fí:l)
felt (félt)
to find (fáind)
found (fáund)
to fix (fíks)
fixed (fíkst)
to fly (flái)
flew (flú)
to forget (forguét)
forgot (forgót)
to get (guét)
got (gót)
to give (guív)
gave (guéiv)
to go (góu)
went (uént)
to grow up (gróu-áp)
grew up (gru-áp)
to happen (jápen)
happened (jápent)
to hate (jéit)
hated (jéitid)
to have (jáv)
had (jád)
to hear (jíar)
heard (jérd)
to hike (jáik)
hiked (jáikt)
fue de excursión
to invite (inváit)
invited (inváitid)
to kiss (kís)
kissed (kíst)
besó; dio un beso
to know (nóu)
knew (niú)
supo; conoció
to leave (lí:v)
left (léft)
dejó (mensajes); partió
to lift (líft)
lifted (líftid)
to like (láik)
liked (láikit)
le gustó; le agradó
to listen (lísen)
listened (lísend)
to live (lív)
lived (lívd)
to look (lúk)
looked (lúkd)
to look for (lúk for)
looked for (lúkd for)
to lose (lús)
lost (lóst)
to love (láv)
loved (lávd)
to make (méik)
made (méid)
hizo; fabricó
to meet (mí:t)
met (mét)
se reunió; encontró
to miss (mís)
missed (míst)
extrañó; perdió
to need (ní:d)
needed (nídid)
to open (ópen)
opened (ópend)
to order (órder)
ordered (órdert)
pidió; ordenó
to pick up (pikáp)
picked up (píkt-ap)
recogió; levantó
to play (pléi)
played (pléid)
jugó; ejecutar (piano)
to put (put)
put (put)
puso; colocó
to rain (réin)
rained (réint)
Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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to read (ríd)
read (réd)
to receive (risív)
received (risívt)
to relax (reláks)
relaxed (relákst)
se relajó
to rent (rent)
rented (réntid)
to repair (ripér)
repaired (ripért)
to run (rán)
ran (rén)
to save (séiv)
saved (séivt)
to say (séi)
said (séd)
to see (sí:)
saw (só:)
to sell (sél)
sold (sóld)
to shout (sháut)
shouted (sháutid)
to sing (síng)
sang (sáng)
cantó; interpretó
to sit (sít)
sat (sat)
se sentó
to skate (skéit)
skated (skéitid)
to sleep (slíp)
slept (slépt)
to snow (snóu)
snowed (snóud)
nevó; cayó nieve
to speak (spík)
spoke (spóuk)
to spell (spél)
spelt (spélt)
to start (stárt)
started (stártid)
comenzó; inició; arrancó
to stand (stánd)
stood (stúd)
se paró; se puso de pie
to stay (stéi)
stayed (stéid)
se quedó; permaneció
to study (stádi)
studied (stádid)
to swim (suím)
swam (suám)
to take (téik)
took (túk)
tomó; dio; llevó
to talk (tók)
talked (tókt)
to teach (tích)
taught (tót)
enseñó; dió clases
to tell (tel)
told (tóld)
dijo; contó
to think (zínk)
thought (zót)
to try (trái)
tried (tráid)
trató; intentó; probó
to turn (térn)
turned (térnt)
giró; dio vuelta
to use (iús)
used (iúst)
usó; utilizó
to visit (vísit)
visited (vísitid)
to wait (uéit)
waited (uéitid)
esperó; aguardó
to walk (uók)
walked (uókt)
to want (uónt)
wanted (uóntid)
to wash (uósh)
washed (uósht)
to watch (uóch)
watched (uócht)
miró (TV); observó
to wear (uéar)
wore (uór)
usó (ropa)
to work (uérkt)
worked (uérkt)
to write (ráit)
wrote (róut)
Simple Past 2
Pasado Simple 2
El tiempo Pasado Simple (también denominado Indefinido) se utiliza para expresar acciones que comenzaron y terminaron en el pasado. Observa que este tiempo verbal utiliza el auxiliar DID (pasado del verbo to do) tanto para la forma negativa como para la interrogativa. La contracción negativa (o forma corta negativa) es DIDN'T (did not). La fórmula matemática de abajo te ayudará a comprenderlo mejor. Las columnas 1, 2 y 3 pertenecen al Cuadro Verbal pero para el Pasado Simple o Indefinido utilizarás UNICAMENTE la columna 2:
FORMULA DEL PASADO SIMPLE Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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1 go
subject + 2 Affirmative
2 went
3 ?
I went
I didn't go
Did I go ?
You went
You didn't go
Did you go ?
He went
He didn't go
Did he go ?
She went
She didn't go
Did she go ?
It went
It didn't go
Did it go ?
We went
We didn't go
Did we go ?
You went
You didn't go
Did you go ?
They went
They didn't go
Did they go ?
subject + 2 Affirmative I went to New York - Fui a New York He went to New York - El fue a New York subject + didn't + 1 Negative I didn't go to New York - No fui a New York He didn't go to New York - El no fue a New York Did + subject + 1 ? Interrogative Did I go to New York? - ¿Fui a New York ? Did he go to New York? - ¿Fue él a New York?
Past tense of regular verbs REGULAR VERBS = Verb + ed or d I studied on Saturday. I didn't study on Sunday. You studied on Saturday. You didn't study on Sunday. She worked on Saturday. She didn't work on Sunday.
He exercised on Saturday. He didn't exercise on Sunday. We exercised on Saturday. We didn't exercise on Sunday. They exercised on Saturday. They didn't exercise on Sunday. SPELLING
worked - exercised studied - played
Pronunciation of -d and -ed
Pronunciación de -d y -ed
PARA PRONUNCIAR EL PASADO DE LOS VERBOS REGULARES 1. Pronuncia una / d / si la pronunciación del verbo termina en sonido vocal o consonante (excepto / d /). 2. Pronuncia una / t / si la pronunciación del verbo termina en sonido consonante (excepto / t /). 3. Pronuncia / id / si la pronunciación del verbo termina en un sonido / d / o / t /.
/ id /
watched hiked fixed missed asked washed
played cleaned opened listened loved called
invited visited started attended skated hated
Did you have a good weekend?emana? Romel:
Romel y Nicole conversan acerca de lo que hicieron durante el fin de semana.
Hi, Nicole. Did you have a good weekend?
