Importance of the NSSE Surveys In the 2003-2004 school year, several staff members completed two surveys to determine target areas to focus on over the following five years. Survey of Student Learning Goals Organizational & Instructional Effectiveness
Survey of Student Learning Goals in 2003-2004 The survey of Student Learning Goals revealed the need for improvement in: Writing Skills Thinking & Reasoning Skills Social Responsibility
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Written Communication Skills 2003-2004
6-Traits Writing Program (used as assessment tool)
Introduced to Secondary Language Arts & Social Studies Teachers
6-Traits Writing Assessment (PILOT PROGRAM)
Implemented by High School Language Arts Teachers
6-Traits Writing Assessment Training
Introduced to Elementary Teachers
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Written Communication Skills 2005-2006
6-Traits Writing Data Analysis in Grades 8 & 12
• 63% of 8th grade scored 3+ • 100% of 12th grade scored 4+
Targeted Goals: 50% score 3+ in 8th 75% score 4+ in 12th
6-Traits Writing Data Analysis (Spring)
Test-run of 6-Traits Writing online Assessment Grades 6-12
6-Traits Writing Assessment Training
Rubric translated for Spanish & Sociales Departments
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Written Communication Skills 2007-2008
Implementation of on-line 6Traits assessment grades 7-8
100 % scored 3 + in 7th 78 % scored 4+ in 7th 100% scored 3+ in 8th 76% scored 4+ in 8th
Targeted Goals: 50% score 3+ in grades 7&8
Implementation of on-line 6Traits assessment grades 9-12
99% scored 3+ in HS 81% scored 4+ in HS
Targeted Goals: 75% score 3+ in HS
6-Traits implementation in content areas
• Systematic use of 6-Traits language in all subject areas. • Development of specific timeline to work on each trait schoolwide
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Written Communication Skills 2008-2009
6-Traits Writing Instruction Training
In-house training for all Language Arts, Social Studies, Spanish & Sociales Teachers
6-Traits Implementation in Content Areas
Systematic use of 6-Traits language in all subject areas. Development of specific timeline to work on each trait schoolwide
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Written Communication Skills 2008-2009
6-Traits Writing Data Analysis in grades 6-12
Continued use of 6-Traits Writing on-line Assessment Grades 6-12 (Fall & Spring)
Targeted Goals
75% score of 3 in 6th grade 80% score of 4 in 7th grade 80% score of 4 in 8th grade 85% score of 4 in 9th & 10th grade 95% score of 4 or above in 11th & 12th grade
Complete curriculum revision to include benchmarks that prep for AP courses
Math Classroom Intervention
Increase instructional time for Math lab period in each secondary school grade to work on problemsolving and application
Addition of Elective Classes for HS
Demand for SAT Math Prep fills class to capacity
Elective classes include: Study Skills, SAT Math & Verbal Prep
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Realización de programas vespertinos sobre valores
Planificación basada en estándares
• Desarrollo de convivencias para los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Realización de talleres para profesores y personal
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificació n basada en estándares
Boletín mensual “Una Esperanza” completa su décimo tercer año de edición
Planificación basada en estándares
Creación de boletines para los padres de 1ro y 2do de Primaria
• Dedicación de un aula ambientada Planificación especialmente para basada en impartir Formación estándares Humana a secundaria
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Revisión de currículum, guía de integración de valores ; programas vigentes y recursos existentes
Planificación basada en estándares
Incorporación de asistente para el Departamento de Formación Humana
• •
Planificación basada en estándares
Incorporación alumnos de 4,5 y 6to de primaria al aula de Formación Humana
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Reforzar los mapas de currículo de otras materias incorporando la integración de valores
Planificación basada en estándares
Reforzar los planes de unidad de otras materias incorporando la integración de valores
Planificación basada en estándares
Implementar la incorporación de los encargados de áreas en el seguimiento a la integración de valores
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Revisar y fortalecer los programas vigentes. Implementar nuevos programas
Planificación basada en estándares
Fortalecer el programa de Viajes de Estudio (Field Trips)
Planificación basada en estándares
Aumentar la oferta de los programas vespertinos de formación en valores
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Fortalecer el conocimiento de los perfiles SMS (Estudiantes, padres, profesores/as, personal)
Planificación basada en estándares
Fortalecer el Programa de servicio a la comunidad
Planificación basada en estándares
Enriquecer los sistemas de evaluación y de obtención de data
St. Michael’s School Departamento de Formación Humana Progreso del Plan de Acción: Mejorar y promover la vida ética de los estudiantes
Planificación basada en estándares
Revisión total del currículo y del proceso de integración de valores
Planificación basada en estándares
Reconfirmación de progtramas y recursos funcionales, incorporación de nuevos programas, recursos y herramientas
St. Michael’s School in 2003-2004 The survey of Organizational & Instructional Effectiveness revealed the need for improvement in: How data is used and analyzed to make instructional decisions. Helping students find more meaning in what they are learning. Establishing the purpose for assessment and developing fair assessment tools that avoid bias and distortion.
