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Morocco (1)

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By: Lailah Mehmedovic

Religion in Morocco

By Lailah Mehmedovic

Religion in Morocco

The main religion of Morocco is Islam. WIth more than 99% of the population’s faith is Islam. The rest of the population follows Judaism and Christianity. Islam is the second biggest religion in the world, Christianity standing at the first. Islam is a belief of non-violance. Their book is called the Quran and is also referred to as the Islamic Bible. Prophets in Islam -

Muhammad Jesus Moses Abraham Noah Jacob Ishmael Issac Joseph

School Life in Morocco

By Lailah Mehmedovic

School Life in Morocco In Morocco, kids need to take 9 years of school. And that is mandatory. Girl though, leave school younger than boy do. In the school, the teach mainly Arabic because that is one of the main languages of the country and children need to know the language they are supposed to speak at home. Another main language they need to learn is French because that is the language most government figures use French in their work. Morocco has 27 universities, they are older too. The oldest one, Al-Qarawiyin University at Fes, being over a thousand years old. It’s the oldest university in Morocco, and the whole world!

Popular Things in Morocco

By Lailah Mehmedovic

Popular Things in Morocco Morocco is known for its geography. Morocco has the Atlas Mountains, The Moroccan Desert and Sahara, The Wild Beaches and Azure Coasts, Moroccan Ski Resorts, and way more cool things. But more about Morocco is that there are stray cats everywhere. It not like downtown where there is one cat walking around. It it estimated that there is as many cats as there are people, mind you, there are more than 37 MILLION people in Morocco. Music is also a big part of Moroccan lives. They mostly listen to Spanish and African music. To add on the the fun of music, dancing is also a big part of their lives.

Social Life

By Lailah Mehmedovic

Social Life As in previous slides. Music is a big part of their lives. There will always be music festivals and art festivals. People are always together. Kids play with kids their age and play sports. The geography of Morocco is is must have. Visiting all of the older, historic buildings, famous buildings and the geography is beautiful and you can only see it in Morocco. Kids play sports such as soccer, football, cricket, basketball, and hockey. The professional soccer team is called the Atlas Lions.

Traditional Foods

By Lailah Mehmedovic

Traditional Foods Many of their traditional foods consist of different meat. Such as beef, lamb and chicken. Pork is not allowed due to their Islamic belief. When you have guests you will always offer a cup of tea and the man will pour it into the guests cup. Traditional foods... -

Tagine Semolina Couscous Khobz Harira Kefta Tagine Makouda Fish Chermoula B’ssara


By Lailah Mehmedovic

Attire The average clothing for a women would be, a hijab, Niqab, and any clothing that is okay to wear according to their religion. No showing skin except for their feet and hands. Men often wear longer clothing for his religion just like women. They would wear long sleeve shirts and pants. They do not have to wear the hijab like women because men need to fall in love with the women for who they are and not what they look like. Women also wear the hijab to show that they are close with God and keep his word.

Teen fun

By Lailah Mehmedovic

Teen Fun Like social life, teenagers play sports and have fun at different festivals around the country. But the basics of what teens do, they help their parents clean the house and help with daily chores around their house and they help with problems in the community. Boys are typically helping with the errands like grocery and clothes. Like a basic run the the supermarket. While girls stay at home and tidy up. Teenagers socialize through school, work, and with their neighbors.

Coming of Age Traditions

By Lailah Mehmedovic

Coming of Age Traditions There is not any “Coming of Age Traditions” but they (all of Morocco) do participate in Islamic traditions like fasting the whole month of Ramadan and the Islamic clothing that you would find on page 13. Other than the Muslim traditions there isn’t any other specific traditons that everyone in Morocco participates in.

My Sources

Attire m/275097 Religion ui92184&sid=bookmark-MSIC&xid=91209a00 Popular Things 2184&sid=bookmark-MSIC&xid=7569b3dd School Life 2184&sid=bookmark-MSIC&xid=8b2fd937 Morocco Enchantment of the World pages 112-127

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