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Nicole: Romel: Nicole: Romel: Nicole: Romel: Nicole: Romel:
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Yes, I did. But I feel tired today. Really? Why? Well, on Saturday I cleaned the house and played tennis. Then on Sunday I hiked in the country. And I bet you studied, too. Yeah. I studied on Sunday evening. What about you? Well, I didn't clean the house and I didn't study. I stayed in bed and watched TV. That sounds like fun, but did you exercise? Sort of. I played golf on my computer !!
1. weekend (_______________________). 2. tired (___________________); tired out = exhausted (______________________). 3. to hike =/= to go for a picnic (ir de excursión, de picnic). 4. to bet (hacer una apuesta; apostar). 5. What about you? = What did you do? (¿Y tú? ¿Qué hiciste?). 6. That sounds like fun = It seems funny (suena divertido; parece divertido). 7. sort of = something like that (algo así, algo parecido).
Past tense of irregular verbs Did you see any movies this weekend? Yes, I did. I saw Police Partners II.
Did you go home after the movie? No, I didn't. I went to a dance club.¿Viste alguna pelícu
Activity 65: Este es un ejercicio de audio comprensión. ¿Qué hicieron Matthew, Philip, Chris y Mark el sábado por la mañana? Escucha atentamente los cuatro audios y SELECCIONA a- b- c- d- el diálogo al que corresponde cada imagen... PICTURE
Hey, Matthew. Did you go to the beach on Saturday? No, I didn't. I ? too late. I ? until noon. I always ? on the weekends. I called you on Saturday morning, Philip. But there was no answer. Oh? Well, I ... I left the house early. I went to the ? . Oh, so you got a little ? . Yeah, I did. I can't ? very well, of course, but I'm good at ? . So, Chris, did you do anything interesting last weekend? Well, I went ? for some ? . Oh, did you ? anything? No, I didn't. Everything is so expensive these days. Hi, Mark, how are you? Fine, really great. Did you have a good weekend? Yeah, on Saturday morning I ? . What ? was it? A really interesting ? on Central America.
Time expressions EL USO DE LAS PREPOSICIONES !!! 1. La hora viene siempre precedida de at: at two (a las dos); at midnight (a medianoche); at noon (al mediodía). 2. El día de la semana (con fecha o sin ella) es precedido por on: on Monday (el lunes); on April 1st (el primero de abril); on your birthday (el día de tu cumpleaños); on Christmas Day (el día de Navidad). 3. Los meses, las estaciones, años y siglos son precedidos de in: in June (en junio); in summer (en el verano); in 1950 Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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(en 1950); in the year 1950 (en el año 1950); in the nineteenth century (en el siglo diecinueve). 4. Observa el significado de las formas plurales: on Mondays (los lunes, todos los lunes); on Monday evenings (los lunes por la noche, todos los lunes por la noche); on winter evenings (en las noches de invierno). 5. Observa ahora la diferencia entre: on Christmas (Day) (el día de Navidad) y at Christmas (time) (para Navidad, el período navideño). 6. Finalmente observa estos usos: by day (de día); by night (de noche); during the day (durante el día); during the night (durante la noche). 7. No viene mal recordarte: in the morning (por la mañana); in the afternoon (por la tarde); in the evening (por la noche); at night (de noche). 8. PARA TENER EN CUENTA: Cuando se encuentran juntos varios complementos de tiempo, el más específico precede al menos específico: Helen visited me at midnight on October 21st, 2004. Activity 66: REORDENA en la PRIMERA CELDA las cuatro preguntas. Luego responde EN FORMA COMPLETA la pregunta en la segunda celda. Finalmente responde EN FORMA CORTA la misma pregunta en la tercera celda. Presta atención a responder en AFIRMATIVO cuando indica YES o en NEGATIVO cuando indica NO. Guíate por el ejemplo... X. YES YES 1.
go to bed / early / last night / you / did / ? Did you go to bed early? Yes, I went to bed at 10:00 p.m.. Yes, I did.. sleep / well / last night / did / you / ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
___________________________________________________________. ___________________________________________________________. did / any / yesterday / exercise / you / get / ? ___________________________________________________________?
this morning / did / have / you / breakfast / good / a / ? ___________________________________________________________?
eat / you / vegetables / any / yesterday / did / ? ___________________________________________________________?
___________________________________________________________. ___________________________________________________________.
We had a great time Rossina: Analía: Rossina: Analía: Rossina:
Rossina le comenta a Analía que salió con Richard y fueron al cine, pero...
So, did you go out with Richard? Yeah. We went to a movie last Saturday. We saw Police Partners II. Did you like it? Richard did, but I didn't. Of course, I told him I liked it. Yeah. So did you do anything else?
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Analía: Rossina: Analía:
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Well, we went to a dance club. Did you have fun there? Yeah, we had a great time. And we're going to go there again next week !!
1. to go out (____________________). 2. movie (US) = cinema (UK) (cine). 3. last Saturday (_______________________) =/= next Saturday (_________________________). 4. of course (por supuesto). 5. anything else? (¿algo más?). el vendedor nos consulta si nos interesa alguna otra cosa. 6. to have fun = to have a great time (divertirse; disfrutar; pasarla bien).
Why did you become a hairdresser? Visiting New York Start your tour at the Empire State Building, on Fifth Avenue between 33rd and 34th Streets. This building has 102 floors. Take the elevator to the 102nd floor for a great view of New York City. Now walk seven blocks up Fifth Avenue to the New York Public Library. The entrance is between 40th and 42nd Streets. This library holds over 10 million books. Behind the library is Bryant Park. In the summer, there's an outdoor café, and at lunch hour, there are free music concerts.
Walk up Sixth Avenue to 49th Street. You're standing in the middle of the 19 buildings of the Rockefeller Center. Turn right on 49th Street, walk another block, and turn left. You're in Rockefeller Plaza. In the winter, there's a rink where you can ice-skate.
Right across from Rockefeller Center on Fifth Avenue is St. Patrick's Cathedral. It's modeled after the cathedral in Cologne, Germany. Go inside the cathedral and leave the noisy city behind. Look at the beautiful blue windows. Many of these windows come from France.
Activity 67: Este es un ejercicio de lecto-comprensión . Debes RESPONDER cuatro preguntas sobre la ciudad de Nueva York en las celdas en blanco. Escribe SÓLO el punto turístico (no respondas en forma completa).