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Using standardized tests to track results 2007-2008
Extend SAT Testing
SAT Exams were made mandatory for 12th grade
Research alternate testing in Lang. Arts, Math & Science
Training to administer Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) tests
Initiate MAP testing & extend PSAT tests
Grades 2-12 to be tested using MAP; PSAT to be administered in grades 10 & 11
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Standards-based Planning, Assessment and Reporting 2004-2005
Standardsbased planning (PILOT PROGRAM)
Backwards Planning Unit Plans for Language Arts & Social Studies
Standardsbased planning
Curriculum Map & Unit Plan Training Projection Maps Developed
Standardsbased planning
Curriculum Maps Developed for all Subjects
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Standards-based Planning, Assessment and Reporting 2006-2007
Standardsbased planning & assessment
Develop unit plans in selected subject areas Exam & benchmark alignment
Standardsbased planning & assessment
• Develop maps & unit plans for all subjects • Exam & benchmark alignment • Assessment workshops
• WebGrader StandardsPILOT based PROGRAM assessment & reporting • WebGrader Overview
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Standards-based Planning, Assessment and Reporting 2008-2009
Standardsbased assessment & reporting
Begin scoring to the benchmarks using WebGrader in 1st grade
Standardsbased assessment & reporting
78 % of staff signs on to use WebGrader
WebGrader PILOT PROGRAM for projected 10% of other grade levels & subject areas
Schedule Revision for Secondary School
Revised schedule allows for more teacher/student contact time and increased formative assessment
Action Plan Progress: Increase Instructional Effectiveness Standards-Based Planning, Assessment and Reporting 2009-2010
Standardsbased assessment & reporting
Generate standards-based report cards for 1st and 2nd grade
Standardsbased assessment & reporting
Student & Parent WebGrader access for 10% of other subject areas.
Standardsbased assessment & reporting
• Generate standardsbased report cards for 1st -4th grade and possibly other grade levels.
What happened after the surveys? We used the information to help write the Self-Study (now substituted by the Standards Assessment Report SAR) We hosted SACS re-accreditation visit in 2004 We used information revealed in survey and SACS recommendations to develop five-year Action Plan goals that covered the school years 2004-2005 through 2008-2009.
St. Michael’s School Action Plan Increase Organizational and Administrative Effectiveness Increase Instructional Effectiveness Integration of Technology in the Curriculum Demonstrate Student Learning Progress, based on Data Analysis whenever possible Promote and Improve Students’ Ethical Living (Develop a Curricular-Integrated Character Education Program)
Importance of the NSSE Surveys
In the 2008-2009 school year, staff members completed one survey and the remaining surveys will be completed this school year by a group of returning teachers and administrative personnel.
Importance of the NSSE Surveys
The information obtained from you will be crucial in helping us elaborate the next five year Action Plan by helping us identify the top areas of priority.
What Comes Next? Complete the SAR work sessions, prepare the SAR report and send to AdvancEd (SACS) . Work on the Breakthrough Report where we will compile data and findings from the last five years.
What Comes Next? Compile and document evidence/artifacts of compliance with Standards. Host Quality Assurance Review visit by AdvanceED (SACS) during the last week of April 2010.