Where can you have a view of the city?
Where can you go skating in the winter?
Where can you listen to music outdoors?
More time expressions PAST IDEA
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Last Sunday, Last Monday ... Last summer, spring ... Last holidays, month ... Last week, weekend ... Yesterday morning, night Last night In 1814, 1900, 2001 ... Before 1900 After 1900 A month ago, two weeks ago ... This time last year
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Next Sunday, Next Monday ... Next summer, spring ... Next holidays, month ... Next week, weekend ... Tomorrow morning, night Tonight In 2010, 2030 .... Before 3000 After 2050 In a month, in two weeks ... This time next year
There was - There were
THERE IS y THERE ARE que estudiaste en la Unidad 9,
VEAMOS AHORA EL PASADO DE THERE IS Y THERE ARE .... 1. La expresión invariable española HABÍA o HUBO se traduce en inglés por dos expresiones distintas: THERE WAS para el singular y THERE WERE para el plural. Ejemplos: There was a book on the table (Había un libro sobre la mesa); There were two books on the table (Había dos libros sobre la mesa). 2. THERE WAS y THERE WERE con el significado de HAY se usan siempre al principio de la oración; por ese motivo se lo llama gramaticalmente el there "introductivo". Mientras en castellano puedes decir indistintamente Había tres dormitorios en la casa o En la casa había tres dormitorios, en inglés debes decir siempre There were three bedrooms in the house. 3. ¡ATENCION! No confundas el there introductivo con there (allí), opuesto a here (aquí). Incluso puede ocurrrir que en una misma frase se encuentren ambos there: Ejemplo: There were some trees there (Había algunos árboles allí). 4. Las formas interrogativas son: WAS THERE? y WERE THERE? (¿HABÍA?). Ejemplos: Was there a book on the table? (¿Había un libro sobre la mesa?); Were there two books on the table? (¿Había dos libros sobre la mesa?). 5. Las formas negativas son: THERE WASN'T y THERE WEREN'T (NO HABÍA). Ejemplos: There wasn't a book on the table (No había un libro sobre la mesa); There weren't two books on the table (No había dos libros sobre la mesa). Activity 68: Intenta ahora traducir estas oraciones dentro de las casillas en blanco. Hemos utilizado siempre los mismos sustantivos (sofa y bedroom) para que te CONCENTRES UNICAMENTE en las explicaciones.
Había UN sofá en el dormitorio.
Había DOS sofás en el dormitorio.
¿Había UN sofá en el dormitorio?
¿Había DOS sofás en el dormitorio?
No había UN sofá en el dormitorio.
No había DOS sofás en el dormitorio.
Había ALGUNOS sofás en el dormitorio.
No había NINGUN sofá en el dormitorio.
Activity 69: Intenta ahora RESPONDER estas preguntas AFIRMATIVA (AFF) y NEGATIVAMENTE (NEG1 y NEG2) como en el ejemplo aquí abajo. X. Were there any pencils on the table? AFFYes, there NEG 1 No, there weren't any pencils on the table. were some pencils on the table. NEG 2 No, there were no pencils on the table. 1. Were there any roses in the garden? AFF 2. Were there any apples in the kitchen? AFF 3. Was there a piano in the sitting-room? AFF
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4. Was there a car in the garage?
5. Were there any Italians in Gothic City? AFF
Past tense of verb "to be" El pasado del verbo to be no tiene formas contractas o reducidas p ara el afirmativo. Es decir, no puedes decir I's como reducción de I was o You're en lugar de You were. En cambio, puedes usar contracciones en el negativo: I WASN'T en reemplazo de I was not y YOU WEREN'T en lugar de You were not. AQUÍ TIENES EL VERBO "TO BE" EN PASADO SIMPLE O INDEFINIDO POSITIVE Normal I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were
Normal Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they?
Normal I was not You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not They were not
Contracted I wasn't You weren't He wasn't She wasn't It wasn't We weren't You weren't They weren't
Activity 70: Intenta ahora completar estas oraciones seleccionando del menú la opción que te parezca más adecuada. Was /were
1. Last year she _______________ 22.
6. Rossina _______________ in Mexico a year ago.
2. We _______________ in Ecuador with Steven.
7. Martha got married when she _______________ 35.
3. Chaplin _______________ a famous movie star.
8. Victor and I _______________ in El Salvador in 1998.
4. The weather _______________ nice yesterday.
9. Orlando _______________ in London in 1989.
5. The banks _______________ opened yesterday. 10. You _______________ in Colombia a week ago. INTERROGATIVE INTERROGATIVO Activity 71: Completa ahora estas preguntas seleccionando del menú la opción que te parezca más adecuada. Was /were
1. __________you at home last night? Yes, I was. 2. __________they hungry this morning? Yes, they were. 3. __________Police Partners II a good film? Yes, it was. 4. __________Martha and you at the party? Yes, we were. 5. __________he in Colombia a month ago? Yes, he was.
El año suele leerse como si se tratara de dos números de dos cifras: 1950 = 19 (nineteen) 50 (fifty) 1215 twelve fifteen 1769 seventeen sixty-nine 1812 eighteen twelve
1906 1917 1949
nineteen oh six nineteen seventeen nineteen forty-nine
Negative contractions one syllable
two syllables
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aren't weren't don't
isn't wasn't doesn't didn't
Age 1 Para preguntar la edad se utiliza esta estructura que es simple: HOW OLD + VERB TO BE + PRONOUN or NOUN. HOW OLD ARE YOU? = ¿QUE EDAD TIENES? Como puedes observar la traducción se dificulta porque los ingleses utilizan el verbo ser (to be) y los españoles el verbo tener: UNA AYUDITA: Para facilitar las cosas debes interpretar la estructura inglesa How old? como equivalente al español ¿Cuán viejo? En realidad la traducción literal de la pregunta es: ¿Cuán viejo eres? Digamos que no es muy delicado, ¿no? How old is he? He's about 25. He's in his twenties. PRESENT PAST IDEA How old am I? How old was I in 1980? How old are you? How old were you last year? How old is he (she, it)? How old was Tom in May? How old are they? How old were Jane and Mike? How old is Mrs. Blum? How old is this girl? How old are Jane and Mike?
Wh- questions Where did you grow up? I grew up in Texas. Why did you become a hairdresser? I became a hairdresser because I needed the money. When did you come to Los Angeles? I came to L.A. in 1978. How old were you in 1978? I was eighteen. What was your major in college? It was drama. Who was your first friend in L.A.? My first friend was Bob Rivers. How was your vacation? It was great. Activity 73: ¿Cuál es la pregunta? En la segunda fila te damos las respuestas a PREGUNTAS que tú debes completar en las celdas en blanco. Como ayuda te damos un ejemplo. Las palabras EN NEGRITA de las respuestas te ayudarán a identificar la pregunta exacta.
x. What are you doing?
I'm reading.
______________________________________________? Cornelio was born in Mexico City. a. ______________________________________________ ? Analía and Andrea grew up in Buenos Aires. b. ______________________________________________? Silvia went to high school in Portoviejo, Manabí. c. ______________________________________________? My best friend in high school was Jorge Essen d. ______________________________________________? His favorite course in high school was geography e. ___________________________________________? He was eighteen years old when he entered college f. ________________________________________________? Adriana's major in college was history g. ___________________________________________? She chose history because it was really interesting h.
To be born TO BE BORN significa nacer (literalmente ser generado). He nacido o Nací se dice en inglés (siempre en pasado obviamente) I was born. Pero también hay excepciones en Simple Present como: How many babies are born in this hospital every day? (¿Cuántos bebés nacen en este hospital a diario?). UNA AYUDITA: Para facilitar las cosas puedes traducir la estructura inglesa I was born como equivalente al español Yo fui generado. Digamos que suena raro pero ayuda a recordarlo, ¿no? Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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I was born in Korea. He wasn't born in Korea. She wasn't born in Korea. You were born in the U.S. We weren't born in the U.S. They weren't born in the U.S.
When were you born? I was born in 1975. Were you born in the U.S.? No, I wasn't. Were your parents born in Korea? Yes, they were.
wasn't = was not weren't = were not
Activity 74: ¿Cuál es la pregunta? En la segunda fila te damos las respuestas a PREGUNTAS que tú debes completar en las celdas en blanco. Las palabras EN NEGRITA de las respuestas te ayudarán a identificar la pregunta exacta. WAS;WERE;WASN'T;WEREN'T PETER: ____________ you at home on the weekend? DAVID:
No, I ____________. I ____________ in the country.
Really? ____________ you with your family?
Yes, I ____________. I ____________ with my sister and brother.
____________ your parents born in the U.S.?
No, they ____________. They ____________ born in China.
Really? And ____________ you born in China, too?
No, I ____________. I ____________ born in New York.
____________ you in college last year?
No, I ____________. I graduated two years ago.
So, where ____________ you last year?
I ____________ in Europe. I had a job in a hotel.
____________ you good at sports in high school?
Yes, I ____________. I played football.
And ____________ your brothers good at sports, too?
No, they ____________. They never liked sports in high school.
Why did you become a hairdresser? Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck: Melissa: Chuck:
Chuck y su clienta Melissa conversan sobre sus países de origen y estudios. El diálogo está abierto en dos partes.
Were you born in the U.S., Melissa? No, I wasn't. I came here in 1992. How old were you? I was seventeen. So, did you go to college right away? No, because my English wasn't very good. I studied English for two years first. Wow, your English is really fluent now. Thanks. Your English is pretty good, too. Yeah, but I was born here. How about you, Chuck? Where did you grow up? Well, I was born in Ohio, but I grew up in Texas. And when did you come to Los Angeles? In 1978. I went to college here. Oh. What was your major? Drama. I was an actor for five years after college. That's interesting. So why did you become a hairdresser? Because I needed the money. And because I was good at it. Look. What do you think?
1. How old were you? = What was your age? (¿Cuántos años tenías? = ¿Cuál era tu edad?). 2. college = university (universidad). 3. right away = immediately (de inmediato; enseguida). 4. for two years = during a two-year period (durante dos años). 5. fluent = smooth-spoken. Se aplica para quienes hablan un idioma sin tropiezos (como te va a pasar a tí... ya verás !!!). 6. pretty good (muy bien; perfectamente). Pretty normalmente significa bonito/a pero aquí cumple la función de un adverbio e intensifica el sentido del adjetivo o adverbio. Los americanos dicen pretty good mientras que los ingleses prefieren very good o very well. 7. I was born (Nací) - I grew up (Me crié). Recuerda ambos verbos y no los confundas. Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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8. major (especialización; campo de estudios). 9. to become (llegar a ser; convertirse en; hacerse).
Maybe I'll catch up on my reading Weekend short story A short history of the weekend What did you do last weekend? You probably relaxed and didn't think about work for two days. But people didn't always have two-day weekends. Where does the weekend come from? 2000 B.C. - 1800 A.D. Many people spent one day a week on religion. This was called a "holy day" in England, and the English word holiday comes from this expression. On this day people rested and prayed.
1800 – 1840 Sunday was the "holy" day. But many workers used this day to play games and have fun. And then they didn't go to work on Monday morning because they felt too tired. In the U.S., workers called these days "blue Mondays."
1874 In England, Saturday afternoon became a holiday. Work stopped at one o'clock. This was the beginning of the weekend in England. Around 1900 in the U.S., workers began to take off Saturday afternoons in the summer. Then, by 1930, most offices were closed on Saturday afternoons all year. 1940 Offices and factories were closed all day Saturday, and the two-day weekend began in the U.S. What did people do on those first weekends? They went to the theater or the movies. They took the train and visited their friends. They took walks in the park. They relaxed and had fun. Activity 75: Este es un ejercicio de lecto-comprensión . Debes COMBINAR el comienzo de las oraciones (primer columna) con el FINAL (segunda columna).. 1;2;3;4;5
Before 1800, people ... In the early 1800s, workers ... In 1874, English workers ... By 1930, American workers ...
1 2 3 4
had a two-day weekend. began to take off Saturday afternoons. generally rested and prayed on Sundays. stopped work at one o'clock on Saturdays.
Simple Future El tiempo Futuro Simple (también denominado Indefinido) se utiliza para expresar posibles acciones futuras (en las que aún puede faltar una última decisión). Observa que en inglés hablado -y en particular en inglés americano- este tiempo verbal utiliza únicamente el auxiliar WILL para todas las personas aunque formalmente se usa el auxiliar SHALL para las personas I y We. No obstante, AL FINAL DE ESTA PAGINA, aprenderás una aplicación coloquial de SHALL. CONTRACCIONES: La contracción positiva de WILL o SHALL es 'LL. La contracción negativa de WILL NOT es WON'T Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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(uóunt) y la de SHALL NOT es SHAN'T (shánt). La fórmula matemática de abajo te ayudará a comprender mejor el FUTURO SIMPLE básico. Las columnas 1, 2 y 3 pertenecen al Cuadro Verbal pero para el Futuro Simple o Indefinido utilizarás UNICAMENTE la columna 1 (sin el to infinitivo):
subject + will + 1 Affirmative
2 went
3 ? Interrogative
I will go
I won't go
Will I go ?
You will go
You won't go
Will you go ?
He will go
He won't go
Will he go ?
She will go
She won't go
Will she go ?
It will go
It won't go
Will it go ?
We will go
We won't go
Will we go ?
You will go
You won't go
Will you go ?
They will go
They won't go
Will they go ?
subject + will + 1
I will go to New York He will go to New York -
subject + won't (will not) + 1
I won't go to New York He won't go to New York -
Will + subject + 1 ?
Will I go to New York ? Will he go to New York ? -
Immediate Future 1 EL FUTURO TAMBIEN TIENE SUS VUELTAS !!! Future Idea with Going to (Unidad 13) Además del tiempo Futuro Simple que has estudiado más arriba, a menudo se utiliza un futuro formado con GOING TO para expresar intención, certeza o futuro inmediato. INTENCION We're going to study Russian next year.Vamos a estudiar ruso el año próximo (Tenemos intenciones de) CERTEZA The plane is going to arrive at 8:00. El avión va a llegar a las 8:00 (Acaban de anunciarlo) FUTURO I'm going to listen to those CDs right now. Voy a escuchar esos CDs ya mismo (Los escucharé de INMEDIATO inmediato) A este tipo de futuro se lo suele llamar FUTURE OF INTENTION (FUTURO INTENCIONAL) y en la Unidad 13 (página 3) ya te habíamos anticipado algo de este uso.
Immediate Future 2 FUTURE WITH PRESENT CONTINUOUS AND BE GOING TO WITH PRESENT CONTINUOUS WITH BE GOING TO + VERB What are you doing tonight? What is she going to do tonight? I'm going to a movie. She's going to work late. Are you doing anything tomorrow night? Are they going to see a musical No, I'm not. tomorrow night? Yes, they are. Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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TIME EXPRESSIONS tonight tomorrow
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on Friday this weekend next week
Immediate Future FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO AND WILL Use BE GOING TO + VERB to talk about plans you've decided on. Use WILL + VERB with maybe, probably, I guess, or I think to talk about possible plans before you've made a decision. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GO? I'm going to go to the beach. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll catch up with my reading. I'm not going to take a vacation. I probably won't take a vacation this year. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? I'm going to do lots of swimming. I guess I'll just stay home. I don't know. I think I'll go camping.
Coloquial "Shall" Cuando los hispano-parlantes deseamos preguntar o consultar algo solemos hacerlo en tiempo PRESENTE mientras que los americanos lo hacen en FUTURO con SHALL. Estos ejemplos te ayudarán a entenderlo: It's warm in this room. Shall I open the window? ( Do I open the window? para expresar ¿Abro la ventana?) Shall I call you this evening? ( Do I call you this evening? para expresar ¿Te llamo esta noche?) I'm going to a party. What shall I wear? ( What do I wear? para expresar ¿Qué me visto?) It's a nice day. Shall we go for a walk? ( Do we go for a walk? para expresar ¿Vamos a dar una paseo?) Where shall we go for our vacation this year? ( Where do we go for our vacation...? para..¿Adónde vamos de vacaciones.?) What time shall we meet tonight? ( What time do we meet...? para expresar ¿A qué hora nos encontramos?) Activity 76: ESCRIBE las oraciones dentro de las celdas en blanco teniendo en cuenta que TODAS son las oraciones expresan FUTURO DE INTENCION. 1. you / go out / tonight? 2. you / work / next week? 3. what / you / do / tomorrow night? 4. what time / Pete and Laura / come? 5. when / Liz / go / on vacation?
Activity 77: ¿Tienes intención de hacer estas cosas mañana? Escribe la oración en forma AFIRMATIVA o NEGATIVA en las celdas en blanco teniendo en cuenta el YES o NO sugerido a cada pregunta.... 1.
buy a car
ride a bicycle
study English
watch TV in the morning
have an early breakfast Activity 78: SELECCIONA de los menúes descolgables la opción MAS ADECUADA para completar cada una de estas oraciones. .
.. going to eat;going to give;going to rain;going to walk;going to wash 1.
Mi hair is dirty. I'm ____________________________ it.
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2. 3.
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I don't want to go home by bus. I'm ____________________________ . Take an umbrella with you. It's ____________________________ .
I'm really hungry. I'm ____________________________ this sandwich.
We're ____________________________ Paulo a present for his birthday. Activity 79: Utilizando las palabras en negrita escribe ORACIONES COMPLETAS comenzando TODAS las oraciones con I think.
1. Barbara / pass the exam 2. Jack / win the game 3. Paulo / like his present 4. the weather / be nice tomorrow
Would you like to come?
Tom invita a Anna a ver una comedia musical.
Tom: Say, Anna, what are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out? Anna: Oh, sorry, I can't. I'm going to work late tonight. I have to finish this report. Tom: Well, how about tomorrow night? Are you doing anything then? Anna: No, I'm not. What are you planning to do? Tom: I'm going to see a musical. Would you like to come? Anna: Sure, I'd love to !!! But let me pay for the tickets this time. It's my turn. Tom: All right!! Thanks !! 1. Say: Digamos... Supongamos... Frase introductoria coloquial. 2. Would you like + INF: ¿Te gustaría + infinitivo? Frase introductoria para invitaciones o sugerencias. 3. Sorry = I'm sorry: Lo siento. 4. to work late = to work long hours: trabajar hasta tarde 5. musical = musical comedy: comedia musical. 6. It's my turn: Me corresponde a mí.
Maybe I'll catch up on my reading Lilian: Natalia: Lilian: Natalia: Lilian: Natalia:
Lilian invita a Natalia a pasar dos semanas en Florida.
I'm so excited !! We have two weeks off !! What are you going to do? I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay at home. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. What about you? Any plans? Well, my parents have rented a condominium in Florida. I'm going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming. Sounds great !! Say, why don't you come with us? We have plenty of room. Do you mean it?....I'd love to !!
1. two weeks off = two weeks off-duty: Dos semanas libres, sin trabajar. 2. to catch up on = to bring up to date: ponerse al día con el 3. condominium = condo: departamento; unidad habitacional. 4. plenty of room = more than enough room: espacio más que suficiente. 5. Do you mean it? = Are you really inviting me?: ¿Me estás invitando en serio?
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Would you like anything to drink? Famous people Leonardo da Vinci This Italian painter lived from 1452 to 1519. In about 1504 he painted the Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world. The Mona Lisa is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was stolen in 1911, but it was found again two years later.
Amelia Earheart In 1928 this aviator became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger. In 1932 she completed a solo transatlantic flight. She also tried to fly around the world, but she disappeared over the Pacific in 1937.
Walt Disney This artist and film producer was the creator of Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse's first animated cartoon appeared in 1928. Mickey Mouse soon became the world's most popular animated cartoon character, and he received over 2,000 letters a day.
Neil Armstrong This astronaut was the first human to walk on the moon. He stepped onto the moon on July 20, 1969. He said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Activity 81: Este es un ejercicio de lecto-comprensión . Debes COMBINAR el comienzo de las oraciones (primer columna) con el FINAL (segunda columna).
Armstrong was the first man ... Amelia Earheart tried to fly around the world, but ...
1 2
The Mona Lisa, now in the Louvre Museum, ... Mickey Mouse, Disney's most popular character, ... Amelia Earheart completed a solo transatlantic flight and ...
3 4 5
received over 2,000 letters a day. became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger. to step and walk onto the moon. she disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. was stolen in 1911.
Simple Present Perfect 2 1. El tiempo Presente Perfecto Simple se utiliza para expresar acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente. En cambio, para acciones que se INICIARON Y TERMINARON en el pasado debes utilizar el Pasado Simple o Indefinido. Ejemplos: I studied English in 1970 Estudié inglés en 1970 ... y no continué estudiando I have studied English for 10 years He estudiado inglés durante 10 años... y continúo estudiando 2. Se forma con el VERBO "TO HAVE" + PARTICIPIO PASADO (columna 3) DEL VERBO PRINCIPAL. 3. Observa que este tiempo verbal utiliza el auxiliar HAVE para las tres formas (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa). Las contracciones negativas (o formas cortas negativas) del verbo auxiliar son HASN'T (has not) para he, she, it y HAVEN'T (have not) para las restantes personas. La fórmula matemática de abajo te ayudará a comprenderlo mejor. Las columnas 1, 2 y 3 pertenecen al Cuadro Verbal pero para el Presente Perfecto Simple utilizarás UNICAMENTE la columna 3:
subject + have / has + 3
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go Affirmative
I have gone
I haven't gone
Have I gone?
You have gone
You haven't gone
Have you gone?
He has gone
He hasn't gone
Has he gone?
She has gone
She hasn't gone
Has she gone?
It has gone
It hasn't gone
Has it gone?
We have gone
We haven't gone
Have we gone?
You have gone
You haven't gone
Have you gone?
They have gone
They haven't gone
Have they gone?
subject + have / has + 3
I have gone to New York He has gone to New York Negative I haven't gone to New York He hasn't gone to New York Interrogative Have I gone to New York? Has he gone to New York? -
subject + haven't / hasn't + 3
Have / Has + subject + 3 ?
Simple Present Perfect 3 PRESENT PERFECT The Present Perfect is formed with the verb HAVE + the PAST PARTICIPLE of a verb. ALREADY / YET Have you been to a jazz club? Has she gone on a riverboat tour? Yes, I've already been to several. Yes, she's gone twice this week. Have they seen the play? Has he called his parents lately? No, they haven't seen it yet. No, he hasn't called them. REGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES IRREGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES call called be been have had hike hiked do done make made jog jogged eat eaten see seen try tried go gone CONTRACTIONS I have I've = have not = haven't she has she's = has not = hasn't
Present Perfect and Past Simple PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST TENSE
Use the Present Perfect for an indefinite time in the past. Use the Past Tense for a specific event in the past.
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Have you ever seen a magic show? Yes, I have. I saw a magic show last year. No, I haven't. But my sister saw David Copperfield.
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Have you ever been to Las Vegas? Yes, I have. I went there in September. No, I haven't. I've never been there.
Present Perfect + JUST Se usa la fórmula PRESENTE PERFECTO SIMPLE + JUST /yást/ (justo, exactamente) para indicar una acción que se ha realizado hace unos momentos. Se lo utiliza tanto en afirmativo como en interrogativo y se lo traduce como acabar de hacer algo. Ejemplos: I have just had dinner (Acabo de cenar); Have you just arrived? (¿Acabas de llegar?). Activity 83: RESPONDE estas tres preguntas usando JUST en las respuestas. Guíate por el ejemplo dado. Example: Would you like something to eat? (no thank you / I / just / have / dinner). No, thank you. I have just had dinner. 1. Have you seen John anywhere? (yes / I / just / see / him) Yes, . 2. Has Ann called yet? (yes / she / just / call).
3. Would you like an ice-cream? (no thanks / I / just / eat / one).
YET or ALREADY? YET /iét/ se usa en frases negativas con el sentido de todavía o aún y va ubicado siempre al final de la oración. Ejemplo: Helen hasn't come yet (Helen no ha venido aún). Cuando se lo utiliza en oraciones interrogativas significa ya y también va al final de la pregunta. Ejemplo: Have you finished it yet? (¿Lo terminaste ya?). ALREADY /olrédi/ se usa en frases afirmativas e interrogativas y normalmente va detrás de los verbos auxiliares o modales y delante de los demás verbos. Inclusive se utiliza con el Pasado Simple. Ejemplos: Have you finished already? (¿Ya terminaste?); I already knew Martha (Yo ya la conocía a Marta). Cuando already expresa sorpresa de que una acción se haya realizado antes de lo esperado se puede colocar al final de la frase: He has found a job already! (¡Ya ha encontrado trabajo!); Is the taxi there already? (¿Ya está ahí el taxi?). Activity 84: Aquí tienes tres situaciones diferentes. ESCRIBE UNA RESPUESTA con ALREADY para cada situación. Example: Don't forget to send that letter!! YOU ANSWER: I have already sent it. 1. Don't forget to call Eric!! YOU ANSWER: . 2. Why don't you read the newspaper? YOU ANSWER: . 3. Shall I rent this apartment? YOU ANSWER: . Activity 85: Aquí tienes otras tres situaciones. ESCRIBE UNA PREGUNTA con YET relacionada con cada situación Example:
It was raining ten minutes ago. Maybe it has stopped now. YOU ASK: Has it stopped raining yet? 1. You are waiting for Ann to arrive. Perhaps she is here now. YOU ASK: _______________________________________________ ? 2. You are waiting for me to finish reading the newspaper. Maybe I have finished. YOU ASK: _______________________________________________ ? 3. Tom can't decide where to go on vacation. Perhaps he has decided now. YOU ASK: _______________________________________________?
Modal verbs 1 Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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MODAL VERBS CAN AND SHOULD Should I go to the Palace of Fine Arts? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn't. What should I see there? You should visit the National Museum. You shouldn't miss the Pyramid of the Sun.
Can you tell me about Mexico? Yes, I can. / No, I can't. What can you do there? You can see the Palace of Fine Arts.
Activity 86: Te encuentras de visita en Buenos Aires, Argentina. De acuerdo con las explicaciones anteriores SELECCIONA la opción MAS ADECUADA.
can go;can see;should try;should spend;should visit;shouldn't miss 1.
You ______________________ a tango show in Buenos Aires downtown.
You ______________________ the old Cabildo and the Cathedral.
You ______________________ Argentine beef and wines.
You ______________________ shopping at the flea markets in San Telmo.
You ______________________ a riverboat tour around Tigre islands.
You ______________________ a morning at the Museum of Fine Arts.
1. 2. 3.
Activity 87: RESPONDE las preguntas dentro de las celdas en blanco teniendo en cuenta la información CURSIVA***** What time of year should you go to Buenos Aires?
SHOPPING, VISIT SAN TELMO What are three things you can do there? AND MUSEUMS
Can you buy anything special?
What shouldn't a visitor miss in Argentina? What shouldn't people do late at night?
Modal verbs 2 MODAL VERBS WOULD AND WILL FOR REQUESTS What would you like to eat? I'd like a hamburger. I'll have a small salad. What kind of dressing would you like? I'd like Italian, please. I'll have French.
I Will = I'll
What would you like to drink? I'd like a large soda. I'll have coffee. Would you like anything else? Yes, please. I'd like some water. No, thank you. That will be all.
I would = I'd
Activity 88: De acuerdo con las explicaciones anteriores COMPLETA esta conversación con VERBOS MODALES.
A: What ____________ you like to order? B: I ____________ the fried chicken. A: ____________ you like rice or potatoes? B: Potatoes, please. A: What kind of potatoes would you ____________ ? Baked or french fries? B: I ____________ like french fries. A: OK. And what will you ____________ to drink? Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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B: I guess I ____________ a cup of coffee. A: Would you ____________ anything else? B: No, that ____________ be all for now, thanks.
I haven't been to the theater
Fidel invita a Gisela a un espectáculo teatral.
Fidel: Are you enjoying your trip to New Orleans? Gisela: Oh, yes. I really like it here. Fidel: Would you like to do something tonight? Gisela: Sure. I'd love to. Fidel: Let's see. Have you been to a jazz club yet? Gisela: Yes. I've already been to several clubs here. Fidel: OK. What about an evening riverboat tour? Gisela: Uh, actually, I've gone twice this week. Fidel: So, what do you want to do? Gisela: Well, I haven't been to the theater in a long time. Fidel: Oh, OK. I hear there's a terrific show at theSaenger Theater. Gisela: Great !! Let's make a reservation. 1. to enjoy (disfrutar). Después de este verbo puedes colocar un sustantivo (I enjoy Canadian movies; Disfruto las películas canadienses) u otro verbo. En este caso, el verbo deberá ir EN GERUNDIO (I enjoy going to the movies; Disfruto ir al cine). 2. Would you like to + VERB? (¿Te gustaría + VERBO?). Expresión coloquial utilizada para invitaciones u ofrecimientos. 3. something (algo, alguna cosa). Utilizado en oraciones afirmativas. Normalmente para oraciones interrogativas o negativas se utiliza anything. No obstante, existen estas dos excepciones: a) Para invitaciones u ofrecimientos puede utilizarse something en interrogativo: Would you like something to drink? (¿______________________?). b) Para pedir cosas puede utilizarse some en interrogativo: Can I have some coffee, please? (¿_________________?); Can you lend me some money? (¿Puedes prestarme algo de dinero?). 4. Have you been to...? (¿Has estado en...?; ¿Has ido a...?). 5. yet - already (aún - ya). Estos adverbios tienen un uso particular dentro de la oración. ALREADY se utiliza en oraciones afirmativas e interrogativas mientras que YET se utiliza en oraciones interrogativas y negativas. 6. twice (dos veces). Este adverbio significa two times y se pronuncia tuáis. Para decir una vez debes usar once (uáns). ¿Recuerdas aquello de Once Upon a Time..., Había Una Vez...?, no muy utilizado, thrice (zráis) significa tres veces. 7. in a long time = for a long time (durante mucho tiempo).
Would you like anything to drink? Waiter: Julia: Waiter: Julia: Waiter: Julia: Waiter: Julia:
En un restaurante el camarero le toma a Julia su pedido.
May I take your order? Yes. I'd like a hamburger and a large order of french fries, please. All right. And would you like a salad? Yes. I'll have a mixed green salad. OK. What kind of dressing would you like? We have vinaigrette, Italian, and French. Italian, please. And would you like anything to drink? Yes, I'd like a large soda, please.
Salsas y condimentos Carnes y asados
Las comidas
1. May I...? (¿Puedo...?). Verbo modal o defectivo utilizado para pedir permiso: May I go to the bathroom? ¿Puedo ir al baño?. 2. I'd like = I would like (Quisiera; Me gustaría; Tengo ganas de). 3. large order (porción grande) - small order (porción chica). 4. french fries (papas fritas de restaurante) - potato chips (papas fritas en bolsa o caja). NO CONFUNDAS ambos términos. 5. mixed green salad (ensalada mixta de VERDURAS) - mixed fruit salad (ensalada mixta de FRUTAS). 6. I'll have (I will have) = I'll eat (I will eat) (Voy a comer, comeré). 7. vinaigrette (vinagreta). Condimento francés de aceite y vinagre con mostaza y ajo. 8. Would you like ANYTHING / SOMETHING to drink? (¿Le gustaría algo para beber?). Para invitaciones u ofrecimientos en oraciones interrogativas suele utilizarse something (algo, alguna cosa) aunque el uso de anything -como en esta conversacióntambién es posible. 9. large soda (gaseosa grande) - small soda (gaseosa chica).
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Plans after graduation Do you want to leave her a message? Michael busca a Jennifer por teléfono y le atiende Tracy, una amiga de su novia.
Tracy: Michael: Tracy: Michael: Tracy: Michael: Tracy: Michael:
Hello? Hi, Tracy. This is Michael. Is Jennifer there? I'm sorry, Michael, she's at her Parents' house. She's having dinner with them. Do you want to leave her a message? Oh, I'm not sure. It's a little complicated. I have an idea. I'm going out now. So call again and leave her a message on the machine. That's a good idea. And don't worry, I'm not going to listen to it. Thanks, Tracy. You're a real pal.
1. This is Michael (Soy Michael). Típica presentación telefónica. No suele usarse I'm Michael . 2. Is Jennifer there? = Is Jennifer in? (¿Se encuentra Jennifer en casa?). La segunda es una expresión cada vez más usada 3. I'm not sure = I don't know (No estoy seguro; No sé bien). 4. a little = a bit (un poco; algo). 5. I'm going out = I'm leaving home (Voy a salir de casa).. 6. machine = answering machine (contestador telefónico).
Prepositions of place Jennifer isn't here right now ... Jennifer no está aquí ahora ... She's at work. She's at class. She's at the pool. She's at her parents' house. She's at the office. She's at the mall. (*) She's at the hospital.
She's in South America. She's in the hospital. (*)
She's on vacation. She's on a trip.
Jennifer can't come to the phone right now ... She's in bed. She's in the shower. She's on the roof. Activity 89: SELECCIONA de los menúes descolgables la opción MAS ADECUADA para completar cada una de estas oraciones.... AT;IN;ON
Mr. Warrington is _______ a business trip.
They're working _______ the roof.
Michael is _______
Dr. Fovakis is _______ class in Perú.
the hospital ward.
Gina and her husband are _______ the pool.
Mrs. Diane West is _______ the shower.
Objective pronouns 1 PRONOMBRES PERSONALES PRONOMBRES PERSONALES (SUJETO) (COMPLEMENTO) Yo veo a Paul Paul sees me Paul me ve (a mí) I see Paul Paul sees you You see Paul Tú ves a Paul Paul te ve (a tí) El ve a Paul Paul lo ve (a él) Paul sees him He sees Paul Ella ve a Paul Paul sees her Paul la ve (a ella) She sees Paul Instituto de Capacitación para el Trabajo de Quintana Roo – Unidad de Capacitación 168 Chetumal
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It sees Paul We see Paul You see Paul They see Paul
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El/Ella ve a Paul Nosotros vemos a Paul Ustedes ven a Paul Ellos/as ven a Paul
Paul sees it Paul sees us Paul sees you Paul sees them
Paul lo/la ve (a él/ella) Paul nos ve (a nosotros/as) Paul los ve (a ustedes) Paul los/las ve (a ellos/as)
Objective pronouns 2 They left me a message, but I didn't get it. They left you a message, but you didn't get it. They left her a message, but she didn't get it.
They left him a message, but he didn't get it. They left us a message, but we didn't get it. They left them a message, but they didn't get it.
Activity 90: COMPLETA estos dos mensajes dejados en un contestador telefónico con la opción MAS ADECUADA (los pronombres personales O los objetivos).
“Hi, Michael. This is Bob. My friend Alex is visiting _________ , and _________ are going to see a movie tomorrow. Do you want to see _________ with _________ ? The movie is called Love in Buenos Aires, and _________ is a comedy. Please, call _________ today, if possible. I hope _________ can come.”
"Hi, Bob. Thanks for the message. I'm sorry, but _________ can't go to the movie with _________ . Gisela is in town and I'm going to go out with _________ . We have to talk to her parents, so we're going to have dinner with _________ . Guess what !! I asked _________ to marry _________ , and she said YES. But say hello to Alex for _________ . I remember _________ very well. He's a lot of fun !!"
How have you been?
Brian y Diane hace mucho que no se ven, hasta que un día se encuentran en la calle.
Brian: Diane Grant? I haven't seen you for ages !! Brian !! How have you been? Diane: Brian: Pretty good. Say, you've really changed !! Diane: Oh, well, I've lost some weight. And my hair is longer than before. Brian: Well, you look great !! How are you? Diane: I'm doing really well. I got married about three years ago. I have two kids now. That's terrific !! Brian: 1. for ages = for a very long time (________________________________________). 2. pretty good = very well (____________________). Expresión muy coloquial. 3. to lose weight (_________________________). You can lose weight if you are on a diet (________________________). 4. Have you been to...? (¿Has estado en...?; ¿Has ido a...?). 5. longer (más largo). En el curso Nivel Intermedio aprenderás a convertir cortos adjetivos cortos a comparativos (ADJETIVO CORTO + ER). Ejemplos: high (elevado) - higher (más elevado); safe (seguro) - safer (más seguro). 6. about = approximately (más o menos; aproximadamente) - at about (más o menos a; aproximadamente a).
Plans after graduation Alex: Susan: Alex: Susan: Alex: Susan: Alex: Susan: Alex:
El día de su graduación Susan y Alex conversan acerca de su futuro.
So what are you going to do after your graduation, Susan? Well, I've saved some money, and I think I'd really like to travel. Lucky you. That sounds exciting !! Yeah. Then I plan to get a job and my own apartment. Oh, you're not going to live at home? No, I don't want to live with my parents - not after I start to work. I know what you mean. What about you, Alex? Do you have any plans yet? I'm going to get a job and live at home. I'm broke, and I want to pay off my student loan.
1. after (____________________) =/= before (_______________________). 2. to save/saved/saved (ahorrar) - savings (ahorros). 3. own (propio) - owner (__________). 4. I know what you mean = You know how it is 5. broke (sin dinero). 6. to pay = to liquidate (__________________, liquidar una deuda).
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